The Rachel Corrie topic led to DB’s reminder of a couple of B-BBC articles we prepared earlier, concerning a journalist called Keira Feldman who had devised a kind of agenda-driven honey trap in order to coax a sensational story from Robert Spencer of Jihadwatch. She gave him the impression that she was “a freelancer working without a specific assignment”, when she was in fact working for the BBC. She now writes for US based radio stations and online publications, so her relationship with the BBC may have been but a brief fling. Her utterances on Twitter reminded me of why not to join. Keira’s photo with jaunty hat exudes the cockiness and overconfidence of a gel convinced of her own righteousness, despite having acquired dangerously little knowledge. Her anti Jewish articles indicate a deep-seated self-hatred or similar internal psychological conflict which would be best addressed medically. Hers, and thousands of others’ reflexive support for the fly/flo tilla illustrates how myths bed-in, however illogical they may be, and become part of the landscape.
By now, everyone but flotillistas accept that Gaza is not under siege. The famine in Africa throws Gaza’s humanitarian non-crisis into perspective. The BBC lets the failed flotilla story slink away with its tail between its legs, willing it to fade hurriedly into obscurity. But we do hear about the flytilla, another publicity stunt dreamed up by Israel-haters, primarily to make Israel look cruel, but also intended, in some transcendental way, to ‘help’ Palestinians.
Myths and Facts part 2
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Hate to see a thread go to waste-there is no more important topic than this one!
1. To see how a Rachel Corrie can be turned into a martyr wrapped in a flag of convenience is repulsive.
She is lazily lionised by the shroud waving thanatos culture that pervades the Palestinian issue. Just a foolish college kid who died tragically and for nothing. Her parents are rightly traumatised, and have every reason to be angry and bewildered. Yet-like Millie Dowler-she is just a hatstand for every nasty prejudice and reflex that those who claim her martyrdom as theirs, are always inclined to do.
Funnily enough usually from a nice hotel or media studio though-reducing the carbon footprint no doubt!
2. Saw Rageh Omars programme on Muhammad last night. As fair as could be expected but still no answers to the big questions.
a) How come only Muslims are able to go to Mecca or Medina then?…did Jill Dando die in vain then? Hardly a religion of peace-would this not be apartheid were Israel to do this?
b) Rageh skipped quickly over the inconvenient truth that Islam is only a pot pourri of Judaism with a splash of Christianity…that Muhammad could not read or write before the “recitation” is pretty facile surely-he was constantly talking and trading with Jews and Christians so could easliy incorporate their “best stories” into a nascent faith that justified his welding of the Arabian tribes under the one god of his knowing.
c) Rageh was keen to pint out the generosity of Islam to women-clearly the BBCs line to take-but funnily enough it was the same few malls and bazaars/souks he showed the nail bars and hairdressers at work. Presumably these were not shot in Mecca, Medina or in the vast majority of serious Islamic places. The usual Qutar, Amman, liberal Cairo and-but of course-Beirut stock of girlie shops are not really representative of the Islamic view are they Rageh?
Presumably we`ll be getting the power of the “pink rial” in Jeddah with next weeks show then!
Still-to be fair- it was as balanced as a craven BBC dared do, so am grateful (pathetic isn`t it?) in my way!