You have to laugh at the bias oozing from this piece on the looming US debt crisis from Mark Mardell. The poor BBC just cannot get their mind around the simple fact that Obama – the original man without a plan – is quite determined to push the US economy into default for petty political advantage. In the BBC meme, Obama is “the adult in the room” and those pesky GOP’s the kids. Only Obama can save the economic day and isn’ it time everyone buckled down and did his bidding? Certainly that is where Mardell is coming from but then again he and the rest of the courtier media have cast aside any pretence of neutrality and are simply cheer leaders for President Petulant!
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The only thing Obama can save is himself. And that is his chosen path.
In light of Gilligan tying together the strands of Common Purpose, Sovereign Strategy, et al., The White House also appears to be tied into the self-serving “charity” Common Purpose.
Click to access CP_USA_CommonPurpose_ObamaProject.pdf
Common Purpose eh…NOBODY here will be surprised by that name or what they egt up to, worked so well for New Labour that the US lefties were sure to cotton on before long.
On the Today programme Justin Webb interviewed a Republican congressman – the intro started with a sneer, and the sneers got worse. Webb threw in the obligatory sneer about the Tea Party – in his bubblke everyone knows the Tea Party are nutters.
No mention of the fact that Obama and the Dems have totally failed to produce a budget on paper.
No mention by Webb of the fact that the Repubs have had their budgetary proposals on the table for many months.
No mention of the fact that the Repubs are standing by the strong mandate given in the 2010 mid-term elections and the slapdown to Obama’s big-government mania.
In other words – no context. Just Webb’s sneering tone.
The BBC now describes it all as a major crisis. It had largely ignored all the arguments and meetings over past weeks, so surely its on-air coverage should have tried to encapsulate the previous events building up to the crisis – before Webb launched into his extended sneer.
And how about the new fact – the Dems in Congress have decided to try to work directly with the Repubs, cutting Obama out of the loop because he is a hopeless and petulant negotiator, oit of his depth – he is the child in the room.
And yet another use, in Justin Webb’s introduction to the congressman, of Vince Cable’s “right-wing nutters” gibe. “Well, I’ve been talking to one of them,” he then ‘joked’.
Later Webb trotted out exactly the same point he’d made to Paul Adams yesterday, “The real problem is Republican party politics, rather than the debt”.
Final question to the congressman, “Do you regard yourself as a ‘right-wing nutter’?”
Sneering is what he does. Is he the most loathsome of Beeboid broadcasters? I know there is plenty of competition.
Yesterday’s Today programme had a bit on this story too.
Adam Shaw on the business news began by re-playing (yet again) that clip again from the day before’s Marr Show of Vince Cable calling the Republicans “right-wing nutters”. Then we heard a clip from Obama’s treasury secretary, Geithner, talking about politicking. Shaw’s opening question to his guest: “Do you agree with Vince Cable that this is the fault of what he calls ‘right-wing nutters’?”
Soon after it was Justin Webb and Paul Adams. Justin knew where the problem lies – and it ain’t with Obama, or with the Democrats, or even with both parties: “And is the real problem the differences within the Republican Party?” Adams said yes, there are those “ideologically determined freshmen”, “a pretty uncompromising bunch” within the party, but there are also “deep philosophical differences” between the parties, with the Democrats deeply worried about key entitlements for the vulnerable. Except for those “ideologically determined Republicans”, Adams continued, everyone wants it sorted.
Those bad Republicans indeed!
Why is the Beeboid Corporation repeating abusive name-calling and deeply party political slur by a politician? Why don’t they use neutral language (even if they want to refer to the opinion of Vince Cable rather than the substance of the issue)? Why don’t they say, “Do you agree with Vince Cable that this is the fault of right-wing politicians?”
All the polling I have seen suggests that Obama is way out of step with US public opinion. Here’s the latest :
Of course the BBC never mentions this. We have had 4 years of Obama-worship from the BBC, they are totally wedded to the narrative of The One. Obama good, Republicans bad – that’s all we get. Made worse by Justin Webb’s ignorant and sneering tone this morning.
I just go to Jeff Randall!
For the record though-I would be dismayed if the Republicans let Obama get away with his “hopey changey thing” as the sainted Sarah said.
If they want to turn their mighty country around they have got to give him the long drop and hang himself on his tongue.
A little old fashioned ruthless politics please Uncle Sam…we need to watch and learn.
Or are your electorate as infantilised and dependent on Marley/Lennon bull are ours is here?
Really hope they leave Obama high and dry and unelectable…you`d be doing the world a great service if you did.
Will watch out for Mr Preiser!
