Monday morning and time to tell George what you think about the BBC. Please do not hold back as we are all adults here and we want to cast as much light as possible on the antics of the Corporation.
Just a quick note of thanks to all the B-BBC’ers out there for helping me keep my sanity over the last week. I haven’t watched or read any MSN for over a week now as the last time I watched the news (and read a paper) I had a strange feeling that I had a window into a lunatic asylum totally disconnected from the real world around me.
The last time I felt like this was during that bizarre period of media madness that surrounded the death of Lady Di. Back then and now the media banged on about something but no one I knew could be bothered to speak more than a few words about it.
Thanks to Google Reader and various blogs I have read the real news over the last week you know the minor stuff like the coming collapse of the Euro and the problems in the US.
I feel pretty much the same. We are in the grip of a concerted effort to crush press frrdom and freedom of thought. I anticipate a series of soviet stle show trails and a repetition of McCarthyitecommittees once the MPs get on their morally suspect high horses. The whole thing stinks, reeks of self serving plotocal minterest. the BBC worst of all. WTF has nobody had the courage to point out that, yes – dominating the media and the medium of dicourse is wrong – and the BBC is totally dominant. Janet Daley wrote a brilliant article in the Telegraph yesterday (sunday)
The BBC might very well bring Cast-Iron Dave down.
However, if that does happen, Dave deserves it. He appointed Coulson and he failed to deal with the BBC.
But, if Auntie does bring him down, perhaps the Conservative party will finally wake up an realise what a foul cancer the BBC is. The dominance of the BBC is as big a threat to our nation as unfettered union militancy was in the 1970s.
I too have been overseas and out of touch with the whole sorry debacle – thank God ! It reinforces my belief that I must again become an expatriate.
The last e-mail I received before departure, was from my MP, one of Camerons great chums, saying he ‘noted my views’, when I pointed out that this was entirely self inflicted due to their utter failure to address the bbc bias problem.
Yeah, it’s been said before, but the internet came along just in the nick of time. Think what we would be living through now without it.
Of course, Labour failed to build enough power stations, and you can’t use your computer in a power cut, so the totalitarians may still win, but until then…
OK, this time one can’t say it was open only during the working hours of the bubble heads who set policy via twitter, but it did’t half close soon. Again. 110 people. Out of 20M+?
I suspect because after the initial tranche pre-alerted to vote to rig the most recommended level to set policy on the ticks from 30+ folk, things were heading off narrative.
I have also noticed that, during the week, assuming the thing does stay open post 5pm, the number of ‘referred to mods’ seems to rise as folk outside the hive get home and express views not welcomed.
Moments We Wish We’d Been Quick Enough To Press The Record Button No.235: yesterday, News24, about 1.55pm.
Michael White of the Gradniau was being interviewed by the annoying blonde with the lithp, and trying to tell her (to his credit) that there were other stories out there in the world – he nominated the imminent collapse of the Euro – which were of far greater significance. She was having none of it though, and persevered with her interview – in a style that abandoned the concept of the question; instead, she made statements (“And the whole affair has shocked the whole world in a way never ever seen before.”) and he was left – expected – to agree. Full marks to him, he was surprisingly scornful of the whole affair, and the BBC’s obsession with it.
Of course, what the ‘MSM’ does or does not do is hardly a measure of anything good, but with the BBC seemingly basing its worldview on what PennyRed tweets Paul Mason, I am not sure it is speaking for the public any more than MiliE is.
An extremely, but extremely interesting article. Cameron would have to be dragged kicking and screaming before he commissioned a public inquiry into BBC bias. Is there any way of instilling more fear into him than the BBC does?
well he could mull it over with Osborne, Peston & co over aperitifs
on the next cocktail party on Mandy s yacht
mind you i for one would like to see big boy dave, questioned by any commission, it woud make a hilarious spectacle, to watch him evade answering & talk snootily down to any questioner at the same time
calm down dear
Poor old Mel is getting a right kicking from the comments & red & green arrows at her column. The views of the great British public or just the organised trashing by the great Beeboid hordes?
I noticed this too!
Don`t believe for a minute that all of them are “independent” members of the public.
Rather sense that a few Beeboids are on subversion manoevres round the blogs, and Melanies would be an obvious one to target!
No doubt, we`re “commissioning the abuse” as well!
Something fishy going on here! The best rated GREEN ARROW comment with 190 votes is:-
“The fact that the correspondent believes that the BBC is far left only serves to reveal how ludicrously right wing he is. A stupendously silly article.”
Infiltrator units at work the war has begun, good luck everyone.
“Keyboard warriors”. Watch the trolls come out the same soon as Dellingpole updates. They think they are “shouting him down” when they are just (as Pat Condell so wonderfully summarised) “white middle class left wing pricks”
No mealy mouthed twaddle about impartiality from NUJ president Donnacha DeLong (crazy name, crazy guy) writing in today’s Guardian (where else?) about last week’s BBC strike:
At the rallies at the BBC’s Bush House and Television Centre, NUJ General Secretary Michelle Stanistreet read out a strong solidarity statement from her Public and Commercial Services union equivalent Mark Serwotka – one of many messages from other unions. Also on the side of the BBC are Labour MP and chair of the NUJ parliamentary group, John McDonnell, and former MP and NUJ Member of Honour, Tony Benn, who joined NUJ members on the picket line.
On the other side, for quite a long time, has been the Murdoch empire, chipping away at support for the BBC, particularly in parliament.
DeLong wants the licence fee settlement re-examined and current BBC executives purged to be replaced by people more acceptable to lefties such as him and the people on the picket lines.
Thanks for showing your level of your ignorance with your comments about my Irish name. No surprise a nasty right-wing Englishman shows classic anti-Irish racism.
The Tolpuddle Rally has been going now for a few years, and the BBC have hardly bothered with it apart from the annual soundbite from Tony Benn.
Yesterday however was different. The local South Today news led with the rally as well as plenty talking heads and ethnic choirs under rainbow banners-along with the deep red ones of course.
After years of Hains, Blairs etc driving up in chauffeur driven cars, the BBC seem happy now to show the workers rebelling against…the cuts…but what else?
Apparently many thousands were there-let`s call it 100,000 and let Sir Ian Blair confirm it!
That then is our BBC. Firemens strikes forgotten, fuel protests, few wars and lost tax discs? That was then…tomorrow however may yet return to Auntie if Humphrys etc can stay grubbing in the shrubbery.
Heard Boris NOT say that Yates must be sacked…but that didn`t stop Humphrys, Easton and Robinson stewing their poison up on that blasted heath of theirs. And saying that this is what Boris would have said had he been clever enough!
We really have got to go for the throat of the BBC before it swallows up any last pretence of truth being allowed in a free media…any takers?…starting with that license fee that Rupert will be wanting!
I notice the lack of challenge that Yvette Cooper is getting on the bBC news:
1) Cooper is calling for Cameron to resign over Coulson, no mention of Brown’s action when McBride was exposed. McBride was hired by Brown and carried out his grubby acts while working for him.
2) Another link that is not mentioned is that if kath Raymond, political advisor to both Blunkett and Brown over the 2006-2008 period. What is special about Kath; she is the partner of Les Hinton the CEO of NI during the same period. How close do you need to get?
The Socialist was also in evidence on the BBC Coventry picket line. That particular edition is calling for the nationalisation of all media starting with the state confiscation of all News Corps assests.
Third picture down in this NUJ report shows the BBC Glasgow picket line with Panorama journalist Murdoch Rodgers holding a placard saying “Murdoch Free Zone”. See what he did there?
I’ve got a sneaky suspicion that the name Dr David Kelly is going to crop up soon……..
On another note, the BBC seems determined to continue to go ‘Balls Out’ with the industrial strength trap that it is constructing around itself, and in which it will soon be ensnared.
By doing the equivalent of sticking their heads into the mouth of a tiger, and then flicking a wet towel at it’s testicles, they are likely to goad the spineless Cameron into hauling the BBC’s own monopoly into the remit of the judge led enquiries – And with that, a thorough examination of it’s Charter, and it’s adherance to it.
If I were the BBC, I would do what the Mirror and Ed Balls are doing; I’d stay shtumm, cross my fingers, and hope the searchlight doesn’t land on me, oh, and wear incontinence diapers in case it does.
Well, yes, that’s what I’m hoping too. The more the Beeboid Corporation goes on and on about Cameron, the press and media dominance, the more it calls itself into question as well.
Certainly any case for the defence is not being even considered, as they seem certain this surgical strike will be the first, last, and all that’s needed.
Odd for a bunch for whom backside covering (institutionally) must be high on the weasel charter for self preservation whilst crushing fellow workers.
Speaking of actual workers, in our rural pub this weekend, which has a real cross-section from doctors to tllers, the topics of conversation were not hackgate, but I did get a laugh by suggesting that our MPs and the BBC were speaking for us all at this dark time.
Almost zero attempt to show any hint that there may be another, or more nuanced story, and folk worth hearing on it.
And it’s all logged.
With even some in the cheap seats starting to twig that what they wished for is coming true, but not quite as billed.
Even if the BBC or individual staff with some integrity (or simply smart enough to look back in history) realise that this has gone well past a very skewed tipping point with no attempt at reasonable balance (Prescott, Campbell and Maguire would take some counter for all they have and still are being allowed to gob off on without challenge)… it’s too late. We are now in an era where everything is archived, stealth edits and deleted tweets especially.
Anybody watching the Milliband speach? I think he’s lost it – talking about the percentage of the newspaper market NewsCorp had before the closure of the NofW, so what? Saying that NC has “effective control of the pay tv market” again so what? If people didn’t like it they wouldn’t pay for it. But not a mention of the BBC’s 70% slice of the entire news output, across all forms of media.
