Blogger Dumb Jon, commenting below on David Starkey :
I could almost put up with the whole BBC collapsing with a fit of the vapours over Starkey’s comments, except that in almost any other context these guys are desperate to tell us how ‘edgy’ they are and how much they like pushing boundaries.
Hell, if Starkey had just dropped his trousers and called for the age of consent to be abolished, they’d probably have signed him up for his own show right then and there.
Relevant to Starkeygate – this Guardian piece from 2006.
I always enjoyed him on the Moral Maze, even when I disagreed, which was often. He said what he thought. But that’s the last thing that’s wanted on the BBC. As that school sneak Owen Jones said in the Guardian : “I fear that some people will now say that David Starkey is right“.
Incidentally, don’t think that suppressio veri about the riots is restricted to national BBC news. I was in Birmingham on Tuesday night, which was quiet as could be because of the anger and threatened backlash after the deaths of three Asian men. I don’t know who was presenting the evening show on Radio WM which replaced the sports, but he kept talking about the tragedy of the men who died after “a collision” or “after a road traffic accident”! You’d think they’d hit a truck on the M42.
And to rub salt in the wound. After a week of chaos on the streets of this once marvelous country… what is the front cover of the print version of the BBC inhouse magazine..? You guessed it some mumbo jumbo about some god awful yoot project in Hackney. God only knows the fuckers are brazen…
On the plus side though, a link on that page tells us that we are all paying for the BBC to broadcast radio in Libya, which is surely great news for us all.
“Liliane Landor, BBC Controller of Languages said, ‘this year has been a very difficult one for Libyans. It is important for local people to have access to news and information that they can trust, and the BBC has experience of delivering that.”
Local people, LOCAL PEOPLE!!!
Trust the BBC? I don’t trust the half of the nonsense they broadcast over here. Allah only knows what they are telling the Libyans.
After Kelly, BBC prize fiddles, show voting scandals, doctored Queen clips, BBC executives fat cat salaries, Salford move fiasco-safe to say that the BBC bandwagons are continuing to shoot themselves as they form their stupid circle. A tired and defeated ragbag of Labour wishlists and fantasies, just looking to surrender to Al Queda or someone hunky like that!
MPS expenses?…that was the Telegraph.
Iraq fiddles of Blair-well they sacked Gilligan for telling us the truth? Economic collapse?-not one of them had an inkling!
So much for the public sector excuse for these gossips and metroplitian misfits.
They let Brand and Ross piss on their doritos-and here they are today on the wrong side of Murdoch(no thanks to those tossers-thank Nick Davies!)-and ,of course: on the wrong side of the riots!
The mass of this country despise the BBCs HawHaw suck up of all Balls cross eyed tears of compassion…it KNOWS it`s been lied to,condescended to and hates the BBCs effete elite.
And as our MPs fiddle-a nation burns!
Still-did Hugh Orde really like Theresa Mays shoes?…that`s the level of Beeb enquiries…and that`s the bantamweights like Dimplebums and Pacmans!
Time to smother dear flatulent drooling auntie with a damp Guardian…let the gravestone mark the death of Reiths Dream.
Let Rupert be the last BBC Chariman-and let him gently light the sad raft one sunset, soon!
ROBERT BROWN; You do really have a surrealistic way with words cj ! ‘smother dear flatulent drooling auntie with a damp guardian’ love it! Over to you Cameron, shut the BBC down now, good clear out, start again. Won’t happen.
Reading that Guardian piece, it just reinforces that London makes you feel you are living in a foreign country.
‘Jafaican’ is a speech impediment who’s sufferers will be consigned to a life on the dole.
Similar to ‘Ebonics’ in the USA. A hot topic of discussion in the late 90s.
The soft bigotry of lowered expectations.
Yet another example of the PC left creating even deeper problems for those they claim to be helping. They seem incapable of understanding the law of unintended consequences. I’m not sure if they’re well meaning but misguided or just plain malignant. My money’s on the latter.
