Monday morning and time to tell George what you think about the BBC. Please do not hold back as we are all adults here and we want to cast as much light as possible on the antics of the Corporation.
‘Autonomous Mind’ on BBC-NUJ’s N. Campbell and R. Peston:
” The BBC establishment closing ranks and working in harmony to defuse an embarrassing episode that lays bare the rank hypocrisy of its publicly funded smear squad.”
It’s just as I suspected: Peston has fooled so many of these people into thinking he’s their friend, and then he sells them out for a “scoop”. Probably how he got the Northern Rock story as well. I guess that’s just award-winning journalism at its finest.
I can’t believe anyone still talks to Peston the Gossip. He’s very dangerous, and these morons keep giving him info. Anyone who still talks to him after all these revelations should have his head examined.
“An increasing number of Westerners have traveled to the Pakistani tribal areas in recent years to join the so-called jihad that al-Qaeda is waging against US-led allied forces in Afghanistan. Among the Westerners are Americans, Britons, Germans, French and Australians.”The al-Qaeda-trained white jihadis have formed their own contingents in North Waziristan and are fighting alongside al-Qaeda militants on the Pak-Afghan border. The white jihadis living in North Waziristan wear local clothes and travel in small groups in vehicles or on motorcycles, flaunting weapons including assault rifles, rocket launchers and rocket-propelled grenades.”Recruits bearing Western citizenship are prized by the al-Qaeda leadership, mainly because of their nationalities and English-speaking abilities. More and more Muslim converts from the West are therefore being chosen by international jihadis as recruits to strike in the heart of the West.”
I was in mid-surf when Mr. Nic pulled the early plug on all his recent posts.
Things were not going well at the end.
I wonder if it sinks in to ‘The Editors’ that’s where many check first. so while the narrative may be dire, trying to protect it is just poiiishing a Nick’s Unctious Rehashed Diatribe
Then you hit ‘most dislked’, to see who has actually made some fair points but the obliershifts have marked down to try and drive away.
I don’t think some are really grasping new media too well.
Note the delusional twerp cheerfuly kicking off with ‘I am told’ and ‘sources say’, like most now do not know, and despise what that means in media manipulation terms.
The plug-pull seems pan-BBC blog network, as Pesto’s just went ‘We seem to be having problems (I’ll bet)’ too.
Possibly they are just clearing decks for a broadcast-only deluge around today’s events, untroubled by free speech feedback beyond specially selected guests and the views of those in the country they feel they represent best.
Did anyone catch “Life of Muhammed” with Rageh Omar….last night? (I will put my post on 1st Ep below), thus we go to Ep2.
Ep 1 ended up with moh “bigging up” ?? the women”, & was one long nauseating apologistfest. ala…victim moh, persecuted moh, misunderstood moh etc etc. Which seems to be (via the Brit Broad. Cresent..i mean Corp), somewhat excusery & biased.. .:-) .
Will Ep 2 redress? Well the start …night journey to Jerusalem ? raised my eyebrows on the possible upcoming bias. In the first 5 mins, We are “treated”? To :- moh in the” top 3”? world leaders ever, was not only a “spiritual genius”?? but a “political one”??? too, moh the “ultimate role model”????, (re-sharp intake of breath), this man who changed the history of the world forever?????,( omitting that so did Hitler, & the 95% of world genocidal terrorists still cite moh as inspiration, “strike TERROR into their hearts/I have been made victorious through TERROR”).
So beebo that would be not biased then? :-)…..continuing we have the ,(legend in his own mind) “miracle”??????? of a dream he had
which is why, wait for it,…. Jerusalem,( you know the place all Muslims point their arse to 5 times a day), is. the 3rd most “holy”?
place in Islam?…….one of the reasons for ramped up virrulent anti-semitism, today
& there is much much more.
Are my kids, going to be getting this, as a component of a multi-culti RE lesson,(under a BBC moniker) anytime soon?.
Many of the following books will be banned/excluded from schools, colleges of education and university Middle East departments (run by Islamic interests):
& there is much much more. continuing,from the Jersalem pipe dream with ….
well the “bullet” points.
back to victim moh, more persecuted/victim moh, the “ummah” muslim based on IDEOLOGY,(oh not religion? then), …more poor moh/victim moh, tripe about the Arab code of “honour”, interspersed with grim sycophantic apologists, ..more victim(but still peace)/banished moh, …Mosques are the place the “ummah” meet to seek to “achieve” their objectives,(does that mean plan?), …an overlong fawning tilt to a constitution in Medina,(that most see as the islamic excuse, used for jew murder & money/belongings grab)..that is often seen as fictitious anyway today,(but obviously not by the BBC).
This all leads to the erm “difficult” Red Cresent Films explanation for the first “holocaust” by moh, there are many disgraceful ,”nuggets” about treacherous jews, deceitful jews, a frankly eyewatering excuse ridden drone,(from imams etc)about moh being left with no choice, but wholesale slaughter…
& how we,(as BBC watchers), have…re emphasised by Omar simply HAVE to understand?
that he had? ….to do it!?
Are my kids, going to be getting this, as a component of a multi-culti RE lesson,(under a BBC moniker) anytime soon?.
So that would mean a complete censorship of all anti social elements/counter revolutionary criminals/deniers/little Englander right wingers and fact anyone holding any views or opinions that differ from the left wing theologies and doctrines.
In other words a left wing fascist police state MSM that Stalin would approve of, no wonder they want to get rid of their MSM enemies because anyone with a choice would dump the BBC.
just emaile Mr Hunt about the BBC bias and the Murdock story.I know its a waste of time but it makes me feel better and i dont take it out on people i love….
I wish i had won the 161 million i would have a full page spread in all the papers asking people to vote to get rid of the license fee on a petition i would start up.The BBC would shit themselves.Money well spent
sophyridgesophyridgeWow, @bbcmichaelcrick is joining Channel 4 news
OK.. no ideological shocks, but to go from an audience of six downwards seems… brave.
Ed_MilibandEd MilibandWhat people will want to know is whether James and Rupert Murdoch have some remorse for what happened and to account for what they knew.
But you getting endless, unchallenged BBC airtime to ‘speak for us’, and especially making the same darn claim like a stuck record is grating, bub.
At least some are becoming self-aware (not in a SkyNet way, hopefully)…
theJeremyVineJeremy VineRT @TrishLowt: James called BBC ‘Chilling, Addams Family of media, unable to distinguish between what’s good for it or good for the UK’?
My Site (click to edit) : “At least some are becoming self-aware (not in a SkyNet way, hopefully)…”
It makes me believe that there could be another Terminator film: a better alternative to the shit we have to put up with now, where everyone welcomes the machines and we all live happily ever after.
BBC-NUJ’s preferred short-list for replacement of MET’s Stephenson.
Of course, BBC-NUJ, in its role as unelected, publicly-financed, monopolistic, global media political propagandist, expects to have an input in the appointment of a replacement for MET’s Stephenson:
And, of course, BBC-NUJ excludes from its preferred list, any ARMY GENERAL, lest such a person is insufficiently ‘multicultural’ (and too enthusiatic to oppose Islamic jihadists in London).
