Discusses climate change with a balanced panel of three global warming alarmists:
1) Mike Hume of climategate fame.
2) Sue Buckingham – expert in impacts of climate change on womens rights (I kid you not).
3) Graham Underwood – expert in drumming up alarm over the negligible impacts of natural ocean alkalinity reduction (that’s man-made ocean acidification to you).
In response to a sensible telephone question pointing out the huge impact and uncertainly surrounding cloud feedbacks; 6:00 Hume claims the feedbacks are big and positive – only question is how big. Claims this is well recognised and accepted – pushing the old science is settled lie.
This couldn’t be further from the truth. Not only are the size and sign of feedbacks hotly disputed in the scientific literature (Dessler vs Spencer, Lindzen, Loehle and Scafetta) – but our everyday experience tells us that cloudy days are cooler.
6:10 At this point Graham chimes in claiming UK is suffering more Monsoon rains which “Normally British streams and rivers weren’t used to”.
Complete BS – a quick check of wiki UK rainfall records shows no trend with plenty of pre-1930s 24hr rainfall records.
17:40 The guests are asked to highlight 3 recent papers to give the audience a flavour of the latest developments in the Climate Change debate (not that you’d know there was any debate from listening to the BBC)
Any comments about the upcoming CERN cloud experiment results which are expected to confirm the Aarhus finding that Sun cycles controls cloud formation? Any comments on the lack of any warming trend since 1998? Nope: Instead Hume chooses a silly paper on a biased opinion poll of “climate scepticism” (who’s sceptical of “climate”? Not me nor anyone else)
Sue mentions a study on the negative impact of adaptation measures in Ladak India. Not very clear what she’s going on about – prolly something to do with women’s rights….
Graham picks a 2010 paper on Jellyfish increases. This fits the usual pattern
1) cherry pick a natural trend
2) extrapolate that trend into the future
3) Predict Bad Things – in this case, that we’ll all die a painful death by jellyfish stings.
4) Blame evil humans and demand more state control and taxes (a big chunk of which will be diverted into the pockets of these three lying alarmists).
More lies and propaganda from the BBC team of enviro alarmists. And, once again, no-one from the sceptical scientific community is allowed to comment.
BBC 4: more blatant political propaganda of the ‘Cuba Si, Yanquis No’ type, in the deceitfully presented ‘The Camera that Changed the World’. (9 pmtonight.)
It wasn’t so much about the changing technology of documentary film-making in the 1960s, as about celebrating the political propaganda of leftwingers for the utopian film presentation of socialist film-makers at the time of Cuban revolution.
I saw bits of this.
The usual deep and meaningless ragbag of 60s cliches and shibboleths.
Sneering at life before the Paris jazz era came in and that nice JFK let himself be filmed-but “The Man” didn`t catch the vision. Thankfully, Castro was always on hand to blow cigar smoke in a meaningful way.
The usual Stones soundtrack-has anyone told the superannuated hippies that run the “60s legacy project” that Mick n Keef are actually pretty wealthy and titled?
Not a bit of it…rebels all…but funnily enough they changed nothing. Too busy filming each other and telling us how courageous that was! Pathetic!
Thanks for the review George. I was going to watch this on watch again as it looked interesting but won’t bother.
This one sounds like a number of BBC “documentaries” I have watched 10 minutes of (before turning off due to boredom) which all seem to be in the style of Adam Curtis. This is where documentaries are made up of old film clips with nothing to do with the subject in hand while the narrators rattles out the left wing cliches.
Last year the bBC couldn’t bring fast enough to the Uk the story about how an Afghan soldier who had murdered 3 British soldiers had rung them up in which to explain his motives. I quote from the so called discerning bBC article: Afghan ‘killer’ of UK troops tells BBC he acted alone A man who says he is the renegade Afghan soldier who killed three British troops in Helmand province in Afghanistan has contacted the BBC.The man said he had been angry at the conduct of British troops and that he had acted alone. He said he had joined the Taliban after the attack. The UK Ministry of Defence said it was aware of the man’s claims. During the interview, which lasted about 10 minutes, he told me he was angry at the conduct of British troops in Helmand province. He accused them of killing civilians, including children. When I challenged him that civilians had been killed in Taliban attacks too, he said that the Taliban were Mujahideen fighting for their own country. He also said that British soldiers were not there to secure and reconstruct Afghanistan.
