Because of my writings on this blog I am honoured to receive a regular email newsletter called ‘Good news From Israel’ . It’s compiled by Michael Ordman who is now a contributor to JPost.
Israel’s acheivements and innovations are too numerous to mention, and far more newsworthy that the Israel-related stories that have to be negative to qualify for a mention on the BBC.
So here is a link, and here is another. Check them out, BBC. You might learn something.
Good News
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But surely the arab world, being the beacon of light, love and understanding that it is, has comparable industries. Surely, the world is flocking to the muslim countries to buy their technology? What, too busy buying and selling slaves, and planning to build yet another mosque to find time to justify their place in humankind? Ah, well, as it ever was.
A joy to read these!
Will have to look into the Israeli educational system as well as their journalist colleges etc.
No Beeboid could ever write anything in praise of anything about this country apart from the fact it is disintergrating as they get paid to take it apart!
Really wish we could get the BBC to revert to a pirate radio format(so rebellious maan!) and peddle their toxic twaddle to the good folk of Turkey and Egypt-a Perpetual Palestinian convoy of love.
Give Regev his own programme and maybe we might get some truth on out airwaves for a change!
Is there a “Good News from Palestine”?
Another thought.. with Israel being a nation created to give Jews a place to call home, wasn’t Jordan setup in order to give Muslims somewhere to live? Something akin to the Raj being split into Pakistan and India?
I hope this doesn’t get this blog stuck on celebrating Israel’s achievements which have nothing to do with BBC bias.
Who’s stuck?
I mention them so the BBC doesn’t have to. 😎
No offense, sue, but aren’t Israel’s successes in industry kind of beside the point?
Medicine, Technology, ‘Inclusivity’, Business & Economy, Entertainment and Sport, The Jewish State.
Just the headings of over fifty articles in just one week’s worth of Good News. Thanks for forcing me to mention them again.
I think this blog should celebrate Israel’s acheivements now and again, because the BBC doesn’t, which I’d say has everything to do with the BBC’s bias.
But all that is irrelevant to the BBC’s biased reporting about Israel and the Palestinians. I don’t see how it’s going to convince anyone of the BBC’s bias.
By pointing to a website that celebrates Israel’s achievements in Science, Medicine, Technology, Inclusivity, Business and all the other areas in which it excels, (thank you for compelling me to remind everyone once more) I hope to convince everyone of the BBC’s bias by filling in the large gap in the BBC’s coverage of the one country whose activities it exhibits an obsessive and selective interest in.
By doing so I hope to show everyone that rather than being the evil, worthless, disposable, mendacious, expansionist, brutal entity that they might assume it is, courtesy of the BBC, it is, in many ways, a shining beacon. Then, with luck, they might put two and two together, and notice the BBC’s bias.
Let’s agree to differ.
There has been plenty of stuff on the BBC claiming that Western civilisation owes a great debt to Islam – a lot of it incorrect and overblown, and sometimes outright lies. But a definitie pattern of “positive” coverage.
There has NOT been any attempt by the BBC to portray Israel’s positive achievements. This is bias by omission. Instead, all we get is the drip-drip-drip of criticism.
But the BBC doesn’t report that Israel has failed industry or that it doesn’t have a highly successful and innovative technology and medical scene or anything of the sort. The BBC is focused exclusively on Israel vs. the Palestinians and the Arab countries surrounding it. I have a very hard time believing anyone has been deceived by the BBC into thinking that Israel is not a successful country in the ways you describe. If that were the case, why would there be calls to boycott Israeli products? People are very aware of Israel’s accomplishments, and probably hate the country all the more for it because they can’t make the same claims about the wonderful world of Islam.
Example of Bias.
Example 1
Not one word1about Israel running the only database in the whole of the Middle East for matching Arab bone marrow donors. Just some false reports of “allegations that Israel has taken organs from dead Palestinians”.
Example 2
BBC is quick to highlight the false report of a Dog being sentenced to be stoned, but ignores all the work Israel is doing to save rare species that the BBC is all in favour of.
BTW – notice a resemblence between the Griffin vulture and a certain BBC Middle East editor?
I don’t believe that people in the UK are nearly as aware of Israel’s accomplishments as they might be in the US. The Boycott campaign almost proves my point. If people knew how much they’d have to forgo if they were to implement a true boycott, they wouldn’t be so keen.
They think it’s only about a few Dead Sea cosmetics and some fruit and veg, or certain obscure academic interrelationships.
Furthermore several of the items in the Good News From Israel blog concern innovative Israel/Arab collaborations and Palestinians benefiting from top-notch treatment in Israeli hospitals.
All we ever hear on the BBC about collaborative projects is Daniel Barenboim. If the BBC were to show more of these things with obvious approval I’m sure it would result in less hostility towards Israel and Jews.
That’s probably true, but I still don’t understand how it has anyting to do with countering the BBC’s lies about 1967 and demonizing of Israel as a warmongering, genocidal state. They could be world leaders in every technology going and it wouldn’t change the “Gaza Is An Open Prison” Narrative one bit.
But you are not going to change the BBC with that attitude! The whole point of the Good News site is to give people the ammunition to counter the bias. Search for “Gaza” on the site archive posting back to July 2010 and you will find all the countering information anyone needs. But will the BBC listen – probably not – that is why biased-bbc is still here! But every time there is a biased report on Gaza, why not email in a complaint containing the latest “Good News” examples and take the complaint all the way up to the BBC Trust. Eventually, the BBC will go bankrupt if enough people complain. It costs them a fortune to respond to a single complaint if taken all the way up the BBC process. It only takes good people to do nothing, for evil to triumph. Look what (the normally hostile to Israel) UK’s Channel 4 News recently broadcast.
‘It costs them a fortune to respond to a single complaint if taken all the way up the BBC process. ‘
They seem to be aware of that.
However, they also seem to be moving to address the ‘problem’, if more by deflection than addressing reasons for complaints or handling them any better.
David P,
You’ve answered your own question. “Demonizing of Israel as a warmongering, genocidal state” Even those who desperately want to think that deserve at least a chance to see another side.
The BBC uses a two-pronged tactic to demonise Israel, by:
1) distorting the facts, i.e. “the BBC’s lies about 1967 etc.” (delegitimisation)
and 2) distorting the image, i.e. publicising the negative and ignoring the positive. (demonisation)
The whole exercise is a kind of reverse advertising, and an exact mirror image of the tactics they use to promote the Palestinians, which they do by:
1) Distorting the facts, i.e. “the BBC’s lies about 1948, 1967, etc. etc.” (dishonesty)
and 2) promoting the positive and ignoring the negative. (Let’s call that ‘antisemitism.’ )
Gaza is obviously not a prison, and the opening of the crossing into Egypt means it’s even less like a prison than ever. With all the prosperity that’s slowly escaping into the public domain, the ‘humanitarian crisis’ in Gaza is beginning to look more and more like a wilfully partisan interpretation of inequality between rich and poor in Gaza, which is undeniably in the hands of “democratically elected” Hamas.
The narrative the BBC has been pushing, that Gaza is an Open Prison is looking increasingly far-fetched, but these things take a while to trickle down to public consciousness.
In the meantime, I’m confident that plugging the Good news From Israel website is legitimate.
I think there is a connection between Israel’s successes and the BBC’s ongoing pogrom against it.
You see the privileged leftoids who run the BBC like their darkies to be poor, uneducated, starving and hopeless. It is this that makes the Beeboids feel their sense of mission. And, as we all know, the only good Jew in Beeboidland is an Auschwitz Jew (but NOT a Zionist Auchwitz Jew, natch).
I am always pleased to hear from Sue and other fine folk on this website about all things Israeli.
I just know the place is our pilot light these days, given the forces ranged against it. As long as Israel shines a light on behalf of those who don`t deserve it; the greater its place in history will be.
All this, despite its errors-being an honest democracy in that part of the world is far harder than it is here…and theirs looks a lot better to me!