Rob Brydon comes on this morning to provide a little light relief and to plug his up coming TV show.
Gosh, it’s as if the BBC were a cross-media empire.
Now if anyone doubts the left leaning preferences of BBC presenters just catch them shooting the breeze with a left leaning BBC comedy celeb.
Points of agreement: Bruce Springsteen is cool. Norman Lamont and George Osborne are the opposite of cool. Some guy who had appeared on Newsnight giving a counter argument to the current moral grandstanding is likened to a pervert.
I find Rob Brydon reasonably amusing and certainly enjoy his jokes. But what the BBC are doing here is ramping their own self-serving narrative. Their numpty presenters are either showing their true colours or at the very least faking an assumed trendy leftism.
Aren`t the BBC just the sweetest teases?
Today we hear about bus shelters and manhole covers being taken away for scrap…the metal gets a good cash price apparently!
I could weep-or at least look sad-but I have no-one to blame!
Not Murdochs again is it?
Let me guess-Roma, Eastern Europe?…getting warm? Sadly I`m no more the wiser.
Bit like the grooming of white girls up in northern towns…expulsions and bad exam results and “immigrants”/Asians?…wonder why the BBC won`t tell us who is responsible.
Must be the Murdochs and the chavs as usual!
If we can hide Islamists in amongst the Indians and the Chinese, we can hide the Eastern Europe Roma types in amongst EU citizens.
No naming and shaming here…racist and inappropriate!…unless your nane is Murdoch I guess!
Doesn’t seem to be an open thread for Friday. Anyway the BBC homepage today had a feature entitled: “Top female crime writers”
It’s tenuous in the extreme to argue that women writers in this country need extra media focus. Youmight argue that women judges and politicians are in short supply, but in fact UK female authors sell incredibly well (better I believe than UK men, or anyone else for that matter)
In case you’re not convinced I list – off the top of my head: Agatha Christie, Enid Blyton, Barbara Cartland, J. K. Rowling, Catherine Cookson, Jackie Collins…
So I ask again why do we need an article, in the main BBC news site, about “Top female crime writers” as opposed to just “top crime writers”?
I guess many people don’t see why that is important. Possibly some of the same people would argue that “attitudes to women” affect their career progression. The problem is with replacing one inequality with another makes rubbish of everything that has been said about inequality, in my view.
There is a phenomenal kind of intellectual blindness rampant where gender politics is concerned. But I guess the Beeb dont mind too much
Certainly there have always been popular female crime writers. I started reading them when I was about ten, I suppose, with Agatha Christie and went on from there to Dorothy Sayers, Margery Allingham, Ngaio Marsh, Baroness Orczy, Josephine Tey, Georgette Heyer, Susan Hill, Margaret Millar, Margaret Yorke, Mary Higgins Clark, PD James, Ruth Rendell, Minette Walters, Val McDermid, Patricia Cornwell, Sara Paretsky, Linda Fairstein, Mo Hayder, Sue Grafton and several more, no doubt.
These days I only read American crime novels. I have about ten favourite authors that I always go for and out of those only one or two are female.
The shortlist for crime novel of the year had only one female author out of six. I suppose that is why there is a perceived gender imbalance. As it happens it was won by Lee Child who is one of my top ten. He’s English but writes entirely in the American crime genre.
Thanks for reply Millie. I was concerned that what I had written was too much of a rant.
I still think the bigger picture is of those authors I mentioned above, many of whom are crime writers and whose sales are in the hundreds of millions. They are simply some of the best selling authors in the world of any genre.
(personally, my all time favourite is Lindsey Davies, whose superb Falco series are currently being played on radio 4 extra – don’t miss it people!)
My feeling is that the BBC pounce on such issues – gender politics is one of the areas they have a strong, tendentious line on.
Not too much of a rant, Henry. More of a reasoned argument, I thought. Must admit I’ve never read a Lindsey Davis. Radio 4 extra is not something I know about.
Has anyone else had one of these, and if so, what on earth is it on about?
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H2G2 Editors
If I knew, I have forgotten what H2G2 is, and they are such great communicators they have failed to mention… or its a phish.
My only concern is a) my data is being mucked about with by the ever-so-reliable state system, again, and b) this may be a way to purge a bunch of folk from the blog rolls and pretend it was authorised.
It was an online community created by the Douglas Adams and some friends as a kind of Wiki site. In an attempt to increase their 900-pound gorilla status, the BBC took it over. I have no idea what it does now or whether it’s worth a damn.
But if the BBC is selling it, maybe it will improve.
And after a few softballs, they are going nuclear.
I predict a lot more ‘editorial decisions’, if not early closing.
The Editors seems to be like catnip to the market rates. They just can’t resist justifying themselves, and then once plopped like a bloated carp in a barrel, get huffy when things go pear shaped and pull the plus.
There’s a metaphor for free speech across a few issues there.
‘plug’, before the cheery vultures decide my spelling is much more important than the DG defending the BBC ‘getting it about right’ by saying, er, ‘they get it about right’.
It’s looking like, as it’s the DG, the default setting is to refer every posting until they really can’t find a way not to publish it if it isn’t sucking up.
Dear DG,
You will I hope understand that the Media Enquiry terms of reference will allow those who already distrust the BBC’s liberal coverage to attempt to use it to do down the BBC. Please don’t give them any more ammunition than they need by visiting 10 Downing Street in your official capacity. Such meetings should be held in the brightest of spotlights e.g. at the House of Commons in front of a select committee.
Hey, the BBC actually allowed someone to speculate on air that the big explosion in Oslo might have been an Islamic terrorist attack. They’re careful to say that it’s only speculation and may not be, which is the correct behavior, but at least they’re allowing the mention in the first place. The only motive suggested so far is those Mohammed cartoons.
How different from how they report it when this happened in other countries in the past. Baby steps!
“…..those Mohammad cartoons and Norway’s participation in Afghanistan….or Libya, but there hasn’t been and terrorism associated with Libya so far………………”
(Bridget Kendall)
I hope I’m not being presumptuous, but the eyewitness with the Scottish, or possibly Irish accent said, “I hope this won’t lead to Oslo becoming a “less liberal” place!” (which I took to mean he hoped there wouldn’t be a backlash/ tightening-up against “multiculturalism”.)
