theJeremyVineAnyone else out there been sent to prison for flinging a foam flam at a Murdoch? #IThoughtNot
Beyond what might seem a tad partisan commentary by a public servant, anyone been sent to prison for not paying a licence fee based on such as Newsnight’s selective coverage? #IThinkso #BecauseBBCareunique
Oh, and Jezza, next time you pop out, check for fast moving foam on a plate, with a fist behind it, you trivialising, inaccurate, cherry-picking, selective-editting, audience-choosing, ratings-addicted, heat-over-light stirring, sanctimonious excuse for an impartial national broadcast monopoly ‘reporter’.
ps: congrats on all the new twitter sheep you got because ‘Chris told ’em to’. Followers indeed, and to be valued as such.
Oh, I’ve just looked at the link to twitter and I see he has a brother who is a comedian. Groan. I dread to think if he’s anything like his brother with the monotone whine. Don’t tell me he is one of those unfunny people who are never off the Beeboid screen or radio that the Beeboids call comedians.
Oh, I’ve just looked at the link to twitter and I see he has a brother who is a comedian. Groan. I dread to think if he’s anything like his brother with the monotone whine. Don’t tell me he is one of those unfunny people who are never off the Beeboid screen or radio that the Beeboids call comedians.
What a monumentally stupid thing to choose as the first call on the programme. Agenda? Cast her in the wrong, rather than their Newsnight- guest attacker. No right to intervene when her husband could have been being blinded, wounded, maimed, killed, for all she knew. Pah!
Return East Wing of Broadcasting House, London to its owners, the British people, to be put to the service of the British people, not to the interests of Middle East Arabs.
BBC_WHYSWorld Have Your Say‘Promise of Arab Spring failing to deliver for women’, according to this blogger… Do you agree? #mubaraktrial#whys
Other groups may also be regretting getting what the BBC wished for.
Beeboids loving Mubarak on trial and facing possible execution. Every other aged butcher gets their unmitigated, “impartial” support. When Mladic was arrested recently, BBC descriptions were full of imagery of his frail health, mostly harmless, etc. Ghaddafi, who was literally involved in mass murder of British citizens, gets better coverage from the BBC than Mubarak did.
“The former President is finally required to answer for his actions,” says John Lyne.
I don’t think a Beeboid even said that about Sadaam Hussein. Now Clive Myrie just asked Lyne how amazing it is and how happy the Egyptian people must feel to finally see Mubarak face justice. The Beeboids hate Mubarak for the same reason the Muslim Brotherhood does: he kept peace with Israel. And their distaste for him was obvious back when the original protests started in Tahrir Square, and got more and more obvious as things progressed.
How sad that the one Arab/Muslim dictator who actually walked away peacefully (more or less) instead of slaughtering people is the one man who does not get the sympathetic treatment from the BBC. Is there no one on speed dial to bring up this viewpoint? Nobody has ever made this observation on air, as far as I’m aware. Never seen it printed on the website, either.
I heard some leftie-liberal Egytian interviewed on the World Service last night and she said she wanted to see Mubarak executed, then assured us she is nonetheless a right on liberal opposed to the death penalty. The nutshell seemed to be that because some of Mubarak’s security forces killed people she knew, then the death penalty should be allowed in this particular case.
Federal authorities are investigating the deaths of at least six golden eagles at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s Pine Tree Wind Project in the Tehachapi Mountains, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Tuesday.
So far, no wind-energy company has been prosecuted by federal wildlife authorities in connection with the death of birds protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. A prosecution in the Pine Tree case could cause some rethinking and redesigning of this booming alternative energy source. Facilities elsewhere also have been under scrutiny, according to a federal official familiar with the investigations.
“Wind farms have been killing birds for decades and law enforcement has done nothing about it, so this investigation is long overdue,” said Shawn Smallwood, an expert on raptor ecology and wind farms. “It’s going to ruffle wind industry feathers across the country.”
Tsk, tsk. One Leftoid dream hindered by the zero-tolerance totalitarianism of another.
Second irony alert. The News Channel just now talking about the Mox nuclear fuel plant having to shut down because of the new rules and regulations and costs following on policy changes after the Fukushima crisis. So hundreds of jobs now ending. Oops, they’re union jobs, and union sympathizers at the BBC now have to defend them.
The BBC led the charge to shut down the nuclear industry out of hysteria over Fukushima, and now their advocacy for one favored cause has resulted in harm to another favored cause. Awwwww.
John Lyne just told a lie. He just said on the News Channel that Mubarak is “the first Arab leader to be held to account by his own people.”
This is a lie. What about Sadaam Hussein? The BBC’s defense is most likely that the Iraqi trial was a US kangaroo court sham. It wasn’t. The US didn’t want him hung, the US didn’t run the trial, the US didn’t do any of it. The US deposed him and eventually captured him, sure. But the trial and conviction and sentence were all carried out by the Iraqis. That’s the “held to account” part, not the military action which ended his regime.
