I noticed that while Sky News reported people taking to the streets to protect property in Southall, Eltham and Enfield last night, online the BBC only mention Southall.
If the events of Eltham and Enfield are somewhere online, the BBC have hidden them well.
Yes the BBC highlighted the Sikh community in Southall (although theBBC said it was Muslims) nut the camp male beeboid on Radio was sneering at the EDL doing a similar thing in Leicester.
Its difficult to get an accurate picture I heard somewhere it could have been BBC or LBC (channel hoping) they were calling themselves the Enfield Defence League (its on Facebook -) The BBC said people from all races were defending Enfield. The only voices heard sounded white. I’m not making a comment only reporting what I heard (unlike the BBC).
ROBERT BROWN; The police, ordered by the leftist and common purposed ACPO regard any display of white people preparing to defend themselves and others lives and properties as a grave risk to order, above and beyond any rioting by blacks. Cameron has to sack every Chief Constable in the land along with the indoctrinated senior officers below them, they are not fit for purpose. Start promoting tough no nonsense sergeants up, guys who do not have sociology degrees and so on, then perhaps we’ll get proper coppers like Sir Robert Mark was [remember him, tough guy] and give the bad guys hell.
Is Rowan Williams hiding behind Camilla Batmanghedghli these days?
It`s just that I don`t see why an exotic, childless, Iranian boarder at Sherborne School for Gels gets pushed around the BBCs Green Rooms in a “liberated”shopping trolley whilst the old Wicca Warrior seems content to count the sandbags in Lambeth Palace until the Sikhs and Turks have cleared a safe path for him to Canterbury or wherever he`d prefer to be!
When Toynbee goes silent at such times-at least we KNOW she`s in the Tuscany Troubador Lounge and safe to phone in her Wolfie Smiff thoughts.
Hiding is not praying, Rowan me old china!
The tired old Druid is boning up on the Koran, ready to help lead the uprising and bring forth the world wide Caliphate, the scruffy old fifth-columnist.
Radio 5 back on message (clearly a phone call from Liebore HQ) and it’s all the fault of the Tories and Maggie Thatcher, caller after caller (I suspect made up names from BBC employees)
Now hag face Derbyshire is giving us a one sided show from Tottenham.
There are plenty of jobs to go around, it’s just that under Liebore 90% of them went to foreign workers, something the BBC ignore.
Very true. I was thinking about this yesterday. The areas with the highest unemployment rates in London are those right beside the Olympic Park, where thousands of jobs were supposed to go to local residents but in fact went to Eastern Europeans. The 2nd/3rd generation immigrants that would like to work are those hit the hardest by the new waves of immigration.
It’d be impossible for the far-left BBC to report this and remain within their strict NUJ guidelines.
Yes, if the job requires construction and carpentry and electrical and other standard trades, that money will not trickle down to the feral youth. This explains the BBC report I saw a couple days about how sad it was that the Olympic money wasn’t helping the local youth yet.
happily though, with all those liberated trainers that they have accumulated: we have a few new entries and exciting prospects now for trackand field!
Easy to get Team GB to “medal”.
1. Get one of our vulnerable from under Camilas capacious caftans.
2. Ask the Duggan family if we could borrow that gun he never had.
3. Put a tubby PCSO behind said runner.
4. Fire the gun…the PCSO can leg it into the stands, whilst the “affleet” chases an X Box stuck on the back of a fast food van!
Don’t worry, the left will soon be lecturing us through its license funded mouthpiece. We will soon learn that our initial instincts to blame the spread of the cod-socialism of entitlement, soft PC policing and benefits culture while importing ‘diversity’ are all wrong. Its the ‘cuts’ you see.
Yes, its great – I suspect the police are going to get called in any moment, what a bunch of nutters. I think earlier some guy said (Duggen) he was carrying a gun to protect himself from the police !!!!! Fact remains anyone over 30 blames someone else and anyone under says they they were doing it because they could.
Rioting in Britain is the fault of the government and police, Iranian newspaper Resalat reports. In an editorial on “Cameron’s iron fist”, the paper says the unrest is the consequence of the UK government’s “human rights violations”. In a rare moment of harmony, press in both Israel and Iran cite immigration as one of the reasons for unrest in the UK. Editorials in Iran’s Khorasan newspaper and Israel’s Yisrael Hayom both speculate that tensions in multicultural communities may be the cause. “All those who felt disadvantaged and full of hatred are now running wild,” the Israeli paper says.
Notice that Russian TV also cite the “multi-kulti” culture as being a facor in the recent unpleasantness!
Not to fear though…the self parody that is Today saw no connection with the riots and the Mr Men piece that followed the 8.00 bulletins and pointless truffle snuffles of Humphrys.
I for one saw lots of Mr Greedys down there…up on the BBCs mezzanine though, lots of Mr Happys( Drugs do that!) and Mr Tickles…Gavin Esler tickling truths from da yoof if you know wha`am sayin` yeah?
Presumably all those Ms Bossys( married?…no way!) and little Miss Sads from Womans Hour are all tooling up and getting on the riot gear to defend us all tonight…just like those sexist useless men posturing and being oh-so macho in the emergency services!
I for one see Jenni Murray as a Green Goddess just right to clear the streets…just as we clear the airwaves when she rolls up on the double decker chais longue from Barnsley!
Hope one of us is listening to the wimmin on Womans Hour…those poor boys in need of role models and a hug…before being condemned as useless men and unable to do anything.
So unlike Jenni,Jane,Harriet and Yvette-all leading the fightback tonight I`m sure!
Isn`t it a joy when we can bring Israel and Iran together in a show of harmony!
Clearly the riots have brought us the worlds care and compassion…and our rioting brethren have done more to get a peace in the Middle East than our permatanned poodle bestriding the globe and working the phones!
Well done Tottenham!
It’s a special joy for the BBC when they can show that both Israel and Iran are wrong, ie: “both speculate that tensions in multicultural communities may be the cause”.
There’s something very disturbing how the bBC which went all overboard in the killing of Mark Duggen which in a way helped fan the flames currently burning down Britain has remained very silent on the murders (And near murders) which have been committed by their so called peaceful protesters.
Man shot dead in Croydon….
3 Muslims murdered in Birmingham by Blacks and yet in the very small article on the subject the bbC leave out the colour of the murderers as well as the faith of those who were killed.
The Daily Mirror has as its centre spread the man put in hospital for trying to put a fire out started by thugs again by Black thugs
Strange how the bbC appears to have some sort of pecking order when it comes to thugs and murderers
The apparent murder of 3 people in Birmingham last night is by far the biggest news of the day, surely ? Yes the BBC give it scant treatment, scant investigation.
“The mood has turned ugly in some parts of Birmingham. We were filming until the early hours of the morning and what we witnessed is deeply concerning. There is a real fear that the events of last nighthave stirred racial tensions in this city between some Asian and black communities. There is talk of retaliation and further violence.
When looters went on the rampage on Monday night, dozens of local businesses were attacked. Family businesses that had taken years to establish were ransacked in hours. Yesterday, many of the owners told me they weren’t going to allow it to happen again.
In areas like the Soho Road in Handsworth, they started closing early. “We don’t trust the police to be able to look after us,” one man said. “So we’re going to do it ourselves.”
These little scallywags pictured in my local free paper this morning were sent down this week, for murder . They have one thing in common, which their victim wasn’t. And in custody they have no hoods or masks, unlike our rioters.
On Radio Ulster news this morning,the ever highly annoying Mark Carruthers objected to rioters being called “rioters” and preferred the term “protestors” as it “sounded more neutral”
and fatty Nolan had an English guy on who evidently had more common sense in his little finger than Nolan has in his fat lefty Big Mac receptacle he calls a stomach,telling it like it is about feral children who fear no-one are the fault of feckless parents who haven’t got a clue and don’t care
cue nolan sighing heavily in the background,and some wooly headed lefty bint from here on trying to justify the carnage by laughably suggesting that maybe these kids are seeing regime change all over the world through protests and are maybe just following suit
FFS-you can’t make this stuff up
who writes the script for these lunatics……lewis Carroll???
Interesting theories. I have heard quite a few reasons for the ‘protests’ in recent days.
The ‘protestors’ are ‘protesting’ because (a) they have been inspired by the uprisings in Egypt, Syria, Libya etc., (b) they are angry about tuition fees, (c) they are furious about government cuts, (d) they are raging against the withdrawal of EMA.
Has anyone blamed Murdoch yet? A virtual fiver to the first person who can post a link to someone on the Beeb blaming News International and/or phone-hacking.
Most of the “protesters” wouldn’t be able to pick out Egypt, Syria or Libya on a world map on which the three countries were labelled “Egypt”, “Syria” and Libya”.
These are not protestors, these are steaming gangs on steroids accompanied by underclass scum acting like hyaenas. The term for them on the street is ‘Wiggas’ .
Studies suggest about 20,000 hardcore gang members concentrated in the main connurbations, with about 50,000 associates.
There is also a considerable level of opportunism given the police disarray plus deliberate anarchist, hard left extremist action under the cover of the confusion.
Oh no!
The Kings Head in Islington could not do its play last night, and the Olympic Arse/Arts Jeremiad/Olympiad was cancelled when Harriet had a ticket.
Not only that-but those poor policemen up in Brum had bought tickets to the cricket( rap!) and can`t go now-they`ve got to work!…
No way! ( to quote the Family Guy bloke!)
Have these thugs NO shame for Buddhas sake?…how much more are the liberal elite expected to suffer?
This is a four minute silence in my book…and a fuchsia wristband to show you all that I`m not only sad…but I find the whole thing increasingly inappropriate too!
You`ll never feel their wrath-but you WILL get an eggy glance as you post a turd as bail on reception at the newly-enhanced mark you-Custody Suite!
Swellings, Faria,Chindamo…be very afraid!
Word on the street is that the Islington youth from UKUncut have formed a splinter group named ‘Juvenile Anarchists Moaning Relentlessly About Government Savings’ (JAM RAGS) who are planning to mobilise this evening and rampage across the borough uprooting any bedding plants that they come across!
