The bBC, the propaganda arm of the Taliban at work. US blamed for Omar death reports Two Taliban spokesmen have said their phones had been hacked and messages sent out that their leader Mullah Omar was dead, media reports say.One of the spokesmen Zabihullah Mujahid told Reuters that the “Americans have hacked our cellphones with advanced technology and sent the messages”.The death was reported in May by media including an Afghan TV channel. A US official told the BBC: “A lot of people – in a lot of places – don’t like the Taliban.”
Only the bBC could report a story which makes victims of the Taliban.
hahahahaha…that has to be the understatement of the decade…a lot of people in a lot of places dont like the taliban! Heck, I bet a few of them even worked for news international! 🙂
Anybody with British Nationality caught fighting for enemies of this country should be executed by firing squad, no ifs no buts. It is a treasonous act and should be treated as such. It might just concentrate a few minds in a certain section of our society.
The BBC will no doubt be looking for the fingerprints of Andy Coulson in the hacking of the mobiles of our extended travelling partners in the Afghan community!
It was unlawful you know…don`t you people care how this looks to Bunglawalla and Shami…never see those two together at the same time do you?
I propose another enquiry-and we will learn the lessons of the last shambles by insisting that no-one shaves with foam…should suit the Taliban at least!
So while the bBC has had no problem knocking out stories about false rumours about jews in New Zealand.How many people here have heard about this story from the very same bBC which transpired in Australia the otherday:
Four men in Sydney are being investigated after breaking into a man’s house late at night and whipping him 40 times for breaching Islamic law by drinking alcohol. The victim, a recent Islamic convert, was allegedly held down on his bed by three men and lashed by another with an electric cable at 1am on Sunday. The victim reportedly told police he recognised the men as Wahabi Muslims from his local mosque. He claims he was being punished for having a few drinks with friends.
Sydney’s Muslim community has condemned the alleged attack, saying it was illegal under Islamic law. (Of course they were)
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t reported this actual story from down under? It had no problem with the false jewish one in New Zealand.
The bBC , and its mission to change people’s perception of Islam. Muslim comedian Humza Arshad becomes internet sensation A series of films by 26-year-old comedian Humza Arshad, from south London, has been watched 20 million times on the internet by people around the world.
He hopes his work will not only entertain but also challenge people’s perception of Islam. (Err sorry bBC, anybody with even a single braincell understands that Islam is a gay death cult, only you twats think otherwise)
Have a butchers at the bBC video clip, Christ if that isn’t pure Islamic propaganda I don’t know what is. Muslims good, Muslims victims, White people evil. Muslims turn to the darkside because of white people. Pakistani Muslim Humza fights the good fight using teaching of prophet Mo-ham-head (he ain’t my f-ing Prophet, bBC) Oh and by the way bBC, the correct grammar for the title should read .’Islamic comedian.’ An Oxymoron if ever there was one.
Muslims good, Muslims victims, …….. people evil. Muslims turn to the darkside because of ……, muslim fights the good fight using teaching of Moh
goodness… looks like R Omar used it for the script, “life of moh”
moh…..a comedian 🙂 ….must be alternative
stereotypical Islam, all encompassing victim mentality, delusion of supremacism, some things never change
I just find it hilarious that the BBC expects us to believe that it’s tough for young muslims in Britain today. Young Muslims, who can sit in large houses, in front of £2000 Mac computers, making comedy videos that they can upload on-line, and then which the State broadcaster can decide to give massive coverage too. Not exaclty hard done by and ‘tough’, as in the Jarrow Hunger marches, sense of tough.
Esler was his usual clueless and non-enquiring self.
Balls is not a Tory you see!
So it was that Balls was allowed to blame the Eurocrisis because Cameron was distracted these last few weeks( as if his party had no part!)-and that he`s “not showing leadership”-not easy if you`re not actually IN the Europroject!
Still he got away with it-luckily only sadsacks on a rampage like us would have been watching. No-one I know would ever watch Newsnight!
Two US men have been charged in the US with operating an illegal front group for the Pakistani government.The two used at least $4m (£2.5m) in Pakistani funds in a bid to influence the US position on the disputed territory of Kashmir,prosecutors said. Syed Fai, 62, was arrested and charged with failing to register as an agent of a foreign government. Zaheer Ahmad, 63, was charged with the same offence. Pakistan rejects the charges. Kashmir is at the centre of its row with India.
Mr Fai, who denies the charges, is a US citizen who comes from Indian-administered Kashmir. Mr Ahmad is a US citizen of Pakistani origin.
So the bBC reports on the current hot potato of a story in the states of how Pakistans Secret service has been caught red handed behind the group which has tried to purchase political favours in which to get the US to back Pakistan against India. The thing is, the bBC is just as guilty. Have a look at how they describe the two men caught. US citizens of this and that heritage. Yet when its a positive story (or a victim one) Then the people in the headlines are Pakistani, Pakistani American, and Pakistani British. Lets not forget how the bBC will always point out which faith they belong to.
The thing is the bBC write up is very cloudy and if taken at face value you get the impression that this is just sour grapes from the Yanks and here is how a good Islamic country (Kuwait) writes up the same story:
Two US citizens have been charged with illegally lobbying the United States for the Pakistani government and its spy agency over the disputed territory of Kashmir, US authorities said on Tuesday. FBI agents arrested Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai, 62, in Virginia on charges that he failed to register as an agent of a foreign government. Zaheer Ahmad, 63, was also charged but is believed to be in Pakistan. Both are naturalized US citizens. Pakistan has spent at least $4 million since the mid-1990s lobbying the US Congress and the White House through Fai and the Kashmiri American Council, also known as the Kashmir Center, where Fai served as executive director, according to an FBI affidavit filed in US court. The arrest and allegations may further strain already frayed ties between Washington and Islamabad, particularly after US forces conducted a secret raid in Pakistan in May that killed Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
Control over Kashmir has been at the center of hostilities between nuclear armed Pakistan and India since their partition in 1947 and was the scene of 1999 war between the two nations. An FBI affidavit detailed the alleged scheme in which Fai’s organization received up to $700,000 annually from Pakistan to make campaign contributions to US politicians, sponsor conferences and other promotions. Mr Fai is accused of a decades-long scheme with one purpose-to hide Pakistan’s involvement behind his efforts to influence the US government’s position on Kashmir,” said Neil MacBride, US Attorney for Eastern Virginia. One unidentified confidential witness told investigators that Pakistan’s powerful military spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence Agency, was behind some of the money Fai received, according to the FBI affidavit. A second confidential witness said the spy agency had sponsored and controlled Fai’s organization and had been directing him for the past 25 years, the court papers said.
Fai appeared briefly in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia where a judge ordered him detained pending a preliminary and detention hearing set for Thursday. It was not clear if Fai had a lawyer yet. Pakistan allegedly funneled money to Fai through Ahmad and contributions by others that were reimbursed by the Pakistani government. Fai then used the funds for campaign donations, conferences and other lobbying efforts, the affidavit said. The FBI affidavit said Fai had denied that he had lobbied, saying instead he was involved in public relations.
Federal election records showed Fai had given $23,500 to US political candidates since 1997, including $250 to President Barack Obama’s presidential campaign as well as $7,500 to Republican Representative Dan Burton of Indiana. Burton, an outspoken critic of India’s actions in Kashmir, said in a statement he was “deeply shocked” by Fai’s arrest and “had no inkling of his involvement with any foreign intelligence operation. If there is any doubt about the origin of these contributions, I will donate those funds to the Boy Scouts of America,” he said. Burton said he has known Fai for 20 years. The Justice Department said that there was no evidence that any elected officials who received the contributions from Fai or his group knew that it came from the Pakistani government. – Reuters
It appears that the bBCs love fest with Pakistan means that its version of the news is totally different from the facts on the ground. Makes you wonder if the bBC has been bought by the Pakistani sercret service doesn’t it?
Meanwhile, for some real context, let’s do what the BBC never does with conservatives, and let him speak for himself:
We reject any peaceful approach. Violence is inevitable. To establish Socialism rivers of blood must flow! The imperialist enemy must feel like a hunted animal wherever he moves. Thus we’ll destroy him! These hyenas are fit only for extermination.
This reminded me of something. Che is never far from the Beeboid mind. Perhaps they dream of him. Do they have posters of him in the staff room?
Anyway, what this reminded me of is the recent final episode of The Apprentice. At 1.26.50, they are interviewing Helen, the runner-up, and remind her about an incident during one of the episodes when she suggested that she would be better taking over the role of the project manager from Melody, the designated project manager who she felt, hadn’t a clue what she was doing. This became known as The Coup in the Kitchen, a sort of takeover attempt.
Anyway, at the end of the interview and the showing of the candidate’s highlights, it is customary to present the candidate with some sort of humorous gift, satirising something they did or the persona they showed over the course of the series.
My last post was about how Pakistan has been caught out trying to gerrymander American opinion in its favour. I ended with hinting that maybe the British government should look into the workings of the bBC in which to root out their Pakistani masters. Something caught my eye in that article of theirs I quote: “Kashmir has been a flashpoint between India and Pakistan for decades. Both countries claim the territory in its entirety and have fought two of their three wars over it.”
Reading that do you get the impression that both countries are equally to blame? Here is a run down of every war that has been fought between India and Pakistan: Indo-Pakistani War of 1947:This is also called the First Kashmir War. The war started in October 1947 when the Maharajah of the princely state of Kashmir and Jammu was pressured to accede to either of the newly independent states of Pakistan or India. Tribal forces prompted by Pakistan attacked and occupied the princely state, forcing the Maharajah to sign the “Agreement to the accession of the princely state to India”.
Indo-Pakistani War of 1965: This war started following of Pakistan’s Operation Gibraltar, which was designed to infiltrate forces into Jammu and Kashmir to precipitate an insurgency against rule by India. India retaliated by launching an attack on Pakistan.
Indo-Pakistani War of 1971:The war was unique in that it did not involve the issue of Kashmir, but was rather precipitated by the crisis brewing in erstwhile East Pakistan. Following Operation Searchlight and the 1971 Bangladesh atrocities, about 10 million Bengalis in East Pakistan took refuge in neighbouring India.. After a failed pre-emptive strike by Pakistan, full-scale hostilities between the two countries commenced. Within two weeks of intense fighting, Pakistani forces surrendered to India following which the People’s Republic of Bangladesh was created.
Indo-Pakistani War of 1999:Pakistani troops along with Kashmiri insurgents infiltrated across the Line of Control (LoC) and occupied Indian territory mostly in the Kargil district. Pakistani government believed that its nuclear weapons would deter a full-scale escalation in conflict but India launched a major military campaign to flush out the infiltrators. Due to Indian military advances and increasing foreign diplomatic pressure, Pakistan was forced to withdraw its forces back across the LoC.
