Clifford Longley is one of those of those hand wringing liberals that the BBC loves to offer a pulpit on Thought for the Day. A few months ago he was wittering on about how those involved in the “Arab Spring” demonstrate a surprising love for western liberal values (Yes, the Muslim Brotherhood really flag that one up, Clifford) and now this morning he was on about securing future rights for those who don’t exist. This is the sort of trash served up on TFTD when it is not promoting the virttues of Islam. I await just ONE Thought for the Day promoting traditional Biblical values.
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Clifford didn’t disappoint: he managed to get in the obligatory reference to “climate change”. Moreover, he forgot to mention – mind you, I suspect he has no idea – that economics/finance has been dealing for years with inter-generational income and costs: it’s the time value of money as reflected in discounted cashflow (DCF) calculations. Mind you DCF (and its close relative social discount rate calculations) are not infallible, particularly when economic conmen like Lord Stern tweak the figures (by using absurdly low discount rates) to get the answer they want: .
It was a joy to see Giles Fraser shafted by the mighty Jeff Randall in regard of the “debt”.
Jeff quoted Proverbs 13.22 at Fraser-and he had absolutely no response to it!
Such is the scholarship of the Frasers, Longleys etc of the world-and don`t get me started on Rowan.
Longley is the classic tame catholic of Beeb fantasy-the true titans of the faith are Wojtila and Ratzinger…their scholarship and integrity dwarfs any other religious leader apart from Sacks!
Safe to say that the Longleys, Frasers and Jones will be welcome at the BBC for as long as their faith stays flaccid like the bouncy castle at Tolpuddle!
What have you got against Rowan Atkinson ?
Sad to say it, but we owe Atkinson more than Williams I would argue.
At least Rowan Atkinson clearly put himself out on a limb with the luvvies when he railed against the last Governments bringing “incitement to religious hatred” into the law.
He was right to see that any jokes against Islam etc would be up for prosecution by Harmans sister and defended by Shami, Cherie etc-maybe vice versa,but Bolly all round in either case.
So Atkinson has some principles and stood aginst New Labour-albeit for a short time!
Williams has stood against nothing.
Rowan Atkinson fancy being the next Archbishop?
Clifford’s piece seemed to be an barely-disguised plug for “an excellent secular organisation” (as he called it) named ‘The Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations‘, a U.N,-affiliated organisation keen to promote ‘sustainability’.
‘The Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations‘
Generally when an organisation has a long-winded name that features unusual syntax, it’s because they’ve chosen a snappy acronym and then shoehorned some words to fit it.
However, about the best I can get out of this is “Frofg.”
Which is the Manx (and Breton) word for a frog (Rana temporaria).
I don’t get it. Ribbit.
(“Ribbit”, incidenatlly is the Afrikaans word for Bugs Bunny).
And “incidenatlly” is a Kentish dialect spelling, and not at all an indication of typing incompetence.
Longley is the Editorial Consultant to the Tablet newspaper, which is to Catholicism as the BBC is to objectivity.
I associate Longley with The Times when I used to be a regular reader. He was the religious correspondent there for donkeys’ years.
He used to write for the Telegraph too, Millie. Every other Saturday on the obits page and alternating with Edward Norman who is, to put it mildly, the anti-Longley.