By the way, how would BBC-NUJ react if ‘Sky News’ came out with its preferred shortlist for the MET job? Would BBC-NUJ lobby for a ban on such an article?
The BBC are busy making mud pies as the big waves out there are slowly gathering to wash them away!
Their science staff tell them that it`s mud…but we all know better don`t we?
I`d use the ball pool analogy if only Vanessa Feltz wasn`t the only one who had any at Craven Cottaging Centre!
Still-Rageh said last night that the murder of lots of Jews by Mohammad(PBUH…but of course!) was “controversial” but was “to be set in context at that time!”
Maybe now is the time for the BBC to stop simply gorging up the Kinnocks, Prescotts etc as victims of N.I…let`s bring in Bacon, Deayton, Langham and of course their real prize…Gary Glitter.
Vulnerable victims all…or at least we can ask the BBC/Guardian what exactly the “guidelines” are so we can clap or boo to order!
Still-Rageh said last night that the murder of lots of Jews by Mohammad(PBUH…but of course!) was “controversial” but was “to be set in context at that time!”
Strangely that defence of our medieval (and sadly non-vibrant) ancestors wasn’t put up by “History Cold Case” on the very same network recently.
How unlike modern Muslims:
Hamas cleric Ziyad Abu al-Haj’s Friday sermon of 3 April 2009 said “The time will come, by Allah’s will, when their property will be destroyed and their children will be exterminated, and no Jew or Zionist will be left on the face of this earth.”?
Dr. Ahmed Yousuf Abu Halabiah, a member of the Palestinian Sharia (Islamic religious law) Rulings Council, and Rector of Advanced Studies at the Islamic University on 13 October 2000 “The Jews are the Jews. There never was among them a supporter of peace. They are all liars… They are terrorists. Therefore it is necessary to slaughter them and murder them, according to the words of Allah… It is forbidden to have mercy in your hearts for the Jews in any place and in any land. Make war on them any place that you find yourself. Any place that you meet them – kill them. Kill the Jews and those among the Americans who are like them… The Jews only understand might. Have no mercy on the Jews, murder them everywhere.”‘
Plenty more examples from Islamic leaders around the world, the BBC choose to ignore almost all – they do report Ahmadinejad though…
“Rageh said last night that the murder of lots of Jews by Mohammad(PBUH…puhhh!) was “controversial” but was “to be set in context at that time!”
yes i know Rageh…..Adolf was the same,
& hey, incidently lots of muslims deny that holocaust too….so sh-t happens eh!
oh! by the way, are the MCB still boycotting holocaust day, with a tin pot excuse?
Manchester Evening News, July 19, & strangely you keep seeing it,
somehow it always seems to be just under the surface.
just under the surface
then again sometimes not so hidden
On Holocaust Memorial Day 2009 a group of Jewish tourists were pleased to be getting a tour of the old Jewish East End. The police advised them not to go, which is extraordinary. The Metropolitan police advise you not to tour the East End.
Well they went there, they were pelted with bricks/stones and told they could go no further by the current euphemism of Fleet Street, “Asian youths.”
Among those injured requiring a trip to hospital were an American citizen and a Canadian from Toronto.
Astonishing. Jewish visitors on Holocaust Memorial Day being taken to hospital because they’d been pelted with stones in the old Jewish East End.
Dunno why, but all things considered,I found this… interesting..
kevinbakhurstKevin Bakhurst Audience figures for #hacking coverage on #bbcnews website already v strong – around 350,000 views of live coverage (video) already
It’s like his bonus depends on it.
The BBC continues to skirt around the massive failure by Obama to deal with the US debt crisis.
The basic facts seem to me to be :
1 Obama is a socialist who wants to re-distribute wealth – but in a stealthy manner
2 The Dems are required by law to produce a budget each year – as they run the Senate. They have failed for 2 years now to produce a budget.
3 Obama chunters on about the necessity for fiscal discipline – but he had rejected the detailed recommendations of a bi-partisan committee he had himself appointed, and he has totally fasiled to give ANY specifics about what tax changes he wants – let alone what expenditure cuts he suggests. It is all smoke and mirrors, except that you can be sure that any tax changes would happen quickly, whereas any cuts would be way down the line – well beyond the 2012 election.
4 Obama has failed to engage with the detailed recommendations that the Republicans have made.
Obama is single-handedly driving the US into a crisis – because he wants to use the crisis to extract concessions from the Republicans, even though it was plain from the sweeping gains they made just a few months ago that the US public want government expenditure reined in hard – and quickly.
Here are a couple of items reflecting the plain truth of the current impasse on the debt issue – as the BBC will continue to hide the facts from us :
The point is – how can I know these things – not only from you but widely across US news articles, blogs and TV interviews – but the BBC’s £1 billion a year news operation does not transmit these simple facts – at least as PART of the overall picture.
The BBC’s newsroom, its editors – and its senior management – are still asslicking Obama. While Obama slides and politicks the US into a severe financial crisis.
Like I keep saying: the entire BBC newsgathering operation for the US can be shut down and easily replaced with a news aggregator, and it would be a significant improvement.
That Nick R’s last blog closed, having removed the last 5 comments, and nothing has replaced it since as the BBC goes broadcast only today, tells me all I need to know about its commitment to free speech.
you know there are a lot of holocaust deniers around these days
in all slithery guises out n out…the Pres. of Iran
or more on the stealth the MCB refusing to attend
holocaust day, with tin pot excuses
if you excuse it, you know where that can lead..
Mohammed always did like killing people – one of his earliest acts was to insist that an adulterous Jewish couple were stoned to death when he had been called in as arbitrer by people hoping he’d do just the opposite. When he acquired political and military power at Medina, he started killing in earnest.
The Quraish leaders he executed after Badr and he Jews of the Bani Quraiza were genuinely surprised when they realised he was going to kill them: far from bringing a peaceful new message he injected a murderous terrorising element into local life that had not been there before.
This hagiographical, indeed proselytising, documentary, while purporting to be a warts n’all job, is positively evil in it’s disonesty.
For a quick, dispassionate acccount of Mohammed’s dealings with the Jews. there is a good one at:
Just a handful of litle details the programme left out:
while we had been told that Mo was a man of his times and owned slaves, it had been hastily added that he also freed slaves.For some reason they didn’t mention tht he sold off his share of the women and children of the Bani Quraiza using the money to buy warhorses. Actually he held on to the beautful Jewess, Rihana. for use as a sex slave. He graciously offered to make her one of his wives if she converted to Islam but she declined to do so. That he regarded having sex with women all of whose adult male relatives he had killed as acceptable was shown again after the defeat of the jews at Khaybar, when he virtually raped a woman the same day that he had had her husband tortured to death. Shortly before the battle of the Trenh he had had a Jewish poet assassinated for writing satyrical verse about Muslim women. The volunteer to carry out the murder told Mo that he would have to lie and pretend to be the man’s friend in order o kill him,Mo said he was OK wih that. The hadith about the trees and ushes calling out that there is a Jew hiding underneath me, come and kill him, dates from about this time.