In each and every incident, Pakistan has invaded India . India has always been the victim. But you don’t hear the bBC mention any of the above do you.
Maybe there’s lies the reason why India is never reported in a good light by the bBC? It has the backing of the Pakistani secret service.
The BBC is almost as boased in favour of Pakistan and against India as is it is pro the Palestinians and anti-Israel. If only there was a common factor in their decision making…
Technically Kashmir is majoriry Muslim state I believe. It is a qaugmire but there is reason to believe that the population would have originally chosen Pakistan.
The bBC and how it feels the news from the Middle East should be reported:
Below is a snap-shot of the current bBC news webpage for the Middle-East.Lets see, civil war in Libya, ruthless clampdown in Syria, Protests in Eygpt, War in Yemen, Nuclear brinkmanship in Iran and here is a breakdown of the stories as covered by the bBC: 21 News Stories Israel:6 stories all negative Libya:5 Stories none negative of either Gaddafi or the rebels Syria:3 Stories none negative of Assad or the protesters Iran:2 Storiesboth pro Iran Eygpt,Kuwait,Yeman,Saudi Arabia and UAE: 1 Story each.
Out of all the countries in the region Israel is the smallest in size and population. (Gaza is not a country) yet it accounts for the largest number of articles. Lets see, Syria war, Libya war, Iran (hung 30 people yesterday) Egypt facing protests against the military government ,Yemen war yet and a big yet, it accounts for more news articles than any of the above. Why?
And the bBC tells me there is no bias in their reporting from Israel.
Bias and a huge amount of laziness. A BBC reporter can appear in flack jacket and helmet (soooooo! brave) in Ramallah in the morning and be back to Jerusalem to clean sheets, hot water, Internet, alcohol, etc, in the afteernoon. If too lazy to get out of bed there are any number of English language media ready to freely criticise Israel.
if a tree falls in the forest and no one sees has it fallen. If a leaf falls in the forest and everyone sees has a tree fallen?
Bet they haven’t reported that Hamas in Gaza is building an earth bank wall along the Egyptian frontier and limiting access.
Apparently Gaza is being flooded with goods from the Egyptian side and this is being controlled by Libyan gangs who have deprived the tunnellers of their monopoly and also Hamas of their funds.
Hamas is not happy and is attempting to tighten the border and restrict flows in order to maintain its lucrative cash flow.
The bBC, and the real reason why Somali Islamists banned Aid last year.
The bBC has been making a huge song and dance over the famine in Somalia and how thanks to the magnanimous nature of terrorist group ‘al-Shabab.’ In reversing an Islamic edict in banning Aid because it was deemed un-Islamic they are doing more for their people than the nasty evil whiteman ,I quote from the bBC: Al-Shabab, which rules over large swathes of south and central Somalia, had imposed a ban on foreign aid agencies in its territories two years ago, accusing them of being anti-Muslim. It lifted the ban 10 days ago as long as groups had “no hidden agenda”. And here is what the bBC isn’t telling you: In 2009 and 2010 CH4 news reported that UN aid was to be found for sale on the streets of Mogadishu. At first the UN denied this, but in March 2010 it sacked its 3 main Somali contractors who had been found to have been diverting half of the UNs World Food Program to al-Shabab.
In retaliation Al-Shabab on losing such a cash cow (the 3 men in question were paid $41 million in payments alone in 2009) decided to ban all Aid agencies. Instead of explain why, the bBC blindsides the reader with a view that the Aid agencies had been up to no good.
Yet again the bBC remakes the terrorist as the victim.
Anyone else see BBC world’s coverage of Cameron’s special session of parliament? We are all used to the soft bias of the BBC, but this was close to being as overt as Hannity or the Guardian. Cameron, as far as I could tell, came out quite well in terms of rhetorically mastering Miliband and Labour, but the BBC gave what was little better than a cheerleading exercise for Miliband and just attacked Cameron. Indeed they seemed to interrupt the debate to remind us that though Cameron and the Tories might look like they were fending off attacks, they really weren’t and were ‘under-fire’ and such other ‘impartial’ phrases. The BBC reporter, who had been beaming with glee at any problems for Murdoch, Cameron and the Tories, even had the gall to call the BBC impartial during this farce.
A magisterial view of young Cameron by oldie Bruce Anderson – recalling the words of Lord “Tom” Denning, Master of the Rolls (chief civil judge)
“Be you never so high and mighty in the land – the law is above you” is what I will always recall about Denning’s judgment against Peter Shore as Sec of State for Trade.
The established civil law is primary, not the views of shit-scared politicians in the Tory party, or cospiracy-loons on rhe left . If the Murdochs have not transgressed, they will win BSkyB. Rupert founded Sky, he bet the farm on it and nearly went bankrupt over it – he deserves total control, as long as he pays the premium price.
I posted this earlier but it is well worth repeating. Did you notice for about 3 months before the last GE there was a huge upsurge in gov ads. Well you should have because it was quite obvious, also here are some numbers from the LibDems to prove the point.
What else did the bBC not tell you today? Two MPs revealed that the attorney general and the DPP got together and decided not to progress the hacking in july 2006 even though they had hundreds of names. The DPP; that is Macdonald who is now doing legal work for NI.
I have since heard Carole Walker give a summary about the events in Parliament and this was not mentioned. Strange because she mentioned Hunt’s summing up and the small clanger he dropped. However he also mentioned the above quote from the two MPs, so why did Walker miss this off?
Well done, I call that misappropriation of public funds. That is because it was clear that the vast increase just before an election was in effect subliminal promotion of the labour party. That was technically illegal as their is an upper limit on how much they can spend. Plus it was taxpayers money in the first place.
Again, I do not undersatnd the lack of interest in the first story. The two highest officers in the country for law, now both lords, are accused in effect of perverting the course of justice. No interest in the story, unbelivable!
One item on breakfast is going to be ‘why more people are buying a bit of nature and investing in woodland’
I will be at work before it starts but appart from it likely being a bit of greenite propoganda it occured to me that very few people not on a BBC wage are likely to be able to afford to buy bits of woodland.
Even with subsidies, the efficiencies, costs and ‘window’ of delivery it did not yet seem to have value.
At least the efficiencies are going up, the costs down and technology working with light rather than direct sun, but it seems that the ‘agenda’ is to be to get the public to invest perhaps before the time is right.
Results? 16.5 million results.
The BBC is stating that the American people are blaming the Republican party for lack of a deal to rasie the debt ceiling and they use a poll from the WaPo to justify that statement of supposed fact. They take a poll from a known left wing publication, a poll that is very likely to be rigged with loaded questions and present it as fact. No other poll is examined. One poll one conclusion, end of story no debate, this is the consensus OK?
Operation save Obama and help the democratic party? Would any impartial person take just one poll from a known biased source and fail to verify those findings with other polls? Er, Nope! The BBC has the NYT, the WaPo, the Huffpo, ABC, MSNBC,CNN. This is the left wing axis at work to smear and lie and cheat the public into believing the left wing narrative. The BBC? I wouldnt trust them as far as I could throw John Prescott after a night at Pizza Hut.
BTW, it would have been more honest of the BBC if they had said that most left wing democrats blame the right wing Republicans for everything, no exceptions.
The new media ‘sources say’, twitter-driven, 24/7 ‘news’ to policy change cycle well described here:
Labour’s entire day has been like this.
Its the new tactic. Claim something that can’t be instantly refuted. Something like the former Royal butler, Paul Burrell, rang up Cameron to tell him Coulson “might not be totally clean.”
Get that message out at 7.55am , just in time for the news. Let it do the rounds until its refuted by 11 am , which time the damage is done.
The bit about “The palace has responded by saying ‘ this is a load of bollocks, as Chris Bryant well knows,’ is barely reported.”
Same trick for Watson.
“I sent a message telling the PM about documentary proof about Coulson.”
It was leading the 9 o’clock news. Seems to have been dropped down the order for the 10 o’clock as the media have probably read this tweet.
All this posturing proves is that Labour’s dirty tricks department is better than the Tories.
Seeing that quotation today brought back to me that haunting image of Dido from The Merchant of Venice:
In such a night Stood Dido with a willow in her hand Upon the wild sea banks and waft her love To come again to Carthage.
It was mischief caused by evil rumour in that phrase taken from the Aeneid (Rumour than which no other evil thing is faster) that led to the painful parting of the lovers Dido and Aeneas and the tragic suicide of the abandoned Dido. Rumours of the love affair between them had spread out like wildfire from Carthage and reached the king whom Dido had rejected. He made pleas and sacrifices to the gods who then prevailed upon Aeneas to leave Carthage and Dido, to carry on with his journey and his mission to Latium. Hence Shakespeare’s unforgettable lines about a desolate Dido trying forlornly to waft him back to Carthage.
hehehe, well done… Dr. Google can do anything <img src=”extra/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-laughing.gif” title=”Laughing” border=”0″ alt=”Laughing”/>
The quote we would use these days though would be “a lie is half way round the world before the truth has got his trousers* on”
The bBC, the US death penalty and the execution of a man who killed…Muslims.
Last night the US executed Mark Stroman convicted of murdering people whom he presumed were Arabs after 9/11. The thing is unlike every other US execution where the bBC has brought out every human rights Org going in which to expose the barbarity of the US legal system, the bBC has remained somewhat muted on the state sponsored killing of this man. Oh hang on they did bring out one man who objected to Stroman getting his just desserts, and he happened to be a Muslim.
If I didn’t know that the bBC was a champion of impartiality I might start thinking it was biased towards Muslims.
Where was Clive Stafford Smith – founder of “Reprieve “- who spent a lucrative 20 years on US death row representing serial killers and all sorts, challenging the death penalty?
Nowhere. Obviously the BBC speed dial doesn’t function properly when the moral compass is not pointing towards Mecca.
“The thing is unlike every other US executionwhere the BBC has brought out every human rights Org going in which to expose the barbarity of the US legal system”
Congratulations for providing a link to one US execution in 2010 reported by the BBC.
Now perhaps you can provide links on the BBC for “every other US execution” in 2010?
Or perhaps you have BBC links to “every other US execution” since 2000?
Or perhaps you can’t… because you’re shamelessly making stuff up and hoping that nobody will notice.
0.10 secs on Google with the terms execution 2010..2011 US OR Texas OR “death penalty” found 3,370,000 results. This is just the first page. There were so many references I began to wonder if I had searched Israel or Climate Change.
0.10 secs on Google with the terms “deegee idiot” found 35,800,000 results. Umm…;P
Thanks for 8 links to 6 executions between 2010-2011.
Now perhaps you can provide BBC links to the other 41 US executions in 2010. You know; “like every other US execution where the BBC has brought out every human rights Org going…”
The piling of new demands for answers atop earlier ones atop weak cherry vulture swoops is a technique pioneered by the ‘only our questions will be asked’ BBC.