Oh, Lloyd. People don’t know what’s good for them. Not really. That’s why the kindly old state should be allowed to make all the decisions for them. And really, when it’s doing all that For You, well you’d be a bit of a git if you didn’t willingly hand over all your money in beseeching gratitude, wouldn’t you ?
(Excerpt from ” What I Believe”, by Master E. Millipede, aged 12 and two thirds. Available from Politics Of Delusion publications, Greek St, London).
bBC news24 12:45 – Frank Gardner comes on saying all is woe about the Olympics saying security will be badf due to the cutbacks in police and armed forces. Take the armed forces, the cuts will not be complated until 2020, the Olympics are next year. I have not heard of any significant cut in warranted police numbers and Gardner knows the disposition of police at every event now! It sounded like deliberate scaremongering, the rot at bBC is gathering speed.
The other night there was a 30-minute Radio 4 programme by Gordon Carrera, Gardner’s sidekick, on the long hunt for Osama bin Laden – going right back to his time in Sudan. The second half of the programme seemed determined to declare that Bush was asleep on duty, that is why 9/11 happened and 3000 people died.
No mention of Clinton’s repeated failure to authorise the killing of bin Laden. No mention of the fact – roundly condemned by the 9/11 Commission – that Clinton’s administration had erected a big barrier to communications between the CIA and the FBI – and this blocked the transfer of highly valuable info. that might have forestalled the attack.
So no mention of Jamie Gorelick, Clinton’s attorney – who then capped her record by scamming scores of millions in pay from her appointment to Fannie Mae.
This is new to me; but ties in with Clinton passing the law that effectively forced the giving of unaffordable loans to the low paid. This act was the seed of the financial meltdown many years later; interesting!
describes the walls built by Gorelick to prevent various agencies swapping information.
So yes – you could say that Clinton was responsible to a degree in permitting 9/11 to happen, by these walls (which evidently protected his campaign finance from the Chinese from being revealed) and also by his failures to authorise the killing of Obama in Afghanistan after the attacks on in Africa.
How many British soldiers have died in the follow-on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Whatever the legal merits, I doubt if either would have occurred but for 9/11.
Yet the BBC has NEVER mentioned the walls Clinton’s administration built between the CIA and the FBI. Oh no – the narrative is that if anyone is to blame for 9/11 it has to be George Bush.
Just as the BBC never records that Clinton’s administration passed and pushed hard on legislation designed to give mortgage finance to people who patently could not repay – directly causing the global financial meltdown. Again – it is all Bush’s fault is the narrative
There’s a very good description of the role of Clinton in the run up to 9/11 in Gerald Posners book While America Slept. In it there is a particular story involving what is a meeting involving senior intelligence and military officials and tells the story from the perspective of one of them.
In it he tells how he is surprised to find Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers and general Clinton guru, George Stephanopolous. Despite it being about how to get Bin Laden, those two dominated the conversation with everything centering about how various options would play in the press. PR was everything. When someone interrupted by a intelligence / military viewpoint they “looked at him like he had just made an unpleasant smell in the room before resuming their conversation”.
In the same book it seemed that the heart of the problem was Clinton’s obsession with polling data and PR. According to Posner, the polls seemed to suggest that it was necessary to appear tough he didn’t actually have to follow through with it. This seemed to play a big part in Bin Laden’s continued freedom.
If I’m correct I think the same book also points out that the Taliban offered to give the US Bin Laden at one point when they were threatened by the US but once again he was let off the hook.
And the current crop of shysters has taken a pile of poo and made it in an entire sh*t fest.
I mention above about the lack of sensible backside covering on the impartiality front, but in most areas these guys are past masters of a) dropping folk in it and b) pre-laying the groundwork for any that hist the fan as a consequence.
If any security issue blights the 2012 Games, are you in any doubt that it will ALL be the fault of everyone bar the last Government and its in-house PR agency, when both have been up to their respective necks in every overrun & shortfall?
Surely those left leaning organs, beloved by the BBC & UK Uncut alike, will not make the little guy pay the price for the downfall of “the Murdoch Empire”, will they? The BBC website tells us:-
“Newsagents are also worried that the fight to replace News of the World as the most read UK newspaper will result in them losing money.
“Newspaper sellers get around 22% of the sale price,” explains Mrs Karpal, who is also a representative for the National Federation of Retail Newsagents.
“So when the publishers slash their prices to get sales, which they did today, it means the newsagent has to take a hit too.
“We are all worried about how long this will continue.””
“Nigeria: Boko Haram says ‘our jihadists have arrived in Nigeria from Somalia where they received real training on warfare from our brethren who made that country ungovernable'”
MAYBE this is all just part of the Prime Ministers greater plan eh?
Maybe Parliament, in response to the hacking scandals will pass a law that requires all media outlets to work independently of each other and that this will apply to the BBC so that all the different BBC media outlets will effectively sectioned off and no longer able to share resources, stories, contacts etc?
Of course the real action is tomorrow when the Murdochs et al get to appear in front of Culture, Media and Sports committee. I was dissapointed to see Vaz was not chairing this as I was looking forward to another clinical grandstanding by this slippery character. Those unfamiliar with Vaz can get a helpful summary from the BBC
“Calls to look at power of BBC after Ed Miliband raises prospect of breaking up News international:-
“Douglas McCabe, a a media analyst at Enders Analysis, argued that any review into media ownership would need to look at the reach of organisations via the internet and television. He said it would be perfectly legitimate to include the BBC in that… Tim Montgomerie, the editor of the website ConservativeHome, added: “We have been hearing so much about the dominance of Murdoch, but I think it is essential that we look at the dominance of the BBC,” he said. “Seventy three per cent of people get their news from the television and 70 per cent of TV news is provided by the BBC.”” – Times (£)
“Private firms need to fight for readers and advertisers – the BBC forces TV owners to pay a licence fee or face prison. So much for moral high horses. The vast majority of people never read the Sun, the Daily Mail or the Telegraph, but nearly everybody consumes BBC news and other content, and hence is exposed to its worldview and unavoidable cultural biases.” – Allister Heath in City AM
“With some honourable exceptions, whether in its drama, comedy, news reporting or current affairs, the BBC’s output rests upon certain articles of faith. For example, traditional Christians are all fundamentalist bigots; the science of man-made global warming is settled; opponents of mass immigration are racist; Eurosceptics are swivel-eyed fanatics; and all who oppose these opinions and more are Right-wing extremists.” – Melanie Phillips in the Daily Mail
I hesitated over just pressing “like”; I don’t like what you say, but I do agree with it. There have been suggestions that this is about burying bad news (and there is no shortage of that from a BBC perspective), or even a way to attack Cameron, but they are just incidental bonuses; protecting the BBC’s left wing monopoly over broadcast news is the object of this, as can be seen from the way the evidence was only released in the week before the deadline for Murdoch’s bid when it could do most damage.
It’s been coming for a while, but the BBC sights have been turned firmly onto Cameron now. No doubt when he get’s back from SA he will be returning to “calls for his resignation”
Well his last 3 tweets are what some un-named source tells him about the Tories, and it’s all bad, so he’s off on professionalism, credibility, integrity and bias right away.
He’ll do well.
Can’t wait for his version of ‘Ed’s sun god features entered the chamber and lit it up’ vs. ‘Cameron looks like he’s got PMT as he skulks away’, which seemed Ms. K’s only contribution to ‘bloke enters/leaves via door’.
Vastly overstaffed: Boris is currently giving his interview on TV. The THIRD bBC reporter has just asked a question, just how many excess staff do they have.
Boris is giving an interview? Are there any other Tories left alive or have they been taken out and quietly shot over the past couple of weeks? Because I can’t recall seeing or hearing any.
Are they laying low and letting Dave take the hit or are they giving BBC/Labour enough rope to hang themselves?
• The Hamas prime minister said that “We condemn the assassination of a Muslim and Arab warrior [Osama Bin Laden] and we pray to God that his soul rests in peace.”, yet there is mention of this on the BBC News website.
6. We therefore demand of the BBC, that it discloses all relevant information about Hamas and its leaders’ opinion, and call upon to the British media to provide full and complete coverage of the Hamas movement.
The bBC and how it has become the propaganda arm of the Taliban.
For a long time now the bBC has been exposed time and time again eulogising the Taliban as a force for good, who have been demonised by the west for simply trying to live a pure and admirable Islamic lifestyle and this latest excuse of a news report just continues the bBCs mantra of that there is one god and his name is ‘Allah’. Taliban in Pakistan ‘police killing’ video Footage appearing to show the execution-style killing of 16 policemen in the restive north-west of Pakistan has been released by the Taliban. The video shows policemen lined up on a hillside with their hands tied behind their backs in front of gunmen who berate them and then open fire on them.The incident is said to date from June when militants crossed the Afghan border and captured police…. The footage released by the Taliban is disturbing. The policemen are lined up on the left with only a few moments to live. On the right, a local Pakistani Taliban commander accuses them of being the enemies of Islam and says God wants him to punish them. He also talks about Pakistan’s security forces lining up six “children” from Swat and shooting them, referring to footage that emerged last year which appeared to show six young Taliban suspects being led into a forest and killed by soldiers –
The bBC in its mission statement of not using loaded terms refuses to refer to the Taliban as ‘terrorists’so as not give people a wrong image of these gun totting thugs who feel that only by striking fear into the hearts of anybody who doesn’t subscribe to their Islamic values can they achieve their goal of an Islamic utopia . Now can somebody from the bBC please inform the world what is collective noun for people who use fear in which to achieve their goals.?, Did I hear somebody utter ‘Militant’really I’d have thought that the noun we are looking for was ‘Terrorist’ you know somebody who terrorises. I mean why else would the Taliban get the bBC to air their latest video along with veiled warnings. If that wasn’t bad enough the bBC then tries to equate these cold blooded murders (Yes bBC murders) as a justified response to an earlier but unsubstantiated killing of children by the Pakistani police.