I’ll bore you no longer. That the British public should be fed this bowdlerised justification for Muslim anti-Semitism is sickening. The Koran tells you 30 times that you should imitate the behaviour of Mo and 40 times that you will go to hell if you dont:
the argument that he was just a man of his times is inexcusable, when he is held up as an example for all time.
For a quick rundown on what the noble, glorious koran has to say about the jews, from an ex-chairman of the fatwa committee at al-Azhar, no less, see:
once again sir, a veritable “tome” of information.
it is amazing, no ASTOUNDING, the BBC, can bleat on about
racism, the N word, the ridiculous moniker the P word..
last week pushing we should all take great care not to be
regionocentrically discriminatory,(in case you have a joke at the
expense of a scouser, or a scot etc etc).
AND YET here we are, they trip over themselves, to insinuate,
obfuscate over fact,(if texts are accurate) in every conceivable way
to whitewash a racially motivated, quasi religious massacre, that is
obvious to anyione with ability to read, was only the tip of the iceberg,
for an individual insanely driven, to put the jew to the sword.
and…for R Omar to outdo his fist clenching, tear squeezing feat, on
Islamic History of Europe,( when explaining alas, christiandom was able
to retake Spain)……with this shameful obfuscation of mohs slaughter
(please read post above)……just about says it all.
Platitudes for a deeply anti semitic ideology,(& its founder),well
that must be the (anti racist/anti “phobic”/multi racial) BBC remit,
as far as jews are concerned.
Mohammed always did like killing people – one of his earliest acts was to insist that an adulterous Jewish couple were stoned to death when he had been called in as arbitrer by people hoping he’d do just the opposite. When he acquired political and military power at Medina, he started killing in earnest.
The Quraish leaders he executed after Badr and he Jews of the Bani Quraiza were genuinely surprised when they realised he was going to kill them: far from bringing a peaceful new message he injected a murderous terrorising element into local life that had not been there before.
This hagiographical, indeed proselytising, documentary, while purporting to be a warts n’all job, is positively evil in it’s disonesty.
For a quick, dispassionate acccount of Mohammed’s dealings with the Jews. there is a good one at:
Just a handful of litle details the programme left out:
while we had been told that Mo was a man of his times and owned slaves, it had been hastily added that he also freed slaves.For some reason they didn’t mention tht he sold off his share of the women and children of the Bani Quraiza using the money to buy warhorses. Actually he held on to the beautful Jewess, Rihana. for use as a sex slave. He graciously offered to make her one of his wives if she converted to Islam but she declined to do so. That he regarded having sex with women all of whose adult male relatives he had killed as acceptable was shown again after the defeat of the jews at Khaybar, when he virtually raped a woman the same day that he had had her husband tortured to death. Shortly before the battle of the Trenh he had had a Jewish poet assassinated for writing satyrical verse about Muslim women. The volunteer to carry out the murder told Mo that he would have to lie and pretend to be the man’s friend in order o kill him,Mo said he was OK wih that. The hadith about the trees and ushes calling out that there is a Jew hiding underneath me, come and kill him, dates from about this time.
I’ll bore you no longer. That the British public should be fed this bowdlerised justification for Muslim anti-Semitism is sickening. The Koran tells you 30 times that you should imitate the behaviour of Mo and 40 times that you will go to hell if you dont:
the argument that he was just a man of his times is inexcusable, when he is held up as an example for all time.
For a quick rundown on what the noble, glorious koran has to say about the jews, from an ex-chairman of the fatwa committee at al-Azhar, no less, see:
They have had him on!
DB has the link-Newsnight late January-UK Uncut promotional video!
The BBC will need to account for sponsoring attacks on pensioners-after they`d sent Russell Brand to Gorky!
Beyond the seriousness of the assault, and the utter incompetence of any entity associated with HoC or ‘Parliament’, you gotta laugh…
philipmossopPhilip MossopOne excellent reason to love twitter. 200m people already know who attacked Murdoch. BBC still describing him as ‘a young male’
One suspects Aunty’s enthusiasm for it fave newsgathering tool rather tempered by its ‘news’ being outed as outdated and useless.
Beyond ‘inspiring’ such as Mr. Gilmour and this latest ‘spoksperson of the people’.
Why does one suspect the airtime will still go to MileE…to speak for ‘us’?
I stopped reading when one of the angry Leftoids said that nothing thrives in a free market. Good luck arguing with emotional sophists, JHT. Your head will feel good when you stop banging it against that wall.
Forget about those awful “newly empowered” Republicans in the House who have treated Him so horribly: it’s really all about the Senate. Of course, that’s what the White House says, so the BBC says it, too.
After one scrolls past the latest clichés and demagoguery, there’s this:
Republicans have been unwilling to consider raising new tax revenues to counter the growing budget deficits, while the Democrats have been opposed to cutting popular healthcare and welfare programmes for pensioners and the poor.
Could this be any more one-sided? The Republicans refuse to do what is so obviously vital, while the Democrats are protecting the elderly and the poor.
Meanwhile, on Tuesday the Republican-controlled House of Representatives was set to vote on a so-called “cut, cap and balance” resolution.
This resolution is backed by….whisper it quietly…. many parts of the Tea Party movement. So the BBC must qualify it properly.
That would impose severe and immediate spending cuts, cap future government spending at a certain percentage of the national economy, and call for an amendment to the US constitution to require Congress to pass a balanced budget.
“Severe and immediate”. Sounds an awful lot like “too much too soon”, no? Narrative? What Narrative?
Any bill passed by the House has no chance of passing the Senate, which the Democrats narrowly control. Mr Obama has said he would veto any law if it were eventually passed.
The Republican National Committee on Monday asked the Department of Justice to investigate whether the president’s reelection fundraising broke federal law.
In a letter sent to Attorney General Eric Holder, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus cited a fundraising video President Obama appears in that seems to have been taped in the White House.
Federal law makes it a crime for the president to solicit political contributions in a place of official government business.
Hilarious if true. Apparently He filmed a segment in the Map Room. No time to look for the video right now, but I’ll keep an eye out after tomorrow.
Please do, I was in New Orleans all last week and at least 3 nights I was treated to how much Obama had made compared to the GOP, online, all donations less than 250USD blah blah balh…the same shite as in the POTUS election.
Thinking now that Tom Baldwin ought to be getting thrown around as Milibands NI greaser…and unlike Coulson is still sniffing through the Tories laundry basket “unchallenged”.
Truly useless the Tories-if they can`t nail Mandelson,Brown,Blair, Prescott, Blunkett, Campbell to the BBCs masthead given that all this happened under a Labour…a Labour Government!
That reminds me-if Lord Kinnock isn`t a barrage balloon begging to be popped, then the Tories are as shit as we all know they are!
BUPA does spine transplants I`m told!
So comical watching little Gavin Esler in Jeremy Paxmans little suit!