As heat over light it may be effective. But a caution… self-immolation is not a great long term career.
The whole lot seem to be unaware of the cynicism. weariness and lack of real interest most of us have in the doings of the Polmedia class.
It is probably our greatest asset and their greatest vulnerablity.
Kipling has a poem about it I recall( will try to find it) so nothing much has changed.
The difference today I suppose is that technical innovation has given this wretched class a greater ability to interfere to our detriment.
With every year our universities and the rest turn out more of the same polmedias
Soon real people will be in a minority and then , triumphant, this class can legislate for themselves 24/7. What paradise and so much more for the BBC to discuss and report and pontificate about.
Newsnight every night for 4 hours and Today on 24 hours a day.
I can hardly wait.
I was heartened yesterday, although not a full on attack of the bBC, there were possibly three references hinting at bias by the bBC. I realise the problems the coalition will have in taking on this instituion with the current public perception, but the shots across the bows are a nice beginning.
Wow, credit where due. For once, Mark Easton spoke sense about crime statistics and actually defended a Tory plan. First we were given a BBC report about how awful Tory cuts are going to mean less police and more crime. In the studio on the News Channel just now, Easton basically trashed it, saying the facts don’t back up the assertion made in the report.
It seems a bit weird for a news organization to spend the time and effort to make a report on a story, and then bring in their own talking head to say it’s crap. But I guess that’s one way of providing balance.
Well, so much for balanced reporting on BBC News. The report on police cuts I mentioned above made a big deal about the reduction in staff coming. After reading out the scary figures (36,000 jobs made redundant), the reporter stated – almost sotto voce, and I barely caught it – that one-third of the police jobs have already gone. Kind of makes the whole thing a lot less scary, since there has been no massive surge in crime, so no wonder it was quickly gloosed over.
Just now, after a couple other segments on other topics, the newsreader did one of those “our top stories” moments, and then read out the full 36,000 figure and implied that all those police jobs had yet to be cut, contradicting the report they showed earlier.
What is going on over there? Do they not trust their own reporting? Do they even notice what they’re doing? Is it amateur hour on the News Channel with all the grownups on summer hols? Seems like the Narrative trying to reassert itself regardless of facts they themselves are reporting.
Given the BBCs recent performance over hounding Fox(thought that was illegal now!), I would like a forum to confirm whether the Space Shuttle crew EVER woke up to the Chumbawumba song “Tubthumping”!
On the World At One they said that they did…given the BBCs penchant for all things leftie I do wonder if that is true or not…and I`m not including some token British “astronaut” having it on his Sony Walkman either for his own private use!
THAT`S how little I trust the BBC these days!
Might I add the following
a) same programme-Greek leftie who spoke of the “European Family” being unwilling to bale out the Greek teenagers with more spending money, had no opponent…it`s a given at the BBC that the nasty Germans should just keep a-stumping for as long as John Humphrys family need the cottage.
b) some emeritus prof from Oxford with too much time on his hands rejoices in the Kenyans being able to sue the pants off Britain for what happened there in the 50s/60s-again NO opponent…no ex vets who might have an angle on what the MauMau did to them-and how best to sue in bloody Nairobi.
c) BBC are running a programme on hacking phone calls tonight-but it goes wider this one-yes, it will include the press its its widest sense!
So expect Assange ripped open, Piers Morgan shot out of the water…unlikely…but the Mail will of course get the shafting instead!
Any ideas boys and girls what fat blaoted monolith of monstering probably won`t get any space-lack of time you see-on the show?
Pound to a penny it won`t include any shenanigans and high jinks there at the Beeb. Hopefully Ruperts lads are onto it-I`d pay to watch it!
One thing anoys me about the BBC News, they keep repeating the phrase, “The good name of the Metropolitan Police has been tarnished” Firstly this is an opinion, not a fact. Secondly, the BBC has been using the same phrase for decades. Since when did the Metropolitan Police have a good name? You would probably have to go back to the time of the Keystone Cops to find that. Everytime, the Met is caught being a bit dodgey or using kettling , the BBC News repeats “The good name of the Metropolitan Police has been tarnished”.
Two senior editors (on of BBC coordinating story fame – he was miffed at being called too much) from in no way partisan medium HAVE A LOUD CONVERSATION with each other in no way trying to make some kind of point and, ironically, making another one entirely…
c_blackhurstChris Blackhurst@@iburrellYou’re right. Everywhere I go all anyone wants to talk about is hacking. Taxi drivers had it on their radios this week.
RobBrydonRob Brydonby BBCBreakfastShall be on BBC Breakfast News tomorrow, plugging The Rob Brydon Show which starts at 10 tomorrow night on BBC 2, in which I’ll be plugging the BBC Breakfast News, which will be…
(I may have edited a bit)
PestonRobert Pestonby amonckBig new questions for James Murdoch to answer about what he knew at time of Taylor settlement, from Guardian
Why are the BBc so big on questions, except when being asked of them?
pounce_uk The bBC, marriage between first cousins, children born in the UK with genetic disorder and the Asian angle. Bubble baby syndrome risks for children of cousin marriage A leading doctor who treats children born without an immune system has revealed a disproportionate number of his patients are Asian. Professor Andrew Cant says that 35% of children he treats are British Asian. In most cases the parents are first cousins who have married each other.
Right lets see, which bunch of folks in the UK has a habit for keeping it in the family? Why that would be Pakistani Muslims who get very angry if they don’t knock out a child with an extra chromosome. Yet instead of saying it as it is-it’s a Pakistani Muslim problem- The bBC blurs the edges by claiming its an Asian problem. Yeah right.
Here is how Kirklees decided to inform the locals in Saville Town (Dewsbury) about how 1 in 3 still births in the region came from Pakistani families:
Key infant features and factors
The non South Asian death rate was over 50% higher than the national rate i.e. 8.6 vs. 5.
The stillbirth rate was only slightly higher than the national rate.
More than 2 in 3 of deaths occurred in the first month.
Half were of South Asian origin, mainly Pakistani,
How much longer must we fund the pro Islamist bBC ?
listen in, no problem pointing out the Jewish community
standard “beebo” concern over”islamophobia” (of course always No1 priority,) & a prolonged tilt at C.Darwin, & well, the oft mentioned
beebo euphenism immigrant/asian community
Lord Lamont needs to hand in his Conservative membership card. He just told Sopel that the “richer, better off” European countries must help the wastrels like Greece. He even said he doesn’t think there needs to be total fiscal unity in order for the Euro to work properly and not be a two-tier currency.
As long as these countries all have different interest rates and the bailout money has to be redistributed in the way it is, the Euro is always going to be screwed. Even Sopel was able to grasp that.
Lamont is the second tier nomark Tory that gets a wheel in for “balance”.
Like that useless class of `92 nearly all our problems started seriously from their time in office…John Patten and education?…I rest my case!
Lamont is the kind of dog toy Tory that gets a gumming on any current affairs, in return for Miss Whiplash, Je ne regrette rien, green shoots and singing in the bath asides.
They`ll not take a Hannan or even a Redwood these days!
The BBC Narrative on police cuts has reasserted itself with vigor. Gavin Esler is talking to a police rep about it. Naturally the police official is heartbroken about the cuts and says it’s a disaster, etc.
Esler then had to touch on the theme of cutting back office jobs more than “the bobby on the beat”, as this is a key component of the pro-cuts argument. What a shock, he asked a very leading question. Esler suggested to his guest that this was a “false distinction”, and that the back office workers were “support” and very necessary jobs, and that “presumably” they are all doing something useful. That’s a policy talking point from one side of the argument, and not a proper question.
“Yes, that is a false distinction,” came the reply.
As far as I can judge, again the BBC only provides an opportunity for political discussion to those who have access to and permission to engage in political discourse during normal hours.
Now, who might those be?
The BBC is denying any interaction on this topic to the vast majority of licence fee payers.
The BBC has upheld a complaint that Jeremy Paxman failed to challenge adequately the Labour MP, Louise Ellman, after she accused Hamas of using children as suicide bombers. Andy Bell, complaints director of the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit, apologised for a “lapse in editorial standards” in the BBC2 airing of Newsnight on February 14. During the programme, Mr Paxman interviewed Mrs Ellman, MP for Liverpool Riverside, and the children’s writer, Michael Morpurgo, about Mr Morpurgo’s documentary on the children of Israel and Gaza. Mrs Ellman said: “The problem is Hamas, who use these children as human shields, who give the children explosives, or sometimes force them to have explosive belts, and send them to blow up Israeli civilians.” She later said: “How can they meet, and how can we be without a barrier, when Hamas are sending those very children with their explosive belts across to kill Israeli children and Israeli civilians? All of that has to stop, and nobody is entirely innocent.” Responding to the complaint, Mr Bell wrote: “I accept that the claim in question should have been challenged. “The most recent instance we could identify of a suicide bombing by a child (in the sense of someone under the age of 18 ) in which Hamas was implicated was the bombing carried out by the 17 year-old Khamis Gerwan in 2003. “It may well be that Mrs Ellman had in mind instances which dated back to 2003 or earlier, but she spoke in the present tense, and in terms which gave the impression that the use of child suicide-bombers by Hamas was a key consideration in the current situation.” The Palestine Solidarity Campaign has hailed the decision. But Mrs Ellman declined to comment.
Censured for speaking the truth. However, I cannot see them quickly responding to genuinely inaccurate accusations against Israel in such an apologetic manner.
A 15-year-old Palestinian boy was arrested this week in the northern Gaza Strip after he attempted to carry out an attack against soldiers operating in the area.According to information released on Thursday by the IDF, the youth approached the soldiers of a Golani unit carrying two explosive devices. The soldiers overpowered the Palestinian boy, who was arrested and remanded for interrogation.
The total number of suicide bombings and attempts have dropped off enormously, regardless of age.
I would suggest a good part of the reason is
a) the evil wall
b) the evil blockade
c) the evil checkpoints
d) evil Jews assassinating the bomb maker|
d) Palestinian realisation that once the psychological effect wore off (that is what terrorism is all about) suicide bombing was an ineffective weapon.
Hugh Pym was on the News Channel just now spouting pro-Eurozone propaganda. It doesn’t matter that Nick Clegg stated that a prosperous Eurozone is necessary for a prosperous Britain, as the BBC is not supposed to merely back Government policy. Just because Clegg says it’s so, doesn’t make it so. The reason I say it’s a propaganda piece is the reason Pym laid out for saving the Eurozone (the Greek bailout, etc.).
As an example of why a prosperous Eurozone is vital to enable a prosperous Britain, Pym showed us a manufacturer in England which supplies parts to various Euro companies. We were told that if European markets struggle, the drop in business will hurt this British firm.