ROBERT BROWN; Most leftists are either stupid or evil or both. I think this remark got me banned from CIF.
Please God this isn’t cancelled. It is the highlight of my year. I always like to “get down wit my bloods though innit”….. Marvelous stuff! And so diverse.. I can’t wait.
Yet again the BBC (Radio 5) are going on about the death of the Muslims in Birmingham, yet have just about ignored the white male kicked to death in Ealing.
Why is that BBC? I suspect if he’d bee one of your own, you’d be making a fuss.
Also, Orde is shooting his big fat mouth off again, I wonder how long spinelsss May and Cameron will tolerate him. tim eto shut him up me thinks.
‘Orde is shooting his big fat mouth off again,’
And the MSM is loving it. A nice big,fat ‘row’ to incite to drive more talking heads and ratings.
Is bringing in some Yank going to help? No idea.
But, so far, when you are standing with your overpaid, over-pensioned and over-perked stab-proof frilly knickers round your ankles, it doesn’t seem the smartest play to be objecting on the basis that you don’t want extra new advice when you are clearly doing such a bang up job to date.
With a bunch of suddenly nationalistic, George Cross-waving, Fuzz-philic hypocrite media egging on a twat simply because he’s anti who they dislike and it makes for more juice.
It’s amusing how they have gone in one leap from The Filth to the Cuddly Wuddly Fuzz.
Here in real life you`d think so Martin!
Yet-as we all know-the BBC and liberal elite are either childless(saving the planet man!) or gay…and don`t we know that?
Their subscription to “Shrines R Us” and the annual fun run well away from the scene of ANY disturbance of their creation and follow up tolerance and condoning should suffice.
Look at the wristbands bruv!
One of their own-Brand, Boyle, Brigstocke, Hardy, Toksvig, Ross…and of course the squits and wannabes that are attached as barnacles to Titans like Starkey for our amusement and fascination?
Still…Hanrahan, Robinson…and a few Big Beasts from private schools, Guardian showrooms-and now settled nicely as squatlters in “our BBC”-can`t be too long can it.
Let Bush House be the mausoleum of Lost Principles and Point when they all up sticks to sunny Salford…”jog on” as they say up there!
I wonder how much Cameron will tolerate May? He needs to remove the impediment to appointing Bratten as Met Commissioner as well as dismissing Orde from an official job he has (I suppose he does, as he keeps popping up in uniform which means he has no right in confronting the elected Government of the day as a public servant).
Another insight into deviant left-wing mentality :
The new president of the NUJ describes those who volunteered to clean up after the rioters as scum. Unbelievable.
“The new president of the NUJ describes those who volunteered to clean up after the rioters as scum.”
Don’t be ridiculous.
According to Damian Thompson; “The new president of the NUJ describes those who volunteered to clean up after the rioters as scum”
His so called “evidence” for this is two select quotes from what was obviously a much longer exchange of views.
Where is the link to the discussion he’s referring to? Why is so vague about where it was posted – on facebook *somewhere*?
That should make you very suspicious that he’s not exactly telling the whole truth.
ladies and gentlemen who are newly arrived at biased bbc
let me introduce you to our weekend trolling beeboid sockpuppet dez
another prick to keep your eyes peeled for is scott m
pair of leftoid wankers,as you will no doubt see for yourselves
Thanks ltwf. A totally empty headed response from you as usual.
unlike beeboids,I don’t do spin…..just tell it like it is
if you’re a twat-and you clearly are-i’ll soon tell you
as you have discovered
Well done! Keep up the good work!
don’t worry-I fully intend to thanks!!
Seems like they still give bail to the least deserving.
“scum. DeLong said so in a Facebook comment; I rang DeLong to check that it was authentic. “Yes, but I was referring to a particular exclusivist crowd,””
If that quote is correct, the NUJ President believes Clapham broom-sweepers included a proportion of “exclusive” scum.
It is pretty self-evident the “exclusivist crowd” is a tilt at young white middle class professional working people who can afford property in Clapham, as opposed to the unemployed working class heros of Delong’s twisted class war politics.