Haha. As if more ‘multiculturalism’ will ultimately result in more liberalism! 😀
That’s if I’ve interpreted his remark correctly of course.
Sue, that seems to reflect one of the possible causes one of the Norwegian voices suggested for the bomb. I didn’t get any name, but he said that there was a growing concern about immigration and multi-culturalism and possibly white supremacists may have done it.
I don’t blame Esler for that, of course, as this just came out spontaneously without the usual leading question from a Beeboid. But still, it has to be about the most far-fetched of any of the possible culprits and motivations.
jeffjarvisJeff JarvisBBC commentator speculates that terrorists might confuse Scandinavian countries. benarchibaldBen ArchibaldGiven that BBC now gets its news from Twitter, can we just dump the BBC News?
A large explosion has hit near government headquarters in the Norwegian capital Oslo.At least one person was killed in the city centre blast, national broadcaster NRK reports.The offices of Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg were damaged extensively but a government spokeswoman said he was safe.At least eight people were injured, local media said. No-one has said they were behind the explosion….The BBC’s Security Correspondent Frank Gardner says that while there is no official word on whether the blast was deliberate its location, close to so many government buildings, is significant. NO shit Sherlock, What next from that analytical brain of yours. That Islam is a relgion of peace. Remind me again why you are in a Wheel chair. Plank!
So it seems that appeasment does not work – but I expect the (Labour) government in Norway will not get it.
“Khalid Mahmood, a Pakistani-born member of the governing Labour Party believes Muslims are being persecuted, and Islam confronted with hatred.
“Muslims are the Jews of our times, stigmatised, generalised and presented as a threat to society” he says. ”
“Muslims are the Jews of our times” – I have never heard such obscence rubbish in my life. These people are not victims, they are the perpetrators. For these inhumans to compare themselves to the Jews of Europe during the 1930s is just disgusting.
It’s a cunning and extremely effective propaganda technique: pretend that the suffering of your enemy is your own and you’ll gain the sympathy of those who are not that fond of your enemy. At the same time you’ll reduce sympathy for your enemy.
Oh Lordy!
Bomb in Norway-well they had it coming because they may have had some soldiers putting out traffic cones in Kandahar…safe to say that the Norwegians aren`t there for the skiing!
Oh-and Olaf Palme was assassinated in neighbouring Sweden in 1986….you see?…it all makes sense at the BBC news desk.
They never forget these mullahs do they?
Send Zawahiri Rageh Omars tribute to Muhammad… Osamas DVD might have been returned from the repair shop by now!
NOW can we be your Persian carpets effendi?…
Don’t know if it means anything, but the shooting on Utoya Island happened at the Socialist (“Labour”) Party’s summer camp. The former Norwegian PM, Gro Harlem Brundtland of the Socialist Party, apparently spoke there today. The current PM and Government are also Socialist. Somebody doesn’t like them.
Not sure how this would point to Mohammedan terrorists. If it turns out that this was some domestic white political terrorist group, the BBC I hope the BBC doesn’t associate them with the Tea Party movemen.
Congratulations to radio 5 Li(steners)ve; my man in the know has whispered that Gameshow Nikki is up for the Sony Shoehorn In A Ridiculous Question Award for his frequent and desperate attempts to get any and every guest round to the Murdoch story.
This morning Lamont was on to talk about this week’s Eurofudge.
‘Lord Lamont, you worked with David Cameron for a few months nearly 20 years ago, do you think he was right to employ Andy Coulson?’
Followed by some even more desperate shoehorning…
‘Rob Brydon, you’re a mate of Steve Coogan, woddya think of Hackgate?’.
Next week Lulu’s on. Nikki, I know you read this, if you’re struggling to get her onto THE BIG STORY !!!! don’t forget that Lulu is Scottish and that Cameron and Murdoch are Scottish names. I’m sure you’ll be able to work something out from there.
Gosh, Sky News has been covering all kinds of stories today. The BBC News Channel has been wall-to-wall Oslo bombing. Even nasty Uncle Rupert’s evil empire is able to give an update on the phone hacking scandal, while the sensationalist BBC isn’t talking about anything but Norway, speculating over and over again about who might be behind the attacks.
I thought Uncle Rupert had dumbed down all his media outlets to the lowest level of trash and titillation with a political agenda?
The BBC ran the “why oh why did they have to kill Bin Laden?” programme on Radio4 this morning.
A few hours later there is a bombing in Oslo.
Coincidence?…well the BBC join the dots as they like, so why not us?
Arrest Patten for not knowing what?…well we`ll wing that at a time to be arranged!
Something must be done at any rate…anything even!
More talk that eyewitnesses describe the shooter at the Socialist camp as being white and speaking with a common local Norwegian accent. He’s been arrested, so eventually we’ll find out what’s really going on. Maybe it’s just a couple of loner nutters like Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. No real political association expect being fringe madmen fighting against whatever demons they see in the Government.
BBC News24 8:05pm had one of their speed-dial “experts” on the line from democrat party HQ. In his expert opinion “It might be Al-queda. Or it might be a right-wing nut”
“On the line now we have the Norwegian ambassador to the UK Kim Traavik. Mr Traavik, what do you think about the latest revelations concerning James Murdoch?”
New York Times: A terror group, Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, or the Helpers of the Global Jihad, issued a statement claiming responsibility for the attack, according to Will McCants, a terrorism analyst at C.N.A., a research institute that studies terrorism. The message said the attack was a response to Norwegian forces’ presence in Afghanistan and to unspecified insults to the Prophet Muhammad. “We have warned since the Stockholm raid of more operations,” the group said, according to Mr. McCants’ translation, apparently referring to a bombing in Sweden in December 2010. “What you see is only the beginning, and there is more to come.” The claim could not be confirmed. It is not uncommon for terrorist groups to advance claims of responsibility for high-profile attacks, only to have the claims prove to be spurious.
So the bBC which goes out of its way in which to find new ways to name those people who kill the sick,lame and lazy in which to terrorist them to their way of thinking has dug up a new way in which to say..Muslim.
Yes while watching the news the stupid blond presenter came out with ‘With the news that the shooter was Blond and Norwegian can we say this wasn’t the work of…International terrorists’ International Terrorists? what the hell does that mean? Have they read far too many Robert Ludum Stories. Are the the Matarese circle for real? If so,who is the Corsican… Abu Bowen?