But seriously – the way the UnCut loonies and the anarchist fringe of other protests have mostly got away with rampaging must have sent a message to urban black youth.
And the police tactic of kettling was never used in the past few days, even when the police had enough manpower on site to employ it.
Word up to our man on da street My Site!
Is there a post box I can send my donations to, or have they a phoneline that I can ring to empathise with their issues?
Bless their hearts…if there is one between them!
I’m all for positivity, looking forward ‘n all, but when some clowns have clearly unleashed a genie that is not easily, if ever going back in that bottle, a certain amount of blame does seem in order.
Interesting, during the first few nights of rioting the bBC kept promoting the view that the Police were slow to answer, they just watched or they never turned up. Its now come out in the wash that the Police were under orders just to watch.
Which begs me to ask the question was the Police sending a political message by allowing the riots to get out of hand .
We keephearing about the lack of role models in the Caribbean “community”.
But the “community” has plenty of role models. Criminals like Duggan, gang leaders, gangsta rappers.
We don’t so much need new role models as getting rid of thew present role models. How that happens without much fiercer police action, much stronger CPS and court results I don’t know.
But zero-tolerance policing would not be a bad start. And zero tolerance in our schools.
And zero tolerance in allowing benefit handouts to people who do not want to work.
None of which would appeal to the BBC mindset – they are Stuck On Stupid.
The BBC is reporting that the first person up at Highbury Magistrates Court on looting charges was a 31-year old school teacher named Alexis Bailey. She pleaded guilty to being part of the looting of the Richer Sounds store in Croydon
Jock…you say A 31-year-old school teacher. I’d be interrested to see how she is dealt with by her education department. She’ll probably be invited to be a member of the Question Time audience.
These riots are laying bear something deeply wrong with Britain. Its deeper than race and politicsd. I have a friend, a lawyer, who deals in the court system with the “white underclass”. She tells me she has three generations of one family (grandfather 60, father 40 and son 19) none of whom have ever worked and have no intention of ever working but all claim “jobseekers” allowance.
Two points (a) why are they allowed to get away with it? (b) “jobseekers”? How we hide behind this wordplay? These people are scroungers, playing the system and laughing all the way to draw our money to buy their flat screen TVs – assuming they haven’t alreay nicked one from a burning shop. By refusing to say that out loud the authorities, the media and politicians are compliant in their crimes.
Sadly, I don’t see anything happening politically after all this trouble. The will just isn’t there. Like the Mods and Rockers duking it out on Brighton Beach in the 1960s it will become a distant memory and the BBC will melt back into Orwellian news speak. I can see the 25th anniversary of the riots being marked by a nostalgic look at the week hosted by Nicki Campbell. Cue music…
Bet the ushers still talk about the day they met an accused with a father…not known as little bastards for nothing,most of them!
Oh and a grandad too…ah bless!
Trust they found a ramp for him to access the courtroom…it`s what Harriet would have wanted!
“Worker at a primary school” “shouting obscenities at the cameras” – so what does he do exactly? Anyone trying to find out? Is he a caretaker? Sad but we’ll have to look eksewhere to find out.
By the way in the BBC report the second guy was a convicted drug dealer and the third got one day in jail. But he only stole two t-shirts. Well, that’s ok then.
“He is Alexis Bailey a 31 year old teaching assistant who was caught stealing electrical equipment from one looted shop. His appearance at a Magistrate’s Court today is said to have prompted gasps among some of those present. A grown man, occupying a position of significant social responsibility, he certainly does not fit the profile of the hooligan youth that most people here are associating with the London rioting.”
The BBC was deliberately reporting about that guy and a kid caught with two t-shirts to as a deliberate rebuttal to the notion that this wasn’t a protest about poverty and lack of services because they’ve been stealing expensive goods. The BBC producers instructed the reporter to do this to continue their Narrative. He went on to say that some people weren’t even stealing when they were caught but were merely “trespassing” while carrying a load of goods and hadn’t left the shop, so it was wrong to criminalize them and arrest them for burglary.
Typical teacher-probably used her rolled up Guardian to cover her face…may even have got someone clever to read it to her…cutz has an s Alexis!
I find myself now demanding that the nations teachers should all be in school next summer and doing their childminding throughout the long summer holidays…poor little teachers clearly get bored!
At the very least they should be helping our copper community in registering the scamps on CCYV…no free trips to Spizsbergen for YOU my lad with PTA grants to fund it all!
Hang on-all those fires…GLOBAL WARMING mate…now THAT is the basis to get the little sods done…carbon footprints…show them that poor bear they killed in Norway with those petrol bombs…did he deserve that?
The rioting news has pushed aside coverage of the idiocy in the US that is Obamageddon. His Presidency has been the culmination of endless increases in public spending to the extent that the US now has to borrow 40 cents on every dollar of Federal spending.
And when the situation reached crisis point – Obama proved he is an empty suit, parroting the same platitudes, playing the blame game, failing to LEAD. Even his own supporters in the media are losing trust in him, things are far worse for him than Mardell et al are reporting :
There are strong overtones of racism in Lawrence Auster’s site. Scroll down a bit to glimpse his piece on the ‘broom possee’. To my mind gratuitous anti-black comments are made.
Yesterday I saw BBC24 reportage on a ‘broom possee’. A smattering of participants were black. Of the 4 people the BBC interviewed, 3 were black. This is a bias that seeks to counter negative racial stereotyping of black people. It’s a bias I’m in favour of. I regard it as a democratic bias to avert the evil extremism that racism produces. Unfortunately, the BBC dont dont duly exercise this bias as a democratic one but a left-wing one. They dont show any bias against left wing extremists, much of their number have such a left-wing bias, and many others ‘get with the programme’.
But is it the truth? Only facing up to reality is going to get us through this . Positive bias is as damaging to us all as negative bias because it denies reality.
Its true that the black people they interviewed were there to help sweep up. That’s worth emphasising in my opinion. However, because the BBC do it for a left-wing bias, not a democratic one, we do not conversely get a proper debate on the predominance of black youth involved in the rioting.
Because of the BBC’s subversive left-wing bias whenever the disproportionate number of black inmates is cited as ‘racism’ the BBC pursue that ‘black propaganda’ line with a vengeance instead of highlighting the clear fact that disproportionate numbers of black people commit disproportionate amounts of crime. It’s this subversive left-wing bias that directly leads to the riots we see today.
“It’s a bias I’m in favour of. I regard it as a democratic bias to avert the evil extremism that racism produces. Unfortunately, the BBC dont dont duly exercise this bias as a democratic one but a left-wing one.”
Rubbish, the BBC does both. Black people can avoid being stereotyped by facing up to their problems. Nothing will improve until that happens.
Chinese and Indian people do not generally have negative stereotypes. Why? Because they don’t provide other people with ammunition in the first place.
You’re against a bias in favour of democratic values as well as a bias in favour of left-wing propaganda?
We can have negative stereotypes of all and sundry, including we English. Surely, people of goodwill want to avoid the basis for negative stereotypes to play into the hands of bigots and extremists?
Barry, in replying further to your comment I found myself just repeating what I’ve already written in my follow-up to Dave S.
Talking of the Left, they’re mixed up in the trouble & strife. I’ve just reviewed video clips taken Mon. night/Tues. morning during the trouble in my own area of north London. Aside from the pterodactyl chirrup of the feral scrotes addicted to mayhem, I heard the sneering, exaggerated mockney voice of one of those Dave Spart/Wolfie Smith types: the ‘working class intellectual’, a little reticent about his background. He obviously saw himself as some sort of clued-up political officer, but just sounded like another SWP self-loathing delusional berk who wants to see Britain burn, & that’s about it. Unless he wants a scrote/ganbanger parliament. I’ll say this for the yobs, they completely ignored him. He’d probably done less work in his life than even they had. Mind you, all those arrested tested positive for class A drugs. Presumably, when you’re up on charlie you don’t want some knobhead rabbiting on about the Communist Manifesto – you’d rather be torching Mothercare.
Our local coppers were excellent, holding the line & winning back ground, without shields/body armour, until the riot squad arrived. Brave, committed, rank & file men & women. Admirable. Shame about their top brass.
I did see Gove (on Newsnight) give Harriet, Our Maid of Frankfurt, a going over regarding New Labour’s 13 year fiasco – she looked a little stunned, as if she was hoping nobody was going to mention it. But it’s her bad luck that millions of people will never forget it. Lyn Costello, Mothers Against Murder & Aggression, was excellent & cut through the disingenuous waffle of the ‘rapper’ & the shifty student. A very sober, compelling performer.
By the way, where is Paxo? Has he been nicked breaking into toffs’ shops in Jermyn Street? He could certainly complain he’s been ‘marginalised’. From reality. And it’s been a long time.
Nice to see an acknowledgement of the courage of the unarmed and unshielded local policemen and women in the face of danger and prospect of injury or even death. They must be acutely aware of that when they go out into the danger zone without armour or weapons or protected vehicles.
Anybody else noticed how the pictures the bbC has been airing of these riots haven’t been close ups all taken from a distance, So you never get to see just who are rioting. I wonder why that is. I mean the bBC in each and every interview where they allow a rioter to vent his/her spleen they give them anonymity.
News at 1pm. Have the BBC gone mad? The one with glasses desperately tryng to rubbish Cameron ( good speech outside No 10 by the way) .Tying to set Boris and Cameron against each other. And seizing on Orde’s doubts about the efficacy of water cannon and plastic bullets to suggest Cameron is engaged in gesture politics.
It’s about morale idiots. Water cannon send a message to the scum that we are going to hurt them and to us peasants that we are fighting back and using maximum force.
I forgot the BBC doesn’t do morale. So lower middle class unless it is about low public sector morale because of vile Tory cuts cuts .
They are finished. The whole rotten liberal edifice is revealed for what it always was – an unreal student pipe dream.