The wrong sort of broom-pushers. Not Left-wing broom-pushers, so their fight-back doesn’t count to the NUJ.
“If that quote is correct, the NUJ President believes Clapham broom-sweepers included a proportion of “exclusive” scum.”
It’s very easy to select a quote out of context and totally change its meaning. You must admit it’s very dodgy when someone uses a quote but then doesn’t say where they got it from.
Well ! – You should know !
These self-employed sweepers are NOT liable to Labours Block Vote Procedures and are unauthorised highway sanitation registered!
They therfore are hereby called to do the appropriate kilogram equivalant of littering today, so Derek Simpson, Bob Crow etc can ensure the essential induction in cleaning techniques before counting them as Milibands Bloc and not Miliband (D)s!
Prentiss and sewotka are currently wandering the streets of Croydon ensuring that Riotary “Health and Safety Procedures” were adhered to during said looting…any one of those rioters put himself at risk of great harm…and Lansley did NOT provide the necesary phonelines, leafletting or even the required First Aid Personnel that should have been placed strategically throughout the “riot theatre.”
Another phone call for you, Gareth Pierce!…
Dez, Nonsense.
Thompson did what every competent professional journalist should do contacted Donnacha DeLong and had him confirm the statement.
Has any MSM journalist has ever provided an URL link as you suggest? It is certainly not done as general practise by the BBC.
Of course the article is quoting from a longer conversation. Every article, interview or even book review is selective.
“Thompson did what every competent professional journalist should do…”
You really think the total transcript of his phone call to DeLong was; ““Yes, but I was referring to a particular exclusivist crowd. Good bye [click]”? Or do you think he might be highly selective in what he does or does not report?
MSM or not; any quote without it’s source isn’t to be trusted. Why hide it? Unless perhaps you’ve got something to hide?
Dez/Scott, it may have something to do with the fact that he appears to have now blocked access to his comments.
I’m sure if Mr Thompson has falsified his comments he would not be shy in saying so.
What about you Dez/Scott. Any thoughts on the broom squads?
In fact you’ll see here that Mr deLong doesn’t dispute the quote.
Interesting that this broom squad hating left wing anarchist used to by online news editor for Amnesty International UK 2007-10. How amazing that AI would employ an extreme leftie for such a role.!/donnachadelong?sk=wall
It appears that Mr deLong has another Facebook besides the one he links to on his website above, although amazingly enough his conversation on “scum” broom squads appears to have been excised now.
If you read the article Dez, you’d have seen the bit where the writer tells us that he actually phoned Mr. DeLong, who confirmed the quote. Now fuck off.
To the good host(s) of this site – can you please invent a ‘dislike’ option for comments. It’s needed occasionally. 😉
Personally I prefer Twitter Trusties!
Seems an awful lot of media types wanting to rush us all along from the crime scenes and into aimless debates about whether a Yank should run the Met or not…or idf Cameron and Boris are still liable for Bulingdon trash ups back in 2004-or not!
The Twitterati would want (quite literally) to sweep it all up under a stolen carpet…let`s them read the Guardain and BBC once again without the necessary thought…but of course!
“president of the NUJ describes those who volunteered to clean up after the rioters as scum”
A good illustration of the moral inversion of the Left. Take away the hatred and nothing remains.
Will BBC-NUJ branches officially disassociate themselves from such despicable remaks by its NUJ ‘leadership’?
We know that, e.g. ‘Newsnight’s BBC-NUJ branch supports:
1.) UKUncut (even providing BBC facilities for it to make a propaganda programme;
2.) UAF (and opposes EDL)- as part of NUJ official policy;
3.) Rioters (by not volunteering evidence against them);
4.) black gangsta culture, and denigrating Prof David’s Starkey’s opposition to it by means of a politically rigged ‘Newsnight’ panel.
‘“I fear that some people will now say that David Starkey is right“.
