First, News of the World folds.
Then, Rebekah Wade and Les Hinton resign
Now Sir Paul Stephenson resigns.
Cameron next and whither a general election? With Labour ahead in the polls and the BBC declaring Miliband has found his voice the question is whether the BBC/Guardian axis of hypocrisy is moving in for the kill and does the Prime Minister represent their ultimate target in the UK (In the US we know it is Fox News they want to destroy)
This is shocking stuff, a perfect media sustained storm.
Could the BBC/Guardian actually bring the Coalition down and if this is even a possibility doesn’t it prove that it is THIS axis which is the biggest threat facing the UK?
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Your analysis makes sense. If it is half right, then Mr Cameron should have taken measures to emasculate (ha!) the bbc when he assumed the position of Prime Minister, last year. Now, it’s too late for him and will be left to our future saviour to deliver the coup de grace.
The Tories have been pathetic from day 1, noe we’re handing over 50 million to some people in Africa (who hate our guts), where is the aid from China? Saudi Arabia? Some Tory dickhead minister is runnig around Africa offering money with some BBC troll in tow thinking that somehow the BBC will go nice on those cuddly Tories.
Absolutely. Do you think the penny has dropped yet in that thick, balding old-Etonian head that this is a leftist plot and he is next?
The BBC are certainly screaming “who’s next” with glee. Champagne on order at Broadcasting House?
Two little words ‘AL SHABBAB’.
For years this evil islamofascist terrorist gang of whackjob killers has ruled over an area of land. This group has used mass starvation as a military weapon, has used rape and murder as a normal part of government. It has used hundreds of thousands of people as human shields and bargaining chips and now the UK like the UN has made a secret deal with this terrorist gang.
The UK has made a deal with islamofascist terror and the UK taxpayer is now buying off a terrorist gang as deadly as Al Qaeda, the public is being sold some lies about a drought causing deaths and starvation when it is the direct result of the criminal activities of an islamofascist gang called Al Shabbab engaged in a jihad civil war of extermination and where normal rules do not apply.
Notice the bent regime and the crooked MSM are not telling the truth about the supposed drought and famine in the horn of Africa. What the crooked lying UN and UK is not saying is how much money they have promised the islamofascist terror gangs, what deal has been done. The very people who caused this humanitarian disaster now stand to benefit from their crimes against humanity.
Is the BBC so retarded it does not think to ask where all the men are? Young girls are turning at feeding centres with 4/5/6 infants claiming they have walked hundreds of miles on their own with no water with several sick infants. The BBC must know the truth, these young girls are being driven in 4x4s to the feeding camps by their islamofascist husbands who can then concentrate on fighting, in effect the UK and the UN are looking after and feeding the families of Al Shabbab terrorists for free and free from petty concerns about looking after the people the regime and opposition can now contentrate on fighting.
How much of your money is now being used to buy off terror gangs? How much food and medicines are going to terror groups paid for by you? This is the bent regime at work with your money, makes you feel proud eh?
Come on Martin, he’s ‘detoxifying the brand’! (‘alienating the few remaining Conservative voters that he hasn’t already’, as everyone else calls it)
Cast-Iron Dave gets what Cast Iron Dave deserves.
He appointed Coulson, he failed to deal with the BBC.
If Auntie brings him down, perhaps the Conservatives will wake up an realise what a foul cancer the BBC is.
He had his chance. he bottled it – and they still come for him. I understand political nuance but the blunt truth is that the BBC want Labour back in again and they will not rest until the Coalition falls.
Extraordinary stuff on the Feedback programme. Mary Hockaday, the head of the BBC newsroom, is actually questioned by Roger Bolton as listeners, you know, had noticed that the Beeb was obsessed by only one story. Her responses are priceless; even Peter Cook would struggle satirising these douches.
It’s the first 8 minutes of the podcast, BTW. Enjoy with a hollow laugh. Her defence of Robert Peston is particularly hysterical:
There was never the remotest prospect that Cameron would begin to rein in the BBC. Never.
If the Tory Party implodes under him in Government, than it might give rise to real conservative party, although at this stage, the best it could do is fight a rearguard action. Britain is heading for the rocks, and the BBC has got too many of us in a trance to notice it.
Doubt this!