So the bBC has no problem allowing a murderer to air his views. (Contrast that with how currently the bBC is leading with the view that murderers views shouldn’t be broadcasted (Well white Christian ones)) Yet now that the inquest over the deaths of those 3 soldiers a different story emerges from the one promulgated by the bBC. In fact the bBC lies yet again in which to cover the findings of the inquest. I quote: Rogue soldier’s killings ‘prompted shock’ Lt Col Strickland said the British Army were trying to develop the partnership with the Afghan forces but there had been tensions – which he stressed was normal.For instance, British soldiers were issued with bottled water when the Afghan troops were not, which had caused problems at this particular base. There had also been an incident in which an Afghan soldier was accidentally shot by a Gurkha while on patrol. Now here is what Lt Col Strickland actually said: The inquest heard that an Afghan soldier had been disciplined after he had been caught by a Gurkha officer taking a bottle of cold water from a fridge. Later that night, a makeshift Hindu temple built by Gurkhas was vandalised, the inquest heard. In a second incident during an operation to capture a Taliban commander, a force of Afghan soldiers suddenly appeared and a Gurkha accidentally shot one. So the issue about water wasn’t that the Brits get bottled water and the ANA don’t. It was the fact, that somebody was told off for taking water out of somebody’s fridge. (You don’t take another mans water without his permission) They left out the desecration of the Hindu temple. Now would the bBC have left the story out if a Brit/Ghurka had done the same to a Mosque? Then there’s that accidental shooting of an Afghan. Notice how the bBC succulently leaves out salient snippets of the story which allows them to tell a somewhat different story. A story which paints the British in a negative light.
The bBC the fifth column for Islamic terrorism in the UK.
How the bBC lies over Iran’s treatment of Afghan asylum seeker. Afghans given ‘second chance’ in Iran Afghans started their major wave of immigration 3 decades ago after the country became occupied by the Soviet army. The ensuing years of civil war and the Taleban’s reign heightened this and only recently is the immigration route seeing some return journeys. However, there are still millions of Afghans living in Iran and Pakistan, many of whom have illegal immigration status. Karen Zarindast reports.
So the bBC airs a video report how grateful Afghans should be to Iran for allowing them to stay. Why according to the bBC apologist Iran has encouraged Afghans to return to their home country and 60,000 have taken up the offer and returned . The bBC then airs a picture of happy children waving goodbye.
And here is what the apologists for an oppressive Islamic theological regime doesn’t tell you: Jan 2011 Iranian Border Forces Mistreat Afghan Refugees TOLOnews has obtained a video clip showing some dead and wounded Afghan refugees lying on the ground, with Iranian border forces standing heedlessly by their side. The video shows dead bodies of a number of Afghan refugees lying on the side of a paved road while some wounded Afghan refugees are squirming with pain while some Iranian border forces are standing heedlessly by their side. This is not the first incident of its kind. Afghan refugees have always complained about Iranian border forces killing and wounding Afghans attempting to cross into Iranian soil. June 2007 Iran Forcibly Deports 100,000 Afghans AFGHANISTAN-IRAN BORDER — Dumped at this frontier outpost alongside hundreds of weary Afghan laborers, Khalil Jalil stepped out of Iran and back into Afghanistan only days after he said Iranian authorities beat him, threw him in the trunk of a car and locked him in a detention centre. The 23-year-old’s violent ejection is part of a broad Iranian crackdown on illegal Afghan migrants that has pushed more than 100,000 deportees across the border the past two months, leaving hundreds of Afghan families stranded without shelter and straining the impoverished country’s resources. Like Jalil, many of the deportees come with stories of abuse: Men beaten so badly that their legs and collarbones were broken, and legal refugees whose government-issued cards were cut into pieces by police. Iran denies the allegations of abuse and says it has forced labourers back home because the 1.5 million undocumented Afghan migrants are an enormous burden on its economy. Goebbels could have learnt a trick or two off the modern day bBC.