There’s a lot inherent in that simple sentence that bears considering for all it implies and explains, especially regrading how the UK national broadcaster shapes what comes into, through and out of the edit suite and studio to ensure that how the country’s public is told to think is… ‘right’.
1. They are RIGHT to fear it!
2. Thought the BBC did not believe in “right-“anymore that they do “wrong”.
What ARE they teaching our liberal elite these days?-wasn`t it all logic and the impreious march of reason and rationality, post-judgementalism and suchlike when they were all going up ,down and all arond to Oxbridge back in those crazy sixties?
Seems to me that SOMEONE here is being judgemental…oh dearie me!
Of course, the ‘leader’ of the National Union of Journalists, DONNACHA DELONG, describes himself as an ANARCHIST.
Here is some more of his political propaganda which is certainly influencing the political output of the BBC-NUJ, which we are financing:
I often listened to Starkey on the BBCs Radio 4 The Moral Maze, the subject of race over the many years often cropped up. Starkey, always outspoken, spoke the truth. I seem to remember Starkey saying similar things about Jamaican patois and Black culture on the BBC a long long time ago. What’s new? Actually the old BBC Moral Maze stuff concerning the 2001 Oldham Race Riots rehashed in the context of the riots in England. So many on the the left want to forget Oldham, Bradford and Burnley and these examples of rioting. Strange how only now BBC2’s Newsnight which, lets face it, given the quality of the panelists that night was a piss poor imitation of The Moral Maze is newsworthy(Its even been added to Starkey’s wiki page). Anybody who has the time to listen again to The Moral Maze will find far more radical opinions already expressed on the BBC.
“If David Starkey is racist then so is everybody ”
(by James Delingpole)
“Like the Guardian – and the Labour party – the BBC created the culture that led to these riots, so it’s hardly surprising if it carries on playing the old PC game like the 80s and 90s never went away.”
Hell, if Starkey had just dropped his trousers and called for the age of consent to be abolished, they’d probably have signed him up for his own show right then and there.
I’m not sure about that but if he’d made a joke about Sarah Palin’s Down Syndrome baby he would have got a phone-in spot on R5 at least! The racial divide which no one, not even Starkey, dare speaks is between disaffected Afro-Caribbean youth, the product of 50 years of welfare dependency and lowered white middle-class expectations, and Asians, who remain entrepreneurial and family-centred.
It is not a coincidence that many of the shops that were trashedbelonged to the Asian community or that the people killed in Birmingham were of Asian extraction. With their work ethic and high savings ratios Asians are regarded in much the same light as the Jews were in the Weimar Republic.
Starkey is right that there is no longer a racial division between black and white in the inner-city at least when it comes to working-class youth. However the real racial division, which you will never hear on the BBC, and which the riots have revealed is not between black and white but between black and brown.
Dr Starkey is a fool: he is a fool for agreeing to be the token ‘right-winger’ on a biased BBC programme in which three left-leaning (relatively) intellectual pygmies are pitted against an academic who uses words and adopts a narrative quite alien to the BBC vernacular. This interview/discussion was not convened to anaylse or arrive at truth: it was commissioned to entertain and perpetuate BBC orthodoxy. Dr Starkey was set up to be the jarring dissonance, which he should have foreseen and adapted his speech in order that his truth may have been better received.”
A fool – or just someone with bigger balls than most who’s willing to enter an arena that he knows will be stacked against him and yet he remains unflinching. Respect where it’s due.
The jury is still out I suppose-he made a good point as a historian that it`s all too oearly to leap to conclusions.
But what else do the BBC …then replace the pictures but continue the white noise of liberal dronings on continual loop.
I`ve worked out that Melanie, Davis and Peter-andf the occasional Daniel, Douglas etc…are just dancing bears for the BBCs five ring circus-intellectual freak shows!
On balance I`d say “fool” coming to think of it…imagine ONE Beebite changing his mind, such as it is!
These ciphers are well rewarded NOT to think…just to emote and flex their flaccid intellects for their friends and bosses…one and the same usually!