In the last few years there have been bankers, police, MPs, judges and the Press all under the spotlight…financial meltdown, superinjunctions, MPs expenses and now this one!
If you draw a Venn diagram-there is only one of the above groups involved in all these scandals/gates…that`s the MPs!
They can`t draft laws, they don`t know what work is or what needs to be done: and they are a particularly spineless duplicitous bunch od misfits who are at the front of the trough-and hoping that someone drops the soap so they can bundle in as they did at prep school!
So the country will be OK, but the MPs so cravenly kicking those who provided the champagne in their slippers will soon find that all this will come back to them…Brown, Blair(T), Prescott Blunkett and Campbell…Mandelson and Blair(I) too I`d imagine!
Trouble is that they`re too stupid and venal to see where all this will lead…Rupert won`t smell of roses, but I bet the BBCs end is already in view…truly needs breaking up more than NI!
There’s no chance that Cameron will be forced to resign unless he’s done something really daft like accepting a gift from someone at NI, and there’s no reason to suppose he has.
If anything everything that is happening now is a delayed result of the vile culture of the New Labour regime.
Plus, Clegg and his pals know that if there is a general election they won’t even be MPs, never mind cabinet ministers so they’ll be quiet.
Bring it on I say, I hope Cameron does go and we do get a general election. let’s see liebore take on the mess they created, what no spending cuts? They will become essential savings with Liebore in power again.
Serves the Tories right.
Don’t be ridiculous, please.
Labour are the ones up to their their arms in shit and if we seive his nonesense correctly they are the party we will utterly consign to history…
Fingers crossed – Stalinist tossers!
Yes. Cameron gone the sooner the better. But I agree with Phil. It is most unlikely . Would not really suit the powers that be and the bankers. Looting the people with a smile is much more in Cameron’s line than poor little Ed’s.
The beeboids are a bit thick. Their eyes are on their dream liberal agenda of social engineering led by themselves and the likeminded. A self appointed progressive wing of the British people.
In the end it is always about money. How the state and the oligarchies can remove our wealth and the fruits of our labour without too much dissent or trouble.
Politicians, the media , the bankers, the whole bunch of thieves and liars are without legitimacy. They assume they are the nation.
I have never heard such disgust with this class so openly expressed by those who have always actually held this country’s fate and it’s culture in their hands.
The BBC and the rest have no idea what sort of storm is heading their way if they persist in this madness.
Reality is not going to be denied .
Whatever happened to Ed Balls? The small boy he married is all over the TV but he’s not even been seen on the front bench? Me thinkd perhaps he has something to hide.
Apparently Ed was at a party in Hull on Friday – but have no further knowledge!
Please sir, please… I know the answer to this one… Ed Balls has but one goal. To lead the Labour Party as the next elected PM. Ed Balls knows that through Pareto analysis – 20 percent of the NI problem may have a ring of truth, but 80 percent is utter conjrcture and unsubstantiated bullshit that might stick to Milliband when the BBC bluster fades. Thr tuth will out – Millibsnd will lose face and Ed Voldemorte Balls will step forward.
Mark my words…
Like it.
I agree with Alfie as his behaviour mirrors his mentor from previous times. There were numerous occaisions when the stuff started sticking to Blair. Brown was silent and invisible quite happy to let his old foe twist in the wind.
And twas thus with Balls
It has been a fascinating and supremely educational experience to watch this BBC orchestrated train crash take place, almost in slow motion, right in front of ones eyes.
The BBC’s blades were run through Murdoch’s and News International’s vitals with consummate skill, with no protest nor dissenting voice to be heard.
It is probable that Cameron and the Tories themselves welcomed the distraction during the early part of the spat from their complicity in allowing EU rules to squeeze the last remaining breath out of Britain’s railway industry, which they casually smothered in favour of our allies in Germany, who will likely sub-contract most of the work outside the EU in any case.
Cameron, seemingly caught like a rabbit in headlights, must now face up to a newly confident BBC, champing at the bit to carry out the coup de grace on his coalition government, close on the heels of this latest success.
It is hard to predict where this will go, although I see it as highly unlikely that even the BBC could turn Milliband Minor into an electable prospect in the short term should they manage to bring Cameron down.
I agree, Idiotboy. Not even The Greatest Broadcaster in the World could make the electorate vote for MillipEd. I am not really worried for the Coalition. The LidDems won’t break it because they like the disproportionately powerful position they’ve found themselves in. Who wouldn’t? And I have hopes for Cameron. They can make mischief aplenty for him but he is more popular and personable than the opposition (or any potential opposition: Balls anyone? No, I thought not), and he, more than any of them, has the capacity for bold and surprising moves. He knows which way the wind blows and can be quick and decisive when he has to be.
Speaking of coup; the bBC has a new program coming on called ‘the hour” An episode is about suez, one aspect is how they claim that the conservative gov tried to make the bBC the mouthpiece of the gov. I wonder if there will be an episode called ‘Nulabour’ where the bBC DID become the mouthpiece of the gov.
The Tory party is MIA, where is the political balance? Be it Sky or the BBC they are totally absent.
BBC news had Ed Ball’s wife, then Keith Vaz then Red Ken, OK they hd Boris on much later on but that was specifically to give him a hard time.
I agree, not so much that they are absent but with the TOTAL lack of connection with the Blair and Brown governments. I live in hope that the silent majority are aware.
Look on the bright side, it could be that they’re panicking: the BBC’s royal charter expires in 2016 and they may have heard a little birdie suggest that the beeb needs to be trimmed…
The article below suggests BBC should be reformed; surely this expanding media octopus, spewing out its black ink propaganda, needs to be broken up.
<!– entry –>”Sam Bowman: Media plurality depends on reform of the BBC”
You know I just do not care anymore. this country is corupt from top to bottom. The top pepole are just so weak.
“If Miliband is such a hero, why won’t he tackle the REAL threat to way of life – the BBC?”
(by Melanie Phillips)
Read more:–BBC.html#ixzz1SPDXO5Zo
Maybe he will now that the Beeboid Question Time flagship programme has announced that it is having his brother on when the programme returns from its hols in September. Now, there’s provocation for you, to test even the most loyal Beeboid supporter.
Ironically. I am so fed up with this that I just turned over from BBC Breakfast to watch the X Files….on Sky Atlantic. The BBC’s obsession is forcing me into the seducing and corrupting influence of Sky.
“a perfect media sustained storm”
So, despite the Milly Dowler phone hacking; the closing of The News of the World; withdrawal of NI’s bid for BSkyB; allegations of police bribery and corruption; arrests of Andy Coulson, Clive Goodman, Rebekah Brooks; the resignation of Sir Paul Stephenson…
…still, B-BBC desperately clings onto the idea that it’s all a bit of a non story.
A “media sustained storm” or perhaps – a story with “no legs whatsoever”
Give it up guys. Even I’m starting to feel sorry for you.
And believe me, that’s not a good sign 😉
[I’ll, erm, get my coat]
Perhaps if the BBC had been doing some proper investigative journalism the past 20 years this wouldn’t be happening at all.
It is a “media driven” storm you plonker. I would have thought even you would have grasped that by now. It is about who controls the media, and how journalists obtain their stories.
There is nothing new about an elite complaining about how they are reported. There is nothing new about the police being paid by journalists to give them information. There is certainly nothing new about the Left seeking the media equivalent of a One Party State.
On this site people have varying opinions about its importance (although even you cannot be surprised that a site dedicated to drawing attention to the bias and dominance of the BBC has been drawing attention to the bias and dominance of the BBC) and I suppose you do have to be economically literate to understand the magnitude of the crisis facing Europe (HINT – a journalist listening to private phone messages is barely more than a breach of ettiqute in comparison) but I say this on the assumption that you are not one of those Leftists who crave an economic collapse, on the grounds that the last economic collapse brought into power the sort of governments with which they approved.
Nice dodge but it’s quite clear what David Vance means by “media sustained storm”, given his previous comments such as; “The Andy Coulson attack story is being kept alive here [by the BBC] …despite the fact that it has no no legs whatsoever”.
“It is about who controls the media…”
Oh so nothing about illegal phone hacking, attempts to pervert the course of justice, and police corruption then?
It is a media-sustained storm. It’s navel-gazing at its worst. The Milly Dowler hacking aside, I’ve yet to meet anyone who gives a tinker’s cuss about the phone hacking. Indeed, the general view I’ve come across is that someone bloody well should be checking what these public parasites are up to and if they’re stupid enough to leave their phone passwords unchanged then it serves them right.
I’m sure Dez would counter that he knows lots of people who care – but then I suspect he lives in a politically-motivated world where those surrounding him care for political reasons. Those of us trying to hold down real jobs in the real and unsubsidised world tend to be surrounded by less politically-motivated people.
“It is a media-sustained storm.”
Interestingly, Mr. Vance doesn’t seem to agree with you; seeing as he’s now describing it as a “self-induced media storm”.
“The Milly Dowler hacking aside, I’ve yet to meet anyone who gives a tinker’s cuss about the phone hacking.”
Erm, ok, so apart from all the people you’ve met who care about the hacking of Milly Dowler’s phone; no one else cares about phone hacking.
The hacking scandal was a non story for years, the BBC and its print arm the gaurdian knew full well what was going on and did nothing about it. The gutter press was just fine when labour were in power, no investigations and no wild accusations from the BBC.
And now the BBC conveniently somehow forgets to include such gutter press rags as the mirror or the labour party hypocrites in its investigations and wild allegations. It looks like what it is, a partisan political smear campaign to destroy a democratically elected government.
Now, as far as I am concerned the best possible outcome would be the downfall of Cameroid and his gang of lying Quislings. I hate their bent regime with a pasion that makes the BBC hatred look like a love affair HOWEVER the BBC has a duty to be impartial and fair and even handed, it is supposed to check facts and exersise caution, the BBC must be above petty tribal partisan bias not fanatically engaged in it.
look mummy
an idiot
“look mummy, an idiot”
Thank you for sharing your first words with the rest of us.
We always knew this useless Tory regime was, well, useless. a useles gang of cowards. The single and central theme of this coalition of the useless and been its singleminded uselesness. A total failure from start to finish, based on lies and MSM manipulation and political spin. It has managed to do more damage in one year than newlabour managed in ten. The nation is now mired in more debt than the day they conned and lied their way into No10 and will be remembered as the worst regime ever to gain power.
A short history of failure, lies, cynical manipulation, cowardice, stupidy and ignorance that makes the Brown regime look honest and effective, quite an acheivement eh? And now the coalition stands there like a punch bag for the BBC as it rants and raves and launches a poisonous smear campaign and a power play for the dominanace for the leftist dominance of the UK MSM.
The increasingly ridiculous Tory led regime will stagger on and then collpase and the UK will then elect labour who will rapidly destroy the UK. Before the election I claimed that the coalition would last two years and then collpase like a house of cards, it may not even reach that milestone. Even now the BBC is planning the re election of labour as its top priority and all the useless Tory led regime can do is mill around like cows for slaughter.
I’d only take issue with you where you say Cameron has done as much damage as nuLab did in ten years. He’s not competent enough to manage that.
To be honest, this country is heading for bankruptcy one way or the other at the moment. Just more slowly under Cameron. I’m at the stage of thinking if it has to happen, then t’were well it were done quickly. Kick out Cameron, Miliband gets in on a low turnout by a pissed-off electorate, the markets take fright, huge cuts are necessary and the electorate are even more pissed off. At that stage anything could happen but that might have given the Tory party time to regroup as proper Tories. Perhaps unlikely but looking like the best hope at present.
Unfortunately, north of the border here I can only see a pissed-off electorate turning to the SNP as it’s too early for them to have over-reached themselves, but that might keep Martin happy.
Cameroid had a golden rare chance to slash spending and prune the parasite class and grab back power from the euroslime and put the UK back on the path to recovery. He has done the opposite while lying through his teeth(and his gutter press contacts) every day since the election.
He could have slashed the bloated state to the bone and stripped the parasite class of its income sources, he didnt because he had no intention of even trying. His sole job has been to guide the UK into economic ruination at which point the only offered solution would be full economic submergence in the EU 4th Reich.
He relied on spreading his lies through a corruted gutter press, relying on them to hide real news while pumping industrial quantities of non stories laced with lying spin. The one and only chance the UK had to escape ruin has gone now, its just too late to avoid full and total meltdown and thats why I claim that Cameroid has been such a disaster for the UK.
BTW there are no real Tories left, it is to all intents an extinct breed.
To Cassandra King; Calm down dear.
Cassandra – I take exception to only one of your statements…..
“The increasingly ridiculous Tory led regime will stagger on and then collpase and the UK will then elect labour who will rapidly destroy the UK.”
Wrong tense I am afraid, the last ZANU regime successfully destroyed the UK with
– Devolution in an attempt to create eternal client enclaves in the Peoples Rebublics of Scotland and Wales (that failed wnen the peoples of those socialist regimes realised just how wicked Zanu was)
– Deliberate, huge, unrestricted population change to ‘socially engineer’ England (suceeded all too well IMO) to more accurately reflect a perfect society
– The ‘peace’ process (going well at the moment I see – seems to have totally satisfied the democratic aspirations of ‘nationalists’ and comprehensively stopped all violence
– Catastrophic economic management worthy of a spoilt and selfish ‘student’ on a spending spree with a credit card that someone else pays for.
– Total failure of all aspects of foreign policy placing the UK in a pariah club with no army, navy or airforce left “The force sent to Helmand in 2006 was ill-equiped, under-resourced and too weak to defeat the Talinban” Britain apparently has ther 4th largest economy of the world and an ‘official’ population of 63 million (in reality when ‘unoficials’ are counted it is probably 70 million) versus a country that cannot manufacture a sewing needle and we cannot win.. Makes you proud dunnit?
– The introduction of a totally self serving political class* into UK politics with no sense of honour or personal probity and an unrdisguised contempt for the ‘clients’ who have leaened that compliance with the ‘narrative’ brings rewards (* in all aspects of public life, MP’s Councillors, police, fake
‘charidees’ NHS boards, etc etc)
Too depressed to go on. I am sure that whatever miserable distopia of intercommunal strife, universal power shortages and rationed culturally sensitive vegetarian food that we are thrown into in the next 30 years will be just to the taste of the Gramscian and the BBC.
You know an election is close because the BBC is peddling the usual pre election labour promises, they are touting labour as the party that will halt immigration, can you believe it?
Elections won on lies and false promises which are then broken as soon as the regime is in office. The BBC fails to see the comical irony in a labour party that increased the UK population by millions during its time in office tat now feels able to profess a belief in halting immiration just in time to con a gulible electorate yet again.
Look forward to months of pro labour election spin frpm the BBC. The BBC has spent the last year smearing and poisoning the hated coalition of the useless and are now ramping up the smear attacks to insane levels.
Its obvious that this curent bent regime may not last two years and the BBC is going to pimp the labour party as never before. Its going to be out of the coalition frying pan and into the labour fire. The BBC will be portraying the labour party as patriotic an nationalist flag waving working class heroes and the saddest part is that it will work. An election before the year is out and a new old labour regime that will break its pre election promises as eagerly as the Tory regime did.
I found this an interesting piece:
‘In the specific case of Singapore, he allowed the company to defend one of our journalists against a defamation claim through the appellate stage, despite the historically faint prospect of success. This is more than can be said for other British and American publications’
I lived there for many years. Toe the line and you’re fine. Have a counterview and your tax affairs are investigated before you can say ‘Democratic justice, what’s that?’.
And ‘overseeing’ it all is (well was) a media epitomised by The Straits Times in print to SBC on Broadcast.
I lived near the latter’s sprawling compound, surrounded by fences and deadly force signs. The caution was apparently in case of subversive complements to invasion.
However, from the mutterings of staff and mates at parties, I did wonder if it wasn’t in case the populace eventually had its fill of being told by a single source of government-sanctioned pap (any political party that can name itself after a smear test doesn’t do irony) what to do and what not.
Of course, the pill is all sweetened by mind-numbing soaps and game shows.
The funding is commercial, but merely highlights that model does not prevent control.
I gather Mr. Cameron is a fan. May explain a fair bit.
At present I’m struggling to see the progression from this to the downfall of the coalition. That said the way the axis is developing this story and moving on to each of their enemies and firing at anything that doesn’t meet their worldview nothing is outside the realms of possibility.
As many others have said here, the tories will have done it to themselves.
In a masochistic way though I am smiling. This with opinion polls putting the Labour party on the rise even with that fool leading them would likely see a Labour government.
The result for me would be the great holding to account on the economy. They would no longer be in a position to utter their too deep too fast mantra and sit back with no policy of their own. They would have to go ahead an implement something. Who ever is in charge, Balls is likely to get his way on this and we get to watch implement a policy that even the BBC couldn’t pretend wasn’t happening as he runs the SS Great Britain onto the rockiest outcrop he can find.
What’s most worrying is that the fact that the entire establishment is rotten to the very core is being treated as ‘news’!
I for one will not be sorry to see Cameron hung out to dry…….tory boy is not actually a tory at all
he can’t have failed to see how lefty and rotten the bBC is,but what does he do about it?
apooints arch lefty and euroslime patten to run the show
you get what you deserve,and Cameron deserves a good arse kicking and sending on his way
you can almost hear the real conserative knives being sharpened if this gets any worse
then perhaps his successor will grasp the nettle and cut it right down to size…….what a day of joy that would be,eh?
I’m not sure their are any realistic candidates within the current Parliamentary Conservative Party capable of plunging the knife into Cameron, you get the feeling that they’re all politically impotent.
I can see the BBC and the Labour Party CHOOSINg to leave him in place and then at the next election dragging up some previously unrevealed news and delivering the coup de gras, most probably a week or two before an election.
It may be in the best interests of the Conservative Party to rid itself of Cameron, but they are all just too fucking weak to deliver the blow.
The BBC are gleeful and even more confident in their assult with the resignation of the Met chief. Remember he was a Boris appointee and replaced their man Blair.
It is not impossible that something will stick to Cameron. In this fevered atmosphere it wouldn’t take a lot.
Look back to the AV vote. That forced the left to rethink. Their conclusion – as through time immemorial – was that if only the pernicious tabliod press could be silenced, then the proles could be properly re-educated and gladly vote for utopia.
Ideally BBC want an election before the economy picks up/jihadists blow up the London Olympics/constituency boundry changes deal with Labour’s in-built 3-5% head start.
‘Careful what you wish for’ meets ‘Keep you friends close…’
@leohickman – If u missed @peston flailing when asked on @bbc5live why he went 2 Murdoch party 3 wks ago it’s now online -> 2hr 11min
It is proving interesting as more unfolds.
Not being a 5live listener, I’ve never got involved in the arguments here over whether Nicky Campbell is biased or not. But that’s definitely 1 round to Hippiepooter!
As for Peston, methinks he doth protest too much!
Yes, HippiePooter is looking like a good tipster here.
Was never too keen on the Sunday Morning Sanctimony Sessions, but the ‘innocence’ of the questions… and even placating noises, was rather delicious.
And when blood in the water provokes shark frenzy, professional courtesies do seem to be the first to go. Well, after truth.
BBCNewsnight BBC Newsnight How damaged is David Cameron by #phonehacking scandal? Is there now a scenario that could lead to the PM losing his job? Join us 2230, BBC2…
with our panel, ‘Lord ‘ Prescott, ‘Writer’ Polly Toynbee, ‘Commentator’ Kevin Maguire, ‘bloke we flog books for’ Ali Campbell, and some mumsy bird to speak for the public (who might also be married to our producer’s ex-fag at Trinity and a bit media-ish too).
And these bozos wonder why their cred is in the toilet and the viewership is struggling to get beyond loyal hive members.
Yes; ‘Newsnight’ BBC-NUJ branch resorts to its College of Journalism type ‘fair’ questions on Tories, of the type:
‘when did you stop beating your wife’.
How politically subtle. How politically impartial, BBC-NUJ.
So, why not?:-
How damaged is Labour/BBC-NUJ by their association with Alastair Campbell?
How damaged is BBC-NUJ by Robert Peston’s association with NI?
“BBC in a spin over Robert Peston’s inside track to News International”
“Is the BBC’s Robert Peston too close to Rupert Murdoch’s man Will Lewis?”
Read more:
Correction. For BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’s:
“How damaged is the PM? And is there now a scenario that could lead to Cameron losing his job?”
Amend to:
‘How damaged is the BBC? And is there now a scenario that could lead to all Beeboids losing their jobs?’
This is interesting…
Plus a few good links.
Even another Hugh Grant!