While this is true, it’s not proof that we must save the Euro. One could just as easily say that as the Eurozone is completely screwed and unsustainable and was never going to work in the first place, and that the currency should be scrapped and the individual countries allowed to go back to their own respective currencies in line with their own taxation and interest rates. This would enable a stronger Germany and a stronger France, for example, as they would no longer have to redistribute their wealth to messed up Socialist experiments.
Sure, there was some other talking head on preceding this who explained that this isn’t just redistributing wealth from rich countries to broke ones, but is actually a recapitalization of the German banks having to pay for this. That’s BS because nobody in their right minds thinks the money is going anywhere except down the toilet. There won’t be any repayments, or at least not very much at all. The only ones getting recapitalized will be the people making profits when they sell the Greek debt they’re about to buy at a reduced rate after there’s a brief value increase following the bailout announcement.
In any case, there has not been a single voice on the BBC today to offer this alternate point of view. Every single opinion given, from a former Conservative Chancellor to the son of a Labour Peer, has been a lecture on why you must support the Eurozone and why Greece must be bailed out and why the Euro must be strengthened. Some of it is disguised as an explanation of the practicalities of which formula will bail out Greece, but it’s still all in favor of propping up the Eurozone at any cost.
And hey, if the Eurozone craps out and the strong countries return to being strong and unencumbered by the Southern Albatross, maybe Britain won’t have to cough up any more cash either. Mightn’t that help a prosperous Britain? The BBC isn’t interested in this argument. All discussion is pro-Eurozone, full stop.
Oh, dear, it’s those tweeting twits again… Beeboid style. This time, according to The Daily Telegraph, a Radio 1 DJ, ‘Sara Cox, who hosts a weekend show on the music station, sparked the outcry after describing the subtitles at her screening of Bridesmaids as “daft” on Twitter. She claims she was told by the cinema’s staff that the subtitles were intended for cinema-goers who didn’t speak English very well. Cox’s Twitter comments about the subtitles on the Hollywood comedy attracted a wave of criticism from deaf people, who branded her comments ‘shocking’ and ‘disgusting.’ She initially defended herself from those who said she should have checked the listings before heading to the cinema, saying: “For all you gobsh**es we checked online & it didn’t mention it, the guy said it was a last minute thing from head office. Night.” Cox, 36, then saw the error of her ways, deleting the offending tweet and adding: “Crikey,come out of cinema to lots of severe tellings off from very cross people. “Sorry my random musings might sometimes not be thought thru.” ‘
Heh, I’d have to agree with that last sentence, if nothing else she wrote.
May be better to stick to unintelligible Beeboid Speak like “Arf”, after all.
I love it when the BBC spout the lie that we have to be in the EU because we trade with it so much.
So BBC explain why China, Russia, the USA and Japan all trade with the EU yet are not members, oh and they don’t have to pay billions to be in it either.
The Germans KNOW that outside of the USA the UK is their biggest market for BMW’s Porche’s and Mercs and the froggies know that we buy gallons of wine, French cars and so on. Same with Italy, would the EU really risk a trade war with the UK if we left them?
Yes; and BBC-NUJ-Patten censor that line of analysis, in its Steve Jones dictatorial world, in which the strong opposition of the British people to E.U. membership is relegated daily.
Oh, they had a programme on Radio 4 at 8 o’clock this evening about phone hacking scandal. I suppose that’s just in case anyone hadn’t heard about it these past weeks!
Yes Millie…apparently the Mail were doing it too!
According to Guido Fawkes though ,the Mirror were the main culprits, but we didn`t hear about them-Labour ,you see!
No mention of the Observer except the once…no Guardian or Assange-and…but of course…not a peep about the BBCs use of the techniques or results of the same!
Still-that Mail eh?…grrr!
Yes, I heard the beginning and it seemed to be The Mail all the time. Unfortunately then I turned off the radio and turned on the washing machine instead!
And the rest of the schedule for this evening includes the Euro crisis, what happens when you talk to terrorists (Jonathan Powell) and some black man who is apparently the godfather of rap and a modern hero of the racial equality struggle. The Beeboids think he is worthy to be mentioned in the same breath as Billie Holiday. At least, they have dragged her name and jazz into the blurb. He’d better be good, then, is all I’ll say.
This would be one of the few times when BBC ‘news’ programmes would not be politically propagandist.
Of course, the BBC TEST CARD would have to changed at regular intervals of time to fit into BBC-NUJ’s utopian world, so that for an equal amount of time the new BBC-NUJ Test Card would have to portray:
Not that simple George R: without wanting to be polemic and attract cries of racism, I suspect colour of skin would become important too. Of only two choices (girl and boy) at least one wouldn’t have white skin.
Okay this may sound a little petty in picking on such a thing but when you consider the number of people employed presenting the news – the writers, producers, editors, and the rest and the newsreader gets something like £90k+ you would think they could avoid mistakes like saying in reference to Republican loathing of tax rises antithesis rather than anathema. It was Joanna Gosling I believe, so while I say that it seems petty and not worth the concern I still think that sort of mistake is not a slip of the tongue but ignorance, surely these people get paid more than enough not to make mistakes like that. For those not following she said when talking to Kevin Williamson I believe something on the lines of “but of course tax rises are antithesis to the Republicans just as entitlement cuts are antithesis to Democrats”, which was a shame because that brief interview seemed refreshingly unhostile to the Republicans and she remarked on unsustainable debt and borrowing levels then infuriated me with that antithesis nonsense.
“but of course tax rises are antithesis to the Republicans just as entitlement cuts are antithesis to Democrats”
I’m sorry I missed that; everything I have seen and heard on the BBC states that the Republicans are being intransigent over tax rises without mentioning that the Democrats are being equally intransigent over spending cuts.
Would hate to put the black spot on Michelle Hossains career, but she`s doing a damn good job on Newsnight.
Goldsmith is being hammered re phone hacking and Lagarde was shown for what she is re the Euro crisis.
The BBC will be looking for Gorky for this clever clogs asking too many impertinent questions!
Sack the rest of them-Michelles my girl for the future.
Goldsmith was toasted and he`s dropped MacDonald in it thanks to her>
I was listening to Ed Testes being interviewed by the Dame this morning in the car and hearing his speak he talks like asmall child, has anyone else noticed this? It’s the way he finishes his words, it sounds really odd, i know he has or had a stammer issue but it really does make him sound child like.
He always seems to be smirking as well when he talks, he was on newsnight the other night talking about the debt crisis and looked like he was loving it. He comes across very badly on TV for my money.
There is no indication in INBBC report that the man and woman were born in Pakistan. There is no indication that they are Muslims who are British citizens possibly committing treason.
‘Daily Mail’
“British man and woman suspected of planning Taliban attack on UK troops arrested in Afghanistan”
When the ghastly E.U crashes into hell, and global warming is seen to be a sham….Oh yeah, and when Islam is outed as anything but peace, will the BBC leftards then fall on their swords?
All of their above questioning memes are now looking awfully shaky, so apparently what we all really need is the stability of Red Ed…
You know it must be right as we can trust the BBC…..Can’t we?
“Phone hacking: Has the BBC called time on David Cameron’s career? David Cameron, the Prime Minister, is understood to be the subject of a ‘political obituary’ by the BBC. ”
“The BBC has been criticised for its ‘unbalanced’ coverage of the hacking scandal, which has seen long-standing critics of News International wheeled out at regular intervals. ”
“Guido is going to be very blunt about this, Piers Morgan is a bare-faced liar. It will come out in the course of the inquiries that hacking was rife at the Mirror during his time as editor.“
That will be interesting, in view of this. (Louise Bagshawe as she then was – criticised the BBC for not reporting the murder, by a Palestinian, of the Israeli Fogel family)
So I sincerely hope she’s right and Piers is wrong.
“Well….Rob Brydon…what do you make of the phone hacking scandal?’
Nicky Campbell and Vicky Derbyshire were busy this morning playing keepy-uppy with the attack on NI.
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
The bBC, the propaganda arm of the Taliban at work.
US blamed for Omar death reports
Two Taliban spokesmen have said their phones had been hacked and messages sent out that their leader Mullah Omar was dead, media reports say.One of the spokesmen Zabihullah Mujahid told Reuters that the “Americans have hacked our cellphones with advanced technology and sent the messages”.The death was reported in May by media including an Afghan TV channel.
A US official told the BBC: “A lot of people – in a lot of places – don’t like the Taliban.”
Only the bBC could report a story which makes victims of the Taliban.
hahahahaha…that has to be the understatement of the decade…a lot of people in a lot of places dont like the taliban! Heck, I bet a few of them even worked for news international! 🙂
2″ british”? taliban, with “dual nationality”?? that are not Afghans???
British ‘Taliban fighters’ arrested in Afghanistan
any guesses 🙂
Anybody with British Nationality caught fighting for enemies of this country should be executed by firing squad, no ifs no buts. It is a treasonous act and should be treated as such. It might just concentrate a few minds in a certain section of our society.
Agreed although shot whilst trying to escape would be better to avoid BBC inquiry and outrage and interviews etc.
The BBC will no doubt be looking for the fingerprints of Andy Coulson in the hacking of the mobiles of our extended travelling partners in the Afghan community!
It was unlawful you know…don`t you people care how this looks to Bunglawalla and Shami…never see those two together at the same time do you?
I propose another enquiry-and we will learn the lessons of the last shambles by insisting that no-one shaves with foam…should suit the Taliban at least!
So while the bBC has had no problem knocking out stories about false rumours about jews in New Zealand. How many people here have heard about this story from the very same bBC which transpired in Australia the otherday:
Man whipped 40 times in home for breaching Islamic law
Four men in Sydney are being investigated after breaking into a man’s house late at night and whipping him 40 times for breaching Islamic law by drinking alcohol. The victim, a recent Islamic convert, was allegedly held down on his bed by three men and lashed by another with an electric cable at 1am on Sunday. The victim reportedly told police he recognised the men as Wahabi Muslims from his local mosque. He claims he was being punished for having a few drinks with friends.
Sydney’s Muslim community has condemned the alleged attack, saying it was illegal under Islamic law. (Of course they were)
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t reported this actual story from down under? It had no problem with the false jewish one in New Zealand.
The bBC , and its mission to change people’s perception of Islam.
Muslim comedian Humza Arshad becomes internet sensation
A series of films by 26-year-old comedian Humza Arshad, from south London, has been watched 20 million times on the internet by people around the world.
He hopes his work will not only entertain but also challenge people’s perception of Islam. (Err sorry bBC, anybody with even a single braincell understands that Islam is a gay death cult, only you twats think otherwise)
Have a butchers at the bBC video clip, Christ if that isn’t pure Islamic propaganda I don’t know what is. Muslims good, Muslims victims, White people evil. Muslims turn to the darkside because of white people. Pakistani Muslim Humza fights the good fight using teaching of prophet Mo-ham-head (he ain’t my f-ing Prophet, bBC) Oh and by the way bBC, the correct grammar for the title should read .’Islamic comedian.’ An Oxymoron if ever there was one.