Good old Cranmer. “A narrative quite alien to the BBC vernacular”. I would have said the other way round, but, yeah.
Allan D – the Asians in this case play the role of what Thomas Sowell (in Markets and Minorities) called the “middle-man minority” – like the Chinese in Indonesia and Malaya, the Asians in Africa, Lebanese in many places, Jews in historical Europe. Amy Chua (in World on Fire) calls them “market-dominant minorities” and warns that globalisation, while increasing opportunity for talented minority entrepreneurs, will increase hatred of them by the (less talented?) majority.
(though to be fair, the history of Europe, Indonesia post-Sukarno and post-colonial Africa shows that you don’t need globalisation to produce those outcomes)
Dreda Say Mitchell from the Starkey Newsnight is getting a drubbing on the comments over at her blog at the Guardian.
The host, Emily Maitlis, Jones and I had a go at challenging Starkey’s views.
Excellent comment from Waltz on that article :
After the Newsnight broadcast he told me that I should listen to his views, but I suspect mine are more valid. I’ve lived it and he hasn’t.
Actually he has lived something that you haven’t. He is a white Briton of a certain age looking on bewildered as entire boroughs of major British cities go up in flames, torched by kids who speak an affected West Indian lingo, talk about “the Feds”, celebrate a species of gangster culture most of us associate with Baltimore, LA and Kingston. You write as if your viewpoint is superior to his. In fact, it’s simply different and – as your article demonstrates – you haven’t the slightest clue what all this looks like to vast numbers of Britons. You know, those tens of millions who don’t get down wiv da Hackney Massive or pen chirpy articles about the variety of exotic foods now available on their doorstep or read The Guardian.
The expectation is always that white Britons must see things from your perspective. Well, how about you practice what you preach and try seeing it from some of ours for a change?
…and another (sorry, but it is good)
Are the debates about “race” and criminality that were supposed to have been fought and won decades ago going to have to be rehashed?
Except you didn’t win any debates. You just closed them down – like you’re trying to do now – by insinuating that your opponents were evil, stupid or mad and therefore undeserving of being heard.
Never heard of this “broadcaster and writer”with the braids.
She does multi-culti workshops, paid for by Islington Council, so was well within her pay grade to jetski behing a soaring intellect, and get a column this weekend…”my night out with the raycyst”
Unfortunately for our token rapper, Starkey DOES have a sense of history…when she was gathering her race cards in nursery, Starkey was able to work out Powells errors..but also the prophetic power of much of his thinking too!
History and cultural analysis and critiques are of course done by unknown black writers and SWP chav chroniclers…what the hell would a Dr David Starkey of Oxbridge know?
Compared to Emily Maitlis, poor bloke can only dream of knowing a rap lyric like Dreda does….
Starkey hopefully will shake off the sucker fish and keep a teachin`…we need it!
Someone’s done the research:
It seems that 60% of the rioters were black, 35%white. When you calculate that back to pro rata the population it appears that blacks are about 8 times as likely as whites to riot.
This in the same as the natural constant ratio for general criminality, where again blacks are about 8 times as likely as whites to commit a crime.
IIRC, it is also roughly the same ratio of stop and search incidents on blacks and whites, which I always felt demonstrated how neutral the Police are to race.
Thanks Mr Bennett!
I thought “Facts were sacred, but opinion is free” or whatever the Guardian used to trumpet when it WAS objective and focussed on the story.
This sacred fact (2:1 Black:White ) will not be seen by any but us!
No maths questions about targetting resources to the 8:1 criminal implications either. Not a bit of it…crime is colour blind
and those who create and need it certainly intend to ensure that they are…whether we get our eyes gouged out here in the real world or not is of supreme indifference to their like.
As long as the food is suitably served by one Jamies pale and interesting “yoofs wiv a hygiene stiff`kit innit blud?”
Now “peace out”.
(Peace off to the rest of us!)
“Starkey backed in furore over ‘whites and black culture’ claim”
Read more: