The BBC is eerily silent – as usual – about the Exocet attack by warmist Mark Lynas in which he notes that the IPCC deployed Greenpeace evidence to justify a preposterous claim that 80% of the world’s energy could be derived from renewables by 2050. The report has been ripped to shreds piece by piece on the blogsphere over the last 48 hours. Yet, surprise, surprise, Richard Black was obscenely hasty in endorsing the original proposals.
I am tired of writing about Richard Black’s bigotry and zealotry, but I will continue tracking it. One day, he will realise…
The link to Black’s piece reveals another one where no comments are possible. Is it just when he knows he’ll be torn to shreds that the comments section is disabled?
Has anyone else noticed how the BBC has begun a concerted campaign of going back to the eighties?
Carla Lane, I think but need confirming, the writer that is, is writing a new five part series on the country during the cuts, and of course we have the return of the Comic Strip Presents, no doubt starring lefty pillocks living in cuckoo land like Keith Allen.
Are they taking us back to fight the battles of the start of the first Thatcher battles? It certainly wouldn’t surprise me.
It’s such a explosive story, which is likely to do even more damage to the IPCC than Himalayagate, that it’s rapidly spreading from the blogosphere into the MSM. Both the Independent and the Mail are now reporting it in detail.
Any ‘environment analyst’ or ‘environment correspondent’ worth their salt would find this a fascinating news story to report. Richard Black should be blogging about it within hours. The BBC News website should be linking to an article about it within minutes. Susan Watts should be on the case on tonight’s Newsnight. Roger Harriban should be on Today tomorrow morning ‘analysing’ the story just somewhere around 8 o’clock. Martha Kearny should have an interview with Mark Lynas on tomorrow’s The World at One. The BBC News Channel should be making time every hour for the next couple of days (at least) to discuss the implications with the likes of Sven Teske of Greenpeace, Steve McIntyre, someone from the IPCC, Mark Lynas, Anthony Watts and Phil Jones.
It’s not going to happen though, is it?
Oh, I’m sure he realises. It’s whether or not that he gives a shit, which is important. Somehow, I think he is incapable of that.
The BBC pimping lies for the green piss scum? Well colour me surprised! Greenpiss are pathological liars, the truth to them is whatever lie they can dream up at the time, no thought of consequences because in their unbelieveable arrogance they truly believe they are untouchable.
These people are not activists they are fanatics of the worst kind, their kind has blighted humanity for thousands of years, no lie is big enough, no trick is dirty enough, no deception is too gross.
We see how the BBC ‘science’ reporting works though, and if we can see it then others can. No enquiries, no scepticism, no caution, greenpiss makes it up and the BBC pimps it off as the truth.
Greenpiss are smooth operators, they use the methods of the spiv shakedown merchants. They use emotional blackmail, they tug on heartstrings, they know how to manipulate the mark like a confidence trickster and when this fails they know how to lean on people and twist arms using their rent a mob rabble, many have crumbled at the sight of the mob and greenpiss wields their rent a mob useful idiots like the NSDAP used their brownshirts. More often than not regimes and companies fold and give in rather than stand up and fight. This has led greenpiss to an unvelievable arrogance, its time they were taken downa peg or three.
Anyone else think that Richard Black looks suspiciously like Michael Mann? Just a thought…
…and speaking of Black…
Now you mention it!
Tweedledum and Tweedledee?
The BBC is utterly incapable of reporting the “truth”. They are advocates for Mann Made Global Warming ™ so their entire news output is geared towards supporting their religious belief in any way they can. Oh sure, they might report the odd story about challenges to their cult BUT its reported in such a way that its true impact is marginalized!
you know what…I really hoping we are about to enter a new ice age just so we can such those cultists up once and for all!
However, having said that the believers in Mann Made Global Warming ™ would most likely just claim that the underling catastrophic warming of the planet is merely being masked by the temporary cooling…OR claim that the cooling is as a result of the heating!
Newsnight item on climate change last night. Were they discussing the breaking scandal of the IPCC renewables report? Written, reviewed and promoted by Greenpeace and funded by the renewables lobby? No – of course not.
How about the news of a possible new Maunder minimum of low sun activity? No. They only mentioned it in passing.
No the main focus of the item was to promote the upcoming IPCC report on geo-engineering (although why we’d need this when there’s been no warming for 13 years – and we’re potentially looking a solar cooling – is a mystery to me).
Balanced as usual – with 2 warminsts agreeing with each other that we had to “transform our energy system” (ie. go back to stone age subsistance farming).
Good work Robin.
I am sure documenting Black’s bias feels like a truly Augean chore, but probably worth it in the long run. Its just that there is so much of it!