The biggest problem with Lyne’s statement, though, is that he is omitting the more important fact that Mubarak is the only Arab leader to be held to account voluntarily. Mubarak stepped down on his own, without international sanctions, without any cowboy military justice, without worldwide boycotts, without international protests. He walked away voluntarily.
Mubarak didn’t flee the country, didn’t send billions of his own money to Swiss bank accounts, didn’t hide in a cave, didn’t hide in a spider hole, didn’t surround himself with armed guards. He is facing “justice” by choice. No other Arab leader – or any other, come to think of it – has done this voluntarily. And all the BBC can talk about his how awesome it is for this Israel-supporting dictator to face justice for torturing Islamic radicals who were unhappy with the stability and non-theocracy of his regime.
Criticize Mubarak’s rule all you want, he did plenty wrong, sure. But this he got right, uniquely so, historically so. And the BBC is hiding that fact, simply because they have long been ideologically opposed to him and are pleased to see him taken down.
pm just now…. breaking news ….Heather Mills says the Mirror hacked her phone.
Why when the story has been ignored as much as possible by the BBC up till now do we get the lady who is known to have a good imagination identified as the one complaining about the Mirror?
And on the Today programme this morning the story about Israeli demonstrations – and yes it was used to liken Israel to what is happening in the Arab world. Funny that I didn’t hear that Israel is the only democracy in the area, women are free and that the demonstrators are unlikely to be shot dead.
The pshychopathic murderer of the Fogel family has been found guilty, a more awful mass murder would be hard to find. Normally the BBC would lead with this front page story but the victims were only subhuman jews and subhuman settler Jews at that and the last thing the BBC would want is for their audience to feel sympathy with some dirty Jew settlers so the BBC report is fourth on the mid east page of the website and ONE line of six tiny sixed words right down the page on the BBC websites front page and doesnt even get a mention on the news and to add insult to injury the final short paragraph just so the reader knows that the Jew settlers got what they deserved.
“There are almost 500,000 settlers living on occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Settlements are regarded as illegal under international law although Israel disputes this.”
Get it? An innocent family butchered and the BBC just cannot resist ending such a tragedy with those words, it would have more honest if they had just shown pictures of hamarse gangsters dancing with joy and handing ou sweets. below are the facts that the BBC would have shown live news front page interviews with relatives and politicians lining up to add their tuppence worth. Now below is the cold hearted non judgemental BBC description of the murders and notice the ‘inhuman’ as though the word is merely someones opinion and not the truth.
“At the Fogel home, two children – Yoav, 11 and Elad, four – were stabbed and killed after being seen in the window.
Parents Udi, 37, and Ruthie, 36, were next to die, stabbed and killed despite a struggle in their bedroom. Ruthie was also shot, the Haaretz newspaper reported.
The youngest victim, three-month-old Hadas, was killed last when she was spotted by the killers on their way out.”
OK so a mass killing of the worst imaginable kind gets a few cold sentances and more importantly they leave out the way the infant was butchered and with a larger paragraph at the bottom explaining why the victims had it coming, imagine the hatred it would take for the BBC to spit in the faces of the victims and the survivors and the relatives. Imagine the level of hatred that would drive them to hide such a story where almost nobody will ever read it. Now imagine the BBC assisting and helping islamofascist terrorism by hiding this story away in a bare few word piece that ends up blaming the victims for their fate. So we read nothing about how they were killed which is very important because it casts light on the character of the killer(s).
“There are almost 500,000 settlers living on occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Settlements are regarded as illegal under international law although Israel disputes this.”
This appears so frequently one wonders if there is an editoriual directive on the matter. Unfortunately the BBC ignores FOI questions on these matters.
Leaving aside BBC immorality let’s talk about professionalsism. An Israeli military court has found an 18-year-old Palestinian man guilty of the murder of a settler family in the West Bank, an army spokesman has said. Is there the slightest doubt this paragraph is correct in every detail? Wasn’t it confirmed? Wasn’t the always-on-the-job BBC correspondent in court?
The murders shocked Israelis and were also condemned by Palestinian leaders and the international community. Well not all. But perhaps the multilingual BBC correspondent only read the HAMAS in English where they suggested Jews killed the family and not in the Arabic Hamas speaks? He propably didn’t read Stephen Walt in Foreign Policy either.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas called those behind the killings “immoral and inhuman”. Who said or reported this? Did he say this in the PA media he controls? Did he immediately push the blame on the evil settlors? According to Khalid abu Toameh, the Jerusalem Post’s correspondent, who is a native Arab speaker her did.
Was it too much work for the BBC to report this or was the essentially similar cut-and-paste too ingrained in the BBC psyche?
BBCBreakfastBBC BreakfastSmartphone addiction chat with technology writer Nikki Moore + Grace Dent, author of How to Leave Twitter. Still time to tweet and own up!
A book on how to leave twitter. Novel (;)
One presumes the main thrust does not apply/will not resonate with the BBC ‘news’ fraternity.
Fresh from trying to use the extra 23k sheeple he ‘got’ from Chris Evans to sway legal process with his personal views, new to twitter BBC employee shows it to be the gift that keeps on giving with some welcome honesty..
theJeremyVineJeremy VineToday we get R2 listening figures from #Rajar. If they’re good we talk about them a lot. If they’re bad we just play very long records
Er, Jezza, that merely shows where your ratings-related heat over light heads are at, and what you really care about over educating and informing.
Keep up the good work. A licence fee compellee
Some interesting things in that link: for example, that Newsnight is too expensive to run and Beeboids want to trim costs (hm…the multi-billioned Beeboid Corporation short of cash?), has lost 15% of its viewers over the last seven months (hm…would that be because people are tired of the same old bores Alastair Campbell, Prescott & Co, when we’ve had a general election and a new government in a new world of politics, while Newsnight is stuck in the past with its cronies and increasingly out of touch with the world (twitter nonsense notwithstanding)? An inside source is quoted as saying that they broadcast internet gossip dressed up as investigative journalism. (Yes, we’ve noticed the trivia they broadcast and the sheer childishness of much of what they do and say).
9am Radio 4 MAIN headline, yabbering on about Binyan and co, and the Judge Gibson enquiry. Plus there had been a long item on the Today programme, letting a lawyer bleat on about how Binyan et al ought to be allowed to have legal representation – as if the Reprieve and suchlike lawyers haven’t had enough money from us.
BBC tells us in shocked tones that all the NGOs have withdrawn from the enquiry. The Man on the Clapham Omnibus says “Who gives a monkey’s, they are a load of parasites anyway. And people like Binyan should never have been allowed back into the UK”.
muslims NO race but racist to everyone else who is,(like the Chinese in the ad) YES
the Muslim Malay gov stats show a quarter of Malay is Chinese….
UH-OH……no more snivelling subservience around ramadan alert! 🙂
Isn’t this saying that it was racist about the Chinese in the ad, and not Mohammedans? It says at the end that there’s often racial discrimination against the ethnic Chinese in Malaysia. I admit it’s kind of hard to tell what the deal is from the way the piece is written.
bbc5liveBBC Radio 5 LiveMT @dominic_laurie: Anyone getting a mortgage or thinking of changing theirs? and want to come on 5 live. And doesn’t work for the BBC?
That’ll cramp the usual.
There are several petitions for the abolishment of the licence fee, privatising the BBC and one called ‘BBC Bias’ which demands a public enquiry into BBC left wing bias. I would suggest we support those that are already there rather than dilute the existing petitions with new ones.
You have to fill in a form (it doesn’t reveal your details) and then click the link back on the email you receive. There is no feed back when you do but it does appear to work.
Heresy_CornerNelson JonesInteresting. Petitions to abolish licence fee are rejected on grounds of duplication. Petitions to restore cap pun multiply like rabbits.
El Beeb will be overjoyed….Aquil Ahmed, will do “the dance of the 7 veils”…….we may get a continous loop of “life of moh” to celebrate.
OIC Observatory warned since 2009 against the growth of the extreme right in Europe,
Washington plans to host a meeting on resolution opposing defamation of religions,” International Islamic News Agency, August 1
BBC already campaigning against the return of restricted capital punishment. They dont even give the facts about the campaign and offer a negative view.
I’m not a convinced supporter of this but have to admit it is instructive to hear the leftists on the BBC responding.
1. Close down debate. Game Show Nicky this morning was not keen to talk about it. Apparently his producer forced it on him as a subject! ‘It’s not 1989 is it?’ says our Nicky.
2. Appeal to a higher authority. Some suspiciously articulate members of the public/Amnesty paid spokespeople say – words to the effect – ‘Oh well, what if there is a public majority? Europe says its illegal.
3. Call the British public stupid. ‘Well, there may be a majority in favour but we haven’t had a full debate yet. The public don’t understand all the issues’. (Good luck with that if the no campaign is anything like as successful as the one for pro-AV).
This kind of thing became possible once the BBC mandarins amended the Charter last time to redefine “public service value” as “higher ratings”. Once ratings became the benchmark for good value for the license fee, this was inevitable.
George, I think it is worth posting the piece from the link, if that is allowed: Signing off his interview with Time Team presenter Tony ‘Baldrick’ Robinson on Radio 4 yesterday, Today presenter Evan Davis remarked chummily: ‘Thanks a lot, mate, thanks.’ Mate? Even by informal, dress-down Davis’s standards – he models a mohawk haircut and is said to sport a ‘Prince Albert’ piercing – isn’t that getting sickeningly over-familiar? He’ll be addressing co-presenter Sarah Montague as ‘love’ next.
I am sure I have commented before on that silly mollycoddling manner and speech of Evan Davis but I also think a lot of the Beeboid Corporation is infected with an annoying cosy chumminess. Weather forecasters have been mentioned as infuriating listeners with their affected chummy language and advice to take your umbrella, wrap up warm or not go out in the sun. I also hate this chummy habit they have of saying, “Peter will be along with the sports news at half past eight” or, “Here’s Peter”, and sign off by saying “Thanks, Peter”, as if we all know and love Peter. Who the hell is Peter? You’re supposed to tell us, not assume we know whomever you know! What if we’d never heard your programme before? If we’re not a member of the cosy club, we are closed out.
Even newsreaders do their mock-chummy bit. Fiona Bruce is the prime example of this as she cosies up and chatters the news to us in the manner of someone sharing gossip with a friend. I don’t expect the speaking clock but reading the news is different from chatter and requires a degree of formality and measured delivery. I could rant…oh, maybe I have! 😀
Please, please, please BBC give us more coverage of the latest developments in the phone hacking scandal. Your reporting has been very thorough until recently when your correspondents seem to have lost interest….
Strange how the BBC is not calling for the resignation of Piers Morgan from whatever it is he is doing now.
The BBC wound this one up and hopefully it is now going to rebound right back at themselves and their allies.
The BBC News producers actually made Clive Myrie tell some guest who was talking about this that everyone was wrong to focus so much on NI while the Mirror scandal is growing. You couldn’t make it up.
Good grief, the BBC News producers are financial illterates. Clive Myrie is talking to an intelligent financial talking head (he’s from the US, seen him on a few time, forget his name) about why Lloyd’s is currently having difficulties while HSBC and RBS are showing profts.
Myrie suggested that Lloyd’s was having difficulty because they had to put aside all that cash for emergency insurance (no mention who forced that on them or why, of course), they were affected by the Eurozone crisis, etc., but asked what else was going on. The US guy said that Lloyd’s was mostly just a retail bank, a sector which was seeing a serious drop in action, and Lloyd’s needed to diversify more like RBS and HSBC. (No mention that part of HSBC’s plan to remain in profit is dumping like 30,000+ jobs, but never mind. As usual, no mention either of the HBOS albatross.)
Myrie looked down at the sheet of paper listing questions and themes from his producers, and asked how could it be right that Lloyd’s needs to diversify, when the financial crisis from a couple years ago meant that banks needed to stop the “casino banking” and shut down these nasty investment parts of their business, as that’s what caused the crisis.
Of course that’s not what the guy meant at all, but to the BBC, it’s all like witchcraft to the Inquisition.
Poor Clive Myrie has been made to look very foolish by the BBC News producers this week.
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
theJeremyVine Anyone else out there been sent to prison for flinging a foam flam at a Murdoch? #IThoughtNot
Beyond what might seem a tad partisan commentary by a public servant, anyone been sent to prison for not paying a licence fee based on such as Newsnight’s selective coverage? #IThinkso #BecauseBBCareunique
Oh, and Jezza, next time you pop out, check for fast moving foam on a plate, with a fist behind it, you trivialising, inaccurate, cherry-picking, selective-editting, audience-choosing, ratings-addicted, heat-over-light stirring, sanctimonious excuse for an impartial national broadcast monopoly ‘reporter’.
ps: congrats on all the new twitter sheep you got because ‘Chris told ’em to’. Followers indeed, and to be valued as such.
Oh, I’ve just looked at the link to twitter and I see he has a brother who is a comedian. Groan. I dread to think if he’s anything like his brother with the monotone whine. Don’t tell me he is one of those unfunny people who are never off the Beeboid screen or radio that the Beeboids call comedians.
Oh, I’ve just looked at the link to twitter and I see he has a brother who is a comedian. Groan. I dread to think if he’s anything like his brother with the monotone whine. Don’t tell me he is one of those unfunny people who are never off the Beeboid screen or radio that the Beeboids call comedians.
Well, he has a ‘joke’ up that screams for a ‘my Nan was killed by a V1’ BBC PC/compliance/sensitivity training knicker wetting. meanwhile…
Peter Hitchens describes Parliament as “fundamentally unserious” @BBCRadio2 which is why foam-flan man should NOT be jailed…
Bloke called Peter Hitchens describes, so BBC tells law what should not be.
Interesting times.
First ‘caller’ (bet that took some ‘selecting’) on the heat-over-light shitstorm show:
@theJeremyVineFirst call on @BBCRadio2 for prosecution of #Wendi Deng (!) for smackdown on Johnnie Marbles … listener says she had no right to intervene
The BBC and its ratings-addict producer/presenter stars should be prosecuted for incitement.
What a monumentally stupid thing to choose as the first call on the programme. Agenda? Cast her in the wrong, rather than their Newsnight- guest attacker. No right to intervene when her husband could have been being blinded, wounded, maimed, killed, for all she knew. Pah!
@theJeremyVine I have just realised: I have 23,000 followers and absolutely nothing to say
Honestly, it doesn’t seem to be stopping him. Or worrying them. Perfect fit.
Just emailed by ‘New Scientist’:
‘You don’t need to be a scientist
to be an expert. ‘
At the BBC, you don’t even need to be an expert. simply tick a few boxes, you know, the ones over there, on the… side.
But… it must have been on twitter as well, making it ‘true’.
Amazing what £4Bpa gets you these days.
But… it must have been on twitter as well, making it ‘true’.
Amazing what £4Bpa gets you these days.
Great, another duplicate.
In honour of ‘Newport, so good they named it twice’?
In the immortal words… ‘is it just me, but…’ is this site a bit sqiffy today?
Comment bar stuck at dawn, etc…
Not just you – I’ve posted at least one duplicated comment today.
Funny, the BBC ‘news’ stuffs up on a science/IT story, and all The Editors threads for comment on such things ‘close’.
Must be nice to be running the edit suite.
Left’s ‘romantic Ramadan’.
The political left’s tourist view of Ramadan, month of jihad.
Soon to be commonplace in Britain, when the UK political elite (INBBC included) have got their 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U.
“Ramadan drummer of Istanbul hopes the beat will go on”
Another view of Ramadan (at ‘religion of peace’ -with regular updates):
Not to mention the drivers on the road who haven’t eaten for 10 hours:
In case anyone was wondering:
“BBC Arabic journalists continue London strike”
-Close down INBBC Arabic TV service.
Return East Wing of Broadcasting House, London to its owners, the British people, to be put to the service of the British people, not to the interests of Middle East Arabs.
BBC_WHYS World Have Your Say ‘Promise of Arab Spring failing to deliver for women’, according to this blogger… Do you agree? #mubaraktrial #whys
Other groups may also be regretting getting what the BBC wished for.
Beeboids loving Mubarak on trial and facing possible execution. Every other aged butcher gets their unmitigated, “impartial” support. When Mladic was arrested recently, BBC descriptions were full of imagery of his frail health, mostly harmless, etc. Ghaddafi, who was literally involved in mass murder of British citizens, gets better coverage from the BBC than Mubarak did.
“The former President is finally required to answer for his actions,” says John Lyne.
I don’t think a Beeboid even said that about Sadaam Hussein. Now Clive Myrie just asked Lyne how amazing it is and how happy the Egyptian people must feel to finally see Mubarak face justice. The Beeboids hate Mubarak for the same reason the Muslim Brotherhood does: he kept peace with Israel. And their distaste for him was obvious back when the original protests started in Tahrir Square, and got more and more obvious as things progressed.
How sad that the one Arab/Muslim dictator who actually walked away peacefully (more or less) instead of slaughtering people is the one man who does not get the sympathetic treatment from the BBC. Is there no one on speed dial to bring up this viewpoint? Nobody has ever made this observation on air, as far as I’m aware. Never seen it printed on the website, either.
Its’ the sick BBC mindset that hates capital punishment unless it’s the ‘right ‘ kind of victim!
I heard some leftie-liberal Egytian interviewed on the World Service last night and she said she wanted to see Mubarak executed, then assured us she is nonetheless a right on liberal opposed to the death penalty. The nutshell seemed to be that because some of Mubarak’s security forces killed people she knew, then the death penalty should be allowed in this particular case.
Moral masturbation meets sociopathic narciccism.
Oh, the irony:
Federal officials investigate eagle deaths at DWP wind farm
Federal authorities are investigating the deaths of at least six golden eagles at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s Pine Tree Wind Project in the Tehachapi Mountains, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Tuesday.
So far, no wind-energy company has been prosecuted by federal wildlife authorities in connection with the death of birds protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. A prosecution in the Pine Tree case could cause some rethinking and redesigning of this booming alternative energy source. Facilities elsewhere also have been under scrutiny, according to a federal official familiar with the investigations.
“Wind farms have been killing birds for decades and law enforcement has done nothing about it, so this investigation is long overdue,” said Shawn Smallwood, an expert on raptor ecology and wind farms. “It’s going to ruffle wind industry feathers across the country.”
Tsk, tsk. One Leftoid dream hindered by the zero-tolerance totalitarianism of another.
Second irony alert. The News Channel just now talking about the Mox nuclear fuel plant having to shut down because of the new rules and regulations and costs following on policy changes after the Fukushima crisis. So hundreds of jobs now ending. Oops, they’re union jobs, and union sympathizers at the BBC now have to defend them.
The BBC led the charge to shut down the nuclear industry out of hysteria over Fukushima, and now their advocacy for one favored cause has resulted in harm to another favored cause. Awwwww.
John Lyne just told a lie. He just said on the News Channel that Mubarak is “the first Arab leader to be held to account by his own people.”
This is a lie. What about Sadaam Hussein? The BBC’s defense is most likely that the Iraqi trial was a US kangaroo court sham. It wasn’t. The US didn’t want him hung, the US didn’t run the trial, the US didn’t do any of it. The US deposed him and eventually captured him, sure. But the trial and conviction and sentence were all carried out by the Iraqis. That’s the “held to account” part, not the military action which ended his regime.
The biggest problem with Lyne’s statement, though, is that he is omitting the more important fact that Mubarak is the only Arab leader to be held to account voluntarily. Mubarak stepped down on his own, without international sanctions, without any cowboy military justice, without worldwide boycotts, without international protests. He walked away voluntarily.
Mubarak didn’t flee the country, didn’t send billions of his own money to Swiss bank accounts, didn’t hide in a cave, didn’t hide in a spider hole, didn’t surround himself with armed guards. He is facing “justice” by choice. No other Arab leader – or any other, come to think of it – has done this voluntarily. And all the BBC can talk about his how awesome it is for this Israel-supporting dictator to face justice for torturing Islamic radicals who were unhappy with the stability and non-theocracy of his regime.
Criticize Mubarak’s rule all you want, he did plenty wrong, sure. But this he got right, uniquely so, historically so. And the BBC is hiding that fact, simply because they have long been ideologically opposed to him and are pleased to see him taken down.
For INBBC (inc Mr Leyne) on Egypt:
“So You Don’t Know Much About Egypt?”(by Hugh Fitzgerald)
I’m amazed the BBC hasn’t covered this:
Police Bring in Bulldozer to Evacuate Arabs, Demolish Homes; One Dead.
… or maybe not.
pm just now…. breaking news ….Heather Mills says the Mirror hacked her phone.
Why when the story has been ignored as much as possible by the BBC up till now do we get the lady who is known to have a good imagination identified as the one complaining about the Mirror?
And on the Today programme this morning the story about Israeli demonstrations – and yes it was used to liken Israel to what is happening in the Arab world. Funny that I didn’t hear that Israel is the only democracy in the area, women are free and that the demonstrators are unlikely to be shot dead.
100,000 people demonstrating against a dictator is a crisis;
100,000 in a democracy means it’s a sunny day.
The pshychopathic murderer of the Fogel family has been found guilty, a more awful mass murder would be hard to find. Normally the BBC would lead with this front page story but the victims were only subhuman jews and subhuman settler Jews at that and the last thing the BBC would want is for their audience to feel sympathy with some dirty Jew settlers so the BBC report is fourth on the mid east page of the website and ONE line of six tiny sixed words right down the page on the BBC websites front page and doesnt even get a mention on the news and to add insult to injury the final short paragraph just so the reader knows that the Jew settlers got what they deserved.
“There are almost 500,000 settlers living on occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Settlements are regarded as illegal under international law although Israel disputes this.”
Get it? An innocent family butchered and the BBC just cannot resist ending such a tragedy with those words, it would have more honest if they had just shown pictures of hamarse gangsters dancing with joy and handing ou sweets. below are the facts that the BBC would have shown live news front page interviews with relatives and politicians lining up to add their tuppence worth. Now below is the cold hearted non judgemental BBC description of the murders and notice the ‘inhuman’ as though the word is merely someones opinion and not the truth.
“At the Fogel home, two children – Yoav, 11 and Elad, four – were stabbed and killed after being seen in the window.
Parents Udi, 37, and Ruthie, 36, were next to die, stabbed and killed despite a struggle in their bedroom. Ruthie was also shot, the Haaretz newspaper reported.
The youngest victim, three-month-old Hadas, was killed last when she was spotted by the killers on their way out.”
OK so a mass killing of the worst imaginable kind gets a few cold sentances and more importantly they leave out the way the infant was butchered and with a larger paragraph at the bottom explaining why the victims had it coming, imagine the hatred it would take for the BBC to spit in the faces of the victims and the survivors and the relatives. Imagine the level of hatred that would drive them to hide such a story where almost nobody will ever read it. Now imagine the BBC assisting and helping islamofascist terrorism by hiding this story away in a bare few word piece that ends up blaming the victims for their fate. So we read nothing about how they were killed which is very important because it casts light on the character of the killer(s).
It is clear that the BBC is evil.
The BBC’s editorial policy on the region causes them to demonize Israel at every available opportunity, although the BBC disputes this.
Great post Cass. Pure, unadulterated, obscene evil truly stalks the corridors of the BBC.
I hope Louise Mensch MP will follow up on her initial complaint to the BBC on its reporting (non-reporting) of these heinous murders.
The BBC must hold a hatred so deep and strong as to be incomprehensible to most decent people.
In the 30’s it was called Nazism.
The BBC is the mouthpiece of today’s Nazi Left.
To ‘report’ the Fogel murders the way the have done there really is a comparable cesspit of hate broiling away not far beneath the surface.
“There are almost 500,000 settlers living on occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Settlements are regarded as illegal under international law although Israel disputes this.”
This appears so frequently one wonders if there is an editoriual directive on the matter. Unfortunately the BBC ignores FOI questions on these matters.
As someone stated a while ago, possible Cass (?), why doesn’t the BBC end every report on Hamas that it’s charter states it wishes to destroy Israel?
Leaving aside BBC immorality let’s talk about professionalsism.
An Israeli military court has found an 18-year-old Palestinian man guilty of the murder of a settler family in the West Bank, an army spokesman has said. Is there the slightest doubt this paragraph is correct in every detail? Wasn’t it confirmed? Wasn’t the always-on-the-job BBC correspondent in court?
The murders shocked Israelis and were also condemned by Palestinian leaders and the international community. Well not all. But perhaps the multilingual BBC correspondent only read the HAMAS in English where they suggested Jews killed the family and not in the Arabic Hamas speaks? He propably didn’t read Stephen Walt in Foreign Policy either.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas called those behind the killings “immoral and inhuman”. Who said or reported this? Did he say this in the PA media he controls? Did he immediately push the blame on the evil settlors? According to Khalid abu Toameh, the Jerusalem Post’s correspondent, who is a native Arab speaker her did.
Was it too much work for the BBC to report this or was the essentially similar cut-and-paste too ingrained in the BBC psyche?
Why doesn’t INBBC do follow-up reports on e.g. Muslim gangs’ take-over of some UK prisons?
Last year INBBC had this:
“Growing fears over Muslim prison ‘gangs’ ”
An update seems to be in order.
A ‘Jihadwatch’ comment on ‘Daily Mirror’ report:
U.K.: Muslim prison inmates believed to be planning “massive attack,” staff nearly lost control after Friday prayers
BBCBreakfast BBC Breakfast Smartphone addiction chat with technology writer Nikki Moore + Grace Dent, author of How to Leave Twitter. Still time to tweet and own up!
A book on how to leave twitter. Novel (;)
One presumes the main thrust does not apply/will not resonate with the BBC ‘news’ fraternity.
Fresh from trying to use the extra 23k sheeple he ‘got’ from Chris Evans to sway legal process with his personal views, new to twitter BBC employee shows it to be the gift that keeps on giving with some welcome honesty..
theJeremyVine Jeremy Vine Today we get R2 listening figures from #Rajar. If they’re good we talk about them a lot. If they’re bad we just play very long records
Er, Jezza, that merely shows where your ratings-related heat over light heads are at, and what you really care about over educating and informing.
Keep up the good work. A licence fee compellee
Seems like, in that unique world that is media, there are ‘good’ ratings, and ‘archaic’ ones… depending…
Some interesting things in that link: for example, that Newsnight is too expensive to run and Beeboids want to trim costs (hm…the multi-billioned Beeboid Corporation short of cash?), has lost 15% of its viewers over the last seven months (hm…would that be because people are tired of the same old bores Alastair Campbell, Prescott & Co, when we’ve had a general election and a new government in a new world of politics, while Newsnight is stuck in the past with its cronies and increasingly out of touch with the world (twitter nonsense notwithstanding)? An inside source is quoted as saying that they broadcast internet gossip dressed up as investigative journalism. (Yes, we’ve noticed the trivia they broadcast and the sheer childishness of much of what they do and say).
It’s Binyam time again today !
9am Radio 4 MAIN headline, yabbering on about Binyan and co, and the Judge Gibson enquiry. Plus there had been a long item on the Today programme, letting a lawyer bleat on about how Binyan et al ought to be allowed to have legal representation – as if the Reprieve and suchlike lawyers haven’t had enough money from us.
BBC tells us in shocked tones that all the NGOs have withdrawn from the enquiry. The Man on the Clapham Omnibus says “Who gives a monkey’s, they are a load of parasites anyway. And people like Binyan should never have been allowed back into the UK”.
Wait? What?
Muslim’s are a race now?
fresh from his nauseating 4thought squib…..wish they d put him oh a (very) “slow boat to china”…talking of which…..
yep! wont be long now…before el beebo will be running this irritating & sad & deluded, (in equal measure), nonsense every ramadan
muslims NO race but racist to everyone else who is,(like the Chinese in the ad) YES
the Muslim Malay gov stats show a quarter of Malay is Chinese….
UH-OH……no more snivelling subservience around ramadan alert! 🙂
Isn’t this saying that it was racist about the Chinese in the ad, and not Mohammedans? It says at the end that there’s often racial discrimination against the ethnic Chinese in Malaysia. I admit it’s kind of hard to tell what the deal is from the way the piece is written.
bbc5live BBC Radio 5 Live MT @dominic_laurie: Anyone getting a mortgage or thinking of changing theirs? and want to come on 5 live. And doesn’t work for the BBC?
That’ll cramp the usual.
There are several petitions for the abolishment of the licence fee, privatising the BBC and one called ‘BBC Bias’ which demands a public enquiry into BBC left wing bias. I would suggest we support those that are already there rather than dilute the existing petitions with new ones.
Link is here
You have to fill in a form (it doesn’t reveal your details) and then click the link back on the email you receive. There is no feed back when you do but it does appear to work.
Let’s get to work!!
The BBC Bias petition is here
That link takes you to the site but not to that petition.
Heresy_Corner Nelson Jones Interesting. Petitions to abolish licence fee are rejected on grounds of duplication. Petitions to restore cap pun multiply like rabbits.
El Beeb will be overjoyed….Aquil Ahmed, will do “the dance of the 7 veils”…….we may get a continous loop of “life of moh” to celebrate.
OIC Observatory warned since 2009 against the growth of the extreme right in Europe,
Washington plans to host a meeting on resolution opposing defamation of religions,”
International Islamic News Agency, August 1
BBC already campaigning against the return of restricted capital punishment. They dont even give the facts about the campaign and offer a negative view.
I’m not a convinced supporter of this but have to admit it is instructive to hear the leftists on the BBC responding.
1. Close down debate. Game Show Nicky this morning was not keen to talk about it. Apparently his producer forced it on him as a subject! ‘It’s not 1989 is it?’ says our Nicky.
2. Appeal to a higher authority. Some suspiciously articulate members of the public/Amnesty paid spokespeople say – words to the effect – ‘Oh well, what if there is a public majority? Europe says its illegal.
3. Call the British public stupid. ‘Well, there may be a majority in favour but we haven’t had a full debate yet. The public don’t understand all the issues’. (Good luck with that if the no campaign is anything like as successful as the one for pro-AV).
“we haven’t had a full debate yet. The public don’t understand all the issues”
The eternal cry of the oppressor.
Because ‘Newsnight’ leads in BBC-NUJ political bias, it will not be closed:
“BBC denies that it is to scrap Newsnight”
Newsnight is needed to assist the Guardian running its top story the following day.
This kind of thing became possible once the BBC mandarins amended the Charter last time to redefine “public service value” as “higher ratings”. Once ratings became the benchmark for good value for the license fee, this was inevitable.
“The chummy informality of BBC radio presenter Evan Davis”
Read more:
George, I think it is worth posting the piece from the link, if that is allowed:
Signing off his interview with Time Team presenter Tony ‘Baldrick’ Robinson on Radio 4 yesterday, Today presenter Evan Davis remarked chummily: ‘Thanks a lot, mate, thanks.’ Mate? Even by informal, dress-down Davis’s standards – he models a mohawk haircut and is said to sport a ‘Prince Albert’ piercing – isn’t that getting sickeningly over-familiar? He’ll be addressing co-presenter Sarah Montague as ‘love’ next.
I am sure I have commented before on that silly mollycoddling manner and speech of Evan Davis but I also think a lot of the Beeboid Corporation is infected with an annoying cosy chumminess. Weather forecasters have been mentioned as infuriating listeners with their affected chummy language and advice to take your umbrella, wrap up warm or not go out in the sun. I also hate this chummy habit they have of saying, “Peter will be along with the sports news at half past eight” or, “Here’s Peter”, and sign off by saying “Thanks, Peter”, as if we all know and love Peter. Who the hell is Peter? You’re supposed to tell us, not assume we know whomever you know! What if we’d never heard your programme before? If we’re not a member of the cosy club, we are closed out.
Even newsreaders do their mock-chummy bit. Fiona Bruce is the prime example of this as she cosies up and chatters the news to us in the manner of someone sharing gossip with a friend. I don’t expect the speaking clock but reading the news is different from chatter and requires a degree of formality and measured delivery.
I could rant…oh, maybe I have! 😀
I’ve commented on this before that Prescott is often called John on the BBC and Campbell is often called Alistair.
Other Liebore politicians also get called by their first name on the BBC.
Please, please, please BBC give us more coverage of the latest developments in the phone hacking scandal. Your reporting has been very thorough until recently when your correspondents seem to have lost interest….
Strange how the BBC is not calling for the resignation of Piers Morgan from whatever it is he is doing now.
The BBC wound this one up and hopefully it is now going to rebound right back at themselves and their allies.
The BBC News producers actually made Clive Myrie tell some guest who was talking about this that everyone was wrong to focus so much on NI while the Mirror scandal is growing. You couldn’t make it up.
@BBCCollege BBC moves into smartphone journalism:
It is often the case that, when you spread sh*t thinly, all you get as a more extensively spread whiff.
‘All the great stuff twitter brings… now via your phone!’
Not on BBC
Family of albino Muslims terrorised after one of them marries a Christian man
This story has got everything. Though the family looks like something out of a John Wyndham novel.
‘nothing to see here, move along’
Mohammedens follow a religion of peace dontchya know
Good grief, the BBC News producers are financial illterates. Clive Myrie is talking to an intelligent financial talking head (he’s from the US, seen him on a few time, forget his name) about why Lloyd’s is currently having difficulties while HSBC and RBS are showing profts.
Myrie suggested that Lloyd’s was having difficulty because they had to put aside all that cash for emergency insurance (no mention who forced that on them or why, of course), they were affected by the Eurozone crisis, etc., but asked what else was going on. The US guy said that Lloyd’s was mostly just a retail bank, a sector which was seeing a serious drop in action, and Lloyd’s needed to diversify more like RBS and HSBC. (No mention that part of HSBC’s plan to remain in profit is dumping like 30,000+ jobs, but never mind. As usual, no mention either of the HBOS albatross.)
Myrie looked down at the sheet of paper listing questions and themes from his producers, and asked how could it be right that Lloyd’s needs to diversify, when the financial crisis from a couple years ago meant that banks needed to stop the “casino banking” and shut down these nasty investment parts of their business, as that’s what caused the crisis.
Of course that’s not what the guy meant at all, but to the BBC, it’s all like witchcraft to the Inquisition.
Poor Clive Myrie has been made to look very foolish by the BBC News producers this week.