A famine is, of course, a declaration of failure.So who is to blame?
Here, in the aid and development hub of Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, most of those involved in the relief efforts across the Horn of Africa are too busy to get distracted by finger-pointing.But there is plenty of muttering on the sidelines. And so here is my top 10 compilation of alleged culprits for your consideration – drawn from conversations with experts, diplomats, Somali officials, foreign aid workers and some of the hungry themselves. I will leave the blindingly obvious – the drought itself – out of it. But please weigh in with your own lists or arguments.
1.America: only interested in Somalia in relation to the ‘war on terror’, piracy and oil – according to many. 2. The UN’s World Food Programme (WFP): the one organisation with the real muscle to end the famine, but because it is heavily dependent on US funding 3. Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG):this Western-backed administration is so weak, marginalised and lacking in territory that the most important role it can play right now is to keep out of the way of those fighting the famine. 4. Al-Shabab: they’ve killed aid workers and blocked outside help from getting in. What more is there to say? 5. The F-word: famine, and our obsession with it. By which I mean the collective habit of only finding the necessary money and sense of urgency when it is too late. These days Somalia’s population is, fortunately, one of the most heavily monitored in the world. It’s not just crude malnutrition rates that are factored in, but other far more sophisticated indices like household debt. 6. The media: which brings us neatly on to journalists. We are, as one leading humanitarian official told me – with a mixture of flattery and frustration – absolutely crucial in all this. 7. Kenya: as I mentioned above, I have just spent a day rushing round development projects in northern Kenya. Two simple facts emerged – Kenya’s government has woefully, scandalously underinvested in livestock support, education, and basic infrastructure in its most vulnerable communities. (He refers to the Somali refugees living in kenya) 8. Everyone else: “Let us not stand back,” was how Archbishop Desmond Tutu put it. And yet most of Africa is doing just that (how often has the famine made the front pages in newspapers on this continent?), and so is the Middle East, China, and plenty of other countries. 9. Climate change:if you accept the science, then you have to accept that these droughts are going to be coming thick and fast in the coming decades. And we all share a responsibility for that. 10. Population growth:this is crucial. In areas of northern Kenya the population has reportedly doubled in the past decade. “Twice as many people, but the same number of livestock. This is unsustainable,” a UN agriculture expert told me. Pastoralists are famously adaptable – they have to be to survive
The bBC and how it reports on the murder of a 8 year boy
I wrote the other day how the bBC while able to knock up within minutes reports of civilians getting accidently hurt/killed by NATO/ISAF/UK doesn’t bother its arse when its fav Taliban heroes go out of their way in which to do it on purpose.
Well, what do you know, the bBC has decided to air the story of Ibrahim the murdered child. Now tell me by following the link what impression do you get of the story and how far did you get before switching off. In otherwords the bBC has gone out of its way in which to hide this story. How does it do that it rambles on about the British handing over to the afghans, how the Afghans have had a couple of gunfights, how the British hurt 5 children with machinegun fire and then and only then the bBC reveals that a child was kidnapped last Friday and near the bottom they report this: The gang of insurgents were deadly serious. Days later Ibrahim’s body was found dumped in a ditch. He had been strangled. The Taliban have denied responsibility, but Daoud is certain they were behind his son’s murder.
Get that a story which was revealed by everybody else on Monday morning the bBC decides to report somewhat confusingly nearly 48 hours later and then they end it with the ‘Taliban’ denied they were behind the simple murder. So he was strangled was he bBC. Here is a Photo (Very graphic) from Micheals Yons Facebook page which shows that actually the child was tortured. Funny how the bbC can shed tears over a f-ing Ethiopian who claims he was tortured after he left the Uk. Yet a poor child who was really tortured and died and the bBC tries to cover it up so as not to expose the Taliban for what they are. F-cking racist murderous bigots.
The bBC the fifth column for Islamic terrorism in the UK
There`s a pattern here pounce, so keep up the highlighting of denial and partiality by “our”(i.e John Birts and the Labour partys) BBC.
If I had Craigs diligence I would do a bias graph of Toady…from 6 through to 9a.m.
Does bias go up or down as a function of pastries or croissants provided to the presenters, and what fuels their hopelessness/helplessness…which is it?
I think their shrivelled souls die a little as they spout some “phrenology” on the 6am bulletin as they`ve just done! Is it 1899 again there Sarah?…mark my words-eugenics will be coming, albeit with a less loaded word to describe the new science!
The news led with MPs saying that probation service staff are just like everybody else-they hide behind desks, doing admin and attending worthless meetings. The last Government made it all a condition of getting your salary, you see-just like all the other public services it offered(as well as the quasi-private ones that it used to run).
Ah but-these are thugs and nasties…so the staff have even MORE reason not to go head to head with these toerags any more than they are made to…stands to reason does it not?The MPs looking into it all say that this is only to be expected and why don`t the BBC just shut the f**k up-or else go into Risley and show us how it`s done!
They did say that-I think it is what they meant in their report-so am faithfully telling you what I believe that they had intended to say…you`ll thank me one day for it!
At last-I`m learning how the BBC do things…and I`ve decided to bake my own half truths on the griddle of the Aga…Idris the Dragon is carbon neutral since you ask, and no animal cruelty is involved in the production of said baking.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the TRANS man”? Aristotle.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 95% clean power by 2030 ** does not include bombing Russia https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn9gxvppxqpo [img]https://sceeus.se/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/emerson-tabell.png[/img]
Philip_2Mar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC is at it again! Now they’re pushing drag queen prostitutes onto six-year-olds! The CBeebies website has listed Marsha…
vladMar 4, 10:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wokies and normies and the BBC think that giving Ukraine enough arms and money to keep feeding their men into…
JohnCMar 4, 10:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Any more ‘Lammy’ and he will pop. When someone looks like that, it is usually an indicator to the character…
JohnCMar 4, 10:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 They told you wrong : they have paused, not halted, offensive operations only against Russia. Nothing to do with ‘monitoring’…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Why is Gwyneth Paltrow selling a candle that smells like her vagina? This article is more than 5 years old…
JohnCMar 4, 10:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The answer to all these BBC headlines phrased as questions is always ‘No but we wish it was yes’.
Home Planet: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b012qsdr
Discusses climate change with a balanced panel of three global warming alarmists:
1) Mike Hume of climategate fame.
2) Sue Buckingham – expert in impacts of climate change on womens rights (I kid you not).
3) Graham Underwood – expert in drumming up alarm over the negligible impacts of natural ocean alkalinity reduction (that’s man-made ocean acidification to you).
In response to a sensible telephone question pointing out the huge impact and uncertainly surrounding cloud feedbacks; 6:00 Hume claims the feedbacks are big and positive – only question is how big. Claims this is well recognised and accepted – pushing the old science is settled lie.
This couldn’t be further from the truth. Not only are the size and sign of feedbacks hotly disputed in the scientific literature (Dessler vs Spencer, Lindzen, Loehle and Scafetta) – but our everyday experience tells us that cloudy days are cooler.
6:10 At this point Graham chimes in claiming UK is suffering more Monsoon rains which “Normally British streams and rivers weren’t used to”.
Complete BS – a quick check of wiki UK rainfall records shows no trend with plenty of pre-1930s 24hr rainfall records.
17:40 The guests are asked to highlight 3 recent papers to give the audience a flavour of the latest developments in the Climate Change debate (not that you’d know there was any debate from listening to the BBC)
Any comments about the upcoming CERN cloud experiment results which are expected to confirm the Aarhus finding that Sun cycles controls cloud formation? Any comments on the lack of any warming trend since 1998? Nope: Instead Hume chooses a silly paper on a biased opinion poll of “climate scepticism” (who’s sceptical of “climate”? Not me nor anyone else)
Sue mentions a study on the negative impact of adaptation measures in Ladak India. Not very clear what she’s going on about – prolly something to do with women’s rights….
Graham picks a 2010 paper on Jellyfish increases. This fits the usual pattern
1) cherry pick a natural trend
2) extrapolate that trend into the future
3) Predict Bad Things – in this case, that we’ll all die a painful death by jellyfish stings.
4) Blame evil humans and demand more state control and taxes (a big chunk of which will be diverted into the pockets of these three lying alarmists).
More lies and propaganda from the BBC team of enviro alarmists. And, once again, no-one from the sceptical scientific community is allowed to comment.
‘once again, no-one from the sceptical scientific community is allowed to comment.’
As noted recently, that is rather a ‘done’ (as in ‘you’ve been..’) deal as far as our comfortably settled national propaganda media monopoly.
…is concerned
BBC 4: more blatant political propaganda of the ‘Cuba Si, Yanquis No’ type, in the deceitfully presented ‘The Camera that Changed the World’. (9 pmtonight.)
It wasn’t so much about the changing technology of documentary film-making in the 1960s, as about celebrating the political propaganda of leftwingers for the utopian film presentation of socialist film-makers at the time of Cuban revolution.
I saw bits of this.
The usual deep and meaningless ragbag of 60s cliches and shibboleths.
Sneering at life before the Paris jazz era came in and that nice JFK let himself be filmed-but “The Man” didn`t catch the vision. Thankfully, Castro was always on hand to blow cigar smoke in a meaningful way.
The usual Stones soundtrack-has anyone told the superannuated hippies that run the “60s legacy project” that Mick n Keef are actually pretty wealthy and titled?
Not a bit of it…rebels all…but funnily enough they changed nothing. Too busy filming each other and telling us how courageous that was! Pathetic!
Thanks for the review George. I was going to watch this on watch again as it looked interesting but won’t bother.
This one sounds like a number of BBC “documentaries” I have watched 10 minutes of (before turning off due to boredom) which all seem to be in the style of Adam Curtis. This is where documentaries are made up of old film clips with nothing to do with the subject in hand while the narrators rattles out the left wing cliches.
How the bBC lies how our soldiers die.
Last year the bBC couldn’t bring fast enough to the Uk the story about how an Afghan soldier who had murdered 3 British soldiers had rung them up in which to explain his motives. I quote from the so called discerning bBC article:
Afghan ‘killer’ of UK troops tells BBC he acted alone
A man who says he is the renegade Afghan soldier who killed three British troops in Helmand province in Afghanistan has contacted the BBC.The man said he had been angry at the conduct of British troops and that he had acted alone. He said he had joined the Taliban after the attack.
The UK Ministry of Defence said it was aware of the man’s claims.
During the interview, which lasted about 10 minutes, he told me he was angry at the conduct of British troops in Helmand province. He accused them of killing civilians, including children.
When I challenged him that civilians had been killed in Taliban attacks too, he said that the Taliban were Mujahideen fighting for their own country. He also said that British soldiers were not there to secure and reconstruct Afghanistan.
So the bBC has no problem allowing a murderer to air his views. (Contrast that with how currently the bBC is leading with the view that murderers views shouldn’t be broadcasted (Well white Christian ones)) Yet now that the inquest over the deaths of those 3 soldiers a different story emerges from the one promulgated by the bBC. In fact the bBC lies yet again in which to cover the findings of the inquest. I quote:
Rogue soldier’s killings ‘prompted shock’
Lt Col Strickland said the British Army were trying to develop the partnership with the Afghan forces but there had been tensions – which he stressed was normal.For instance, British soldiers were issued with bottled water when the Afghan troops were not, which had caused problems at this particular base. There had also been an incident in which an Afghan soldier was accidentally shot by a Gurkha while on patrol.
Now here is what Lt Col Strickland actually said:
The inquest heard that an Afghan soldier had been disciplined after he had been caught by a Gurkha officer taking a bottle of cold water from a fridge. Later that night, a makeshift Hindu temple built by Gurkhas was vandalised, the inquest heard. In a second incident during an operation to capture a Taliban commander, a force of Afghan soldiers suddenly appeared and a Gurkha accidentally shot one.
So the issue about water wasn’t that the Brits get bottled water and the ANA don’t. It was the fact, that somebody was told off for taking water out of somebody’s fridge. (You don’t take another mans water without his permission) They left out the desecration of the Hindu temple. Now would the bBC have left the story out if a Brit/Ghurka had done the same to a Mosque? Then there’s that accidental shooting of an Afghan. Notice how the bBC succulently leaves out salient snippets of the story which allows them to tell a somewhat different story. A story which paints the British in a negative light.
The bBC the fifth column for Islamic terrorism in the UK.
How the bBC lies over Iran’s treatment of Afghan asylum seeker.
Afghans given ‘second chance’ in Iran
Afghans started their major wave of immigration 3 decades ago after the country became occupied by the Soviet army. The ensuing years of civil war and the Taleban’s reign heightened this and only recently is the immigration route seeing some return journeys. However, there are still millions of Afghans living in Iran and Pakistan, many of whom have illegal immigration status.
Karen Zarindast reports.
So the bBC airs a video report how grateful Afghans should be to Iran for allowing them to stay. Why according to the bBC apologist Iran has encouraged Afghans to return to their home country and 60,000 have taken up the offer and returned . The bBC then airs a picture of happy children waving goodbye.
And here is what the apologists for an oppressive Islamic theological regime doesn’t tell you:
Jan 2011
Iranian Border Forces Mistreat Afghan Refugees
TOLOnews has obtained a video clip showing some dead and wounded Afghan refugees lying on the ground, with Iranian border forces standing heedlessly by their side. The video shows dead bodies of a number of Afghan refugees lying on the side of a paved road while some wounded Afghan refugees are squirming with pain while some Iranian border forces are standing heedlessly by their side. This is not the first incident of its kind. Afghan refugees have always complained about Iranian border forces killing and wounding Afghans attempting to cross into Iranian soil.
June 2007
Iran Forcibly Deports 100,000 Afghans
AFGHANISTAN-IRAN BORDER — Dumped at this frontier outpost alongside hundreds of weary Afghan laborers, Khalil Jalil stepped out of Iran and back into Afghanistan only days after he said Iranian authorities beat him, threw him in the trunk of a car and locked him in a detention centre. The 23-year-old’s violent ejection is part of a broad Iranian crackdown on illegal Afghan migrants that has pushed more than 100,000 deportees across the border the past two months, leaving hundreds of Afghan families stranded without shelter and straining the impoverished country’s resources. Like Jalil, many of the deportees come with stories of abuse: Men beaten so badly that their legs and collarbones were broken, and legal refugees whose government-issued cards were cut into pieces by police. Iran denies the allegations of abuse and says it has forced labourers back home because the 1.5 million undocumented Afghan migrants are an enormous burden on its economy.
Goebbels could have learnt a trick or two off the modern day bBC.
The bBC and who it blames for the famine in Somalia
‘Top 10 culprits’ of Horn of Africa famine
Article written by Andrew Harding Africa correspondent
A famine is, of course, a declaration of failure.So who is to blame?
Here, in the aid and development hub of Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, most of those involved in the relief efforts across the Horn of Africa are too busy to get distracted by finger-pointing.But there is plenty of muttering on the sidelines. And so here is my top 10 compilation of alleged culprits for your consideration – drawn from conversations with experts, diplomats, Somali officials, foreign aid workers and some of the hungry themselves. I will leave the blindingly obvious – the drought itself – out of it. But please weigh in with your own lists or arguments.
1.America: only interested in Somalia in relation to the ‘war on terror’, piracy and oil – according to many.
2. The UN’s World Food Programme (WFP): the one organisation with the real muscle to end the famine, but because it is heavily dependent on US funding
3. Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG): this Western-backed administration is so weak, marginalised and lacking in territory that the most important role it can play right now is to keep out of the way of those fighting the famine.
4. Al-Shabab: they’ve killed aid workers and blocked outside help from getting in. What more is there to say?
5. The F-word: famine, and our obsession with it. By which I mean the collective habit of only finding the necessary money and sense of urgency when it is too late. These days Somalia’s population is, fortunately, one of the most heavily monitored in the world. It’s not just crude malnutrition rates that are factored in, but other far more sophisticated indices like household debt.
