Kaye Adams, the BBC broadcaster, has been accused of being unfit to present a top current affairs programme after she tweeted in response to Boris Johnson’s suggestion that rioters should face tough punishments, “P*** off back to boarding school, Boris”.
The former presenter of Loose Women, the ITV talk show, who presents a popular Radio Scotland show, was on holiday in Tuscany when she made a series of expletive-filled Tweets about London’s mayor.
UPDATE – Adams attended St. George’s School for Girls in Edinburgh – boarding £5,800 a term!
There comes a point when the BBC has to accept that the number of presenters, journalists and reporters exhibitting anti-Conservative bias is more than coincidental. The BBC is institutionally biased against the right of British politics; as well as Israel, the right of American politics, Loyalists in Northern Ireland etc.
it’s basically Pravda masquerading as “British”
Oh what it must be like to be a leftie, free from the constraints of having to practice what you preach to others.
No doubt the outburst was due to some of the locals being irritating and not properly understanding her desires.
“Being unfit to present a top current affairs programme” has never stopped all the others. Being unfit to do the job is a requirement, it seems, for all BBC current affairs presenters, producers etc.
This Kaye Adams – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/david-cameron/7005956/BBC-issues-mea-culpa-after-The-One-Shows-class-attack-on-David-Cameron.html -?
After an extraordinary “investigation” on The One Show on Thursday, the BBC has been inundated with complaints of bias against the Conservatives.
The report, by the “working-class” Kaye Adams, asked whether “being posh” was “a bad thing for politics”.
If the Tories get into power, she claimed, “we will be electing a Cabinet filled with no less than 18 millionaires”.
Interviewees described David Cameron as a “toff” and “unashamedly a Sloane Ranger”.
Adams concluded that voters must decide if “the old school elite governs once more”.
After more than 100 protests, the BBC admits: “We received complaints that the item was biased against the Conservative Party. We accept that the piece was not as good as it should have been. The One Show production team are aware of their responsibilities to ensure fairness in their output.”‘
“BBC’s Kaye Adams is rapped over Twitter remarks on Boris Johnson and the London riots”
Aaah. I love the smell of hypocrisy on a Monday morning. Bless ‘er eh?
Ah, Tuscany, where else?
What is it with Tuscany? It’s like a little enclave of incestuous British socialists. I feel sorry for the locals.
I have a thoery : It’s no coincidence that Italy is one of the more right wing countries in Europe, keen to actively preserve it’s culture and traditions. So these visitors to places like Tuscany get to see the REAL Italy, not some homogenised Disneyland World Village of multi-cultural diversity that they claim to be so enamoured of. As ever with these wealthy lefty types – they don’t appear to be that keen to live by the doctrines they would force upon the rest of us. Champaign Socialists – champaign for them – socialism for the rest of us.
A book on biased BBC tweets would make Lord of the Rings look like a pamphlet. Do they think no-one but their lefty friends read them, or is it simply that they reckon (so far correctly) they can do it with impunity?
Textbook self-loathing of her own priviledged background projected on others of the same priviledged background. Probably indistinguishable from the people around her.
She didn’t just “become” a presenter, she was selected and appointed and employed as a presenter. When someone would say to me “so and so is crap, they should be fired” I would say “No, find out who hired them. Fire them first”
Exactly. It’s a culture that comes straight from the top. Their hiring practices make it endemic.
With this following straight on from the article about f**k-face Hardy, I think the BBC should have a policy of confiscating Champagne Socialist’s iPhones prior to the consumption of drink or drugs.
I disagree. Allow them to express their true thoughts and thus provide sufficient rope.
But it won’t matter even then. With rare exceptions, there are no serious consequences for this behavior.
This latest repeat offense by a Beeboid with a known rap sheet is proof positive that the BBC isn’t going to change any time soon, and that Adams will not suffer any consequences for this latest outburst of bias. She holds all the approved thoughts, so after giving a non-Maoist apology (without having to admit her sin the way Carol T was asked to do) she will be given the tiniest slap on the wrist, forced to suffer through another online training course, and that will be that.
The BBC can then claim they’ve sorted it out.
Dilbert’s guide to training courses.
Hypocrisy is a common theme when it comes to the BBC Liberal Lefties and the Labour Party
A former boss once advised me that it was OK to say whatever you like but never put into into writing. If you just say it you can claim being misquoted or speaking under pressure or slip of the tongue. If you write it you are cooked.
Surely the first rule for BBC personnel is don’t tweet your every thought.
The problem with these lefties is that they’re not often bright enough to have two thoughts at one time, i.e. the second thought being “I shouldn’t tweet my first thought as it would show my bias and bring the BBC into further ridicule”.
According to Helen Boaden, the rule is: “Don’t do anything stupid.”
She knows they’re all biased, and can only attempt to rein it in a little. Your license fee hard at work.
Quite the opposite. They know its a sure fire way of ingratiating themselves and getting noticed as “on message”
The elitist left will be the ruin of this country – in fact they may have already driven it to ruin.
What amazes me is the brazen nature of their hypocrisy!
But I guess these privileged twats really do think the world was made for their benefit. I guess we’re dealing with a peculiarly British form of psychopathology – Rupert and Clarissa using our money (and the country’s future!) to have a go at Mummy, Daddy, and Nanny…
It would be comical if it weren’t so damaging.
Ah, another case of Twitter Tourette’s. I have no idea who Kaye Adams is, which can only be a good thing.
Interesting how the nationalists in Scotland have complained for years about BBC Scotland’s pro-Unionist (or pro-Labour) bias.
O/T. One of the more amusing Newsnight interviews in recent times was a showdown between Alex Salmond and Labour stalwart Kirsty Wark. Our Kirsty was clearly very badly briefed and Salmond, frankly, made her look an idiot.
It’s obvious that her brief was to protect Blair and the Labour Government and shift blame. A poor effort. That was the BBC’s agenda during that whole sorry affair.
It is not just general Leftist bias, it is Party political bias.
So we have Blair (attempting) to carry on the SAME reforms of the NHS as Major, and yet on a BBC drama such as Casualty the person who is enforcing those policies at the hospital is transformed (via a change of casting) from a white Spitting Image Thatcher to a cuddly gay South Asian Muslim, almost overnight.
This is not simply a “view about the NHS” as the BBC like to put it, it is Labour Party spin of the crudest and most partisan kind.
The BBC should be been scrapped years ago (but for some reason Labour is against the idea) and there should be a plurality of television news broadcasters (but for some reason Labour is against the idea) and if you do not find four Leftists arguing amongst themselves about who is the most politically correct in an Arts Review programme very informative you should not be forced to pay for it (but for some reason the Labour Party is against the idea).
I mean it is not as if the “impartiality is in our genes” BBC is trying to influence the result of a General Election is it, that would be the lowest form of corruption, and as we know the BBC is politically neutral.
We all saw how politically neutral the BBC when for about 48 hours they span so hard for the possibility of a Liberal-Labour coalition it took (an angry) Labour MP to point out to them Labour had just lost the election!!!
48 hours of one of the most politically biased broadcasters in the world.
48 hours of one of the most politically biased broadcasters in the world.
I guess you have never seen Fox news then?
Of course Fox News isn’t publically funded and makes no bones about it’s rightward tilt. Unlike a certain national broadcaster.
Is Fox News the official state broadcaster of anything for which the entire population is forced to pay under penalty of law, with a special connection and legacy of trust spanning generations?
I agree that that we are forced to pay and would like in the future see the BBC go to a subscription service but would they end up like fox news? Also why dont the Torys bring it up as i think the public would vote for a change in the law.
Will the BBC become like Fox News? Only if there’s a wholesale purge first. Which won’t happen.
Will the BBc end up like Fox News? No because they would dissapear without all the public funding. It would be broken up into sellable chunks. It would never make enough in subscriptions to keep it going as it is.
the BBC would die under a subscription system. Given the choice of an opt out so many would choose to have subscription free ITV that auntie would just whither on the vine.
Any government suggesting it would be commiting suicide. Imagine the raw power of the beeb.
They were worried about Murdoch but the beeb is unaccountable to share holders or advertisers(as they dont have any) and is so divorce from licence fee payers that it has free reign to spout its drivel.
This hideous woman has a similar upbringing to me but she has used every priveledged leg up she could to get a cushy job with no discernable talent. Her handwringing angst with ‘richman’s guilt’ cause her to try to over compensate and slag off a man in a very difficult position.
What was BOJO supposed to say,Hug a hoody?
She makes me sick. She is trying to be what she is not. You cant be working class and yet have gone to public school and earn a £100,000 a year salary. She can criticise BOJO all she wants, about his policies or his implementation but calling him POSH is to coin a phrase,
a bit rich.
Fox News offers its customers a broadly Right of centre political perspective.
The BBC takes money from everybody, by force, and then justifies it on the grounds that it is a politically neutral news service.
Spot the difference.
Claiming that the BBC is politically neutral is just another way of saying “I am sympathetic to the Left”.
A broadcaster which seeks, on the grounds of an appeal to its politically neutrality, to supply most of the news of the country, while in reality pushing a Left of centre political narratives, is much more politically unbalanced than even the most explicitly politically biased item on a conservative news channel such as Fox News, because after watching the BBC you are meant conclude, I now have all the facts and views I need in order to make an informed decision, whereas Fox News will say, here is the world from a Right of centre political perspective.
Again, spot the difference.
I doubt that I’ve a stomach strong enough for that bust up at the bottom of the garden….Mr Toad versus Ms Rat-Face.
They appologise yet the programme has still aired. Where is the apology? I havent seen it.
What about them making a programme by right wingers to address the balance?
Its always the same…
Big programme, small apology!
Oh hi by the way, first post.
I would like to suggest a gape to anyone with twitter: post a tweet linking to the origianl story and say that this Kaye woman tweeted whilst tipsy on vino with Polly Tonybee: it just might be true but in fine BBc fashion…who cares if it’s not if it suits our agenda!
I mean ‘jape’ but hopefully it will leave their mouths agape 🙂
Whatever happens to her (probably nothing), it’s this kind of shit that this site was made for! The more people that are aware of this systemic, institutional bias the more difficult it will become for them to sustain. Keep it coming, hosts.
With apologies to Grant and the other kilties on here, if she’s gone from presenting programmes on national television to “a popular Radio Scotland show” then I think it’s fair to surmise that her career is not following a recommended trajectory.
What a loss.
Kaye Adams is a sad creature. None of us choose our parents, our status of birth, our class or colour. It’s not Adams fault she went to boarding school. It’s OK to be born priviledged or to be born poor.
But somewhere along the way, student days in all probability, some begin boasting their working class credentials. Or making it up. It’s a version of Starkey’s point, of the cultural pull for whites to fake being black. There’s great shame in being “priviledged”, and not being brought up dirt poor in a septic tank. All a version of the “Professional Yorkshireman” sketch, but with Marxist subtitles.
However at this point Adams is grown up. She is responsible. The Tory-hating State of Mind is a pathological condition. In come the extreme opinions to “prove” she is not from a priviledged background. I am sure she really really hates Boris. But not for the reasons she thinks she does.
She is damaged goods. They should let her go. Or in her own words, “Piss off back to Boarding School, Kaye!”