I hope the idiots at the BBC do Question Time in their usual way then the nation will see just what they represent. Nothing.
Good post Dave I really hate the idea that we have come to the brink of using such force on British streets but I’m just clever enough to feel very Russian about these rioters
‘I don’t want to hurt you but I will use the biggest hammer I have if you carry on!!’
There is a reference in Súddeutshe Zeitung comparing London to Cairo and Sanna.
Maybe not the one your looking for, but it makes embarrassing reading non-the less.
The German liberal elite is as up its ‘vierbuchstaben’ as its UK counterpart. The reporting is dire over here. Couldn’t happen here nonsense.
Süddeutsche is a Guardian equivalent.
Meanwhile in leafy Hamburg:
Hamburg police on Tuesday were searching for suspected left-wing arsonists who destroyed 10 parked vehicles early in the morning, as part of a continuing car-burning spree in the northern German port city.
The fires in the Flottbek district spurred a search for the arsonists that included more than 20 patrol cars, but officers reported no trace of the perpetrators so far.
On the previous night unknown culprits lit six other vehicles on fire in the city’s Harvestehude district. There fire fighters were able to save a nearby apartment building and a carport from the flames.
In the last year, about 150 cars have been burned in Hamburg, many attributed to left-wing extremists and anarchists.
The daily Bild reported that the number of politically motivated offences in Germany had soared to its highest level since record began.
Citing an Interior Ministry report, the paper said there were 33,917 politically motivated crimes committed in 2010. Many of these include car burnings in Hamburg and Berlin.”
Radio 5 Listeners entertainment reporter, nasal halfwit Colin Patterson, being given ‘a big job’ covering for someone.
Interviewing Hazel Blear : How much of this is down to the gap betwen rich and poor?
Interviewing Grant Shapps -You cannot deny this has taken place against a background of cuts.
Oi, sonny, stick to hanging around The Dorchester for three hours for a 5 minute slot with Ewan McGregor and standing outside cinemas with a thousand 12-15 year olds waiting for stars to turn up.
The BBC are a hoot, jock pillock Colin Patterson ( a lanky piece of piss even more lefty than Bacon) is suggesting Cameron is over reacting for saying watr cannon could be used, tihs is the same BBC calling Theresa May weak for NOT suggesting they could be used on Monday.
This confirms our suspicions back when the BBC was leading the charge to keep mephedrone legal because it was a favorite of Beeboids. They tried to push the “it’s wrong to give children a criminal record” meme to stop it being criminalized.
Alexis Bailey, the 31 year old primary school worker convicted of looting, tried to cover his face with a newspaper and walked into a lamppost. Priceless.
He`ll be an OFSTED Inspector at this rate.
Wasn`t a Daily Mail he used to cover his face was it?
Personally there might be a case to sell foam pies outside the courtroom-that nice Mr Marbles does a line I`m told-if we threw one of them at Alexis etc, we could surely save a tree or two?
Maybe the Guardian might go back to being a broadsheet so their friends in the dock migh get “better coverage”…of their faces at least!
Questions that are never asked by the bBC; we are given the sob story that 80% of these ‘youfs’ come from fatherless families. So where are this large number of men? Not with a woman as the children would have some father figure if not their biological father. Are they on a special caribean island only inhabited by men? Where are they? Given the very large numbers then prison must be the answer. Even then with a population of 80,000 then even this does not explain where they are. Come on bBC do an investigation, where are the fathers?
Quite. In the US, there is a very real concern about the same thing, except we actually do have tons of black men in jail. Of course, that begs the next question of whose fault it is that they’re in jail in the first place, but at least we know where those absent fathers are.
I’m loving the irony of how the BBC has to tell you that the absence of a traditional nuclear family structure – supposedly something only stuffy old moralist right-wing Christians want – is partly to blame.
This is the liberal failure to see that their lifestyle, contempt for family, contempt for marriage etc is FATAL when it spreads into the lower social structures.
I have read excellent black writers describing the destruction of the Afro-American family.
Perhaps these errant fathers are actually living with other men in stable homosexual relationships? I’ve seen a lot of men in their early thirties breaking into curtain shops & then arguing over the pattern books.
Todays London ES
Twins arrested for alleged looting in Brixton…Horrified: (Mother) Linette Livingstone said her sons do not steal…That is not how I raised them” No mention of father anywhere in 1/3rd of a page
Next :
“Shame of the mother who saw her “bad” daughter looting in Tottenham. Ms Robinson already disowned her daughter…unemployed mother of one… given a flat by Haringey council when she became pregnant aged 17″ No mention of father or husband for either of them.
Poor Thatch Child Sopport Agency tried to “make fathers pay” – gave up pursuing the disappearing afro-carribean fathers – its their culture. Lin Homer highest paid civil servant then in charge of the policy twisted it into chasing (white and responsible) fathers who already pay to get them to pay more.
An awful long list of politicians are responsible for creating our underclass of feral scum.
Is the BBC racist ? This morning on radio 5 in what could only have been a pre-planned interview a “historian” (some type of lefty) was being interviewed after catching a rioter. The BBC interviewer said breathlessly “describe him!” – “he was white” came the reply. You know she would not have asked the question unless she had already known the answer.
The BBC is continuing to describe the looting and arson as “England Riots”. This is a lie because pubs have been firebombed and shops looted in Cardiff.
One thing that has struck me, looking at comments on here, CiF, DT, DM etc. is since the excrement hit the revolving device on Saturday, is the sudden forthright expression of views; where ‘race’ is actually being discussed.
The other notable thing is that the moderators are allowing a lot of previously ‘unacceptable comments’ to stay up.
Is this the Eureka moment, when 30+ years of muzzling, censoring, screaming racist! is over, and people are no longer scared to say what they think?
This, to me, will be seen as a turning point in the future; And the iconic image? – No, not the picture of a drug dealing gangster who got his comeupance, but the picture of a terrified Polish lady jumping out of a window to the outstretched arms of rescuers with a backdrop of a wall of flames, taken by an amateur called Amy.
Oh dear, the BBC has gotten hold of a youtube video from Manchester and is still spinning its “police brutality” line even after the events of the last few days. Maitliss was interrogating Met Dep about whether this was “appropriate”. It is truly unbelievable.
Another market rate talent has been coaxed from the bunker on ‘The Editors’ to churn out a ‘we got it about right/our staff are professional/it must be true… we say so’ piece of pap.
The main task so far has been to cover the first Ws of good-old fashioned news reporting. The who, what, where and whens of the story.
Except they were a bit shy about the “who” for quite some time and have been spouting all kinds of drivel about “what” exactly has been going on. Just today some dopey Beeboid outside a courthouse was saying how unfortunate it was that people who were merely trespassing with an armful of goods (hadn’t left the shop yet, you see, so no theft) were wrongly nicked for burglary, and that otherwise innocent people would now possible be saddled with a criminal conviction which would affect their careers. Nice twisted priorities there.
This is what our audiences have been turning to us for in droves with some of the highest ever audiences for our website, TV and radio coverage – and record audiences for instance for the Live page coverage.
Once again we see that, in the minds of Beeboids, ratings equals quality journalism and value for the license fee.
And then the woman just lies outright about their insistence on calling them “protests”. They didn’t change to “riots” for a couple days at least. Even that is a controversial term in one sense: if it’s designated a “riot”, the government will have to pay for damages, but if it’s only public disorder or whatever, then it’s up to the insurance and the burden is wholly placed on the victims.
This is where our specialists come in – Nick Robinson, Mark Easton, Clive Coleman, Emma Simpson to name a few – as well as our London and UK-wide correspondents who will continue to report on the events and aftermath.
This is where the BBC Narrative editors come in to tell you what to think, how to interpret the story. Does this inspire confidence in anyone?
No. And one suspects this will soon be a thread littered with ‘referrals’ (especially on a ‘blow-over’ delay basis as perfectly good feedback provokes mass bowel loosening in the lower orders) before an early closing as folk dissect this latest BS missive from Mount Stan and Olympus.
Now that all these new consumers are returning to the shops under Labours late nite shopping licenses, you`d have thought that Labour would join with me in rejoicing that confidence is returning to the consumer market!
Just no pleasing some people of the Left is there?
Note how the BBC carry a warning ‘This video contains disturbing images’. No such warning about the video of the kid with a rucksack getting mugged.
The only people who will find the images disturbing are rioters and their hand wring apologists. I loved it! An excellent exercise in police discretion on how to deal with a riot situation.
Even though the BBC freely admits it can’t vouch for the footage, it airs the clip anyway knowing full well that its broadcast will be used by “outraged” ambulance chasing activist lawyers to restrict the police response to this mass criminality. The vast, vast majority of people will watch that and say “Good job, coppers” but what do the opinions of the vast majority of people matter when the delicate sensibilities of the left-liberal intelligentsia are upset? Back off police, let the thugs get on with it or else.
Especially this bit… ‘The main task so far has been to cover the first Ws of good-old fashioned news reporting. The who, what, where and whens of the story’
Hardly supported by ‘The BBC cannot verify when this footage was taken, nor the context leading up to the events.’ much, if at all.
The BBC is not just professionally inept, it is institutionally complicit in incitement, with hapless harpies at the top either unaware, or with Harperson levels of self-delusion.
Accountability. Now. With heads and no comfy Byfordesque pay-offs or sideways promotions.
As far as I’m concerned those officers were acting entirely within the law under the circumstances. They excercised their police discretion on how best to control a riot situation – and exercised it superbly I’d say! 🙂 🙂 🙂
As far as I’m concerned those officers were acting entirely within the law under the circumstances. They excercised their police discretion on how best to control a riot situation – and exercised it superbly I’d say! 🙂 🙂 🙂
This is the true voice of a fellow citizen. Take note BBC (and the liberal apologists and social engineers). The liberal sociological establishment created the problem and are in total denial.
Too bad the BBC is using this as an attack on Boris and not on the policies that led to this. Still waiting for equal time for the cheering crowd in Clapham Junction.
