Had to laugh. Just went to the BBC Today site to try and link in a few items only to discover that it has not been updated owing to strike action by the comrades in the NUJ. Bliss. Of course that didn’t stop the Two Minute hate (now updated to 24/7) against Murdoch’s evil empire. There was, in passing, a swift mention of the Guardian apology with respect to Brown’s allegations against The Sun before quickly moving on to the usual anti NewsCorp mantra. Peter King has become their new hero as he joins with the Loon Dems in seeking to attack their real target – Fox News. They had someone on from the FT who was reasonably balanced although even she kept repeating Fox News is “right-wing”. It isn’t. It tries to provide balance but I suppose because it does not fawn at the court of Obama it can never be valued by leftist media like the BBC. Wonder which BBC “names” are manning the barricades this morning?
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“They had someone on from the FT who was reasonably balanced although even she kept repeating Fox News is “right-wing”. It isn’t.”
DV, I dont think you’ll have to many takers to share that opinion with you.
Editorially it is right wing, but it seeks to provide objective, balanced news reporting – which means it often reports events and opinions the BBC doesn’t!
Cameron has shown just how much of a busted flush he is. If we’re going to have a cultural Marxist BBC lapdog in power we might as well have a genuine BBC ‘Manchesturian candidate’ in No 10.
I think Fox is quite centrist, for example it seems a tad shy of the Tea Party folks, But I take your point. Compared to the BBC, MOST things are “right” – even the centre 🙂
Compared to the BBC Al Jazeera is pro-Israel!
I watch Al Zazeera and find it 100% more reliable and objective and far fairer than the BBC.
Was it the lady from the FT I heard saying “Britain isn’t used to politically partisan broadcasters” (or words to that effect)? I couldn’t help thinking that yes we are, but we don’t have, how shall I put it… a plurality of partisanship.
Twas indeed!
BBC-NUJ on strike – in intention, they are demanding we pay for them with a higher licence fee:
“BBC strike in pictures”
Until the BBC told me they were on strike I hadn’t noticed any difference, still the usual bile and left wing bollocks.
Yes; and its ‘non-News’ website hides fact that it is on STRIKE by burying it to about 6th item down on its ironically named ‘Entertainment and Arts’ page.
Just which BBC are you watching ??????
You wouldn’t happen to know a JIM SMITH would you?
Oh, no, not another one who thinks Socialists are centre-right.
By golly, even Mark Thompson thinks there is room for a UK Fox News:
He is quite right, of course. I’d like to see a UK equivalent of Fox News, not because I am a swivel-eyed, window-licking right-wing loon but because it would add variety to the rather homogenous market that is news broadcasting. I’d also welcome a Socialist Worker News channel, for that matter.
I would have thought that any fair-minded person would agree with the liberalisation of news broadcasting.
Yes, he floated that idea some time ago, as I recall. I can see why! It would let him off the hook of impartiality and let him carry on doing what they have been doing all along: promoting their political bias and many pet causes.
Fox News is right wing, and largely Catholic, but they don’t have specific policy agendas like the BBC does. They also have regular Left-wing opinion mongers on more often than the BBC has right-wing opinion mongers (not counting members of the Conservative Party), and give prominence and credence to their opinions. And they report stories the other media outlets censor. There’s no question that they’ve covered stories that the rest of the media deliberately sat on, such as the John Edwards affair. I don’t notice Fox News engaging in ideolgocial censorship.
The ideologue talking heads in prime time skew everything to the right, but the general news coverage during the day and online is often fairer and more honest than the BBC.
But here’s the thing: Fox News is one channel, and one website. They don’t have a partner in crime like the Guardian, with whom they can coordinate reporting and Narratives. The Wall Street Journal may be owned by nasty Uncle Rupert, but that paper is completely independent of Fox News and they have no influence on each other and no ideological connection. Can the same thing be honestly said about the BBC?
Furthermore, Fox News is the only channel anyone honest thinks is not center-Left or further to the Left. It’s one channel against half a dozen, plus NPR, plus the HuffPo and DailyKos and FiredogLake and the Daily Show and Stephen Colbert and the late night talk shows and Hollywood celebrities, plus all the major US papers except the Journal. Fox News doesn’t set the nation’s news agenda: the New York Times has for decades, and it’s a Left-wing paper. For political stuff, it’s the Left-wing Washington Post.
It’s impossible for Fox News to have the influence its enemies claim.
I forgot to add the daytime Left-wing shows, which are heavily partisan and influence milions of women, like The View and Oprah.
“They don’t have a partner in crime like the Guardian, with whom they can coordinate reporting and Narratives.“
That got me thinking. Has anyone ever compiled a list of investigations done jointly by the BBC and newspapers? How many times would the Grauniad come up, compared with others? Might be interesting.
It’s more than that. They coordinate Narratives often, even when they’re not specifically working together on something.
Indeed. But in terms of getting black and white evidence of bias, it could be most useful.
Did I detect a lofty and somewhat churlish tone of the scabs that brought us something akin to the Toady Show?
It was aid on the news bulletins that the NUJ were… “complaining” about cuts at the BBC.
I hope that word will be used when the brothers next go out on strike against the hated Tories…the public sector is “complaining” about their pensions being cut etc!
Anyone tell me how Justin Webb can comment on things here when he`s got some unneceesary beano out to Tokyo-what excuse this time boys?
Still it`s not all that bad-the BBC worry now about our kids getting sunburn-so presumably OFSTED willl be doing a shade audit of all our schools.
Tjhey also think that buying sacks of potatoes without a licence might encourage us to still our own vodka…do I see another pretext for regulating the supply of spuds-especially if youre name is Wotjek!
Hope no heroes of the picket line will give the scabs in work today any interviews either!
Funny too that the BBC weren`t calling us all out for the Day Of Action there at TV Centre…surely it`s tthe cuts maan, and so got to be worth the stirring!
“BBC Journalists Strike A Blow For Rupert Murdoch”
Wonderful proof today that the BBC can easily survive with less journalists. I’m sure that some news conferences were attended by a single BBC journalist, they normally go two-to-two, like something out of the Arc, or teenage girls and can’t go anywhere alone.
News24 wasn’t materially worse by having only one presenter (each on a paltry £90k per annum) … the weather can be done by that presenter too.
Now we have proof that the news output doesn’t suffer (thanks strikers for proving the proof) can you get out the buzzsaw now please Mr Thompson and begin laying off the journalists and plow the funds into quality balanced programming.
How true Mr Waste!
In truth to hear about why Gorbachev was no Lenin-not ruthless enough unlike the military genius Trotsky-was at least the BBC at their honest best…a topic on which the staff at the BBC can discuss their balanced and nuanced views!
Far better than the slime of Today…one day Gorbachev may yet change the world like ,say Ed Stourton…he must dream of such world importance!
Martin Sixsmith did the programme-he was Jo Moores nemesis as I recall-and the last two weeks have been a veritable landfill site to bury the bad news…the news that the BBC and the Guardian don`t like-which is the same thing I`d guess!
“Wonderful proof today that the BBC can easily survive with less journalists.”
They don’t have journalists, they have commentators, gossip mongers and activists.