Sadly Esler is presumably hand picked by Tory Central Office to make the Tories look substantial…Damien Green was even able to shout him down!
Bring back Hugh Scully…even he would worry the Tories more!
In the meantime I note that UKIP want the cash for honours “enquiry” re-opened…another investigation that Yates seems to have some knowledge of-couldn`t do any harm seeing as Labour seem to want the barns mucked out!
Also think that the BBC are close to insider dealing when they try to talk NewsCorp down in its share price…that`s illegal I`d have thought!
“A BBC spokesman said: ‘Clearly the political agenda is central to Newsnight,’ [you can say that again] ‘Michael Crick has only just told us he is moving on, we will now consider how best to fill the gap he leaves.'”
Presumably his wig will go to the BBC Museum…it`s what Rusty(his trusty hairpiece!) would have wanted.
His mind will of course stay in the 60s where it has been set in lime jelly since 1971!
Jon Snow, Krishnan…now Crick…what a gloop of white poppies, hair oil, character-ties( and jaunty socks) and now a syrup to add to the mix!
Reckon the BBC are wanting to see Channel 4 go the way of Rupert…why else would they pop their Savoy cabbage into the arms of Channel 4?
The probe was triggered by the rapid departure of three other Israelis who had survived the quake, he said. There was no evidence that the group had Mossad links, he added. He confirmed however that Mizrahi was found to have two passports – one European and one Israeli.
Gilad Shalit also holds two passports, one Israeli and one French.
I like the concentration on multiple passports, I suppose trying to link to the recent false passports story. Of course he boring truth is that plenty of people have dual passports; I know of several with British & Irish passports –
I see the bBC continues with its mission statement of character assassinating Israel by giving great prominence to Rumours and rife instead of actual news stories. New Zealand PM John Key denies Israel spy rumour New Zealand’s prime minister has denied that a group of Israelis caught up in the devastating Christchurch earthquake in February had links to the Israeli secret service Mossad. John Key said security agents had investigated Ofer Mizrahi, one of three Israelis who died in the quake.The probe was triggered by the rapid departure of three other Israelis who had survived the quake, he said. King’s Torah splits Israel’s religious and secular Jews Rabbis Dov Lior and Yacob Yousef had endorsed a highly controversial book, the King’s Torah – written by two lesser-known settler rabbis. It justifies killing non-Jews, including those not involved in violence, under certain circumstances. The fifth chapter, entitled “Murder of non-Jews in a time of war” has been widely quoted in the Israeli media. The summary states that “you can kill those who are not supporting or encouraging murder in order to save the lives of Jews”.
And we wonder why people treat Jews with suspicion when the state broadcaster continually feeds the world with anti-Semitic stories.
Would the bBC do likewise with an article about how Mullahs embrace a book which tellsMuslims that killing innocents is acceptable? NO? The fact remains that is exactly what the Koran says, yet the bBC goes out of its way in which not t ask any questions of Islam.
‘I see the bBC continues with its mission statement of character assassinating’
Not just Isreal… anyone or thing counter narrative.
Their pages are alive with ‘sources say’, ‘critics claim’ or guests mouthing off when it suits, but let someone dare to quote a statement on their own website, and one of their own website URLs, and the whole lot is shut down as ‘potentially libellous’ quicker than you can whisper ‘watertight oversight’.
‘Questions are being asked’ my Aunt F*anny. Only those they fancy, and the minute the system bites ’em back they go into two-faced, double standard meltdown. Why am I compelled to fund this?
It’s not just propaganda, it’s BBC-editted propaganda.
Laura Kuenssberg managed to feign shock-horror on BBC News 24 this morning when when upright moral crusader Chris Bryant revealed that someone jolly high up at the Palace had informed Cameron of their concern over the Coulson appointment. Who was it? When? Well Bryant wasn’t at liberty to reveal such detail, but he had it on good authority. With yet another bit of sensationalism planted in the minds of listeners, the Beeb newsreader back in the studio (and Kuenssberg, almost immediately) came up with the caveat that, of course, the Palace won’t be wanting to comment on the issue to confirm such a communication. So that’s all right then. Top journalism!
Chris Bryant would have been The Reverend Blue Jeans of Neil Diamonds song-if only he could have been persuaded to keep them on!
Hain in Neath, Bryant in Rhonnda…about time the Welsh reflected on just how low they`ve gone since the days of Nye and old Foot!
Neil Kinnock is the Tories prayer in defence of stopping thick bigots from ever getting their hands on a student grant…maybe that`s why Blair and chums insisted on them!
Pant Man. Anything they say or try to plant in the mind of listeners will struggle to compete with that photo of Pant Man already planted in the minds of listeners.
Van HelsingMar 4, 19:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, The Russian economy is in a mess – the ruble’s value has plummeted, interest rates are high and (most…
Fedup2Mar 4, 19:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The picture on X where he isn’t wearing a Lone Ranger mask has a more pronounced dusky miffed eastern hue…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 18:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 As India has both a space program and a nuclear program I don’t see why any country would send money…
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:47 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder if Farage has seen the interview – I have – he refers to countries which have not been…
moggiemooMar 4, 18:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 … or alienating his potential support base. I’ve lost interest in Reform, I feel they will prove to be no…
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Nigel just can’t stop burning bridges.
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van – I saw that the Russian defence industry was operating on a war footing and is well financed through…
Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
‘Autonomous Mind’ on BBC-NUJ’s N. Campbell and R. Peston:
” The BBC establishment closing ranks and working in harmony to defuse an embarrassing episode that lays bare the rank hypocrisy of its publicly funded smear squad.”
BBC investigative journalism? Too good to be true
It’s just as I suspected: Peston has fooled so many of these people into thinking he’s their friend, and then he sells them out for a “scoop”. Probably how he got the Northern Rock story as well. I guess that’s just award-winning journalism at its finest.
I can’t believe anyone still talks to Peston the Gossip. He’s very dangerous, and these morons keep giving him info. Anyone who still talks to him after all these revelations should have his head examined.
Two more stories about Islam which INBBC censors out:
1.) British Islamic jihadists fighting British troops in Pakistan.
Recent drone strikes in Pakistan target Western jihadists
“An increasing number of Westerners have traveled to the Pakistani tribal areas in recent years to join the so-called jihad that al-Qaeda is waging against US-led allied forces in Afghanistan. Among the Westerners are Americans, Britons, Germans, French and Australians.”The al-Qaeda-trained white jihadis have formed their own contingents in North Waziristan and are fighting alongside al-Qaeda militants on the Pak-Afghan border. The white jihadis living in North Waziristan wear local clothes and travel in small groups in vehicles or on motorcycles, flaunting weapons including assault rifles, rocket launchers and rocket-propelled grenades.”Recruits bearing Western citizenship are prized by the al-Qaeda leadership, mainly because of their nationalities and English-speaking abilities. More and more Muslim converts from the West are therefore being chosen by international jihadis as recruits to strike in the heart of the West.”
2.) F1, Islam, Chechnya.
No INBBC report.
Chechnya: Red Bull energy drink is “comparable to beer,” and therefore un-Islamic
Speaking of ‘next in line’..
I was in mid-surf when Mr. Nic pulled the early plug on all his recent posts.
Things were not going well at the end.
I wonder if it sinks in to ‘The Editors’ that’s where many check first. so while the narrative may be dire, trying to protect it is just poiiishing a Nick’s Unctious Rehashed Diatribe
Then you hit ‘most dislked’, to see who has actually made some fair points but the obliershifts have marked down to try and drive away.
I don’t think some are really grasping new media too well.
Note the delusional twerp cheerfuly kicking off with ‘I am told’ and ‘sources say’, like most now do not know, and despise what that means in media manipulation terms.
The plug-pull seems pan-BBC blog network, as Pesto’s just went ‘We seem to be having problems (I’ll bet)’ too.
Possibly they are just clearing decks for a broadcast-only deluge around today’s events, untroubled by free speech feedback beyond specially selected guests and the views of those in the country they feel they represent best.
Im smiling as i write this…
Did anyone catch “Life of Muhammed” with Rageh Omar….last night? (I will put my post on 1st Ep below), thus we go to Ep2.
Ep 1 ended up with moh “bigging up” ?? the women”, & was one long nauseating apologistfest. ala…victim moh, persecuted moh, misunderstood moh etc etc. Which seems to be (via the Brit Broad. Cresent..i mean Corp), somewhat excusery & biased.. .:-) .
Will Ep 2 redress? Well the start …night journey to Jerusalem ? raised my eyebrows on the possible upcoming bias. In the first 5 mins, We are “treated”? To :- moh in the” top 3”? world leaders ever, was not only a “spiritual genius”?? but a “political one”??? too, moh the “ultimate role model”????, (re-sharp intake of breath), this man who changed the history of the world forever?????,( omitting that so did Hitler, & the 95% of world genocidal terrorists still cite moh as inspiration, “strike TERROR into their hearts/I have been made victorious through TERROR”).
So beebo that would be not biased then? :-)…..continuing we have the ,(legend in his own mind) “miracle”??????? of a dream he had
which is why, wait for it,…. Jerusalem,( you know the place all Muslims point their arse to 5 times a day), is. the 3rd most “holy”?
place in Islam?…….one of the reasons for ramped up virrulent anti-semitism, today
& there is much much more.
Are my kids, going to be getting this, as a component of a multi-culti RE lesson,(under a BBC moniker) anytime soon?.
No doubt.
An alternative critique of Mohammad.
“The Truth about Mohammad”
(by Robert Spencer).
-see ‘Look inside’:-
Many of the following books will be banned/excluded from schools, colleges of education and university Middle East departments (run by Islamic interests):
& there is much much more. continuing,from the Jersalem pipe dream with ….
well the “bullet” points.
back to victim moh, more persecuted/victim moh, the “ummah” muslim based on IDEOLOGY,(oh not religion? then), …more poor moh/victim moh, tripe about the Arab code of “honour”, interspersed with grim sycophantic apologists, ..more victim(but still peace)/banished moh, …Mosques are the place the “ummah” meet to seek to “achieve” their objectives,(does that mean plan?), …an overlong fawning tilt to a constitution in Medina,(that most see as the islamic excuse, used for jew murder & money/belongings grab)..that is often seen as fictitious anyway today,(but obviously not by the BBC).
This all leads to the erm “difficult” Red Cresent Films explanation for the first “holocaust” by moh, there are many disgraceful ,”nuggets” about treacherous jews, deceitful jews, a frankly eyewatering excuse ridden drone,(from imams etc)about moh being left with no choice, but wholesale slaughter…
& how we,(as BBC watchers), have…re emphasised by Omar simply HAVE to understand?
that he had? ….to do it!?
Are my kids, going to be getting this, as a component of a multi-culti RE lesson,(under a BBC moniker) anytime soon?.
“Climate change sceptics should get less BBC coverage and be challenged ‘more vigorously’, corporation body will rule”
Read more:
‘Critics of mass immigration should get less BBC coverage and be challenged more vigorously, corporation body will rule.’
‘ Critics of Islam should get less BBC coverage and be challenged more vigorously, corporation body will rule.’
‘Critics of E.U. should get less BBC coverage and be challenged more vigorously, corporation body will rule.’
‘Critics of BBC should get less BBC coverage and be challenged more vigorously, corporation body will rule.’
This while ‘new era of media’ is working out a treat, eh?
Maybe Kinnock for Trust Chair?
“Maybe Kinnock for Trust Chair?”
An inanimate, wooden object that people park their backsides on ?
Really, this stuff writes itself sometimes…..
So that would mean a complete censorship of all anti social elements/counter revolutionary criminals/deniers/little Englander right wingers and fact anyone holding any views or opinions that differ from the left wing theologies and doctrines.
In other words a left wing fascist police state MSM that Stalin would approve of, no wonder they want to get rid of their MSM enemies because anyone with a choice would dump the BBC.
Ideally that is what the BBC-set do want and they could well get their way; scary!
just emaile Mr Hunt about the BBC bias and the Murdock story.I know its a waste of time but it makes me feel better and i dont take it out on people i love….
I wish i had won the 161 million i would have a full page spread in all the papers asking people to vote to get rid of the license fee on a petition i would start up.The BBC would shit themselves.Money well spent
sophyridge sophyridge Wow, @bbcmichaelcrick is joining Channel 4 news
OK.. no ideological shocks, but to go from an audience of six downwards seems… brave.
Has he gone to work with Matt Frei, then?
Ed_Miliband Ed Miliband What people will want to know is whether James and Rupert Murdoch have some remorse for what happened and to account for what they knew.
But you getting endless, unchallenged BBC airtime to ‘speak for us’, and especially making the same darn claim like a stuck record is grating, bub.
At least some are becoming self-aware (not in a SkyNet way, hopefully)…
theJeremyVine Jeremy Vine RT @TrishLowt: James called BBC ‘Chilling, Addams Family of media, unable to distinguish between what’s good for it or good for the UK’?
My Site (click to edit) :
“At least some are becoming self-aware (not in a SkyNet way, hopefully)…”
It makes me believe that there could be another Terminator film: a better alternative to the shit we have to put up with now, where everyone welcomes the machines and we all live happily ever after.
BBC-NUJ’s preferred short-list for replacement of MET’s Stephenson.
Of course, BBC-NUJ, in its role as unelected, publicly-financed, monopolistic, global media political propagandist, expects to have an input in the appointment of a replacement for MET’s Stephenson:
And, of course, BBC-NUJ excludes from its preferred list, any ARMY GENERAL, lest such a person is insufficiently ‘multicultural’ (and too enthusiatic to oppose Islamic jihadists in London).
“Get an army general to take charge of the Met ”
Read more:,news-comment,news-politics,get-an-army-general-to-take-charge-of-the-met-metropolitan-police#ixzz1SY7RL01E
By the way, how would BBC-NUJ react if ‘Sky News’ came out with its preferred shortlist for the MET job? Would BBC-NUJ lobby for a ban on such an article?
