Well, we have reached Friday and it’s been another rollicking week here on Biased BBC with more and more people visiting us and more and more comments appearing! Last night, we had our busiest EVER Question Time liveblog, with up to 300 people on-line at any given moment. A big thank you to all you folks who came along and as ever my sincere appreciation to David Mosque and All Seeing Eye for their fortitude. Thanks to everyone for your continued support and I declare this Open Thread open for business….!
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See Prescott last night on QT trying to multi-task? trying to tweet and keep his mind on the debate: Failed of course! fiddling with his phone all thro’ the prog.
This is a lord, the former deputy PM. What kind of message does it send the world, never mind the Uk when a so called elder statement expresses such bad manners not only in public, but infront of millions. there’s a time and place for everything .
The one really distracting thing about lardy minus his use of a language that has never been used by any rational being science has yet discovered ! is when he is on the TV I get this overwhelming desire to send £1 for a jet wash in so the git can clean himself up a bit and 50p for a tie to gag the cretin!!
‘What kind of message does it send the world’
To: BBC QT production
Message: Way out of my depth, even with this rigged panel, topic and audience. Tell Dimblbee i need a softball now or I’m letting loose a studio clearer
That’s from a ‘source close to the BBC’, so I can nor verify it for authenticity, but hey… anything goes now!
‘See Prescott last night on QT trying to multi-task?’
He’s not even good doing ONE thing at a time. Especially talking.
The outrage that dare not speak its name….
… the acknowledged leader of a gang is shot dead by the police and ALL the postcode drug gangs in the Lee Valley declare war on society.
What else can explain the geographical extent of the initial mayhem – the speed, the focus and the methodology?
Looting was just a natural follow-on.
Only Cameron has addressed the issue.
Spot on, John. The Left may wish to slip evil behaviour into a political dress patterned with ‘deprivation’ & ‘alienation’, but Tottenham was retaliation by hardcore gangsters for ‘the feds’ capping a gangleader. How dare you interfere in our criminal enterprises; we run the manors. There were a lot of older villains behind this ‘show of strength’. A neighbour tells me of a very quiet early hours meeting he saw in our street between a group of black men in cars; they weren’t teenyboppers. As you say. the opportunist looters just capitalised on the general mayhem. Now the coppers need to go after the entrenched drug gangs, for all our sakes. Especially those children who think these vermin are ‘cool’ role models.
Of course you are 100% right. Jarwill.
These crims unleashed their foot soldiers from ManDem to ‘eat’. The ensueing mayhem attracted idiots, low lifes and morally weak individuals took advantage to loot. Other gangs especially in West London were caught napping. The social media show an enormous traffic in Jamaican Patois exhorting the other gangs to get stuck in accusing them of being ‘pussies’.
RGH. Darkarse Howe looks as if he’s still napping. Should he feel the urge to boot in a window his beeboid flunkies would have to winch him into position with a block & tackle. Not a pretty sight.
BBC-NUJ report:
“England riots: Who are the rioters?”
Don’t mention ethnicity of rioters.
Yes the ethnicity isn’t mentioned here. Say’s a lot really. Maybe thats why they don’t call them English riots
‘England Riots’ is a quick BBC response to those leftie Scots, Welsh and Ulstermen who would no doubt be ‘up in arms’ should they be tarred with the outcome of our British welfare multiculturalism for which they have voted these last many years.
The profile of the ‘rioters’ is another bit of BBC nonesense. The cops will, so far, only have picked up the camp followers to the actual riot gangs.
When you hear that it has kicked off again in Tottenham thats when you’ll know the cops have picked up some of the Mark Duggans – don’t hold your breath.
“for which they have voted…”
and largely avoided themselves…
Gee its Friday, we’ve had a week of bad news so the bBC airs a feel good story about a couple of shirtlifters in Cuba who have been allowed to marry.
He’s a gay ex preist. She was a chick with a dick who used to work for castors daughter. However as her man is a political activist she has had to give in her day job for love.
Wow, I bet the gay tossers at the bBC are wanking themselves silly over how love blossomed for these two Love blokes. Expect the bbC to bend over backwards in which to bring these two oppressed human beings over to the Uk in which to achieve their potential.
Castors daughter? Is that why he had his Pollox removed? 😉
Only jesting, couldn’t resist it.
And he is grateful to the Party that his partner was compulsorily de-todgered by the state and registered as a woman otherwise they couldn’t have got hitched.
Viva Cuba libre!
LOL at de-todgered!
Red Ed leader of the Labour party and Cheek by Jowell in Brixton, South London at the Karibu Education Centre live, naturally, on BBC news speaking to leaders of the community. Ed the luvey “….Today isn’t about me! Today musn’t be about me…”
BBC has already got a quote: England Riots : Miliband: We have had 7 days that shook our country.
England Riots Miliband: Need a national conversation about causes of violence
The first question as Ed sits down at the table is about the gangsta Duggan.
BBC news now showing piece on Los Angeles riots (1992) again! Clearly the BBC thinks that somehow the murder of Rodney King and Mark Duggan are apt historical comparisons- both riots “sparked” by police brutality against blacks.
Why do they say England Riots and not English Riots?
Why is this breaking news? Why must the BBC show this live? Its just a Labour Party function
I had not seen the Rodney King false comparison being made by the BBC – but I am not surprised.
By the way – we know we have had a dreadful and murderous gang culture in many postcodes. Where were all the BBC documentaries that should have been displaying this evil constantly ? Where were all the BBC’s calls for fierce action ? Where were all Mark Easton’s major reports – not just quick entries – on all the many instances of black-on-black murder ? Where have been all the BBC’s calls for greater discipline on the streets and in schools ?
Other than the occasional case – the BBC has been utterly complacent in its coverage of endemic evil in many districts.
Well, last time the BBC did something about the dangers of gang culture in these towns, they got busted for paying some kid £50 to wave a gun on screen. You can’t even trust them to do reality for real.
A teenager was paid £50 by a “fixer” employed by the BBC to brandish guns on a Panorama programme about young gangs.
The youth, aged 17, who cannot be identified, was traced by police after the footage was shown. At Liverpool Crown Court yesterday, he admitted three counts of possessing firearms.
The teenager says that he was not paid the cash directly by the BBC but by a gang member who told him that the film-makers wanted someone to “show off”. He was then given a shotgun, a handgun and ammunition for the filming. The prosecution accepts the youth’s version of events.
The allegation raises serious questions about the BBC’s journalistic ethics. The documentary Young Gunmen was shown on June 30 last year. There were concerns at the time that gang members had been paid to buy and pose with weapons.
But at least they got the Narrative “about right”. That’s the only thing that matters at the BBC any more.
‘England Riots’? I guess using this ostensibley illiterate phrase gives the subliminal impression that the whole of England has risen against Cameron?
“Miliband: Need a national conversation about causes of violence”
If this TODAY headline is accurate, Cameron really needs to exploit it. What we need are measures to unshackle the Police to smash this lawlessness that has grown up under 30 years of left engendered Political Correctness. Go for the kill Dave, PLEASE!
If it’s a choice between that and UK riots, I would say it’s marginally better than suggesting that the whole of the UK is revolting!
And if you want to unshackle the police, you will first need to unshackle them from the likes of Hugh Orde and the other political social-working top bod plods. Hm….easier said than done, too. They are a well embedded bureaucracy, what with their powerful quangoid associations and representative bodies, just like your doctors and your managers in the NHS. And just like them, able and willing to cause plenty of trouble if their interests are threatened. It didn’t take Orde long to get his face on the box. Watch that space and the drama as it plays.
“If it’s a choice between that and UK riots, I would say it’s marginally better than suggesting that the whole of the UK is revolting!”
I’m content to go along with “English riots” so long as the next Old Firm confrontation is described as “Scottish”.
I was watching News24 at 3.15 am this morning during its nightly anti-america zone between 1am-6am. They gave an interrupted soapbox to someone called Bernard Kinsey of Rebuilding Los Angeles, who made the comparison to the LA riots, and blamed the usual, the “Cuts” and “deprivation”. He was allowed to prophecy (incite?) the same in the US when the cuts start.
Does he know anything about “deprivation” in the UK though? Does he know that people are paid and housed (and their rent and council tax mostly paid) and given free healthcare and education by the State without them having to lift a finger or pay a penny in? (Not forgetting free legal services and compensation for minorities if anyone looks at them the wrong way or says boo to them in the street, the school, the work place, the police station, the prison, because it hurt their feelings or affronted their human dignity).
Does he also know that the government, central and local, other public services such as police and fire and the quangocracy, go out of their way and indeed disproportionately employ and promote “disadvantaged” minorities in their vast empires of endeavour. So with all that going for them, who is depriving them, exactly?
I can’t speak for LA but I’d like to know if he is comparing like with like.
Brilliant. Even my (retired teacher) wife agrees.
Good morning fellow B-BBCers, following my little rant in the comments on Tuesday morning over the live report on Today of the actions of the SWP inciting trouble in Tottenham, and the complete absence of any follow up to this, the link for the report by Andrew Hoskins is http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b01321br at 1 hr 9 mins to 1 hour 15 mins.
Despite the detailed analysis of the riots in the meantime by the BBC and others on TV and radio I don’t think that the SWP have had a mention, although the Westminster Journal appears to cover the same story – http://westminsterjournal.com/?p=217.
The Journal says “The police started issuing public order warnings across a loudspeaker. Still the Socialist Worker Party protesters swore and chanted – urging the youths on. Only when the scene actually turned violent did the Socialist Worker Party members disperse – their banners and SWP paraphernalia bagged up for another place or another day. Their policy seems to be to start a fight between others – in this case the youths and the police – then run off and hide. If this was not incitement to violence then what was it?”
Read the rest of the article – it is good. The SWP make the perfect bedfellows for the BBC and its twisted ideology and stealth messaging. Working in a respected and non-extreme HE establishment I am regularly horrified at the ease and speed with which the SWP appear with their placards at any event whether it concerns those nasty ‘cuts’ or ‘Palestine’ or even climate change and then having vented their rage and hate disappear when it is over.
Just as we are not getting any meaningful news yet from the BBC about the ethnicity of the rioters, just age & gender, so too regarding the political background. It’s clear to me that what the Daily Mail refers to as: “The middle class ‘rioters’ revealed”, most notably the case of student Laura Johnson, 19, studying English and Italian at Exeter University, that there may very well be a SWP background. According to reports a balaclava, gloves and a bandana was found in the car.
Whereas if the police had found a “Vote Conservative” leaflet in the car of a rioter it would be a lead news item for months.
PS The same if it had been a “Vote Labour” leaflet. Only joking.
The girl was what used to be called ‘slumming’, ie. taking a walk on the wildside.
Reality has caught up with her. If guilty its a record and, with the sentences being applied, a spell at Her Majesty’s pleasure for looting.
The girl’s family home was Orpington, she apparently looted Currys in Charlton. Anyone who knows these areas and the social distance between them can figure this girl was in thick with swampy-types, absolutely “slumming” , with the rude boys or anarchosyndicalist squatters commune or whatevers. Posh girls like flirting with “danger” knowing they can always go back home to mummy and daddy. She would be a much braver girl than I think she is to embark on this loot on her own. Look for her “friends”for more loot.
They moved out to Orpington from Greenwich in the last five years, according to the press. So it appears she hasn’t grown up in leafy Kent, detached from rough city life. She may have met all sorts, long before they moved to Kent.
Her schools were Newstead Wood and St Olaves in Borough of Bromley. No local Greenwich comprehensive for our girl. I assume also her schoolfriends were from the same. You can’t get much higher acheivement on the state. No “growing up” in the rough end of Greenwich social housing Millie, Greenwich has some lovely parts, including parts of Blackheath. Millionaires row.
Methinks the story is being spun, and if you know the area it won’t wash. Perhaps her millionaire daddy has employed some “reputation management” PR company?
I think you may be right.
“Her father is a businessman with directorships in several companies. He was a director in a company that took over the Daily Sport and Sunday Sport newspapers in 2007”
Of course they were there inciting like crazy. Their dream come true. Hope a lot of them get nicked now.
BBC-NUJ/Guardian ‘analysis’ of riots:
Causes to them are:-
Capitalism, bankers, consumerism, Government of last 15 months.
Solutions to them are:-
increase spending on police;
increase spending on rioters.
BBC-NUJ/Guardian omits this:
“Britain’s liberal intelligentsia has smashed virtually every social value”
(by Melanie Phillips)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2024690/UK-riots-2011-Britains-liberal-intelligentsia-smashed-virtually-social-value.html#ixzz1Uo78UMNS
That article by Mel, plus the one by Max Hastings, should be framed and prominently displayed in every Government office and public building across the entire UK. Both have captured the situation pergectly.
Here’s another in the same mould from the wonderfully acidic Ann Coulter:
At 6:45 on R5L presenter Rachel Burden, whilst chatting to the “Business” reporters, stated “It’s taken me 36 years to realise it, but the stock market is just a casino”.
I don’t believe you Rachel. I’m sure you have held that opinion ever since, as 4th former, you joined your school Che’n’Mao Appreciation Society.
Odd that she should have come up with that cliche. I think she is just trying to ingratiate herself with BBC Titan Jon Sopel, who is currently her co-presenter ( having temporarily descended to R5L as holiday cover). Sopel the other morning remarked that he was sure he could here a fruit machine in the background of a report from a City trading floor.
Rachel Burden a Chairman Mao groupie at school. I very, very much doubt it. I guess you dont listen to her often? In my view, an asset to BBC impartiality.
Sorry H you’ve got me banged to rights again, I had forgotten that any criticism of R5L Breakfast produces a correction from you. You are right of course (as always)
I’m sorry you take someone disagreeing with you so badly. Rather Paxmanesque one might say.
Slightly OT.
When I go to bBBC to comment counter reads 0 on all posts (Chrome IE), Been like this for a couple of days. Clicking on comments, thankfully, takes me to the comments that are ‘there.’ A little strange, I was just about to dust off my Tin Foil Hat. 😀
Sorry, I didn’t see your message until after I posted my own. So I am not alone.
I get it in Firefox too.
Also me in Firefox
Firefox and IE9 for me – looks like it’s all platforms.
I get it too. Very annoying.
I’m getting it with IE9. Just a little extra to go with the other bugs I have been having on this site for a few weeks now.
I’m getting it with the SWareIron browser as well
I’ve fixed it now!
It’s very interesting that the BBC have failed to address the closure of 500 police stations under Labour.
Now we have the BBC stating that those nasty Tories were using the police as a political football. This would be the SAME BBC that attacked the police over the student riots and the G20 protests.
The BBC are out of touch, the police abandoned the streets to the scum, we all saw this, the people who had their homes trashed and businesses ruined.
It’s not Cameron saying the police were gutless it’s the population of London saying it.
Anita Anand on Radio 5 (who is a hard core Tory hating leftie) has been on an anti Tory rant all morning.
It’s ‘cut’s’ all the way.
Anita very much in love with herself.
She can’t work out why they’ve dumped her in that feral sink estate of the BB Coots Corporation that is Radio 5 Li(stners)ve.
If only there’d been any cuts. That’s the dishonesty of this whole ‘savage cuts’ line they keep pushing.
Average monthly government expenditure in the 12 months ending on June 30 2011 was £51bn compared to £48.5bn in the same period a year earlier.
Is it just my PC but, since yesterday, when I come into the B-BBC site all the topics show 0 messages. I can still go into the topics as normal but wondered if anyone else is getting that?
Nope same here!
That’s normal.
Firefox, too
When the BBC choose a secretary shagging, croquet playing, regional assembly losing, Pathfinder city debauching, inarticluate fat bully who teaches global warming strategies in a Chinese Poly…when they choose the likes of “our John” to pronounce on the feral scum that his like nurtured these last fifteen years…when the same Prescott sticks his sons into property deals and doesn`t pay his poll tax…well what can you say?
Apart from the fact that he is the very role model and wiseacres that the BBC WOULD choose to pronounce on slimmer and indeed more moral and decent versions of himself…and they WOULD have passed their 11 plus, unlike the Fat Hulk of Hull!
The M62 will be ripped up once the fat blimp goes down below!
Don’t forget (well, ok, you didn’t) ‘climate rappoteuring’. That always tickles me.
Though even Aunty seems to have recognised adding that appellation to Lord Creosote of Hypocrisy’s many titles wasn’t really polishing the True Understander of Righteous Terms more than the rest.
Doesn’t seem to have stopped the guest invites flooding in. Why?
LOL, not on BBC or in any of the press in UK. But on the Blaze…
‘We’ll Hunt Down these Black Men, Cut Off Their Heads and Feed Them to Our Dogs…’
As riots in the U.K. become increasingly volatile, bands of vigilantes, in this case Muslim ones, are roaming the streets looking to take on any and all comers — mainly because three of young men in their community were run down and killed while trying to defend their family’s business. Now since many of the rioters are reportedly black, racial tensions between the two groups have flared, with one Muslim man vowing to “hunt down these black men, cut off their heads and feed them to our dogs.”
But the BBC keeps saying there was no racial element.
That’s an extreme position which arises out of the long running conflict derived from the envy of Asian success on the part of West Indians. Black on Asian crime is rife with revenge attacks from the Asian hard men.
But that’s the core problem of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism allows for identity grouping and one group vies with another group for advantage and ‘space’. A highly destructive policy. Almost Darwinian in its inevitability.
Identity politics.
Containable when the new identity groups are in small numbers but brought to the boil by poor government and high levels of immigration.
The number West Indians in Britain has incresed by 300,000 in five years.
The world view of quite a few is coloured by the reality of the third world ghetto violence they have come from and have learnt from ie Yardies etc.
The following is instructive.
“Jamaica has abandoned its ghettoes to violent crime and shocking levels of police brutality, leaving communities terrorised and bereft of hope, according to a report.
Armed gangs and corrupt police units have turned inner cities into arenas of mayhem and impunity, with killings taking place in daylight, Amnesty International says in a report published today.
The investigation, Let Them Kill Each Other, depicts a Hobbesian world where many slum-dwellers are condemned to a life that is poor, brutish and short. “There is a public security crisis in Jamaica and the state is failing to effectively provide human security to its population, especially to those most vulnerable to crime and violence, namely people living in poverty in inner city communities.”
This is in the software of quite a few who make it to our inner cities.
Pre-programmed agents of chaos. And people used to look horrified when I said I believed in selective immigration with strict criteria. Not in my back, Yardy.
I don’t think it’s all coming from one direction between the West Indians and Asians. I’ve seen accounts online during the past five to six years of attacks initiated by Asian gangs on West Indians. Trouble between those minority groups seems to happen a lot and not just in the inner cities but in county towns in places like Buckinghamshire. Most of it doesn’t make it into the reporting of the Beeboid Corporation or the national press so the general population doesn’t know much or anything about it. I’m not sure how much even makes it into the local papers.
I have to agree. It’s six of one, half a dozen of the other but is clear evidence of a law and order problem based on racial/cultural identity which seems to be under the radar of the BBC (and other media outlets) but is common knowledge to those who live and work in the areas.
It is under reported because it does not fit the narrative.
Lets face it Millie, next to nothing of these activities, which I have been observing since 1975 across north London, makes it onto the BBC, & then only in a severely censored, deliberately fragmented form. Given their vast resources, & duty to inform the public, the BBC should have been unmasking this ugly phenomenon years ago. What is lacking is the will to dig into it, a lot to do with the NUJ straitjacket, & the stomach to digest the repellent findings. For the revelations would begin to crack the Corporation’s carefully composed, ‘The Truman Show’, parallel world of racial harmony & ‘enrichment’.
The black ‘community’ is deeply riven – unfortunately the evil minority, those who want to turn London into Detroit, exercises a malign, defamatory influence over the decent black people who despise their crimes. The decent people who try to bring up their families with nothing like the fiscal backing ‘professional’ blacks like Diane Abbot possess. The decent black people who said prayers in church for my wife when she was ill. These are the blacks who deserve our respect & support. Sadly, the gangsters do their own down, & these gangsters need to be broken like the rotten wood they are. So, by deliberately ignoring the truth the beeboids actually make race relations far, far more strained.
The hothouse flowers of enforced multiculturalism are dying. It was never the way to go. Good race relations grow organically, slowly; not in Jack Straw’s greenhouse. The multiculturalist elite cherrypicks its selfish, purblind way through all the acceptable joys of diversity; oh, a wonderful ethnic restaurant, you really should try, a fantastic tribal dance troupe at The Roundhouse, & then scurries off home to a remarkably undiverse sanctuary where they hug themselves for being so enlightened. The last thing they want to look at is the brutality of gang culture & its cancerous effect upon those of us outside their state-funded bubble. Too, too ugly.
At the start of 1943, the Spinmeister himself, Goebbels, had to tell the herrenvolk that their invincible 6th Army had disappeared out there on the Russian steppes at Stalingrad. When will another spin machine open up? & tell the British people the truth: multiculturalism can only ever fail because it doesn’t judge people on their character but on their percieved political usefulness. It is that shallow. It is a betrayal of all the good people in Britain by wicked politicians & their media lackey, the Broken Record Broadcasting Corporation. Far from ‘managing (post-war) decline’, traitors like New Labour have actively hastened our descent into a seething quagmire. I can see it all around me. The appalling handiwork of the myopic social engineers. The fallout from the great lie.
Good post jarwill. The only time the reporting touched on the issue was with the stabbing of teenagers, however as soon as they realised that they would have to report bad news about young balcks they backed off and just reported each case as an individual stabbing and not connected to internecine gang culture.
“Multiculturalism” is a lie by any objective test. When last I took a bus through Catford, South London, it was full and I was the only white face on the bus for most of the journey. That is not multicultural that is monocultural . More or less every house in the area of Kingsbury where I grew up is now Asian.
Perhaps somebody (Labour) for got to tell these immigrant communities they were supposed to be “Multicultural”. It is self evident that ethnic groups prefer to live among their own, facilitated by the exodus of native English.
Some areas of London are still “mixed” only because deprived whites are trapped in council tenancies and can’t move out.
What is needed is integration, not multiculturalism. That idea has run its course, and failed.
That’s the reason why support for the BNP has risen amongst the white working-class who traditionally voted Old Labour. A fact that New Labour finds so uncomfortable that they dare not acknowledge it, let alone speak of it.
Correctnicks need to be ‘unpersoned’ for their efforts to destroy our demcracy in exactly the same way they seek to ‘unperson’ anyone who stands against them.
Great post Jarwill.
Starkey spoke well I thought on Newsnight about the chavs subsumed with black criminal culture who talk like black crims and act like them. I’ve noticed this in the ‘wiggers’ we’ve seen ‘demanding respect from the Police’ and giving it the Brixton shuffle out of Court protesting their innocence.
Unfortunately, instead of using the phrase ‘black criminal culture’, Starkey uses the phrase ‘black culture’. Nonetheless, he says things extremely worth saying and very brave for doing so.
“I don’t think it’s all coming from one direction between the West Indians and Asians.”
There’s been “tension” (in BBC speak) between Hindus and Somalis in West London for years. That problem certainly is one-way.
Oh, my. I thought the EDL was the problem? Whatever am I supposed to think now? :-E
You mean the organisation described by Cameron as “sick”, making no mention of the UAF (which he has given support to)?
The UAF – violent thugs spoiling for a fight. They’re just as happy fighting the police as they are the BNP or EDL, who they see as just another fascist group to take on.
I notice that the ‘white man’ murdered in the riots is almost ignored by the BBC media. Bet if he were a Muslim the BBC would be making it the top story.
Also on BBC news the BBC have cut his comment about Newsnight editing his comments. BBC running Newsnight interview now but not mentioning Orde’s comments about Newsnight.
Sunday Feature –
I Come From There: The Poetry of Mahmoud Darwish
Harriett Gilbert explores the life and work of the late Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish, who was regarded by many as the poet laureate of the Arab world.
Oi Harriet, luv, don’t Israel got any poets?
A week of riots, another turd layed by Nu Liebore and the Blair/Brown years. Almost every week there is a fresh turd by the front door left by the last government.
But why the f*** do the Tories keep stepping in it?!
The whole New Labour culture of greed and cynicism will be a poisionous legacy for years to come.
Every Labour government seems to leave a toxic legacy behind it, but whereas previous Labour governments left an economic mess, this last Labour government were so corrupt (in every sense of the word) confidence in British institutions will take a generation to recover.
No wonder people are turning on the New Labour BBC. The BBC is beyond recovery, and its corpse is just posioning the springs of moral recovery.
Clear the whole fetid lot out with market competition.
Sadly, I’m no longer convinced that the UK can recover from the Bliar/Brown years. I hope I’m wrong, but I worry that Labour (and the BBC/Grauniad axis) may have actually finished our nation off this time. They’ve come close in the past, but this time…
I hope you are wrong as well.
Things looked VERY bleak in the late 70’s and then God gave us Thatcher
*A few bars of the Hallelujah Chorus*
(still hated to this day by sour Guardian readers and the pathetic BBC)
and Cameron has a huge task ahead of him that is for sure
(our State broadcaster has long ago given up any pretence of political balance and is shortly going to re-brand itself as Lies For Labour)
but all that means is that the first task on the list should be to raise an axe to the BBC.
The vampire bats will screech and flap their wing a bit but with nothing to feed on they will be forced to fly back to the darkness of their nihilistic caves.
The BBC is built on sand (the days when it was held in affection are long gone) and one vigorous shove and the whole rotting corpse of expense accounts and public school Leftists will crash to the ground.
Thanks, Wild. Good post. It cheered me up. Small steps are still important steps, and getting rid of the BBC would be a great start.
BBC-NUJ: don’t mention stopping mass immigration into Britain.
A few minutes ago, on BBC-NUJ Radio 5, there was a reference to the fact that the European Union had yielded to a request from Spain to block Romanian mass immigration from that country – it was, apparently 90,000 during the past year.
Now, there was no reference on that Radio 5 programme by the ‘British’ broadcaster whether, by the same token, mass immigration into Britain should also be blocked too.
“Spain Gets Approval to Keep Romanians Out”
Funny that. If it were not for the fact (it must be a fact because they keep on telling us it is a fact) that they are impartial you would think that the BBC has an agenda.
John Anderson
I had not seen the Rodney King false comparison being made by the BBC – but I am not surprised.
Me neither. The whole rodney king thing was overcooked – you had to look at the video in context.
In fact, if you played it backwards you could see the cops getting him back on his feet and helping him on his way.
(Bill Hicks stole that one from me and used it in his act)
A few days ago someone (Preiser USA?) here at B-BBC commented that Auntie would find it hard explaining Obama’s failure. How could they dodge blaming the faultless President for the fiscal mess which the USA finds itself in. Well, the answer has arrived from the lips of the President himself:
“There is nothing wrong with our country. There is something wrong with our politics.”
BBC editors please copy. (Jimmy Carter anyone?)
PS: so I guess it’s not the President who is not worthy of the country but the country that is not worthy of the president.
Which is what Mardell and the BBC have been saying all along.
Nice piece. Perhaps, Mardell should read it.
“The progressive-left is crying foul because they would rather blame one man than acknowledge that their ideology is simply wrong-headed. The president has not betrayed liberals; it is reality that keeps betraying them. But this is too difficult to admit, so Mr. Obama is their scapegoat; much like communists argued the ideology failed because of Stalin or Lenin or Castro, rather than that it was inherently flawed.”
fieldproducer Neal Mann You’ve got to love the power of Twitter, after my tweet about @Louisemensch needing some opposition I’ve just had a phone call….
On a postcard, beyond Kevin Maguire or Laurie Penny, wild guesses which sad detritus of the Westminster politico media bubble has been dredged up on a Friday Evening becuase they have no mates and nothing else to do?
Hint… it’s not an expert on youth issues or topical social media trending.
Who can forget our dear Leader Blair coming on stage(he`s a rockstar you know!) to the strains of “if the Kids are United” by Sham 69…so edgy eh?
A few years later-when Olympic “ambassadors” posh totty undergraduates, ballerinas and violin maestros…as well as trainee social workers, yoof mentors and our primary school “teaching assistant”…when Blair unites all this lot under the united colours of Benetton(other brands are of course available)-sadly, we fail to celebrate Blairs vision and Jimmy Purseys “cri de coeur”.
Wonder if he`ll come to that book signing I`m arranging for Tottenham High Road soon?
When we get TAs who can do little but walk into lamp posts-safe to say the next generation of “athletes” “Olympic medallers” “football stars” “doctors” and “lawyers” will be coming through to help us “imagine we have no possessions”…just as St John Of Lenin hoped for us all!
Still-not all bad…Liam Gallaghers “boutique” in Madchesta got a going over..”.mad f`r it, sorted innit?”
Was LowBrow/MonoBrow Bruvver Noel REALLY in Primrose Hill that night as he claims?
Newsnight 11.08.11
Emily Maitlis introduces:-
“David Cameron declares a fight back against looters, the sick society and anyone who dares say the Police shouldn’t be cut”.
Correspondent Madeleine Morris (00:23:45)
“The Government, the Police, even the x-factor have been blamed for the unrest this week, now politicians have been blamed for the unrest this week – now politicians have settled on something else. So now bad parenting is coming in for a serve, but can you really blame looting and rioting on mums and dads?”
How ill-served is our nation having our premier news programmes on the national broadcaster in the hands of such preening, sanctimonious, overgrown spoilt brats.
At 37:00 more or less we do, thankfully, have some grown up journalism from Stephen Smith.
Next time the BBC bleats about how the death penalty shouldn’t exist because it might mean the death of an innocent man wrongly convicted, remind them of this:
Anthony Sowell faces lethal injection for 11 murders
A US man has been sentenced to death for the murders of 11 women whose remains he kept in his house in Ohio.
Anthony Sowell was found guilty last month of aggravated murder, kidnapping and other charges in the 11 deaths.
At court in Cleveland, the 51-year-old sat with eyes closed as Judge Dick Ambrose read aloud the details of each murder, before passing sentence.
The bodies were found after police went to arrest Sowell in October 2009 on a sexual assault allegation.
No worries about an innocent man here, or someone railroaded by corrupt racist police. Nobody has ever been wrongly convicted of mass murder, or of having a bunch of dead bodies under the floorboards and in their back yard.
Put a minimum body count on the death penalty, and that argument is dead, and it will at last be time to come up with a new argument against the death penalty.
Yep. I favour the death penalty in a case of mass murder like that of Breivik where there is no doubt who did it – so long as he is tried and found capable of being held accountable.
Though Breivik may be a victim of a broken society. Norway really needs to look in the mirror and consider how far it too is guilty. If Breivik had had more healthy outlets for those murderous impulses, like more libraries and playing fields…
Nah, I’m not convinced either. That spin only works if you are Harriet Harman, who tried to out-victim Michael Gove by saying the riot victims were her constituents, not Goves. Yes Hattie, and that’s because so were most of the perpetrators.
Mad Hattie is “educated” by St Pauls School for gels(private) and is, of :course the niece of that useful idiot Lord Longford.
Just the kind of “class warrior” the BBC so love-that Brown sacked her in his (then DHSS) empire in 97 -for being thick in essence-is probably the only thing her got right!
What a clot-white thick and always seems to end up on top!
Shit floats.
I think someone made an excellent point that the rejoinder would have been ‘do you send your children to school in Peckham?’
I so remember when she first stood for Peckham, adopting a hugely embarrassing ‘mockney’ accent.
I wonder what ‘deprivation’ excuses she has for the pathologies she has?
Just seen something excellent on ITV news. In Birmingham city centre they have a huge mobile TV screen showing still images of looters/rioters wanted by the police. Let’s hope there’s a willingness to shop the bastards.
what about the BBC showing their clips and stills.if they dont charge them for aiding the looters etc…One way of getting back at the beeb Mr Hunt…..
I think the Courts are being too harsh with offenders. I think Community sentences would be more appropriate – mine clearance in Afghanistan.
or election monitoring in Zimbabwe.
I would like to raise a glass to the fall of another Radical leftist H/T Guido of one Jody McIntyre you may remember him as the wheel chair bound person accusing the police of attacking him at the last student ‘protest/riot??’ the BBC let him rant on about his being “attacked” in their interview
lets see they didn’t to my knowledge cover his case being chucked out by the IPCC so maybe they will cover his being dropped by the Indy, huff post and C4 and possible arrest for incitement !
Mentioned on the thread about Kelner and the Independent.
Six O Clock news found some squit called Chris Buckle (or whatever) questionning some woman from the Salford estate he`d been posted to…marking the BBCs new territory?…balsamic vinegar outlets?…who knows?
Anyway our Chris rather thought that she could do a bit of shopping of rioters…maybe grass(not in his sense of the word though) up a few shoplifers etc!
Diane Wilson told him what happened to her when she did so, but was not afraid anywway…she didn`t seem to expect Chris and his BBC colonisers to shop all THEIR known contacts with all that telephoto filming they`d been doing the last week or so.
Too polite to say so I expect…but thought I`d mention it anyway!
I do wonder what BBC staffers are getting for all these high horses they seem to ride as showponies until they get spirited back to the Smoke! Hypocricy is too small a word at times.
Serves me right. What was I thinking trying to discuss a topic (the riots) on facebook with strangers? They were friends of a BBC friend, so they may have been Beeboids too. In short they think Melanie Phillips is hateful, conservatives are not just wrong but evil, more money needs to be invested in education, and it is all Maggie’s fault anyway.
Every now and then one comes face-to-face with this mindset, people who rather than argue a case, choose to insult the adversary. But I guess it is good to glimpse the blind bigotry of people behind the organization.
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. My penance is to watch re-runs of Question Time, listen to the Archers and tune in to Chris Evans.
FYI: I have de-friended the offending person and blocked his chums. What was I thinking?
As that Malaysian student who was attacked said the other day, it is sad.
Then you remember what has been done to the education system, the economy, and for that matter the BBC, and then the feeling of sadness is replaced by other emotions.
We had some like that on here defending that unfunny Stanhope creature, one of whom even told us that it was not just wrong but “sick”, to be against abortion! That isn’t even an argument. How can you even have an argument about abortion with someone who cannot see or acknowledge that it is a serious subject and one that many people find troubling, whether they be for it or against it?
They do not realise they are behaving like drones following a Party line. If they noticed that they are following lines of thought that have been handed out to them they would be shocked. A Party line? Not me! There is not one scintilla of original reflection, or engagement with reality, just endless drone behaviour. They have no resources to draw upon to enable them to engage with reality.
It is not that a boot has endlessly stamped on them, it is just that all critical faculties have been removed. It is more Brave New World than 1984. A boot endlessly stamping on people is what they want to do with people who dare to point out that the Emperor has no clothes. It is a forbidden thought you see, it disturbs the hive.
They have an irrational inability to see and understand that there are two lives in a pregnancy. They just don’t. Ideologically buttressed denial.
And anyone pointing this out is instantly non grata.
Millie, Anything that threatens their sexual license must be shut down by mindless abuse. Their insults are the verbal surges of their primal urges.
From Conservative Home:
a YouGov poll for tonight’s Channel 4 News.
ICM have also carried out a poll for The Guardian asking similar questions and their ‘league of blame’ is topped by criminality:
45% said the main reason was “criminal individuals”;28% a lack of respect within families and communities;8% unemployment;5% the shooting of Mark Duggan in Tottenham;4% the government; and2% the economic situation.
However, go to the Guardian and you ahve to go way down to find it and there’s no pretty graph: by complete coincidence there are big bright graphs of the politicians bad polling numbers…so how do we think teh BBC will show these figures?
And apparently the news from the BBC was anything but accurate and everyone they interviewed was symapthetic to the rioters…is that right? (It’s a comment at CH)
Well Louise Bagshaw or whatever she calls herself now was twittering away saying that she thinks we’ve got a great balanced media and that she wants to shut down Twitter and BBM instead.
What makes her think that
1. The BBC is balanced?
2. That the BBC is not far worse than anything put out on Twitter or Facebook
3. That you can actually shut those sites off, you can turn off the mobile network but you won’t be able to stop all those services operating.
Why are Tories so shit scared to address the real elephant in the room – the bias of the BBC?
It’s the official Conservative line, I believe, that the Beeboid Corporation is not politically biased. I suppose that’s why she is saying that we have balanced media.
Strange, beacause during the Murdoch enquiry, she was the one who kept mentioning the BBC. It might be a pipe-dream but I keep hoping that Cameron has warned her to publicly pretend that the BBC is neutral while waiting for the full media enquiry to investigate and hit the BBC, whilst keeping the Conservative Party clear of any accusations of leading a witch-hunt.
I really hope that Cameron is playing a long-game because a short one to neutralise BBC bias is nowhere to be seen. If the BBC is sorted before the next election I could possibly find myself voting for the Conservatives. But not yet.
Agreed. If Call Me Dave castrated the BBC then I probably would vote Tory at the next election. However, if the Conservatives continue to muddle along in their current gutless, craven and lick-spittle manner, I shall be voting for who ever has the best chance of defeating my local Conservative candidate.
I have informed my MP of my intentions. For me, Patten was the last straw.
Louis Bagshaw is the MP who complained about the BBC’s appalling coverage of the Fogel family murders.
So The Guardian spends money on a poll, doesn’t really like the results and buries it. Quality journalism, init. It must come as quite a shock to them to occasionally be confronted with the majority opinion. That’s when they break out words like ‘populism’ and ‘jingoism’ to diminish the views of the great unwashed and show their disgust and contempt.
Just flicking through the TV channels and came across BBC knob end Question time for ‘da youff’ presented by everyone’s favourite idiot Richard Bacon.
Some halfwit asked why it was that the jobs they were promised for the Olympics never came about (cries of blame the evil corporations)
Of course no one bothered to mention the real reason, that the jobs all went to immigrant workers who just moved into the area and then qualified as local labour.
The fact this is beyond them to understand just proves they are all so thick as to be unemployable.
Was just about to comment about this – anyone who was worried about their blood pressure when watching QT last night should NOT tune into yoof QT on BBC Three right now. Just awful. The host read out a comment from someone that said he felt that his generation had no other outlet than to riot. Plenty of applause.
If the current generation of yoof is really that intellectually stunted then we are all fucked. Of course they’re not, it’s just the ones the BBC selects for their audiences.
I just flicked over to that. I was very surprised at how most of the audience (from what I’ve seen) are level headed yet the people behind the desk, who is that pathetic idiot who can’t even speak English
And Bacon? he is acting like an Agent provocateur , what an inflammatory agitator and he is supposed to be the chair?
I get the impression that this is designed by the bBC simply to exonerate the idiots who rioted
He’s probably stirring them up because they’re not giving out what he and the Beeb want. We all know who the REAL scum are – those Tories, am I right?
Typical BBC social engineering, wall to wall immigrants and brain dead liberal white women
Were the unemployed youth all rushing down there and hammering on the doors at six in the morning demanding jobs and rioting and stampeding when they didn’t get them? I don’t remember any kerfuffle about this on the Beeboid screens or in Parliament. Did nobody notice or care?
Just for the info they are repeating the program at 00:15 in the morning they even have a blog for it as well:
The article on that blog mentions ‘tha gap between the rich and the poor’ and ‘the scrapping of the EMA’.
I’m pretty sure no sensible person would suggest that the riots were in any way linked to government policy, but the BBC will give it a damn good try.
Also – comment no. 9 just shows what kind of mindset we’re up against :
‘I believe a lot of breakdown in society started with the conservative government privatising all the nationalised industries’. W.T.F.
Leftists work target “youth” on the assumption that if you are intellectually and emotionally immature you are more likely to support the Left.
They are keen to give them valuable lessons in hatred [yeah you can have everything you want – if you don’t it is “social injustice”] so that the Left can use them to further their agenda.
They forget that there is nothing more sad to “youth” than adults behaving like children.
They also (curiously) forget to mention that Socialist Republics are more like Stalinist re-education camps than children’s parties.
Eastern European?
Inbred Bangladeshi from Tower hamlets?
Black gangster from Tottenham with a barely decipherable grasp of spoken English?
You can see why so few jobs went to ‘locals’.
I must admit I rarely visit the bBC news site these days, but after a week of the worst riots in my life time, Italy/France on the verge of economic meltdown, and stock market crashes worldwide I was surprised to find the bBCbanging on about:
Police lied about the Mark Duggan shooting last week.
Police leaked Milly Dowler info to News International.
News of the World rivals celebrate increased circulation figures.
It’s as if little of importance or worthy of coverage has occured during the last 7 days. The bBC just continue with business as usual.
“It’s as if little of importance or worthy of coverage has occured during the last 7 days.”
You obviously missed the press release that sent shockwaves through (West) Hollywood this week.
“Bert and Ernie are…puppets, and do not have a sexual orientation”
A Tour of the 34 burnt out buildings in Croydon with Verdi’s Requiem as the soundtrack would not go down a bundle with the producers. But Richard Bacon, yeah.
My brothers four children went to see the damage in Croydon with their Dad (live in Addiscombe with the glow from the fires and the smoke .God knows what kind chemical cocktail was in that acrid smoke). Those kids know what evil is and who did it. “I hope they go to prison” said my ten year old neice.
That’s reality.
BBC Newsnight in fine anti-Tory form – Picture of David and Samantha Cameron on holiday eating whilst the rioting was occurring and then this line “When the Prime Minitsre finally returned from holiday”.
No Gavin Esler we don’t live in a different Britain from that we thought we lived in, some of us knew that we lived in a broken Britain.
If last nights Question Time was relatively restrained, then sadly tonights Young Persons Question Time was the complete opposite, full of immigrants including one on the panel who could not speak correct English or anything even vaguely approaching it, the audience struggled to behave & Bacon struggled to maintain “Law & Order” unfortunately the Irony was lost of the Yoots in the audience, & I dont blame them, this is what New Labour has done to them, they were not told to that there is a correct way to read, write & speak, they were not tolf about simple manners & how to interact in a civilsied society, they were told that there was no personal responsibility & they could have children at 13 & the Government would pay for everything & get them a flat.
I felt very much for the black guh on the panel that was talking about 20 young black kids being killed & girld being gang raped & raped by their stepfathers, but you cant have it all the ways all the time, are the Police allowed to stop & search or not ?
What a mess.
And as for the ex Conservative MP / Candidate ( ? ) speaking no better than an inner city hood ? I dont care if you are trying to talk to people “in their own language” utterly disgraceful.
If you want to watch a programme full of irony that the people in the audience are completely oblivious to, then catch it online, quite shocking really, but not a surprise really after last nights “restrained” edition of Question Time.
Someone mentioned that it is being repeated on the telly tonight post midnight (12.15 a.m.) Not sure which channel.
“…this is what New Labour has done to them, they were not told to that there is a correct way to read, write & speak, they were not tolf about simple manners & how to interact in a civilsied society”
Didn’t just happen under the last Labour Government though, the decline started decades ago.
Could do with Craig here to tell us about the use of language.
Gavin Esler tells us that the Malaysian lad getting robbed-well that is only “apparently so”!
Already these useless media editors upstairs are already condensing the riots into the narrative that we all know-basically the pictures theytook and the commentary that they gave us after a few changes of words-like “apparently”!
Note also that Harriet Harman is still hovering round the BBC studios…thank God that David Starkey is the butterfly is in the wasps nest tonight on Newsnight!
He`s a tonic-first man to quote Enoch Powell too!
Someone quoted Enoch Powell – on the BBC !
I’m surprised they didn’t have a sudden power-cut – or switch to a test card : ‘experiencing technical difficulties’.
They’ll want a ten second loop next, so they can just bleep it out.
Interesting post on The Commentator regarding the riots :
What’s more interesting is the first comment from ‘Torontory’ about Diane Abbott’s appearance on CBC radio in Canada. Despite resisting the temptation to blame the Coalition cuts for the riots in the UK media, she’s been less resistant elsewhere.
Listen for yourselves :
Newsnight now have three tossers on spouting bollocks about how Cameron over reacted and the dozy Muslim woman spouting on about the army.
We’ve had the army on our streets many times, the firemens strikes and the water workers strikes come ot mind in recent years.
When we have floods or other emergencies the forces are often demployed, the public don’t panic because the army is on the streets, people feel reassured.
The BBC is busy building up its own funeral pyre indeed!
The Liberal Bonfire of the Vanities is now well under way.
One David Starkey=an infinite number of Maitlises, Warks and Montagues-yet guesss who`s hated for every sensible word he says!
“The BBC is busy building up its own funeral pyre”
Whip round for box of matched anyone?
If the BBC was on fire, would you piss on it?
No! a waste of good piss.
Actually, I’d piss on it even if it weren’t on fire.
I’m still gobsmacked that the BBC chose to hand such a “prestigious” position of chairing this farce to Richard Bacon. This about a week after he was made to “apologise” (if it can be called an apology) for promoting a disgusting attack on Downs Syndrome children.
Of all the over-paid, under-talented individuals that they have in abundance, why choose Bacon at this time? Yes, you’ve got it – promote him just to show those “nasty right-wingers” that they will do what they like and stuff any semblance to decency, honesty and integrity.
It’s a pity that the DSA accepted such a mealy-mouthed, unfelt apology so readily. That means the BBC will ride roughshod over decent people’s feelings yet again. Could they sink any lower? – You would have thought not but they continue to surprise in their depths of depravity!
At least this year’s Youth QT was bumped to BBC Three. I seem to remember in previous years it’s always been on BBC1 in the normal QT slot with Dimblebum as host. Perhaps even the Beeb has realised what a shambolic rabble it has become of late, and so they’ve given it to some low ranking monkey to deal with. That’s what I’m going with, anyway.
Maitliss at bay. A most invigorating sight. Starkey is about to become a non person.
The BBC is losing control. People might start saying what they really think. Better stick to Strictly Come dancing. Eastenders etc.
So sad to see a great institution end up like this.
Yep, he dropped the nuke. He made a true, logical, undeniable point. He will now be utterly crucified.
I missed Starkey – I’ll have to find it on iplayer. The only time BBC News is worth watching is when they let a REAL one through by mistake. I’m sure he’ll be black-balled.
I’d say his ‘personhood’ will remain intact at the BBC. He’s a licensed right winger on account of being homosexual.
Nolan beginning the witchunt now on radio 5.
Starkey said white kids try to act black, 100% truth, in London they have even stopped speaking cockney!
That’s true you do get it, if fact it was said on Newsnight the other night by someone else (can’t remember who but I think it was a black guy) who said white kids shave their head and adopt the same gangster rapper style that the black kids do.
Of course if a black guy says it, no one says a word.
The term used by Larry David, I believe, is whigger!
Nolan Just had a “youth Worker” on fanning the flames with Rumours that the Man killed lastThursday was un armed.
Hitchens(P) on Any Questions tonight-and Starkey on Newnight!
The BBC can`t help themselves…perversely attracted to the truth, but hate every bit of their preverted fascination with it.
All that both said was unarguable, but-by God-the very fact they state these obvious truths…that the cartoon black bling culcha they`ve soused the nations kids in is only being enacted “on da street”; and that the police are only lazy social workers by edict of the politicos…both notions are as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit!
The whole rotten BBC-liberal edifice is now crumbling.
I give the BBC five years at most and the licence will be gone in three!
One big grave to dance on- better get the line dancing in sync!
death announced of Robert Robinson
a real gentleman from the time when the BBC actually was something
but of course,the BBC of today can’t help but sneer a bit…….
“eventually he was left behind as tv became more informal and less respectful”
“a relic”
you’re telling me-compare and contrast
Mr Robinson
Richard Bacon
where do I begin eh?
Still he gets the sombre tone of Naughtie at the end of the news headlines for 8a.m…whai I call their “Hanrahan” tone-fake, pompous, sonorous-but “one of the great” has fallen.
Ask not for whom the little person toils-he toils for thee( when he`s not a vulnerable young person deprived of the EMA experience ,of course!)
Did youy hear the soundbite that Robert hated politicos who spoke of the “people out there” -you know, so elitist and speaking as if they weren`t part of the same world…well guess what Naughtie or Humphrys say continually when they berate a Shoesmith or an Osborne as if they`re as bad as each other?…but (being the BBC) they are stupidly unaware of the irony a-let alone the hypocrisy!
Still-Fidels got an AIDs bloke and a transexual to stick in the van when he`s feeling a bit better for his 85th birthday…wonder what the BBC reckon Hugo Chavez can expect Mandelsons chum to spring from the cake come the glorious day?
obviously time for the human rites industry to get an airing
BBC concenred about “fast track justice” wheel on a “human rights lawyer” on to ait his concerns
human rights lawyer-one of the phrases in the english language i could cheerfully stick down their throats and choke them on
sp *air his concerns
A general point but has anyone seen or heard from Polly Toynbee?
I would have expected this “social affairs” commentator to be on Today everyday stiffening the sinews of those at the programme as they wonder if they dare let the usual apologists broadcast their usual excuses for such naughty boys and girls.
Perhaps she is camping in Tuscany with some “underprivileged” from somewhere.
Reckon she`s trawling through the “Community Service punishments” in the hope that her estates can get cleared of horrid thorn bushes and anything with pollen or gluten for her autumn soiree season.
Until then, a bath in Chianti as hubby sets up the links from his quango through to Highbury Magistrates for the “processing” of the vulnerable and frightened…
Yes business as usual – We must explore Why? usual BS. Its strange that no-one has explored the self-destructructive (originally) black yoof culture. Perhaps on thought for the day next week, when they get a rapper on (you know its only a matter time) I find myself putting myself in the place of the looter and asking “What would Fiddy Do?”
“Times” 2007
Here something for the less formal, less respectful, edgy BBC. It’s out there.
A social worker responsible for two teenage members of a gang that robbed and terrorised commuters on the London Underground was dragged from court yesterday after a dramatic tirade about gang culture.
Liz Johnson appeared to have become overwhelmed by the spiralling gang violence among black teenagers in London. She clambered over two rows of desks at Middlesex Guildhall Crown Court and jumped into the witness box feet from Judge Henry Blacksell. She then leant over and screamed at him: “I’m a social worker. I’ve just lost my job.”
Ms Johnson was in court to see the sentencing of two of her clients who were part of the gang that rampaged through Tube carriages, robbing at least 36 passengers. Two members of the gang have already been convicted of the murder of the lawyer Tom ap Rhys Pryce.
Her outburst started with an apparent reference to the murder of Kodjo Yenga, 16, in West London, last week.
“That boy that was lying on the floor dying. . . they stabbed him to death. Do you know just what they were shouting? ‘Kill him, kill him’,” she said.
About ten court officials and lawyers surrounded her and tried to calm her, but she shouted even louder. “For every black child who is shot dead in their bed by gangs. . . you will f****** listen to me,” she said. “You will have to f****** kill me to get me off this stand.” The judge said calmly: “I have heard you.” When Ms Johnson – who is white – was heckled by relatives of the robbers, she screamed: “They are angry because children are being killed in their f****** beds.”
As she was finally removed from the court, she screamed at the people standing at the back of the court: “Stand up for every f****** black kid that’s got shot . . . for every kid jailed in America.” As she was dragged past black spectators in the public gallery, thought to be relatives of the defendants, she yelled at them: “You bastards – you’ve let your f****** black people down.”
Or how about this from 2009:
Or this from 2010:
One could go on and on.
It does not offend the majority of black people to say so. This behaviour hurts them. Damages them and their children. It is not black. It is criminalilty based around a phoney black identity. A sub-culture of violence that hides behind the prudery of political correctness. It flourishes because it is not named and shamed.
“I’m a social worker. I’ve just lost my job.”
So enjoyed this quote, kind of like “I’m a celebrity….”. It also confirms Starkey’s BBC Newsnight’s remarks on the astonishing influence of black culture on some whites.
Here, she seems to have assumed almost a marxist role, seeing herself as some sort of intellectual avant garde for black people accusing some of them of what appears to her to be false (race) consciousness!
‘It flourishes because it is not named and shamed.’
Well put RGH. Precisely.
One peice of good news though – is that the Guardian seems to have lost another roughly 7000 readers from June to July. During this time the Guardian was wall-to-wall anti-Murdoch. Obviously, they over-estimated the interest of their audience – So who’s exactly is out of touch?
How much longer can they go on for?
The Guardian has lost 7,000 readers? All Guardian readers are “lost”, in the broad sense of the word. ” Out of touch with reality” . I expect extra copies of the Graun were air-lifted speculatively to Tuscany that month
S.Nolan of Radio 5 was almost speechless with Prof David Starkie’s references to both Enoch Powell, and to ‘black gangsta culture’.
Oh, the taboos must not be broken on Radio 5.
fatty nolan sickens my happiness
sounds like he’s an even bigger prick on radio 5 than he is on Radio Ulster
Been a joy these last few days to see the liberal elite scratching each others eyes out as regarding the riots and their dispassionate views on same!
I`d refer you to Batmanghedghli v Demos earlier in the week on Today…and Harriet Sergeant slagging off fat women teachers who won`t play football with the boys when they`re more biddable at primary school…hope Womans Hour follow her fragrant trail on this one! Bea Campbell coud do it.
Bet Harriet did not get the Starkey Shuffle out of the building though…being a lady and all…
Great too to see the uttely immured BBC worldview-completely unaware of what it says about others as possibly applying to themselves.
1, The BBC want the Vatican shafted for the usual in Ireland…yes, we must separate church from state…elitist, self-referential, no transparency, obtuse, denial, selective…not at all like the BBC as our unwanted “Church of Reason and Enlightenment” over here….DISESTABLISH State from the BBC…NOW!
2. Robert Robinson mocks those MPs who spoke of “the people out there” in their interviews…you know, elitist and removed from real life and better than the rest of us…terrible, tut tut.
Only the BBC could select THAT as a soundbite to sum the poor bloke up…as if Humph and Naughtie don`t use it perpetually whether they`re ” interviewing” Osborne or Shoesmith…as bad as each other in Beebworld anyway!
The BBC assist their dying every day…ah bless!
3. No matter though-Fidels got an AIDS bloke and a geezerbird for his 85th! Rejoice…now, wonder what Hugo Chavez can hope to have spring out of the birthday cake come HIS birthday I wonder?…imagine Mandys trawling the better beaches in Rio to get some inspiration!
Enough already…Danny Baker and Brian Matthew on now…it`s a beautiful day eventually!
Perhaps one side-effect of Starkie’s mention of Enoch Powell may be that a few people (not necessarily Beeboids) will read what Powell actually said, and more people may read, e.g. Simon Heffer’s biography of Powell:
‘Like the Roman: The Life of Enoch Powell’
There are excerpts here, at ‘Look Inside’
I heard a few minutes worth of Radio 4 before nine this morning and and it confirmed to me why I don’t usually bother.
George Osborne interviewed by Jim Naughtie. It may as well have been a debate with a Labour spokesman. Every point made by the BBC man was from the left, discussion of the deficit was discouraged and no constructive alternative given – Ed Balls would be proud. There was one mention of ‘some people may say taxes should be cut’ but this thought was collapsed into Naughtie’s obvious real line about the ‘moral’ argument for keeping the 50p tax rate. Watch it George, if you even think about cutting tax the BBC will be on you like a ton of moral bricks!
Oh no here comes local favourite Mitch Benn to make some off-colour gag before the 9am watershed and to plug his Ed Fest show. (Edinburgh).
From R4’s wider family, one of Kit and the Widow, to plug his next show and to enable the female posh Beeboid to pronouce that classical music has been far too stuck up for years. So we get to hear The Hippopotamus Song. Now I like that, I can remember Ed Stewpot playing it on Junior Choice as I listened in to the BBC from my pram. Dumbing down anyone?
What’s in the papers? Political attacks on Cameron from some cops. What broadsheet to pick up first….eeny meeny miny….Guardian.
Question: who is the hero of the riots then BBC? Oh let’s think….that ‘Asian’ (Muslim) guy from Birmingham. All power to his elbow and all but as the phrase goes….you couldn’t make it up.
Here’s a thought: You know that old joke how NuLabour used Orwell’s 1984 as an instruction manual…..I’m beginning to think Beeboids read B-BBC, take on board what gets up our noses and do more of the same.