BBC keen to give Ed Miliband the prime time slot on Today this morning. 8.10am .Not only did he get the usual soft shuffle interview in which he was allowed to waffle about the “complex” reasons behind the looting riots but then he got to talk further with a special panel the BBC had invited onto the programme. Miliband repeated the inane meme that somehow Bankers are part of the problem. Evidently he has decided there are no votes for him should he robustly deal with the thieving feral scum that constitute part of his core vote in some of these areas. What struck me most is that Miliband has absolutely NOTHING to add to this debate and yet there was the BBC hanging on his every non-word! It’s the same as Question Time last night with John “Class Warrior” Prescott utraged about the behavior of…bankers. It’s as if Labour, and their broadcasting arm the BBC, live in a parallel universe. The thugs that looted and wrecked our streets did so because the enjoyed it and thought they could get away with it. The complexity is an invention by the Left, propagated by the BBC.
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some of us still pay for this drivel,We need our heads looked at.The beeb with holding pictures of looter etc…Lets send a email to J Hunt,sorry done that another waste of time
Blimey! Ed is a useless performer. Call Me Dave is extremely lucky to have such a lightweight as his opposite number. The BBC may be shooting themselves in the foot by giving Ed such an easy ride – he is an absolute gift for the Tory party.
However, Ed also has reasons to give thanks: I shudder to think what Spitting Image would have done to his career…
spot on David
“The complexity is an invention by the Left, propagated by the BBC.”
That is just so true. There is nothing complex about scum seeing an opportunity to mug, loot and destroy and going for it.
“The complexity is an invention by the Left, propagated by the BBC.”
Quite. The left must invent complexity for the riots, because the real reasons are all too clear and obvious.
It’s known as muddying the water, clouding the issues,………beat around the bush, cavil, cop a plea, cop out, cover up, dodge, double-talk, , falsify, fence, fib, flip-flop, fudge, give run around, hedge, hem and haw, jive, , pass the buck, , pussyfoot, , run around, shuck, sidestep, sit on the fence, stonewall, , tergiversate, tergiverse, waffle, weasel and generally LIE.
…and tiptoe through the tulips. 😀
Speaking of tiptoeing reminds me that limp lettuce Essssssler mentioned the other night that they had been tiptoeing around “race”.
Of course, he only felt strong enough to mention this once he had Katherine Birbalsingh at his side, propping him up.
Of course it is an invention. It would hurt them to say, “Wrong is wrong” because they know deep down that they are and were wrong and that they are also liars.
If a (cultural or otherwise) Marxist (the par exemplar of simplifiers) asserts that something is “COMPLEX” it is something so OBVIOUS that even they dare not directly deny it.
Agree but why have a picture of Ray Romano?
Its a much nicer pic as i would have lost me breakfast if the eddie was up there!
I heard someone say that people mistook Miliband for Romano. Just my little joke!
‘Agree but why have a picture of Ray Romano?’
Running a dire sitcom as a joke cabinet, featuring a disfunctional mix of idiot males (inc. goofy brother), senile elders and female harridans, who collectively never fail to fail?
No, no idea either.
Everybody likes Raymond. Who the hell likes Milibland?
Not even his Mrs or his brother or the British Population.
And Aardman haven’t made a decent movie since he infringed their copywrite by the use of his face.
I’ll give you ‘more cheese gromit’ you grinning puppet like tosser..
I think you’ll agree, Wallace is far more lifelike and convincing than Ed.
I did have to chuckle at tuesday’s Newsnight when Michael Gove claimed that Harriet harman was “speaking out of both sides of her mouth”. That’s something that you could never accuse Ed Milliband of! :-E
Bet Cherrie Blair could
But only for a handsome fee.
She could speak out of both sides of her ‘flip top head’
She always looked like she was sucking a coat hanger.
No surprise that nobody picked up the mayoress of Haringey when she burbled on about the wonderful school in Haringey (“wonderful” and “school” being a contradiction in terms where Haringey is involved) of which she is a governor and which she is looking forward to visiting when the pupils’ “A” level results will be announced. No-one – not even Katharine Birbalsingh – noted that these children are the victims of a con-trick. Their pieces of paper are the equivalent of the toilet roll sociology degrees awarded in the 70s: useless and signifying nothing (neither to a potential employer or a decent university).
BTW we heard only once, I think, from David Allen (an old fashioned Conservative) who gave the liberal media – particularly the Guardian and the BBC – a deserved (but solitary) bashing. Also, I don’t exactly recall who it was – I presume it was the reformed guy working with gangs (I’ll bet!) – who accused the Conservatives of the early 80s of “imperialism” in their treatment of the “no-father-present-except-at-conception” community in the early 80s: ah marxism lives on.
I listened to Mr Milliband on the Today programme whilst driving to Eindhoven, apart from spouting some idiotic soundbites the only thing I can remember from his interview was his terrible off-putting voice, I know that it is unfair to mock someone with some sort of medical condition, but it amazes me that the Labour Party could ”elect” someone who sounds like a robot.
Picked up on robot. When Robot Ed goes crazy … I presume you have seen this. Its priceless
Amazing!, I thought that was a spoof video. If anything this shows that politicians like Mr Milliband are only interested in soundbites which clearly they have been trained to deliver. Actually I dispair of all political parties if this is the normal behaviour.
Jesus – is that for real? Same sound-bite answer repeated what, 5 or 6 times to different questions? You’d have thought the beeb would have edited it just to include the best take. Someone’s failing in their Labour PR duties.
The BBC interviewer could not have been more sycophantic if he tried. If you were only to take the evidence of your own ears you would think that the BBC is the broadcasting arm of the Labour Party, pushing whatever narrative comes out of Labour Party HQ, but of course it is more complex than that, because as we know (we know this because the BBC keeps telling us) that impartiality is in its genes.
That’s the problem. It would have been mocked on every programme across the BBC spectrum if a Tory had given that peformance. “Did you hear what Cameron did….?”
That’s the problem. It would have been mocked on every programme across the BBC spectrum if a Tory had given that peformance. “Did you hear what Cameron did….?”
That was just unreal, wasn’t it!!!!
Here’s the ITV journalist’s take on what went on behind the scenes :
If you read it, you’ll see the extent to which his PR people and ‘handlers’ tried to control every little detail of the interview – and still he ended up looking like a prick. Priceless. You simply can’t polish a turd.
He’s like a goldfish – everytime he finishes the sentence he forgets he said it and off he goes again. You do wonder whether its some form of alzeimers – you can hear the cogs whirring “must get my message across” Still credit where credit’d due – it never fails to cheer me up. Looking forward to hearing him post-adenoids with a bit of luck he will end up sounding like Joe Pascuale
Might change the tone of his voice – won’t make the content any less shitty.
It was actually featured on the BBC website at the time, because I recall the interviewer making it plain that he was pretty pissed off about it. He couldn’t make issue at the time as it was a pooled interview for a few channels.
Had it been a Tory, it would (quite rightly) have made the 10 O’Clock News. For some reason it didn’t, but HIGNFY may have spotted it.
Always thought he sounded like the bastard child of rick and Neil from the young ones.
Oh the complexity!
Back to 2002. Ten full years before the present government was elected.
Gordon Brown, in his own words.
The chancellor, Gordon Brown, today mounted an “onslaught” on unemployment in deprived areas to match the environment improvements promised for the inner city.
In a preview of his pre-budget statement expected later this month Mr Brown revealed that teams of government job advisers would be sent onto sink estates in bid to achieve full employment in every area.
Speaking at the urban summit in Birmingham today, Mr Brown said: “We will look to test a more intensive approach to tackling the worst concentrations of unemployment, street by street, estate by estate.”
He also promised cash hand-outs to the long term unemployed to help them get back into work or set up their own businesses.
“As we insist on unemployed adults getting back to work we will identify the barriers to their employability, offering them training, advice and sometimes cash help,” he said.
