How disingenuous, twisting and obfuscatory can the BBC get? This report about our government’s eco-nut plans to wreck the UK economy and force millions into fuel poverty suggests that the corporation will tie itself in any number of knots to not report the truth. Avoid-the-points Huhne’s bill is part of the government’s slow, deliberate act of national economic suicide, and its systematic plans to give massive subsidies to the rich by robbing the poor. The headline should be “Insane climate minister pours £110bn of our cash down the drain”. Instead, it is put across – exactly as the minister decreed – as an “investment”.
Everyone in government is momentarily obsessed with the sideshow of Murdoch-baiting. But it’s a diversion – the tragedy is that as the MPs engage in a mammoth show of self-righteous, hypocritical indignation, head cases like Huhne are getting on with their vicious, ideological sequestration of our cash. And the BBC is letting them get away with it by hiding the truth. Jo Nova, by contrast, gives the facts that Mr Huhne and his government henchmen so carefully ignore.
The one eyed moron from Fife is spouting his lies in Parliament, nice of the fat liar to show his face.
Having a go at Cameroid for not turning up to the EU regional stooge parliament? How many times has McMental attended the (sh*t)house in the last year?
Of course the BBC are treating him like the second coming, its roll out the red carpet time at beeboid HQ. No critical analysis from planet beeboid, no caution. I mean its well known on planet earth that insane mental defectives ike McRuin are not the most reliable sources for stories, its like going to Broadmoor and believing an inmate wearing a tinfoil hat that the earth is hollow.
He then goes to visit our brave troops in Afghanistan while I have a nice girls’ night in with Elisabeth Murdoch and Rebekah Wade. I’m wearing a lovely Amanda Wakeley dress, so I don’t feel too dowdy!”
Sarah Brown’s sally into literature describing events when Brown was PM.
No probs with the Murdoch then despite the ‘events’ that Brown faux outraged about in the commons.
No comments, even from the critic (good cartoon all required).
Sometimes their own words are enough.
Shame such disconnects between simple factual reality and what is claimed seldom makes it past the BBC editorial filter.
It is tiring having to go beyond the force-funded £4Bpa BBC media monopoly empire to find out what is actually going on.
Brown was an utter disgrace, he simply lied, the very idea he wasn’t close to the Murdoch’s or Rebekah Wade (as she was then) is just a lie, the sleep over’s attending her wedding the Chequers days, are we really supposed to believe Brown hated her?
Then the bile against Sky, remember which news agency got he bigot gate tape? Hmm, me thinks Brown wanted revenge for that.
What Brown’s rant showed in the commons was how unfit he is to be the leader of our nation and what a nasty little human being.
I though it’s been quite interesting how Ed Balls has kept quiet over this, he probably knows that the Nu Liebore have bodies buried all over the place, I just wonder what might yet come out over the Damien McBride story, which if you remember was played DOWN by the BBC in particular, despite it being Brown’s right hand man who made up lies about George Osborne’s wife.
So to Gordon Brown I say go back to Scotland, we don’t want you down in our Country, you stink the place out.
Dead right Martin. Totally agree.
PS Glad your back again.
“What Brown’s rant showed in the commons was…what a nasty little human being.”
Take the nastiness out of the Left and nothing remains. Nothing.
Cameron was there for PMQs, but left before the grandstanding started. There was no debate, just grandstanding and moral posturing. No reason for him to be there, really.
I’m still surprised that Carl Bernstein called this as bad as Watergate. I know he hates Murdoch as much as the rest of them, but where is the cover up? Where is the PM ordering criminal activity? This bears no resemblance to Watergate in any way. But good old BBC found a way to get him to make that quote anyway which proved very useful to Labour politicians today.
I can imagine what the conversation was between the BBC producer who set it up and Bernstein. It’s standard practice to tell the guest what they’re looking to do (unless it’s an “ambush” interview, which this wasn’t), so did the BBC create the Watergate meme, simply to attack their only rival?
To be honest, if there was a cover-up it happened under Bruin: the news broke in 2006 and would have remained covered up/glossed over as long as they had Uncle Rupert’s support. This only became an issue with them when he changed sides and backed the Conservatives.
The Sun and NotW were staunchly behind Labour, which is why Bruin stayed with the Murdochs and went to Wade-Brook’s wedding after the Sun had already printed the story of his son.
Ignoring a story isn’t a cover up, nor is failing to prosecute or cause a bigger fuss. I have heard no claims that anyone in any Government covered up any criminal activity by anyone at NI. If anything, the police might deserve scrutiny on that account.
However, that is how it is being portayed especially by having Bernstein commenting on it. As Martin says the story is so big only because the BBC were not wanting another organisation to encroach on their monopoly.
Prosecute and imprison any wrong-doers but investigate other news organs, including the Guardian and the BBC.
I’d like to know how the Watergate quote came about. Was it planned and set up by the BBC or not? It’s a completely dishonest charge, as there is no government cover up of anything.
In fact, if there’s anything going on now that deserves the Watergate comparison, it’s the ATF scandal. Which the BBC is – naturally – reporting form the White House perspective.
Hyperbole in anology seems to have run away with many.
Even some glad to see NI’s travails are starting to appreciate that such reactions are not helping.
Energy prices due to go up by 20% after the summer.
On You and Yours today we get the ecoloons full of praise for this-apparently we all have to “give a little bit” in order to save the planet…and by 2020 too.
Al Gore won`t talk to us if we don`t!
Such is the level of debate on Radio Gaga!
“give a little bit”
Give what, to whom, with what intention and result?
The BBC is a cheerleader for the boxtickocracy, where meeting a target gets a bonus, and the heck with any sensible basis behind it.
Did anyone else notice how Brown kept interchanging News Corp with BSkyB? Oh and how Brown went on and on about how murdoch wanted the BBC weakened, of course Murdoch is entitled to ask about the BBC monopoly on TV, just as Talksport complained about their BBC rival Radio 5, there as we know have been complaints about Radio 1 also preventing commercial radio from getting a fair go.
The BBC has massive resources, its online sites are a threat to other sources like local papers and so on.
As I keep saying the leftists (Nu liebore/BBC & Guardian) want Sky weakened, that is the real story here.