Frustrated as ever! They had someone from Ekklesia on who was give the lion’s share of time and had the sympathy of the presenter when he explained that pacifism is Christian, that the Old Testament is invalid and that Christ abolished it. I was offered the last word, then denied it then protested and got 20 seconds.
DV, did the Ekklesia mouthpiece feel that Christians are supposed to be pacifist enough so that the mass murderer will have a comfortable few years in prison before being set free to gambol happily in the fields again?
Pacifism in this case (Ekklesia) is Anabaptist or Mennonite.
Interesting that they claim to speak for Christians.
They reject the ‘just war’ argument. Good for them.
Every sane moral person is against war.
But. And the big but.
Christianity does allow
“legitimate defense by military force” if
the damage inflicted by the aggressor on the nation or community of nations must be lasting, grave, and certain;
all other means of putting an end to it must have been shown to be impractical or ineffective;there must be serious prospects of success;the use of arms must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated.
The power as well as the precision of modern means of destruction weighs very heavily in evaluating this condition.
That would be the concensus view of most Christians.
‘Ekklessia’, that’s the one that has some guy doing a ‘pilgrimage of repentance’ for his past ‘homopobhia’. As far as he’s concerned everyone who regards homosexuality as abnormal is a bigot (or ‘homophobe’ as is his preferred psychological attack word).
Do you have a link DV?
Good on you for going on as always in such a loaded environment. Few of us have the cojones let alone acquit ourselves as well as you do. On Sunday I was at work (breaking the Sabbath is part of the job unfortunately) listening to the Sunday morning service that came from St Martin’s Church in Belfast. Ofr times I switch over when its a happy clappy service or some feminist using the pulpit to present Marxian thought as faith, but this was a good, traditional service. I was greatly struck when leading prayer for forgiveness, one of the pastor’s prayers was “When we fail to challenge evil; have mercy on us”.
Oft times amongst we Christians we use the concept of ‘forgiveness’ to sublimate complete funk in turning a blind eye to evil. I guess ‘pacifism’ is one of the forms used to do this. As Saddam Hussein can testify, ‘pacifists’ are the tyrants’ bsst friend.
In Northern Ireland I think we get the best chance of hearing the authentic voice of Christianity that there is in the British Isles.
The Daily Telegraph has been looking into the costs of reducing the numbers of civil servants in government departments and quangoid offshoots under the government’s cost-saving plans. It makes fascinating reading.
Among the startling figures cited for the cost of individuals making their exit on the redundancy gravy train, one stood out:
The highest redundancy package received by any public official last year was £949,000 paid to Mark Byford, the former deputy director-general of the BBC.
As I understand this (now non-)job was specially created for him as a consolation prize for not getting the DG job, I am wondering how this payment is even justified by the Beeboid Corporation. Oh, I know…it was in his contract. Silly of me to ask.
If DG Mark Thompson was on Performance-related pay, I reckon he would now owe us several million pounds in repayment of salary. For a start he knowingly created an unnecessary post of Deputy, and stitched a £1m golden parachute into it. Remind me who Mark Thompson is accountable to? Not us. The Luvvie-apparatchnik infested “BBC Trust” (oxymoron) under fake-tan Tory Chris Patten.
The Trust includes an Englishwoman, a Scotsman a Weshman and an Irishwoman (you are beginning to get the intellectual seating plan, aren’t you?) a former Economics Editor of The Independent, a former member of the Independent Police Complaints Commission, and some ex-TV Hacks.
Do you “trust” these people to hold Mark Thompson to account?
We deserve better, we pay for better, but instead this is what we get. A laughable little lunch club.
This morning. ‘Today’ continues its heavy political advocacy of getting Islamic Turkiey’s 80 million Muslimsd in the European Union.
Such was the political ‘impartiality’ of the item on Turkey this morning that ‘Today’ had on only two speakers, both political campaigners for Turkey’s entry into the E.U.: a.) Labour’s VAZ, and b.) a Turkish woman * ( * whose name I cannot check because INBBC-NUJ is not operating its ‘Today’ site at all today because of its strike).
And, of course the context of the totally politically biased ‘Today; presentation is the small matter of:
1.) campaign for Turkey’s entry to E.U., and censor out opposition to it;
2.) campaign for speeded up Islamisation of Britain and E.U., and demonise critics of tenets of Islam;
3.) campaign for continued mass immigration to Britain (and E.U.), and support the resultant colonisation in the name of ‘diversity’; demonise critics of this as racists.
80 million Turkish muslims, all entitled to come here if they choose to, that will be the result of Turkish entry to the EU. Turkey is part of Asia, Asia Minor really. I will give you a link to a video purporting to show the result of massive immigration by muslims to europe, and the possible outcome, to my mind inevitable outcome. Dismiss this at your peril. See how easy it was for Hitler to dominate europe, and that was just with a regular army. The muslims have millions of potential fifth columnists already in place. Watch;
The scary thing is that we the British people will have NO say in the matter at all. The decission will be in the hands of a tiny minority of people and it is we who will have to suffer the consequences. It will be a disaster for the UK, at a stroke the social and religious balance will be shifted so dramatically so quickly there will be conflict on a scale never before seen.
The UK will become(is becoming) a multitude of segragated ghettos with each looking at their boundaries as individual nations do now. A divided and fractured poisoned collection of increasingly bitter enemies packed into a small island. From a socially cohesive proud land of relative harmony and peace and prosperity to another Beirut within one generation.
Spot on, Cassandra. Your last sentence could be our nation’s epitaph. The political elites of the USA/EU/UN are hell bent on raising up the Third World by destroying the First. Levelling, may well be the word. So why not invite Turkey in to make a meal of us? The UK’s population is only a meagre 80 million & visibly buckling under the enforced strain. And if you disagree, you must, by definition, be a gun-toting, bigoted, survivalist reactionary. You’ll like it, or you’ll like it. The rantings of Commissar Marr come to mind, ‘coerce & repress…stamp hard enough…kill them off’. How very impartial. But the destructors, of course, aren’t going to be down at ground level to see the culmination of their deranged experiment. No chance. Like the upper echelons of the Third Reich, they’ll be packing their bags with loot & leaving the poor bloody infantry to face the horrible discordant music. People like the venal Blairs have set the benchmark for extracting cash from chaos.
I’ve had more than a few tasters of what’s coming in my own north London ‘hood; & it’s not going to be pretty. Perhaps it will be less frenzied around Billy Bragg’s Dorset mansion, Mark Thompson’s North Oxford pile, or the Beeboid dachas down by the Thames at Barnes. Then again, even moral superiority counts for little when you have a baying mob at the door. But by then our enlightened birds will have flown.
I don’t know how far 30 pieces of silver stretch these days, but the BBC, with its pathologically biased reporting, & suppression of any truly ‘diverse’ opinions regarding The Age of Enrichment, should have its capacious pockets jingling. Shameless.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has told Turks living in Europe that they do not need to assimilate into their host societies. Erdogan was addressing an audience of 20,000 Turks gathered in Cologne on Sunday. The audience included Turks living in France, Belgian and the Netherlands, as well as in Germany.
“I understand very well that you are against assimilation. One cannot expect you to assimilate,” Erdogan told the crowd. He said, “Assimilation is a crime against humanity.”
“This speech was very unpleasant,” Günther Beckstein (CSU), Bavaria’s premier, told the Nürnberger Zeitung.
Interesting that the BBC has often frowned upon the supposed rise and influence of fundamental Christianity in the US, while pretending the Islamic equivalent isn’t a problem in places like Turkey or Egypt. In the latter cases, it’s just a normal part of their culture.
Now Erdogan is free to Islamicise the Turkish Army, I guess we may well have a number of Turkish soldiers killing NATO servicemen when on joint exercises, a la the Afghan National Army.
Last week as most of you know the BBC spent many hours of broadcast time spitting their dummies out over Sky getting F1 coverage.
Radio 5 in particular were not happy with the evil ‘Murdoch empire’ and the BBC got lots of employees to ring in pretending to be ‘angry members of the public’ demanding F1 stays with the BBC who love it so much.
Well Radio 5 do a weekly 1 hours sports panel which has just finished, how long did F1 get discussed in this (you know Jenson Button winning a brilliant race and his 200th race etc) 1 hour programme?
So the BBC found the time to discuss football (when it’s not even started yet) for 25 minutes yet Formula 1 this sport the BBC it tells us they love so much got 30 seconds right at the end.
Beeboids, the reason I can’t wait for F1 to go to Sky is because of the above, you are obsessed with football and celebrity.
Not everyone here is a Top Gear fan I know that, but you’d think as the most successful BBC show (I think it brings in 50 million a year for the BBC) going, the BBC would be investing in it, yet the current series has probably been one of the cheapest looking ever.
I know Clarkson said they have to get the begging bowl out for money, even from BBC World to produce the show.
Doesn’t this prove how useless the BBC is? If you have a successful product you invest money in it to make it better, you don’t starve it of money to fund gods knows what (no doubt some Top Gear money paid for Byfords redundancy) that no one wants.
The BBC knows it can’t survive without the teat of public sector money, it doesn’t have the management brains or the capitalistic ability to explot its products that people do want.
I’d say it’s BS. Clarkson played the budget cuts gag last year, and the year before that. I doubt there are real budget constraints of consequence for Top Gear.
WIthin certain limits there is no connection between the money invested in a television show and the profit it makes. Most of Top Gear is shot in a barn somewhere. Much of the rest is shot on a racetrack.