In fact, the bBC seems to be busting a good one in the hope that this wasn’t the work of their favorite relgion of peace. (And a week before Ramadan as well) and so is heavily promoting the …It was a local who did it. In which to ensure that the finger of blame isn’t pointed at….Muslims.
The Norwegians keep saying that the arrested man is “Norwegian”. Do they mean white? Or is it the same as those “British” arrested in Afghanistan, trying to kill British troops, who hate anything British.
They mean Norwegian. He’s not Arabic or Asian or whatever else people may have had in mind when speculating as to the identity and affiliations of the killer.
Up to 30 people could be dead, either in a bomb blast or shot by someone. And yet all you can do is to try and pick holes in the BBC’s coverage, find ways to try and blame Muslims and make jokes.
Not one person on here has expressed their sorrows about what has happened, not one peson has done anything but try and score poltiical points.
I think your hatred of the BBC and your general misanthropy has blinded you to this hideous tragedy. These were young people mainly enjoying a camp. For once think about the people who have been lost. Think about their parents. Think about that and just stop trying to score points.
Now perhaps you can see why the media did not leap to conclusions. Now perhaps you can see why they wait until they have confirmation of what happened before passing judgement.
Having seen how you respond to criticism on here I know this will either be met with stoney silence or a torrent of abuse and indignant self-justification.
I think these posts have been utterly shameful and a lot of people who have posted comments have been seen in their true light.
Michael and Geoff. Twitter is the appropriate medium for platitudes and self-agrandising expressions of sympathy. This site is for reporting BBC bias. And times of national tragedy or outrage are the BBC’s favourite time for slipping in the old left-wing bias. eg. Blaming the Gabrielle Giffords shooting on the Tea Party. Or widely reporting that Gordon Brown’s son’s medical records had been hacked. And in both cases, completely failing to report that both stories were later found to be total bollocks. But BBC job done: False impression left in the minds of the masses. So forgive us if we are particularly alert to BBC bias and attempts to generate a left-leaning narrative for every trajedy.
How dare you claim we don’t. We live in a counrtry that has had decades of terrorism.
You say up to 30 people may have been killed. Yes, it sounds like that. The Norwegian Prime Minister has sated (according to Associated Press 5 hours ago) that there could be more deaths at the island. Other reports have said that there were dead bodies in the water – maybe people running away from the camp.
You might be right – the killer may not be Muslim. But when this sort of terrorist attack takes place – a bomb at the Government offices, then a machine-gun attack – doesn’t one’s mind immediately move to the background of years and years of terrorism by Muslims ? Sure, maybe we have a kneejerk reaction when we hear of bombings in capital cities. Why not ?
Truth will out – but maybe most Europeans have good reason to worry about Muslim fanaticism and mass murder.
But the BBC is reporting just 17, half that number – many hours after the event, and no
Sky at the same time is reporting that up to 30 people were killed at the island. They were reporting that at 8pm if not earlier.
We shall see.
We are forced to pay for the BBC’s 1000 journalists. They are very often behind the curve, just a bloated empire living on the public teat. And constantly spinning the “news”.
How strange that 2 people never seen here before pop out of the woodwork.
You can look and see – I have posted before now. And no, I don’t work for the BBC. Not everything is a conspiracy.
I deliberately used the figure from Sky News.
How dare I claim you don’t have sympathy? Because not once, not once has a single blinded person on this site said anything that even hinted at it. Nothing at all. Just an attempt to blame muslims, denigrate the BBC, or score points.
The default position was to blame Islamic terrorists. Given what has happened recently it was a perfectly reasonable assumption – and one that probably everyone made.
But that what it was – an assumption.
But the 24 hour news stations waited until they had facts. Unlike the people on this site they didn’t assume anything.
Perhaps the BBC is going with 17 because that is the number of confirmed dead. Perhaps they are waiting for the facts and not going off on wild speculation.
We have see where speculation leads.
“But the 24 hour news stations waited until they had facts” Are you joking? Have you not been listening to the news lately?
Everyone associated with the NOTW phone hacking scandel has been pronounced guilty by the media before any trails and enquiries have taken place. The BBC rush to judgement when it is line with their agenda, if not they wait, and wait.
Geoff, I noticed that while reporting the massacre of youngsters on Utoya BBC News 24 were still running a ticker-tape on that Tom Watson’s allegations that he’d been followed by a private eye.
It seems the BBC don’t let up on their pursuit of Murdoch even when reporting an attrocity. But I don’t hear you complaining about BBC insensitivity – you sanctimonious twat.
I have a lot of sympathy for all the relatives of those who have been killed by terrorists attacks. I have no sympathy for the people who carry it out.
Murder is the most horrific crime imaginable, yet murderers are allowed out of prisons after a few years by governments who don’t take murder seriously.
Geoff Watts wrote: “Up to 30 people could be dead, either in a bomb blast or shot by someone. And yet all you can do is to try and pick holes in the BBC’s coverage, find ways to try and blame Muslims and make jokes.“ Hi Geoff welcome to biased bBC which is run on picking holes in the bBCs leftwing bias. As for trying to blame muslims for this act. Well you see contrary to bBC opinion the relgion of peace is anything but. Which kind of explains why so many people in Norway (And Europe) are looking at the hand of Allah as being behind this terrorist act. Oh you may not like how the posters on this board are looking funny at the bBCs coverage of this truly evil event. Yet where were you after 9/11 and that question time. Where were you after John Simpson called the terrorists who bombed London. Misguided criminals. Where were you after each and every news article where the bBC gave succour to Islamic terrorists. Hell faster than you can say ‘Allah Ackba’ after an incident in darkest Afghanistan, the bBC will have a report condemning NATO/ISAF or the British based on the hearsay of a terrorist. But when its those innocent terrorist doing likewise, well rules are in place to ensure that those rabid terrorists are never reported in a negative light. So once again where the hell were you, when the bBC is caught out time and time again defending Islamic terrorism not only that but most of the time it doesn’t even bother reporting them. So come on Geoff where is your concern for all the people who get oppressed and killed by Islamic terrorists whom the bBC never seems to bother its arse reporting. You know like that convert to Islam in Australia who woke up and was whipped by a bunch of Islamic bigots for having a bevy or two or even worse its lacklustre reporting from Syria. You know that Syria which the bBC claims it can’t get any reporters in, but which everybody else can.