The BBC are busy making mud pies as the big waves out there are slowly gathering to wash them away!
Their science staff tell them that it`s mud…but we all know better don`t we?
I`d use the ball pool analogy if only Vanessa Feltz wasn`t the only one who had any at Craven Cottaging Centre!
Still-Rageh said last night that the murder of lots of Jews by Mohammad(PBUH…but of course!) was “controversial” but was “to be set in context at that time!”
Maybe now is the time for the BBC to stop simply gorging up the Kinnocks, Prescotts etc as victims of N.I…let`s bring in Bacon, Deayton, Langham and of course their real prize…Gary Glitter.
Vulnerable victims all…or at least we can ask the BBC/Guardian what exactly the “guidelines” are so we can clap or boo to order!
Still-Rageh said last night that the murder of lots of Jews by Mohammad(PBUH…but of course!) was “controversial” but was “to be set in context at that time!”
Strangely that defence of our medieval (and sadly non-vibrant) ancestors wasn’t put up by “History Cold Case” on the very same network recently.
How unlike modern Muslims:
Hamas cleric Ziyad Abu al-Haj’s Friday sermon of 3 April 2009 said “The time will come, by Allah’s will, when their property will be destroyed and their children will be exterminated, and no Jew or Zionist will be left on the face of this earth.”?
Dr. Ahmed Yousuf Abu Halabiah, a member of the Palestinian Sharia (Islamic religious law) Rulings Council, and Rector of Advanced Studies at the Islamic University on 13 October 2000 “The Jews are the Jews. There never was among them a supporter of peace. They are all liars… They are terrorists. Therefore it is necessary to slaughter them and murder them, according to the words of Allah… It is forbidden to have mercy in your hearts for the Jews in any place and in any land. Make war on them any place that you find yourself. Any place that you meet them – kill them. Kill the Jews and those among the Americans who are like them… The Jews only understand might. Have no mercy on the Jews, murder them everywhere.”‘
Plenty more examples from Islamic leaders around the world, the BBC choose to ignore almost all – they do report Ahmadinejad though…
“Rageh said last night that the murder of lots of Jews by Mohammad(PBUH…puhhh!) was “controversial” but was “to be set in context at that time!”
yes i know Rageh…..Adolf was the same,
& hey, incidently lots of muslims deny that holocaust too….so sh-t happens eh!
oh! by the way, are the MCB still boycotting holocaust day, with a tin pot excuse?
Manchester Evening News, July 19, & strangely you keep seeing it,
somehow it always seems to be just under the surface.
just under the surface
then again sometimes not so hidden
On Holocaust Memorial Day 2009 a group of Jewish tourists were pleased to be getting a tour of the old Jewish East End. The police advised them not to go, which is extraordinary. The Metropolitan police advise you not to tour the East End.
Well they went there, they were pelted with bricks/stones and told they could go no further by the current euphemism of Fleet Street, “Asian youths.”
Among those injured requiring a trip to hospital were an American citizen and a Canadian from Toronto.
Astonishing. Jewish visitors on Holocaust Memorial Day being taken to hospital because they’d been pelted with stones in the old Jewish East End.
Well, one can always complain…
Dunno why, but all things considered,I found this… interesting..
kevinbakhurst Kevin Bakhurst Audience figures for #hacking coverage on #bbcnews website already v strong – around 350,000 views of live coverage (video) already
It’s like his bonus depends on it.
The BBC continues to skirt around the massive failure by Obama to deal with the US debt crisis.
The basic facts seem to me to be :
1 Obama is a socialist who wants to re-distribute wealth – but in a stealthy manner
2 The Dems are required by law to produce a budget each year – as they run the Senate. They have failed for 2 years now to produce a budget.
3 Obama chunters on about the necessity for fiscal discipline – but he had rejected the detailed recommendations of a bi-partisan committee he had himself appointed, and he has totally fasiled to give ANY specifics about what tax changes he wants – let alone what expenditure cuts he suggests. It is all smoke and mirrors, except that you can be sure that any tax changes would happen quickly, whereas any cuts would be way down the line – well beyond the 2012 election.
4 Obama has failed to engage with the detailed recommendations that the Republicans have made.
Obama is single-handedly driving the US into a crisis – because he wants to use the crisis to extract concessions from the Republicans, even though it was plain from the sweeping gains they made just a few months ago that the US public want government expenditure reined in hard – and quickly.
Here are a couple of items reflecting the plain truth of the current impasse on the debt issue – as the BBC will continue to hide the facts from us :
100% correct, John. Not that the BBC would tell you any of this.
Thanks David.
The point is – how can I know these things – not only from you but widely across US news articles, blogs and TV interviews – but the BBC’s £1 billion a year news operation does not transmit these simple facts – at least as PART of the overall picture.
The BBC’s newsroom, its editors – and its senior management – are still asslicking Obama. While Obama slides and politicks the US into a severe financial crisis.
Like I keep saying: the entire BBC newsgathering operation for the US can be shut down and easily replaced with a news aggregator, and it would be a significant improvement.
That Nick R’s last blog closed, having removed the last 5 comments, and nothing has replaced it since as the BBC goes broadcast only today, tells me all I need to know about its commitment to free speech.
you know there are a lot of holocaust deniers around these days
in all slithery guises out n out…the Pres. of Iran
or more on the stealth the MCB refusing to attend
holocaust day, with tin pot excuses
if you excuse it, you know where that can lead..
i wonder where this sad & bitter example originates?
Mohammed always did like killing people – one of his earliest acts was to insist that an adulterous Jewish couple were stoned to death when he had been called in as arbitrer by people hoping he’d do just the opposite. When he acquired political and military power at Medina, he started killing in earnest.
The Quraish leaders he executed after Badr and he Jews of the Bani Quraiza were genuinely surprised when they realised he was going to kill them: far from bringing a peaceful new message he injected a murderous terrorising element into local life that had not been there before.
This hagiographical, indeed proselytising, documentary, while purporting to be a warts n’all job, is positively evil in it’s disonesty.
For a quick, dispassionate acccount of Mohammed’s dealings with the Jews. there is a good one at:
Just a handful of litle details the programme left out:
while we had been told that Mo was a man of his times and owned slaves, it had been hastily added that he also freed slaves.For some reason they didn’t mention tht he sold off his share of the women and children of the Bani Quraiza using the money to buy warhorses. Actually he held on to the beautful Jewess, Rihana. for use as a sex slave. He graciously offered to make her one of his wives if she converted to Islam but she declined to do so. That he regarded having sex with women all of whose adult male relatives he had killed as acceptable was shown again after the defeat of the jews at Khaybar, when he virtually raped a woman the same day that he had had her husband tortured to death. Shortly before the battle of the Trenh he had had a Jewish poet assassinated for writing satyrical verse about Muslim women. The volunteer to carry out the murder told Mo that he would have to lie and pretend to be the man’s friend in order o kill him,Mo said he was OK wih that. The hadith about the trees and ushes calling out that there is a Jew hiding underneath me, come and kill him, dates from about this time.