But as this is the bBC , they finish off the article with how this is all the fault of the US. (Think Aid cut) “The BBC’s Aleem Maqbool in Islamabad says incidents like this make Pakistan bristle with anger when it is told that it is not doing enough to fight militants”
Clearly, the ‘MULTICULTURALISTS’ from all 3 main UK political parties, plus the British army ‘elite’, plus INBBC, plus the Islamic electorate make it impossible to fight the Islamic jihad Taliban enemy.
Iranian troops attack Kurdish PJAK rebel bases in Iraq Iranian forces have inflicted a “heavy and historic defeat” on Kurdish rebels based in Iraq, army officials say.Iranian troops took control of three camps of the Kurdish rebel group, PJAK, which operates from northern Iraq, Col Delavar Ranjbarzadeh said… Col Ranjbarzadeh, a local commander of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard, said that “a large number” of PJAK members had been killed in clashes that broke out on Saturday.”Three bases in Iraqi territory were providing assistance to the terrorists… All have fallen into the hands of the [Iranian] forces,” he told Iran’s official news agency, Irna.
Now contrast the above bBC report of a land invasion. (Sorry did the bBC forget to mention it was an Invasion, well it was) with say: Israel ,US or even the UK. I don’t I ever saw the bBC use the term’ “heavy and historic defeat” in which to report how Israel attacked Gaza,Lebanon or even Eygpt.
Just heard the start of the appallingly glib and facile PM show tonight.
Eddie Mair plals “Another One bites the dust” by Queen-just so we know that John Yates is leaving!
That tells you all you`ll be needing to know about the BBCs agenda-sneery dance culture anthem over the resignation of “another one”-just a copper who upset a few MPs over the Cash for Honours stuff under Blair as I recall!
Clearly the BBC would rather the Olympics are policed by Hells Angels or the Muslim Brotherhood than Yates or anyone who has had the temerity to upset NuLabor when it last ran the country to the benefit of the BBC!
Absolutely outrageous to mock the fall of Yates-wonder if some Radio4 manager can defend Mair and the top and tail of spite and prejudice that goes from Evan in the mrning to Eddie in the evening!
Really hope a few good coppers will do a drugs raid on Television Centre without any warning…Saturday morning is a good time lads!
Sums up the BBC mindset. This sneering. Never mind that Yates was doing a really essential job.
Mair and the rest of them? Non essential hacks and a blight on this country.
The BBC has gone too far now.
The current bunch would have bought down Churchill or Eisenhower in WW2 so deep is their loathing of this country.
How juvenile are the people running the Beeboid Corporation? Is there no oversight of the juveniles to save them from themselves and save us from them? That awful ditty was used more appropriately in the raucous bear-pit atmosphere of an ITV Saturday evening mass entertainment programme called Gladiators in which beefy muscled types challenged other beefy types in various physical tussles and over obstacle courses.
I think Cameron may as well call an election now. Shit or bust.
13 years of Labour Government left behind it a much enboldened BBC to do the talking for the powerful quagocracy of fellow travellers.
Remember the last general election campaign and all that media fuss about Clegg?
The Lib Dem share of the vote actually fell.
The fuss was orchestrated because their boy Brown was obviously going to lose. Remember the vilification of Clegg when he jumped the wrong way?
I read a poster on the London tube today that told me that the people I probably admired were Nelson Mandela, Barrack Obama, Richard Branson and Judi Dench….
And people think the Conservaties haven’t already lost the war….?
Come on Cameran, at least you could go down fighting!
The bBC continues its pro labour stance by getting Landale to knock up an infantile piece about how the PM has let the side down by being out of the country when the Mets Nbr 1 resigned. Landale online: Cameron’s efforts to stay in touch We had just had a sweaty few days visiting British troops and talking to President Karzai. We were just about to begin the long flights home on an assorted array of military aircraft when the news came through. The travelling team of officials and journalists learned the bare bones of the claims before we were trapped, effectively incommunicado for 12 hours. Twelve days on, as the phone hacking controversy continues to rage and destroy careers and reputations at quite astonishing speed, the prime minister is once again overseas, this time in South Africa, banging the drum for British business. On the flight out to Johannesburg, Mr Cameron repeatedly used the plane’s secure satellite phone – and the less secure public one in his armrest – to stay in touch (I wonder whose credit card took the damage?). But on the military flight back from Afghanistan, Mr Cameron was effectively incommunicado for nine hours.
So lets see, the bBCs political editor following the PM to Afghanistan, complains about not been allowed to use his phone on the C17 flight into theatre and presumes that the PM is equally incommunicado. Err DICKHEAD look up glass cockpit and the eNfusion Broadband® system. Its a secure sat based coms system. Unlike you twats in cattle class, the PM gets to sit upstairs in the crew lounge and use the coms kit. But in typical school boy fashion he (The bBCs political editor) bitches about the PM using a phone during a flight and asks the infantile question of who paid for it. I suppose the same question could be asked who paid for Landales seat on the same civy flight? But then the PM is popping over to SA in which to generate trade for the UK. What reason has langdale got for flying first class over there for? Isn’t there a bBC reporter based in SA?
Cameron is a priviledged Tory toff who believes that if he shows how much he cares about the poor, Africa, and the environment, people won’t hate him for being a priviledged Tory toff. But the bad news for DC is they still do.
Far from “detoxifying the Tory brand”, Cameron has mutated into another toxin.
Forgot to mention that the last few minutes of the PM show tonight gave itself over to Mandelas 93rd birthday.
The ensuing discussion was about whether Nelson had been a Communist Party member or not( he only did it to dance with white ladies!).
Still not sure if his membership-for it is more likely or not that he was a member-was a cause for yet more simpering hagiography over him…or was it a tactic of greatness by the Great Helmsman?
That was the choice I think…still, at least we know that Pollsmoor did a better job in looking after the old than any care home here…maybe WE should send our old folk to Robben Island if we want long life for them!
Maybe that`s where the Royals go for their blood transfusions…
And what is the only news from the region does the bBC give us: Israel rapped for jailing minors An Israeli rights group has criticised the government for jailing Palestinian children, some as young as 12… Israel’s military courts are violating the rights of Palestinian youngsters, says the Btselem report, No Minor Matter.Out of 835 Palestinian children arrested for stone throwing between 2005 and 2010, only one was acquitted, it notes. It says that in the past six years, 19 Palestinian children aged either 12 or 13 have been jailed for up to two months after being convicted of throwing stones at Israeli soldiers.
And here is something from that report which the bBC kind of left out: 160 civilians and soldiers were wounded in violent attacks by minors during that period… B’Tselem acknowledged that while Israeli authorities needed to enforce the law, they said night raids, handcuffing, blindfolds, interrogations and the denial of access to lawyers for children for hours at a time were frequently disproportionate to the crime.
I wonder why the bBC left out those salient snippets from the only news it has to report on from the region?
In Palestinian society, it is much more important if one graduates from an Israeli prison than from a university in Texas. This is the reason that the two Palestinian governments, both Hamas and Fatah, are dominated by graduates of Israeli prisons who hold senior positions.
According to Michael Crick the Right Wing blogosphere is clamouring for the resignation of David Cameron. I think he meant to say, since political impartiality is in his genes, that the Right Wing blogosphere is clamouring for the Prime Minister to set up an inquiry into the unhealthy media dominance of the BBC, but somehow his impartiality genes failed to click in, and he sounded like somebody who sees hinself as a mouthpiece for the agenda of the Labour Party, which is funnily enough, is another claim which can be found on the Right Wing blogosphere which he forgot to mention.
I am minded to report Michael Crick to the RSPCA for cruelty.
His ‘syrup’ is looking decidedly under-nourished and flat.
Considering it is doing the vital job of protecting the nation from the sight of his bald pate, you’d think he’d show his appreciation by taking it out for a slap up dinner.
Mind you, he’s so busy undermining democracy and the Murdochs, he’s probably forgotten to feed it.
I’m just waiting to see it slither off his head in it’s final death throes, like Toenails’s must have done – Then he WOULD be in trouble!
I think Crick sports the Trump Tiara…this needs a Danish pastry slipped under it every few days to stay looking…er…”realistic”!
Where is John Bolton…surely HE has a view on NewsCorp…now that is one Maple “syrup” we all need to look at in these grim days!
Anyone explain to me how the USA-the can do/get go workshop of the world way back…still makes the worlds worst wigs! How so Mr Preiser?
I’m getting sick and tired of Liebore scum saying “Milly Dowler” every 5 minutes. They are using this for political leverage. She died under the last Liebore Government, it was known her phone was hacked back then, why didn’t Harman and her moronic friends like McBust do something about it?
Why didn’t Esler shut her fat face up? His snide comment to the Tory about “Know I know how Speaker Bercow feels” was a dig at the fact the dwarf keeps shutting up Tories and not Liebore scum in the Commons.
t was nice to see a Tory sticking it to Esler and Harman for once, bet he won’t be invited back on soon.
I think the Tory MP was Nick Boles, member for Grantham. He was not going to allow Gavin Esler to perform the usual Beeboid trick of giving Labour free reign to answer questions, then interrupting the Tory before they’d got half a dozen words out, or encouraging the Labour interviewee to do the same thing. Esler was shaking when he walked across the studio for the next item and Harman’s simpering butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth moralising, was challenged head-on. It was a pleasure to watch.
Quite an eyeopener. The Tory did well for once.
I am confused. Was the appalling Crick ( a most unpleasant individual) in South Africa or here? If he was in SA why?
Essler failed to ask the most obvious question. When was the visit arranged ? He and the Harman tried to suggest it was a ruse to get Cameron out of the country. I suspect this is drivel.