Now if you want to see a real bigot at work head over to my blog and give me what for,for slating Muslims. But then unlike you, I was born a Muslim left the cult of death during the 70s and have a bummer of a birthmark which paints me as an apostate. Want to tell me how Muslims are taught to deal with apostates via their holybook. Don’t bother looking to the bBC for the correct answer as they claim that Islam is a religion of peace.: Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Nigeria, Thailand, Philippines, China ,Chechnya ,Moscow, London, Madrid, Paris, New York, Mumbai all say otherwise.
As for making jokes, you mean like how the entire left knocked them out when Bush choked , When Murdock (How old is he?) was attacked inside parliment the otherday and when Maggie dies. I suppose that’s alright then.
You can take the sympathy for the dead as read. It is illogical to take flight on the basis of an imagined indifference or unawareness of tragedy.
People post here about Beeboid Corporation bias. That is what the blog is for. I thought everyone knew that you do not have to type something on a screen in order to feel it. Do you think people come here to post all the thoughts and feelings that they have about anything and everything?
In case you may be in any doubt, the answer is that they don’t. Hope that is clear now.
Geoff, remind me which news organisation gave camera crews to various Islamists and Al Qa’eda apologists to make propaganda films in the immediate aftermath of 7/7? Which news organisation run a question show in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 to bait a former US Ambassador to our country?
Geoff, please, keep your moral masturbation to yourself.
Oslo: Norwegian police had hidden cameras in the apartment of a suspected terror cell’s leader arrested this week and knew he had explosive material for an attack, the VG newspaper reported on Saturday.
The Norwegian security police (PST) had the flat under video surveillance during their investigation for several months, VG reported on its website, identifying the suspect as a Norwegian named Mikael Davud.
He was one of three men arrested Thursday on suspicion of plotting an al Qaeda attack in Norway and was the alleged leader of the group.
The secret surveillance revealed that he had the material to make a large bomb or several small devices but had not yet decided on the target, the newspaper said.
Yesterday, VG reported that police had succeeded in substituting a harmless chemical for one of the bomb-making components that the suspects had bought.
The PST made the arrests on Thursday — two near Oslo and one in Germany — on charges of conspiring to “commit terrorist acts” and of having links to al Qaeda.
Lawyers for the three men say they have denied the charges, VG said.
The PST, which did not divulge anything about the alleged plot or whether the men were suspected of trying to make a bomb, insisted Thursday it had “had sufficient control of these individuals (leading up to the arrests), and according to our assessment the public have not been in any danger.”
Police identified the suspects only as a 39-year-old Chinese Uighur who became a Norwegian citizen three years ago, along with a 31-year-old Uzbek and a 37-year-old Iraqi Kurd, both with legal resident permits in Norway.
First Published: Sunday, July 11, 2010, 00:08
22 July
Explosion in Oslo government quarter.
Clearly they didn’t get the whole cell or a second cell was present undetected.
The shooting on the island is strange. The Labour Party youth camp . Names should give clues to identity when they come out but one of the leaders, organisers cited as a witness by the BBC is Ali Esbati.
4th headline is from the US. Obama has revoked the ban on homosexuals in the military declaring themselves. It is hardly news – this has been expected for some times.
So how is THAT as important about what is happening about the US debt crisis – and today’s Senate vote ?
Titanic is sinking – but the main story today is about a factory strike somewhere.
Would either Geoff or Warren care to comment on my comments on this topic (previoius page of this thread), before wielding your broad brush of self-righteous condemnation?
Did either of you make similar criticisms of Question Time right after 9/11? Yeah, thought not.
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Let’s be honest BBC Five Live is infotainment.
Rob Brydon comes on this morning to provide a little light relief and to plug his up coming TV show.
Gosh, it’s as if the BBC were a cross-media empire.
Now if anyone doubts the left leaning preferences of BBC presenters just catch them shooting the breeze with a left leaning BBC comedy celeb.
Points of agreement: Bruce Springsteen is cool. Norman Lamont and George Osborne are the opposite of cool. Some guy who had appeared on Newsnight giving a counter argument to the current moral grandstanding is likened to a pervert.
I find Rob Brydon reasonably amusing and certainly enjoy his jokes. But what the BBC are doing here is ramping their own self-serving narrative. Their numpty presenters are either showing their true colours or at the very least faking an assumed trendy leftism.
Aren`t the BBC just the sweetest teases?
Today we hear about bus shelters and manhole covers being taken away for scrap…the metal gets a good cash price apparently!
I could weep-or at least look sad-but I have no-one to blame!
Not Murdochs again is it?
Let me guess-Roma, Eastern Europe?…getting warm? Sadly I`m no more the wiser.
Bit like the grooming of white girls up in northern towns…expulsions and bad exam results and “immigrants”/Asians?…wonder why the BBC won`t tell us who is responsible.
Must be the Murdochs and the chavs as usual!
If we can hide Islamists in amongst the Indians and the Chinese, we can hide the Eastern Europe Roma types in amongst EU citizens.
No naming and shaming here…racist and inappropriate!…unless your nane is Murdoch I guess!
Doesn’t seem to be an open thread for Friday. Anyway the BBC homepage today had a feature entitled: “Top female crime writers”
It’s tenuous in the extreme to argue that women writers in this country need extra media focus. You might argue that women judges and politicians are in short supply, but in fact UK female authors sell incredibly well (better I believe than UK men, or anyone else for that matter)
In case you’re not convinced I list – off the top of my head: Agatha Christie, Enid Blyton, Barbara Cartland, J. K. Rowling, Catherine Cookson, Jackie Collins…
So I ask again why do we need an article, in the main BBC news site, about “Top female crime writers” as opposed to just “top crime writers”?
I guess many people don’t see why that is important. Possibly some of the same people would argue that “attitudes to women” affect their career progression. The problem is with replacing one inequality with another makes rubbish of everything that has been said about inequality, in my view.