“The month of Ramadan, the month of fasting, has a special status as the month of religious spirituality and devotion. However, in Muslim tradition it is also perceived as a month of Jihad, a month in which Allah grants military victories to His believers. [1] It was during Ramadan that Muslims triumphed in many battles throughout the history of Jihad for the sake of Allah – among them the battle of Badr in 624, [2] the conquest of Mecca in 630 and of Andalusia in 711, the battle of Al-Zallaqa (in Andalusia) in 1086, [3] the battle of Ein Jalut in 1260, [4] as well as the 1973 War (called The Ramadan War).
Given the historic religious and military significance of Ramadan, Islamist groups, as well as some mainstream Arab organizations, escalate incitement to terrorism during this period. [5] The following are several recent examples… And for the apologists who will tell you that Islam does not condone jihad, refer them to this recent statement from a Saudisheikh:
Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, a member of the senior council of Wahhabi clerics responsible for writing Saudi school text books, states: ‘Slavery is part of Islam. Slavery is part of jihad and jihad will remain as long as there is Islam. It has not been abolished.’ Arabic websites also promote Ramadan as the Month of Jihad and Conquest(in English here).”
So, some honest explanation needed, INBBC;
and no romanticisation of ‘Ramadan’, any more.
(I’ve just seen some photos of the Ramadan massacre in Syria which are too horrific to link to.)
One positive aspect to the culture of PC so staunchly upheld by the BBC is the restraint on casual racism in the workplace.
So why must an organisation that prides itself on political impartiality so often subject us to its own biased office culture of casual leftism?
With Radio 4 and 5 recently pumping out unmittigated pro-Labour propaganda like a loudhailer strapped to a lamppost ouside the Kremlin I turn to cricket for sanctuary.
Jonathan Agnew has a great voice but I was a little dismayed by his chuminess with Alastair Cambell at the last Test Match.
Today while discussing the length of a cricketer’s career his interviewee used an innoccuous datemarker – ‘I was playing when Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister’. Aggers made an off the cuff reply ‘Oh don’t remind me’.
Casual Leftism.
Yet another typical Beeboid. I’m depressed. He’s a Carter Ruck client to boot.
Jonathan Agnew, the BBC Cricket Correspondent, has succeded in his complaint against Private Eye over allegations published about him in August 2005. Private Eye published an apology and has agreed to pay damages to Mr Agnew.
bBC muslim gets slotted by the religion of peace and the bBC demands ISAF under take an urgent inquiry into his death. BBC seeks inquiry into Afghan reporter’s death Britain’s BBC has demanded an urgent inquiry by NATO-led forces in Afghanistan into the death of one of its reporters during a suicide bomb attack and gun battle last week. Omed Khpalwak, a local reporter for the BBC and the Afghan news agency Pajhwok, died with 18 others during fighting between insurgents and Afghan forces supported by NATO aircraft. An Afghan journalists’ group, the South Asian Free Media Association (SAFMA) in Afghanistan, said on Sunday that Khpalwak was shot from behind at government buildings in the southern province of Uruzgan. However, the group’s head Zia Bornia said it was far from clear which side had fired the fatal shot. “Conflicting reports have emerged regarding the facts surrounding his death,” the BBC said in a statement released in London on Monday. “The BBC has officially requested that International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) inquires into the circumstances of his death and reports the findings to the BBC and to his family as urgently as possible.”
BBC News Channel talking about the latest violence in Syria, with Assad’s thugs killing like 140 more people. Why aren’t the sanctions working, what else can we do, blah, blah, blah, the “Arab World” hasn’t spoken with the same “unity” they did on Libya, yadda, yadda. Just the usual hand-wringing like they did over Zimbabwe.
No mention whatsoever that a bunch of generals just defected and are looking to start their own rebellion. Get with the program, BBC. I know there’s a strike on but surely your News Channel producers who are not union members can, you know, read a couple other news sources besides Twitter?
Nobody will notice. That was the great thing about the last strike the quality of programming actually improved. There was no snearing or harranging, but excellent documentaries in place of the Today programme.
David Cameron supports Australian carbon tax David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, has written to Australian leader Julia Gillard in support of her planned tax on carbon to combat climate change.
Still think Cameron is a real Tory? In fact Cameron has more in common with the left and the BBC than he does with real Tories. The carbon tax that is destroying the UK and EU economies and all for nothing, not only because CO2 is a harmless trace gas but because any amount of carbon taxation will not decrease the global temperature by even the smallest amount, the Chinese alone will push far more CO2 than the EU/UK/Australia could hope to cut and all for nothing!
Give Cameron the benefit of the doubt? There is no doubt about it, the man is no right winger.
However, please be aware of the newspeak trap you have fallen into: it is a carbon dioxide tax, not a carbon tax. Gillard and her watermelon comrades want us to make this unintentional and factually incorrect ellipsis because ‘carbon’ conjures up images of coal, dirt, soot etc. A tax on plant food doesn’t have the same alarmist undertones.
Hippie it’s nice when all the money and people we employ finally get put out some untainted by ‘views’ news! shame that’s how it should be at the BBC everyday and not how it is !
And Mr Gregory likes it ! mind as a BBC employee it is rather like bigging up the boss come pay day!
Not today, you won’t. At least not on US issues. Sopel is talking to some ex-Bush economics advisor who just proved that everything they’ve been telling you until now about how the President is right and the Tea Party is wrong has been completely wrong.
Masked men vandalise UN summer camp in the latest of a series of similar attacks.
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) has condemned yesterday’s attack on a UN-run summer camp for children in the Gaza Strip, in what has become a regular occurrence in the Islamist-controlled territory:
It’s not news unless the Jews do it. The BBC cares more about showing how Israel is wrong than they do about the actual Palestinians they supposedly support.
Ramadan is the most propitious month for violence in Allah’s cause as the Gates of Hell are closed and martyrdom in Allah’s cause is especially holy at this time.
Just read the Muslim press throughout the Middle East, BBC.
‘Still, let’s have some fun with the idea. Let’s widen its remit. Let the People’s Jury discuss media ownership; but not only that of newspapers. Surely it is now well-known that 70 per cent of media consumption in Britain is of output produced by the BBC? What effect does this have on those parts of the press which are not subsidised by the state through a poll-tax? Is this necessarily a good thing? ‘
They are consistent in the ‘what we think is good for you’ thing, mind.
spikedonlineSpiked OnlineLast night’s edition of the BBC’s current-affairs show was a one-sided showcase for [name your un/fvavoured poison, or people, or belief… the anti-alcohol lobby]
WilliamsJonJon Williamsby kevinbakhurstHelp us #freeshaimaa. BBC’s Shaimaa Khalil detained in Tahrir Sq. Arresting journalists for doing job not great advert for new #Egypt
Distinctly weird interview on ‘One Planet’ with a warmist guy from the Green Economics Institute defending the University of East Anglia data-fiddling scam, and naturally given an easy ride.
Interviewer points out that the BBC’s own review concluded that the BBC was giving too much weight to sceptics, plays a clip from an interview with an American sceptic, Richard somebody, and then asks, “We’re we right to have him on?”
By then I was already disturbed by the extraordinary bias. I think if I knew more about the science behind the debate I would have been fuming.
I did not realise the BBC was on strike. I hope the strikers were not paid. Could they not consider striking on a more regular basis. Upping it to 2 days a week until they are permanently on strike.
Would anyone notice or care.?
Then gradually extend the strike until all other arms of the BBC are permanently on strike. Rather than abolish the BBC we could then just let it wither away bit by bit until nothing is left except striking beeboids.
As for the money that could then go to good causes or returned to the pockets of the taxpayers.
The bBC, its ongoing propaganda war for Islam and half the story
I see the bbC has churned out another sob story of how Afghans who work for the British Army should be allowed to live on benefits in the UK. Afghanistan ‘not safe’ for interpreters Hundreds of Afghan interpreters are worried they’ll be killed after British forces leave Afghanistan. That’s according to one local translator who worked closely with UK troops in Helmand Province from 2006 until recently. Mohamad Fawad is 25 and was born and raised in the Afghan capital, Kabul, but has now moved to Britain because he fears for his safety. “I was an interpreter – just a basic one and I used to go on patrol with them [UK forces] everywhere. “I’ve been all over. I’ve seen quite a lot of bad things but I’ve also seen good things like the changes the British forces brought to the Afghan people – its amazing. “Interpreters who work for the British army are really scared. That’s why some of us come to the UK. “I came to do a culture brief for troops coming to Afghanistan and I told my boss I’m not going back, and then I claimed asylum in the UK. I can’t see my family for 5 years but my family is in danger -“Interpreters do everything the soldier does – they sometimes do fantastic job and even save them and risk their own life. My answer is they should be saved because their life is in danger and any British troops serve in Afghanistan come home and are saved. They should get extra security because Afghanistan is not safe for interpreters. Like they did for Iraqi interpreters because our government doesn’t keep interpreters safe.”
So the bbC found an ex interpreter who while claiming that Afghanistan is a much better place with UK troops on the ground and that Interpreters do the same job as British soldiers he felt he had to claim asylum the first chance he got because he didn’t feel safe in his own country.But here’s something the bBC doesn’t tell you. While they sing a huge song and dance about how this is the worse year for Afghans (Never ever figures of the death count when the Taliban were in power) I quote : The country saw 1,462 civilian deaths in January to June, a 15% increase on the same period last year.
They never seem to mention that actually next door in Pakistan its just as bad, I quote: The violence has killed more than 1,000 people this year, according to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. Nearly 200 people were slain in July alone.
Yet and I quote yet you never see the bBC staff wearing body armour in Pakistan (head scarves, burkas yet body amour no)
But hey why should the facts on the ground prevent the bBC from pushing out a pro Islam anti british article. By telling the story of a so called Afghan hero who while claiming hehe was no idfferent from British soldiers did a runner the first chance he got. The bBC, the fifth column for Islamic terrorism in the UK.
SO there I was watching the TV news last night and the bBC aired a story about how food is getting to Mogadishu. They then had a report from some bBC wanker wearing blue body armour at an Aid station in which to give the picture that it is really dangerous there. Yet what had me laughing is how nobody else, including children were bothering in keeping low or even hiding in which to dodge those rounds which the bBC reporter wore his nice clean blue body armour (Not even done up properly body armour is designed to be tight around the body and not saggy which can become bullet traps) in which to keep safe. But here’s the thing, the AK47 (the common weapon in Somalia has a tendency to lift up when fired (In other words it fires high) which mean that there is more chance you will get hit in the head from a distance than in the trunk of the body. Which is why everybody and anybody who really wishes to stay alive wears a helmet and bullet proof googles. But the risk taking bbC reporters who ensure they only report while wearing blue body armour (while nobody else is) feel that they can do without the much more important Helmet and goggles.
Then there’s this so called macho wearing of carabiners on body armour by bbC reporters. The thing is while looking cool and macho it is a practice which is banned by the Military due to the risk of that secondary blast damage caused by metal bits affixed to the front of Body armour. Blast damage which poses more of a risk to other people than the prat who though it looked Gucci to have one fixed to her body armour. (Tip for bBC reporters. Soldiers affix crabs on their webbing/Bergan/small packs. )
Oh and the other thing, the AU have slowly been gaining ground in Mogadishu from the start of the year. They now virtually control the majority of the capitial, but you don’t hear the bBC mention any of this.
Meanwhile back with phone hacking, rather odd interview just took place with male beeboid on News 24. Female hack from Guardian came on, the BBC even giving her a BBC style screen along with photo and she was spoken to as if she were in fact a beeboid.
She apparently informs us that a 70 year old man has been arrested re-phone hacking, so just how does she get this info? Male beeboid doesn’t ask but shouldn’t the police find out who is leaking her details of the case?
So clealy, given BBC-NUJ’s ‘multiculturalist’ ideology (which involves no stated limits on the composition nor scale of immigration), discussion of the negative impact of such mass immigration ‘policy’ on e.g. educational attainment in UK, is censored out.
Whenever a BBC report is headlined – ‘Increasing number of British children in poverty’, ‘Poor UK housing’, ‘Primary school children don’t know their own name’ or somesuch disaster – then I just switch off.
The effect of mass immigration during the Blair / Brown years underlying these issues is a closed book for the BBC so their reporting is meaningless.
In fact I’ve come to the conclusion that the better our schools perform and the better our NHS and housing provision the more will want to come.
So keep up the ‘shock’ reports and keep pumping out the doom and gloom BBC!
‘We have received a number of complaints about the comment you made on article “EastEnders cleared by Ofcom over controversial cot death and baby swap storyline”baby-swap-storyline.html), 02/08/2011 at 01:05 Due to the number of complaints received, your comment has been removed from MailOnline.’
Oh dear BBC staffers astroturfing the Mail again ! I survived only 10 minutes with a pro Mail anti BBC comment lol!!
The sacking of Sharon shoesmith gets mentioned on the news and website. However, what is not mentioned is the background. Like, big mouth Balls shot his mouth off, haringey complied with his wishes. Again however, haringey are her employers and the head of HR MUST know the correct procedures for sacking someone. Again however, LABOUR Haringey not wishing to compromise b.m. Balls, sacked her; a mistake that Labour loving Haringey is going top cost them about a £1M. But there again the bBC do not want to give the background, again I wonder why?
INBBC’s Ms Shaimaa Khalil arrested in Tahrir Square, Cairo.
British people will note that INBBC’s Ms Khalil is the sort of person financed by them to put British viewpoint on Islam, Muslim Brotherhood and ‘Arab Spring’.
One presumes, given the moral relativism the BBC displays with Pres. Obama, Dragon’s Den star Duncan Banntyne’s vigilante response to extortion will fall under the ‘unique, so we’ll allow it’ category?
I am kind of with him frankly, but then I was also ‘with’ Tony Martin, so when the state and 4th estate play fast and loose with their ethical standards… depending… it gets hard to steer a law-abiding path.
What a joke, Sophie bottle-blonde is talking to some idiot US talking head who says that despite the fact that the President had to accept some spending cuts and didn’t get massive tax increases, he hasn’t lost any support among independent voters. Yeah, right. He closed by saying that the Tea Party obviously now controls the Republican Party, and that has hurt them across the country.
Is the Beeboid Corporation misleading the viewers again?
Well, a car manufacturer says so. Nissan claims that when it sent an electric car to Top Gear for a test, the battery was 100% charged but when Clarkson set out on the test, it was only 40% charged. As a result, he ran out of power and was shown in the car being pushed along by James Mays and then hanging about waiting for it to recharge.
As well as that, it parked in a disabled parking space, causing anger among disabled groups. Now, you’d think they might just have held their hand up to that and apologised and be done with it but no, the Beeboids see fit to reach for the Beeboid manual of excuses. Among these are the classic deflection of responsibility by saying that they got permission from the carpark owners. That’s hardly the point, Beeboids. To complete the litany of excuses, they say they would have moved if anyone had needed the space. Yes, I’m sure some disabled person is going to come along and ask a whole gaggle of Beeboid of presenters, crews, vehicles and equipment to move.
I think you will find it was a private car park and they were filming there with the permission of the owners and were out of the way. Presumably anyone making a film in which someone parks a car in a disabled slot is also going to be slagged off?
Clarkson is spot on about electric cars, they have no future, I don’t know where they picked the cars up from (presumably Guildford where Top Gear is based) but the facts were there were no charging points in the whole of Lincolnshire and you have to wait half a day to recharge the vehicle.
The Nissan Clarkson was driving cost 35K which is madness. The only way you get that money back is if you drive into London every day, but if we all had electric cars the Government would simply charge people (no pun) for the congestion charge and for parking. Also we are giving everyone 5K to buy one of the electric jokes.
Top Gear has always been right about electric cars, they are basically crap.
Top Gear also pointed out the batteries will be ruined in 2-5 years if you use a rapid charger and certainly in 7-10 years you will be forking out 7K for new batteries, who the hell could afford that?
The point is though that it’s a well known problem in carparks that non-disabled people park in the disabled places. That’s why disabled organisations are up in arms at the Beeboid Corporation showing its presenters doing it as well.
The point about the electric cars is whether the Beeboids are misleading us, not whether the cars are any good. If they are bad – and I don’t doubt that they are too expensive, impractical for many journeys, don’t save enough on emissions etc – then Top Gear should have no difficulty in demonstrating that and does not need to resort to fixing any test. So I hope they haven’t but Nissan is reported to be contending that they have.
The battery short life and expense reminds me a bit of the condensing boiler problem. They are supposed to be energy-efficient, emissions-reducing wonders of the age, etc, but they only last 3 – 6 years and are an expensive item to replace every few years.
How many of those joke cars will Nissan sell? Not many Benny. All that government money, our taxes ploughed into what amounts to another Delorean fiasco.
The battery pack will last about 3-4yrs. the range is so overestimated as to be a complete fabrication. Just who in their right mind would pay 30 grand for a car with an inferior specifiation to a Ford Fiesta costing half the price? Why would anyone buy a car they cannot use like a normal car?
OK So you bought the car, its a cold winter dark morning pissing with rain. You put the heater/demister/headlights/radio/wipers on and off you go….just 40 odd miles later your car no longer works and if you just happen to be in 99.9% of the UK without a charging point then you are up sh*t creek without a paddle.
If you care about the environment then buy a small car like a Fiat 500 or a Ford Ka, it costs a fraction of what the leaf costs, it uses far less materials to build, lasts far longer, is cheaper to run over its life, will get you 400 miles on one tank.
Those jobs Nissan promised will disappear like all that government money.
When they did the filming in that car park it would have taken some time to set up.
I also don’t see what the problem some people had with the soldiers? The Daily Mail is moaning that the soldiers were larking about etc, well of course that’s what goes on in the forces. When my mate lost his finger all we did was take the piss out of him, that’s how it is in the forces.
What do they think soldiers are supposed to do, sit around in wheelchairs crying for the rest of their lives?
This one issue really stuffs the daily mail for me this constant berating of Top gear and Clarkson is just stupid they totally fail to go for anyone else at the BBC for all the many things they do but howl over this one program !!
Okay, maybe I’m just a far-right wingnut evil hostage-taking Tea Party nutter, but how can a charity which gets most or all of its funding from the Government be credibly called a charity? Isn’t it then a government program?
Not that such a distinction impugns whatever good work the organization may do, but when is a charity not a charity but a government program? Seems like an emotional term used outside its defnition.
They are voluntary organisations, not part of a government department and not an agency of a government department or local government and they have charitable status, being registered as such with the Charity Commission and the Revenue. The Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB) is a good example of a charity offering services that are needed and are recognised by government and local councils as valuable. It offers free advice and advocacy to the public on matters such as employment law and rights; consumer rights; housing (including landlord and tenant as well as council housing matters); financial matters such as debt and entitlement to State benefits. It gets grants from both local government and central government for this work. So although it has expertise in employment law, for example, it is not an agency of government like ACAS, which is the government body providing expert advice on employment law and the resolution of strikes and industrial disputes – it is an agency of the Department for Business. The CAB relies on a mixture of volunteers and paid staff. Some solicitors do sessions at CABs, offering advice and assistance for free. They aren’t always in the most accessible High Street locations or open when convenient as I suppose they do not have the funds or staff available and it can be difficult to get through on the phone as well.
If an organization is funded by the government, it should be a government agency and not a charity. This seems like a poor method of organization in the first place. And calling it a charity makes it all that more populist and emotive when it loses funding.
I had no idea when the CAB started so I’ve just looked it up and it’s interesting to see its origin in wartime, very much part of the era of volunteering when government didn’t do everything.
1938: The prospect of a world war looms so the National Council of Social Services (the forerunner of today’s National Council of Voluntary Organisations) establishes a group to look at how to meet the needs of the civilian population in war time. “Citizens Advice Bureaux should be established throughout the country, particularly in the large cities and industrial areas where social disorganisation may be acute.” 3 September 1939: War is declared. 4 September 1939: The first 200 bureaux open. From the start, volunteers run the service working from public buildings and private houses. Advisers deal with problems relating to the loss of ration books, homelessness and evacuation. They also help locate missing relatives and prisoners of war. Debt quickly becomes a key issue as income reduces due to call-ups. 1942: The number of bureaux peaks at 1,074 and one even operates out of a converted horse box that parks near bombed areas.
Then that was a proper charity. If it relies on government funding, it’s not longer in that spirit and becomes a government handout instead. Again, not meaning to impugn any good works. Just the principle.
There used to be various tax loopholes for charities, I don’t know if they all still exist but many schools and even other commercial training setups are registered as charities even though they don’t do any charitable work.
Next, perhaps INBBC’s Connolly, (who seems to prefer life in Tel Aviv to Gaza) will be saying that Israelis are so inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood’s grab for power in the Islamic world, that Israel too should go Islamic!
“A disproportionate 28 per cent of them (street grooming rapists) were found to be Asian, in those cases where ethnicity was recorded. The ethnic group makes up just 6 per cent of the UK population.“
Thank goodness that the BBC knows the public dont want to know these facts. The way the Mail behaves anyone would think its an issue worth being concerned about.
So how many people have read the bBCs report from Birmingham over how Somalis there are worried about the people in their home country. The bBC trots out Abdulla who fears that the Somali race will become extinct. Somehow I don’t think that will happen not while somalis like abdulla continue having families that are 7 strong.
INBBC propaganda for Birmingham Muslim Somalis is not only to get British people to accept Islamic Somali colonisation of parts of Britain, but to get British people to give money to Islamic Somalis in Somalia, even though some such money goes to Islamic jihad, al Shabaab.
“Somalia: UN Humanitarian Aid Going to Jihadist Groups”
Span Owl has replied exactly what an Armoured Personal Carrier is.
But just to expand that a little further, there are now different types of APCs which conflate that species of armoured vehicle.
As SP wrote an APC is nothing more than a people carrier with a bit of extra padding.
Then the Russians decided to up the ante by adding a big gun. A missile rack and the ability to allow the troops to fire their guns from inside. (BMP1/BMP2) these are known as Infantry fighting vehicles. (IFV) and are quite literally as capable as a light tank. (The BMP3 sports a 100mm gun, the same calibre as the T54/55 tank as currently used by Libya/Syria.
The Israelis taking no notice of the bBCs message that Muslims belong to a religion of peace have after years of being attacked came up with the idea of the Heavy Armoured Personal Carrier. (HAPC) and what they did was convert old tanks into Battlefield taxis by removing the gun and adding yet more armour.
However in answer to your question, no an APC is not the same thing as a tank, however and a big however the advent of the IFV kind of blurs the subject at hand.
Ta very much. In the interests of balance the BBC does seem to have got it about right, however the SKY peroxide sink brigade are still tanking, as is the Telegraph…
Ta very much. In the interests of balance the BBC does seem to have got it about right, however the SKY peroxide sink brigade are still tanking, as is the Telegraph…
I am intrigued by the use and abuse of military nomenclature by ‘reporters’ who wouldn’t know an AK from their elbow, especially after the Cairo ‘Arab Spring’, where what looked like a van was also accorded ‘tank’ status.
5 Live this morning. Game Show Nicky and side kick are featuring The Daily Telegraph front page story ‘Cuts have left our troops with mission impossible’.
Wait a minute that’s unusual, what’s in today’s Guardian?
So the BBC deciding not to report on Piers Morgan and the Daily Mirror hacking, so instead Dame Nicky gives us an hour of talk about “UFO’s”
So up come the usual nutters of Dorset etc to tell us that we can fly to the stars when we like.
Well if you smoke that bad shit you get in Islington every night is flying to the stars night.
I wonder what it will take for Radio 5 to report on the Daily Mirror phone hacking? Will we get a Loch Ness phone in beofre one on BBC luvvie Piers Morgan?
One can detect that the following is not a BBC-NUJ report on EDL.
BBC-NUJ report concludes:
“After pleading guilty last week, the part-time comic told reporters: ‘I would just like to say this has been the most humble day of my life’, mimicking Mr Murdoch’s statement to MPs.
“The tycoon had not supported the assault charge, the court heard, but prosecutors proceeded with the case.”
Note how how, in extract of BBC-NUJ report above:
1.) Marbles’ words are sympathetically interpreted by BBC-NUJ;
2.) the victim is described as ‘tycoon’.
Note the BBC-NUJ does not draw attention to Marbles’ lack of genuine apology to Murdochs, and to the court.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
DV, how did the appearence on the BBC go Sunday?
DavidACGregory David Gregory *waves placard* #bbcstrike
Be gentle. Feeling very poorly today.
If the job cuts affect David Gregory, judging by that picture of him holding a placard he could consider a new career as a Ben Kingsley lookalike.
I would have preferred Eric Cantona!
Hmm… I think you’d earn more as Sir Ben, David. I’m just thinking of your best interests.
Frustrated as ever! They had someone from Ekklesia on who was give the lion’s share of time and had the sympathy of the presenter when he explained that pacifism is Christian, that the Old Testament is invalid and that Christ abolished it. I was offered the last word, then denied it then protested and got 20 seconds.
DV, did the Ekklesia mouthpiece feel that Christians are supposed to be pacifist enough so that the mass murderer will have a comfortable few years in prison before being set free to gambol happily in the fields again?
Pacifism in this case (Ekklesia) is Anabaptist or Mennonite.
Interesting that they claim to speak for Christians.
They reject the ‘just war’ argument. Good for them.
Every sane moral person is against war.
But. And the big but.
Christianity does allow
“legitimate defense by military force” if
the damage inflicted by the aggressor on the nation or community of nations must be lasting, grave, and certain;
all other means of putting an end to it must have been shown to be impractical or ineffective;there must be serious prospects of success;the use of arms must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated.
The power as well as the precision of modern means of destruction weighs very heavily in evaluating this condition.
That would be the concensus view of most Christians.
‘Ekklessia’, that’s the one that has some guy doing a ‘pilgrimage of repentance’ for his past ‘homopobhia’. As far as he’s concerned everyone who regards homosexuality as abnormal is a bigot (or ‘homophobe’ as is his preferred psychological attack word).
Do you have a link DV?
Good on you for going on as always in such a loaded environment. Few of us have the cojones let alone acquit ourselves as well as you do. On Sunday I was at work (breaking the Sabbath is part of the job unfortunately) listening to the Sunday morning service that came from St Martin’s Church in Belfast. Ofr times I switch over when its a happy clappy service or some feminist using the pulpit to present Marxian thought as faith, but this was a good, traditional service. I was greatly struck when leading prayer for forgiveness, one of the pastor’s prayers was “When we fail to challenge evil; have mercy on us”.
Oft times amongst we Christians we use the concept of ‘forgiveness’ to sublimate complete funk in turning a blind eye to evil. I guess ‘pacifism’ is one of the forms used to do this. As Saddam Hussein can testify, ‘pacifists’ are the tyrants’ bsst friend.
In Northern Ireland I think we get the best chance of hearing the authentic voice of Christianity that there is in the British Isles.
Or as Saddam Hussein can no longer testify, having suffered his due desserts.
The Daily Telegraph has been looking into the costs of reducing the numbers of civil servants in government departments and quangoid offshoots under the government’s cost-saving plans. It makes fascinating reading.
Among the startling figures cited for the cost of individuals making their exit on the redundancy gravy train, one stood out:
The highest redundancy package received by any public official last year was £949,000 paid to Mark Byford, the former deputy director-general of the BBC.
As I understand this (now non-)job was specially created for him as a consolation prize for not getting the DG job, I am wondering how this payment is even justified by the Beeboid Corporation. Oh, I know…it was in his contract. Silly of me to ask.
“We waste your money, its in our genes”
If DG Mark Thompson was on Performance-related pay, I reckon he would now owe us several million pounds in repayment of salary. For a start he knowingly created an unnecessary post of Deputy, and stitched a £1m golden parachute into it. Remind me who Mark Thompson is accountable to? Not us. The Luvvie-apparatchnik infested “BBC Trust” (oxymoron) under fake-tan Tory Chris Patten.
The Trust includes an Englishwoman, a Scotsman a Weshman and an Irishwoman (you are beginning to get the intellectual seating plan, aren’t you?) a former Economics Editor of The Independent, a former member of the Independent Police Complaints Commission, and some ex-TV Hacks.
Do you “trust” these people to hold Mark Thompson to account?
We deserve better, we pay for better, but instead this is what we get. A laughable little lunch club.
Odd, when a banker received a large payoff then it is ascandal and he is a fat cat.
INBBC-NUJ ‘Today’: pro-Turkey, pro-Turkey, pro-Turkey.
This morning. ‘Today’ continues its heavy political advocacy of getting Islamic Turkiey’s 80 million Muslimsd in the European Union.
Such was the political ‘impartiality’ of the item on Turkey this morning that ‘Today’ had on only two speakers, both political campaigners for Turkey’s entry into the E.U.: a.) Labour’s VAZ, and b.) a Turkish woman * ( * whose name I cannot check because INBBC-NUJ is not operating its ‘Today’ site at all today because of its strike).
And, of course the context of the totally politically biased ‘Today; presentation is the small matter of:
Turkish Generals Resign En Masse
INBBC-NUJ censors out the widespead opposition in Europe and Britain to Islamic Turkey’s entry to the E.U., such as:
“Turkey in Europe: A Bridge Too Far” (2009)
Official INBBC-NUJ political policy:
1.) campaign for Turkey’s entry to E.U., and censor out opposition to it;
2.) campaign for speeded up Islamisation of Britain and E.U., and demonise critics of tenets of Islam;
3.) campaign for continued mass immigration to Britain (and E.U.), and support the resultant colonisation in the name of ‘diversity’; demonise critics of this as racists.
80 million Turkish muslims, all entitled to come here if they choose to, that will be the result of Turkish entry to the EU. Turkey is part of Asia, Asia Minor really. I will give you a link to a video purporting to show the result of massive immigration by muslims to europe, and the possible outcome, to my mind inevitable outcome. Dismiss this at your peril. See how easy it was for Hitler to dominate europe, and that was just with a regular army. The muslims have millions of potential fifth columnists already in place. Watch;
And, of course, this is how Islamic and Islamising Turkey acts, once Turks are inside E.U.
“Turkish PM Erdogan, in Germany, urges Turks not to assimilate” (Feb 2011).
Talk about massive Islamic ‘trojan’ horses.
The scary thing is that we the British people will have NO say in the matter at all. The decission will be in the hands of a tiny minority of people and it is we who will have to suffer the consequences. It will be a disaster for the UK, at a stroke the social and religious balance will be shifted so dramatically so quickly there will be conflict on a scale never before seen.
The UK will become(is becoming) a multitude of segragated ghettos with each looking at their boundaries as individual nations do now. A divided and fractured poisoned collection of increasingly bitter enemies packed into a small island. From a socially cohesive proud land of relative harmony and peace and prosperity to another Beirut within one generation.
Spot on, Cassandra. Your last sentence could be our nation’s epitaph. The political elites of the USA/EU/UN are hell bent on raising up the Third World by destroying the First. Levelling, may well be the word. So why not invite Turkey in to make a meal of us? The UK’s population is only a meagre 80 million & visibly buckling under the enforced strain. And if you disagree, you must, by definition, be a gun-toting, bigoted, survivalist reactionary. You’ll like it, or you’ll like it. The rantings of Commissar Marr come to mind, ‘coerce & repress…stamp hard enough…kill them off’. How very impartial. But the destructors, of course, aren’t going to be down at ground level to see the culmination of their deranged experiment. No chance. Like the upper echelons of the Third Reich, they’ll be packing their bags with loot & leaving the poor bloody infantry to face the horrible discordant music. People like the venal Blairs have set the benchmark for extracting cash from chaos.
I’ve had more than a few tasters of what’s coming in my own north London ‘hood; & it’s not going to be pretty. Perhaps it will be less frenzied around Billy Bragg’s Dorset mansion, Mark Thompson’s North Oxford pile, or the Beeboid dachas down by the Thames at Barnes. Then again, even moral superiority counts for little when you have a baying mob at the door. But by then our enlightened birds will have flown.
I don’t know how far 30 pieces of silver stretch these days, but the BBC, with its pathologically biased reporting, & suppression of any truly ‘diverse’ opinions regarding The Age of Enrichment, should have its capacious pockets jingling. Shameless.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has told Turks living in Europe that they do not need to assimilate into their host societies. Erdogan was addressing an audience of 20,000 Turks gathered in Cologne on Sunday. The audience included Turks living in France, Belgian and the Netherlands, as well as in Germany.
“I understand very well that you are against assimilation. One cannot expect you to assimilate,” Erdogan told the crowd. He said, “Assimilation is a crime against humanity.”
“This speech was very unpleasant,” Günther Beckstein (CSU), Bavaria’s premier, told the Nürnberger Zeitung. (Expatriate Paper Germany)
Interesting that the BBC has often frowned upon the supposed rise and influence of fundamental Christianity in the US, while pretending the Islamic equivalent isn’t a problem in places like Turkey or Egypt. In the latter cases, it’s just a normal part of their culture.
Now Erdogan is free to Islamicise the Turkish Army, I guess we may well have a number of Turkish soldiers killing NATO servicemen when on joint exercises, a la the Afghan National Army.
Last week as most of you know the BBC spent many hours of broadcast time spitting their dummies out over Sky getting F1 coverage.
Radio 5 in particular were not happy with the evil ‘Murdoch empire’ and the BBC got lots of employees to ring in pretending to be ‘angry members of the public’ demanding F1 stays with the BBC who love it so much.
Well Radio 5 do a weekly 1 hours sports panel which has just finished, how long did F1 get discussed in this (you know Jenson Button winning a brilliant race and his 200th race etc) 1 hour programme?
20 minutes? nope
10 minutes? nope
5 minutes? nope
1 minute? nope
30 seconds? yep
So the BBC found the time to discuss football (when it’s not even started yet) for 25 minutes yet Formula 1 this sport the BBC it tells us they love so much got 30 seconds right at the end.
Beeboids, the reason I can’t wait for F1 to go to Sky is because of the above, you are obsessed with football and celebrity.
Not everyone here is a Top Gear fan I know that, but you’d think as the most successful BBC show (I think it brings in 50 million a year for the BBC) going, the BBC would be investing in it, yet the current series has probably been one of the cheapest looking ever.
I know Clarkson said they have to get the begging bowl out for money, even from BBC World to produce the show.
Doesn’t this prove how useless the BBC is? If you have a successful product you invest money in it to make it better, you don’t starve it of money to fund gods knows what (no doubt some Top Gear money paid for Byfords redundancy) that no one wants.
The BBC knows it can’t survive without the teat of public sector money, it doesn’t have the management brains or the capitalistic ability to explot its products that people do want.
I’d say it’s BS. Clarkson played the budget cuts gag last year, and the year before that. I doubt there are real budget constraints of consequence for Top Gear.
Well the shows look a lot cheaper, something doesn’t add up.
WIthin certain limits there is no connection between the money invested in a television show and the profit it makes. Most of Top Gear is shot in a barn somewhere. Much of the rest is shot on a racetrack.
INBBC: unable/ unwilling to explain why month of RAMADAN is connected with Islamic violence, as e.g. in SYRIA currently.
For explanation:
“Ramadan is the month of JIHAD” (video) 2009
[Extract, from ‘Creeping Sharia’]:
“The month of Ramadan, the month of fasting, has a special status as the month of religious spirituality and devotion. However, in Muslim tradition it is also perceived as a month of Jihad, a month in which Allah grants military victories to His believers. [1] It was during Ramadan that Muslims triumphed in many battles throughout the history of Jihad for the sake of Allah – among them the battle of Badr in 624, [2] the conquest of Mecca in 630 and of Andalusia in 711, the battle of Al-Zallaqa (in Andalusia) in 1086, [3] the battle of Ein Jalut in 1260, [4] as well as the 1973 War (called The Ramadan War).
Given the historic religious and military significance of Ramadan, Islamist groups, as well as some mainstream Arab organizations, escalate incitement to terrorism during this period. [5] The following are several recent examples…
And for the apologists who will tell you that Islam does not condone jihad, refer them to this recent statement from a Saudi sheikh:
Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, a member of the senior council of Wahhabi clerics responsible for writing Saudi school text books, states: ‘Slavery is part of Islam. Slavery is part of jihad and jihad will remain as long as there is Islam. It has not been abolished.’
Arabic websites also promote Ramadan as the Month of Jihad and Conquest (in English here).”
So, some honest explanation needed, INBBC;
and no romanticisation of ‘Ramadan’, any more.
(I’ve just seen some photos of the Ramadan massacre in Syria which are too horrific to link to.)
One positive aspect to the culture of PC so staunchly upheld by the BBC is the restraint on casual racism in the workplace.
So why must an organisation that prides itself on political impartiality so often subject us to its own biased office culture of casual leftism?
With Radio 4 and 5 recently pumping out unmittigated pro-Labour propaganda like a loudhailer strapped to a lamppost ouside the Kremlin I turn to cricket for sanctuary.
Jonathan Agnew has a great voice but I was a little dismayed by his chuminess with Alastair Cambell at the last Test Match.
Today while discussing the length of a cricketer’s career his interviewee used an innoccuous datemarker – ‘I was playing when Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister’. Aggers made an off the cuff reply ‘Oh don’t remind me’.
Casual Leftism.
Yet another typical Beeboid. I’m depressed. He’s a Carter Ruck client to boot.
Jonathan Agnew, the BBC Cricket Correspondent, has succeded in his complaint against Private Eye over allegations published about him in August 2005. Private Eye published an apology and has agreed to pay damages to Mr Agnew.
“One positive aspect to the culture of PC so staunchly upheld by the BBC is the restraint on casual racism in the workplace.”
That’s not thanks to PC, that’s thanks to common decency. Not the same thing, I submit.
Not on BBC, oh dear, the Arab Spring is turning into the Islamic Summer. Hats off to Al Jarzeera for reporting this one.
i tell you that female reporter took a chance..
i think she was slightly nervous
Well, well… what a surprise… Go liberals…
bBC muslim gets slotted by the religion of peace and the bBC demands ISAF under take an urgent inquiry into his death.
BBC seeks inquiry into Afghan reporter’s death
Britain’s BBC has demanded an urgent inquiry by NATO-led forces in Afghanistan into the death of one of its reporters during a suicide bomb attack and gun battle last week. Omed Khpalwak, a local reporter for the BBC and the Afghan news agency Pajhwok, died with 18 others during fighting between insurgents and Afghan forces supported by NATO aircraft. An Afghan journalists’ group, the South Asian Free Media Association (SAFMA) in Afghanistan, said on Sunday that Khpalwak was shot from behind at government buildings in the southern province of Uruzgan. However, the group’s head Zia Bornia said it was far from clear which side had fired the fatal shot. “Conflicting reports have emerged regarding the facts surrounding his death,” the BBC said in a statement released in London on Monday. “The BBC has officially requested that International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) inquires into the circumstances of his death and reports the findings to the BBC and to his family as urgently as possible.”
Maybe he was shot by a misguided criminal bBC
As a metaphor for the value of the ‘news’ they concoct between them the rest of the time, hard to beat…
‘BBC’s director of business operations says ‘six out of seven staff’ working, while NUJ claims figure is ‘completely untrue’
They can go out on strike again for me, this mornings news was quite well put together, Charlie Stayt earned his keep.
BBC News Channel talking about the latest violence in Syria, with Assad’s thugs killing like 140 more people. Why aren’t the sanctions working, what else can we do, blah, blah, blah, the “Arab World” hasn’t spoken with the same “unity” they did on Libya, yadda, yadda. Just the usual hand-wringing like they did over Zimbabwe.
No mention whatsoever that a bunch of generals just defected and are looking to start their own rebellion. Get with the program, BBC. I know there’s a strike on but surely your News Channel producers who are not union members can, you know, read a couple other news sources besides Twitter?
Hey, BBC, you want to attract more Chinese tourists to Britain? Open more casinos.
Good news this evening – no ‘NEWSNIGHT’ political propaganda, because: no ‘NEWSNIGHT’.
“Newsnight axed and BBC news disrupted as BBC journalists strike over redundancy plans ”
Read more:
Nobody will notice. That was the great thing about the last strike the quality of programming actually improved. There was no snearing or harranging, but excellent documentaries in place of the Today programme.
David Cameron supports Australian carbon tax David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, has written to Australian leader Julia Gillard in support of her planned tax on carbon to combat climate change.
Still think Cameron is a real Tory? In fact Cameron has more in common with the left and the BBC than he does with real Tories. The carbon tax that is destroying the UK and EU economies and all for nothing, not only because CO2 is a harmless trace gas but because any amount of carbon taxation will not decrease the global temperature by even the smallest amount, the Chinese alone will push far more CO2 than the EU/UK/Australia could hope to cut and all for nothing!
Give Cameron the benefit of the doubt? There is no doubt about it, the man is no right winger.
A bit random, Cassandra, but I agree with you.
However, please be aware of the newspeak trap you have fallen into: it is a carbon dioxide tax, not a carbon tax. Gillard and her watermelon comrades want us to make this unintentional and factually incorrect ellipsis because ‘carbon’ conjures up images of coal, dirt, soot etc. A tax on plant food doesn’t have the same alarmist undertones.
Just heard News24 covering the US Budget crisis and no problems with what I heard. Good even handed coverage.
Hippie it’s nice when all the money and people we employ finally get put out some untainted by ‘views’ news! shame that’s how it should be at the BBC everyday and not how it is !
And Mr Gregory likes it ! mind as a BBC employee it is rather like bigging up the boss come pay day!
I’m tempted to say its because of the strike, but I often see good news coverage on BBC24.
Not today, you won’t. At least not on US issues. Sopel is talking to some ex-Bush economics advisor who just proved that everything they’ve been telling you until now about how the President is right and the Tea Party is wrong has been completely wrong.
Attack on UN children’s camp in Gaza unreported
Masked men vandalise UN summer camp in the latest of a series of similar attacks.
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) has condemned yesterday’s attack on a UN-run summer camp for children in the Gaza Strip, in what has become a regular occurrence in the Islamist-controlled territory:
It’s not news unless the Jews do it. The BBC cares more about showing how Israel is wrong than they do about the actual Palestinians they supposedly support.
“Fresh Syria Violence mars Ramadan” .
Does the BBC really believe its own propaganda.?
Ramadan is the most propitious month for violence in Allah’s cause as the Gates of Hell are closed and martyrdom in Allah’s cause is especially holy at this time.
Just read the Muslim press throughout the Middle East, BBC.
Ramadan is the month of victories.
BBC strike (+ Ramadan?) = more balanced BBC coverage
‘Still, let’s have some fun with the idea. Let’s widen its remit. Let the People’s Jury discuss media ownership; but not only that of newspapers. Surely it is now well-known that 70 per cent of media consumption in Britain is of output produced by the BBC? What effect does this have on those parts of the press which are not subsidised by the state through a poll-tax? Is this necessarily a good thing? ‘
Why does one get the impression to proponents see ‘selection’ of the jury more on a BBC QT audience model?
As invited… feel free to discuss.
They are consistent in the ‘what we think is good for you’ thing, mind.
spikedonline Spiked Online Last night’s edition of the BBC’s current-affairs show was a one-sided showcase for [name your un/fvavoured poison, or people, or belief… the anti-alcohol lobby]
WilliamsJon Jon Williams by kevinbakhurstHelp us #freeshaimaa. BBC’s Shaimaa Khalil detained in Tahrir Sq. Arresting journalists for doing job not great advert for new #Egypt
Distinctly weird interview on ‘One Planet’ with a warmist guy from the Green Economics Institute defending the University of East Anglia data-fiddling scam, and naturally given an easy ride.
Interviewer points out that the BBC’s own review concluded that the BBC was giving too much weight to sceptics, plays a clip from an interview with an American sceptic, Richard somebody, and then asks, “We’re we right to have him on?”
By then I was already disturbed by the extraordinary bias. I think if I knew more about the science behind the debate I would have been fuming.
Starts just after 12 minutes in:
I did not realise the BBC was on strike. I hope the strikers were not paid. Could they not consider striking on a more regular basis. Upping it to 2 days a week until they are permanently on strike.
Would anyone notice or care.?
Then gradually extend the strike until all other arms of the BBC are permanently on strike. Rather than abolish the BBC we could then just let it wither away bit by bit until nothing is left except striking beeboids.
As for the money that could then go to good causes or returned to the pockets of the taxpayers.
And Beeboids demand more money…
“BBC using 238 staff to cover Eisteddfod”
“THE BBC is using 238 staff to cover this week’s National Eisteddfod, more than it sent to the Wimbledon tennis championships, it has emerged.”
The bBC, its ongoing propaganda war for Islam and half the story
I see the bbC has churned out another sob story of how Afghans who work for the British Army should be allowed to live on benefits in the UK.
Afghanistan ‘not safe’ for interpreters
Hundreds of Afghan interpreters are worried they’ll be killed after British forces leave Afghanistan. That’s according to one local translator who worked closely with UK troops in Helmand Province from 2006 until recently. Mohamad Fawad is 25 and was born and raised in the Afghan capital, Kabul, but has now moved to Britain because he fears for his safety.
“I was an interpreter – just a basic one and I used to go on patrol with them [UK forces] everywhere. “I’ve been all over. I’ve seen quite a lot of bad things but I’ve also seen good things like the changes the British forces brought to the Afghan people – its amazing. “Interpreters who work for the British army are really scared. That’s why some of us come to the UK. “I came to do a culture brief for troops coming to Afghanistan and I told my boss I’m not going back, and then I claimed asylum in the UK. I can’t see my family for 5 years but my family is in danger -“Interpreters do everything the soldier does – they sometimes do fantastic job and even save them and risk their own life. My answer is they should be saved because their life is in danger and any British troops serve in Afghanistan come home and are saved. They should get extra security because Afghanistan is not safe for interpreters. Like they did for Iraqi interpreters because our government doesn’t keep interpreters safe.”
So the bbC found an ex interpreter who while claiming that Afghanistan is a much better place with UK troops on the ground and that Interpreters do the same job as British soldiers he felt he had to claim asylum the first chance he got because he didn’t feel safe in his own country. But here’s something the bBC doesn’t tell you. While they sing a huge song and dance about how this is the worse year for Afghans (Never ever figures of the death count when the Taliban were in power)
I quote :
The country saw 1,462 civilian deaths in January to June, a 15% increase on the same period last year.
They never seem to mention that actually next door in Pakistan its just as bad, I quote:
The violence has killed more than 1,000 people this year, according to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. Nearly 200 people were slain in July alone.
Yet and I quote yet you never see the bBC staff wearing body armour in Pakistan (head scarves, burkas yet body amour no)
But hey why should the facts on the ground prevent the bBC from pushing out a pro Islam anti british article. By telling the story of a so called Afghan hero who while claiming hehe was no idfferent from British soldiers did a runner the first chance he got.
The bBC, the fifth column for Islamic terrorism in the UK.
SO there I was watching the TV news last night and the bBC aired a story about how food is getting to Mogadishu. They then had a report from some bBC wanker wearing blue body armour at an Aid station in which to give the picture that it is really dangerous there. Yet what had me laughing is how nobody else, including children were bothering in keeping low or even hiding in which to dodge those rounds which the bBC reporter wore his nice clean blue body armour (Not even done up properly body armour is designed to be tight around the body and not saggy which can become bullet traps) in which to keep safe. But here’s the thing, the AK47 (the common weapon in Somalia has a tendency to lift up when fired (In other words it fires high) which mean that there is more chance you will get hit in the head from a distance than in the trunk of the body. Which is why everybody and anybody who really wishes to stay alive wears a helmet and bullet proof googles. But the risk taking bbC reporters who ensure they only report while wearing blue body armour (while nobody else is) feel that they can do without the much more important Helmet and goggles.