No BBC agenda? For crying out loud it is just so obvious.
Do we know what Prescott’s phone was hacked for? (if indeed it was)? I’m guessing it was his slag shagging and wife cheating, which seems to be perfectly acceptable to me.
Perhaps the fat git might like to say sorry for the millions wasted widening the M25 and M1 oh and the millions more on the news fire control rooms, yet another example of how this fat twat was totally useless.
Not that the BBC would ever ask him about this. After all this violent thug is just “John being John”
More pertinently, what would be the bloody point of hacking Lord LardArse, since no bugger on the planet understands what the fat oaf is saying anyway ?
Still, he’d have been an asset during the last war sending undecipherable messages. Never mind “Windtalkers”, here’s “Arse Talker”.
Good point, Martin. Funny how this is one time where the BBC is not in favor of stealing communications from government officials because the people have a right to know what their politicians are up to behind their backs. Wikihacks = good. Prescotthacks = bad. Depends on which side you’re on, and we know which side the BBC is on.
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”
Possibly, Alexander Tytler (circa late 1700′s)
“Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage.”
Henning Webb Prentis, Jr., President of the Armstrong Cork Company 1943
I don’t suppose this would be on the BBC but Andrew Pierce reminds us of the dodgy past of “unlikely moral crusader” Keith Vaz and reveals connections he has in common with that policeman he is going to be quizzing at the Select Committee hearing:
For the MP was himself a guest at the lavish 2009 wedding — at Claridges hotel in London — of Stephen Purdew, the MD of Champneys, who is a close friend of the former Police Commissioner. (Three guesses who else accepted Purdew’s hospitality at the nuptials? Step forward Rebekah Brooks…
I realize the real crisis in the US is whether or not Fox News is going to get shut down, but some of us wingnuts are still worried about the national debt and what the hell Congress is going to do about a budget already.
Here’s a little something for you all to remember next time the BBC tries to create the impression that raising the debt ceiling is routine, happens all the time, and only “newly empowered” Republicans are blocking it for ideological purposes. In 2006, every single Democrat – including Senator Obamessiah – voted against raising the debt limit. Every single Democrat.
The BBC, though, tries to rewrite history for you. Next time you see a passage like this in a BBC report:
The US government’s borrowing authority is limited by statute but has traditionally been raised as a matter of routine by Congress.
However, a newly empowered faction of conservative, anti-tax Republicans are keen to extract dramatic cuts in government spending as the price of raising the limit, analysts say.
Remember. this is dishonest. Every single Democrat, including Senator Obamessiah, voted against raising the debt limit.
Their most recent attempt at propaganda was in the inset of this piece.
Congress has voted to raise the US debt limit 10 times since 2001
No mention that there was one time when they didn’t. No mention that every single Democrat – including Senator Obamessiah – voted against it in 2006. I’m sorry to keep repeating this but I have to keep up with the number of times the BBC spouts propaganda to mislead you for ideological purposes.
Developing on the ‘speaking for the country’ meme so loved by such as Mr. Miliband and the BBC, I choose this odd niche outlet to share these few fun offerings from the morning surf so far… – putting twitter in context, as a means of gaining news, creating it, and then spinning the consequent heft as mainstream
Now, I am not saying the other ‘ists, ‘isms and ‘zis are any better, but from where i stand (in the middle, simply wanting objective facts upon which to base my own opinions), it seems the country is being run, and its policies decided, by about a dozen folk on twitter, recycled up via blogs to a ‘national voice’ on the top of the hour news by a media monopoly system I don’t happen to feel represents me at all.
I have noticed the BBC trying to pimp the notion of a NI share price collapse…Hmmm, I wonder why the BBC is so keen on constantly advertising the any fall in the share price?
Would the BBC be trying to incite or indeed provoke a stock market run on NI stock or incite shareholders to rebel? Now the reality is that shares in all media conglomerates has fallen along with wide sections of the entertainment and media sector, indeed shares have been falling across the board recently.
The puzzling question is of course why is the BBC so keen to pimp the falling share price of NI while hiding what part would have been a normal share price variation?
The BBC wouldnt be trying to attack its commercial rival by way of the stock market would it? Because that would be criminal behaviour =-O .
The BBC wouldnt stoop to such dirty, immoral, perverted tricks would they?
Just for the sake of argument, what would the BBC have to gain by smearing its commercial rival by peddling rumours of a share collapse? The actual fall in share prices has been surprisingly small considering the wider stock market falls yet the BBC is furiously pimping some kind of collapse in every report.
Obviously the BBC does not have to worry about shareholders, the opinions and needs of investors would mean nothing to the BBC who grub their income from a thug enforced rip off tax. Not for them the business of accountability to shareholders, not for them the value for money and performance that comes with having stakeholders with a direct interest in the business.
So it boils down to the fact that a media empire with no shareholders is trying to incite a run on a publicly traded company and trying to provoke a crisis in a commercial rival. The tragedy is that the BBC feels able to conduct such grubby gutter tricks in the sure and certain knowledge that is is specially protected and immune from all the normal rules of business.
If NI had any kind of sense it would immediately inform the stock market regulating authorities of possible wrongdoing by the BBC, they wont of course, they will roll over and bend over and hide the truth and sack some staff and buy off the political class who will rig the inquiry and in the end it will be the usual whitewash “lessons have been learned and its time to move on”.
Casandra, I have been watching the live transmission and both Murdochs did very well (soft questioning except from Labour Watson to start with and Lovely Louise to finish) However in the news bit afterwards 9out in the rain) who is that complete beeboid twat talking with an ex times reporter? At 17:36 he wa sgoing on about oooh this will effect the share price, ooh Rupert Murdoch seemed a bit old and out of depth…what a complete fool that BBc git must be; Murdoch answered a direct NO when asked was it his fault, how much more unequivocal can you be? He then expalined how he had been let down and he was the best man to put things right. Can’t recall the exact word the beeboid used but it wa sthe EXACT opposite of what I had just watched. Then he kept saying…ooohhh eeerr if i wwere a NY stock broker I would be worried by what i saw etc (copmpletely setting the agenda – if anyone hadn’t watched the coverage they would have got a completely distorted…nay WRONG view of things from the BBC.
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
Just a quick note of thanks to all the B-BBC’ers out there for helping me keep my sanity over the last week. I haven’t watched or read any MSN for over a week now as the last time I watched the news (and read a paper) I had a strange feeling that I had a window into a lunatic asylum totally disconnected from the real world around me.
The last time I felt like this was during that bizarre period of media madness that surrounded the death of Lady Di. Back then and now the media banged on about something but no one I knew could be bothered to speak more than a few words about it.
Thanks to Google Reader and various blogs I have read the real news over the last week you know the minor stuff like the coming collapse of the Euro and the problems in the US.
Have a good week and once again thanks.
I feel pretty much the same. We are in the grip of a concerted effort to crush press frrdom and freedom of thought. I anticipate a series of soviet stle show trails and a repetition of McCarthyitecommittees once the MPs get on their morally suspect high horses. The whole thing stinks, reeks of self serving plotocal minterest. the BBC worst of all. WTF has nobody had the courage to point out that, yes – dominating the media and the medium of dicourse is wrong – and the BBC is totally dominant. Janet Daley wrote a brilliant article in the Telegraph yesterday (sunday)
The BBC might very well bring Cast-Iron Dave down.
However, if that does happen, Dave deserves it. He appointed Coulson and he failed to deal with the BBC.
But, if Auntie does bring him down, perhaps the Conservative party will finally wake up an realise what a foul cancer the BBC is. The dominance of the BBC is as big a threat to our nation as unfettered union militancy was in the 1970s.
We live in interesting times.
We can always hope Steve but I suspect the Tory party is now so institutionally stupid they would decide they needed an even wetter Tory than Cameron.
You are right though Cameron had his chance and he blew it. Now he has to live with the consequences.
Bet Call-Me-Dave wishes he’d appointed Tebbit instead of Patten 😉
Sorry – hit post instead of paste…
This sums it all up
I too have been overseas and out of touch with the whole sorry debacle – thank God ! It reinforces my belief that I must again become an expatriate.
The last e-mail I received before departure, was from my MP, one of Camerons great chums, saying he ‘noted my views’, when I pointed out that this was entirely self inflicted due to their utter failure to address the bbc bias problem.
Cripes my typing is bad. Promise to type more slowly and try to use the correct letters!
Yeah, it’s been said before, but the internet came along just in the nick of time. Think what we would be living through now without it.
Of course, Labour failed to build enough power stations, and you can’t use your computer in a power cut, so the totalitarians may still win, but until then…
OK, this time one can’t say it was open only during the working hours of the bubble heads who set policy via twitter, but it did’t half close soon. Again. 110 people. Out of 20M+?
I suspect because after the initial tranche pre-alerted to vote to rig the most recommended level to set policy on the ticks from 30+ folk, things were heading off narrative.
I have also noticed that, during the week, assuming the thing does stay open post 5pm, the number of ‘referred to mods’ seems to rise as folk outside the hive get home and express views not welcomed.
Moments We Wish We’d Been Quick Enough To Press The Record Button No.235: yesterday, News24, about 1.55pm.
Michael White of the Gradniau was being interviewed by the annoying blonde with the lithp, and trying to tell her (to his credit) that there were other stories out there in the world – he nominated the imminent collapse of the Euro – which were of far greater significance. She was having none of it though, and persevered with her interview – in a style that abandoned the concept of the question; instead, she made statements (“And the whole affair has shocked the whole world in a way never ever seen before.”) and he was left – expected – to agree. Full marks to him, he was surprisingly scornful of the whole affair, and the BBC’s obsession with it.
Found this interesting.
Of course, what the ‘MSM’ does or does not do is hardly a measure of anything good, but with the BBC seemingly basing its worldview on what PennyRed tweets Paul Mason, I am not sure it is speaking for the public any more than MiliE is.