There is a phenomenal kind of intellectual blindness rampant where gender politics is concerned. But I guess the Beeb dont mind too much
Certainly there have always been popular female crime writers. I started reading them when I was about ten, I suppose, with Agatha Christie and went on from there to Dorothy Sayers, Margery Allingham, Ngaio Marsh, Baroness Orczy, Josephine Tey, Georgette Heyer, Susan Hill, Margaret Millar, Margaret Yorke, Mary Higgins Clark, PD James, Ruth Rendell, Minette Walters, Val McDermid, Patricia Cornwell, Sara Paretsky, Linda Fairstein, Mo Hayder, Sue Grafton and several more, no doubt.
These days I only read American crime novels. I have about ten favourite authors that I always go for and out of those only one or two are female.
The shortlist for crime novel of the year had only one female author out of six. I suppose that is why there is a perceived gender imbalance. As it happens it was won by Lee Child who is one of my top ten. He’s English but writes entirely in the American crime genre.
Thanks for reply Millie. I was concerned that what I had written was too much of a rant.
I still think the bigger picture is of those authors I mentioned above, many of whom are crime writers and whose sales are in the hundreds of millions. They are simply some of the best selling authors in the world of any genre.
(personally, my all time favourite is Lindsey Davies, whose superb Falco series are currently being played on radio 4 extra – don’t miss it people!)
My feeling is that the BBC pounce on such issues – gender politics is one of the areas they have a strong, tendentious line on.
Not too much of a rant, Henry. More of a reasoned argument, I thought. Must admit I’ve never read a Lindsey Davis. Radio 4 extra is not something I know about.
Has anyone else had one of these, and if so, what on earth is it on about?
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Our analysis tells us that less than ten percent of those contacted have so far opened the email, perhaps because they do not trust that it came from the BBC. This suggests that many of our users will not be able to make an informed decision and we have therefore decided to modify our approach. Where a user tells us not to, their details will not be passed on. Otherwise, we propose to provide the new owners with an encrypted list of email addresses and user IDs. If you choose to register with the new H2G2 website and you enter the email address we have used here, this will enable the new owners to link your BBC user ID with your username and your email address. This means that if you were a contributor to H2G2, the new owners will be able to link your past activity/posts with any future activity on the new website.
This means that anyone who has not opted out of the process will receive an email after the sale has been concluded with a link to the new H2G2 website and its terms and conditions of use. They can then choose whether or not to register with the new H2G2 website. If they use the same email address as they used for their BBC ID this will unlock the email address and user ID in the encrypted list we have provided.
If you do not choose to register with the new H2G2 your personal information will remain encrypted and therefore inaccessible to the new owners, and will be deleted at the end of the transition process.
If, however, you would prefer not to be part of this process and would like us to remove your email address and ID from the encrypted list, then please email us at
All the best ,
H2G2 Editors
If I knew, I have forgotten what H2G2 is, and they are such great communicators they have failed to mention… or its a phish.
My only concern is a) my data is being mucked about with by the ever-so-reliable state system, again, and b) this may be a way to purge a bunch of folk from the blog rolls and pretend it was authorised.
Any IT whizzes out there?
It was an online community created by the Douglas Adams and some friends as a kind of Wiki site. In an attempt to increase their 900-pound gorilla status, the BBC took it over. I have no idea what it does now or whether it’s worth a damn.
But if the BBC is selling it, maybe it will improve.
Tx David.
Makes sense as I am a huge Adams fan, but I have heard diddly in donkeys, so forgot all about it.
As a comms job… dire.
Get ’em while they’re hot.
And after a few softballs, they are going nuclear.
I predict a lot more ‘editorial decisions’, if not early closing.
The Editors seems to be like catnip to the market rates. They just can’t resist justifying themselves, and then once plopped like a bloated carp in a barrel, get huffy when things go pear shaped and pull the plus.
There’s a metaphor for free speech across a few issues there.
‘plug’, before the cheery vultures decide my spelling is much more important than the DG defending the BBC ‘getting it about right’ by saying, er, ‘they get it about right’.
It’s looking like, as it’s the DG, the default setting is to refer every posting until they really can’t find a way not to publish it if it isn’t sucking up.
I enjoyed this comment by “Wizzy”:
Dear DG,
You will I hope understand that the Media Enquiry terms of reference will allow those who already distrust the BBC’s liberal coverage to attempt to use it to do down the BBC. Please don’t give them any more ammunition than they need by visiting 10 Downing Street in your official capacity. Such meetings should be held in the brightest of spotlights e.g. at the House of Commons in front of a select committee.
Hey, the BBC actually allowed someone to speculate on air that the big explosion in Oslo might have been an Islamic terrorist attack. They’re careful to say that it’s only speculation and may not be, which is the correct behavior, but at least they’re allowing the mention in the first place. The only motive suggested so far is those Mohammed cartoons.
How different from how they report it when this happened in other countries in the past. Baby steps!
“…..those Mohammad cartoons and Norway’s participation in Afghanistan….or Libya, but there hasn’t been and terrorism associated with Libya so far………………”
(Bridget Kendall)
Thanks. I heard only the mention of the cartoons.
I hope I’m not being presumptuous, but the eyewitness with the Scottish, or possibly Irish accent said, “I hope this won’t lead to Oslo becoming a “less liberal” place!” (which I took to mean he hoped there wouldn’t be a backlash/ tightening-up against “multiculturalism”.)
Haha. As if more ‘multiculturalism’ will ultimately result in more liberalism! 😀
That’s if I’ve interpreted his remark correctly of course.
Sue, that seems to reflect one of the possible causes one of the Norwegian voices suggested for the bomb. I didn’t get any name, but he said that there was a growing concern about immigration and multi-culturalism and possibly white supremacists may have done it.
I don’t blame Esler for that, of course, as this just came out spontaneously without the usual leading question from a Beeboid. But still, it has to be about the most far-fetched of any of the possible culprits and motivations.
More ‘multi-culturism’ = More terrorism.
Two tweets in as many minutes…
jeffjarvis Jeff Jarvis BBC commentator speculates that terrorists might confuse Scandinavian countries.
benarchibald Ben Archibald Given that BBC now gets its news from Twitter, can we just dump the BBC News?
Hope your comment to this effect on Thompson’s comment doesn’t get removed.
