I listened in to the Today programme today and, as usual, it lived down to expectations. We had the uberliberal Church of England prelate Richard Chartres on to tell us about the “minority without hope“. Presumably their lack of access to Iphones and Plasma TV forces their hand into looting. Then we had Mark Easton philosophising here, note the references to “cuts”. Next up; Nick Clegg. Again the line that BBC pursues is the awful “Cuts” and a reference or two to Thatcher. In the BBC lexicon, Thatcher stands for greed. By contrast, Labour stands for “social inclusivity.” Naughtie was daring Clegg to agree with Cameron that there is a sickness in our society knowing the Clegg’s liberalism prevents him from doing so. Hugh Orde’s comments were then wheeled out to imply that it is impossible to implement any cuts in the bloated ranks of UK Policing. (Axing all public funds to ACPO would be a good start to save money) It is perfectly obvious that the BBC has reverted to type, accepts the “lack of yoof club provision” analysis of the likes of Chartres, and is now doing what it does best – undermining the Government.
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Have to take issue with you, David. Up until last year the BBC rarely undermined the government.
Meant to say “Conservative Government” 🙂
The bbc has admitted that it is being burried by calls for tough action . The silent majority is restless. As usual the BBC responds by ramping up it’s left wing propaganda / disinformation in order to subdue the right wing uprising. It’s worked before so will it work again ..…?
Same as it ever was. The response of the self-righteous left, when faced with opinions they don’t want to acknowledge, is not to listen but to talk loudly over the top and drown out. Anyone who’s ever had the misfortune to witness Polly Toynbee in a discussion will already be familiar with this approach. Their political views are like a religion to them – dissent is heresy.
Didn`t hear Chartres-but did hear Mr Hudson giving the new maid Clegg a dressing down below stairs…pathetic!
Time to send the Fat man home-the Operas over Jimmy boy!
If there IS a “minority without hope”-I wonder what book Williams and Chartres have been “preaching” on these last forty years or so?
My Bible says quite a lot about hope-Jesus, Paul and (don`t tell the BBC) those Israel types who gave us the Old Testament at some cost to themselves.
No surprise then that the BBC, the PLO and their bastard offshoots have Chartres, Williams tied up in knotweed-and no surprise we`ve heard nothing from the churches apart from maybe using them to hold criminals-and keep schools open-and keep kids going to them for ever and a day!…the poor lambs HATE adult freedom and need their shirts tucked in to stop them stealing them from the rest of us!
Still-Chartres at least braved the pilgrimage from Lambeth Palace across the river and to Bush House…bravery indeed!
Guess a few Turks and Sikhs on the Interfaith panel told him he`d be safe to do so-he`d certainly take no advice from the white trash of Enfield though!
Me-I await the wisdom of Jonathan Sacks if and when Thought For the Day dare to ask him about it all…they always hate what he says, and so he is right as ever!
Until then-I recommend the IDF curriculum for us all. The schools will soon be giving us only two modules for ther lifelong learning fodder now going through the courts.
Islamophobic Studies in the morning…five a day sessions!
Homophobic Sciences in the afternoon.
This is the balanced curriculum that the BBC are wanting for us all now…Cameron is thick enough to give it too!
It’s noticeable that the BBC only pays attention the the Church Of England when it might prove useful to their agenda.
As ever, David, a quality post on a quality site.
‘In the BBC lexicon, Thatcher stands for greed. By contrast, Labour stands for “social inclusivity.”
Couldn’t have put it better meself.
Vis-a-vis ‘yoof club provision’ – let an old man reminisce … bottle of coke, bag of ready salted, a 20 year old ping pong table and, as an occasional special treat, a game of carpet bowls, no wonder we never rioted when we was ten.
Sorry – to topic – last night I visited New River Sports Centre which is on WHITE HART LANE, HARRIET, yes the same White Hart Lane that runs through Tottenham, and had the entire running track, in-field, and stadium to myself. Personne, nadie, nemo, no-one.
Kids of today, you see, nothing to do.
If Red Colin Patterson Radio 5 Listeners’ entertainment reporter and oxygen thief (my NWE – New Worst Enemy) cares to visit there next wednesday I guarantee that between me and my cattle prod we’ll get a personal best 1500 metre time out of him.