Great article by Melanie P today.
If Miliband is such a hero, why won’t he tackle the REAL threat to our way of life – the BBC?–BBC.html
An extremely, but extremely interesting article. Cameron would have to be dragged kicking and screaming before he commissioned a public inquiry into BBC bias. Is there any way of instilling more fear into him than the BBC does?
well he could mull it over with Osborne, Peston & co over aperitifs
on the next cocktail party on Mandy s yacht
mind you i for one would like to see big boy dave, questioned by any commission, it woud make a hilarious spectacle, to watch him evade answering & talk snootily down to any questioner at the same time
calm down dear
Poor old Mel is getting a right kicking from the comments & red & green arrows at her column. The views of the great British public or just the organised trashing by the great Beeboid hordes?
I noticed this too!
Don`t believe for a minute that all of them are “independent” members of the public.
Rather sense that a few Beeboids are on subversion manoevres round the blogs, and Melanies would be an obvious one to target!
No doubt, we`re “commissioning the abuse” as well!
The public is so brainwashed that a lot of those will be ‘Dianafied’ Britain speaking.
Something fishy going on here! The best rated GREEN ARROW comment with 190 votes is:-
“The fact that the correspondent believes that the BBC is far left only serves to reveal how ludicrously right wing he is. A stupendously silly article.”
Infiltrator units at work the war has begun, good luck everyone.
Agreed – looks like a very well coordinated campaign.
“Keyboard warriors”. Watch the trolls come out the same soon as Dellingpole updates. They think they are “shouting him down” when they are just (as Pat Condell so wonderfully summarised) “white middle class left wing pricks”
Anyone catch the Today paper review before 8:00 this morning? Guess which two papers they led on for their take on the hacking?
Ah, hell, you all know. So I won’t bother telling you.
No mealy mouthed twaddle about impartiality from NUJ president Donnacha DeLong (crazy name, crazy guy) writing in today’s Guardian (where else?) about last week’s BBC strike:
At the rallies at the BBC’s Bush House and Television Centre, NUJ General Secretary Michelle Stanistreet read out a strong solidarity statement from her Public and Commercial Services union equivalent Mark Serwotka – one of many messages from other unions. Also on the side of the BBC are Labour MP and chair of the NUJ parliamentary group, John McDonnell, and former MP and NUJ Member of Honour, Tony Benn, who joined NUJ members on the picket line.
On the other side, for quite a long time, has been the Murdoch empire, chipping away at support for the BBC, particularly in parliament.
DeLong wants the licence fee settlement re-examined and current BBC executives purged to be replaced by people more acceptable to lefties such as him and the people on the picket lines.
Thanks for showing your level of your ignorance with your comments about my Irish name. No surprise a nasty right-wing Englishman shows classic anti-Irish racism.
How come you spell your name DeLong which is probably from Old French (or even Old English) and not O’Longain which is the Scots/Irish version.?
When did the Irish become a race? I thought you were Celts, like my ancestors.
The Tolpuddle Rally has been going now for a few years, and the BBC have hardly bothered with it apart from the annual soundbite from Tony Benn.
Yesterday however was different. The local South Today news led with the rally as well as plenty talking heads and ethnic choirs under rainbow banners-along with the deep red ones of course.
After years of Hains, Blairs etc driving up in chauffeur driven cars, the BBC seem happy now to show the workers rebelling against…the cuts…but what else?
Apparently many thousands were there-let`s call it 100,000 and let Sir Ian Blair confirm it!
That then is our BBC. Firemens strikes forgotten, fuel protests, few wars and lost tax discs? That was then…tomorrow however may yet return to Auntie if Humphrys etc can stay grubbing in the shrubbery.
Heard Boris NOT say that Yates must be sacked…but that didn`t stop Humphrys, Easton and Robinson stewing their poison up on that blasted heath of theirs. And saying that this is what Boris would have said had he been clever enough!
We really have got to go for the throat of the BBC before it swallows up any last pretence of truth being allowed in a free media…any takers?…starting with that license fee that Rupert will be wanting!
I notice the lack of challenge that Yvette Cooper is getting on the bBC news:
1) Cooper is calling for Cameron to resign over Coulson, no mention of Brown’s action when McBride was exposed. McBride was hired by Brown and carried out his grubby acts while working for him.
2) Another link that is not mentioned is that if kath Raymond, political advisor to both Blunkett and Brown over the 2006-2008 period. What is special about Kath; she is the partner of Les Hinton the CEO of NI during the same period. How close do you need to get?
No Tory Spokesmen to counter-balance Yvette’s viewpoint? Quelle suprise.
The BBC: Press Officer to the Labour Party.
And there’s your answer to Melanie Phillips’s question.
Why would he tackle it when it is the Labour Party propaganda arm and cheerleader in chief?
Last Friday’s BBC Leeds picket line. Check out the Leeds Socialist versions of Wayne and Garth from Wayne’s World.
Two of the NUJ piockets are holding the ‘socialist’ newspaper. So we cannot be accused of paranoia when we say bBC news has a lefty bias.
The Socialist was also in evidence on the BBC Coventry picket line. That particular edition is calling for the nationalisation of all media starting with the state confiscation of all News Corps assests.
Third picture down in this NUJ report shows the BBC Glasgow picket line with Panorama journalist Murdoch Rodgers holding a placard saying “Murdoch Free Zone”. See what he did there?
Between the self declared Socialists is another of the BBC “Business” Correspondents, Len Tingle. Soulmate of Mason?
Seriously ?
Michael Wharton, thou shouldst be living at this hour.
Len Tingle. (Needs a “shakes head” smiley here).
I’ve got a sneaky suspicion that the name Dr David Kelly is going to crop up soon……..
On another note, the BBC seems determined to continue to go ‘Balls Out’ with the industrial strength trap that it is constructing around itself, and in which it will soon be ensnared.
By doing the equivalent of sticking their heads into the mouth of a tiger, and then flicking a wet towel at it’s testicles, they are likely to goad the spineless Cameron into hauling the BBC’s own monopoly into the remit of the judge led enquiries – And with that, a thorough examination of it’s Charter, and it’s adherance to it.
If I were the BBC, I would do what the Mirror and Ed Balls are doing; I’d stay shtumm, cross my fingers, and hope the searchlight doesn’t land on me, oh, and wear incontinence diapers in case it does.
Well, yes, that’s what I’m hoping too. The more the Beeboid Corporation goes on and on about Cameron, the press and media dominance, the more it calls itself into question as well.
the more it calls itself into question as well.
Certainly any case for the defence is not being even considered, as they seem certain this surgical strike will be the first, last, and all that’s needed.
Odd for a bunch for whom backside covering (institutionally) must be high on the weasel charter for self preservation whilst crushing fellow workers.
Speaking of actual workers, in our rural pub this weekend, which has a real cross-section from doctors to tllers, the topics of conversation were not hackgate, but I did get a laugh by suggesting that our MPs and the BBC were speaking for us all at this dark time.
Every daytime only blog.
Every singular affliiation ‘guest’.
Every minor ABC rated commentator.
Every rigged audience.
Every editted vox pop.
Almost zero attempt to show any hint that there may be another, or more nuanced story, and folk worth hearing on it.
And it’s all logged.
With even some in the cheap seats starting to twig that what they wished for is coming true, but not quite as billed.
Even if the BBC or individual staff with some integrity (or simply smart enough to look back in history) realise that this has gone well past a very skewed tipping point with no attempt at reasonable balance (Prescott, Campbell and Maguire would take some counter for all they have and still are being allowed to gob off on without challenge)… it’s too late. We are now in an era where everything is archived, stealth edits and deleted tweets especially.
The first words out of Red Ed’s gob…. Milly Dowler, I’m sick of this halfwit bringing their names up time after time for purley political reasons.
Anybody watching the Milliband speach? I think he’s lost it – talking about the percentage of the newspaper market NewsCorp had before the closure of the NofW, so what? Saying that NC has “effective control of the pay tv market” again so what? If people didn’t like it they wouldn’t pay for it. But not a mention of the BBC’s 70% slice of the entire news output, across all forms of media.
Oh, Lloyd. People don’t know what’s good for them. Not really. That’s why the kindly old state should be allowed to make all the decisions for them. And really, when it’s doing all that For You, well you’d be a bit of a git if you didn’t willingly hand over all your money in beseeching gratitude, wouldn’t you ?
(Excerpt from ” What I Believe”, by Master E. Millipede, aged 12 and two thirds. Available from Politics Of Delusion publications, Greek St, London).
Yes, Millblannds politicisation of the Dowler family tradegy is sickening.
bBC news24 12:45 – Frank Gardner comes on saying all is woe about the Olympics saying security will be badf due to the cutbacks in police and armed forces. Take the armed forces, the cuts will not be complated until 2020, the Olympics are next year. I have not heard of any significant cut in warranted police numbers and Gardner knows the disposition of police at every event now! It sounded like deliberate scaremongering, the rot at bBC is gathering speed.
The other night there was a 30-minute Radio 4 programme by Gordon Carrera, Gardner’s sidekick, on the long hunt for Osama bin Laden – going right back to his time in Sudan. The second half of the programme seemed determined to declare that Bush was asleep on duty, that is why 9/11 happened and 3000 people died.
No mention of Clinton’s repeated failure to authorise the killing of bin Laden. No mention of the fact – roundly condemned by the 9/11 Commission – that Clinton’s administration had erected a big barrier to communications between the CIA and the FBI – and this blocked the transfer of highly valuable info. that might have forestalled the attack.
So no mention of Jamie Gorelick, Clinton’s attorney – who then capped her record by scamming scores of millions in pay from her appointment to Fannie Mae.