6. The media: which brings us neatly on to journalists. We are, as one leading humanitarian official told me – with a mixture of flattery and frustration – absolutely crucial in all this.
7. Kenya: as I mentioned above, I have just spent a day rushing round development projects in northern Kenya. Two simple facts emerged – Kenya’s government has woefully, scandalously underinvested in livestock support, education, and basic infrastructure in its most vulnerable communities. (He refers to the Somali refugees living in kenya)
8. Everyone else: “Let us not stand back,” was how Archbishop Desmond Tutu put it. And yet most of Africa is doing just that (how often has the famine made the front pages in newspapers on this continent?), and so is the Middle East, China, and plenty of other countries.
9. Climate change: if you accept the science, then you have to accept that these droughts are going to be coming thick and fast in the coming decades. And we all share a responsibility for that.
10. Population growth: this is crucial. In areas of northern Kenya the population has reportedly doubled in the past decade. “Twice as many people, but the same number of livestock. This is unsustainable,” a UN agriculture expert told me. Pastoralists are famously adaptable – they have to be to survive
Typical leftwing bullshit.
The bBC and how it reports on the murder of a 8 year boy
I wrote the other day how the bBC while able to knock up within minutes reports of civilians getting accidently hurt/killed by NATO/ISAF/UK doesn’t bother its arse when its fav Taliban heroes go out of their way in which to do it on purpose.
Well, what do you know, the bBC has decided to air the story of Ibrahim the murdered child. Now tell me by following the link what impression do you get of the story and how far did you get before switching off. In otherwords the bBC has gone out of its way in which to hide this story. How does it do that it rambles on about the British handing over to the afghans, how the Afghans have had a couple of gunfights, how the British hurt 5 children with machinegun fire and then and only then the bBC reveals that a child was kidnapped last Friday and near the bottom they report this:
The gang of insurgents were deadly serious. Days later Ibrahim’s body was found dumped in a ditch. He had been strangled. The Taliban have denied responsibility, but Daoud is certain they were behind his son’s murder.
Get that a story which was revealed by everybody else on Monday morning the bBC decides to report somewhat confusingly nearly 48 hours later and then they end it with the ‘Taliban’ denied they were behind the simple murder. So he was strangled was he bBC. Here is a Photo (Very graphic) from Micheals Yons Facebook page which shows that actually the child was tortured. Funny how the bbC can shed tears over a f-ing Ethiopian who claims he was tortured after he left the Uk. Yet a poor child who was really tortured and died and the bBC tries to cover it up so as not to expose the Taliban for what they are. F-cking racist murderous bigots.
The bBC the fifth column for Islamic terrorism in the UK
There`s a pattern here pounce, so keep up the highlighting of denial and partiality by “our”(i.e John Birts and the Labour partys) BBC.
If I had Craigs diligence I would do a bias graph of Toady…from 6 through to 9a.m.
Does bias go up or down as a function of pastries or croissants provided to the presenters, and what fuels their hopelessness/helplessness…which is it?
I think their shrivelled souls die a little as they spout some “phrenology” on the 6am bulletin as they`ve just done! Is it 1899 again there Sarah?…mark my words-eugenics will be coming, albeit with a less loaded word to describe the new science!
The news led with MPs saying that probation service staff are just like everybody else-they hide behind desks, doing admin and attending worthless meetings. The last Government made it all a condition of getting your salary, you see-just like all the other public services it offered(as well as the quasi-private ones that it used to run).
Ah but-these are thugs and nasties…so the staff have even MORE reason not to go head to head with these toerags any more than they are made to…stands to reason does it not?The MPs looking into it all say that this is only to be expected and why don`t the BBC just shut the f**k up-or else go into Risley and show us how it`s done!
They did say that-I think it is what they meant in their report-so am faithfully telling you what I believe that they had intended to say…you`ll thank me one day for it!
At last-I`m learning how the BBC do things…and I`ve decided to bake my own half truths on the griddle of the Aga…Idris the Dragon is carbon neutral since you ask, and no animal cruelty is involved in the production of said baking.