Interesting word that: ‘speculates’.
All media might learn that, apart from filling airtime or driving ratings, it is a poor substitute for news.
As to twitter, the BBC seems to get not only its news from twitter but, more worryingly, the opinion substituted for it too.
The bBCs security expert speaks to the great unwashed about that bomb blast in Oslo.
Norway: Blast near prime minister’s office in Oslo
A large explosion has hit near government headquarters in the Norwegian capital Oslo.At least one person was killed in the city centre blast, national broadcaster NRK reports.The offices of Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg were damaged extensively but a government spokeswoman said he was safe.At least eight people were injured, local media said. No-one has said they were behind the explosion….The BBC’s Security Correspondent Frank Gardner says that while there is no official word on whether the blast was deliberate its location, close to so many government buildings, is significant.
NO shit Sherlock, What next from that analytical brain of yours. That Islam is a relgion of peace. Remind me again why you are in a Wheel chair. Plank!
Some good points here about how beeb stifles local TV
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) will censor its reports on Oslo murders, and may eventually use euphemistic words like ‘migrants’ and ‘militants’.
For more realistic reports, ‘Gates of Vienna’ site is monitoring OSLO murders:
Terror Attack in Central Oslo
Only yesterday, ‘Gates of Vienna’ had this item:
An Ethnic and Cultural Self-Annihilation
I have just started watching a recording of last nights ‘Hard Talk’ First question put to Jaqui Smith.
‘Has this country turned a blind eye to corruption at the top table’ (I abreviated slightly)
Well she would know.
Aw c’mon, Jacqui paid back in full the £10.67 + Vat that she claimed for the porn videos.
Ah, it’s come to me now; you weren’t referring to the videos.
It was the hundred grand of Additional Cost Allowances for her ‘second home’ that she claimed and never paid back.
That’s what you were talking about.
But at least she is not presiding over inquisitions into corruption, like Vaz.
So it seems that appeasment does not work – but I expect the (Labour) government in Norway will not get it.
“Khalid Mahmood, a Pakistani-born member of the governing Labour Party believes Muslims are being persecuted, and Islam confronted with hatred.
“Muslims are the Jews of our times, stigmatised, generalised and presented as a threat to society” he says. ”
“Muslims are the Jews of our times” – I have never heard such obscence rubbish in my life. These people are not victims, they are the perpetrators. For these inhumans to compare themselves to the Jews of Europe during the 1930s is just disgusting.
It’s a cunning and extremely effective propaganda technique: pretend that the suffering of your enemy is your own and you’ll gain the sympathy of those who are not that fond of your enemy. At the same time you’ll reduce sympathy for your enemy.
Yes, it really is obscene. It’s diabolical.
Oh Lordy!
Bomb in Norway-well they had it coming because they may have had some soldiers putting out traffic cones in Kandahar…safe to say that the Norwegians aren`t there for the skiing!
Oh-and Olaf Palme was assassinated in neighbouring Sweden in 1986….you see?…it all makes sense at the BBC news desk.
They never forget these mullahs do they?
Send Zawahiri Rageh Omars tribute to Muhammad… Osamas DVD might have been returned from the repair shop by now!
NOW can we be your Persian carpets effendi?…
Don’t know if it means anything, but the shooting on Utoya Island happened at the Socialist (“Labour”) Party’s summer camp. The former Norwegian PM, Gro Harlem Brundtland of the Socialist Party, apparently spoke there today. The current PM and Government are also Socialist. Somebody doesn’t like them.
Not sure how this would point to Mohammedan terrorists. If it turns out that this was some domestic white political terrorist group, the BBC I hope the BBC doesn’t associate them with the Tea Party movemen.
Congratulations to radio 5 Li(steners)ve; my man in the know has whispered that Gameshow Nikki is up for the Sony Shoehorn In A Ridiculous Question Award for his frequent and desperate attempts to get any and every guest round to the Murdoch story.
This morning Lamont was on to talk about this week’s Eurofudge.
‘Lord Lamont, you worked with David Cameron for a few months nearly 20 years ago, do you think he was right to employ Andy Coulson?’
Followed by some even more desperate shoehorning…
‘Rob Brydon, you’re a mate of Steve Coogan, woddya think of Hackgate?’.
Next week Lulu’s on. Nikki, I know you read this, if you’re struggling to get her onto THE BIG STORY !!!! don’t forget that Lulu is Scottish and that Cameron and Murdoch are Scottish names. I’m sure you’ll be able to work something out from there.
Gosh, Sky News has been covering all kinds of stories today. The BBC News Channel has been wall-to-wall Oslo bombing. Even nasty Uncle Rupert’s evil empire is able to give an update on the phone hacking scandal, while the sensationalist BBC isn’t talking about anything but Norway, speculating over and over again about who might be behind the attacks.
I thought Uncle Rupert had dumbed down all his media outlets to the lowest level of trash and titillation with a political agenda?
The BBC ran the “why oh why did they have to kill Bin Laden?” programme on Radio4 this morning.
A few hours later there is a bombing in Oslo.
Coincidence?…well the BBC join the dots as they like, so why not us?
Arrest Patten for not knowing what?…well we`ll wing that at a time to be arranged!
Something must be done at any rate…anything even!
More talk that eyewitnesses describe the shooter at the Socialist camp as being white and speaking with a common local Norwegian accent. He’s been arrested, so eventually we’ll find out what’s really going on. Maybe it’s just a couple of loner nutters like Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. No real political association expect being fringe madmen fighting against whatever demons they see in the Government.
Or right-wingers as the BBC will no doubt call them…
BBC News24 8:05pm had one of their speed-dial “experts” on the line from democrat party HQ. In his expert opinion “It might be Al-queda. Or it might be a right-wing nut”
What about a left-wing nut?
A left-wing nut shooting Socialists?
Oh, FFS. The new angle on this Oslo story is how it will affect The Obamessiah Administration!
“On the line now we have the Norwegian ambassador to the UK Kim Traavik. Mr Traavik, what do you think about the latest revelations concerning James Murdoch?”