Muslims good, Muslims victims, …….. people evil. Muslims turn to the darkside because of ……, muslim fights the good fight using teaching of Moh
goodness… looks like R Omar used it for the script, “life of moh”
moh…..a comedian 🙂 ….must be alternative
stereotypical Islam, all encompassing victim mentality, delusion of supremacism, some things never change
honestly…when i heard
“always ends with a MORAL???? lesson from Moh”.
….i turned off
LOL, Ali G in the flesh, big up for the Staines Massive.
Here’s another one of his videos:
“What they’re trying to do is prey on young people, vunerable people…”
I think he’s talking about the BBC at that point…
In reply to Lynn Grace-Corbin –
The BBC preaches that it’s ok to have sex if you’reunder 16, whilst going quiet on moslem grooming…join the dots.
I just find it hilarious that the BBC expects us to believe that it’s tough for young muslims in Britain today. Young Muslims, who can sit in large houses, in front of £2000 Mac computers, making comedy videos that they can upload on-line, and then which the State broadcaster can decide to give massive coverage too. Not exaclty hard done by and ‘tough’, as in the Jarrow Hunger marches, sense of tough.
Brussels Broadcasting Corporation?
Bloody hell Ed Testicles is on Newsnight giving us his ‘expert view’ about the Euro zone.
Does the BBC this he’s running the Country still?
But mostly what he’s doing is scoring party political points. He always comes across as a deeply unpleasant character.
‘Does the BBC this he’s running the Country still?
They wish.
Not think, wish.
Esler was his usual clueless and non-enquiring self.
Balls is not a Tory you see!
So it was that Balls was allowed to blame the Eurocrisis because Cameron was distracted these last few weeks( as if his party had no part!)-and that he`s “not showing leadership”-not easy if you`re not actually IN the Europroject!
Still he got away with it-luckily only sadsacks on a rampage like us would have been watching. No-one I know would ever watch Newsnight!
The bBC, Pakistani gerrymandering in the US and half the story.
US charges pair over links to Pakistan spy agency
Two US men have been charged in the US with operating an illegal front group for the Pakistani government.The two used at least $4m (£2.5m) in Pakistani funds in a bid to influence the US position on the disputed territory of Kashmir, prosecutors said. Syed Fai, 62, was arrested and charged with failing to register as an agent of a foreign government. Zaheer Ahmad, 63, was charged with the same offence. Pakistan rejects the charges. Kashmir is at the centre of its row with India.
Mr Fai, who denies the charges, is a US citizen who comes from Indian-administered Kashmir. Mr Ahmad is a US citizen of Pakistani origin.
So the bBC reports on the current hot potato of a story in the states of how Pakistans Secret service has been caught red handed behind the group which has tried to purchase political favours in which to get the US to back Pakistan against India. The thing is, the bBC is just as guilty. Have a look at how they describe the two men caught. US citizens of this and that heritage. Yet when its a positive story (or a victim one) Then the people in the headlines are Pakistani, Pakistani American, and Pakistani British. Lets not forget how the bBC will always point out which faith they belong to.
The thing is the bBC write up is very cloudy and if taken at face value you get the impression that this is just sour grapes from the Yanks and here is how a good Islamic country (Kuwait) writes up the same story:
Two US citizens have been charged with illegally lobbying the United States for the Pakistani government and its spy agency over the disputed territory of Kashmir, US authorities said on Tuesday. FBI agents arrested Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai, 62, in Virginia on charges that he failed to register as an agent of a foreign government. Zaheer Ahmad, 63, was also charged but is believed to be in Pakistan. Both are naturalized US citizens. Pakistan has spent at least $4 million since the mid-1990s lobbying the US Congress and the White House through Fai and the Kashmiri American Council, also known as the Kashmir Center, where Fai served as executive director, according to an FBI affidavit filed in US court. The arrest and allegations may further strain already frayed ties between Washington and Islamabad, particularly after US forces conducted a secret raid in Pakistan in May that killed Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
Control over Kashmir has been at the center of hostilities between nuclear armed Pakistan and India since their partition in 1947 and was the scene of 1999 war between the two nations. An FBI affidavit detailed the alleged scheme in which Fai’s organization received up to $700,000 annually from Pakistan to make campaign contributions to US politicians, sponsor conferences and other promotions. Mr Fai is accused of a decades-long scheme with one purpose-to hide Pakistan’s involvement behind his efforts to influence the US government’s position on Kashmir,” said Neil MacBride, US Attorney for Eastern Virginia. One unidentified confidential witness told investigators that Pakistan’s powerful military spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence Agency, was behind some of the money Fai received, according to the FBI affidavit. A second confidential witness said the spy agency had sponsored and controlled Fai’s organization and had been directing him for the past 25 years, the court papers said.
Fai appeared briefly in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia where a judge ordered him detained pending a preliminary and detention hearing set for Thursday. It was not clear if Fai had a lawyer yet. Pakistan allegedly funneled money to Fai through Ahmad and contributions by others that were reimbursed by the Pakistani government. Fai then used the funds for campaign donations, conferences and other lobbying efforts, the affidavit said. The FBI affidavit said Fai had denied that he had lobbied, saying instead he was involved in public relations.
Federal election records showed Fai had given $23,500 to US political candidates since 1997, including $250 to President Barack Obama’s presidential campaign as well as $7,500 to Republican Representative Dan Burton of Indiana. Burton, an outspoken critic of India’s actions in Kashmir, said in a statement he was “deeply shocked” by Fai’s arrest and “had no inkling of his involvement with any foreign intelligence operation. If there is any doubt about the origin of these contributions, I will donate those funds to the Boy Scouts of America,” he said. Burton said he has known Fai for 20 years. The Justice Department said that there was no evidence that any elected officials who received the contributions from Fai or his group knew that it came from the Pakistani government. – Reuters
It appears that the bBCs love fest with Pakistan means that its version of the news is totally different from the facts on the ground. Makes you wonder if the bBC has been bought by the Pakistani sercret service doesn’t it?
Given how much money the US sends to Pakistan it was just American money recycled.
Is being an unregistered agent of a foreign country a crime or just a technical misdemeanour? Failing to register?
I thought this was interesting.
At home with Cuba’s public enemy number one.
Luis Posada Carriles is a Cuban militant, a former CIA operative, and to some, a mass murderer.
Have Castro or Guevara ever been referred to as “to some, a mass murderer” by the BBC? Maybe they have.
Che, a mass murder? Are you mad, sir?
Everyone knows he’s a ‘much admired romantic figure to this day’ (and that’s in the ‘in context’ section, irony fans).
Meanwhile, for some real context, let’s do what the BBC never does with conservatives, and let him speak for himself:
We reject any peaceful approach. Violence is inevitable. To establish Socialism rivers of blood must flow! The imperialist enemy must feel like a hunted animal wherever he moves. Thus we’ll destroy him! These hyenas are fit only for extermination.
“These hyenas are fit only for extermination”
These hyenas included the elderly, the sick, the innocent, the poor, children, women.
He was in fact a bloodthirsty psycho pervert, a perfect leftist 😉
This reminded me of something. Che is never far from the Beeboid mind. Perhaps they dream of him. Do they have posters of him in the staff room?
Anyway, what this reminded me of is the recent final episode of The Apprentice. At 1.26.50, they are interviewing Helen, the runner-up, and remind her about an incident during one of the episodes when she suggested that she would be better taking over the role of the project manager from Melody, the designated project manager who she felt, hadn’t a clue what she was doing. This became known as The Coup in the Kitchen, a sort of takeover attempt.
Anyway, at the end of the interview and the showing of the candidate’s highlights, it is customary to present the candidate with some sort of humorous gift, satirising something they did or the persona they showed over the course of the series.
So at 1.29.39 they explain to her their thoughts about a suitable gift gift…and then it is handed over.
‘One impartial broadcasting monopoly’s mass murderer is another’s…’
My last post was about how Pakistan has been caught out trying to gerrymander American opinion in its favour. I ended with hinting that maybe the British government should look into the workings of the bBC in which to root out their Pakistani masters. Something caught my eye in that article of theirs I quote:
“Kashmir has been a flashpoint between India and Pakistan for decades. Both countries claim the territory in its entirety and have fought two of their three wars over it.”
Reading that do you get the impression that both countries are equally to blame? Here is a run down of every war that has been fought between India and Pakistan:
Indo-Pakistani War of 1947: This is also called the First Kashmir War. The war started in October 1947 when the Maharajah of the princely state of Kashmir and Jammu was pressured to accede to either of the newly independent states of Pakistan or India. Tribal forces prompted by Pakistan attacked and occupied the princely state, forcing the Maharajah to sign the “Agreement to the accession of the princely state to India”.
Indo-Pakistani War of 1965: This war started following of Pakistan’s Operation Gibraltar, which was designed to infiltrate forces into Jammu and Kashmir to precipitate an insurgency against rule by India. India retaliated by launching an attack on Pakistan.
Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: The war was unique in that it did not involve the issue of Kashmir, but was rather precipitated by the crisis brewing in erstwhile East Pakistan. Following Operation Searchlight and the 1971 Bangladesh atrocities, about 10 million Bengalis in East Pakistan took refuge in neighbouring India.. After a failed pre-emptive strike by Pakistan, full-scale hostilities between the two countries commenced. Within two weeks of intense fighting, Pakistani forces surrendered to India following which the People’s Republic of Bangladesh was created.
Indo-Pakistani War of 1999: Pakistani troops along with Kashmiri insurgents infiltrated across the Line of Control (LoC) and occupied Indian territory mostly in the Kargil district. Pakistani government believed that its nuclear weapons would deter a full-scale escalation in conflict but India launched a major military campaign to flush out the infiltrators. Due to Indian military advances and increasing foreign diplomatic pressure, Pakistan was forced to withdraw its forces back across the LoC.
In each and every incident, Pakistan has invaded India . India has always been the victim. But you don’t hear the bBC mention any of the above do you.
Maybe there’s lies the reason why India is never reported in a good light by the bBC? It has the backing of the Pakistani secret service.
The BBC is almost as boased in favour of Pakistan and against India as is it is pro the Palestinians and anti-Israel. If only there was a common factor in their decision making…
Technically Kashmir is majoriry Muslim state I believe. It is a qaugmire but there is reason to believe that the population would have originally chosen Pakistan.
The bBC and how it feels the news from the Middle East should be reported:
Below is a snap-shot of the current bBC news webpage for the Middle-East.Lets see, civil war in Libya, ruthless clampdown in Syria, Protests in Eygpt, War in Yemen, Nuclear brinkmanship in Iran and here is a breakdown of the stories as covered by the bBC:
21 News Stories
Israel: 6 stories all negative
Libya: 5 Stories none negative of either Gaddafi or the rebels
Syria: 3 Stories none negative of Assad or the protesters
Iran: 2 Stories both pro Iran
Eygpt,Kuwait,Yeman,Saudi Arabia and UAE: 1 Story each.
Out of all the countries in the region Israel is the smallest in size and population. (Gaza is not a country) yet it accounts for the largest number of articles. Lets see, Syria war, Libya war, Iran (hung 30 people yesterday) Egypt facing protests against the military government ,Yemen war yet and a big yet, it accounts for more news articles than any of the above. Why?
And the bBC tells me there is no bias in their reporting from Israel.
Bias and a huge amount of laziness. A BBC reporter can appear in flack jacket and helmet (soooooo! brave) in Ramallah in the morning and be back to Jerusalem to clean sheets, hot water, Internet, alcohol, etc, in the afteernoon. If too lazy to get out of bed there are any number of English language media ready to freely criticise Israel.
if a tree falls in the forest and no one sees has it fallen. If a leaf falls in the forest and everyone sees has a tree fallen?
And its been going on a loonngg time
So they are discussing the scandal on Hard Talk with rasping Greg Dyke, Jacqui Smith and some bloke from the police authority.
As if they haven’t devoted enough time to it already!
Bet they haven’t reported that Hamas in Gaza is building an earth bank wall along the Egyptian frontier and limiting access.
Apparently Gaza is being flooded with goods from the Egyptian side and this is being controlled by Libyan gangs who have deprived the tunnellers of their monopoly and also Hamas of their funds.
Hamas is not happy and is attempting to tighten the border and restrict flows in order to maintain its lucrative cash flow.
Bet the BBC won’t report that.
That would somehow spoil a beautiful narrative.
Link please?
The bBC, and the real reason why Somali Islamists banned Aid last year.
The bBC has been making a huge song and dance over the famine in Somalia and how thanks to the magnanimous nature of terrorist group ‘al-Shabab.’ In reversing an Islamic edict in banning Aid because it was deemed un-Islamic they are doing more for their people than the nasty evil whiteman , I quote from the bBC:
Al-Shabab, which rules over large swathes of south and central Somalia, had imposed a ban on foreign aid agencies in its territories two years ago, accusing them of being anti-Muslim. It lifted the ban 10 days ago as long as groups had “no hidden agenda”.
And here is what the bBC isn’t telling you:
In 2009 and 2010 CH4 news reported that UN aid was to be found for sale on the streets of Mogadishu. At first the UN denied this, but in March 2010 it sacked its 3 main Somali contractors who had been found to have been diverting half of the UNs World Food Program to al-Shabab.
In retaliation Al-Shabab on losing such a cash cow (the 3 men in question were paid $41 million in payments alone in 2009) decided to ban all Aid agencies. Instead of explain why, the bBC blindsides the reader with a view that the Aid agencies had been up to no good.
Yet again the bBC remakes the terrorist as the victim.
Anyone else see BBC world’s coverage of Cameron’s special session of parliament? We are all used to the soft bias of the BBC, but this was close to being as overt as Hannity or the Guardian. Cameron, as far as I could tell, came out quite well in terms of rhetorically mastering Miliband and Labour, but the BBC gave what was little better than a cheerleading exercise for Miliband and just attacked Cameron. Indeed they seemed to interrupt the debate to remind us that though Cameron and the Tories might look like they were fending off attacks, they really weren’t and were ‘under-fire’ and such other ‘impartial’ phrases. The BBC reporter, who had been beaming with glee at any problems for Murdoch, Cameron and the Tories, even had the gall to call the BBC impartial during this farce.
A magisterial view of young Cameron by oldie Bruce Anderson – recalling the words of Lord “Tom” Denning, Master of the Rolls (chief civil judge)
“Be you never so high and mighty in the land – the law is above you” is what I will always recall about Denning’s judgment against Peter Shore as Sec of State for Trade.
The established civil law is primary, not the views of shit-scared politicians in the Tory party, or cospiracy-loons on rhe left . If the Murdochs have not transgressed, they will win BSkyB. Rupert founded Sky, he bet the farm on it and nearly went bankrupt over it – he deserves total control, as long as he pays the premium price.
I posted this earlier but it is well worth repeating. Did you notice for about 3 months before the last GE there was a huge upsurge in gov ads. Well you should have because it was quite obvious, also here are some numbers from the LibDems to prove the point.
What else did the bBC not tell you today? Two MPs revealed that the attorney general and the DPP got together and decided not to progress the hacking in july 2006 even though they had hundreds of names. The DPP; that is Macdonald who is now doing legal work for NI.
I have since heard Carole Walker give a summary about the events in Parliament and this was not mentioned. Strange because she mentioned Hunt’s summing up and the small clanger he dropped. However he also mentioned the above quote from the two MPs, so why did Walker miss this off?
I blogged this last night along with David’s great Obama funding from NI.
Well done, I call that misappropriation of public funds. That is because it was clear that the vast increase just before an election was in effect subliminal promotion of the labour party. That was technically illegal as their is an upper limit on how much they can spend. Plus it was taxpayers money in the first place.
Again, I do not undersatnd the lack of interest in the first story. The two highest officers in the country for law, now both lords, are accused in effect of perverting the course of justice. No interest in the story, unbelivable!
One item on breakfast is going to be ‘why more people are buying a bit of nature and investing in woodland’
I will be at work before it starts but appart from it likely being a bit of greenite propoganda it occured to me that very few people not on a BBC wage are likely to be able to afford to buy bits of woodland.
Now they are on about ‘solar farms’ the nasty government is not subsidising them enough.
If we have to subsides them how good can they be? Naturally all the people they interviewd were in favour of solar farms.
I looked into the possibility.
Even with subsidies, the efficiencies, costs and ‘window’ of delivery it did not yet seem to have value.
At least the efficiencies are going up, the costs down and technology working with light rather than direct sun, but it seems that the ‘agenda’ is to be to get the public to invest perhaps before the time is right.
Results? 16.5 million results.
The BBC is stating that the American people are blaming the Republican party for lack of a deal to rasie the debt ceiling and they use a poll from the WaPo to justify that statement of supposed fact. They take a poll from a known left wing publication, a poll that is very likely to be rigged with loaded questions and present it as fact. No other poll is examined. One poll one conclusion, end of story no debate, this is the consensus OK?
Operation save Obama and help the democratic party? Would any impartial person take just one poll from a known biased source and fail to verify those findings with other polls? Er, Nope! The BBC has the NYT, the WaPo, the Huffpo, ABC, MSNBC,CNN. This is the left wing axis at work to smear and lie and cheat the public into believing the left wing narrative. The BBC? I wouldnt trust them as far as I could throw John Prescott after a night at Pizza Hut.
BTW, it would have been more honest of the BBC if they had said that most left wing democrats blame the right wing Republicans for everything, no exceptions.
Right on, Cassandra. The Washington Post admitted to a pro-Democrat bias after the 2008 election, and then later on the publisher herself had to apologize for trying to host policy dinners at her home to give high-rollers access to Democrat politicians.
But according to the BBC, only Fox News is biased.
The new media ‘sources say’, twitter-driven, 24/7 ‘news’ to policy change cycle well described here:
Labour’s entire day has been like this.
Its the new tactic. Claim something that can’t be instantly refuted. Something like the former Royal butler, Paul Burrell, rang up Cameron to tell him Coulson “might not be totally clean.”
Get that message out at 7.55am , just in time for the news. Let it do the rounds until its refuted by 11 am , which time the damage is done.
The bit about “The palace has responded by saying ‘ this is a load of bollocks, as Chris Bryant well knows,’ is barely reported.”
Same trick for Watson.
“I sent a message telling the PM about documentary proof about Coulson.”
It was leading the 9 o’clock news. Seems to have been dropped down the order for the 10 o’clock as the media have probably read this tweet.
All this posturing proves is that Labour’s dirty tricks department is better than the Tories.
Not mentioned is who seems to handling PR and marketing for that last entity.
‘Gents, stand by your fax machines…’
A complete fabrication can be out on twitter and round the world via a reporter’s blog, before the verified facts have a chance of ever being noticed.
And for those, the edit suite stands ready with a lot of space on the cutting room floor.
Welcome to the new media world of the trusted BBC.
For plurality they have a very singular way of doing things.
Fama, malum qua non aliud velocius alium,
Eh? (Sorry, no public school education in classics)
A translation would have helped!
Seeing that quotation today brought back to me that haunting image of Dido from The Merchant of Venice:
In such a night
Stood Dido with a willow in her hand
Upon the wild sea banks and waft her love
To come again to Carthage.
It was mischief caused by evil rumour in that phrase taken from the Aeneid (Rumour than which no other evil thing is faster) that led to the painful parting of the lovers Dido and Aeneas and the tragic suicide of the abandoned Dido. Rumours of the love affair between them had spread out like wildfire from Carthage and reached the king whom Dido had rejected. He made pleas and sacrifices to the gods who then prevailed upon Aeneas to leave Carthage and Dido, to carry on with his journey and his mission to Latium. Hence Shakespeare’s unforgettable lines about a desolate Dido trying forlornly to waft him back to Carthage.
Rumour, than whom no other evil thing is faster – Latin class was a very long time ago but Google is always helpful!
hehehe, well done… Dr. Google can do anything <img src=”extra/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-laughing.gif” title=”Laughing” border=”0″ alt=”Laughing”/>
The quote we would use these days though would be “a lie is half way round the world before the truth has got his trousers* on”
* or boots
No classical education, either BUT ………. I do have Google Translate!
Rumor, another evil which nothing else is faster
The bBC, the US death penalty and the execution of a man who killed…Muslims.
Last night the US executed Mark Stroman convicted of murdering people whom he presumed were Arabs after 9/11. The thing is unlike every other US execution where the bBC has brought out every human rights Org going in which to expose the barbarity of the US legal system, the bBC has remained somewhat muted on the state sponsored killing of this man. Oh hang on they did bring out one man who objected to Stroman getting his just desserts, and he happened to be a Muslim.
If I didn’t know that the bBC was a champion of impartiality I might start thinking it was biased towards Muslims.
He killed two people, but is still called a “multiple murderer”? Seems a bit of an exaggeration.
Where was Clive Stafford Smith – founder of “Reprieve “- who spent a lucrative 20 years on US death row representing serial killers and all sorts, challenging the death penalty?
Nowhere. Obviously the BBC speed dial doesn’t function properly when the moral compass is not pointing towards Mecca.
“The thing is unlike every other US execution where the BBC has brought out every human rights Org going in which to expose the barbarity of the US legal system”
Congratulations for providing a link to one US execution in 2010 reported by the BBC.
Now perhaps you can provide links on the BBC for “every other US execution” in 2010?
Or perhaps you have BBC links to “every other US execution” since 2000?
