So, on the day of the Show Trials being held in the Star Chamber, who better for the BBC to give a prime time bully pulpit to but a blast from the past..Neil Kinnoch. Yes, the Welsh windbag was afforded an opportunity to bash Murdoch “an enemy of the Labour movement” as he helpfully put it and was sympathetically defined by Humphrys as “a victim” of the evil empire. Earlier in the morning, BBC favourite and staunch opponent of the Coalition, Sir Hugh Orde, was allowed to subtly put in his CV to succeed Stephenson. The BBC is clear – it wants to see the breakup of Murdoch’s media empire and it looks like nothing can stop it. In this regard, it validates Melanie Phillip’s view that it is the BBC which is the single biggest threat to our freedoms.
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Thanks for listening David-so the rest of us need not!
In truth, as soon as I recognised that tired Welsh rasp, I turned off-as soon as Humph called him “a victim”.
In Humphrys world , it was not that Nuremberg rally of his-“well…alrrright!”…nor was it his fiefdom in Brussels where his name gets gigs aplenty for wife and kids…and it CERTAINLY was not his EU Commissioner debacle that hounded decent accountants and ensured that his trough quaffers at the time had to “temporarily”(this being Europe remember?) stand down…that earned him the nations scorn(not Ruperts-he doesn`t despise Kinnock like the rest of us!).
No-in BBC world…it`s all nasty NewsCorps fault…Kinnock, Prescott and Campbell were all vulnerable victims to the redtops!
Kinnock will of course discuss at leisure why Blair trailed Murdoch round the world-how Brown zipped him up in the urinals so the rest of the Labour movement didnt`have to(neutralised him…well that`s one word for it ,Neil!)-but all this will be for Nick, Pesto and chums once the microphones are off and he`s been stuffed enough danish pastries in the Green Room.
Toksvig is the stale one no-one will touch-which is what Antiques shows are for!
I just hope that when the dust has settled, Mr Murdoch hasn’t been severely weakened and so is still able to take his revenge on all the verminous socialists who have been screaming for his head over the past few weeks. I hope that he has dirt on bbc employees and uses it to help destroy this cancerous growth on our nation.
If I were Rupert, I`d take a look at Nick Boles destroy Harman and Esler on last nights “Newslight”.
That is what Fox should be giving us Rupert…one Boles is as good as it gets for now, but it should be a whole lot better than this!
To hear the prepschool toffs who run the BBC and have given us mediocrities like Esler( philanderer 2008 as I recall!) and Harman( sacked for being so crap by Brown 1997, but forever slavering at his slippers…no shoelaces allowed!) being monstered by Boles has made my day.
Would hate to get Esler into trouble…but for him to accuse Cameron of needing to stop off in Nigeria in order to get tips in how to deal with corruption is-to me-sackable!…and I doubt the Beeb jihadists will be happy with this racist slur! Muslims there I`m sure!
Funny isn`t it when “trade with the developing world/international development” seems not to be the MSM touchstone of their own fragrance and fitness to rule…to meet Tutu etc is surely all Western politicians and Beeb hacks were born to do is it not?
It certainly was when Geldof,Blair, Brown ran the show alongside Richard Curtis!
To leave you with the best of Boles-
“All the Labour Party is doing is whipping up a soufflet to cheer themselves up over the holidays-in order to fool themslves that Ed Miliband means anything to anyone”
” Miliband is only chasing this one hare because he has nothing else to do…Cameron has Eurozones, energy hikes, droughts to be dealing with”.
Am adding Boles to my roll of honour-that makes five so far…Hannan, Carswell, Raab and Davies!
As my dear old mum used to say…”be grateful for small mercies”
As Elvis said “diving for dear life-when we should be diving for pearls”…Boles 1 Shirl 0
I can’t watch “new Shite” anymore-it makes me want to hurl
anyone got a video link for that?
Agreed Boles did his best, he was up against Harman and Gavin Estler.
To be fair to both Humphrys and Robinsoin, they were both obviously appalled at Kinnock’s suggestion that the press in general should be regulated as is (ostensibly) the BBC by the imposition of an “impartiality” rule (presumably to be adminstered by the metropolitan left a la the BBC). Even Humphrys found himself unable to stop the flood of verbal sewage flowing from the esteemed non-ex PM to obtain clarification of this extraordinary but highly predictable policy statement by the representative from Parasite Central (socialist division).