The chancellor said he wanted “the work ethic” to be “reinvigorated in every community in Britain”, and he pledged to “break the destructive culture that ‘no-one around here works'”.
What has the annoying Milliband got to say about his party’s evident failure when it was obvious to them at the highest level that there was a big problem. Or did the complexity just prove incalpable of resolution despite all of the big-shot liberal consultants from Labour inclined academic institutions.
Is Ed inviting us to put up with more of the same?
“break the destructive culture that ‘no-one around here works'”.
Sorry shouldn’t he be directing that comment at his paymasters in the unions?
Someone spoke heresy on the Today programme this morning by suggesting that all of this lack of responsibility was because of the culture of need/dependency spouted by the Left’s propaganda arms, Al JaBeeBa and the Guardian.
The very idea!!
Desparation from the BBC – They have to keep the “Stop the Cuts” narrative open for Ed – I don’t think even Millibore really believes it – Balls has lost the “Spend more” argument. Its all starting to feel half-hearted from Liebour – many of the Labour MP’s seemed genuinely lost as what to do – I don’t really understand what he’s saying and neither does the public it sounds like do nothing.
The backlash against the failed NuLabour project is under way, no more subsidies for the feckless they are going to have to join society and work – except NuLabour gave the jobs to foreign workers and betrayed the British working class. National Conversation – my ar*s!
99% of jobs created in the last decade gone to immigrants, not sink estate denizens. Lowest-wage menial jobs which are not guaranteed for life pay less than benefits, which are eternal. Yet the BBC always defends this as looking after the poorest and most vulnerable.
I did see this in a TV report yesterday on the Chancellor’s report to the Commons on the economy
BALLS However, does the Chancellor agree with those wise heads who favour a balanced and sensible approach to deficit reduction, and fear that rapid US retrenchment could drive the world back into recession? Or does he agree with his friends—we know he has many in the Republican party and in the Tea party movement—who have urged deeper and faster cuts, and hailed the recent budget deal as delivering 98% of their demands? Is the Chancellor on the side of the Federal Reserve, former Treasury Secretaries and Nobel prize winners, or on that of, in the words of the Business Secretary, “right wing nutters”?
It was not followed by Osborne’s reply
OSBORNE Actually, I agree with the plan that President Obama set out at George Washington university… the President of the United States has set out a deficit reduction plan that is at the same pace and on the same scale as the one that we are pursuing in Britain. That is what the President has set out; it is his offer in the debate. Indeed, the composition of tax increases and spending reductions that he has put forward is the same as the spending consolidation that we announced last year
BBC obviously thought it better to let the viewers know that the evil Tories are in league with those US nutters rather than proving that far from being” far & too fast” the fiscal consolidation plans of the government must be just right as they match those of the Obamamessiah
If Osborne agrees with The Obamessiah, then you’re all screwed. To hell with Paul Krugman (the only Nobel Laureate supporting Him on this, and we all know what his award was for), and Bernanke certainly doesn’t think Cut, Cap & Balance is wrong, Personally, I’d rather listen to the real world than ideological fantasies.
David – that is a very flattering photo of Ed (Tom Baker?), myself I would always use the image used by Guido, here
I think I like the one Guido used for his caption competition.
Oh come on you lot!
Thanks for listening to the Toady Show, so the rest of us need not!
What do we really think a Justin or a Sarah will be asking an Ed or a Paddy…and are we anything but unhappy and sick of the same party bags and diversity wristbands they shower us in…when its not liberal slurry and slime.
Yes we pay our license fees(some of us)… but who of us will be paying ever again?…Thomsons Taxis can come out of “general taxation” from now on!
We KNOW what they`ll all be saying in their Puppet Theatre of the Absurd-it`s different films but with the one soundtrack as Graham Parker sang(he`s in Texas now-clever boy!)
Instead of getting my pepsis running hot this morning…I switched to Radio 3…news items brief, factual and not one analysis or comment on any of said items. Made up my own mind and settled for Wagner.
Feel absolutely spiffing now…isn`t the Glorious Twelth the day you can shoot rioters for the next week or so…or am I confused?..
The days when the BBC gave brief factual reports instead of Party political spin for the Labour Party are long gone. I watched the BBC news today and it was so clumsy and partisan (they were flailing around trying to find an anti-Tory narrative) it was truly pathetic.
Did any one notice how quickly Naughtie shut up katherine Birbalsingh, only one talking any sense.
Cancelling EMA, closing youth clubs, police cuts, underpriviledged youth etc etc. Its called I believe creating a narrative, and the BBC is scurrying to do their masters bidding creating this narrative.
By next week it will be firmly established that it was all the fault of Cameron and Osbourne, doubtless following Margeret Thatchers masterplan.
I never got EMA or my mother anything off the state. I used to work during the holidays (full time) from 16 onwards.
Too many bone idle bastards think they are owed a living, the problem is the BBC make people think they are owed something.
I’d love to hear how the BBC explains that caused an 11-year old girl, a teaching assistant to steal, never mind the thousands of others who have never been in higher education to qualify for EMA (which is being reformed, not cancelled).
A lot of cynicism here I fear!
I see one kid was nicking a violin( he`s a poor Paganini that we`re choking off too early)…another was liberating some ballet shoes( wouldn`t Michael Flatley have been moved)…in short, all these artists and creatives were only lookin for a till to pay at but it was dark…and the broken glass panicked them…oh, and those barking dogs…all too much!
The Arts Council will replace Haringey Council as “stakeholder” in the tableau feast of jollities that is ” Burning Love-2011″…and they`ll all get places at RADA/Glee/Sylvia Young by September.
Oh no…EMA cuts…I predict yet another riot then!
Quite enjoyed this It starts at 1.41.
Hats off to Anita Anand for exposing Ed “the android” Millibore piece of fluff on National Conversation.. You get to where Jack Dromy is genuinely shocked “… Its you that are confused…” he says …. you feel he wants to shout .. I’m the Labour guy….
The best thing is that he on the show and obviously hasn’t a clue what he’s talking about … talk about fag-box politics – and it’s back to my previous point Labour are all over the place – there’s a rout about to happen – its all half hearted… they don’t mean it..
Normal service resumes next week as VD sucks on Labour’s increasingly flacid cock
I can’t see where that is. The recording only goes to 1hr 25mins.
By the way, I notice that the insufferably smug Anand introduces herself by first name only: “Good morning, it’s Anita.” It wasn’t a one-off or an absent-minded slip either – I heard her doing it again while I was scrolling through looking for the segment you flagged above. Not even as big a name (or as big an ego) of a broadcaster as say, Terry Wogan does that.
Sorry my fault – no conspiricy (yet!) unless they’ve spiked my alchohol
try this
So what what message do you think this screen dump from the bBC news webpage for the UK the bBC is sending out. :
‘So what what message’
Other than being unsurprising that a selected vox pop is projected to a headline statement that meets the hive opinion, the headline opposite is pretty typical of their professional ‘standards’ (all of them).
Looking like it is developing into being accurate, but rushing to ‘may’ and quotes on something unconfirmed at the time is BS.
Deserves a main post. It will keep the cherry vultures away for a while.
Feel that we`re in the process of history being made!
The BBC seems to be disembowelling itself with a letter opener!
On every touchstone issue of these last few years…think David Kelly was the first carcenoma…the BBC could not or would not be so spectacularly WRONG, had Rupert himself been dripping the antifreeze into their Chardonnay.
The Chinese Army is still here…but the BBC is the biggest institution in MY lifetime that has lost the will to live and to learn. Like the collapse of the Soviet Empire_ I really think the greasy bottom of the hated flagship of liberal convenience is slowly sliding down Jody McIntyres disability ramp!
As a real commentator once said “quite extraordinary”!
I for one will be seeing who is on the balcony with paste medals next MayDay at Bush House…we are all Kremlinologists now here on this site I`d say!…pathologists, certainly!