I’ll bore you no longer. That the British public should be fed this bowdlerised justification for Muslim anti-Semitism is sickening. The Koran tells you 30 times that you should imitate the behaviour of Mo and 40 times that you will go to hell if you dont:
the argument that he was just a man of his times is inexcusable, when he is held up as an example for all time.
For a quick rundown on what the noble, glorious koran has to say about the jews, from an ex-chairman of the fatwa committee at al-Azhar, no less, see:
once again sir, a veritable “tome” of information.
it is amazing, no ASTOUNDING, the BBC, can bleat on about
racism, the N word, the ridiculous moniker the P word..
last week pushing we should all take great care not to be
regionocentrically discriminatory,(in case you have a joke at the
expense of a scouser, or a scot etc etc).
AND YET here we are, they trip over themselves, to insinuate,
obfuscate over fact,(if texts are accurate) in every conceivable way
to whitewash a racially motivated, quasi religious massacre, that is
obvious to anyione with ability to read, was only the tip of the iceberg,
for an individual insanely driven, to put the jew to the sword.
and…for R Omar to outdo his fist clenching, tear squeezing feat, on
Islamic History of Europe,( when explaining alas, christiandom was able
to retake Spain)……with this shameful obfuscation of mohs slaughter
(please read post above)……just about says it all.
Platitudes for a deeply anti semitic ideology,(& its founder),well
that must be the (anti racist/anti “phobic”/multi racial) BBC remit,
as far as jews are concerned.
puzzling……or maybe not
Mohammed always did like killing people – one of his earliest acts was to insist that an adulterous Jewish couple were stoned to death when he had been called in as arbitrer by people hoping he’d do just the opposite. When he acquired political and military power at Medina, he started killing in earnest.
The Quraish leaders he executed after Badr and he Jews of the Bani Quraiza were genuinely surprised when they realised he was going to kill them: far from bringing a peaceful new message he injected a murderous terrorising element into local life that had not been there before.
This hagiographical, indeed proselytising, documentary, while purporting to be a warts n’all job, is positively evil in it’s disonesty.
For a quick, dispassionate acccount of Mohammed’s dealings with the Jews. there is a good one at:
Just a handful of litle details the programme left out:
while we had been told that Mo was a man of his times and owned slaves, it had been hastily added that he also freed slaves.For some reason they didn’t mention tht he sold off his share of the women and children of the Bani Quraiza using the money to buy warhorses. Actually he held on to the beautful Jewess, Rihana. for use as a sex slave. He graciously offered to make her one of his wives if she converted to Islam but she declined to do so. That he regarded having sex with women all of whose adult male relatives he had killed as acceptable was shown again after the defeat of the jews at Khaybar, when he virtually raped a woman the same day that he had had her husband tortured to death. Shortly before the battle of the Trenh he had had a Jewish poet assassinated for writing satyrical verse about Muslim women. The volunteer to carry out the murder told Mo that he would have to lie and pretend to be the man’s friend in order o kill him,Mo said he was OK wih that. The hadith about the trees and ushes calling out that there is a Jew hiding underneath me, come and kill him, dates from about this time.
I’ll bore you no longer. That the British public should be fed this bowdlerised justification for Muslim anti-Semitism is sickening. The Koran tells you 30 times that you should imitate the behaviour of Mo and 40 times that you will go to hell if you dont:
the argument that he was just a man of his times is inexcusable, when he is held up as an example for all time.
For a quick rundown on what the noble, glorious koran has to say about the jews, from an ex-chairman of the fatwa committee at al-Azhar, no less, see:
Wally i think you maybe onto something 😉
even from its siamese twin
& you know sometimes, old beebo can be positively “Orwellian”
Thanks to Tim Worstall ( for uncovering this one:
Here is the Murdoch pie man, trying to be funny, suprised the BBC hasn’t had him on…
Soooo very fuuuuny :'( he makes watching paint dry look like a good time.
laugh…i thought i d never start?
sheesh….well…sounds like 2 people laughin n whoopin?
must be his mum and dad,(they probably drove him there)
They have had him on!
DB has the link-Newsnight late January-UK Uncut promotional video!
The BBC will need to account for sponsoring attacks on pensioners-after they`d sent Russell Brand to Gorky!
Beyond the seriousness of the assault, and the utter incompetence of any entity associated with HoC or ‘Parliament’, you gotta laugh…
philipmossop Philip Mossop One excellent reason to love twitter. 200m people already know who attacked Murdoch. BBC still describing him as ‘a young male’
One suspects Aunty’s enthusiasm for it fave newsgathering tool rather tempered by its ‘news’ being outed as outdated and useless.
Beyond ‘inspiring’ such as Mr. Gilmour and this latest ‘spoksperson of the people’.
Why does one suspect the airtime will still go to MileE…to speak for ‘us’?
Oh dear I seem to be having an uphill struggle here
And this is supposed to be a blog on liberty.
Just posted a few messages “in support”
I do not know who these people are, but they are not libertarians!!!!
I stopped reading when one of the angry Leftoids said that nothing thrives in a free market. Good luck arguing with emotional sophists, JHT. Your head will feel good when you stop banging it against that wall.
I give up!!!!!!!!!
Here’s another installment in the BBC’s Narrative about how the President is trying to save the country from the evil Republican ideologues.
Barack Obama hails ‘progress’ as debt deadline nears
Forget about those awful “newly empowered” Republicans in the House who have treated Him so horribly: it’s really all about the Senate. Of course, that’s what the White House says, so the BBC says it, too.
After one scrolls past the latest clichés and demagoguery, there’s this:
Republicans have been unwilling to consider raising new tax revenues to counter the growing budget deficits, while the Democrats have been opposed to cutting popular healthcare and welfare programmes for pensioners and the poor.
Could this be any more one-sided? The Republicans refuse to do what is so obviously vital, while the Democrats are protecting the elderly and the poor.
Meanwhile, on Tuesday the Republican-controlled House of Representatives was set to vote on a so-called “cut, cap and balance” resolution.
This resolution is backed by….whisper it quietly…. many parts of the Tea Party movement. So the BBC must qualify it properly.
That would impose severe and immediate spending cuts, cap future government spending at a certain percentage of the national economy, and call for an amendment to the US constitution to require Congress to pass a balanced budget.
“Severe and immediate”. Sounds an awful lot like “too much too soon”, no? Narrative? What Narrative?
Any bill passed by the House has no chance of passing the Senate, which the Democrats narrowly control. Mr Obama has said he would veto any law if it were eventually passed.
Audience: Look out behind you, Puss!
…healthcare and welfare programmes for pensioners and the poor
I take it these are the only two programmes funded by the US government, hence the conclusion that any cuts in expenditure must fall there.
Oh, my goodness:
RNC calls for probe of Obama fundraising
The Republican National Committee on Monday asked the Department of Justice to investigate whether the president’s reelection fundraising broke federal law.