Some black families are sending their kids to live with relatives in the Carribbean so that they can be sent to school in a disciplined environment. Those schools have a fraction of the resources yet aspirational British black parents are choosing them over the nearby chaotic child-centred victimhood-endorsing inner city establishments.
Yeah, there’s a story in there ‘somewhere’ I guess. Thought not one the BBC would like to cover, not without first assuring themselves they’d find some interviews willing to have words put in their mouths that they’ve taken their children out of the British school system because of ‘racism’. Really, they have done – the racism of low expectations of black children of the white Marxist left.
Andrew Gilligan was subjected to a nasty physical assault in the London riots, as decribed here.
He then goes on to describe the frightening (and typical) attitudes of the rioters’ middle class supporters, up till now.
He does not mention the BBC-NUJ. But I do.
London riots: ‘Bleeding, I called 999. A tired man told me to go home’
(by Andrew Gilligan)
“…in London, the geography of fear is particularly potent.
Unlike Los Angeles or Paris, the riots are not happening in ghettos where nobody goes. They are happening amid the organic gastropubs and latte bars. Alongside poverty, inner London is full of the sort of middle-class progressives who agree with Ken Livingstone that the rioters ‘feel no one at the top of society, in government or City Hall, cares about them or speaks for them’. ”
Ed Miliband is the new ‘hero’ of the riots according to Prick Robinson. David Cameron didn’t go on a walkabout of the damaged areas, but Ed the glorious new fuhrer of the Fatherland did.
Well Prick, perhaps Cameron knew that if he did such a ‘stunt’ it would take up valuable Police resources to protect him from the SWP/Nu Liebore vermin that would no doubt try to cause problems for him?
Hey, I saw Ed Miliband in David Grossman’s Newsnight report last night, and Miliband was getting barracked as well. Doesn’t seem to be getting quite the wide distribution as Mayor Johnson (or Nick Clegg) being barracked.
Cameron did visit at least one area, no? And was Red Ed a hero of the “student” riots of a couple months ago as well? He was out there inspiring the masses, as I recall.
On the BBC1 6pm News Toenails actually stated that Cameron “did not dare” venture out into the community & contrasted that with a nauseating clip of Red Ed’s platitudes delivered from the heart of darkness complete with a carefully selected & posed multi-ethnic backing group
I could have sworn the BBC showed Cameron walking around outside a burned-out building in Stretham or something yesterday. Am I wrong or is Robinson lying?
Yes, he went to Croydon yesterday, meeting people who had been left homeless or had their businesses destroyed (including the Reeves family) and seeing some of the buildings that had been burnt down. He also met people on duty in the police and fire services.
Thanks Millie. I thought I saw Cameron shaking hands with firemen, etc. So Robinson told a lie. What sort of political editor is he supposed to be if he can’t get a simple thing like that right? The BBC broadcast the footage, FFS.
The bBC begins the fightback against the police: Video shows police beating suspect
Watch how the Police beat up suspected looters.
Now contrast that bBC coverage with the so called rightwing Daily MAil version. No messing in Manchester: Police caught on camera chasing down gang of rioters
The write up in the daily Mail explains that the Police had been chasing these thugs for over 10 minutes, this is clearly seen in their video clip which shows them being directed towards the gang. However what really takes apart the bbc view of unwarrented police violence is how in the Daily Mail Video a man also with a bike is allowed to continue on his way.
Now I wonder how many idiots will now feel that the Police are carrying out attacks on unsuspecting people just for the sake of it due to selective editing by the bBC and thus cause more riots
Nice one, Pounce. The full video shows a police line at the other end of the street, closing down the toe-rags’ escape route in that direction. The whole dynamic is different to the brief clip shown by BBC online.
And good for the Daily Mail headling that report “No messing in Manchester.” In tune.
We no longer have Katie Boyle to call up France, Italy etc for the Eurovision vote, but the likes of Norton and Vine may yet do!
I honestly think that the BBC is doing its “London Calling” impression to fire up the likes of Newcastle, Leeds and Glasgow or Southampton to join the party and go on the rampage if they dare!
Their coverage seems to be guessing-rather hoping-that Cameron goes down the pan so Red Eds 1/2 can return to clear the streets and give them their partners jobs back at the BBC.
MPs really need to get beneath what is driving the BBC after G20, Plane Stupid, Redcliffe, Tory HQ, Student protests, Union rallies and now this incitement to “go mental and give it large” across the provinces!
If ever there were incitements to do criminal damage safe that the BBC won`t “grass them up”…I`m hearing them now!
For Gods sake Cameron etc-SMASH the BBC-before IT SMASHES YOU!
Had in mind St Joseph of Strummer and the Eurovision, but realise that there is only one London Calling worth the mention!
Sorry sir for any misunderstanding!
The bBC, how it champions Pakistan while hating India. Pakistan pilot’s ‘remorse’ for 1965 shooting down A Pakistani fighter pilot who shot down an Indian civilian aircraft more than four decades ago has written to the family of the dead Indian pilot. In his email, Qais Hussain said he was sorry for the loss of precious lives during the incident and was acting under orders from his superiors.
Remorse from a Pakistani well so you’d think from the bBC headline, well here is that so called remorse as explained further on: “It’s not a apology, it’s a condolence. I did not do anything wrong. I did what I was ordered to do in the line of duty.
OH that’s ok then, but seeing as this about something whith happened during the 1965 war between the two countries the bBC has to add this: India says it won the 1965 war after five months of fighting
And here is how the bBC reported on that war in an article about the rise of the Pakistani armed forces:
But the defeat in the 1965 war led to the army’s invincibility being challenged by an increasingly vocal opposition.
Only the bBC can find an apology out of somebody who isn’t apologising and find a victory when actually it was a defeat.
Population of Jamaica 2.6m
Number of people of Jamaican origin living in the UK 800,000
Ah yes, that would be London Transport recruitment in the 50’s.
Give it a few years and I have little doubt this anarchic scum will be perceived by the Beeb as urban freedom fighters. There will be cosy chats with Sue McGregor on Radio 4’s The Reunion and a tame copper will be wheeled out to confess to “institutionalised racism”.
Mention Enoch Powell – on the BBC – are you kidding!
It’s like Fawlty Towers – ‘Don’t mention the war’.
You’ll only hear it if, like Basil, someone temporarily loses their marbles.
I say this is evidence that the whole thing is in fact a protest against the regressive tax which is the license fee. The poor have to steal TVs in order to avoid it.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:46 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Books for the future … [img]https://www.worldofbooks.com/cdn/shop/files/1399807447.jpg?v=1718329871&width=493[/img]
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I noticed that while Sky News reported people taking to the streets to protect property in Southall, Eltham and Enfield last night, online the BBC only mention Southall.
If the events of Eltham and Enfield are somewhere online, the BBC have hidden them well.
Yes the BBC highlighted the Sikh community in Southall (although theBBC said it was Muslims) nut the camp male beeboid on Radio was sneering at the EDL doing a similar thing in Leicester.
Its difficult to get an accurate picture I heard somewhere it could have been BBC or LBC (channel hoping) they were calling themselves the Enfield Defence League (its on Facebook -) The BBC said people from all races were defending Enfield. The only voices heard sounded white. I’m not making a comment only reporting what I heard (unlike the BBC).
They were on Sky as well.
Wrong colour for the far-left BBC to portray in a good light I suspect.
Some of them even had shaved heads!!! Truly disgusting!
I can’t find them on facebook – so I might have misheard that.
did anyone notice the police tactics when the EDL appeared on the street?
lined up right in front of them penning them in against shop fronts
meanwhile,behind them,the country burns
Nice little video, at the bottom of this article, of the EDL hunting down the looters with the police trotting along behind:
I saw that too. They were hemmed in, with police two deep. Shame they didn’t try that with the ‘protesters’. Might have saved a few people’s homes.
ROBERT BROWN; The police, ordered by the leftist and common purposed ACPO regard any display of white people preparing to defend themselves and others lives and properties as a grave risk to order, above and beyond any rioting by blacks. Cameron has to sack every Chief Constable in the land along with the indoctrinated senior officers below them, they are not fit for purpose. Start promoting tough no nonsense sergeants up, guys who do not have sociology degrees and so on, then perhaps we’ll get proper coppers like Sir Robert Mark was [remember him, tough guy] and give the bad guys hell.
Is Rowan Williams hiding behind Camilla Batmanghedghli these days?
It`s just that I don`t see why an exotic, childless, Iranian boarder at Sherborne School for Gels gets pushed around the BBCs Green Rooms in a “liberated”shopping trolley whilst the old Wicca Warrior seems content to count the sandbags in Lambeth Palace until the Sikhs and Turks have cleared a safe path for him to Canterbury or wherever he`d prefer to be!
When Toynbee goes silent at such times-at least we KNOW she`s in the Tuscany Troubador Lounge and safe to phone in her Wolfie Smiff thoughts.
Hiding is not praying, Rowan me old china!
Great post. Wonder if Williams intends to blame the Jews for everything – he’s got form, after all.
The tired old Druid is boning up on the Koran, ready to help lead the uprising and bring forth the world wide Caliphate, the scruffy old fifth-columnist.
Hardcore Anarchist class-warrior, Paul Mason, was photographed leaving the fray clutching a gift for colleague Evan Davis:
Was that the BBC radio car behind him ?
Radio 5 back on message (clearly a phone call from Liebore HQ) and it’s all the fault of the Tories and Maggie Thatcher, caller after caller (I suspect made up names from BBC employees)
Now hag face Derbyshire is giving us a one sided show from Tottenham.
There are plenty of jobs to go around, it’s just that under Liebore 90% of them went to foreign workers, something the BBC ignore.
Very true. I was thinking about this yesterday. The areas with the highest unemployment rates in London are those right beside the Olympic Park, where thousands of jobs were supposed to go to local residents but in fact went to Eastern Europeans. The 2nd/3rd generation immigrants that would like to work are those hit the hardest by the new waves of immigration.
It’d be impossible for the far-left BBC to report this and remain within their strict NUJ guidelines.
Yes, if the job requires construction and carpentry and electrical and other standard trades, that money will not trickle down to the feral youth. This explains the BBC report I saw a couple days about how sad it was that the Olympic money wasn’t helping the local youth yet.
happily though, with all those liberated trainers that they have accumulated: we have a few new entries and exciting prospects now for trackand field!
Easy to get Team GB to “medal”.
1. Get one of our vulnerable from under Camilas capacious caftans.
2. Ask the Duggan family if we could borrow that gun he never had.
3. Put a tubby PCSO behind said runner.
4. Fire the gun…the PCSO can leg it into the stands, whilst the “affleet” chases an X Box stuck on the back of a fast food van!
ROBERT BROWN; Not to worry, when the olympic crowds turn up, there will be rich pickings, wallets, cameras, watches, phones and girls to rape.
I was listening; it tilted a bit towards stupid, but again, we seem to be hearing completely different things when listening to R5L.
Don’t worry, the left will soon be lecturing us through its license funded mouthpiece. We will soon learn that our initial instincts to blame the spread of the cod-socialism of entitlement, soft PC policing and benefits culture while importing ‘diversity’ are all wrong. Its the ‘cuts’ you see.
If anyone can access 5 live. It’s live now. This is priceless.
Yes, its great – I suspect the police are going to get called in any moment, what a bunch of nutters. I think earlier some guy said (Duggen) he was carrying a gun to protect himself from the police !!!!! Fact remains anyone over 30 blames someone else and anyone under says they they were doing it because they could.
Israel and Iran “In a rare moment of harmony”!
1026: BBC Monitoring
Rioting in Britain is the fault of the government and police, Iranian newspaper Resalat reports. In an editorial on “Cameron’s iron fist”, the paper says the unrest is the consequence of the UK government’s “human rights violations”. In a rare moment of harmony, press in both Israel and Iran cite immigration as one of the reasons for unrest in the UK. Editorials in Iran’s Khorasan newspaper and Israel’s Yisrael Hayom both speculate that tensions in multicultural communities may be the cause. “All those who felt disadvantaged and full of hatred are now running wild,” the Israeli paper says.
Notice that Russian TV also cite the “multi-kulti” culture as being a facor in the recent unpleasantness!
Not to fear though…the self parody that is Today saw no connection with the riots and the Mr Men piece that followed the 8.00 bulletins and pointless truffle snuffles of Humphrys.
I for one saw lots of Mr Greedys down there…up on the BBCs mezzanine though, lots of Mr Happys( Drugs do that!) and Mr Tickles…Gavin Esler tickling truths from da yoof if you know wha`am sayin` yeah?
Presumably all those Ms Bossys( married?…no way!) and little Miss Sads from Womans Hour are all tooling up and getting on the riot gear to defend us all tonight…just like those sexist useless men posturing and being oh-so macho in the emergency services!
I for one see Jenni Murray as a Green Goddess just right to clear the streets…just as we clear the airwaves when she rolls up on the double decker chais longue from Barnsley!
Hope one of us is listening to the wimmin on Womans Hour…those poor boys in need of role models and a hug…before being condemned as useless men and unable to do anything.
So unlike Jenni,Jane,Harriet and Yvette-all leading the fightback tonight I`m sure!
Isn`t it a joy when we can bring Israel and Iran together in a show of harmony!
Clearly the riots have brought us the worlds care and compassion…and our rioting brethren have done more to get a peace in the Middle East than our permatanned poodle bestriding the globe and working the phones!
Well done Tottenham!
It’s a special joy for the BBC when they can show that both Israel and Iran are wrong, ie: “both speculate that tensions in multicultural communities may be the cause”.
Perish the thought!
Sky’s Kay Burley berating a shopkeeper for giving a truthful account of what he saw. Pathetic handwringing PC idiocy.
Shame the sound barely registered on my PC, but there is an explanation here – http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100100339/what-will-happen-to-the-convicted-rioters/ – that shows the brain damage in the nation’s media moppets is not just peroxide generated.
There’s something very disturbing how the bBC which went all overboard in the killing of Mark Duggen which in a way helped fan the flames currently burning down Britain has remained very silent on the murders (And near murders) which have been committed by their so called peaceful protesters.
Man shot dead in Croydon….
3 Muslims murdered in Birmingham by Blacks and yet in the very small article on the subject the bbC leave out the colour of the murderers as well as the faith of those who were killed.
The Daily Mirror has as its centre spread the man put in hospital for trying to put a fire out started by thugs again by Black thugs
Strange how the bbC appears to have some sort of pecking order when it comes to thugs and murderers
Blacks, Muslims, Gays and drug users.
The apparent murder of 3 people in Birmingham last night is by far the biggest news of the day, surely ? Yes the BBC give it scant treatment, scant investigation.
This is what has freaked the BBC.
“The mood has turned ugly in some parts of Birmingham. We were filming until the early hours of the morning and what we witnessed is deeply concerning. There is a real fear that the events of last night have stirred racial tensions in this city between some Asian and black communities. There is talk of retaliation and further violence.
When looters went on the rampage on Monday night, dozens of local businesses were attacked. Family businesses that had taken years to establish were ransacked in hours. Yesterday, many of the owners told me they weren’t going to allow it to happen again.
In areas like the Soho Road in Handsworth, they started closing early. “We don’t trust the police to be able to look after us,” one man said. “So we’re going to do it ourselves.”
At least Channel 4 felt able to cover the story.
These little scallywags pictured in my local free paper this morning were sent down this week, for murder . They have one thing in common, which their victim wasn’t. And in custody they have no hoods or masks, unlike our rioters.
Television demands moving images (burning buildings are ideal) and talking heads, the BBC News can’t quite get itself to report “the reality”.
a small snippet from the front here in Ulster
On Radio Ulster news this morning,the ever highly annoying Mark Carruthers objected to rioters being called “rioters” and preferred the term “protestors” as it “sounded more neutral”
and fatty Nolan had an English guy on who evidently had more common sense in his little finger than Nolan has in his fat lefty Big Mac receptacle he calls a stomach,telling it like it is about feral children who fear no-one are the fault of feckless parents who haven’t got a clue and don’t care
cue nolan sighing heavily in the background,and some wooly headed lefty bint from here on trying to justify the carnage by laughably suggesting that maybe these kids are seeing regime change all over the world through protests and are maybe just following suit
FFS-you can’t make this stuff up
who writes the script for these lunatics……lewis Carroll???
Interesting theories. I have heard quite a few reasons for the ‘protests’ in recent days.
The ‘protestors’ are ‘protesting’ because (a) they have been inspired by the uprisings in Egypt, Syria, Libya etc., (b) they are angry about tuition fees, (c) they are furious about government cuts, (d) they are raging against the withdrawal of EMA.
Has anyone blamed Murdoch yet? A virtual fiver to the first person who can post a link to someone on the Beeb blaming News International and/or phone-hacking.
Most of the “protesters” wouldn’t be able to pick out Egypt, Syria or Libya on a world map on which the three countries were labelled “Egypt”, “Syria” and Libya”.
how very true
I claim that virtual 5er (ish). I’ve heard people saying why should people respect the police when they took bribes for phone hacking.
Sadly ,am only grateful that they`re not being called “freedom fighters” like that nice Mr Mc Guinness!
These are not protestors, these are steaming gangs on steroids accompanied by underclass scum acting like hyaenas. The term for them on the street is ‘Wiggas’ .
Check derivation.
Studies suggest about 20,000 hardcore gang members concentrated in the main connurbations, with about 50,000 associates.
There is also a considerable level of opportunism given the police disarray plus deliberate anarchist, hard left extremist action under the cover of the confusion.
Doug… your… er.. thoughts?
probably more truth on that site than you’ll read on the tv tax subsidised one 😉
Oh no!
The Kings Head in Islington could not do its play last night, and the Olympic Arse/Arts Jeremiad/Olympiad was cancelled when Harriet had a ticket.
Not only that-but those poor policemen up in Brum had bought tickets to the cricket( rap!) and can`t go now-they`ve got to work!…
No way! ( to quote the Family Guy bloke!)
Have these thugs NO shame for Buddhas sake?…how much more are the liberal elite expected to suffer?
This is a four minute silence in my book…and a fuchsia wristband to show you all that I`m not only sad…but I find the whole thing increasingly inappropriate too!
You`ll never feel their wrath-but you WILL get an eggy glance as you post a turd as bail on reception at the newly-enhanced mark you-Custody Suite!
Swellings, Faria,Chindamo…be very afraid!
Word on the street is that the Islington youth from UKUncut have formed a splinter group named ‘Juvenile Anarchists Moaning Relentlessly About Government Savings’ (JAM RAGS) who are planning to mobilise this evening and rampage across the borough uprooting any bedding plants that they come across!
Oh great just laughed me tea all over me keyboard!!!
But seriously – the way the UnCut loonies and the anarchist fringe of other protests have mostly got away with rampaging must have sent a message to urban black youth.
And the police tactic of kettling was never used in the past few days, even when the police had enough manpower on site to employ it.
Word up to our man on da street My Site!
Is there a post box I can send my donations to, or have they a phoneline that I can ring to empathise with their issues?
Bless their hearts…if there is one between them!
I’m all for positivity, looking forward ‘n all, but when some clowns have clearly unleashed a genie that is not easily, if ever going back in that bottle, a certain amount of blame does seem in order.
And i think they all know it’s long overdue.
tottenham have just signed a new italian striker grabatelli
Interesting, during the first few nights of rioting the bBC kept promoting the view that the Police were slow to answer, they just watched or they never turned up. Its now come out in the wash that the Police were under orders just to watch.
Which begs me to ask the question was the Police sending a political message by allowing the riots to get out of hand .
We keephearing about the lack of role models in the Caribbean “community”.
But the “community” has plenty of role models. Criminals like Duggan, gang leaders, gangsta rappers.
We don’t so much need new role models as getting rid of thew present role models. How that happens without much fiercer police action, much stronger CPS and court results I don’t know.
But zero-tolerance policing would not be a bad start. And zero tolerance in our schools.
And zero tolerance in allowing benefit handouts to people who do not want to work.
None of which would appeal to the BBC mindset – they are Stuck On Stupid.
I thought the traditional nuclear family was passé? Oh, dear.
The BBC is reporting that the first person up at Highbury Magistrates Court on looting charges was a 31-year old school teacher named Alexis Bailey. She pleaded guilty to being part of the looting of the Richer Sounds store in Croydon
Bet that stuck in their craw, welcome to Britain.
Jock…you say A 31-year-old school teacher. I’d be interrested to see how she is dealt with by her education department. She’ll probably be invited to be a member of the Question Time audience.
These riots are laying bear something deeply wrong with Britain. Its deeper than race and politicsd. I have a friend, a lawyer, who deals in the court system with the “white underclass”. She tells me she has three generations of one family (grandfather 60, father 40 and son 19) none of whom have ever worked and have no intention of ever working but all claim “jobseekers” allowance.
Two points (a) why are they allowed to get away with it? (b) “jobseekers”? How we hide behind this wordplay? These people are scroungers, playing the system and laughing all the way to draw our money to buy their flat screen TVs – assuming they haven’t alreay nicked one from a burning shop. By refusing to say that out loud the authorities, the media and politicians are compliant in their crimes.
Sadly, I don’t see anything happening politically after all this trouble. The will just isn’t there. Like the Mods and Rockers duking it out on Brighton Beach in the 1960s it will become a distant memory and the BBC will melt back into Orwellian news speak. I can see the 25th anniversary of the riots being marked by a nostalgic look at the week hosted by Nicki Campbell. Cue music…
Bet the ushers still talk about the day they met an accused with a father…not known as little bastards for nothing,most of them!
Oh and a grandad too…ah bless!
Trust they found a ramp for him to access the courtroom…it`s what Harriet would have wanted!
“Alexis” is a he, as in Alexis Korner <img src=”extra/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-wink.gif” title=”Wink” border=”0″ alt=”Wink”/>
BBC is now saying he just “works” in a school – maybe a “caretaker”
Photo of him here:
Biodegradable, saw the clip you linked to.
“Worker at a primary school” “shouting obscenities at the cameras” – so what does he do exactly? Anyone trying to find out? Is he a caretaker? Sad but we’ll have to look eksewhere to find out.
By the way in the BBC report the second guy was a convicted drug dealer and the third got one day in jail. But he only stole two t-shirts. Well, that’s ok then.
Well, that didn’t take long: (90 secs)
“He is Alexis Bailey a 31 year old teaching assistant who was caught stealing electrical equipment from one looted shop. His appearance at a Magistrate’s Court today is said to have prompted gasps among some of those present. A grown man, occupying a position of significant social responsibility, he certainly does not fit the profile of the hooligan youth that most people here are associating with the London rioting.”
I guess the Beeb will stick to “primary school worker”. Less embarrassing to the elites.
“He is Alexis Bailey a 31 year old teaching assistant”
Black role model, innit?
He stole 2 T-Shirts to “feed his family” no doubt.
The BBC was deliberately reporting about that guy and a kid caught with two t-shirts to as a deliberate rebuttal to the notion that this wasn’t a protest about poverty and lack of services because they’ve been stealing expensive goods. The BBC producers instructed the reporter to do this to continue their Narrative. He went on to say that some people weren’t even stealing when they were caught but were merely “trespassing” while carrying a load of goods and hadn’t left the shop, so it was wrong to criminalize them and arrest them for burglary.
The BBC News needs a wholesale purge.
Defending the looters just like they defend terrorists. How they love an underdog!
Typical teacher-probably used her rolled up Guardian to cover her face…may even have got someone clever to read it to her…cutz has an s Alexis!
I find myself now demanding that the nations teachers should all be in school next summer and doing their childminding throughout the long summer holidays…poor little teachers clearly get bored!
At the very least they should be helping our copper community in registering the scamps on CCYV…no free trips to Spizsbergen for YOU my lad with PTA grants to fund it all!
Hang on-all those fires…GLOBAL WARMING mate…now THAT is the basis to get the little sods done…carbon footprints…show them that poor bear they killed in Norway with those petrol bombs…did he deserve that?
Jock, I’m suprised you wish to associate the fair land of Alba with what’s been happening in the Sassenach lands!
The rioting news has pushed aside coverage of the idiocy in the US that is Obamageddon. His Presidency has been the culmination of endless increases in public spending to the extent that the US now has to borrow 40 cents on every dollar of Federal spending.
And when the situation reached crisis point – Obama proved he is an empty suit, parroting the same platitudes, playing the blame game, failing to LEAD. Even his own supporters in the media are losing trust in him, things are far worse for him than Mardell et al are reporting :
Why can a reporter from San Francisco see things more clearly than the BBC ?
Because she is not looking at things through a leftie PC prism ?
Which BBC presenter or interviewer has been most biased so far ? Maitlis ? Esler ?
Don’t any of them recognise the simple word “evil” ?
There are strong overtones of racism in Lawrence Auster’s site. Scroll down a bit to glimpse his piece on the ‘broom possee’. To my mind gratuitous anti-black comments are made.
Yesterday I saw BBC24 reportage on a ‘broom possee’. A smattering of participants were black. Of the 4 people the BBC interviewed, 3 were black. This is a bias that seeks to counter negative racial stereotyping of black people. It’s a bias I’m in favour of. I regard it as a democratic bias to avert the evil extremism that racism produces. Unfortunately, the BBC dont dont duly exercise this bias as a democratic one but a left-wing one. They dont show any bias against left wing extremists, much of their number have such a left-wing bias, and many others ‘get with the programme’.
But is it the truth? Only facing up to reality is going to get us through this . Positive bias is as damaging to us all as negative bias because it denies reality.
Its true that the black people they interviewed were there to help sweep up. That’s worth emphasising in my opinion. However, because the BBC do it for a left-wing bias, not a democratic one, we do not conversely get a proper debate on the predominance of black youth involved in the rioting.
Because of the BBC’s subversive left-wing bias whenever the disproportionate number of black inmates is cited as ‘racism’ the BBC pursue that ‘black propaganda’ line with a vengeance instead of highlighting the clear fact that disproportionate numbers of black people commit disproportionate amounts of crime. It’s this subversive left-wing bias that directly leads to the riots we see today.
“It’s a bias I’m in favour of. I regard it as a democratic bias to avert the evil extremism that racism produces. Unfortunately, the BBC dont dont duly exercise this bias as a democratic one but a left-wing one.”
Rubbish, the BBC does both. Black people can avoid being stereotyped by facing up to their problems. Nothing will improve until that happens.
Chinese and Indian people do not generally have negative stereotypes. Why? Because they don’t provide other people with ammunition in the first place.
You’re against a bias in favour of democratic values as well as a bias in favour of left-wing propaganda?
We can have negative stereotypes of all and sundry, including we English. Surely, people of goodwill want to avoid the basis for negative stereotypes to play into the hands of bigots and extremists?
Barry, in replying further to your comment I found myself just repeating what I’ve already written in my follow-up to Dave S.
Talking of the Left, they’re mixed up in the trouble & strife. I’ve just reviewed video clips taken Mon. night/Tues. morning during the trouble in my own area of north London. Aside from the pterodactyl chirrup of the feral scrotes addicted to mayhem, I heard the sneering, exaggerated mockney voice of one of those Dave Spart/Wolfie Smith types: the ‘working class intellectual’, a little reticent about his background. He obviously saw himself as some sort of clued-up political officer, but just sounded like another SWP self-loathing delusional berk who wants to see Britain burn, & that’s about it. Unless he wants a scrote/ganbanger parliament. I’ll say this for the yobs, they completely ignored him. He’d probably done less work in his life than even they had. Mind you, all those arrested tested positive for class A drugs. Presumably, when you’re up on charlie you don’t want some knobhead rabbiting on about the Communist Manifesto – you’d rather be torching Mothercare.
Our local coppers were excellent, holding the line & winning back ground, without shields/body armour, until the riot squad arrived. Brave, committed, rank & file men & women. Admirable. Shame about their top brass.
I did see Gove (on Newsnight) give Harriet, Our Maid of Frankfurt, a going over regarding New Labour’s 13 year fiasco – she looked a little stunned, as if she was hoping nobody was going to mention it. But it’s her bad luck that millions of people will never forget it. Lyn Costello, Mothers Against Murder & Aggression, was excellent & cut through the disingenuous waffle of the ‘rapper’ & the shifty student. A very sober, compelling performer.
By the way, where is Paxo? Has he been nicked breaking into toffs’ shops in Jermyn Street? He could certainly complain he’s been ‘marginalised’. From reality. And it’s been a long time.
Nice to see an acknowledgement of the courage of the unarmed and unshielded local policemen and women in the face of danger and prospect of injury or even death. They must be acutely aware of that when they go out into the danger zone without armour or weapons or protected vehicles.
Presumably, when you’re up on charlie you don’t want some knobhead rabbiting on about the Communist Manifesto – you’d rather be torching Mothercare.
Reminds me of this:
Well spotted, David!
Anybody else noticed how the pictures the bbC has been airing of these riots haven’t been close ups all taken from a distance, So you never get to see just who are rioting. I wonder why that is. I mean the bBC in each and every interview where they allow a rioter to vent his/her spleen they give them anonymity.
News at 1pm. Have the BBC gone mad? The one with glasses desperately tryng to rubbish Cameron ( good speech outside No 10 by the way) .Tying to set Boris and Cameron against each other. And seizing on Orde’s doubts about the efficacy of water cannon and plastic bullets to suggest Cameron is engaged in gesture politics.
It’s about morale idiots. Water cannon send a message to the scum that we are going to hurt them and to us peasants that we are fighting back and using maximum force.
I forgot the BBC doesn’t do morale. So lower middle class unless it is about low public sector morale because of vile Tory cuts cuts .
They are finished. The whole rotten liberal edifice is revealed for what it always was – an unreal student pipe dream.
I hope the idiots at the BBC do Question Time in their usual way then the nation will see just what they represent. Nothing.
PM Cameron’s full speech:
Good post Dave I really hate the idea that we have come to the brink of using such force on British streets but I’m just clever enough to feel very Russian about these rioters
‘I don’t want to hurt you but I will use the biggest hammer I have if you carry on!!’
I keep hearing a German newspaper has compared London to Mogadishu ? Does anyone know if this is true and what newspaper?
There is a reference in Súddeutshe Zeitung comparing London to Cairo and Sanna.
Maybe not the one your looking for, but it makes embarrassing reading non-the less.
The German liberal elite is as up its ‘vierbuchstaben’ as its UK counterpart. The reporting is dire over here. Couldn’t happen here nonsense.
Süddeutsche is a Guardian equivalent.
Meanwhile in leafy Hamburg:
Hamburg police on Tuesday were searching for suspected left-wing arsonists who destroyed 10 parked vehicles early in the morning, as part of a continuing car-burning spree in the northern German port city.
The fires in the Flottbek district spurred a search for the arsonists that included more than 20 patrol cars, but officers reported no trace of the perpetrators so far.
On the previous night unknown culprits lit six other vehicles on fire in the city’s Harvestehude district. There fire fighters were able to save a nearby apartment building and a carport from the flames.
In the last year, about 150 cars have been burned in Hamburg, many attributed to left-wing extremists and anarchists.
The daily Bild reported that the number of politically motivated offences in Germany had soared to its highest level since record began.
Citing an Interior Ministry report, the paper said there were 33,917 politically motivated crimes committed in 2010. Many of these include car burnings in Hamburg and Berlin.”
Left Politicians mouthed it can’t happen here.
But the Chief of Hamburg Police said it could.
Radio 5 Listeners entertainment reporter, nasal halfwit Colin Patterson, being given ‘a big job’ covering for someone.
Interviewing Hazel Blear : How much of this is down to the gap betwen rich and poor?
Interviewing Grant Shapps -You cannot deny this has taken place against a background of cuts.
Oi, sonny, stick to hanging around The Dorchester for three hours for a 5 minute slot with Ewan McGregor and standing outside cinemas with a thousand 12-15 year olds waiting for stars to turn up.
And get your adenoids done.
The BBC are a hoot, jock pillock Colin Patterson ( a lanky piece of piss even more lefty than Bacon) is suggesting Cameron is over reacting for saying watr cannon could be used, tihs is the same BBC calling Theresa May weak for NOT suggesting they could be used on Monday.
Another beeboid kick the bucket due to drugs
This confirms our suspicions back when the BBC was leading the charge to keep mephedrone legal because it was a favorite of Beeboids. They tried to push the “it’s wrong to give children a criminal record” meme to stop it being criminalized.
And sorry… no… there is no mention of an apology to Sarah Palin (It is what I asked for)
Alexis Bailey, the 31 year old primary school worker convicted of looting, tried to cover his face with a newspaper and walked into a lamppost. Priceless.
He should loose his job but will probably be allowed to keep it.
He`ll be an OFSTED Inspector at this rate.
Wasn`t a Daily Mail he used to cover his face was it?
Personally there might be a case to sell foam pies outside the courtroom-that nice Mr Marbles does a line I`m told-if we threw one of them at Alexis etc, we could surely save a tree or two?
Maybe the Guardian might go back to being a broadsheet so their friends in the dock migh get “better coverage”…of their faces at least!
He’ll be a new SPAD for the Shadow Education Minister.
Questions that are never asked by the bBC; we are given the sob story that 80% of these ‘youfs’ come from fatherless families. So where are this large number of men? Not with a woman as the children would have some father figure if not their biological father. Are they on a special caribean island only inhabited by men? Where are they? Given the very large numbers then prison must be the answer. Even then with a population of 80,000 then even this does not explain where they are. Come on bBC do an investigation, where are the fathers?
Quite. In the US, there is a very real concern about the same thing, except we actually do have tons of black men in jail. Of course, that begs the next question of whose fault it is that they’re in jail in the first place, but at least we know where those absent fathers are.
I’m loving the irony of how the BBC has to tell you that the absence of a traditional nuclear family structure – supposedly something only stuffy old moralist right-wing Christians want – is partly to blame.
This is the liberal failure to see that their lifestyle, contempt for family, contempt for marriage etc is FATAL when it spreads into the lower social structures.
I have read excellent black writers describing the destruction of the Afro-American family.
Maybe it’s just one very randy bloke? With poor eyesight.
Perhaps these errant fathers are actually living with other men in stable homosexual relationships? I’ve seen a lot of men in their early thirties breaking into curtain shops & then arguing over the pattern books.
The “Willful blindness” of journalists
Todays London ES
Twins arrested for alleged looting in Brixton…Horrified: (Mother) Linette Livingstone said her sons do not steal…That is not how I raised them” No mention of father anywhere in 1/3rd of a page
Next :
“Shame of the mother who saw her “bad” daughter looting in Tottenham. Ms Robinson already disowned her daughter…unemployed mother of one… given a flat by Haringey council when she became pregnant aged 17″ No mention of father or husband for either of them.
Poor Thatch Child Sopport Agency tried to “make fathers pay” – gave up pursuing the disappearing afro-carribean fathers – its their culture. Lin Homer highest paid civil servant then in charge of the policy twisted it into chasing (white and responsible) fathers who already pay to get them to pay more.
An awful long list of politicians are responsible for creating our underclass of feral scum.
Is the BBC racist ? This morning on radio 5 in what could only have been a pre-planned interview a “historian” (some type of lefty) was being interviewed after catching a rioter. The BBC interviewer said breathlessly “describe him!” – “he was white” came the reply. You know she would not have asked the question unless she had already known the answer.
I think that was Dan Snow.
The BBC is continuing to describe the looting and arson as “England Riots”. This is a lie because pubs have been firebombed and shops looted in Cardiff.
There are no riots in Newcastle, but I expect the BBC think Newcastle is in Scotland.
One thing that has struck me, looking at comments on here, CiF, DT, DM etc. is since the excrement hit the revolving device on Saturday, is the sudden forthright expression of views; where ‘race’ is actually being discussed.
The other notable thing is that the moderators are allowing a lot of previously ‘unacceptable comments’ to stay up.
Is this the Eureka moment, when 30+ years of muzzling, censoring, screaming racist! is over, and people are no longer scared to say what they think?
This, to me, will be seen as a turning point in the future; And the iconic image? – No, not the picture of a drug dealing gangster who got his comeupance, but the picture of a terrified Polish lady jumping out of a window to the outstretched arms of rescuers with a backdrop of a wall of flames, taken by an amateur called Amy.
Oh dear, the BBC has gotten hold of a youtube video from Manchester and is still spinning its “police brutality” line even after the events of the last few days. Maitliss was interrogating Met Dep about whether this was “appropriate”. It is truly unbelievable.
Another market rate talent has been coaxed from the bunker on ‘The Editors’ to churn out a ‘we got it about right/our staff are professional/it must be true… we say so’ piece of pap.
The main task so far has been to cover the first Ws of good-old fashioned news reporting. The who, what, where and whens of the story.
Except they were a bit shy about the “who” for quite some time and have been spouting all kinds of drivel about “what” exactly has been going on. Just today some dopey Beeboid outside a courthouse was saying how unfortunate it was that people who were merely trespassing with an armful of goods (hadn’t left the shop yet, you see, so no theft) were wrongly nicked for burglary, and that otherwise innocent people would now possible be saddled with a criminal conviction which would affect their careers. Nice twisted priorities there.
This is what our audiences have been turning to us for in droves with some of the highest ever audiences for our website, TV and radio coverage – and record audiences for instance for the Live page coverage.
Once again we see that, in the minds of Beeboids, ratings equals quality journalism and value for the license fee.
And then the woman just lies outright about their insistence on calling them “protests”. They didn’t change to “riots” for a couple days at least. Even that is a controversial term in one sense: if it’s designated a “riot”, the government will have to pay for damages, but if it’s only public disorder or whatever, then it’s up to the insurance and the burden is wholly placed on the victims.
This is where our specialists come in – Nick Robinson, Mark Easton, Clive Coleman, Emma Simpson to name a few – as well as our London and UK-wide correspondents who will continue to report on the events and aftermath.
This is where the BBC Narrative editors come in to tell you what to think, how to interpret the story. Does this inspire confidence in anyone?
Does this inspire confidence in anyone?
No. And one suspects this will soon be a thread littered with ‘referrals’ (especially on a ‘blow-over’ delay basis as perfectly good feedback provokes mass bowel loosening in the lower orders) before an early closing as folk dissect this latest BS missive from Mount Stan and Olympus.
Now that all these new consumers are returning to the shops under Labours late nite shopping licenses, you`d have thought that Labour would join with me in rejoicing that confidence is returning to the consumer market!
Just no pleasing some people of the Left is there?
The BBC cannot verify when this footage was taken, nor the context leading up to the events.
Yet, in the middle of the events they think fit to show it.
‘The BBC cannot verify when this footage was taken, nor the context leading up to the events.’
To the twittosphere Jeeves… a few rounds through the followers and an RT on the Graun… and it’s top of the hour source material!
Oops! I see you were ahead of me.
Note how the BBC carry a warning ‘This video contains disturbing images’. No such warning about the video of the kid with a rucksack getting mugged.
The only people who will find the images disturbing are rioters and their hand wring apologists. I loved it! An excellent exercise in police discretion on how to deal with a riot situation.
Even though the BBC freely admits it can’t vouch for the footage, it airs the clip anyway knowing full well that its broadcast will be used by “outraged” ambulance chasing activist lawyers to restrict the police response to this mass criminality. The vast, vast majority of people will watch that and say “Good job, coppers” but what do the opinions of the vast majority of people matter when the delicate sensibilities of the left-liberal intelligentsia are upset? Back off police, let the thugs get on with it or else.
Ms. Hockaday might have a bit of explaining to do on her blog post…
Especially this bit… ‘The main task so far has been to cover the first Ws of good-old fashioned news reporting. The who, what, where and whens of the story’
Hardly supported by ‘The BBC cannot verify when this footage was taken, nor the context leading up to the events.’ much, if at all.
The BBC is not just professionally inept, it is institutionally complicit in incitement, with hapless harpies at the top either unaware, or with Harperson levels of self-delusion.
Accountability. Now. With heads and no comfy Byfordesque pay-offs or sideways promotions.
Oh joy! I came by this listening to Peter Allen on R5L’s ‘Drive’.
Does your heart good to see some old fashioned community coppering in action 🙂
As far as I’m concerned those officers were acting entirely within the law under the circumstances. They excercised their police discretion on how best to control a riot situation – and exercised it superbly I’d say! 🙂 🙂 🙂
As far as I’m concerned those officers were acting entirely within the law under the circumstances. They excercised their police discretion on how best to control a riot situation – and exercised it superbly I’d say! 🙂 🙂 🙂
This is the true voice of a fellow citizen. Take note BBC (and the liberal apologists and social engineers). The liberal sociological establishment created the problem and are in total denial.
Too bad the BBC is using this as an attack on Boris and not on the policies that led to this. Still waiting for equal time for the cheering crowd in Clapham Junction.
“Too bad the BBC is using this as an attack on Boris and not on the policies that led to this.”
Yes. The headline should be something like – “Angry woman tells Boris strict discipline for kids neeeded”.
Some black families are sending their kids to live with relatives in the Carribbean so that they can be sent to school in a disciplined environment. Those schools have a fraction of the resources yet aspirational British black parents are choosing them over the nearby chaotic child-centred victimhood-endorsing inner city establishments.
Yeah, there’s a story in there ‘somewhere’ I guess. Thought not one the BBC would like to cover, not without first assuring themselves they’d find some interviews willing to have words put in their mouths that they’ve taken their children out of the British school system because of ‘racism’. Really, they have done – the racism of low expectations of black children of the white Marxist left.
Andrew Gilligan was subjected to a nasty physical assault in the London riots, as decribed here.
He then goes on to describe the frightening (and typical) attitudes of the rioters’ middle class supporters, up till now.
He does not mention the BBC-NUJ. But I do.
London riots: ‘Bleeding, I called 999. A tired man told me to go home’
(by Andrew Gilligan)
“…in London, the geography of fear is particularly potent.
Unlike Los Angeles or Paris, the riots are not happening in ghettos where nobody goes. They are happening amid the organic gastropubs and latte bars. Alongside poverty, inner London is full of the sort of middle-class progressives who agree with Ken Livingstone that the rioters ‘feel no one at the top of society, in government or City Hall, cares about them or speaks for them’. ”
****Glorious news from the BBC****
Ed Miliband is the new ‘hero’ of the riots according to Prick Robinson. David Cameron didn’t go on a walkabout of the damaged areas, but Ed the glorious new fuhrer of the Fatherland did.
Well Prick, perhaps Cameron knew that if he did such a ‘stunt’ it would take up valuable Police resources to protect him from the SWP/Nu Liebore vermin that would no doubt try to cause problems for him?
Hey, I saw Ed Miliband in David Grossman’s Newsnight report last night, and Miliband was getting barracked as well. Doesn’t seem to be getting quite the wide distribution as Mayor Johnson (or Nick Clegg) being barracked.
It might of been somewhere else on the BBC, as I’ve looked at the iplayer recording and its not there. Maybe its been cut out of the online recording?
Cameron did visit at least one area, no? And was Red Ed a hero of the “student” riots of a couple months ago as well? He was out there inspiring the masses, as I recall.
Yes I’m surprised Red Ed wasn’t invoking Dr Martin Luther King again or the Suffragettes.
On the BBC1 6pm News Toenails actually stated that Cameron “did not dare” venture out into the community & contrasted that with a nauseating clip of Red Ed’s platitudes delivered from the heart of darkness complete with a carefully selected & posed multi-ethnic backing group
I could have sworn the BBC showed Cameron walking around outside a burned-out building in Stretham or something yesterday. Am I wrong or is Robinson lying?
Yes, he went to Croydon yesterday, meeting people who had been left homeless or had their businesses destroyed (including the Reeves family) and seeing some of the buildings that had been burnt down. He also met people on duty in the police and fire services.
And he visited Gold Command in Lambeth.
Boris also visited Croydon.
Thanks Millie. I thought I saw Cameron shaking hands with firemen, etc. So Robinson told a lie. What sort of political editor is he supposed to be if he can’t get a simple thing like that right? The BBC broadcast the footage, FFS.
‘or is Robinson lying?’
The answer would appear to be… Yes.
Helen, love, time to get CSI White City to re-run the DNA test.
Robinson is such a self-regarding slimeball.
The bBC begins the fightback against the police:
Video shows police beating suspect
Watch how the Police beat up suspected looters.
Now contrast that bBC coverage with the so called rightwing Daily MAil version.
No messing in Manchester: Police caught on camera chasing down gang of rioters
The write up in the daily Mail explains that the Police had been chasing these thugs for over 10 minutes, this is clearly seen in their video clip which shows them being directed towards the gang. However what really takes apart the bbc view of unwarrented police violence is how in the Daily Mail Video a man also with a bike is allowed to continue on his way.
Now I wonder how many idiots will now feel that the Police are carrying out attacks on unsuspecting people just for the sake of it due to selective editing by the bBC and thus cause more riots
Nice one, Pounce. The full video shows a police line at the other end of the street, closing down the toe-rags’ escape route in that direction. The whole dynamic is different to the brief clip shown by BBC online.
And good for the Daily Mail headling that report “No messing in Manchester.” In tune.
We no longer have Katie Boyle to call up France, Italy etc for the Eurovision vote, but the likes of Norton and Vine may yet do!
I honestly think that the BBC is doing its “London Calling” impression to fire up the likes of Newcastle, Leeds and Glasgow or Southampton to join the party and go on the rampage if they dare!
Their coverage seems to be guessing-rather hoping-that Cameron goes down the pan so Red Eds 1/2 can return to clear the streets and give them their partners jobs back at the BBC.
MPs really need to get beneath what is driving the BBC after G20, Plane Stupid, Redcliffe, Tory HQ, Student protests, Union rallies and now this incitement to “go mental and give it large” across the provinces!
If ever there were incitements to do criminal damage safe that the BBC won`t “grass them up”…I`m hearing them now!
For Gods sake Cameron etc-SMASH the BBC-before IT SMASHES YOU!
…”the BBC is doing its “London Calling” impression”….
Hang on a sec CJ, my agent hasn’t mention this to me. The only persons authorised to make impressions of me is my dentist and Madame Tussauds.
I may have to think of changing me moniker.
It’s doing nothing for house prices here
Had in mind St Joseph of Strummer and the Eurovision, but realise that there is only one London Calling worth the mention!
Sorry sir for any misunderstanding!
Peter Allen on R5L Drive giving the Home Secretary Theresa May a hard time. And a good job too. Talk about over-promoted!
She’s a dozy cow promoted into her position on account of owning a set of tits, just like Harman and five bellies Smiff was.
Whatever you might say about Harman, she’s got a brain. Next to no morality, but a brain yes.
would agree with that
she’s like a rabbit caught in the headlights
A lot of praise on BBC for various comminities uniting to protect themselves.
if a lot of white people got together for protection the BBC would call them dangerous vigilanties.
Yes, or racist.
The BBC, racist to its ugly rancid core.
The bBC, how it champions Pakistan while hating India.
Pakistan pilot’s ‘remorse’ for 1965 shooting down
A Pakistani fighter pilot who shot down an Indian civilian aircraft more than four decades ago has written to the family of the dead Indian pilot. In his email, Qais Hussain said he was sorry for the loss of precious lives during the incident and was acting under orders from his superiors.
Remorse from a Pakistani well so you’d think from the bBC headline, well here is that so called remorse as explained further on:
“It’s not a apology, it’s a condolence. I did not do anything wrong. I did what I was ordered to do in the line of duty.
OH that’s ok then, but seeing as this about something whith happened during the 1965 war between the two countries the bBC has to add this:
India says it won the 1965 war after five months of fighting
And here is how the bBC reported on that war in an article about the rise of the Pakistani armed forces:
But the defeat in the 1965 war led to the army’s invincibility being challenged by an increasingly vocal opposition.
Only the bBC can find an apology out of somebody who isn’t apologising and find a victory when actually it was a defeat.
TNational Treasures live. is it just by chance that they have a programme on tonight about how much west Indians have contributed to the country.
A very short programme is it?
Population of Jamaica 2.6m
Number of people of Jamaican origin living in the UK 800,000
Ah yes, that would be London Transport recruitment in the 50’s.
Give it a few years and I have little doubt this anarchic scum will be perceived by the Beeb as urban freedom fighters. There will be cosy chats with Sue McGregor on Radio 4’s The Reunion and a tame copper will be wheeled out to confess to “institutionalised racism”.
By the way has anyone mentioned Enoch Powell?
Mention Enoch Powell – on the BBC – are you kidding!
It’s like Fawlty Towers – ‘Don’t mention the war’.
You’ll only hear it if, like Basil, someone temporarily loses their marbles.
Sends shivers down my……
Sarah Kennedy metioned him once but she got a “talking to” by the BBC Politburo
BBC van destroyed in Salford
What a great sight.
I say this is evidence that the whole thing is in fact a protest against the regressive tax which is the license fee. The poor have to steal TVs in order to avoid it.
Picture looks familiar.
Was it hit by an Israeli rocket ? 😉
Looks like one of those “Good start” jokes.