There will be no default because the entire scaremongering charade is simply a democreep arm twisting excersise to extort another trillion ot more dollars which Obama needs to shore up his base, expend on his pork barrel policies and last but not least provide him witha pot of money to shower around come 2012.
Whats the problem?
The problem is a gigantic insatiable government monster swallowing ever greater amounts of money and wasting eyewatering amounts of it. To borrow even more and raise taxes right now would effectively kill the USA within a short time, the individual states are going to start looking to their own survival soon even it it means sessesion.
The federal USA government is out of control, it has grown to a critical mass now where it really does not matter if it is fed with another one hundred trillion dollars or even one thousand trillion dollars it will simply waste it. You do not cure a grossly obese person by giving them all the food they can eat. At some point the federal monster has to be told ‘there is no more money left so stop spending it’ you do not cure a shopaholic by inreasing that persons credit line, all you end up with is a maxed out card and a house full of ueseless shite.
The left suffers from a pathological illness that prevents them from coming to terms with what is possible and the dmage their dreams will inflict on all of us. But at the end of the day this entire fabricated democreep charade will be exposed for the short termist money grabbing parisna scam it is andd when that happens the BBC will not be there to congratulate the Republicans for holding out.
I love the way Mardell interpolates Obama’s speech with his ‘interpretation’ of his message so that the peasantry like us can better ‘understand’. Nothing to do with Mardell wanting to ‘improve’ upon what Obama actually did say because Mardell thinks he can say it better .. and wants to ‘help’.
If B-BBC ran an annual ‘Bent BBC Broadcaster of the Year’ award, Mardell would be right up there.
Oh, loved the way Justin Webb managed to introduce the Republican congressman as a ‘right wing nutter’, quoting the words of the lamentable Vince Cable. Although I’m probably being a bit po faced about it, he did give the Congressman a chance to respond to what Cable said, so we could put it down to a bit of good-hearted japery.
Pity no-one briefs these Republicans, it would have been fantastic if he’d replied:
“Rightwing nutters? That’s rich coming from a bias leftwing shit-for-brains”
The BBC fails to recognise that the US Constitution deliberately positioned the President and the Congress – the Executive and the Legislature – as co-equals. Separation of powers etc.
It really does look as though even the Dems in Congress are giving up on Obama – he is too inexperienced to negotiate his way through the debt crisis.
The Dems and the Repubs in Congress will inch together – expect lots of showboating – but in the end they will present President Tantrum with a fait accomplis, a negotiated settlement both sides in Congress can live with. Obama will have no option but to agree.
As George Will says – Obama has steadily marginalised himself (that’s the George Will, doyen of US political commentators, who the BBC never turns to. In one 2-minute interview with George Will on Newsnight or the Today programme he would demolish Obama’s entire position. But this cuts directly across the Mardell etc narrative, so Will, Krautheimer et al are verboten.
Similar stuff from Charles Krauthammer :
Even hyper-fan Chris (Obama gives me a tingle up my leg) Matthews is slating President ByStander :
As the Republicans have said, trying to negotiate with Obama is like trying to stick Jell-O on the wall. All Obama has done is politicking, not negotiating in good faith.
The BBC – lying about US politics, as usual. The “balanced” BBC is anything but balanced. But its bete noir, Fox News, puts both sides of the issue :
The REAL news from the US yesterday, that the BBC failed to report on the Today programme, is that the Repubs have framed yet another proposal. The Repubs control the House, the House will support the proposals. They are aimed at securing enough Senate support – further compromise – so that Obama will be forced to settle. The President is out of the loop right now – he can bluster as much as he likes, but it is Congress that will decide what happens, not President JellO.
John Boehner is leading for the Republicans, who have repeatedly put forward concrete budget proposals. It is irresponsible for the BBC to refuse to present the Boehner/Republican case properly
Yet all the pathetic BBC can do is whinge on about right-wing nutters, Tea Party crazies, and how unfair everyone is to their dear darling President.
The Emperor Obama has no clothes. Barack Baldrick has no cunning plan. He is an un-President.
Republicans know it. Independents know it. Even Democrats know it. Some Dems are even asking for a primary election. But according to the BBC Obama is the only adult in the room?
In 2012, when Obama’s reign lies in ruins, how will Mardell squirm his way through his lack of judgment?
My guess is he’ll do it the BBC department sports way: “even thought we were the better team, we lost”.
If The Obamessiah is not re-elected, it will not be His fault. It will be because of racism.
Funny because I’m sure that when the son of god first came to power, the Dems had control of the Senate and the house and the Presidency. They could have passed raising the debt ceiling then, funny the BBC don’t remember that.