In a letter sent to Attorney General Eric Holder, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus cited a fundraising video President Obama appears in that seems to have been taped in the White House.
Federal law makes it a crime for the president to solicit political contributions in a place of official government business.
Hilarious if true. Apparently He filmed a segment in the Map Room. No time to look for the video right now, but I’ll keep an eye out after tomorrow.
Please do, I was in New Orleans all last week and at least 3 nights I was treated to how much Obama had made compared to the GOP, online, all donations less than 250USD blah blah balh…the same shite as in the POTUS election.
Thinking now that Tom Baldwin ought to be getting thrown around as Milibands NI greaser…and unlike Coulson is still sniffing through the Tories laundry basket “unchallenged”.
Truly useless the Tories-if they can`t nail Mandelson,Brown,Blair, Prescott, Blunkett, Campbell to the BBCs masthead given that all this happened under a Labour…a Labour Government!
That reminds me-if Lord Kinnock isn`t a barrage balloon begging to be popped, then the Tories are as shit as we all know they are!
BUPA does spine transplants I`m told!
So comical watching little Gavin Esler in Jeremy Paxmans little suit!
Sadly Esler is presumably hand picked by Tory Central Office to make the Tories look substantial…Damien Green was even able to shout him down!
Bring back Hugh Scully…even he would worry the Tories more!
In the meantime I note that UKIP want the cash for honours “enquiry” re-opened…another investigation that Yates seems to have some knowledge of-couldn`t do any harm seeing as Labour seem to want the barns mucked out!
Also think that the BBC are close to insider dealing when they try to talk NewsCorp down in its share price…that`s illegal I`d have thought!
re share price read Cassandra’s comments on page 7 (or thereabouts!) A serious alegation with plenty of meat on the bones.
“Crick defects from BBC to Channel 4”
“A BBC spokesman said: ‘Clearly the political agenda is central to Newsnight,’ [you can say that again] ‘Michael Crick has only just told us he is moving on, we will now consider how best to fill the gap he leaves.'”
A bit of wood putty should do the trick.
Political agenda? What political agenda? LOL.
Presumably his wig will go to the BBC Museum…it`s what Rusty(his trusty hairpiece!) would have wanted.
His mind will of course stay in the 60s where it has been set in lime jelly since 1971!
Jon Snow, Krishnan…now Crick…what a gloop of white poppies, hair oil, character-ties( and jaunty socks) and now a syrup to add to the mix!
Reckon the BBC are wanting to see Channel 4 go the way of Rupert…why else would they pop their Savoy cabbage into the arms of Channel 4?
Not on BBC, but in America. BBC makes a cock up….Funny…
At least that guy was honest about knowing nothing of the topic at hand, unlike a few other people giving opinions on US issues for the BBC.
There is no truth in the rumour, but the BBC reports it anyway.
New Zealand PM John Key denies Israel spy rumour
The probe was triggered by the rapid departure of three other Israelis who had survived the quake, he said.
There was no evidence that the group had Mossad links, he added.
He confirmed however that Mizrahi was found to have two passports – one European and one Israeli.
Gilad Shalit also holds two passports, one Israeli and one French.
The BBC obligingly gives a link to ridiculous report from the NZ rag that started it all:
For a complete debunking see and
Oh, and the BBC’s paper version, The Guardian, now has the story… too good to miss for the most antisemitic rag in the UK!
I like the concentration on multiple passports, I suppose trying to link to the recent false passports story. Of course he boring truth is that plenty of people have dual passports; I know of several with British & Irish passports –
I see the bBC continues with its mission statement of character assassinating Israel by giving great prominence to Rumours and rife instead of actual news stories.
New Zealand PM John Key denies Israel spy rumour
New Zealand’s prime minister has denied that a group of Israelis caught up in the devastating Christchurch earthquake in February had links to the Israeli secret service Mossad. John Key said security agents had investigated Ofer Mizrahi, one of three Israelis who died in the quake.The probe was triggered by the rapid departure of three other Israelis who had survived the quake, he said.
King’s Torah splits Israel’s religious and secular Jews
Rabbis Dov Lior and Yacob Yousef had endorsed a highly controversial book, the King’s Torah – written by two lesser-known settler rabbis. It justifies killing non-Jews, including those not involved in violence, under certain circumstances. The fifth chapter, entitled “Murder of non-Jews in a time of war” has been widely quoted in the Israeli media. The summary states that “you can kill those who are not supporting or encouraging murder in order to save the lives of Jews”.
And we wonder why people treat Jews with suspicion when the state broadcaster continually feeds the world with anti-Semitic stories.
Would the bBC do likewise with an article about how Mullahs embrace a book which tells Muslims that killing innocents is acceptable? NO? The fact remains that is exactly what the Koran says, yet the bBC goes out of its way in which not t ask any questions of Islam.
‘I see the bBC continues with its mission statement of character assassinating’
Not just Isreal… anyone or thing counter narrative.
Their pages are alive with ‘sources say’, ‘critics claim’ or guests mouthing off when it suits, but let someone dare to quote a statement on their own website, and one of their own website URLs, and the whole lot is shut down as ‘potentially libellous’ quicker than you can whisper ‘watertight oversight’.
‘Questions are being asked’ my Aunt F*anny. Only those they fancy, and the minute the system bites ’em back they go into two-faced, double standard meltdown. Why am I compelled to fund this?
It’s not just propaganda, it’s BBC-editted propaganda.
Cameron playing an absolute blinder in the House. He’s just mopped the floor with Miliband.
Laura Kuenssberg managed to feign shock-horror on BBC News 24 this morning when when upright moral crusader Chris Bryant revealed that someone jolly high up at the Palace had informed Cameron of their concern over the Coulson appointment. Who was it? When? Well Bryant wasn’t at liberty to reveal such detail, but he had it on good authority. With yet another bit of sensationalism planted in the minds of listeners, the Beeb newsreader back in the studio (and Kuenssberg, almost immediately) came up with the caveat that, of course, the Palace won’t be wanting to comment on the issue to confirm such a communication. So that’s all right then. Top journalism!
Chris Bryant would have been The Reverend Blue Jeans of Neil Diamonds song-if only he could have been persuaded to keep them on!
Hain in Neath, Bryant in Rhonnda…about time the Welsh reflected on just how low they`ve gone since the days of Nye and old Foot!
Neil Kinnock is the Tories prayer in defence of stopping thick bigots from ever getting their hands on a student grant…maybe that`s why Blair and chums insisted on them!
Hain and Bryant aren’t the half of it! Look at who else they had: Lembit Opik! There have been other “well dodgy” ones as well.
Pant Man. Anything they say or try to plant in the mind of listeners will struggle to compete with that photo of Pant Man already planted in the minds of listeners.
How can you listen to a photo ? Sorry ….
Eh? Did someone say you can?
Got to say, getting rigging things back to the way it was when it was being rigged, and looking like you are doing it for balance, is genius…
TheTimesLive The Times BBC criticised for ‘bogus impartiality’ favouring dissident scence views [paywall]