This is new to me; but ties in with Clinton passing the law that effectively forced the giving of unaffordable loans to the low paid. This act was the seed of the financial meltdown many years later; interesting!
describes the walls built by Gorelick to prevent various agencies swapping information.
So yes – you could say that Clinton was responsible to a degree in permitting 9/11 to happen, by these walls (which evidently protected his campaign finance from the Chinese from being revealed) and also by his failures to authorise the killing of Obama in Afghanistan after the attacks on in Africa.
How many British soldiers have died in the follow-on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Whatever the legal merits, I doubt if either would have occurred but for 9/11.
Yet the BBC has NEVER mentioned the walls Clinton’s administration built between the CIA and the FBI. Oh no – the narrative is that if anyone is to blame for 9/11 it has to be George Bush.
Just as the BBC never records that Clinton’s administration passed and pushed hard on legislation designed to give mortgage finance to people who patently could not repay – directly causing the global financial meltdown. Again – it is all Bush’s fault is the narrative
There’s a very good description of the role of Clinton in the run up to 9/11 in Gerald Posners book While America Slept. In it there is a particular story involving what is a meeting involving senior intelligence and military officials and tells the story from the perspective of one of them.
In it he tells how he is surprised to find Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers and general Clinton guru, George Stephanopolous. Despite it being about how to get Bin Laden, those two dominated the conversation with everything centering about how various options would play in the press. PR was everything. When someone interrupted by a intelligence / military viewpoint they “looked at him like he had just made an unpleasant smell in the room before resuming their conversation”.
In the same book it seemed that the heart of the problem was Clinton’s obsession with polling data and PR. According to Posner, the polls seemed to suggest that it was necessary to appear tough he didn’t actually have to follow through with it. This seemed to play a big part in Bin Laden’s continued freedom.
If I’m correct I think the same book also points out that the Taliban offered to give the US Bin Laden at one point when they were threatened by the US but once again he was let off the hook.
It IS a worry.
And the current crop of shysters has taken a pile of poo and made it in an entire sh*t fest.
I mention above about the lack of sensible backside covering on the impartiality front, but in most areas these guys are past masters of a) dropping folk in it and b) pre-laying the groundwork for any that hist the fan as a consequence.
If any security issue blights the 2012 Games, are you in any doubt that it will ALL be the fault of everyone bar the last Government and its in-house PR agency, when both have been up to their respective necks in every overrun & shortfall?
is it me or is this the most blatant plug this week, so-far!
Surely those left leaning organs, beloved by the BBC & UK Uncut alike, will not make the little guy pay the price for the downfall of “the Murdoch Empire”, will they? The BBC website tells us:-
“Newsagents are also worried that the fight to replace News of the World as the most read UK newspaper will result in them losing money.
“Newspaper sellers get around 22% of the sale price,” explains Mrs Karpal, who is also a representative for the National Federation of Retail Newsagents.
“So when the publishers slash their prices to get sales, which they did today, it means the newsagent has to take a hit too.
“We are all worried about how long this will continue.””
This could be particularly difficult for them when you consider that many newsagent owners are members of the liberal fascist’s Master Race!
“those left leaning organs” LOL! is this another way of saying Pat Condell’s great phrase “multi culti left wing pricks”?
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) sees Islamic jihad murderers and persecutors who are BOKO HARAM as ‘audacious’!
“Who are Nigeria’s Boko Haram Islamists?”
(or, a more realistic question :’What is intrinsic to the tenets of Islam which motivates the Islamic jihad murderers of Boko Haram’?
Answer not to be found in Somali Muslim Rageh Omaar -of Al Jazeera – and his presentation on Muhammad, episode 2, BBC 2 TV tonight)
Also, ‘Jihadwatch’:
“Nigeria: Boko Haram says ‘our jihadists have arrived in Nigeria from Somalia where they received real training on warfare from our brethren who made that country ungovernable'”
MAYBE this is all just part of the Prime Ministers greater plan eh?
Maybe Parliament, in response to the hacking scandals will pass a law that requires all media outlets to work independently of each other and that this will apply to the BBC so that all the different BBC media outlets will effectively sectioned off and no longer able to share resources, stories, contacts etc?
Of course the real action is tomorrow when the Murdochs et al get to appear in front of Culture, Media and Sports committee. I was dissapointed to see Vaz was not chairing this as I was looking forward to another clinical grandstanding by this slippery character. Those unfamiliar with Vaz can get a helpful summary from the BBC
Who are the good guys again ???
From ‘Conservative Home’:
“Calls to look at power of BBC after Ed Miliband raises prospect of breaking up News international:-
“Douglas McCabe, a a media analyst at Enders Analysis, argued that any review into media ownership would need to look at the reach of organisations via the internet and television. He said it would be perfectly legitimate to include the BBC in that… Tim Montgomerie, the editor of the website ConservativeHome, added: “We have been hearing so much about the dominance of Murdoch, but I think it is essential that we look at the dominance of the BBC,” he said. “Seventy three per cent of people get their news from the television and 70 per cent of TV news is provided by the BBC.”” – Times (£)
“Private firms need to fight for readers and advertisers – the BBC forces TV owners to pay a licence fee or face prison. So much for moral high horses. The vast majority of people never read the Sun, the Daily Mail or the Telegraph, but nearly everybody consumes BBC news and other content, and hence is exposed to its worldview and unavoidable cultural biases.” – Allister Heath in City AM
“With some honourable exceptions, whether in its drama, comedy, news reporting or current affairs, the BBC’s output rests upon certain articles of faith. For example, traditional Christians are all fundamentalist bigots; the science of man-made global warming is settled; opponents of mass immigration are racist; Eurosceptics are swivel-eyed fanatics; and all who oppose these opinions and more are Right-wing extremists.” – Melanie Phillips in the Daily Mail
Last week’s Platform examining the dominance of the BBC.
I keep telling you guys that the Guardian/BBc want Sky broken up and Sky News closed down.
Sky News loses millions it’s subsidised by the other parts of sky, strip away the profitable bits and who would want to own it?
Leaves the BBC as the sole 24 hour news provider for the UK.
I hesitated over just pressing “like”; I don’t like what you say, but I do agree with it. There have been suggestions that this is about burying bad news (and there is no shortage of that from a BBC perspective), or even a way to attack Cameron, but they are just incidental bonuses; protecting the BBC’s left wing monopoly over broadcast news is the object of this, as can be seen from the way the evidence was only released in the week before the deadline for Murdoch’s bid when it could do most damage.
It’s been coming for a while, but the BBC sights have been turned firmly onto Cameron now. No doubt when he get’s back from SA he will be returning to “calls for his resignation”
BBCLauraK Laura Kuenssberg Away from all this, congrats to @smithonthehill, who takes over from me when I become @ITVLauraK ! Watch boris live on #bbcnews right now
Glad she’s off the payroll, what’s this Norman Smith character like though?
This should give you a clue. Beeboid. Tally ho!!/smithonthehill
Well his last 3 tweets are what some un-named source tells him about the Tories, and it’s all bad, so he’s off on professionalism, credibility, integrity and bias right away.
He’ll do well.
Can’t wait for his version of ‘Ed’s sun god features entered the chamber and lit it up’ vs. ‘Cameron looks like he’s got PMT as he skulks away’, which seemed Ms. K’s only contribution to ‘bloke enters/leaves via door’.
Vastly overstaffed: Boris is currently giving his interview on TV. The THIRD bBC reporter has just asked a question, just how many excess staff do they have.
Boris is giving an interview? Are there any other Tories left alive or have they been taken out and quietly shot over the past couple of weeks? Because I can’t recall seeing or hearing any.
Are they laying low and letting Dave take the hit or are they giving BBC/Labour enough rope to hang themselves?
Fat shit Prescott has just been on Sky News spouting exactly the same crap he’s been doing for years.
Or are they simply not being invited on?
Exposing the true face of Hamas with quite a dig at the BBC.
5. The BBC in particular fails to provide this information:
• The BBC profile of Mr. Al-Zahhar, the Hamas leader in the Gaza strip, fails to mention the fact he advocates a global genocide (
• The goals and aspirations of Hamas, as stated in its covenant, are not listed in the BBC profile of Hamas (
• The Hamas prime minister said that “We condemn the assassination of a Muslim and Arab warrior [Osama Bin Laden] and we pray to God that his soul rests in peace.”, yet there is mention of this on the BBC News website.
6. We therefore demand of the BBC, that it discloses all relevant information about Hamas and its leaders’ opinion, and call upon to the British media to provide full and complete coverage of the Hamas movement.
The bBC and how it has become the propaganda arm of the Taliban.
For a long time now the bBC has been exposed time and time again eulogising the Taliban as a force for good, who have been demonised by the west for simply trying to live a pure and admirable Islamic lifestyle and this latest excuse of a news report just continues the bBCs mantra of that there is one god and his name is ‘Allah’.
Taliban in Pakistan ‘police killing’ video
Footage appearing to show the execution-style killing of 16 policemen in the restive north-west of Pakistan has been released by the Taliban. The video shows policemen lined up on a hillside with their hands tied behind their backs in front of gunmen who berate them and then open fire on them.The incident is said to date from June when militants crossed the Afghan border and captured police…. The footage released by the Taliban is disturbing. The policemen are lined up on the left with only a few moments to live. On the right, a local Pakistani Taliban commander accuses them of being the enemies of Islam and says God wants him to punish them. He also talks about Pakistan’s security forces lining up six “children” from Swat and shooting them, referring to footage that emerged last year which appeared to show six young Taliban suspects being led into a forest and killed by soldiers –
The bBC in its mission statement of not using loaded terms refuses to refer to the Taliban as ‘terrorists’ so as not give people a wrong image of these gun totting thugs who feel that only by striking fear into the hearts of anybody who doesn’t subscribe to their Islamic values can they achieve their goal of an Islamic utopia . Now can somebody from the bBC please inform the world what is collective noun for people who use fear in which to achieve their goals.?, Did I hear somebody utter ‘Militant’ really I’d have thought that the noun we are looking for was ‘Terrorist’ you know somebody who terrorises. I mean why else would the Taliban get the bBC to air their latest video along with veiled warnings. If that wasn’t bad enough the bBC then tries to equate these cold blooded murders (Yes bBC murders) as a justified response to an earlier but unsubstantiated killing of children by the Pakistani police.
But as this is the bBC , they finish off the article with how this is all the fault of the US. (Think Aid cut)
“The BBC’s Aleem Maqbool in Islamabad says incidents like this make Pakistan bristle with anger when it is told that it is not doing enough to fight militants”
I’m still suprised the BBC doesn’t refer to the Taliban as “protestors”
Or freedom fighters?
Clearly, the ‘MULTICULTURALISTS’ from all 3 main UK political parties, plus the British army ‘elite’, plus INBBC, plus the Islamic electorate make it impossible to fight the Islamic jihad Taliban enemy.
Don’t shoot Taliban, you’ll wake locals: UK gives bizarre dhimmi orders to troops in Afghanistan
“Taliban release horrific video showing execution of Pakistani policemen”
Read more:
The bBC and when Islamic armies go marching in.
Iranian troops attack Kurdish PJAK rebel bases in Iraq
Iranian forces have inflicted a “heavy and historic defeat” on Kurdish rebels based in Iraq, army officials say.Iranian troops took control of three camps of the Kurdish rebel group, PJAK, which operates from northern Iraq, Col Delavar Ranjbarzadeh said… Col Ranjbarzadeh, a local commander of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard, said that “a large number” of PJAK members had been killed in clashes that broke out on Saturday.”Three bases in Iraqi territory were providing assistance to the terrorists… All have fallen into the hands of the [Iranian] forces,” he told Iran’s official news agency, Irna.
Now contrast the above bBC report of a land invasion. (Sorry did the bBC forget to mention it was an Invasion, well it was) with say: Israel ,US or even the UK. I don’t I ever saw the bBC use the term’ “heavy and historic defeat” in which to report how Israel attacked Gaza,Lebanon or even Eygpt.
Just heard the start of the appallingly glib and facile PM show tonight.
Eddie Mair plals “Another One bites the dust” by Queen-just so we know that John Yates is leaving!
That tells you all you`ll be needing to know about the BBCs agenda-sneery dance culture anthem over the resignation of “another one”-just a copper who upset a few MPs over the Cash for Honours stuff under Blair as I recall!
Clearly the BBC would rather the Olympics are policed by Hells Angels or the Muslim Brotherhood than Yates or anyone who has had the temerity to upset NuLabor when it last ran the country to the benefit of the BBC!
Absolutely outrageous to mock the fall of Yates-wonder if some Radio4 manager can defend Mair and the top and tail of spite and prejudice that goes from Evan in the mrning to Eddie in the evening!
Really hope a few good coppers will do a drugs raid on Television Centre without any warning…Saturday morning is a good time lads!
Sums up the BBC mindset. This sneering. Never mind that Yates was doing a really essential job.
Mair and the rest of them? Non essential hacks and a blight on this country.
The BBC has gone too far now.
The current bunch would have bought down Churchill or Eisenhower in WW2 so deep is their loathing of this country.
How juvenile are the people running the Beeboid Corporation? Is there no oversight of the juveniles to save them from themselves and save us from them? That awful ditty was used more appropriately in the raucous bear-pit atmosphere of an ITV Saturday evening mass entertainment programme called Gladiators in which beefy muscled types challenged other beefy types in various physical tussles and over obstacle courses.
BBC-NUJ political propaganda tonight: some samples:
1.) ‘Panorama’
BBC-NUJ 1, 8-30 pm – 9: 00
2.) ‘Mohammad’ (Part 2 of 3)
BBC-NUJ 2, 9;00 pm – 10:00
pro-Islam; presented by Somali Muslim, Rageh Omaar, employee of Islamic Al Jazeera TV;
3.) ‘Newsnight’
BBC-NUJ 2, 10:30 pm – 11: 20
presented by ‘Newsnight’ BBC-NUJ branch, so necessarily –
anti-Murdoch, anti-Tory.
I see some of the hacks are waking up to the fact that no Tories are coming out to defend Cameron, welcome to the party pal!
Going underground….
I think Cameron may as well call an election now. Shit or bust.
13 years of Labour Government left behind it a much enboldened BBC to do the talking for the powerful quagocracy of fellow travellers.
Remember the last general election campaign and all that media fuss about Clegg?
The Lib Dem share of the vote actually fell.
The fuss was orchestrated because their boy Brown was obviously going to lose. Remember the vilification of Clegg when he jumped the wrong way?
I read a poster on the London tube today that told me that the people I probably admired were Nelson Mandela, Barrack Obama, Richard Branson and Judi Dench….
And people think the Conservaties haven’t already lost the war….?
Come on Cameran, at least you could go down fighting!
The bBC continues its pro labour stance by getting Landale to knock up an infantile piece about how the PM has let the side down by being out of the country when the Mets Nbr 1 resigned.
Landale online: Cameron’s efforts to stay in touch
We had just had a sweaty few days visiting British troops and talking to President Karzai. We were just about to begin the long flights home on an assorted array of military aircraft when the news came through. The travelling team of officials and journalists learned the bare bones of the claims before we were trapped, effectively incommunicado for 12 hours.
Twelve days on, as the phone hacking controversy continues to rage and destroy careers and reputations at quite astonishing speed, the prime minister is once again overseas, this time in South Africa, banging the drum for British business.
On the flight out to Johannesburg, Mr Cameron repeatedly used the plane’s secure satellite phone – and the less secure public one in his armrest – to stay in touch (I wonder whose credit card took the damage?). But on the military flight back from Afghanistan, Mr Cameron was effectively incommunicado for nine hours.
So lets see, the bBCs political editor following the PM to Afghanistan, complains about not been allowed to use his phone on the C17 flight into theatre and presumes that the PM is equally incommunicado. Err DICKHEAD look up glass cockpit and the eNfusion Broadband® system. Its a secure sat based coms system. Unlike you twats in cattle class, the PM gets to sit upstairs in the crew lounge and use the coms kit. But in typical school boy fashion he (The bBCs political editor) bitches about the PM using a phone during a flight and asks the infantile question of who paid for it. I suppose the same question could be asked who paid for Landales seat on the same civy flight? But then the PM is popping over to SA in which to generate trade for the UK. What reason has langdale got for flying first class over there for? Isn’t there a bBC reporter based in SA?
Cameron is a priviledged Tory toff who believes that if he shows how much he cares about the poor, Africa, and the environment, people won’t hate him for being a priviledged Tory toff. But the bad news for DC is they still do.
Far from “detoxifying the Tory brand”, Cameron has mutated into another toxin.
Forgot to mention that the last few minutes of the PM show tonight gave itself over to Mandelas 93rd birthday.
The ensuing discussion was about whether Nelson had been a Communist Party member or not( he only did it to dance with white ladies!).
Still not sure if his membership-for it is more likely or not that he was a member-was a cause for yet more simpering hagiography over him…or was it a tactic of greatness by the Great Helmsman?
That was the choice I think…still, at least we know that Pollsmoor did a better job in looking after the old than any care home here…maybe WE should send our old folk to Robben Island if we want long life for them!
Maybe that`s where the Royals go for their blood transfusions…
The bBC and reporting the news from the Levant
In Syria the army is currently massing outside a town in which to go and sort the natives out.
Over the weekend 30 Syrians were killed by the army.
7 people have died in shootouts with Iraqi police
Iran cut off the Wand river in Southern Iraq, which is used by the locals for irrigating their crops and which feed the Marshes down in the delta.
News has come out that the PKK terrorist strike in Turkey during may was actually the work of Heab-allah.
Qatar closes its Syrian embassy
For the past 4 days rockets have been fired into Israel from Gaza.
And what is the only news from the region does the bBC give us:
Israel rapped for jailing minors
An Israeli rights group has criticised the government for jailing Palestinian children, some as young as 12… Israel’s military courts are violating the rights of Palestinian youngsters, says the Btselem report, No Minor Matter.Out of 835 Palestinian children arrested for stone throwing between 2005 and 2010, only one was acquitted, it notes. It says that in the past six years, 19 Palestinian children aged either 12 or 13 have been jailed for up to two months after being convicted of throwing stones at Israeli soldiers.
And here is something from that report which the bBC kind of left out:
160 civilians and soldiers were wounded in violent attacks by minors during that period… B’Tselem acknowledged that while Israeli authorities needed to enforce the law, they said night raids, handcuffing, blindfolds, interrogations and the denial of access to lawyers for children for hours at a time were frequently disproportionate to the crime.
I wonder why the bBC left out those salient snippets from the only news it has to report on from the region?
The BBC left out, as did Betzelem, what they expected Israel to do with violent criminals who are legally minors. Not one or two but 835.
It’s not intentional but Israel may inadvertantly be providing them with a career Why the Palestinians don’t want Fayyad
In Palestinian society, it is much more important if one graduates from an Israeli prison than from a university in Texas. This is the reason that the two Palestinian governments, both Hamas and Fatah, are dominated by graduates of Israeli prisons who hold senior positions.
Just turned on Newsnight, they’ve got Harman, Livingturd and some other person (probably a leftie) lined up.
As usual a ‘balanced’ BBC panel.
According to Michael Crick the Right Wing blogosphere is clamouring for the resignation of David Cameron. I think he meant to say, since political impartiality is in his genes, that the Right Wing blogosphere is clamouring for the Prime Minister to set up an inquiry into the unhealthy media dominance of the BBC, but somehow his impartiality genes failed to click in, and he sounded like somebody who sees hinself as a mouthpiece for the agenda of the Labour Party, which is funnily enough, is another claim which can be found on the Right Wing blogosphere which he forgot to mention.
I am minded to report Michael Crick to the RSPCA for cruelty.
His ‘syrup’ is looking decidedly under-nourished and flat.
Considering it is doing the vital job of protecting the nation from the sight of his bald pate, you’d think he’d show his appreciation by taking it out for a slap up dinner.
Mind you, he’s so busy undermining democracy and the Murdochs, he’s probably forgotten to feed it.
I’m just waiting to see it slither off his head in it’s final death throes, like Toenails’s must have done – Then he WOULD be in trouble!
I think Crick sports the Trump Tiara…this needs a Danish pastry slipped under it every few days to stay looking…er…”realistic”!
Where is John Bolton…surely HE has a view on NewsCorp…now that is one Maple “syrup” we all need to look at in these grim days!
Anyone explain to me how the USA-the can do/get go workshop of the world way back…still makes the worlds worst wigs! How so Mr Preiser?
This is a must read. Britain and its “institutions” in a nutshell.
Everything that is wrong with this country is laid bare here.
Gavin Esler almost had a heart attack trying to get Cameron’s representative to admit he should resign.
I’m getting sick and tired of Liebore scum saying “Milly Dowler” every 5 minutes. They are using this for political leverage. She died under the last Liebore Government, it was known her phone was hacked back then, why didn’t Harman and her moronic friends like McBust do something about it?
Why didn’t Esler shut her fat face up? His snide comment to the Tory about “Know I know how Speaker Bercow feels” was a dig at the fact the dwarf keeps shutting up Tories and not Liebore scum in the Commons.
t was nice to see a Tory sticking it to Esler and Harman for once, bet he won’t be invited back on soon.
I think the Tory MP was Nick Boles, member for Grantham. He was not going to allow Gavin Esler to perform the usual Beeboid trick of giving Labour free reign to answer questions, then interrupting the Tory before they’d got half a dozen words out, or encouraging the Labour interviewee to do the same thing. Esler was shaking when he walked across the studio for the next item and Harman’s simpering butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth moralising, was challenged head-on. It was a pleasure to watch.
Quite an eyeopener. The Tory did well for once.
I am confused. Was the appalling Crick ( a most unpleasant individual) in South Africa or here? If he was in SA why?
Essler failed to ask the most obvious question. When was the visit arranged ? He and the Harman tried to suggest it was a ruse to get Cameron out of the country. I suspect this is drivel.
No BBC agenda? For crying out loud it is just so obvious.
Thats the BBC, purest concenrated filth. A bent corrupted gang of dangerous hypocrites.
Do we know what Prescott’s phone was hacked for? (if indeed it was)? I’m guessing it was his slag shagging and wife cheating, which seems to be perfectly acceptable to me.
Perhaps the fat git might like to say sorry for the millions wasted widening the M25 and M1 oh and the millions more on the news fire control rooms, yet another example of how this fat twat was totally useless.
Not that the BBC would ever ask him about this. After all this violent thug is just “John being John”
More pertinently, what would be the bloody point of hacking Lord LardArse, since no bugger on the planet understands what the fat oaf is saying anyway ?
Still, he’d have been an asset during the last war sending undecipherable messages. Never mind “Windtalkers”, here’s “Arse Talker”.
Take that Adolf !
Good point, Martin. Funny how this is one time where the BBC is not in favor of stealing communications from government officials because the people have a right to know what their politicians are up to behind their backs. Wikihacks = good. Prescotthacks = bad. Depends on which side you’re on, and we know which side the BBC is on.
It was probably pizza hut or the local chinky take out finding out how many hundreds of take aways he had ordered from competitors that week.
Some great quotes here
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”
Possibly, Alexander Tytler (circa late 1700′s)
“Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage.”
Henning Webb Prentis, Jr., President of the Armstrong Cork Company 1943
I don’t suppose this would be on the BBC but Andrew Pierce reminds us of the dodgy past of “unlikely moral crusader” Keith Vaz and reveals connections he has in common with that policeman he is going to be quizzing at the Select Committee hearing:
For the MP was himself a guest at the lavish 2009 wedding — at Claridges hotel in London — of Stephen Purdew, the MD of Champneys, who is a close friend of the former Police Commissioner.
(Three guesses who else accepted Purdew’s hospitality at the nuptials? Step forward Rebekah Brooks…
Read more:
I realize the real crisis in the US is whether or not Fox News is going to get shut down, but some of us wingnuts are still worried about the national debt and what the hell Congress is going to do about a budget already.
Here’s a little something for you all to remember next time the BBC tries to create the impression that raising the debt ceiling is routine, happens all the time, and only “newly empowered” Republicans are blocking it for ideological purposes. In 2006, every single Democrat – including Senator Obamessiah – voted against raising the debt limit. Every single Democrat.
The BBC, though, tries to rewrite history for you. Next time you see a passage like this in a BBC report:
The US government’s borrowing authority is limited by statute but has traditionally been raised as a matter of routine by Congress.
However, a newly empowered faction of conservative, anti-tax Republicans are keen to extract dramatic cuts in government spending as the price of raising the limit, analysts say.
Remember. this is dishonest. Every single Democrat, including Senator Obamessiah, voted against raising the debt limit.
Their most recent attempt at propaganda was in the inset of this piece.
Congress has voted to raise the US debt limit 10 times since 2001
No mention that there was one time when they didn’t. No mention that every single Democrat – including Senator Obamessiah – voted against it in 2006. I’m sorry to keep repeating this but I have to keep up with the number of times the BBC spouts propaganda to mislead you for ideological purposes.
Don’t trust the BBC on US issues.
‘Don’t trust the BBC on US issues.’
But the rewriting history on just about everything else has already made me a tad circumspect on everything they say or write.
Some interesting comments.
One wonders who is closer to ‘speaking for the country’ as there seems some diversity of view.
I liked this one:
“I think the BBC should be relocated to the Gaza strip and only allowed to broadcast using electricity generated by windmills.
That would suit it’s core beliefs perfectly”
Was it someone who posts here?
It was nice to see ‘Lady Harriet of Murder Town’ getting in a flap on Newsnight.
Developing on the ‘speaking for the country’ meme so loved by such as Mr. Miliband and the BBC, I choose this odd niche outlet to share these few fun offerings from the morning surf so far… – putting twitter in context, as a means of gaining news, creating it, and then spinning the consequent heft as mainstream – The Westminster bubble investigates its own navel and still finds ‘sources say’ serves well.
Speaking of which…
And let’s not forget…
Meanwhile, for those who think it is entirely right and proper that the liberal elite control opinion, based mainly on citing each other…
Now, I am not saying the other ‘ists, ‘isms and ‘zis are any better, but from where i stand (in the middle, simply wanting objective facts upon which to base my own opinions), it seems the country is being run, and its policies decided, by about a dozen folk on twitter, recycled up via blogs to a ‘national voice’ on the top of the hour news by a media monopoly system I don’t happen to feel represents me at all.
That… is a concern.
I have noticed the BBC trying to pimp the notion of a NI share price collapse…Hmmm, I wonder why the BBC is so keen on constantly advertising the any fall in the share price?
Would the BBC be trying to incite or indeed provoke a stock market run on NI stock or incite shareholders to rebel? Now the reality is that shares in all media conglomerates has fallen along with wide sections of the entertainment and media sector, indeed shares have been falling across the board recently.
The puzzling question is of course why is the BBC so keen to pimp the falling share price of NI while hiding what part would have been a normal share price variation?
The BBC wouldnt be trying to attack its commercial rival by way of the stock market would it? Because that would be criminal behaviour =-O .
The BBC wouldnt stoop to such dirty, immoral, perverted tricks would they?
Just for the sake of argument, what would the BBC have to gain by smearing its commercial rival by peddling rumours of a share collapse? The actual fall in share prices has been surprisingly small considering the wider stock market falls yet the BBC is furiously pimping some kind of collapse in every report.
Obviously the BBC does not have to worry about shareholders, the opinions and needs of investors would mean nothing to the BBC who grub their income from a thug enforced rip off tax. Not for them the business of accountability to shareholders, not for them the value for money and performance that comes with having stakeholders with a direct interest in the business.
So it boils down to the fact that a media empire with no shareholders is trying to incite a run on a publicly traded company and trying to provoke a crisis in a commercial rival. The tragedy is that the BBC feels able to conduct such grubby gutter tricks in the sure and certain knowledge that is is specially protected and immune from all the normal rules of business.
If NI had any kind of sense it would immediately inform the stock market regulating authorities of possible wrongdoing by the BBC, they wont of course, they will roll over and bend over and hide the truth and sack some staff and buy off the political class who will rig the inquiry and in the end it will be the usual whitewash “lessons have been learned and its time to move on”.
Casandra, I have been watching the live transmission and both Murdochs did very well (soft questioning except from Labour Watson to start with and Lovely Louise to finish) However in the news bit afterwards 9out in the rain) who is that complete beeboid twat talking with an ex times reporter? At 17:36 he wa sgoing on about oooh this will effect the share price, ooh Rupert Murdoch seemed a bit old and out of depth…what a complete fool that BBc git must be; Murdoch answered a direct NO when asked was it his fault, how much more unequivocal can you be? He then expalined how he had been let down and he was the best man to put things right. Can’t recall the exact word the beeboid used but it wa sthe EXACT opposite of what I had just watched. Then he kept saying…ooohhh eeerr if i wwere a NY stock broker I would be worried by what i saw etc (copmpletely setting the agenda – if anyone hadn’t watched the coverage they would have got a completely distorted…nay WRONG view of things from the BBC.
Hmmmmm. . .