Sake of free speech appalled, or ‘What, you mean us, too?’ appalled?
I ask, rhetorically, noting..
‘(presumably to be adminstered by the metropolitan left a la the BBC)’
It would be laughable , except for the fact that the useless twat ( and his entire family) have milked us, the taxpayer, for millions of pounds. Strange the bbc never seem to ask about that, isn’t it ?
So Kinnock would like to see all newspaper political output regulated in the same way as the BBC.
I guess that says it all.
Can anyone still doubt that the BBC is biased?
If there were ever any conservative voice on the BBC on any issue then Kinnock wouldn’t see it as his model, would he?
On reflection, maybe Humphrys and Robinson were appalled that Kinnock let the cat out of the bag prematurely. However, they seemed genuinely taken aback by the suggestion that the MSM should be regulated similarly to the way the BBC is regulated. Of course, the regulation of the BBC only works in one direction (as readers of this blog will be aware) and one piece of evidence of that is the hauling on of Kinnock (Kinnock!!!) to comment on the NI debacle. What reasonable person outside Islington could possibly consider that Kinnock has anything constructive (or even destructive) to add to the discussion?
The ostensible reason for allowing him the freedom of the airwaves was that he was a “victim” of the Sun. If so, he’s the last person to give a disinterested assessment of the NI situation and where we go from here.
Mind you, this is only a manifestation of the “victimology” syndrome whereby those who suffer from wrongdoing (or are empathetic celebrities) are alleged to have some startling insight into the causes, effects and remedies for the wrondoing in question. You know, just because Millie Dowler’s parents were (quite disgracefully) hacked by the NoTW and over-aggressively harrassed in court by defence counsel at the recent trial does not make them experts on press freedom or the judicial process. Nor does being a “victim” (ie he was rumbled as the “all mouth and no trousers” parasite he is) make Kinnock an expert on anything: his only expertise, as we know and as others have commented, is milking the taxpayer and ensuring that his family benefit similarly. Maybe – as Backwoodsman implies – the BBC should press Kinnock to let us all know the details of his rise to riches on the back of a complete lack of talent (outside the capability of talking the hind legs off a herd of donkeys).
Kinnock ? hmm watch the polls as this Berk is a death sentence to any cause he leeches publicity off ! shame I was rather hoping his absence in latter times had meant he had been killed by the weight of his wallet!
A Reprise:
“Why Vaz makes a most unlikely moral crusader”
(by Andrew Pierce)
Read more:
Stephen Glover, ‘Daily Mail’:-
“The story is careering so much out of control that one would scarcely be surprised if the Archbishop of Canterbury were led away in handcuffs, or if some hysterical Labour politician, dutifully reported by the BBC, were to demand the immediate closure of all newspapers.”
“The BBC itself has been leading every bulletin with portentous announcements as though it were reporting the latest developments in World War III. Murdoch is, of course, a commercial rival, and for many Left-leaning BBC journalists (i.e. the majority) he is a much-hated figure of the Right, comparable to Margaret Thatcher, but in their eyes even worse.
A small, though telling, example of the Corporation’s rampant anti-Murdoch bias was evident on yesterday’s World At One on Radio Four. Andrew Wylie, a controversial literary agent known as ‘the jackal’, was permitted to accuse a Murdoch company called HarperCollins of behaving in ‘an unusually shrill and punitive and improper way towards authors’, although he did not offer a single piece of evidence. There is no need to in the present febrile climate.”
“Let me repeat that I absolutely accept the seriousness of what has happened. The News of the World behaved outrageously, but there are other stories in the world. The euro may be collapsing, although the BBC and much of the media seem not to care. We have lost all sense of proportionality.”
“Mr Cameron must now be in no doubt, though, that it is his scalp which the Labour Party, the Guardian and the BBC really want.”
Read more:
Glad Mr Glover agrees with what some of us here have been saying for ages.
“Kinnock’s Return!”
The World at war…sorry…One has just been on.
A vox pop outside the select committee for the afternoon manages to interview one in three as being journos from Channel 4…and they talk to an Italian telly reporter…if you wanted proof of this all being a media storm in its own budgie smugglers then this would be it!
Still that didn`t stop a breathless(if only!) Martha Kearney drooling about bunga bunga parties amidst asking some Jock on a mission(Sheridan?) about what his tactics would be for the big fight later when Murdoch gets his gloves on.