Or perhaps you can’t… because you’re shamelessly making stuff up and hoping that nobody will notice.
As a general rule I ignore Dez.
0.10 secs on Google with the terms execution 2010..2011 US OR Texas OR “death penalty” found 3,370,000 results. This is just the first page. There were so many references I began to wonder if I had searched Israel or Climate Change.
Texas execution ‘violated international law’, UN says
Georgia killer Andrew DeYoung’s execution filmed
Utah firing squad executes US killer Ronnie Lee Gardner
US inmate John Duty executed with animal drug
US woman Teresa Lewis executed for family murders
Utah firing squad death announced on twitter
Texas executes Mexican after US court rejects appeal
Arizona execution drug’supplied by UK firm’
0.10 secs on Google with the terms “deegee idiot” found 35,800,000 results. Umm…;P
Thanks for 8 links to 6 executions between 2010-2011.
Now perhaps you can provide BBC links to the other 41 US executions in 2010. You know; “like every other US execution where the BBC has brought out every human rights Org going…”
Or perhaps you can’t…
‘Now perhaps you can provide..’
The piling of new demands for answers atop earlier ones atop weak cherry vulture swoops is a technique pioneered by the ‘only our questions will be asked’ BBC.
As heat over light it may be effective. But a caution… self-immolation is not a great long term career.
This article shows all that is wrong with our politico-media machine, and the most recommended reply shows folk know it.
And at the very heart of the sewer is the BBC.
No wonder this country is stuffed.
The whole lot seem to be unaware of the cynicism. weariness and lack of real interest most of us have in the doings of the Polmedia class.
It is probably our greatest asset and their greatest vulnerablity.
Kipling has a poem about it I recall( will try to find it) so nothing much has changed.
The difference today I suppose is that technical innovation has given this wretched class a greater ability to interfere to our detriment.
With every year our universities and the rest turn out more of the same polmedias
Soon real people will be in a minority and then , triumphant, this class can legislate for themselves 24/7. What paradise and so much more for the BBC to discuss and report and pontificate about.
Newsnight every night for 4 hours and Today on 24 hours a day.
I can hardly wait.
I was heartened yesterday, although not a full on attack of the bBC, there were possibly three references hinting at bias by the bBC. I realise the problems the coalition will have in taking on this instituion with the current public perception, but the shots across the bows are a nice beginning.
Wow, credit where due. For once, Mark Easton spoke sense about crime statistics and actually defended a Tory plan. First we were given a BBC report about how awful Tory cuts are going to mean less police and more crime. In the studio on the News Channel just now, Easton basically trashed it, saying the facts don’t back up the assertion made in the report.
It seems a bit weird for a news organization to spend the time and effort to make a report on a story, and then bring in their own talking head to say it’s crap. But I guess that’s one way of providing balance.
Well, so much for balanced reporting on BBC News. The report on police cuts I mentioned above made a big deal about the reduction in staff coming. After reading out the scary figures (36,000 jobs made redundant), the reporter stated – almost sotto voce, and I barely caught it – that one-third of the police jobs have already gone. Kind of makes the whole thing a lot less scary, since there has been no massive surge in crime, so no wonder it was quickly gloosed over.
Just now, after a couple other segments on other topics, the newsreader did one of those “our top stories” moments, and then read out the full 36,000 figure and implied that all those police jobs had yet to be cut, contradicting the report they showed earlier.
What is going on over there? Do they not trust their own reporting? Do they even notice what they’re doing? Is it amateur hour on the News Channel with all the grownups on summer hols? Seems like the Narrative trying to reassert itself regardless of facts they themselves are reporting.
Given the BBCs recent performance over hounding Fox(thought that was illegal now!), I would like a forum to confirm whether the Space Shuttle crew EVER woke up to the Chumbawumba song “Tubthumping”!
On the World At One they said that they did…given the BBCs penchant for all things leftie I do wonder if that is true or not…and I`m not including some token British “astronaut” having it on his Sony Walkman either for his own private use!
THAT`S how little I trust the BBC these days!
Might I add the following
a) same programme-Greek leftie who spoke of the “European Family” being unwilling to bale out the Greek teenagers with more spending money, had no opponent…it`s a given at the BBC that the nasty Germans should just keep a-stumping for as long as John Humphrys family need the cottage.
b) some emeritus prof from Oxford with too much time on his hands rejoices in the Kenyans being able to sue the pants off Britain for what happened there in the 50s/60s-again NO opponent…no ex vets who might have an angle on what the MauMau did to them-and how best to sue in bloody Nairobi.
c) BBC are running a programme on hacking phone calls tonight-but it goes wider this one-yes, it will include the press its its widest sense!
So expect Assange ripped open, Piers Morgan shot out of the water…unlikely…but the Mail will of course get the shafting instead!
Any ideas boys and girls what fat blaoted monolith of monstering probably won`t get any space-lack of time you see-on the show?
Pound to a penny it won`t include any shenanigans and high jinks there at the Beeb. Hopefully Ruperts lads are onto it-I`d pay to watch it!
One thing anoys me about the BBC News, they keep repeating the phrase, “The good name of the Metropolitan Police has been tarnished” Firstly this is an opinion, not a fact. Secondly, the BBC has been using the same phrase for decades. Since when did the Metropolitan Police have a good name? You would probably have to go back to the time of the Keystone Cops to find that. Everytime, the Met is caught being a bit dodgey or using kettling , the BBC News repeats “The good name of the Metropolitan Police has been tarnished”.
Two senior editors (on of BBC coordinating story fame – he was miffed at being called too much) from in no way partisan medium HAVE A LOUD CONVERSATION with each other in no way trying to make some kind of point and, ironically, making another one entirely…
c_blackhurst Chris Blackhurst @ @iburrell You’re right. Everywhere I go all anyone wants to talk about is hacking. Taxi drivers had it on their radios this week.
RobBrydon Rob Brydon by BBCBreakfastShall be on BBC Breakfast News tomorrow, plugging The Rob Brydon Show which starts at 10 tomorrow night on BBC 2, in which I’ll be plugging the BBC Breakfast News, which will be…
(I may have edited a bit)
Peston Robert Peston by amonckBig new questions for James Murdoch to answer about what he knew at time of Taylor settlement, from Guardian
Why are the BBc so big on questions, except when being asked of them?
The bBC, marriage between first cousins, children born in the UK with genetic disorder and the Asian angle.
Bubble baby syndrome risks for children of cousin marriage
A leading doctor who treats children born without an immune system has revealed a disproportionate number of his patients are Asian. Professor Andrew Cant says that 35% of children he treats are British Asian. In most cases the parents are first cousins who have married each other.
Right lets see, which bunch of folks in the UK has a habit for keeping it in the family? Why that would be Pakistani Muslims who get very angry if they don’t knock out a child with an extra chromosome.
Yet instead of saying it as it is-it’s a Pakistani Muslim problem- The bBC blurs the edges by claiming its an Asian problem. Yeah right.
Here is how Kirklees decided to inform the locals in Saville Town (Dewsbury) about how 1 in 3 still births in the region came from Pakistani families:
Key infant features and factors
The non South Asian death rate was over 50% higher than the national rate i.e. 8.6 vs. 5.
The stillbirth rate was only slightly higher than the national rate.
More than 2 in 3 of deaths occurred in the first month.
Half were of South Asian origin, mainly Pakistani,
How much longer must we fund the pro Islamist bBC ?
listen in, no problem pointing out the Jewish community
standard “beebo” concern over”islamophobia”
(of course always No1 priority,)
& a prolonged tilt at C.Darwin, & well, the oft mentioned
beebo euphenism immigrant/asian community
Screen cousin marriages says peer
are any….pakistani muslims at all….i don t think so not by
listening to this report
Lord Lamont needs to hand in his Conservative membership card. He just told Sopel that the “richer, better off” European countries must help the wastrels like Greece. He even said he doesn’t think there needs to be total fiscal unity in order for the Euro to work properly and not be a two-tier currency.
As long as these countries all have different interest rates and the bailout money has to be redistributed in the way it is, the Euro is always going to be screwed. Even Sopel was able to grasp that.
Lamont is the second tier nomark Tory that gets a wheel in for “balance”.
Like that useless class of `92 nearly all our problems started seriously from their time in office…John Patten and education?…I rest my case!
Lamont is the kind of dog toy Tory that gets a gumming on any current affairs, in return for Miss Whiplash, Je ne regrette rien, green shoots and singing in the bath asides.
They`ll not take a Hannan or even a Redwood these days!
The BBC Narrative on police cuts has reasserted itself with vigor. Gavin Esler is talking to a police rep about it. Naturally the police official is heartbroken about the cuts and says it’s a disaster, etc.
Esler then had to touch on the theme of cutting back office jobs more than “the bobby on the beat”, as this is a key component of the pro-cuts argument. What a shock, he asked a very leading question. Esler suggested to his guest that this was a “false distinction”, and that the back office workers were “support” and very necessary jobs, and that “presumably” they are all doing something useful. That’s a policy talking point from one side of the argument, and not a proper question.
“Yes, that is a false distinction,” came the reply.
Latest Nick Robinson blog…
As far as I can judge, again the BBC only provides an opportunity for political discussion to those who have access to and permission to engage in political discourse during normal hours.
Now, who might those be?
The BBC is denying any interaction on this topic to the vast majority of licence fee payers.
I’m speechless!
BBC raps Jeremy Paxman on Hamas
The BBC has upheld a complaint that Jeremy Paxman failed to challenge adequately the Labour MP, Louise Ellman, after she accused Hamas of using children as suicide bombers.
Andy Bell, complaints director of the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit, apologised for a “lapse in editorial standards” in the BBC2 airing of Newsnight on February 14.
During the programme, Mr Paxman interviewed Mrs Ellman, MP for Liverpool Riverside, and the children’s writer, Michael Morpurgo, about Mr Morpurgo’s documentary on the children of Israel and Gaza.
Mrs Ellman said: “The problem is Hamas, who use these children as human shields, who give the children explosives, or sometimes force them to have explosive belts, and send them to blow up Israeli civilians.”
She later said: “How can they meet, and how can we be without a barrier, when Hamas are sending those very children with their explosive belts across to kill Israeli children and Israeli civilians? All of that has to stop, and nobody is entirely innocent.”
Responding to the complaint, Mr Bell wrote: “I accept that the claim in question should have been challenged.
“The most recent instance we could identify of a suicide bombing by a child (in the sense of someone under the age of 18 ) in which Hamas was implicated was the bombing carried out by the 17 year-old Khamis Gerwan in 2003.
“It may well be that Mrs Ellman had in mind instances which dated back to 2003 or earlier, but she spoke in the present tense, and in terms which gave the impression that the use of child suicide-bombers by Hamas was a key consideration in the current situation.”
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign has hailed the decision. But Mrs Ellman declined to comment.
Censured for speaking the truth. However, I cannot see them quickly responding to genuinely inaccurate accusations against Israel in such an apologetic manner.
A quick search reveals that actually Hamas used children in 2007 in which to try and kill a few jews:
A 15-year-old Palestinian boy was arrested this week in the northern Gaza Strip after he attempted to carry out an attack against soldiers operating in the area.According to information released on Thursday by the IDF, the youth approached the soldiers of a Golani unit carrying two explosive devices. The soldiers overpowered the Palestinian boy, who was arrested and remanded for interrogation.
The total number of suicide bombings and attempts have dropped off enormously, regardless of age.
I would suggest a good part of the reason is
a) the evil wall
b) the evil blockade
c) the evil checkpoints
d) evil Jews assassinating the bomb maker|
d) Palestinian realisation that once the psychological effect wore off (that is what terrorism is all about) suicide bombing was an ineffective weapon.
Hugh Pym was on the News Channel just now spouting pro-Eurozone propaganda. It doesn’t matter that Nick Clegg stated that a prosperous Eurozone is necessary for a prosperous Britain, as the BBC is not supposed to merely back Government policy. Just because Clegg says it’s so, doesn’t make it so. The reason I say it’s a propaganda piece is the reason Pym laid out for saving the Eurozone (the Greek bailout, etc.).
As an example of why a prosperous Eurozone is vital to enable a prosperous Britain, Pym showed us a manufacturer in England which supplies parts to various Euro companies. We were told that if European markets struggle, the drop in business will hurt this British firm.
While this is true, it’s not proof that we must save the Euro. One could just as easily say that as the Eurozone is completely screwed and unsustainable and was never going to work in the first place, and that the currency should be scrapped and the individual countries allowed to go back to their own respective currencies in line with their own taxation and interest rates. This would enable a stronger Germany and a stronger France, for example, as they would no longer have to redistribute their wealth to messed up Socialist experiments.
Sure, there was some other talking head on preceding this who explained that this isn’t just redistributing wealth from rich countries to broke ones, but is actually a recapitalization of the German banks having to pay for this. That’s BS because nobody in their right minds thinks the money is going anywhere except down the toilet. There won’t be any repayments, or at least not very much at all. The only ones getting recapitalized will be the people making profits when they sell the Greek debt they’re about to buy at a reduced rate after there’s a brief value increase following the bailout announcement.
In any case, there has not been a single voice on the BBC today to offer this alternate point of view. Every single opinion given, from a former Conservative Chancellor to the son of a Labour Peer, has been a lecture on why you must support the Eurozone and why Greece must be bailed out and why the Euro must be strengthened. Some of it is disguised as an explanation of the practicalities of which formula will bail out Greece, but it’s still all in favor of propping up the Eurozone at any cost.
And hey, if the Eurozone craps out and the strong countries return to being strong and unencumbered by the Southern Albatross, maybe Britain won’t have to cough up any more cash either. Mightn’t that help a prosperous Britain? The BBC isn’t interested in this argument. All discussion is pro-Eurozone, full stop.
Presumably they all think we should join NAFTA so we can sell to the USA and Canada then?
The EU has always been about political union.
Oh, dear, it’s those tweeting twits again… Beeboid style. This time, according to The Daily Telegraph, a Radio 1 DJ, ‘Sara Cox, who hosts a weekend show on the music station, sparked the outcry after describing the subtitles at her screening of Bridesmaids as “daft” on Twitter. She claims she was told by the cinema’s staff that the subtitles were intended for cinema-goers who didn’t speak English very well.
Cox’s Twitter comments about the subtitles on the Hollywood comedy attracted a wave of criticism from deaf people, who branded her comments ‘shocking’ and ‘disgusting.’
She initially defended herself from those who said she should have checked the listings before heading to the cinema, saying: “For all you gobsh**es we checked online & it didn’t mention it, the guy said it was a last minute thing from head office. Night.”
Cox, 36, then saw the error of her ways, deleting the offending tweet and adding: “Crikey,come out of cinema to lots of severe tellings off from very cross people.
“Sorry my random musings might sometimes not be thought thru.” ‘
Heh, I’d have to agree with that last sentence, if nothing else she wrote.
May be better to stick to unintelligible Beeboid Speak like “Arf”, after all.
I love it when the BBC spout the lie that we have to be in the EU because we trade with it so much.
So BBC explain why China, Russia, the USA and Japan all trade with the EU yet are not members, oh and they don’t have to pay billions to be in it either.
The Germans KNOW that outside of the USA the UK is their biggest market for BMW’s Porche’s and Mercs and the froggies know that we buy gallons of wine, French cars and so on. Same with Italy, would the EU really risk a trade war with the UK if we left them?
I think we know the answer to that.
Yes; and BBC-NUJ-Patten censor that line of analysis, in its Steve Jones dictatorial world, in which the strong opposition of the British people to E.U. membership is relegated daily.
(by Stephen Pollard)
” The euro now threatens the world with economic meltdown ”
Read more:
Oh, they had a programme on Radio 4 at 8 o’clock this evening about phone hacking scandal. I suppose that’s just in case anyone hadn’t heard about it these past weeks!
Yes Millie…apparently the Mail were doing it too!
According to Guido Fawkes though ,the Mirror were the main culprits, but we didn`t hear about them-Labour ,you see!
No mention of the Observer except the once…no Guardian or Assange-and…but of course…not a peep about the BBCs use of the techniques or results of the same!
Still-that Mail eh?…grrr!
Yes, I heard the beginning and it seemed to be The Mail all the time. Unfortunately then I turned off the radio and turned on the washing machine instead!
And the rest of the schedule for this evening includes the Euro crisis, what happens when you talk to terrorists (Jonathan Powell) and some black man who is apparently the godfather of rap and a modern hero of the racial equality struggle. The Beeboids think he is worthy to be mentioned in the same breath as Billie Holiday. At least, they have dragged her name and jazz into the blurb. He’d better be good, then, is all I’ll say.
Bonnie Greers brother I expect…or Reginald D Hunters piano teacher!
“BBC cuts could see return of the test card”
This would be one of the few times when BBC ‘news’ programmes would not be politically propagandist.
Of course, the BBC TEST CARD would have to changed at regular intervals of time to fit into BBC-NUJ’s utopian world, so that for an equal amount of time the new BBC-NUJ Test Card would have to portray:
a.) a girl;
b.) a boy;
c.) an it.
Not that simple George R: without wanting to be polemic and attract cries of racism, I suspect colour of skin would become important too. Of only two choices (girl and boy) at least one wouldn’t have white skin.
No hideously white boys though!
Usual sucking up to the Benetton dream
The test card would also have
1. A cross dresser
2. A Muslim woman in burkha of course.
3. A western infidel being beheaded in Bradford
4. A line of Charlie on a TV presenters desk
5. A picture of George W Bush and Sarah Palin riddled with bullet holes
can you imagine in the near future, the BBC will do a realistic drama about the NOTW hacking thingy, i wonder who they would cast as Rupert Murdoch?
…at a guess:
Okay this may sound a little petty in picking on such a thing but when you consider the number of people employed presenting the news – the writers, producers, editors, and the rest and the newsreader gets something like £90k+ you would think they could avoid mistakes like saying in reference to Republican loathing of tax rises antithesis rather than anathema. It was Joanna Gosling I believe, so while I say that it seems petty and not worth the concern I still think that sort of mistake is not a slip of the tongue but ignorance, surely these people get paid more than enough not to make mistakes like that. For those not following she said when talking to Kevin Williamson I believe something on the lines of “but of course tax rises are antithesis to the Republicans just as entitlement cuts are antithesis to Democrats”, which was a shame because that brief interview seemed refreshingly unhostile to the Republicans and she remarked on unsustainable debt and borrowing levels then infuriated me with that antithesis nonsense.
“but of course tax rises are antithesis to the Republicans just as entitlement cuts are antithesis to Democrats”
I’m sorry I missed that; everything I have seen and heard on the BBC states that the Republicans are being intransigent over tax rises without mentioning that the Democrats are being equally intransigent over spending cuts.
Would hate to put the black spot on Michelle Hossains career, but she`s doing a damn good job on Newsnight.
Goldsmith is being hammered re phone hacking and Lagarde was shown for what she is re the Euro crisis.
The BBC will be looking for Gorky for this clever clogs asking too many impertinent questions!
Sack the rest of them-Michelles my girl for the future.
Goldsmith was toasted and he`s dropped MacDonald in it thanks to her>
… are antithetical
… are an anathema
But not are antithesis.
I was listening to Ed Testes being interviewed by the Dame this morning in the car and hearing his speak he talks like asmall child, has anyone else noticed this? It’s the way he finishes his words, it sounds really odd, i know he has or had a stammer issue but it really does make him sound child like.
Here he is in an interview I found on youtube:
It is a bit odd how he speaks. Talks fast. It comes over as quite light and skippy. Does he have a slight lisp?
He always seems to be smirking as well when he talks, he was on newsnight the other night talking about the debt crisis and looked like he was loving it. He comes across very badly on TV for my money.
There is no indication in INBBC report that the man and woman were born in Pakistan. There is no indication that they are Muslims who are British citizens possibly committing treason.
‘Daily Mail’
“British man and woman suspected of planning Taliban attack on UK troops arrested in Afghanistan”
Read more:
INBBC ‘report’:
“Two Britons arrested in Afghanistan”
“Britons captured in Afghanistan may have targeted UK troops”
Who gets nicer treatment from BBC-NUJ:
1.) those two Pakistani-born Muslims?
OR –
2.) Murdochs?
When the ghastly E.U crashes into hell, and global warming is seen to be a sham….Oh yeah, and when Islam is outed as anything but peace, will the BBC leftards then fall on their swords?
All of their above questioning memes are now looking awfully shaky, so apparently what we all really need is the stability of Red Ed…
You know it must be right as we can trust the BBC…..Can’t we?
“Phone hacking: Has the BBC called time on David Cameron’s career? David Cameron, the Prime Minister, is understood to be the subject of a ‘political obituary’ by the BBC. ”
“The BBC has been criticised for its ‘unbalanced’ coverage of the hacking scandal, which has seen long-standing critics of News International wheeled out at regular intervals. ”
Meanwhile, Guido seems pretty certain other papers were at it:
“Guido is going to be very blunt about this, Piers Morgan is a bare-faced liar. It will come out in the course of the inquiries that hacking was rife at the Mirror during his time as editor.“
That will be interesting, in view of this. (Louise Bagshawe as she then was – criticised the BBC for not reporting the murder, by a Palestinian, of the Israeli Fogel family)
So I sincerely hope she’s right and Piers is wrong.
“Well….Rob Brydon…what do you make of the phone hacking scandal?’
Nicky Campbell and Vicky Derbyshire were busy this morning playing keepy-uppy with the attack on NI.