Then there’s this so called macho wearing of carabiners on body armour by bbC reporters. The thing is while looking cool and macho it is a practice which is banned by the Military due to the risk of that secondary blast damage caused by metal bits affixed to the front of Body armour. Blast damage which poses more of a risk to other people than the prat who though it looked Gucci to have one fixed to her body armour. (Tip for bBC reporters. Soldiers affix crabs on their webbing/Bergan/small packs. )
Oh and the other thing, the AU have slowly been gaining ground in Mogadishu from the start of the year. They now virtually control the majority of the capitial, but you don’t hear the bBC mention any of this.
Meanwhile back with phone hacking, rather odd interview just took place with male beeboid on News 24. Female hack from Guardian came on, the BBC even giving her a BBC style screen along with photo and she was spoken to as if she were in fact a beeboid.
She apparently informs us that a 70 year old man has been arrested re-phone hacking, so just how does she get this info? Male beeboid doesn’t ask but shouldn’t the police find out who is leaking her details of the case?
Silence from the BBC.
BBC-NUJ’s uneducated approach to low levels of educational attainment in primary schools in Britain.
On its ‘Education’ page’ and on Radio 4 ‘World At One’ ‘multicultural’ BBC-NUJ avoids this:
“Revealed: The schools where English is a foreign language for 80% of pupils”
Read more:
So clealy, given BBC-NUJ’s ‘multiculturalist’ ideology (which involves no stated limits on the composition nor scale of immigration), discussion of the negative impact of such mass immigration ‘policy’ on e.g. educational attainment in UK, is censored out.
“Changing Primary Schools in England: 1998 – 2010”
“Educating immigrant children costs ‘£13 million a day'”
For Beeboids to understand the scale of the cost: it is even more than the BBC-NUJ annual licence fee total cost.
Whenever a BBC report is headlined – ‘Increasing number of British children in poverty’, ‘Poor UK housing’, ‘Primary school children don’t know their own name’ or somesuch disaster – then I just switch off.
The effect of mass immigration during the Blair / Brown years underlying these issues is a closed book for the BBC so their reporting is meaningless.
In fact I’ve come to the conclusion that the better our schools perform and the better our NHS and housing provision the more will want to come.
So keep up the ‘shock’ reports and keep pumping out the doom and gloom BBC!
‘We have received a number of complaints about the comment you made on article “EastEnders cleared by Ofcom over controversial cot death and baby swap storyline”baby-swap-storyline.html), 02/08/2011 at 01:05 Due to the number of complaints received, your comment has been removed from MailOnline.’
Oh dear BBC staffers astroturfing the Mail again ! I survived only 10 minutes with a pro Mail anti BBC comment lol!!
The sacking of Sharon shoesmith gets mentioned on the news and website. However, what is not mentioned is the background. Like, big mouth Balls shot his mouth off, haringey complied with his wishes. Again however, haringey are her employers and the head of HR MUST know the correct procedures for sacking someone. Again however, LABOUR Haringey not wishing to compromise b.m. Balls, sacked her; a mistake that Labour loving Haringey is going top cost them about a £1M. But there again the bBC do not want to give the background, again I wonder why?
Yes they ignore Ed Testicles in their online and TV reports, was it those evil Tories who had her sacked then?
Interesting, if possibly unintentional way of putting things…
SLSingh Simon Singh Please, @theJeremyVine & producer, read Prof Steve Jones’s report on why BBC doesn’t need to be relentlessly…
Heh, unintentionally funny.
INBBC’s Ms Shaimaa Khalil arrested in Tahrir Square, Cairo.
British people will note that INBBC’s Ms Khalil is the sort of person financed by them to put British viewpoint on Islam, Muslim Brotherhood and ‘Arab Spring’.
“How the Veil Conquered Cairo University”
She’s now been ‘freed’; ‘free’ to wear her Islam-compliant hijab in Egypt, and to feed British people, via INBBC, Islamic version of events.
Egypt’s Salafis: “We want an Islamic state like the one that was in the Middle Ages”
The BBC are reporting the Sharon Shoesmith story again (the Government not appealing).
Would anyone like to guess who is not named in the BBC report?
One presumes, given the moral relativism the BBC displays with Pres. Obama, Dragon’s Den star Duncan Banntyne’s vigilante response to extortion will fall under the ‘unique, so we’ll allow it’ category?
I am kind of with him frankly, but then I was also ‘with’ Tony Martin, so when the state and 4th estate play fast and loose with their ethical standards… depending… it gets hard to steer a law-abiding path.
‘Duncan Banntyne’s vigilante response to extortion will fall under the ‘unique, so we’ll allow it’ category? ‘
Answers that question.
Which is more than BBC news can be relied upon to do on most stories, and especially any that involves friends, family or ‘the narrative’.
Wondering if the licence fee can be renegotiated on the basis of contravening the trade descriptions act.
What a joke, Sophie bottle-blonde is talking to some idiot US talking head who says that despite the fact that the President had to accept some spending cuts and didn’t get massive tax increases, he hasn’t lost any support among independent voters. Yeah, right. He closed by saying that the Tea Party obviously now controls the Republican Party, and that has hurt them across the country.
Harry Potter is more realistic.
More than 2,000 charities across England have had their funding cut or withdrawn altogether by local councils, according to research.
The study by anti-cuts website False Economy was based on over 250 Freedom of Information requests responses.
Want to set the agenda for the BBCoots Corporation news?
Start a website bankrolled by The Brothers and against the coalition and ten minutes after you’ve gone live… hey presto.
(just don’t call it biased-bbc.blogspot)
Is the Beeboid Corporation misleading the viewers again?
Well, a car manufacturer says so. Nissan claims that when it sent an electric car to Top Gear for a test, the battery was 100% charged but when Clarkson set out on the test, it was only 40% charged. As a result, he ran out of power and was shown in the car being pushed along by James Mays and then hanging about waiting for it to recharge.
As well as that, it parked in a disabled parking space, causing anger among disabled groups. Now, you’d think they might just have held their hand up to that and apologised and be done with it but no, the Beeboids see fit to reach for the Beeboid manual of excuses. Among these are the classic deflection of responsibility by saying that they got permission from the carpark owners. That’s hardly the point, Beeboids. To complete the litany of excuses, they say they would have moved if anyone had needed the space. Yes, I’m sure some disabled person is going to come along and ask a whole gaggle of Beeboid of presenters, crews, vehicles and equipment to move.
I think you will find it was a private car park and they were filming there with the permission of the owners and were out of the way. Presumably anyone making a film in which someone parks a car in a disabled slot is also going to be slagged off?
Clarkson is spot on about electric cars, they have no future, I don’t know where they picked the cars up from (presumably Guildford where Top Gear is based) but the facts were there were no charging points in the whole of Lincolnshire and you have to wait half a day to recharge the vehicle.
The Nissan Clarkson was driving cost 35K which is madness. The only way you get that money back is if you drive into London every day, but if we all had electric cars the Government would simply charge people (no pun) for the congestion charge and for parking. Also we are giving everyone 5K to buy one of the electric jokes.
Top Gear has always been right about electric cars, they are basically crap.
Top Gear also pointed out the batteries will be ruined in 2-5 years if you use a rapid charger and certainly in 7-10 years you will be forking out 7K for new batteries, who the hell could afford that?
I don’t think it was mentioned in the article I read that it was a private car park.
Here’s the link which I forgot to post earlier:
The point is though that it’s a well known problem in carparks that non-disabled people park in the disabled places. That’s why disabled organisations are up in arms at the Beeboid Corporation showing its presenters doing it as well.
The point about the electric cars is whether the Beeboids are misleading us, not whether the cars are any good. If they are bad – and I don’t doubt that they are too expensive, impractical for many journeys, don’t save enough on emissions etc – then Top Gear should have no difficulty in demonstrating that and does not need to resort to fixing any test. So I hope they haven’t but Nissan is reported to be contending that they have.
The battery short life and expense reminds me a bit of the condensing boiler problem. They are supposed to be energy-efficient, emissions-reducing wonders of the age, etc, but they only last 3 – 6 years and are an expensive item to replace every few years.
How many of those joke cars will Nissan sell? Not many Benny. All that government money, our taxes ploughed into what amounts to another Delorean fiasco.
The battery pack will last about 3-4yrs. the range is so overestimated as to be a complete fabrication. Just who in their right mind would pay 30 grand for a car with an inferior specifiation to a Ford Fiesta costing half the price? Why would anyone buy a car they cannot use like a normal car?
OK So you bought the car, its a cold winter dark morning pissing with rain. You put the heater/demister/headlights/radio/wipers on and off you go….just 40 odd miles later your car no longer works and if you just happen to be in 99.9% of the UK without a charging point then you are up sh*t creek without a paddle.
If you care about the environment then buy a small car like a Fiat 500 or a Ford Ka, it costs a fraction of what the leaf costs, it uses far less materials to build, lasts far longer, is cheaper to run over its life, will get you 400 miles on one tank.
Those jobs Nissan promised will disappear like all that government money.
When they did the filming in that car park it would have taken some time to set up.
I also don’t see what the problem some people had with the soldiers? The Daily Mail is moaning that the soldiers were larking about etc, well of course that’s what goes on in the forces. When my mate lost his finger all we did was take the piss out of him, that’s how it is in the forces.
What do they think soldiers are supposed to do, sit around in wheelchairs crying for the rest of their lives?
This one issue really stuffs the daily mail for me this constant berating of Top gear and Clarkson is just stupid they totally fail to go for anyone else at the BBC for all the many things they do but howl over this one program !!
matthew, The Daily Mail frequently has a go at the Beeboid Corporation!
I don’t know why you think it’s just Top Gear they have it in for.
Okay, maybe I’m just a far-right wingnut evil hostage-taking Tea Party nutter, but how can a charity which gets most or all of its funding from the Government be credibly called a charity? Isn’t it then a government program?
Not that such a distinction impugns whatever good work the organization may do, but when is a charity not a charity but a government program? Seems like an emotional term used outside its defnition.
They are voluntary organisations, not part of a government department and not an agency of a government department or local government and they have charitable status, being registered as such with the Charity Commission and the Revenue. The Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB) is a good example of a charity offering services that are needed and are recognised by government and local councils as valuable. It offers free advice and advocacy to the public on matters such as employment law and rights; consumer rights; housing (including landlord and tenant as well as council housing matters); financial matters such as debt and entitlement to State benefits. It gets grants from both local government and central government for this work. So although it has expertise in employment law, for example, it is not an agency of government like ACAS, which is the government body providing expert advice on employment law and the resolution of strikes and industrial disputes – it is an agency of the Department for Business. The CAB relies on a mixture of volunteers and paid staff. Some solicitors do sessions at CABs, offering advice and assistance for free. They aren’t always in the most accessible High Street locations or open when convenient as I suppose they do not have the funds or staff available and it can be difficult to get through on the phone as well.
If an organization is funded by the government, it should be a government agency and not a charity. This seems like a poor method of organization in the first place. And calling it a charity makes it all that more populist and emotive when it loses funding.
A big cultural gap here, I guess.
I had no idea when the CAB started so I’ve just looked it up and it’s interesting to see its origin in wartime, very much part of the era of volunteering when government didn’t do everything.
1938: The prospect of a world war looms so the National Council of Social Services (the forerunner of today’s National Council of Voluntary Organisations) establishes a group to look at how to meet the needs of the civilian population in war time. “Citizens Advice Bureaux should be established throughout the country, particularly in the large cities and industrial areas where social disorganisation may be acute.” 3 September 1939: War is declared. 4 September 1939: The first 200 bureaux open. From the start, volunteers run the service working from public buildings and private houses. Advisers deal with problems relating to the loss of ration books, homelessness and evacuation. They also help locate missing relatives and prisoners of war. Debt quickly becomes a key issue as income reduces due to call-ups. 1942: The number of bureaux peaks at 1,074 and one even operates out of a converted horse box that parks near bombed areas.
Then that was a proper charity. If it relies on government funding, it’s not longer in that spirit and becomes a government handout instead. Again, not meaning to impugn any good works. Just the principle.
There used to be various tax loopholes for charities, I don’t know if they all still exist but many schools and even other commercial training setups are registered as charities even though they don’t do any charitable work.
I can think of a couple charities that don’t do any charitable work, either. We have similar loopholes and tax washes.
Charities are not taxed on income. Greenpeace was deemed not to be a charity in New Zealand
“Greenpeace New Zealand’s political activities mean it cannot register as a charity, the High Court has decided.”
Most of these large EU funded “charities” should also lose that status as they are political and, to use the modern word, they are not inclusive.
John I came to that conclusion during the 80s when oxfam started bitching. Since then I haven’t bothered with them the same applies to the Red Cross
Oxfam and ‘Christian’ Aid should lose their charity status. They are agitprop organisations.
INBBC Connolly’s cottaging.
Next, perhaps INBBC’s Connolly, (who seems to prefer life in Tel Aviv to Gaza) will be saying that Israelis are so inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood’s grab for power in the Islamic world, that Israel too should go Islamic!
“Israel suffers summer of economic discontent”
Some summer reading for Connolly:
“Hamas’s Gaza – Four Years Later”
One for Craig?
INBBC: don’t mention ‘M’-word.
“Woman lured girls to be raped by three men”
From the Mail:
“A disproportionate 28 per cent of them (street grooming rapists) were found to be Asian, in those cases where ethnicity was recorded. The ethnic group makes up just 6 per cent of the UK population.“
Thank goodness that the BBC knows the public dont want to know these facts. The way the Mail behaves anyone would think its an issue worth being concerned about.
I wonder what % of that 28% is non-Muslim?
So how many people have read the bBCs report from Birmingham over how Somalis there are worried about the people in their home country. The bBC trots out Abdulla who fears that the Somali race will become extinct. Somehow I don’t think that will happen not while somalis like abdulla continue having families that are 7 strong.
Silly me the link
INBBC propaganda for Birmingham Muslim Somalis is not only to get British people to accept Islamic Somali colonisation of parts of Britain, but to get British people to give money to Islamic Somalis in Somalia, even though some such money goes to Islamic jihad, al Shabaab.
“Somalia: UN Humanitarian Aid Going to Jihadist Groups”
And, in its propaganda, INBBC censors out this, of course:
‘Sunday Times’ (2010):
“UK students recruited for Somali jihad”
So, to balance things up, INBBC will now produce a report which shows:
1.) support of UK-based Somalis for al Shabaab;
2.) al Shabaab’s control of ‘aid’;
3.) how little funding to Islamic Somalia comes from oil-rich Islamic states of Middle East.
Only kidding.
Supplementary information for INBBC on SOMALI Islamic immigrants:
“Wretched, jobless, invisible: are Britain’s Somalis the enemy within?” (Dec 2009)
OT (unless Aunty is running the same PR stunt as SKY), but as pounce is online may i ask a question? Is an APC the same as a tank?
no, not a bit. an APC is just a people carrier with thicker padding (Ok, a slight exaggeration)
Span Owl has replied exactly what an Armoured Personal Carrier is.
But just to expand that a little further, there are now different types of APCs which conflate that species of armoured vehicle.
As SP wrote an APC is nothing more than a people carrier with a bit of extra padding.
Then the Russians decided to up the ante by adding a big gun. A missile rack and the ability to allow the troops to fire their guns from inside. (BMP1/BMP2) these are known as Infantry fighting vehicles. (IFV) and are quite literally as capable as a light tank. (The BMP3 sports a 100mm gun, the same calibre as the T54/55 tank as currently used by Libya/Syria.
The Israelis taking no notice of the bBCs message that Muslims belong to a religion of peace have after years of being attacked came up with the idea of the Heavy Armoured Personal Carrier. (HAPC) and what they did was convert old tanks into Battlefield taxis by removing the gun and adding yet more armour.
However in answer to your question, no an APC is not the same thing as a tank, however and a big however the advent of the IFV kind of blurs the subject at hand.
Ta very much. In the interests of balance the BBC does seem to have got it about right, however the SKY peroxide sink brigade are still tanking, as is the Telegraph…
Trivial yes, but the disconnect between headline and story is tellingly common. An MSM to be proud of.
Ta very much. In the interests of balance the BBC does seem to have got it about right, however the SKY peroxide sink brigade are still tanking, as is the Telegraph…
Trivial yes, but the disconnect between headline and story is tellingly common. An MSM to be proud of.
Sorry about the duplicate.
I am intrigued by the use and abuse of military nomenclature by ‘reporters’ who wouldn’t know an AK from their elbow, especially after the Cairo ‘Arab Spring’, where what looked like a van was also accorded ‘tank’ status.
No problems, just for the info the vehicle in question is a BTR 60 (Russian made wheeled APC) of which Lithuania has 20.
So much for INBBC’s ‘Arab Spring’ bubble:
Egypt: Ordinary citizens join soldiers to drive pro-democracy protesters from Tahrir Square
‘They regret the…?’
BBCr4today BBC Radio 4 Today “The #ArabSpring doesn’t really look like much of a success any more.” – World editor John Simpson
5 Live this morning. Game Show Nicky and side kick are featuring The Daily Telegraph front page story ‘Cuts have left our troops with mission impossible’.
Wait a minute that’s unusual, what’s in today’s Guardian?
Oh, I see…
‘Miliband plan to curb union hold over party’.
‘Relief in US but new Eurozone trouble spook markets’.
Gruniade gone a bit off message today. No such luck with the BBC empire.
See my post below about aliens
Cuts for British ‘defence’ and ‘security’;
financial benefits for Sharia-enforcing Muslim immigrants.
Kelly Brook and the jihad seekers’ allowance
By Richard Littlejohn
Read more:
So the BBC deciding not to report on Piers Morgan and the Daily Mirror hacking, so instead Dame Nicky gives us an hour of talk about “UFO’s”
So up come the usual nutters of Dorset etc to tell us that we can fly to the stars when we like.
Well if you smoke that bad shit you get in Islington every night is flying to the stars night.
I wonder what it will take for Radio 5 to report on the Daily Mirror phone hacking? Will we get a Loch Ness phone in beofre one on BBC luvvie Piers Morgan?
Remember when it was wall to wall Unidentified Flying Outrage about the feelings of the Dowler family?
I’ll bet the BBC have no interest in the Mirror lead story today.
‘Milly Killer compo outrage’
A Nicky Campbell UFO silly season award to anyone who catches the BBC discussing this particular public outrage.
One can detect that the following is not a BBC-NUJ report on EDL.
BBC-NUJ report concludes:
“After pleading guilty last week, the part-time comic told reporters: ‘I would just like to say this has been the most humble day of my life’, mimicking Mr Murdoch’s statement to MPs.
“The tycoon had not supported the assault charge, the court heard, but prosecutors proceeded with the case.”
Note how how, in extract of BBC-NUJ report above:
1.) Marbles’ words are sympathetically interpreted by BBC-NUJ;
2.) the victim is described as ‘tycoon’.
Note the BBC-NUJ does not draw attention to Marbles’ lack of genuine apology to Murdochs, and to the court.
“Murdoch shaving foam attack: ‘Jonnie Marbles’ jailed”