I thought it was Sky that were responsible for “dumbing down” and treating everything as a pay per view “head to head”…but there you go!
Sheridans expenses won`t be asked about I`m sure..but to hear Kearney doing her Angelo Dundee impression from behing her Guardian seems to sum up all that is wrong with the Beeb!
Bitchfest in Committee Room in padded cell9!
If Jim Sheridan and Kearney are the best that our political class and its house trained media can rustle up to bother NewsCorps…think I`ll get my SkyDish very soon!
“Murdochphobia is not as radical as you think”
(by Brendan O’Neill)
“The end result could well be the further shrinking of the political sphere and the more thorough expulsion of everyday people from public debate. So Ed Miliband’s apparently brave decision to cut his party’s ties with Murdoch is really a recognition on his part that he no longer even has to maintain the pretence of trying to connect with the public through the tabloids, as Blair attempted. No, all that counts now, it seems, is pleasing those small but influential sections of the chattering classes who over the past fortnight have determined the political agenda in a way Murdoch could only have dreamt about. Every other issue, from recession to liberty, war to democracy, has been elbowed aside by the elevation of their narrow anti-Murdoch agenda and the implicit insistence that everyone kowtow to it. The narcissism of it all is astounding, the expectation of unquestioning compliance even more so. If it goes on like this we might end up feeling nostalgic for the News of the World‘s politics of ‘name and shame’.”
MAC cartoon:
The new/old/new/old union run labour party has the BBC on its side, it has the left wing press. All the party needs to do in fact is destroy the right wing MSM and they then have total dominance of the UK MSM interface with the UK public.
Never mind that the newlabour party created the gutter press/political scum class axis which it ran like a private feifdom and which it jealously guarded and from wich it happily smeared and poisoned and briefed its way to 3 terms in power.
Never mind that the hapless and clueless Tory party found that every move they made was somehow utterly destroyed via this new MSM/political scum class axis and so in effect created the Tory response in the form of Coulson and Cameron and its faximile of the axis that newlabour created and ran to such effect.
We will never get to the real truth, the real source of the cancer that took such a hold on the UK. We will never learn how and why and who created and ran this cancerous axis between the gutter press and the political scum class UNLESS the people now being persecuted and made into scapegoats have some proof and evidence implicating the political class.
Campbell and Brown and Blair and Cameron all have serious question to answer, they created the monster, they designed the systems that fed the monster, they protected the monster and they took advantage of all the poisonous and noxious effluent produced by the monster they created. They didnt give a 2nd thought about the cancerous disease they unleashed did they?
In the battelfield that is politics did they not think that their enemies would be desperate to deploy the same toxins? That the entire landscape would be permanently polluted and in the end there would be no winners, only losers? No, these scumbags only considered the short term benefits for themselves and f*ck the consequences.
And now look at the result, look on in despair at the degenerates and the crooks and the liars and the charlatans who now control our mational affairs. Who looking at this circus does not feel ashamed and the complte degeneration of our political class?
The attempted physical attack on the Murdochs, 10 minutes ago.
Of course, we have confirmed again, the hate, and hateful political atmosphere inculcated by the ‘political left’.
Only the evil lefties could transform Rupert from evil magnate to mugged pensioner for all the world to see.
When we said we`re not safe to walk our streets…seems we`re not even safe to walk their corridors or sit in their seats…and the world was watching!
Daily Mail Comment:
“In a remark that should send shudders through everyone who cherishes freedom, the former Labour leader [KINNOCK] suggested that the Press should be bound by the same rules of impartiality as the BBC.
This would mean newspapers being forced to produce the anodyne mish-mash of soft-Left views peddled by the Corporation – a state-funded body that is pro-Europe, multiculturalism, ‘human rights’ and high state spending, and against the family, Christianity, nationality and private enterprise.”
Read more:
Ephraim Hardcastle on KINNOCK and MAXWELL:
“EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Neil Kinnock’s in a fluster about Rupert Murdoch”
“Labour’s former leader Neil Kinnock got over-excited on Radio 4 while trashing Rupert Murdoch and tabloid newspapers.
Does he think we’ve forgotten how he danced attendance on the Daily Mirror’s crooked boss, pensions thief Robert Maxwell, rhapsodising about the bouncing Czech’s ‘zest for life’ after he toppled off the back of his yacht?
‘He was a steadfast supporter of the Labour Party,’ sobbed Kinnock. “
Read more: