ARGH! Another scalp for the vast left wing media cabal! Rebekah Brooks quits. Christmas comes early for the BBC. First NOTW. Now Brooks. Who next? I see Cameron meekly falls into line on this one presumably scared of the BBC/Guardian axis powers coming after him. (Which they will anyway)
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Cameron really is a pathetic little girl. What a disaster he is for cosying up to the BBC thinking they will give him a good press. Is he so f*cking thick that they are just using him and playing with him. He could of course stop them in their tracks by binning the licence fee. But he won’t.
I know 6 mths ago i would have argued the point about this ! but not now !!
I strongly suspect that he is. Good grief, fight the BBC, like all bullies he is a coward, he will opress the people who cannot fight back, or his “yes” men who want to be on the gravy train, but the BBC and the EU…..never!
Every action and speech by Cameron reveals him to be a faux conservative. He and his gang have hi jacked the party for power and no other reason.
His going cannot come soon enough even if it means nu labour back in power.
He may very well start to sort out the financial mess but that would have had to be done anyway and all the politicians know it.
He is there to defuse and confuse the true conservative forces in England. He will fail I trust and then we can start with new men and women and do what has to be done to restore this land.
A lot of people thought Cameron was something he wasn’t.
I for one knew he was useless when the BBC favoured him over more idealistic rivals. Not that the BBC like the man but that is just because he calls himself a conservative. The alternatives to Cameron might have been the demise of the BBC, so it was best to have a PR man in charge than someone with conservative convictions
What will come out in the next few weeks will be the stunning lack of real concrete evidence, all that will be left is the nasty taste of the usual leftist guardian/BBC/NUJ/labour smear attack.
And that is what this really boils down to in the end, a planned smear campaign using fabricated evidence and lies based upon the long known and tolerated activities of a few hacks.
The loudest voices have come from the BBC/liebour/NUJ and it is from this axis that the whole thing emantes from. The BBC and the guardian knew for years what newslavelabours relationship to the gutter press was, the tricks and the smears and the close relationships.
Enter David Cameroid heir to Bliar using the same tactics as Bliar and benefiting from the same gutter press and client stooge hacks, a perfect target for the leftists favvourite passtime, the smear attack.
When the dust settles and the unfounded allegations fully investigated there ill remain only the smears in the minds of the public, the smear merchants of the BBC/grauniad/NUJ will melt away and the scandal will fade away until the next planned smear attack of course.
What is most important about this manufactured non story is what news will go unreported in the meantime, what truly important scandals will be covered up and drowned out.
Perfectly said Cassandra. The rest of the MSM has allowed itself to get sucked up into the parroting of the Guardian / BBC script and politicans have followed suit. Eventually the truth will out as some more reasoned commentators pick up on some key threads that the liberal left are desperate to drown out right now. My only fear is that when it comes out the story will have hit what I call the WGAFA point.
The interesting piece will be Murdoch’s response to the politicians. He may take a few hits now but as you pointed out, they have long known about what has been occuring. I suspect Murdoch will eventually serve this up cold.
“Bill Cash leads parliamentary effort to include BBC and broadcast media in Leveson inquiry”
(by Tim Montgomerie)
Beeboid reporter Robewrt Hall on the News Channel just now described Brooks as spending “half her life leading Mr. Murdoch’s” empire. Half her life “leading”? Was she CEO of NI at the age of 23 or something?
Don’t expect the BBc to check their facts, someone probably came up with this line on Twitter and he is just repating it. Twitter seems to be their only source of “news” now.
I think it’s just a bit of hyperbole from an emotional Beeboid to support the Narrative. She’s been powerful enough at NI for a long time, so, you know, close enough. Fake, but accurate.
“Murdoch Derangement Syndrome”
(by Melanie Phillips)
“This time round, the frenzied mob consists not of the public but members of Parliament, the BBC and the left-wing media baying for the blood of Rupert Murdoch. That difference aside, the similarities with the Great Diana Derangement are very striking. It’s not just the hysterical delirium, the loss of proportion and rationality in depicting Murdoch as a figure of diabolical power – of which Gordon Brown’s speech to Parliament, as deludedly selective as it was viciously enraged, was an all-too apt encapsulation rather than the weird aberration that it has been painted.
No, the really striking similarity with Diana Derangement is the toxic combination of the cult of the victim, mass credulity and pathological projection and displacement neurosis that is fuelling the frenzy. ”