As David Vance pointed out yesterday, Lord “I love my EU Commission pension” Patten had his begging bowl out for the World Service yesterday and was moaning loudly that a reduction in its budget would lead to loss of British influence round the world. Actually, the BBC’s main message to the world these days is what a lousy, nasty, colonial influence the UK is. Meanwhile, the BBC World Service Trust, its so-called charitable arm, continues its poisonous full-bloodedly political efforts to turn the world into eco-crusaders who despise the West. I hadn’t looked at the site for a while, but a little digging showed that its anti-capitalism drive is at full throttle and is now its primary purpose.
Take for example, this report commissioned by the Trust – conducted with its close alarmist chums in Oxfam and the UN – about peceptions of climate change in Cambodia. The whole alleged survey actually assumes from the beginning that catastrophic climate change is definitely happening, and that this will have a terrible impact on the country. Not surprisingly when an army of NGO activists told them this, local people – who previously didn’t have a clue what the concept meant – were a tad worried. But what is really outstanding about whole enterprise is how crassly incompetent it was. This sentence sums it up:
There are different ways to know about climate change. One is to understand thescience: that human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels or energy, are increasing the amount of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, which harm the earth and affect its climate system. Another is to experience it first hand: to witness, over alifetime, changes in rainfall patterns that affect the harvest; to suffer from increased droughts, floods and other climatic disasters that can wipe out comes and crops; or to be at the receiving end of the spread of vector-borne diseases, such as dengue and malaria.
What a load of claptrap. The report – all lousy 207 pages of it – is written by activist bigots with no grasp of basic science whose only intent was to find ways of confirming their own political prejudices.I’m sure the lot of many Cambodian farmers is tough. But the last thing they need is being bombarded with these lies.
Thus my response to Lord Patten’s pathetic begging is that he and the rest of his BBC cohorts should be ashamed of themselves. The BBC World Service has become nothing more than a showcase of BBC alarmist ideology and does not deserve a single extra penny; in fact, it should be axed.
Robin, one thing of note as it is a trap that the narrative formers wish you to fall into…
You refer to “The whole alleged survey actually assumes from the beginning that climate change is definitely happening, and that this will have a terrible impact on the country.”. The climate everywhere is always changing to a lesser or greater degree. Locally, humans can have considerable influence (e.g. by deforestation). By blithely referring to “climate change” as not happening, you are opening yourself to being called a “climate change denier”, something that they can then use to put you in the same league as flat earthers.
Unfortunately, the correct phrase is “global catastrophic anthropocentric climate change”. It doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.
What Cambodia needs, apart from time to recover from the devastation wrought by Pol Pot, is a national pipeline project bringing water from the wet North to the parched South. At present farmers in the South are idle half the year during the dry season (as they always have been). Piped water would allow for an extra rice crop and lift the farmers from subsistence to a market economy.
Unlike changing the climate a pipeline project is achievable.
Sounds just like the UK š
INBBC’s ‘analysis’ of yesterday’s election result in Turkey omits any mention of ISLAMIZING commitment of ruling AKP.
Keeping quiet about it fits with the politics of Patten and his minions (along with UK’s 3 main parties), who are advocates of the entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into the E.U.
For INBBC on Turkey:
“Ankara still stands by Damascus, even as Syrian refugees flow into Turkey”
For INBBC on Turkey:
“Ankara still stands by Damascus, even as Syrian refugees flow into Turkey”
“Assad’s death squads have had a busy few weeks. But don’t expect the BBC to tell you”
(by Michael Weiss)
For Obama and BBC-Democrat:
“Damascus, the Double Standard”
Not in INBBC’s ‘Education’ section:
“Town where Bin Laden hid while evading U.S. forces was twinned with Blackburn”
Read more:
OT , half listened to the usual meme on toady re coalition nhs evil tories, blah, blah . Has anyone actually heard a beeboid say, ‘yes, we accept the nhs in its present format is wildly ineficient and impossibly expensive, but the best way to reform it is…’
Even the Labour ex-special advisor then Minister told the interviewer this morning that sp0e nding on the NHS had increased by 60% but output had fallen by 4%. No comment from the interviewer, it is like water off a duck’s back with those people. Oblivious of the truth.
Speaking of the World Service pushing ideas to redistribute your wealth, there was a segment from Fergus something from the GAVI conference about spending your and other peoiple’s money to hand out flu vaccines in Africa. We heard from Call Me Dave and Bill Gates, with Fergus explaining how many lives will – no may, but will – be saved if this money is spread around.
This is all very nice, and one feels for those children brought into the world amidst the worst possible survival circumstances. But one glaring thing missing from this report is the fact that quite a number of lives are lost because of whacko African leaders who end up refusing to let their people be immunized. When they do that, you don’t get your money back and it goes down the toilet.
This report is of course part of the “Britain must be the world leader in foreign aid so we can feel good about ourselves” Narrative. It’s all positive, with no caveats. The concerns of the general public about wasting yet more millions in places that often don’t benefit at all are left untouched. Because neither Cameron nor the BBC care what you think.
Again we see the strange phenomenon of a BBC which is hostile to the Goverment’s domestic policy as an eager cheerleader for foreign policy. No surprise, though, as this issue is a purely emotional one.
Bill Gates is perfectly entitled to redistribute as much of his own money as he likes. Not so with governments, especially when it’s clear that many people don’t want them to.
“its close alarmist chums in Oxfam”
A couple of weeks ago when Oxfam made a big hoo-ha linking food prices to climate change, the Today programme just happened to have a pre-recorded report from Kenya ready to go. Could only have happened with coordination between the two.
Really good point Robin.
It is nearly a reflex to simply agree that “The World Service” is a good thing-and in the days of the Soviet Union, it might have had some consensus to support its aims.
Sine then, however: it has missed no chance to shaft trhe country that bankrolls is propaganda. The rot started as Tusa was leaving as I recall.
Given what the BBC thinks of we the civilians-and our petty populism,racism, unwillingness to join the Labour Party with a “shout out” to Caroline Lucas etc-and it`s a “no-brainer” as they`d say.
We don`t want it-we don`t need it-we can`t afford it- and its treasonable.
Maybe if it said how hideously white the country is, how great our history is and the like…it might actually do its job and stop encouraging the nations of the world to send their people here to join in slagging off the nation whilst getting benefits and creating the Caliphate.
Not all of course-but the ones who are going to be our problem very soon can only draw comfort from the useless and superfluous World Service…self-service more like!