New York Times: A terror group, Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, or the Helpers of the Global Jihad, issued a statement claiming responsibility for the attack, according to Will McCants, a terrorism analyst at C.N.A., a research institute that studies terrorism. The message said the attack was a response to Norwegian forces’ presence in Afghanistan and to unspecified insults to the Prophet Muhammad. “We have warned since the Stockholm raid of more operations,” the group said, according to Mr. McCants’ translation, apparently referring to a bombing in Sweden in December 2010. “What you see is only the beginning, and there is more to come.” The claim could not be confirmed. It is not uncommon for terrorist groups to advance claims of responsibility for high-profile attacks, only to have the claims prove to be spurious.
The BBC has mentioned this a dozen times by now. There was also a claim from the group that this wasn’t an official announcement.
Oh, OK. I’m still playing catch-up.
No mention of this on BBC Radio 4 News at 10pm.
But the arrested man is blonde ?
But Islam is not a race. He could be ginger it makes no difference.
These people are Christians
So the bBC which goes out of its way in which to find new ways to name those people who kill the sick,lame and lazy in which to terrorist them to their way of thinking has dug up a new way in which to say..Muslim.
Yes while watching the news the stupid blond presenter came out with ‘With the news that the shooter was Blond and Norwegian can we say this wasn’t the work of…International terrorists’
International Terrorists? what the hell does that mean? Have they read far too many Robert Ludum Stories. Are the the Matarese circle for real? If so,who is the Corsican… Abu Bowen?
In fact, the bBC seems to be busting a good one in the hope that this wasn’t the work of their favorite relgion of peace. (And a week before Ramadan as well) and so is heavily promoting the …It was a local who did it. In which to ensure that the finger of blame isn’t pointed at….Muslims.
Maybe it was a local who did it? A local muslim!
The Norwegians keep saying that the arrested man is “Norwegian”. Do they mean white? Or is it the same as those “British” arrested in Afghanistan, trying to kill British troops, who hate anything British.
They mean Norwegian. He’s not Arabic or Asian or whatever else people may have had in mind when speculating as to the identity and affiliations of the killer.
Up to 30 people could be dead, either in a bomb blast or shot by someone. And yet all you can do is to try and pick holes in the BBC’s coverage, find ways to try and blame Muslims and make jokes.
Not one person on here has expressed their sorrows about what has happened, not one peson has done anything but try and score poltiical points.
I think your hatred of the BBC and your general misanthropy has blinded you to this hideous tragedy. These were young people mainly enjoying a camp. For once think about the people who have been lost. Think about their parents. Think about that and just stop trying to score points.
Now perhaps you can see why the media did not leap to conclusions. Now perhaps you can see why they wait until they have confirmation of what happened before passing judgement.
Having seen how you respond to criticism on here I know this will either be met with stoney silence or a torrent of abuse and indignant self-justification.
I think these posts have been utterly shameful and a lot of people who have posted comments have been seen in their true light.
Spot on Geoff. Right on every count.
Michael and Geoff. Twitter is the appropriate medium for platitudes and self-agrandising expressions of sympathy. This site is for reporting BBC bias. And times of national tragedy or outrage are the BBC’s favourite time for slipping in the old left-wing bias. eg. Blaming the Gabrielle Giffords shooting on the Tea Party. Or widely reporting that Gordon Brown’s son’s medical records had been hacked. And in both cases, completely failing to report that both stories were later found to be total bollocks. But BBC job done: False impression left in the minds of the masses. So forgive us if we are particularly alert to BBC bias and attempts to generate a left-leaning narrative for every trajedy.
Would you care to elaborate Mr Warren Or are you just a follower?
“I know this will either be met with stoney silence or a torrent of abuse”
My intial reaction was to go with a torrent of abuse but frankly I can’t be bothered to waste my time on this sanctimonious toss.
Of course everyone has sympathy.
How dare you claim we don’t. We live in a counrtry that has had decades of terrorism.
You say up to 30 people may have been killed. Yes, it sounds like that. The Norwegian Prime Minister has sated (according to Associated Press 5 hours ago) that there could be more deaths at the island. Other reports have said that there were dead bodies in the water – maybe people running away from the camp.
You might be right – the killer may not be Muslim. But when this sort of terrorist attack takes place – a bomb at the Government offices, then a machine-gun attack – doesn’t one’s mind immediately move to the background of years and years of terrorism by Muslims ? Sure, maybe we have a kneejerk reaction when we hear of bombings in capital cities. Why not ?
Truth will out – but maybe most Europeans have good reason to worry about Muslim fanaticism and mass murder.
But the BBC is reporting just 17, half that number – many hours after the event, and no
BBC is reporting just 17 dead.
Sky at the same time is reporting that up to 30 people were killed at the island. They were reporting that at 8pm if not earlier.
We shall see.
We are forced to pay for the BBC’s 1000 journalists. They are very often behind the curve, just a bloated empire living on the public teat. And constantly spinning the “news”.
How strange that 2 people never seen here before pop out of the woodwork.
You can look and see – I have posted before now. And no, I don’t work for the BBC. Not everything is a conspiracy.
I deliberately used the figure from Sky News.
How dare I claim you don’t have sympathy? Because not once, not once has a single blinded person on this site said anything that even hinted at it. Nothing at all. Just an attempt to blame muslims, denigrate the BBC, or score points.
The default position was to blame Islamic terrorists. Given what has happened recently it was a perfectly reasonable assumption – and one that probably everyone made.
But that what it was – an assumption.
But the 24 hour news stations waited until they had facts. Unlike the people on this site they didn’t assume anything.
Perhaps the BBC is going with 17 because that is the number of confirmed dead. Perhaps they are waiting for the facts and not going off on wild speculation.
We have see where speculation leads.
“But the 24 hour news stations waited until they had facts” Are you joking? Have you not been listening to the news lately?
Everyone associated with the NOTW phone hacking scandel has been pronounced guilty by the media before any trails and enquiries have taken place. The BBC rush to judgement when it is line with their agenda, if not they wait, and wait.
Geoff, I noticed that while reporting the massacre of youngsters on Utoya BBC News 24 were still running a ticker-tape on that Tom Watson’s allegations that he’d been followed by a private eye.
It seems the BBC don’t let up on their pursuit of Murdoch even when reporting an attrocity. But I don’t hear you complaining about BBC insensitivity – you sanctimonious twat.
You keep saying we don’t have sympathy with the victims.
That is a lie – and you know it.
I have a lot of sympathy for all the relatives of those who have been killed by terrorists attacks. I have no sympathy for the people who carry it out.
Murder is the most horrific crime imaginable, yet murderers are allowed out of prisons after a few years by governments who don’t take murder seriously.
“63% of people thought the mandatory life sentence for the most serious homicides was wrong. ”
I would suggest that the so-called “liberals” in this country have the least sympathy for murder victims than anyone here.
Geoff Watts wrote:
“Up to 30 people could be dead, either in a bomb blast or shot by someone. And yet all you can do is to try and pick holes in the BBC’s coverage, find ways to try and blame Muslims and make jokes. “
Hi Geoff welcome to biased bBC which is run on picking holes in the bBCs leftwing bias. As for trying to blame muslims for this act. Well you see contrary to bBC opinion the relgion of peace is anything but. Which kind of explains why so many people in Norway (And Europe) are looking at the hand of Allah as being behind this terrorist act. Oh you may not like how the posters on this board are looking funny at the bBCs coverage of this truly evil event. Yet where were you after 9/11 and that question time. Where were you after John Simpson called the terrorists who bombed London. Misguided criminals. Where were you after each and every news article where the bBC gave succour to Islamic terrorists. Hell faster than you can say ‘Allah Ackba’ after an incident in darkest Afghanistan, the bBC will have a report condemning NATO/ISAF or the British based on the hearsay of a terrorist. But when its those innocent terrorist doing likewise, well rules are in place to ensure that those rabid terrorists are never reported in a negative light. So once again where the hell were you, when the bBC is caught out time and time again defending Islamic terrorism not only that but most of the time it doesn’t even bother reporting them. So come on Geoff where is your concern for all the people who get oppressed and killed by Islamic terrorists whom the bBC never seems to bother its arse reporting. You know like that convert to Islam in Australia who woke up and was whipped by a bunch of Islamic bigots for having a bevy or two or even worse its lacklustre reporting from Syria. You know that Syria which the bBC claims it can’t get any reporters in, but which everybody else can.
Now if you want to see a real bigot at work head over to my blog and give me what for,for slating Muslims. But then unlike you, I was born a Muslim left the cult of death during the 70s and have a bummer of a birthmark which paints me as an apostate. Want to tell me how Muslims are taught to deal with apostates via their holybook. Don’t bother looking to the bBC for the correct answer as they claim that Islam is a religion of peace.: Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Nigeria, Thailand, Philippines, China ,Chechnya ,Moscow, London, Madrid, Paris, New York, Mumbai all say otherwise.
As for making jokes, you mean like how the entire left knocked them out when Bush choked , When Murdock (How old is he?) was attacked inside parliment the otherday and when Maggie dies. I suppose that’s alright then.
Please feel free to repond.
You can take the sympathy for the dead as read. It is illogical to take flight on the basis of an imagined indifference or unawareness of tragedy.
People post here about Beeboid Corporation bias. That is what the blog is for. I thought everyone knew that you do not have to type something on a screen in order to feel it. Do you think people come here to post all the thoughts and feelings that they have about anything and everything?
In case you may be in any doubt, the answer is that they don’t. Hope that is clear now.
Geoff, remind me which news organisation gave camera crews to various Islamists and Al Qa’eda apologists to make propaganda films in the immediate aftermath of 7/7? Which news organisation run a question show in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 to bait a former US Ambassador to our country?
Geoff, please, keep your moral masturbation to yourself.
9th July 2011
Oslo: Norwegian police had hidden cameras in the apartment of a suspected terror cell’s leader arrested this week and knew he had explosive material for an attack, the VG newspaper reported on Saturday.
The Norwegian security police (PST) had the flat under video surveillance during their investigation for several months, VG reported on its website, identifying the suspect as a Norwegian named Mikael Davud.
He was one of three men arrested Thursday on suspicion of plotting an al Qaeda attack in Norway and was the alleged leader of the group.
<a href=”;loc=300;key=key1+key2+key3+key4″ target=”_blank”><img src=”;loc=300;key=key1+key2+key3+key4″ border=”0″ height=”250″ width=”250″></a>
The secret surveillance revealed that he had the material to make a large bomb or several small devices but had not yet decided on the target, the newspaper said.
Yesterday, VG reported that police had succeeded in substituting a harmless chemical for one of the bomb-making components that the suspects had bought.
The PST made the arrests on Thursday — two near Oslo and one in Germany — on charges of conspiring to “commit terrorist acts” and of having links to al Qaeda.
Lawyers for the three men say they have denied the charges, VG said.
The PST, which did not divulge anything about the alleged plot or whether the men were suspected of trying to make a bomb, insisted Thursday it had “had sufficient control of these individuals (leading up to the arrests), and according to our assessment the public have not been in any danger.”
Police identified the suspects only as a 39-year-old Chinese Uighur who became a Norwegian citizen three years ago, along with a 31-year-old Uzbek and a 37-year-old Iraqi Kurd, both with legal resident permits in Norway.
First Published: Sunday, July 11, 2010, 00:08
22 July
Explosion in Oslo government quarter.
Clearly they didn’t get the whole cell or a second cell was present undetected.
The shooting on the island is strange. The Labour Party youth camp . Names should give clues to identity when they come out but one of the leaders, organisers cited as a witness by the BBC is Ali Esbati.
The shooting is strange with references to a ‘north European’ possibly in police uniform.
The shooting occured after the bomb by which time all police would have been alerted.
Speculation at this stage.
Meanwhile – the Dems in the US Senate have voted down the House bill – Cut Cap and Balance.
Pushing the US closer to the 2 August abyss.
I would have thought this was fairly big news.
But nothing on BBC TV and radio main channels.
BBC Radio 4 midnight news.
4th headline is from the US. Obama has revoked the ban on homosexuals in the military declaring themselves. It is hardly news – this has been expected for some times.
So how is THAT as important about what is happening about the US debt crisis – and today’s Senate vote ?
Titanic is sinking – but the main story today is about a factory strike somewhere.
Would either Geoff or Warren care to comment on my comments on this topic (previoius page of this thread), before wielding your broad brush of self-righteous condemnation?
Did either of you make similar criticisms of Question Time right after 9/11? Yeah, thought not.