It’s always important to remember that when it comes to the BBC, impartiality is in their DNA. It’s one reason why they are so special. Anyhoo….A BBBC reader observes….
“Evan Davies wants usto allow in more immigrants…nice that he has a BBC programme…and a helpful spot onthe news Frontpage to broadcast his own views in highly emotive language asusual:
‘There right in front of us were dozens of young men walking between thevehicles and opening the backs of trucks to clamber inside. They were evidently mostly Afghans, taking advantage of the fact the trafficwas moving slowly to try anything to sneak a ride into the UK.
For me, any thoughts of disapproval at the unruly behaviour I was witnessingevaporated at the sight of a teenage boy cowering dangerously at the top of alorry driver’s cab under the back canopy. He was not a trouble-maker. He was obviously petrified but still so desperateto get on to a car ferry to Britain, he was going to take the risk. I felt like stopping the car to ask him why. What journey had he taken to gethere and where did he think it might end? What is so good about our countrythat people would go to such lengths? It is a chance to tell the migration story from the point of view of thosetrying to get into our country, rather than those of us lucky enough to be herealready.
Perhaps the saddest revelation was the indecency of the reception in theEuropean Union. It is in Greece that many Afghan migrants’ illusions of Europe as a welcomingplace are quickly shattered.
One young couple, Abdullah and Zarminah, made the trip with their three youngchildren. “The children ask me, is this really Europe? Is this Europe where we haveno place to sleep?” said Zarminah, who relies on a local charity to feedthe children once a day. I defy anyone to watch the programme and not think that Greece and Italy badlyneed help in dealing with undocumented arrivals.
At the heart of this investigation lies a simple dilemma – to tolerate thesuffering on our own continent is unconscionable – but to alleviate thesuffering by simply opening the door might attract vastly more people than wecan realistically cope with humanely. We meanwhile are trying to maintain complete mobility across borders for thepopulation of the rich world while trying to build ever higher walls to denythat mobility to the world’s poor. I am sorry to say our examination of the issues does not deliver a solution. ‘
Open borders means the end of the welfare state, the end of free schooling, theend of the NHS…’s a shame a senior BBC journalist, an economics one atthat, allows his personal prejudices to over ride common sense and to concealthe real consequences of unlimited immigration….never mind the social andcultural disasters that will entail. Naturally Davies is a very left left winger…so ‘Internationalism’ and the endof a capitalist state might have its attractions….and he has a foreignpartner who lives in the UK….any personal reasons then for wantingimmigration?
“It is a chance to tell the migration story from the point of view of those trying to get into our country, rather than those of us lucky enough to be here already.”
It’s as if we just happened to be here as a matter of luck or chance – popped out from under a cabbage leaf, fell out of the sky perhaps – and have no roots, no belonging or no investment in being here, made on our behalf by centuries of struggle and suffering and who knows what hardship and sacrifice and dedication by generations of our ancestors. No, we are just here by luck and have no stake in the place we call home, the only one we know.
By the way, I didn’t know Davis had a foreign partner. Hm…
There has never been a BBC programme (as far as I can remember) that has genuinely examined immigration from any perspective other than that of the ‘migrants’. The BBC has a base narrative assumption and it is never going to look at this issue from a ‘middle England’ perspective – from the perspective of the 4 million despised Daily Mail reading lower middle class, people who have to work to pay for the uncounted hundereds of thousands of illeagal residents consuming public resources in this country, and who also pay for the low/no skill migrants and their extended families who are a significant net economic drain on the economy.
When the BBC did ‘try’ to examine the issue from an ‘indigenous’ point of view it was the same meme presented aginst the background of ‘working class’ britain. in the “White” series theygave us another poisonous indictment of an intolerant and stupid society. Yawn, pure BBC bias of course.
There is nothing mysterious about why people come by the millions to Britain – it is in their interests to do so, it is easy to get in, no one ever removes you – even if you subsequently commit gross acts of criminality.
Is it likely that the BBC is ever going to honestly review this issue or simply go on telling us that Britain is a ‘tolerant’ society, that in fact ‘Britain’ has never existed and has always been a multi cultural society of imigrants and we need immigrants to do jobs that lazy stupid bigoted britons refuse to do.
Well said Millie. It’s an oft-repeated left-wing lie that we were born in Britain ‘by chance’. No it’s not, it’s because of the courage, hard work, bravery and blood of our ancestors that we’re here and our country is as advanced as it is.
If our ancestors fled at the first sign of trouble, like the scrounging cowards queuing up at Calais, then our country would be as much of a shit-hole as theirs.
This is 2001. I wonder what the 2011 census will reveal?
“Evan Davies wants us to allow in more immigrants”
And where does he say that? Oh wait, he doesn’t. More lies and distortions from B-BBC.
As for “Naturally Davies is a very left left winger…”. A quick wiki shows that he’s written in support of the privatisation of public services; was a member of the Social Market Foundation (“John Major’s favourite think-tank”) and “was one of a handful of BBC staff who crossed strike picket lines” in 2005 and ignored an NUJ strike 2010.
it’s zed boy back with his new found catch phrase just in from a night on the coke I take it?
“b-bbc fail”…..think it’s gonna catch on?
you’re clearly a bigger idiot than I thought…….”a quick wiki”
it says it on wikipedia,so it must be true!!
what a cretin
any spelliing mistakes to expose,captain troll?
“He was not a trouble-maker”.
How could Evan Davis possibly know that ? What a moron. Third -rate journalisam from a third rate broadcaster.
And maybe Mr Davis was letting his dick rule his head.
Good to have you back Grant!
Thought that maybe you`d been removed by order of the nasty Tories and their cuts for vulnerable young people agenda!
If Dez brought you back to us all, then he`ll have done his job!
Now-where is Scott?..come in pairs I`d imagine, like the buses
I notice thaat theprogramme was filmed, produced and directed by one Rumi Hamid, while the two other reporters, besides Davies, were named Shoaib Sharifi and Kassim Kayira. Funny how, with the possible exception of a few Ghanaians, it seem all the migrants were co-religionists of the people making the film (with Davies as useful idiot) but that aspect of the subject was not regarded as worth discussing or even pointing out.
One interesting line from the young man trying to get into the UK from France, was that in Britain they give you a room – they don’t make you sleep in parks. Needless to say, Evans let it pass without comment.
That should, of course, have read ‘….Davis let it pass without comment.’
Plenty of fresh meat on display for Davis.
The guy is a dreadful presenter as well, constantly mumbling and bumbling.
A reprise about the LIFEBOAT for EVAN DAVIS, and what he can do to ‘help’ (emphasis added):
“So here we sit, say 50 people in our lifeboat. To be generous, let us assume it has room for 10 more, making a total capacity of 60. Suppose the 50 of us in the lifeboat see 100 others swimming in the water outside, begging for admission to our boat or for handouts. We have several options: we may be tempted to try to live by the Christian ideal of being “our brother’s keeper,” or by the Marxist ideal of “to each according to his needs.” Since the needs of all in the water are the same, and since they can all be seen as “our brothers,” we could take them all into our boat, making a total of 150 in a boat designed for 60. The boat swamps, everyone drowns. Complete justice, complete catastrophe. ”
“Some say they feel guilty about their good luck. My reply is simple: ‘Get out and yield your place to others.’ This may solve the problem of the guilt-ridden person’s conscience, but it does not change the ethics of the lifeboat. The needy person to whom the guilt-ridden person yields his place will not himself feel guilty about his good luck. If he did, he would not climb aboard. The net result of conscience-stricken people giving up their unjustly held seats is the elimination of that sort of conscience from the lifeboat.
This is the basic metaphor within which we must work out our solutions. ”
“Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor”by Garrett Hardin.
This is how the ‘liberal’ literati eulogises one of its own, including his lifestyle. Davis seems to be on a comfortable lifeboat.—speake-presenter-host-facilitator-awards-corporate-speaker.html
Quote: Open borders means the end of the welfare state, the end of free schooling, the end of the NHS…..i
As most of the “undocumented” (deliberately undocumented because it makes it impossible to send them back) immigrants are Muslims, there other more serious implications. In the fullness of time, the end of liberal democracy, freedom of expression, gaylib, equality for women, the end of Western civilisation and the beginning of the calliphate.
What is now happening is not documented or undocumented immigration, but an invasion. Muslims realize that this is the time of Hijra to dar ul harb, a once in a lifetiome opportunity to advance Islam.
Love that last line in the piece at the top!
It never does Evan-and you as the BBC never will either!
Evan is another playful polymath with no understanding of much outside the Metrosexual enclaves beloved of his class.
Why on earth he has anything to say about issues like this?…well, it`s all and only showbiz after all!
Who paid for those muffins he was sharing(not a euphemism either!) with his new chums in a suitably cockney caff the other nigh then?
Expenses please!
What a great picture of Evan!
Proud, stupid, gormless, haughty…so many moods in this picture!
What a summary of a Beeboids career trajectory!
Looks like Alexandr Orlov if he had been posed in front of a large wingnut!
Where pride meets stupidity…our Evan…our BBC!
Stuck in that particular swamp for some time yet too I`ll be bound!
Eeughh – Davies the battyman. What an evil photograph. He should be chained to a wall via his Prince Albert…
The program was designed to tug at the heart strings but when the sad music started in a so called documentary it finally fell apart. Of course there was no mention of stopping immigration, it was all from the one side. What about the rights of people in this country who can not afford the comforts provided by Evan Davies’s BBC salary. What about those who can not afford housing because the 3 million let in by labour had to be housed. Never mind the inadequacy of transport infrastructure or services at breaking point, Even water supply is under strain with the threat of rationing. Yes let them all in.
What is so good about our country that people would go to such lengths?
Honestly, Davis, you pose this as a serious question? Of course we know why a senior journalist with the mighty BBC didn’t follow this through and ask these Afghanis why they risked crossing such vast distances to slip into this country illegally, and it’s not the impartiality in his genes.
Barely a week passes without mention in blogs, the MSM, down the pub, and at work, about the enormous sums, which this country can ill-afford, that are spent on benefits, and free housing, education and healthcare for those flocking to our shores, but you are puzzled as to why immigrants flock here?
Finger on the pulse, eh Davis?