I’ve been away for the past few days but decided to tune into the Today programme as is my wont. For a moment, I thought I had accidentally tuned into Glee. The BBC is exultant at the inevitable decision by Murdoch not to pursue the BSkyB takeover at this time. Throughout the morning we were treated to the delight in the voices of the presenters with little in-jokes about Murdoch and co being taken to the Tower, for example. The main8.10am interview with Clegg was used as an opportunity to imply that the Murdochs and Wade are not fit and proper persons to be running any media outlet (unlike the wise and kindly BBC) and our old pal Johnny Diamond got to explore how the US is now also turning on Murdoch. Emboldened by the demise of NOTW and the commercial decision not to continue with the BSkyB bid, the BBC sniffs blood. It wants to see the destruction of NewsCorp and the decimation if not imprisonment of all who held senior office. The globalised hypocrisy of the BBC is truly stomach-churning on this issue and any pretence of impartiality is out the window. Less commerical competition in the UK and indeed elsewhere combined with the removal of choice for readers/viewers is a key BBC objective and my goodness isn’t it pursuing it with relish?
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I’m off shortly to Bet Fred and get their odds as to when the Times of London and the Sister paper on Sunday will be closed down.
But I won’t be asking for the betting as to when the BBC’s euphoria over News International’s difficulties will be closed down.
A BBC-NUJ repeat:- INCREASE BBC-NUJ licence fee
“NUJ calls on Government to reconsider BBC licence fee deal in wake of News International scandal”
And, if you don’t increase the BBC-NUJ licence fee: STRIKE.
“BBC battens the hatches to avoid news blackout during NUJ’s 24-hour strike”
BBC news blackouts ? Bring them on ! There are plenty of alternative sources of news.
I wish the BBC would “do a Wapping” on its bloated news organisation. There is no effective control of costs and charging
But there is no chance of the jobsworths that run the BBC getting a proper grip.
Last night and this morning the main headline on the World Service was the calls from lefties in the US to investigate News Corp. It was presented as “calls from Congress” – when in fact it is being led by such extreme leftie nutters as Barbara “General, please c all me Senator, not Ma’am” Boxer.
Clearly the target is Fox News, the only news channel that tries to provide reasonable balance of views rather than overwhelmingly left/liberal slanting of news and interviews.
One line of attack was that there might have been bribery of public officials. If that means the payments to Met police officers, surely they vere for information ? Corrupt maybe – but not bribery ?
The other line of attack is the suggestion – so far completely unproven – of hacking of the answering machines of 9/11 victims or their families.
It seems to me that by far the most important news about the US is NOT some partisan politicking by Boxer et al The focus should surely be the impasse over raising the US debt limit, and Obama’s political posturing, including his tantrum walk-out from yesterday’s talks.
…….. and the news that Moody’s has put US debt “on review”, which means a possible downgrade soon from AAA status.
The BBC Is at Least a Thousand Times More Evil and Dangerous than Rupert Murdoch
(by James Delingpole).
The greatest obstacle to a balanced media is the legal requirement that the owrner of any broadcast medium be “a fit and proper person”. This means the politicians define anyone likely to rock the boat as unfit and thus ensure they are imune from proper scrutiny. They have previously suggested the same restrictions be extended to print media; if that had happened, would a “fit and proper person” have published the expenses fiddles? I rather doubt it.
I for one would prefer an anarchic free for all with anyone who can afford to buy a tranmistter and bandwidth free to broadcast whatever they wish. If they find an audience they will find subscribers and/or advertisers. If they can’t find an audience, they won’t be around very long. Some of what would then be transmitted I would probably not like, but I would be free not to watch, free not to subscribe and (if really offended) free to boycott their advertisers. If only I enjoyed the same freedom with the BBC, which offends me frequently.
Agreed. It’s a subjective metric, completely open to whims and emotions. Wake me up when the BBC focuses on the shady owner of the New York Times.
The continued emphasis on the BBC of “media plurality” shows a complete lack of self awareness, given the monopoly it holds over broadcast media in this country. Do they really not see the hypocrisy?
Is there no-one in this allegedly Tory-led government who can take the media plurality discussion to its logical conclusion, which is to break up the BBC?
The cat was well and truly let out of the bag at 8.58 by Sarah Montague while discuussing who might buy Murdoch’s newspaper titles if he decides to sell;
“Should we be careful what we wish for?” she asked.
Yes the BBC want to see the end of Sky and Sky News. It’s quite interesting that Sky is one of our most successful broadcasters and anyone with a brian would think let them compete with the BBC and ITV on an even playing field.
Sky get it’s money from subscription and advertising and has to earn it, the BBC does not, how is that fair? Why should one British broadcaster have an unfair advantage over the other?
I caught a little of Today on the radio this morning around 8.45am.
As I became irritated by the chuckling Evan Davies it reminded me why a BBC monopoly of news is such a bad idea.
I hear a headline about the bombings (by no one in particular) in the city most people know as Bombay.
In contrast there is a headline about some explosion at an industrial plant in Lincolnshire.
So I start thinking: manangement negligence, dangerous cost cutting practices????
But the BBC headline includes a helpful aside – claims have been made that people may have been illegaly distilling alcohol at the site.
So now I have a different take on the story. The BBC has pointed me in the right direction. On the Linclonshire story that is.
A day off and a long weeekend for BBC-NUJ to celebrate the continuance of its broadcasting monopoly power.
“BBC Strike July 15: Messages of Support”
Just heard Vera Lynn gargling in the dressing room next door, so I for one am happy to help Rupert out in a Dunkirk kind of way!
How many yellow ribbons need I buy to let the great man know that he has more backbone in his pinkie that the whole axis of weevil that is the BBC/Guardian conspiracy against the laity?
Let the flotillas proceed…if he so much as shows up before the oil slick that is Keith Vaz, then I`ll get Tony Hayward in to do the clear up of these Brylcreemed Blimps and Blaggers!
If the Sky dish can now be a wok, I`ll be buying one in readiness for Fox to take up over here. We need Coulter,Back, Limbaugh-we need ANYONE not cloned and conditioned by too many years supping sauterne from Aunties slippper.
Murdoch-Scottish roots and so where is Salmond then to attack the racist BBC?
Ageist too maaan!