Well, we have reached Friday and it’s been another rollicking week here on Biased BBC with more and more people visiting us and more and more comments appearing! Last night, we had our busiest EVER Question Time liveblog, with up to 300 people on-line at any given moment. A big thank you to all you folks who came along and as ever my sincere appreciation to David Mosque and All Seeing Eye for their fortitude. Thanks to everyone for your continued support and I declare this Open Thread open for business….!
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‘England Riots’
Assuming this odd imposed geographical boundary (and spelling) holds, it may be fun to mess with Aunty’s policy flouncers by digging out a chav from da hood to claim that he is rioting at the deep injustice he feels at having to fund the free Uni, prescriptions, etc of his bruvvas across the borders.
Then see the BBC try and unravel that one.
I venture to interpret the England ‘troubles’ as a grass roots protest against those Celtic fringe voters who have imposed 13 years of disastrous welfare multiculturalism on Englsih cities.
‘Panorama’ (after days of thought?) has decided to entitle its Monday show: ‘The August Riots’.
The one o’clock news bulletin on BBC television today, the twelfth August 2011, was merely typical of all BBC news bulletins, but it would be useful to put it into a specimen bottle, for examination when- that is never!- the editorial slanting of BBC news reporting is subjected to full and detailed analysis.
In this bulletin the news editor launched the slur that Cameron had sought to take credit for using effective force against the rioters after the police leaders had been slow to intervene. (The BBC should be told to state their evidence for this or retract.) The left-wing misrepresentation in this claim is blatant because the Prime minister’s delayed arrival on the scene made this an issue which he would not and could not seek to exploit. Nevertheless when such a ploy is launched it is repeated as fact by other left-wing media colleagues. This evening, a Sky News political editor reported that some police chiefs whose names he could not divulge were secretly angry that Cameron was seeking personal credit.- real hard evidence! He then showed a clip of the Prime Minister talking on the subject with the tact and restraint that he had always maintained when this topic had been presented to him. The Sky commentator went on to give his authoritative verdict that Mr. Cameron had moderated his attitude from the previous day, making an assumption into fact. Nice one!
The BBC bulletin targeted the Prime minister alone for raising this question in the parliamentary debate – with the sub-text that it was a preoccupation confined to the right wing. In fact, the BBC editor, as part of his duties must have seen the strong criticism to which Mr. Cameron was subjected from all parts of the house on the government’s failure to protect life and property during the agonising hours when the police applied the policy of non-provocative stand-off while rioters ran amok. If an objective reporter had chosen instead to quote the strongest expression of the indignation felt over this in the chamber, the words chosen would probably be those of Graham Stringer, an eye witness and Labour Member for Manchester Blackley. The BBC was choosing to ignore also the harrowing testimony of thousands of citizens.
The last device of the BBC editor was to bring on the senior policemen. Previously, the left wing media would have represented them as the bungling enforcers of a Fascist state and would have only pointed their cameras at them if they were surrounded by reporters shouting repetitive questions and political and personal insults. However by a glorious irony, the BBC is now seeing these appointees of Tony Blair as absolute defenders of principle, who should have the authority to act without the interference of politicians. The Police leaders were therefore treated with reverence, as the bastions standing against the right wing political reaction of recent days.
The political purpose of what had preceded was made clear when a senior BBC News Editor was then interviewed to tell us that he was decreeing that the public debate should now move on (from the nasty matter about an ungovernable state – although he did not say so) to an examination of the reasons why the rioters/ protesters had acted in this way. We were given the warning that those who control the media were asserting themselves to divert attention from the realities of the previous week to the traditional theme of the guilt of the law-abiding victim. Evening broadcasts when inarticulate rioters nevertheless produced pre-primed sentences in this vein confirmed this.
There should be partisan political campaigning in the media, but it should not be found in such news bulletins which should focus on information not on speculation and opinion.
“In this bulletin the news editor launched the slur that Cameron had sought to take credit for using effective force against the rioters after the police leaders had been slow to intervene. (The BBC should be told to state their evidence for this or retract.)”
Precisely. The BBC are falsifying the facts. The Government should be demanding a retraction.
Yesterday on Newsnight David Grossman was telling us that at a previous Tory Conference David Cameron had spoken out against the very CCTV footage he wishes to use now. He showed us film clips of Cameron addressing a Tory Party Conference, but we had to take Mr Grossman’s word for it that he was railing against CCTV. Personally, Mr Grossman’s word isn’t good enough for me, not by a long chalk. If he wants us to believe that at a previous Tory Conference Mr Cameron was speaking out against CCTV he needs to let us hear him saying so, not show us video minus audio and Mr Grossman telling us what he was saying. Just seems like Mr Grossman is actually falsifying the facts again, which the Editor of BBC News set the agenda for at the start of the morning.
More on the NUJ, which seems to set the tone for most BBC output – from Damian Thompson’s Telegraph blog…
<b>OK, here’s a name for you: Mr Donnacha DeLong, the new president of the National Union of Journalists. On Tuesday he described the “broom army” of middle-class volunteers who cleaned up Clapham Junction as “scum”.
Yes, you read that right: scum. DeLong said so in a Facebook comment; I rang DeLong to check that it was authentic. “Yes, but I was referring to a particular exclusivist crowd,” he explained.</b>
…… and here’s the epitomy of UK journalistic integrity in person….
……and a flavour of his politics from his personal blog…..
<b>The Revolution Will Be Streamed</b>
Seems to me the NUJ has become a fringe extremist group somewhere to the left of the SWP and George Galloway’s “Respect” party.
Bear that in mind next time you see NUJ “father of the chapel” Paul Mason, giving you his “impartial” view on the world economy.
Sorry about the double post – I’ve no idea how that happened
Powell spoke of the Tiber foaming with blood.
I juts see every liberal shibboleth speared and with a hook in its mouth floating gently down the Thames and out to sea.
That the BBC see it as proof of how great it is and always was is just the first signs of Mercury poisoning up in the newsrooms and editing suites.
THey`ll not be around in any recognisable form to worry about heavy metals in the Manchester Ship Canal either!
In the river of slurry and aromatherapy oils the Lazy Leviathan of the BBC can`t or won`t be led out to sea. Poor thing`s dead from the brain down…still, plenty fat and blubber to be had, and hope for some of my money back that the bugger swallowed as plankton!
Shoddy work by the BBC
Shoddy work by the BBC
This a definite weak point the BBC has no defence against.
Too many, and often ‘friendly fire’ victims, are lining up to point out that the BBC’s edit suite is a tool not for clarity, but narrative enhancing of a most partial order.
Have just checket out Mr Jones own website: http://owenjones.org/about/
He descibes himself as “I’m a lefty currently based in Hackney; and I grew up in Sheffield, Falkirk and – above all – my beloved Stockport. I’m a former flunky for unions and Labour MPs, and author of ‘Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class’, to be published by Verso in June 2011.”
Ah, so he’s an unbiased independent thinker then. Good on you BBC.
‘Chavs: The Demonisation of the Working Class’
Hmmm…I think the word ‘Toffs’ is spat out with much more frequency and a great deal more venom. Hatred of the well spoken, well mannered middle/upper class is the one remaining truely acceptable prejudice. Even our former Prime Minister joined in the game. Disgraceful.
We know BBC-NUJ (along with NUJ in other parts of media) will not volunteer video evidence of rioters to police; do NUJ political allegiances go further, in support of UAF?
“London riots: Pamphlets handed out giving criminals advice on ‘being calm'”
Anyone else catch the bit on Sky News with Red Ed walking into a cafe and having to introduce himself to the owner (he was on another of his pointless stunts) as he had no idea who Red Ed was? Really funny and Sky were taking the piss.
Anyone want to bet this Won’t be on the BBC?
Not true, Martin. It’ll be on right after they broadcast the clip of Obama being unable to open that door.
Off the usual thread, but still a BBC issue:
No Live match coverage of Wales V England rugby from the Millennium stadium today. It’s on SKY of course, which I wont ever pay for. Now before someone tells me that its not the fault of the Beeb, but the blame lies with the WRU you’re probably right. Dont make me feel any bloody better tho…
f**k f**k f**k ! three times ….arghhhhhhhhhh……..
Need to lie down in a dark room now….
At least you have the choice to not pay for SKY.
Tuned into BBC1’s hi-brow Football Focus this lunchtime.
I understand that some of you will be thinking for God’s sake why.
Well I was curious, but not excited, to see if all that money that the BBC has thrown at Salford during a time of austerity had indeed been well spent.
Oh-yes !
The replication of the Star Ship Enterprise was the theme and made all the more authentic with one second time delay between the picture and the audio.
Needless to say the crew were as lamentable as ever and the new life forms they encountered could only offer up platitudes.
Klingon in the Sky City will beat Kirk’s BBC DisUnited every time.
And so the BBC’s subtle assault on Michelle Bachman continues:
To comment on her, they trotted out Arne Carlson: “Republican governor in Minnesota when Ms Bachmann was in the state legislature.” The implication here is that he has more experience than she does, and besides he is a Republican, so his word must be taken seriously when criticizing a fellow Republican.
In the BBC piece we read: “…the best candidates don’t make the most suitable people for governance, Arne Carlson says. Michele Bachmann sees America in very nostalgic terms, he notes – everyone goes to church, everybody has a job and everybody shares the same civic and religious values.”
“The best candidates don’t make the most suitable people for governance”.
In 2008 endorsed BARAK OBAMA.
In 2010 he endorsed Tom Horner (Independence Party) in Minnesota’s gubernatorial race
And was banned by the state Republican central committee for 2 years from participating in party events.
Sorry BBC. As a “Republican” Arne Carlson doesn’t pass the smell test. But then he doesn’t pass the smell test as an impartial observer either. This is a dishonest description of the man in order to make his views seem important. They – and he – are not.
“RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: The politics of envy was bound to end up in flames”
“There was a hand-wringing report on the local news in London which involved a social worker taking a BBC reporter on a tour of derelict playgrounds and boarded-up five-a-side football pitches.
The reason they’ve been abandoned is not because of the ‘savage cuts’, as the report would have had you believe, but because they have been firebombed, vandalised and colonised by drugs dealers.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2025021/UK-riots-2011-The-politics-envy-bound-end-flames.html#ixzz1UvcfybDY
It’s a good article, this point being the most salient :
‘Many of those politicians attacking the Met’s sluggish response to the riots have spent their careers undermining and emasculating the police. They have created the conditions for this anarchy.’
Yes, I posted the link to that Littlejohn article and highlighted his comment about the playgrounds and football pitches, on the thread about helping looters.
“The reason they’ve been abandoned is not because of the ‘savage cuts’, as the report would have had you believe, but because they have been firebombed, vandalised and colonised by drugs dealers.”
Littlejohn is infamous for “making stuff up” and in this case it’s quite obvious. Playgrounds and fotball pitches “firebombed”? Colonised by drugs dealers?
Yeah right…
This is pure fantasy based on nothing more than Littlejohn’s imaginaion.
Outraged to a deadline, once a week, for cash.
Yeah right…
This is pure fantasy based on nothing more than Littlejohn’s imaginaion.
Outraged to a deadline, once a week, for cash.
You think playgrounds have been firebombed?
Something that in my view was utterly obscene on BBC News 24 just now.
It was preceded by a deeply moving press conference in Birmingham by spokesmen from the two Muslim families who had loved ones murdered. These gentlemen are utterly exemplary and inspirational in the unspeakable grief they bear. As the law currently exists on ‘race crime’, it basically eggs people on to claim a racial motive if they suffer crime from someone with a different skin colour. These deeply honourable gentlemen have gone out of their way to defuse any racial element their sons murders. They also took time, which is so impressive, to pay tribute to the memory of Richard Mannington Bowes in London and extend condolences to his family.
Which brings me to my gripe about what followed next.
The next item was the vigil in Ealing today for Mr Mannington Bowes to pay respect to the memory of a man who died defending his community from rioters. The reporter presented the mike to 3 people, a mentor for young offenders and two of her black ‘mentees’ (one titled as a ‘trainee mentor’) who had come from Brixton.
It was all about them not Mr Mannington Bowes. They explained they were ex-offenders who had chosen not to join in with their friends who participated in the rioting and looting. After explaining their reasons for this choice, the reporter, Sangita someone, asked one of the ‘reformed youths’ what he would like to say about what Mr Mannington Bowes had suffered. He expressed his condolences but then just gave a piece of spiel about how if people aren’t given positive opportunities they’re gong to take negative opportunities like looting bla, bla, bla, bla, bla. Nothing whatsoever about the bravery of Mr Mannington Bowes defending his community from rioters and the appalling price he played, nothing whatsoever about urging anyone who took part to hand themselves in and cooperate with inquiries, just basically excusing what had happened. Absolutely obscene.
It ended with the mentor Suzanne Fernandes giving some spiel about her youth mentoring work.
Absolutely sickening how this report which should have been about Mr Mannington Bowes and those who turned up to honour his memory was instead used as a promo for these repulsively self-centred individuals who were there for themselves, not the victim. I’m speechless by the utter crassness of it.
Excellent post Hippie. There is no level below which these bastards will not sink.
I’ve just done a bit of surfing and the ‘ex-offender mentor’ is actually a churchgoing Christian.
Anyone familiar with my posts will be aware I welcome occasions to counter negative stereotyping of black people, but abusing a vigil to honour the memory of a tremendously decent and brave man who fell victim to mob violence defending his community is just so extremely ghastly. And added to that, the ‘contribution’ of the black youths, especially one of them, did nothing to dispel negative stereotyping – the complete opposite.
In fairness to the reporter, she did try to get the yoots to address the purpose for being there, but that wasn’t the purpose they were there for! She gave the final word to the mentor, an important time to salvage the grotesque narcissism on display, but all the reporter did was seem to show that the memory of Mr Mannington Bowes was very incidental to her as well. Gross. Appalling. What words are there?
“grotesque narcissism”
Not so much the “Great Generation” as the “Generation of Wanker’s”
Widow takes on BBC over Israel ‘bias’
Thank You Mr Pooter!
Am watching those two Muslim saints at the Press Conference on as I write. The dad is even mentioning Mr Bowes at the moment too.
This man-these men are everything that Bunglawalla, Choudrey, Hamza and Sacranie are not and never were!
Too much to expect that the BBC will give a monkeys about the likes of these honourable blokes when they prefer the agitprop perversions of Islam instead.
Sadly, as you say about Mr Bowes-just another shroud to wave in Cleggs face now that Mille Dowlers is looking a bit hackneyed.
For example-that Bill Bratton is being asked to help out is now seen as a sign of disunity `twixt No10 and HMIC-well it`s yet another distraction from the real issues isn`t it and is seeen to nobble the Tories….utterly crass and transparently obtuse as always!
The BBC have GOT to go!
“Police water cannon and plastic bullets? After 50 years of the most lavish welfare state on earth? What an abject failure”
(by Peter Hitchens)
“Say to him [Cameron] that mass immigration should be stopped and reversed, and that those who refuse any of the huge number of jobs which are then available should be denied benefits of any kind, and he will gibber in shock.
Yet he is ready to authorise the use of water cannon and plastic bullets on our streets (quite useless, as it happens, against this sort of outbreak) as if we were a Third World despotism.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2025695/UK-riots-Police-water-cannon-plastic-bullets-After-50-years-lavish-welfare-state-earth-What-abject-failure-says-Peter-Hitchens.html#ixzz1UxMdrOKG
Have a look…http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/bbc/8700047/Widow-takes-on-BBC-over-Israel-bias.html
this is the one thing i want more than anything
the Balen report will show them up for the utter lowlife anti semites we all know they are
liked this comment
Orla Guerin is an utter disgrace, a stinking pustule on the face of journalism, a true representative of Al Beebera’s relentless anti-semitism, and a throwback to the dark days of Irish Jew-hating, when their leader De Valera was the lone national representative to send official condolences to the Nazi High Command on the ‘sad’ death of the Fuehrer.
The very fact that this rotten organisation, whose bias is overt in so many ways is spending so many licence fees in hiding this report speaks volumes of its guilt. That it should employ the nauseating crone Guerin in any journalistic capacity, far less giving her license to air her vile bigotry at licence payers’ expense, is just further evidence of their arrogance.
Shut the BBC down – or sell it off now.
Edward Stourton with hands to wet to join in prayer…so lots and lots of hand wringing this morning at 7am.
No bell ringing though-that would provoke other faiths no doubt and fall foul of Euro Noise Regs.
Then he questions that hostility to faiths here in the UK is as bad as China, Russia and Nigeria-without thinking that the fact people elsewhere think we ARE as bad is one hell of an indictment of life after Tone!
Still the Salford ex-con was good in the main and even Bercows little helper in the chaplaincy wasn`t as bad as I`d feared…again, How low are our expectations of the BBC these days then?
Final point-the religious types who major on Jesus and his “niceness” are`nt looking too much at what God did in more salient times to ours-Jeremiah as good a place toi start as any.
Not that the church cares about the old times-thank God for the Jews and Rabbis Sacks, Blue etc!
I too listened and was quite impressed by the “Salford ex-con”. He was more in tune with the real world than either of the other two.
I’m sure you picked up on his comments about living on benefits (talking from his personal experience) that “workfare” was the way forward.
Has BBC-NUJ become officially, or unofficially ANARCHIST, like its NUJ President from the Republic of Ireland, DONNACHA DELONG?
Ye Gods!
Listening now to the BBCs take on the last week.
All seems linked to the holiday plans of Boris and of Dave…and their “flip flopping” about coming home early!
Yes-just about the issue that needs Bratton to stay at home and the Tories to admit there is forver a paln B…if only they`d let Ed into the Cobra meetings!
As with BH…a delight to see the scaffolding going up and the rotten edifice of liberal mottle and daub getting pasted up and round-papier mache c/o the Guardian…and soundtrack of course by the caring concerned and moral upholders of life, love and liberty that is the BBC!
Providing scaffolding solutions to Potemkin villages and Straw Men since 1979…we`re beyond angry now….we`re SAD now!
Oh diddums!
People at the Met have been “deeply hurt” by that beast in kitten heels that is the awesomely terrifying Theresa May!…well that`s what the World At One is saying.
Safe then to say that these fragrant little lilies on the top shelf at Scotland Yard were nowhere to be found on the streets of Tottenham or Ealing…imagine what those beastly mob might have said to them!
The BBC prepares for September as we all know it will by telling half a story:
Palestinians to bid for UN state recognition next month
What’s missing:
Any mention that Palestine’s claim is without legal merit. The Montivideo Convention (1933) is the usual guide.
A sovereign state is a state with a defined territory on which it exercises internal and external sovereignty, a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.
In case one of our resident trolls has tuned in. The borders are not defined – the 1948 ceasefire lines that for some reason are described as 1967 borders were never accepted by any state or even the Palestinians as constituting a legal border. Hamas doesn’t have sovereignty beyond Gaza and Fatah beyond Ramallah. The current population includes about 600,000 Israelis that Abbas insists will be ethnically cleansed. No one is sure who is the government and of what and Palestine has no way of enforcing any agreement it makes with any sovereign states.
The second thing that is missing is that going to the United Nations is in direct breach of the Oslo Accords although you could argue that the Oslo Accords have been breached in so many ways that it should be discounted.
The third thing missing is any acknowledgement that far from forcing a return to negotiations which BTW the Palestinians refuse to do it may well lead to an outright war.
In keeping with BBC tradition the Israeli right of reply (when allowed at all) is given the last two paragraphs guaranteeing most will never read it.
“Nine hours of repeats a day on BBC2 and some days you must wait until 8pm to see an original show”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2025696/Nine-hours-repeats-day-BBC2-days-wait-8pm-original-show.html#ixzz1V1u6GBgc
A counter to BBC-NUJ-Labour:
(Leo McKinstry)
Is it me or have all comments to Paul Hudsons blog been stopped?