This old man still reminiscing – two things stand out in my mind about these youth club coke bottles
1. Absolutely beautiful design classics.
2. Contained ****-all coca-cola.
my asterisks 🙂 – must keep decorum
We’re right back to Saul Alinsky again – the war is everything. Whilst those of us on the other side of the debate are still trying to fathom this or pick up the pieces there remains an element who need this to push the battle onwards.
Milliband not sure what to do and trying to play the statesman surrounded by Balls, Harman and others for whom a battle on this is too mouth watering to pass up. They are not interested in an outcome and have no desire to reach a solution. To do so would stabilise things and they need to keep the ship rocking so that they can continue to do battle. In their heads they are still in Doc Martens, donkey jackets and crappy little berets with a 99p red star in the middle.
To them the battle is everything and must be continued at all costs aided and abetted by enablers within the state broadcaster.
Wow-we`re getting some good writing these days.
Ah New River…Bupendra…happy days getting threatened by the blacker element of my football team if I took the school cup back there after we`d won it!
Eventually got the ball back though-from the brother of one of those involved in the Blakelock case a few years hence.
Some of the best kids I`ve ever met there-all colours-but true evil walked tose old corridors before they bulldozed it in the cause of inclusion.
Such are the lads who “fathered” the kids out and about Lordship Lane the other evening!
Darcus may have recognised the occasional one…
I think we should expect the same ultimate response from the BBC, Guardian and the class they represent as we received, for example, on MP’s expenses and Climategate. In other words, within a week or so, it’ll be “business as usual”. After all the MP’s keep on troughing (unremarked by the BBC) and any evidence that CAGW is tripe is kept off the BBC’s sacred airwaves. The narrative is solidly in place: looting and related English criminality is deplorable BUT it’s a legitimate response to dysfunctional families, education failure and collecting benefits as a career choice. In the narrative, these events are completely unrelated to the liberal nostrums peddled since 1945 (actually since 1900 although they only got purchase post WW2). The conversation between two liberals – Cleggie and Naughtie – was a microcosm of the wider struggle at the BBC (and points left) to paper over the failure of UK social “policy” since the war. They (and Easton) couldn’t fall over themselves fast enough to imply the parallel of “looting” by the bankers (ie it’s inherent in “capitalist” societies and, presumably, absent elsewhere) and looting in the streets by the crims. Nice and sooooo impartial.
While I’m on, the Governor of the Bank of England (one of the notorious 364 anti-Thatcher economists who got it entirely wrong in the early 80s but, as usual, crap analysis – from the left – does not disqualify you from well-paid academic and other taxpayer-funded employment) was given the usual soft ride by Hugh Pym. One question which could have been asked is why debasement of the currency and super-low interest rates are such a good idea: if those worked we’d be well on the way to “recovery” right now. Oh no, I forgot, the non-existent “cuts” (always dragged up by the BBC ignorati but not, I think, mentioned specifically during this conversation) must be to blame. According to King “SMEs are going to suffer”. What he neglected to add is that his policy will ensure that the suffering of SMEs (and the rest of the saving, privately employed and tax paying classes) will last far longer than necessary.
Cameronomics Exam
Inflation 5%, interest rates ½% , Govenment continues to print money and borrow money to pay its bills, to give it away to rich people in poor coutries, and to bail out Eurozone countries. Mervyn King is an economic genius, discuss.
Do not attempt to write on both sides of the paper at the same time.
Can I at least talk out of both sides of my mouth? It’s the only way to square this.
Just thinking on “We are the Angry Mob” by the Kaiser Chiefs…one of Shamis on Desert Isalnd Discs you know!
I see the angry mob as fatuous Guardian readers, bloggers and hacks-in Keystone array with their suicide pact luvvies at the BBC-all screaming and yelling at the toffs in their old rollers and Priuses-where`s your plan B mate…will somebody please think of the children(not in a Gary Glitter way though!)…and what about the cuts.
THEY are the angry mob…luckily they are only poisonous if touched or entertained/indulged/listened to or read in any maedium.
If you don`t go near them-real life goes on and they are impotent and ineffectual…currently crawling into the wheelie bin of history as we speak!
Think the lads of Lambeth need to know where they`re hiding these days don`t we boys and girls?…a little” wealth distribution” could only ensure their turn in the queue to interview St Joseph of Strummer one day
The wheelie bin of history – priceless!
I have noticed the complete silence from the Arch Druid. Perhaps his increasingly convoluted sentences have finally rendered him incoherent.
No loss to us .
What is odd is the media ( inc the so called right wing media) praising of Turkish, Sikh ,Muslim vigilantes.
But condemnation for any white vigilantes. Praise of course for the subservient sweeper uppers but nothing but vituperation for whites who stand up for themselves.
Who do the establishment really fear? Not the feral scum of all colours it seems but those who really threaten their hegemony.
Sikhs are never going to do that but the English majority just might so lets keep them in their place just like we, their betters, have always tried to do down the centuries.
Doesn’t a;ways work though so I guess they are getting a bit worried.
Nail on the head, dave s. Outside the BBC/Guardian bubble, a very large percentage of the country (still mainly white) is incandescent with rage as they see their country being trashed. They are the people who have seen right through the vacuous ponzi scheme that is cultural Marxism. They are the ones who knew it would end in tears, blood, corpses & ash. The Frankfurt School never takes holidays. For 40 years, its pupils, especially New Labour, have implemented every prescribed policy that would speed the destruction of the nation state. And now, here we are. How they must despise the silent majority. The danger for these wicked ideologues is that hatred is a two way emotion. They are regarded with such contempt, such rage, by so many Britons who feel as if their country has been wilfully destroyed, that they should be winging their way back to Tuscany; & staying there. On another site, a commenter referred to the ‘Toynbee generation’. This deranged Fabian fool encapsulates the grandees of social engineering. They are never part of the experiment. Since Sunday morning I have spoken to hundreds of people, local & countrywide, & eyes have opened. I think the Barnes Broadcasting Collective is beginning to understand, & fear this awakening. They should be.
I don’t remember seeing Sikhs grouping together outside pubs, getting pissed and attacking buses…
I would like to kmow when these bus attacks happened and where?
On yesterday’s C4 News
I noticed that too, Dave. The Druid has shown his predictable lack of leadership.
The lord high useful fool’s strategy is generally to lie low until the chatter has died down and then pop up and impart his sage wisdom / claptrap and then get offside.
That way he leads the agenda rather than risking being exposed as a useless deluded twat in the cut and thrust of debates.
Preists are trianed to deliver sermons!
If only they stuck to the religious stuff rather than using the pulpit to broadcast their political views.
The BBC prides itself on being a propaganda outfit for the Labour Party “When we get back into power” as James McNaughty so helpfully put it. A slip of the tongue he explains, as if he thinks we did not notice what he says when his tongue is firmly in place.
In a conflict between small businesses and thieves the BBC are on the side of the thieves. Their enemy are Sun readers (the working class) and Daily Mail readers (the bourgeoisie) who work for a living.
Its endless apologetics for the public sector (while you are forced to pay for their private health insurance and their children going to private schools) is simply apologetics for themselves. That is all their tin drum banging about social justice amounts to in the end. They make whores look principled in comparison.
BBC still trying to push their agenda. Evan “Gollem” Davis throughaway line “People confuse that to understand is to somehow condone” Well what I understand is that every 30+ leftie thinks its the governents fault, the cuts, the evil tories blah blah blah. Quite on form these liberal twats continue to ignore the young. Every young person interviewed says exactly the same thing more or less “they did it cos they could and they thought nothing woudl happen to them” Should we look for other understanding. Well since you come to mention it my understanding is that certainly in Tottenham after Broadwater Farm millions have been spent on outreach programs, parole officers, community workers, urban regeneration, youth clubs. A whole “deprived community” industry has grown up forcing its help on the community. The only job a former offender can get is to try and help the latest set of offenders … and so it goes on because the last thing anyone really wants is to solve the problem because they would all be out of a job. Of course we couldn’t stop all this .. could we ! it would be much worse! How exactly much worse would it be? Welfare isn’t working.
Milliaaband just used the same line “to seek to explain is not to seek to excuse” – obviously the same script-writer
“To seek to explain is not to seek to excuse”
Except of course when the search for an explanation is the search for an excuse.
Seeking to pursue a self-serving political agenda would be a more accurate description of the Labour/BBC narrative.
To condemn outright might cause a few problems for Labour/BBC. They might have to address honestly that awkward ‘minorities’ issue. So to explain(excuse) is easier as it enables a victim narative to be applied to that awkward question.
Wise man Billy!
Just heard the self same soundbite from Miliband just as I was reading your qoute from Davis!
Is there some coordination between editors ans SPADS…or do they just use the same bathrooms and listen in to each other,whilst trading talcum/cocaine in these heady days?
In reference to Mark Easton’s report, I may be mistaken, and please correct me if I’m wrong, but I heard no mention of ‘cuts’. I did hear mention of ‘a menacing underclass’, ‘a new generation of disturbed and aggressive young people’, ‘ fecklessness and criminality’, and a lack of ‘discipline in schools’. These words alone, and out of context, tell you very little about the report though, and nothing about a bias in the report. Nor does the mention of the word ‘cuts’ tell you either. Maybe you could make the effort to explain what your objection was to his report when you’re providing it as an example of what you feel is BBC bias. Funny how the BBC is biased against everything you’re for, and vice versa. I’m sure there’s a pattern here somewhere.
My! a sudden upsurge in pros on here must be the big up we got on faceache!!
It’s true Easton didn’t use the word “cuts”. Instead he said that Cameron would be unable to solve the problem of this disaffected underclass because he had “wound up” Blair’s “Social Exclusion” task force (essentially the same thing as ‘cut’, but let’s split hairs and keep with strict accuracy, so it doesn’t count), and there was no money left to do anything else. And then he said that Cameron’s plans amounted to “carrots and sticks supplied by others”. This is editorializing, making a judgment about it. I assume by “others” he means “not the government”, which is, of course, anathema to him and the BBC. One assumes that Blair’s task force was much more brilliant than mere incentives and deterrents (a less denigrating way of saying carrots and sticks). He trashed Cameron and the Tories pretty well here.
He also said that the economic “laissez-faire” attitude of the Right shard blame with the Left in preventing this underclass from joining society. 15 months of a Conservative-led Coalition is equally responsible as 13 years of Labour, apparently.
But I admit that David Vance is a very naughty boy for using the word “cuts” when Easton didn’t, and he should be more careful. Not sure how that proves Easton wasn’t heavily biased here, but I suppose that’s not the point.
“Funny how the BBC is biased against everything you’re for, and vice versa. I’m sure there’s a pattern here somewhere.”
Is that the best the defenders of the BBC can do? Pathetic.
And it’s too much for the critics citing examples to actually substantiate it?
Or just make shit up?
Also, I don’t think I’ve defended the BBC in this post. I’ve merely pointed out the error of David Vance’s ways.
Well can you show us where you also pick at the BBC for it’s made up shit as we other makers up of shit would like to see your impartiality in action !
Barrenga, I think you might want to listen to the Easton report again.
Your quotes of “a menacing underclass”, etc were Iain Duncan Smith being quoted as a sneery aside at the clearly implied knee-jerk new language of the evil Tory-led coalition – a headline writer’s shorthand indeed.
Indeed, even as he quotes IDS, he cannot help but do it with mock gravity, just to hammer home how “ridiculous” his crackpot notions must be.
Easton goes on to imagine that the heinous word “underclass” had been expunged from the modern lexicon in the shiny milk and honey new world of the Labour years, but now it’s back (shriek, horror!) with all of it’s connotations.
Then we get how St Tone immediately stooped to help the poor downtrodden masses the very nanosecond he took his place as our dear leader in ’97.
Standard MkI non-actual-world biased bullshit.
“In reference to Mark Easton’s report, I may be mistaken, and please correct me if I’m wrong, but I heard no mention of ‘cuts’.”
If you heard no mention of cuts this is simply a confession of your inability to understand what Mark Easton was talking about – a failure on his part or yours?
His argument was that the money to address the problem of “Margaret Thatcher’s underclass” [caused by economic liberalism you understand] was redirected by Whitehall elsewhere, but with no money how can the problem be solved?
In other words it was the usual Leftist crap that more government (and higher taxation) is the answer.
The “lack of opportunity to participate in a consumer society” he talks about is simply people not having as much money as they would like. The solution to this is getting a job and not expecting other people to pay your bills because you feel entitled to luxury products.
The solution to “poverty” is not higher taxes and more Guardian readers like Mark Easton on the pay roll, it is a wealth generating economy that rewards discipline and hard work instead of redistributing wealth (via the State) to parasites like Mark Easton.
Ignore Naughtie, he outed hiself as a Labour stooge yonks ago. Incidentally, why does he always sound as if he is talking with his mouth full?
ROBERT BROWN; Naughtie always sounded clear and true when Labour held power. Now the Tories are in, his mouth is full of bile, that might explain it.
This is a golden age of Biased BBC reportage…I never laughed so many..as my Irish auntie says!
Just finishing listening to Winnie Robinsons “You and Yours” this lunchtime-for Gods sake, get Brigstocke off the Nitrous oxide…he`ll NEVER be funny…but Winnie?…that`ll go up on a northern clubland poster while we have one standing!
1. Mental Health budgets-apparently she wants our mental casualties of Toricutz to get healthcare budgets to buy pets…Rottweillers maybe…and the follow up dog food allowances to come out of NHS budgets.
The hapless quack she ambushed-she kept calling him Meldrew, not Meldrum!
2. She has been up in Manchester long enough to know that Rossendale Borough Council isn`t too far away-in Lancashire-but she thought it Yorkshire…that`s what the script said though>
3. Only our Winnie would give us a sob story-this week of all weeks-when Nintendo were hauled before her espadrilles for selling Nintendo thingies they sold in March at “the top of the market”..and will those that bought them back then be getting compensation, now the Nintendo Nasties have reduced their prices now?
Rather think the market is now a sellers one after the Lambeth Liberation Posse have swept the glass shards from their newly acquired assets!
Winnie for the 6.30 spot please!
Like the Cleggy moniker above too…indeed this is far from the “Last of the Summer Whine” I`d say…can I book Winnies support slot?(ooh er Missus…shutcha faces!)
Off the BBC-NUJ political radar:
“Britain’s liberal intelligentsia has smashed virtually every social value”
(by Melanie Phillips)
“The social and moral breakdown behind the riots was deliberately willed upon Britain by Left-wing politicians and other middle-class ideologues who wrap their utter contempt for the poor in the mantle of ‘progressive’ non-judgmentalism.
“These are the people who — against the evidence of a mountain of empirical research — hurl execrations at anyone who suggests that lone parenthood is, in general, a catastrophe for children (and a disaster for women); who promote drug liberalisation, oppose selective education (while paying for private tutors for their own children) and call those who oppose unlimited immigration and multiculturalism ‘racists’. “
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2024690/UK-riots-2011-Britains-liberal-intelligentsia-smashed-virtually-social-value.html#ixzz1UimlSw4N
ROBERT BROWN; Yes, read this article, superb Phillips fare as usual. I also caught a piece on Guido’s site, a remarkable and scorching analysis in ‘The Commentator’. Written by Charles Crawford, it is called ‘the disastrous death of common sense’. It was published on the 10th august. Worth a read, the BBC are lumped in with what he describes as the ‘sneering classes’. Priceless.
I’d be quite happy for the BBC to broadcast editorials on the line of (most) TV stations in the US which do exactly that. Accordingly, you know where the owners/operators of the station are coming from and can assess their news coverage etc on that basis. What is sickening is the editorialising (a la Easton, Flanders, Peston etc) masquerading as disinterested analysis.
The BBC can broadcast anything they like the day I get the choice whether to pay for it.
The BBC advance criticisms of the Right from the Left [In other words they articulate the sort of criticisms that might be formulated by Guardian readers] and then they attack the Labour Party from the Left [In other words they articulate the sort of criticisms that might be formulated by Guardian readers] and on the basis that they have attacked both sides equally they conclude that they are even handed.
All they have in fact demonstrated is their inability (or should I say refusal) to comprehend the world in any other terms other than those which are acceptable to a Guardian reader. The fact that they are Guardian readers themselves is of course entirely coincidental.
If people want to read the Guardian newspaper (if for example they are a sour Leftist middle class public sector worker who enjoys reading articles about tofu cheesecake, Tuscan farmhouses, and how important it is to for taxpayers to fund generous public sector pensions) feel free. What you do with your life in your own time and with your own money (if that is the right phrase) is your affair.
It not clear to me however why people who think that Guardian readers are rancid sanctimonious narcissists, whose beliefs amount to little more than parasitism, should be forced to pay for radio/television equivalent of a Guardian newspaper being shoved up their letterbox 24/7. If they like having it shoved up their letterbox they should pay for it themselves, like everybody else.
Except of course, the BBC regard themselves as the voice of the nation. As such, they speak for us all. It’s because of the unique way they’re funded. It’s wonderfully self-justifying, isn’t it.
Thanks for the comments.
I’ll give the report another listen later when I get the chance and consider your criticisms of it. Whether or not I agree with you at least you made some, and they’re interesting.
When I read ‘note the references to “cuts”,’ I expected to hear “references” to “cuts”. And as a criticism on its own that’s fairly weak. My criticism is of the author.
“Councils give police their film footage – so should the BBC”
Cllr Brian Silvester, a Conserative councillor in Cheshire East, is calling on the BBC to hand over unbroadcast footage of the recent riots to the Police if it can be used to identify the culprits responsible for the looting and destruction and lead to their prosecution. On the Media Show on Radio 4 the BBC’s Head of News Gathering, Fran Unsworth (about 17.30 minutes in), that if the Police wanted the footage the Police would have to apply for a court order to get it.
She said:
‘No. We don’t do that without a court order. It is a matter of principle for us.’
She added that she didn’t want to ‘compromise our standards’. She said if the police ‘come up with a court order we will probably hand them over.’
How are the police to know what unbroadcast footage exists and therefore apply to the court for? Why do the BBC feel entitled to impose this cost and delay? Say what your like about Rupert Murdoch but at least Sky News are clear whose side they are on.”
Heard that George along with the use of “protester” and “demonstrator” – twats!!!. Also, the bit about the cameraman in the helicopter wondering if his filming was causing the riot crowd to get bigger. Cameron talking about action against people using the internet for social ill, he’s talking about Blackberry, etc but the easiest way for a looter to find out where the latest action is, is to turn on the BBC, BBC Internet has a live “Riot-Watch” directing Da Yoof to the latest hotspot.
‘She added that she didn’t want to ‘compromise our standards’.
Darling, that boat has long sailed.
Maybe she meant they didn’t want to get confused by having any more of them?
Witness another dopey bint with a daft title’s witterings:
If the Beeb dont give the police the film then fine them and give the editors 3 years in jail for aiding the looters.
So court orders will only be considered by the BBC.That is the implication of the use of “probably” Certainly is the correct word unless the BBC considers itself above the law.
They are idiots.
Reporting or fanning the flames? Judge for yourself from this grab during a recent “protest that ended in conflict” (Darcus Howe TM]
Count the rioter then count the photographers.
The freelancers – there is even an East End Collective of Photographers who specialise in disorder and unrest, always in the thick of it. Perhaps the “Feds” (seems the in-word today) would be interested in seeing their footage rather than blurred CCTV?
DAILY MAIL COMMENT:” A broken society that needs a strong leader”
“The fact is that — whatever excuses are offered for this mob rule by the BBC and other apologists on the Left — the riots are not about poverty or race: they are the inevitable product of decades in which misguided liberal values ruled, causing untold damage to the fabric of society.
“Appalling behaviour, in and out of school, has gone unchallenged for fear of teachers and police seeming to be judgmental.
“Mass immigration — imposed on Britain without any debate — has stretched schools and other social structures to breaking point and saturated the jobs market with foreign workers.
“The Left’s doctrine of multiculturalism, where ethnic groups are encouraged to disavow British culture, has undermined the nation’s shared values.
“Soft law and order policies, a shortage of prison places and the insidious rise of human rights law have convinced the feckless that they can steal and rob with impunity. Teenage criminals, as we reported yesterday, are rewarded with taxpayer-funded trips to Alton Towers.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2024697/UK-RIOTS-2011-A-broken-society-needs-strong-leader.html#ixzz1UjDuUzMd
Peston waffling on the News Channel right now. He has no idea what is going to work or what won’t, as he’s a wonk and not a creative planner. He can explain what may or may not work, but he doesn’t know what will actually fix the deficit. All he does is babble about…..it….may….or…maynot….happen, etc.
He knows he has to try and say that Osborne’s current scheme is going to stop and possibly reverse growth, but doesn’t have any proof. It’s just speculation from him, and his track record is poor as he has no insider knowledge on it. He tried then to suggest that Osborne will eventually be forced to accept more borrowing in order to spur growth, thus successfully getting out the Keynesian Narrative despite the reality that real-term spending is more or less increasing under Osborne’s so-called swingeing cuts. That aren’t.
Peston is bad news.
Especially as big spending Obama’s plan has failed in the USA.
According to the BBC, it was working brilliantly, and only the nasty Tea Party messed it up for everyone.
Jane Hill continuing to push the Narrative that cuts to police services caused the riots and are “unsustainable”. Now she’s telling it to Erick Pickles, and he’s not buying either.
Hill seems well versed in union jargon and talking points. Well done, BBC producers.
Hill told Pickles that the police bosses are saying they “can’t cope” with another round of riots like this. It wouldn’t occur to her that if the police were allowed to use proper force and sentencing rules were changed so that the rioters weren’t all let off to do it again, then maybe they could cope after all. No, it’s one song only at the BBC: no cuts, ever.
Yvette Cooper was on Radio 5 this morning, just after Nick Clegg, the total difference in the way sober Sopel questioned her and Clegg is blatent.
You can hear Clegg at 1 hour 55 in and Cooper at 2:05
Sopel gives Cooper soft under arm deliveries to bat away like “do you think it’s right to cut the Police?” instead of “why didn’t the Met police have enough officers after 13 years of your Government and just how would you cut the deficit if you didn’t cut the Police”
Or perhaps “so you think we need 16,000 Police on the streets of London, where would you get the money from to pay for it.
But no it was a classic lovely interview from a leftie loving beeboid.
It occurs to me that Beeboids and their like can never reverse their opinion on the (non-existant) “cuts”.
They’ve simply immersed themselves in the whole cuts = evil/mad/economic meltdown argument, and any backtracking or deviation from the script will show them up to be the utterly biased loons they so evidently are.
The excellent Anna Racoon has a biopic on one of the looters of Currys, where you really do require the skills of a double-jointed contortionist to fit it into the “Cuts” narrative. Or indeed Camerons broken society narrative.
How hard is it to understand? Its the desire for “something for nothing” that unites the deprived looter with the toff looter. In neither case is their background the exlanatory variable.
We now have a BBC video of a “teaching assistant” (sounds very right-on SWP) challenging Cameron and family to live in Peckham on benefits for week. More “ventriloquism masquerading as news” from the BBC
The girl in question sounds like a typical middle class Socialist Worker Party type.
Never mind 5 years will give her a chance to hone her manifesto .
It’s the desire for “something for nothing”.
Absolutely right, London Calling! It’s the main driving factor in play in all of this. Looter-greed enabled by an entitlement mentality and mob violence, pure and simple. Anything else is just BS and excuses.
Yeah, she works at Feral high, probably a teaching assistant in ‘how to get fings for nuffink !!
Not much more need be said to this fine array of opinion all over this sprightly website. The riots seem to have gotr the wit going and the creative juices of truth flowing…with thanks to Jonathan Aitken for that one!
All I`d add is that Benny Hills marvellous “Ernie” single had a B side which urges us all to “put our fingers in our ears and go “ting a ling a loo”.
I`m thinking that the Toricutz/PlanB agenda of the Beeb/Guardian is just a security blanket to prevent them thinking…growing up…having to actually WRITE or SAY something that actually isn`t reheated Marxist musings a la Darcus.
In sheer denial…yet shouting “bringing in the sheaves” over any other view than theirs!
Next week WE`LL all be accused of global warming denial as ever though…never ending loopies on continual playback!
Thanks for the reference to “ting a ling a loo” – I’d forgotten that gem. Also partial to “bringing in the sheaves” as it happens!
I think I understand it now. Rich bankers steal because of greed. Poor people steal because they feel they must, and we need to understand why. Personal responsibility is flexible.
just been trying to log into the e-petition website. I failed and couldn’t sign up for one set of cuts that is evidently very popular indeed. The cut to rioters benefits. The site is crashing because at last count there were 977,451 supporters (that’s what it said) All BBBC readers should sign up if you believe in some action, but wait a few hours or so. Will BBC Question time reflect on this silent majority? I see it is to be (entirely predictably) packed with leftitsts and only Fraser Nelson as victim so my guess is no reflection on the national mood. No sign of saint Polly. Perhaps she was injured on the barricades defending th
that nice corner shop that specialises in Tuscan Olive Oil from tooled up yardies or manc. scrotes
QT Prediction: – to follow 9/11 model – YOU are to blame B-BBC reader:
Pro hoodist audience packed with teachers outreach workers and piblic sectoids
Pre vetter pro hoodism questions
Outrage at police brutality
OBSESSION with cuts. a Minimum of 3/4 of the show will be on the reverse cuts narritive
BBC position at end of day – Hoodoids to be given more of my money, ACPO to have a greater isshoos training arm… Daily Mail scum to be ‘given a damned good thrashing’ by client hoodoids to cure them of their antipathy towards the bright future of modern britain
tried again now reading 99,541. Clearly some problems with the site
Debate about the riots on Radio Two at lunch time. The only mention of Race that got past the BBC censors was a complaint from a Scot saying the British inner city riots should be called the English inner city riots. The BBC usually goes to Newcastle if there is a negative story about the inner cities they cant avoid. Newcastle has the largest most predominantly white inner city left in England. They cannot do that this time but I think that even the foreign media does realise that the English inner city riots are in the least indigenous British areas of Britain as where the riots of France in the least indigenous European areas of Europe.
I wish someone would stick a burning rioter up Naughtie’s fat stinking arse !!
He’d enjoy that greatly.
Has anyone noticed when the government make a speech the headlines on R5 are for Labour.?
George Osborne makes a speech on the economy R5 headline is
“Ed Balls accuses the Government of being in denial”
Nick Robinson chose to highlight a few Labour MPs whining about less police on the streets, and demanding a promise from Cameron about having more police on the streets – there weren’t enough in Salford, oh my! And then he said that there was also a problem of too many police being told to stand aside. Even Hazel Blears said as much, and that there was a lack of training, lack of equipment.
Well, that’s got nothing to do with cuts that haven’t taken effect yet or changes in pension contributions. These statements and everything reported yesterday point to a failure in police leadership and policy from the top. This has nothing to do with cuts or changes in pension contributions and everything to do with the political culture in police management.
If leadership didn’t send people to the right place, and made poor decisions, that’s nothing to do with cuts or changes in pension contributions. It’s not just Cameron’s side of the story that it was a leadership policy failure: it’s what the police themselves have said.
Yet Robinson still played it as the Tories wanted to cut police numbers and Labour doesn’t. He was a bit dishonest in his reporting.
Personally I’m getting fed up with the whining of the Police and the media sucking up to them. The Police were piss poor over the last four days. Being in the Police should be dangerous as is being a member of any uniformed service. Our soldiers are out numbered and out gunned and shot down on a daily basis, but they don’t go crying to the cameras, our army was betrayed by Gordon Brown and Tony Blair but the BBC haven’t said a word about it.
The RNLI crews go out in the the most dangerous conditions and don’t run from possible death, what makes the police think they are special.
You just wouldn’t get this off the French Police for example.
Anywhere that NuLabor put its pastel stools in position of “care”-never responsibility mind!-we have a slurry of aromatherapy oils, limewash and the grease from Keith Vaz` neck.
The police are only the teachers, care workers, nurses, doctors only with victim impact statement forms instead of body armour.
THe useless Marxist scum that oozed all over Britain and its public service provision have created a septic tank of a nation wherever they pulled strings or placed their pals and partners.
Thankfully we HAVE the RNLI, the Hospices and Funeral Directors as good as they ever were-all family owned, run by people who saw a need and wouldn`t let Blunkett and Co near them.
If we ever let Labor back-we`ll lose even these little outposts of decency…the State HATES care, competence and concerned independent types-look how evil and incompetent THEIR ghastly “services” look in comparison!
I watched “Torchwood” tonight and its attacks on private healthcare was so crude it would make a Marxist blush. Written by somebody you just KNOW uses private healthcare.
A bit like Diane Abbot attacking private education (how dare people do such a thing!) and then once she has a child herself educating him (because she believes in education) at a public school.
It’s absolutely amazing how twisted the BBC really is.
On analysis this current situation was on the cards 18 months ago. It is the culmination of 13 years of Labour misrule.
The analysis focuses on what the present govt has done but fails to pinpoint the real causes which lie at Labour’s door.
The situation is caused by Labour failing to ensure proper banking regulation; rewarding incompetent bank CEO’s with knighthoods and then allowing them to be rewarded with massive pensions for their failure.
Allowing MP’s to rape the expense system.
Allowing uncontrolled immigration to support low wages. Failure to recognise the impact of EU migration into the UK from poor Eastern Europe.
Failure to ensure children receive a decent education that equips them for the workplace.
Failure to recognise that the drive of celebrity culture was having an adverse affect on the aspirations of youth. This is where the BBC could have had a much greater influence on young people.
Labour have allowed and been party to corruption, theft and misguided social policy that has left this country financially and morally corrupt. This is the real cause of the current problems.
David & co better get a handle on this quickly because the effects are ugly.
What is truly nauseating is the BBC lining up all the usual ethnic minority stooges (mostly Labour) to justify the consequences of the this misrule.