Wasn’t sure if it was corrected, but driving to work this morning at around 08:10, Rachel Burdon on 5Live was interviewing a professor (didn’t catch his name) about the police cuts.
He rabbitted on about 16,000 front line jobs being cut, before then saying something along the lines of “don’t forget the back office staff, there’s 16,000 jobs being cut there as well as on the front line”!
Not corrected by Burdon who went on to speak to the other guest…I’m pretty sure I heard it right!
Countryside last evening had the results of a survey about farm subsidies. But the item started with an interview with Sean Rickard who since Oliver Walston realised how much he needed CAP subsidies, is the cheerleader for their abolition. He has been the only person on the BBC speed dial for this for the last 20 years. Don’t get me wrong, farmers would manage if ALL subsidies world wide were abolished – but UK farmers need an even playing field and the general population may then pay less in tax but more on food.
Often the BBC uses the results of their own survey (without reference to what the questions were) in their news summaries. Well you could hear the disappointment in the piece as they reported that 63% of people questioned ‘felt farmers deserve some form of subsidy’… more numbers and then at the end they added they were ‘surprised’ that only 9% of people questioned thought there should be no subsidy at all.
I too am surprised at the figures – which of course were not mentioned in news bulletins as these were obviously not the answers the BBC wanted (otherwise why commission such a survey?) – but it gives me great hope that people can think for themselves and not always follow the BBC narrative.
After seeing the 24 news at about 12 noon, any hope of reforming the bBC finally evaporated. They said they will show photo’s of the looters, they showed two. A male and a female both white. What planet are the beboids on!
Just caught Cameron and Miliband’s speeches on the riots.
Thought it was an excellent speech by Cameron (now we need action), Miliband an appalling opportunist giving excuses for rioters. He was blaming greedy bankers, MP expense fiddles and NI phone hacking. The kernel of the issue, which Cameron didn’t get too, is the way the Police have backed off from dealing with black youth gangs because they very rightly fear false accusations of racism that will be believed because of the culture of Political Correctness that has been foisted on us by the subversive left. Black youth crime gangs are now market leaders in criminality, and as Starkey so rightly said, white crims and (he didn’t say this) moronic tossers gravitate towards their gangsta culture and speak and act like them.
Something fantastic just happened in Miliband’s Q&A. Someone asked him what he thinks makes young people riot. Miliband turned it back and asked what his questioner thought. He wished he hadn’t. His questioner said he and his friends had studied riots in N. Ireland in the last few years, and what came out of it is that young people riot because its fun. Miliband’s face looked like a smacked bottom while this young man was explaining this. When the young man finished Miliband just went straight to the next question without addressing anything the young man had just said.
Oh, one thing from Miliband’s speech. He threatened Cameron that if he doesn’t call for an Inquiry to produce a ‘national conversation’ in the next few days, he will.
We all know that this excrutiating guff will be conducted in tandem with BBC coordination to make propaganda for the Labour Party.
One can only hope that Cameron doesn’t let himself get railroaded by the BBC/LABOUR axis the way he let himself get railroaded into calling an Inquiry into phone hacking when Police investigations are still underway.
I thought Cameron was very commendable. He didn’t seek to make any political capital against Labour and the Left, inspite of the fact there is a mountain to be made. He just sought to address the problems that anyone with half a brain can see the causes of. If Miliband sinks any lower into the gutter Cameron really needs to have the howitzers ready and loaded to produce a devastating barrage to lay bare the Marxist sociology of Labour that has led to the moral collapse and hamstrung Police which saw England getting mugged en masse.
Come on?…Nasal Nosebleed Miliband?…national conversation?…only the BBC would seem to think that Browns pencil squeezer and bag carrier would have ANYTHING to add to the cultural gaiety of the nation!
That they will bang as many jungle drums as possible and hold hands around the yurt is neither here nor there. The caravans have long moved on,leaving the BBC and Labour to painstakingly recreate the skid marks…for the ages.
The current bedwetters national converation?…Polly, Stephanie and as many Eds as can fit on the futon….”Cuts, We`ll doomed…Tory scum…don`t panic…Thatch…is this bed your expense or can I set it against a book deal?…repeat `til sick of it!…then off to BUPA…
National conversation? Hm…maybe he could start off with a conversation with the PM. Jumping up and down yelling for a public inquiry and “if you don’t have one, we will,” is apparently his idea of how to conduct a conversation between politicians about national affairs in the aftermath of a disaster. Who does he think he is anyway, trying to usurp the role of the government? Opportunist buffoon casting around for an idea or a purpose.
I noticed a Radio 4 report this morning on the unhappy events in Jersey. Our BBC man referred to the family as coming from the ‘Polish community’.
Well I hazard a guess that he meant Polish speaking EU passport holders who under EU law are entitled to come to the UK to seek work, take up housing, claim benefits, use the NHS etc etc.
Now I make this point because such issues are sure to be overlooked when the BBC get on to their soapbox to tell us about UK unemployment, lack of housing, poverty, welfare costs, lack of NHS spending etc etc.
I note BBC online news cuts to the chase and says ‘Polish people’. Perhaps it is just the Today Prog that is so obsessed with this ‘community’ thing?
Yes, I’ve heard them at this c-word nonsense. Instead of saying Farmers or Scientists or Shop owners, they inflate everything into the Farming C-word, the Scientific C-word, the Shop-owning C-word. It’s ridiculous.
You mention Jersey and the Polish C-word but that is not the same as EU passport holders in the UK because Jersey is not in the UK (even though it is a Dependency of the British Crown) or in the EU but does negotiate arrangements with the EU. It does not have free movement of workers from the EU, though it does have free movement of goods and a customs union.
bravo! Community is becoming the most abused word in the English language! I predict that it will go the word of “gay” soon. It will acquire a meaning that has nothing to do with its original meaning.
Discriminate – to choose wisely
Elitism – what comes from choosing wisely
Workshop – a place where men make useful things
Justice – now forever preceded with ‘Social’
Enrichment – colonisation. Diverse – monocultural ghetto. Moderate – hasn’t resorted to violence yet. Racist – somebody who actually does care about social cohesion & can see where we’re heading. Basically, the inversion of plain English for the furtherance of political correctness. There are many more.
Funny, when BBC write about a Somali immigrant who lives in say Birmingham they describe him as “from Birmingham” He’s not from Birmingham, he’s from Somalia, but happens to live in Birmingham.
Now these are suddenly these “Polish people”, not people “from Jersey”
Interesting how the provenance of people changes according to the desired narrative.
Today R4. Rarely listen but this sounded interesting. A report on the Iowa gathering of Republicans. Dripped with condecension- everybody mostl;y white- isn’t Iowa a mostly white state- so why mention it?
The really interesting thing is the obvious dislike the beeboids have of Republican women. The Governor of Texas was fairly neutrally discussed but when it came to Michelle all the pent up beeboid predudices were given vent to.
I don’t think beeboids like women very much unless they are of the Harriet Harmon ilk
An interesting study for an academic- Beeboid hatred for conservative strong women.
Yes, why mention skin colour at all? Is there something suspect about have pale-tinted skin? It’s also true those Beeboid denizens of Radio 4 don’t like women. The likes of the Webb monster and his successor across the pond would never show the sort of sneering contempt for a black man that they do for women, whether it be Sarah Palin or their new target Michelle. They’re like the Labour Party which has a doctrine and a policy for women, equality and all the rest of it but really has no time for women at the top of the tree. Deputy Leader is the best they get, as a sop. The Conservatives traditionally aren’t keen on policies for women and equality but aren’t so keen to stop the odd individual woman getting through to the top either.
BBC News’ coverage of anything related to the USA has always ‘dripped with condescension’. The superiority complex on display never ceases to infuriate me. They look down their noses with a contempt for the stereotypical ‘dumb Americans’ that they assume make up 99% of the population.
I remember a news report of the 2008 presidential election. The reporter walked along a never ending line of people waiting to vote, and in front of them began : “America, a country of fast food and short attention spans…”
Patronising bastard – and right in front of people too!
“These guys are morons. It pleases me they can get it together long enough to vote.”
Think of all the different ways you could have phrased, “Turnout looks to be much higher than it’s ever been!” and not backhandedly insulted 300 million people.
Well I think I got all three from Radio 4 this morning before 8am. A report on Republican Presidential candidates. Gee….the BBC correspondent tells me they are mostly ‘anonymous men in grey suits’. There is one from the ‘Hard Right’…. and that Sarah Palin? Well, apparently she ‘can’t string a sentence together without puting her foot in it.’
Wow, that’s pretty negative, what must Democrat supporters be saying?
Now on the basis that I believe the BBC is politically unbiased I would certainly stick with Obama.
So I’m guessing the President must be doing so well in the approval ratings that the BBC didn’t think it worth a mention?
‘Hard’ right. That’s a little word I’ve heard before on the BBC. Oh yes our chum Richard Bacon introduced Dan Hannan as a ‘hard’-line eurosceptic. I was pleased that the popular MEP complained at once on air. Radio 5’s Head of News was shamed into a quick apology that referred to the use of this ‘unheplful word’. We are given to understand that the programme team had had a speeking to so as to ‘underline the point’. Yet it goes on.
On the World Service yesterday I heard the female BBC Presenter say that none of the Republican candidates has brought the hope and inspiration that Obama brought when he was running for candidate.
Well, that’s one way of seeing things I guess. Not sure how it conforms with BBC impartiality stating such an opinion though.
Actually hippie the presenter was probably correct. The campaigning Obama was a rock star god and to most of his supporters a blank slate to chalk in their dreams. I doubt any candidate since Kennedy has generated the excitement he did Such a huge and predictable disappointment to so many of his supporters.
The Republicans, sigh, are merely human, albeit with real experience, records and programmes.
I thought Obama’s election hinged on 98% of black voters voting Obama (overt racism if the other way around), whilst white voters split both ways, according to their view of the policies and character of the candidates, and how much Democrat smear-tactics they had absorbed.
Is that bringing hope and inspiration? Baloney. A blank piece of paper and a blank cheque is false hope and bribery.
Her opinion may have a lot of currency, but is it appropriate for a BBC presenter to express it when talking about Republican candidates? Clear bias. If she had said ‘Republican candidates stand a very good chance of making Obama a one term President because his peformance has fallen far short of his campaign rhetoric’ may have a lot of currency as well, but it’s not the job of reporters to express opinions either way. Unfortunately, of course, when they do express opinions its all Obama’s way.
Exactly Deegee. This is why I think that Obama is America’s Blair. An empty vessel into which naive people projected their own unrealistic hopes. It is slowly dawning on them, as it did here, that their great hope doesn’t actually stand for anything.
Presentation over substance is the norm in modern politics.
The BBC sent out an official apology to Darcus Howe. However will they issue an official apology to David Starkey, for the BBC’s degrading and disrespectful treatment of him?
On the contrary: the BBC is proud of the fact that Maitlis and the other two panelists “robustly challenged” him.
This was a challenging and at times heated ten minute debate examining the causes of last week’s riots and looting. Whilst we acknowledge that some people will have found David Starkey’s comments offensive he was robustly challenged by presenter Emily Maitlis and the other contributors who took issue with his comments. Owen Jones particularly highlighted that many people listening would find the views expressed offensive and Emily provided further context making it clear that David Cameron had said this was not a race issue and that people taking part in the riots came from a range of ethnic backgrounds.
And apparently “some” viewers felt that Starkey wasn’t challenged enough. It’s the moderator’s job to help gang up on a panelist, don’t you know.
Yo! Tebbo in the house on News24. Given full rein as well. I wonder if any prominence will be given to what he has said on prime time BBC, or whether it was just a sop to maintain the appearance of impartiality? I can see now some sub-Trotskyite BBC Editor scouring what he has just said to see if there is something that can be lifted out of context to lead the news with to discredit Cameron.
Ditto with Heseltine just now on “The World At One”..(.indeed it is, Martha my dear, contary to the recent unpleasantness!).
Like Tebbit, I can`t imagine either of these two blokes making even a soundbite onto the 2pm news headlines…or indeed anywheree else!
Bit flaky on the BBCs continual bugaboos that they string like salty pearls as ” a narrative” you see!
Such a shame- they were surely there to shaft Thatch from `81, but they`re not as bitter as they ought to be eh?
Any mention yet of those race riots under a Labour…a LAY-BOUR Government mark you!.. somewehre “oop norf” in 2001 yet?
Nah…thought not!
Guessing its that thirty year rule again-or self imposed purdah from the Zen Masters in LibLabLand…
It`s all “News at Zen” these days eh…one for Briggy of Brighton there!
As the headline on Dominic Lawson’s column in yesterday’s Sunday Times so aptly put it “Hark, it’s the baying of the apologist mob”
The mooted inquiry/investigation (call it what you will) will deliver its verdict next year and you can be assured that the usual suspects (racism, inequality, “cuts”) will be blamed and the recommendations will be boiled down to the police being even more ethnic-friendly and approachable and – just in case – bunging even more taxpayers’ money at urban “deprivation” and society’s victims – you know – like this lot ( http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/8701091/Family-on-benefits-move-into-2-million-home.html ). Of course, it won’t read exactly like that but the commenters invited onto Today and Sheena’s “analysis” will interpret the findings accordingly.
In the vanguard of the apologist mob is the BBC. Rather than being faux-appalled by Starkey’s opinions, the BBC is hugging itself with delight because Starkey has overnight become the gold-standard of white “racist” reaction to the riots. As every remark criticising immigration was met with shouts of “racist” and every remark mildly critical of CAGW is met with “denier”, so every remark critical of the black community’s dysfunctional culture (and those non-blacks who have adopted that culture) will be met by “Starkeyist”. The BBC can be relied on to press on that nerve until the “lesson learned” by the police will be to shut up and for politicians to put up more of your and my money.
Of course, Starkey was being deliberately provocative. However, that’s part of the Starkey “brand”. OTOH the reactions to Starkey’s (actually quite mild) observations have certainly smoked out the apologist mob described by Lawson
“(E)very remark critical of the black community’s dysfunctional culture (and those non-blacks who have adopted that culture) will be met by “Starkeyist”
There is nothing the Left LOVE quite so much as a witchhunt. It gives evil Tories like David Starkey a practical demonstration of the love and broadmindedness that observers of the Left know so well.
You know, like Marcus Brigstock telling everybody the car licence plate of David Starkey, so that the Left can reason with him and make known to him their passionate disapproval of thuggery.
“No matter how they voted…what you believe is true”.
So warbleth St Stephen of Gately…and we all sing from the NEW Hymn sheet altogether now don`t we People?
It`s what Uncle Joe would have wanted…and what John Lenin was martyred for, let us not forget!
Peace and luv…peace and luv!
As Evans talks (positively) about doing corporate entertainment, Bacon chips in gratuitously with “and does it make you feel grubby?”
Evans deflects this stupid comment. No, it doesn’t make him feel grubby.
But then Mr Bacon would know quite a bit about grubbiness, what with linking to You Tube cliops of other edgy comedians who make obscene comments about children with Downs Syndrome.
Got to ba a research grant into which of the BBCs current affairs output is the most pernicious and slyly biassed…or do they get brownie points from their ilk if it`s as “in yer face” as poss?
Having heard Harriet Cass reading what upstairs wrote for her to read(in a large crayon I`m guessing!) as the News Headlines” at 1p.m-there will have to be a separate category of award for “supine stool pigoen who`ll read any old tripe as if it`s news”!
What is with theses names…Jeremy?…Harriet?
Luckily it will be more obvious when the new baby fathers send us their progeny “nine monfs on”… a triumphant “rucking o da bichiz” with looted viagra having to do as “uppers”.
New names for Sure Start/Contact Point databases?
FedFukka, Feralla, Camila?…who`s to say?
You’ll be pleased to know that this earth shattering research was deemed worthy of mention in the flagship Radio 4 News at 8:00 this morning. As Robert Robinson – of happy memory – said about mention on Today of a lady-shopper in Selfridges losing her panties – [my paraphrase] “if this can be included, what reason is there to leave anything out?”
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.”
No mention of “Same-sex pairs of monogamous birds” Somehow I don’t think He wanted to make all creatures extinct.
The explanation lies as many, many studies have shown from Lorenz onwards that phase critical imprinting determines later sexual preferences.
“Form of learning wherein a very young animal fixes its attention on the first object with which it has visual, auditory, or tactile experience and thereafter follows that object. In nature, the object is almost always a parent; in experiments, other animals and inanimate objects have been used.”
Male Zebra finches confined in a cage imprint readily on other males later leading to the recognition of the male auditory and visual signal being the stimulus for pairing behaviour.
Imprinting is experimentally reproducible and animals can be homosexualised under controlled conditions.
In nature that rarely happens though on occasion it does.
The literature is extensive.
Perhaps there is a phase critical imprinting in the Beeboid.?
RGH. Very possibly a PPE degree at Oxford, or a sociology course just about anywhere; reinforced by the BBC College of Journalism. Independent thought is pretty much extinguished by then, & the recipient can look forward to a long, taxpayer-funded career as a ‘useful idiot’. The relentless twitterings of young beeboids confirm their tenuous grasp of reality, & their seamless passage into the utopian biodome where facts count for nothing.
Just to close. From a gay site. They have leapt at the Beeboid offering with barely disguised triumphalism. The grammar is poor, but the whole ‘stream of conciousness’ speaks volumes.
“Thought this would amke for interesting reading. It concerns zebra finches forming long term relationships with members of the same sex. This inherently shows that homosexuality is genetic and also some interesting ideas on companionship. Just proves that it is “natural” and well God (for the religious among you) didnt just make gay humans …..Cue the homophobes all over this….. ”
Wrong, wrong, wrong. It proves no such thing. The studies were on caged single sex birds critical phase imprinting. The genetic aspect is in the developmental ‘software’ of the genes in which critical exposure seeks to identify mates when none are available which is then ‘hard wired’ The creature is then out of the gene pool.
Erm, I notice there’s no suggestion that these birds suffer from ‘orifice confusion’. I think maybe their confusing the meaning of the word ‘mate’ in this context.
I once had a debate with my boss at work (a young guy training to be a human rights lawyer!) on the abnormality or normality of homosexuality. His ‘killer’ argument on how homosexuality is normal was that it exists in animal studies. I pointed out that in studies of monkey troops paedophilia is rife, “does it make paedophilia normal?” He did not wish to pursue his line of argument further.
How easy is it to be an England fan? The bBC airs a video article on how English cricket fans are facing up to the facts that England, yes England is the best test cricket team in the world.Funny enough the bBC which loves to promote a vision of multi-cultural Great Britain (Schools/Hospitals/Food/Music/riots/Islam etc) only interviews white people. Oh they do film a small coloured lad bowling into the nets right at the very end of the video. But for some strange reason the bBC which has no problem referring to failed asylum seekers as British, appears to feel that only white people can be English fans.
Look up, if you can find them, Yasmin She-Ain’t-Got-No-Alibai’s pensées on the glorious 2005 Ashes, where she worries about whitey getting nostalgic for (all together now !) “a country that never existed.”
ROBERT BROWN; Good piece in the Telegraph on her at the time, did keep it, called her shrill and boring, rather quaint terms i thought. As for the country that never existed, well it did, she only arrived in the seventies, a refugee from Uganda, given succour and shelter and then proceeded to shit and carp all over her hosts. Such an evil, racist woman is hard to imagine.
YAB – Nasty, sanctimonious little prig. She was once ranting, when doing the paper reviews on Sky, about how uniquely awful Anglo Saxons are in their attitude to non-white immigrants. Then she went on to say : “I look forward to a future when we are all brown”. Racist bastard. It wasn’t white people that hounded her from her homeland and she clearly hasn’t done too badly in her adopted country. It was non-white racism in another country that caused her to up-root and a tolerance in this one that has allowed her to castigate her hosts with such venom on such a regular basis. Poisonous.
So on BBC News Cameron’s speech is given one vox pop by a tenage girl who slagged it off. Red Ed’s pile of bollocks about knee jerk actions (remember Red Ed’s knee jerk actions regarding News International?) and prattling on about bankers being ot blame got no vox pop at all.
It was almost as if the BBC approved of Red Ed’s prattle.
Over on Sky News Sophie Ridge pointed out that most of the public would approve of scum being chucked out of their council houses and losing benefits. Not so at the BBC.
The World at One featured an excerpt from Cameron’s speech then turned to a group of disaffected kids and asked them what they thought of it. Naturally they all disliked it and one kid even called Cameron ‘a knob.’ This is 30 seconds after we’d been listening to our Prime Minister make a keynote speech and the first verdict the BBC broadcasts is him being called a knob by a troubled fifteen year old.
Then it’s on to that no less troubled fifteen year old, Ed Miliband, for his verdict. Guess what? He didn’t like it either – and was given time to say why.
Mr Chamberlain returns from his meeting with Her Hitler.Our reporter visits Wood Green Comprehensive for the views of a snotty nosed adolescent….. Pure farce.
Who cares what a 15 year old thinks, no one except the BBC
A 15 year old pays no taxes, cannot vote and does not pay the BBC tax. He is a child and will be for another 3 years.
Happily the BBC will be leaving their London “pied a terrace” residence in the coming year.
This therefore frees up some affordable housing for said squatters, crusties, pit bulling communities…and of course all those excitable rioters.
How many fine apprenticeships in broadcasting would the BBC be more than willing to offer the marginalised and vulnerable children!
Only take twenty and aircraft hangar to fit Camila up with a commemorative caftan of the Uprising of 2011…will serve as a marquee for the face painting after too!
We are the New Creatives here on Biased BBC!
And of course-Jeremy Vine will collect all those “license contributions” hitherto overlooked in all the kerfuffle!
More BBC…More!
Just because all that welfare, cringeing and shanking of neighbours didn`t work…a bit of love and compassion as shown by Shirley Williams and (Uncle) Anthony Benn ought to see us all right!
Firstly with regard to the speech by Cameron and the EMPTY RECYCLED promises he has made which are merely a variation on the promises this serial liar has made over the years and DONE NOTHING ABOUT. Is there anyone, I mean anyone who believes a bleeding word that comes out either side of this smug empty gits face?
A real BBC would be comparing what Cameron has said and claimed and promised in the past with current claims and then seeing the massive discrepancies, same with Millibrain or Clegg. The rise of the political liar who taliors their words to suit a particular mood but has no intention of honouring those words with deeds.
Reform the human rights laws eh? Reform is not an option, we are either in or out, there is simply no way to reform them at all. And yet this crafty choice of words is very revealing because he knows even as he spews his bollocks that reform is not going to happen, its either in or out. The ECHR and our new supreme court the foreign ECJ and the EU, its a linked chain that Cameron has no influence over because guess what? All the links to the EU monster are in the hands of euophile newlabour appointees and even if Cameron wanted to change anything he would be speakng into a dead phone with nobody on the other end.
So where is the BBC? Why, taking labours position on everything of course and positioning Cameron as the loser/reactionary/kneejerk tosspot while contributing what is in essence an election campaign for Millibrain and labour. Westminster is so f*cked up now, so far removed from the realities we have to live with. The gigantic mistakes and blunders that the political class have made over the years were avoidable yet make these blunders they did and regardless of their words now they will do nothing to correct the fundamental problems.
Maybe snow isn’t always caused by warm weather, as the Warmists claim: New Zealand gets “super-cold” snap accompanied by “the heaviest snow seen in the capital in decades”. Snow caused by cold weather: Who’d a thunk it?
A polar blast has hit New Zealand, bringing freezing temperatures and the heaviest snowfall in 40 years.
Snow is even predicted to fall on the hills around Auckland in what meteorologists are describing as a once-in-a-lifetime storm.
Schools across the country have been closed for the day and most airports are at a standstill.
The bitterly cold southerly blast has now brought snow to most of New Zealand, closing roads and some airports and cutting power to thousands of homes. Snow has made roads impassable in many areas of both islands.
MetService head forecaster Peter Kreft told the New Zealand Herald the polar blast was “of the order of a 50-year” event and warned it could last for several more days.
“It’s a once-in-many-decades event. We are probably looking at something like, in terms of extent and severity, maybe 50 years,” he said.
And from the BBC? New Zealand no longer exists it seems, there is a blank spot where New Zealand used to be and while the Texas hot spot is given full coverage, we see and hear nothing about the cold extremes around Mount Rainier national park or South America or anywhere really. Even the utterly sad and pathetic rolling weather forecasts on BBC24 have been reduced to hiding evidence of cold regions and cold related events like California cooler than usual for most of the summer.
I mean how sad and pathetic, to hide cold weather in their weather forecasts, are they concerned that the masses might be somewhat confused, that they might just question the tsunami of CAGW propaganda emanating from the BBC?
That little skinny kid who wrote the book about chavs and the working class was spouting his crap on Sky News. Of course he agrees with Red Ed that it’s all the fault of the bankers.
In which case why didn’t the riots happen back in 2008/9 when the bankers were at it?
Another reminder of NUJ President and anarchist, DONNACHA DELONG on riots, whom, apparently, NUJ members dare not criticise in public (or do they all agree with him?):-
“Drop the brooms, you capitalist scum”
(by Damian Thompson)
“OK, here’s a name for you: Mr Donnacha DeLong, the new president of the National Union of Journalists. On Tuesday he described the ‘broom army’ of middle-class volunteers who cleaned up Clapham Junction as ‘scum’.
“Yes, you read that right: scum. DeLong said so in a Facebook comment; I rang DeLong to check that it was authentic. ‘Yes, but I was referring to a particular exclusivist crowd,’ he explained. Here’s the relevant Facebook exchange, between DeLong and an anarchist ally calling himself Al Mikey:
Al Mikey: ‘[What about] the reactionary part of these clean-ups like in Clapham Junction that have overtly classist twists to them. What’s your take on them?’
Donnacha DeLong: ‘They’re scum, it’s just important to realise that they’re not all reactionary scum. A lot of anarchists have been trying to get this [clean-up] going as well.’
Gpodness, so the people cleaning the streets were the wrong class, eh? And therefore they are “exclusivist” and they are “scum”. I’ve never heard such twaddle in my life.
“By the symbolic cleaning, cleansing and casting out of the rioters from the community, the sweepers appear to enact the closest thing to popular fascism that we have seen on the streets of certain ‘leafy’ bits of London for years.”
It’s impossible to fathom the mindset of these vacuous degenerates.
Reed, I’d bet my bottom dollar that that piece of Dave Spartish tripe was written by a little somebody who ‘grew up’ in those very ‘leafy’ bits they have such contempt for. Deranged.
I am setting up my own enquiry…reckon I`ve got more to tell the BBC than Ed Milipede!
I think the rise in “social unrest” is directly correlated to the effect on children of years of cBBC…just seen Horrible Histories” (was that Dominic Brigstockes name that whizzed by in small print on the credits then?0…and if I`d been parked in front of such slime for years ,then I too would want to do a bit of personalised shopping after hours.
I could extend it to the move to Salford…there were riots in both London and salford so that needs a bit of “nuancing”…but think that I could conflate the “cBeebies concern” with that engendered bythe fears about the switch to digital and broadband…God ,its scary!
Oh priceless-a Libyan surgeon will talk to our BBC boyo out there in English as long as the journo agrees to give blood!
No prizes for guessing that the following interview is in Arabic…that`s OUR BBC…caring sharing and ever willing to make a sacrifice!
It`s all coming so thick and fast this media slurry…any chance of a Biased BBC 24 with rolling straplines underneath it!
It`s all too much!
Guessing that some offence will be taken at the racial profile/ face painting interface.
That for me will be the glow-worm in the tinder box in the incense burner in the window box…the Russian doll of pyromaniacal fantasies!
Imagine John Sweeney and the Panorama “team” already have their spliff pitch with the required undercover camera trained on the Feds!
Police and Thieves man!…
ROBERT BROWN; Yes, remember it well, poor man was brave as hell to take on the screaming hairy hordes of leftie trash that posed as teachers. Remember one harridan almost orgasmic with fake fury calling for his head, very 17thC. Just what is wrong with these heathens?
Sorry to get involved in “Mission Creep”, but just saw Krishnan Guru Murthy put his elevator shoes in some brown stuff( not racist that is it? other shades of stool are-of course-available!).
Jon Snows sock puppet was left to mind the shop on Channel 4 News tonight-some true Child of the Revolution mischievously booked Sir Peter Hitchens alongside John Bird( Big Issue!)
Don`t know if Krishans tie was the shade of a smacked bottom or not( Not allowed to know since 1984)…but some researcher is awaiting Jon Snows garrotte by cravat!
Brilliant-little Murthy looked a bit peaky there as his laptop went pink/puce…who knows…crime is colourblind so I don`t know the difference!
Hitchens and Bird were in complete agreement…oh yes, it`s as simple as that-Miliband managed to make Cameron look like he DID have the foggiest of ideas…only just!
Krishnans lip trembled at this affront to the rules of aimless gabbling and navel picking of linen strands…bloody obvious, so what has Labour got to say after all this time…and so it went!
Fair sent me out with a spring in my (paid-for) trainers as I went for my jog…but hope that the two “Brothers in Arms” that truly did their Entebbe raid on Channel 4 can escape the piles of tissues and scented oils that ooze whenever Mr Snow goes on holiday…or checking whether he left his umbrella in Kyoto/Bali/Copenhagen/Cancun as we all are expected to believe.
Krishnan might need a relatives “milky tears elephant “as a career option now…send for Columbo Snow(providing healing hands solutions to Sri Lankans now since 1993!-peace and love, peace and love!)
Newsnight’s hardline leftie Paul Mason tweets this evening from the East End:
Clarence Rd Hackney; community orgs try to calm things; youth vehemently reject Cameron “war on gangs” believe it is war on them.
Trying to calm things down? Paul, you haven’t been winding them up, have you?
Old Tony is the safe kind of black authority figure beloved of the chattering classes!
That said, he is wrong to incorrectly paraphrase Starkey as he did.
I don`t think that Starkey said Powell WAS right re race riots…I thought he said that it was not a skin issue but a cultural “whip hand” in effect…with the culcha going voluntarily under a yoke that no self-respecting black person would go along with.
In fact , I`d say that David was too indulgent of “rap” as an educational tool in schools. In agreeing with the braided lady that rap rhythms can teach English, I think he`s wrong…and if the content is as moral free or adult as most of the successful stuff is…then we get the amoral venal mess so beloved by Nike, Benetton and our BBC of course!
It`s not Gil Scott Heron they`re force feeding Islington yoof is it?…and Eminem needs adults to sift the genius before it ends up in schools too!
The braided lady Dreda Say Mitchell has written a gangsta book called: “Hit Girls.” The blurb says: Mitchell out guns Martina Cole for pure, shocking East End gangsta grit.
Two ten-year-old twin sisters are murdered outside their school. But they aren’t just anyone’s kids, they are gangster Stanley Lewis’ daughters. When a rival gangster is arrested Stanley vows to take revenge. But his dad, feared villain Kenny Lewis, thinks there’s more going on. So he contacts the one group of people who he trusts to help him find the truth…
Jackie, Anna, Roxy and Ollie. Four women with shady pasts who take the cases people don’t take to the cops. They enter a world of easy sex and even easier violence where everyone, including the Lewis family, are hiding secrets. Then Jackie’s son, a friend of the dead girls, disappears.
Clearly, whoever chose the panel for BBC Newsnight wanted the theme of black gangsta culture raised? Why have Starkey on and this black novelist?
The BBC are running a non-story about the off shore Cumbrian Wind farm and just how big the rotors are – and the Engineer has just commented that his job is made more difficult when the wind blows. Irony isn’t the word
Notice the camp beeboid has to spout drivel about how big the blades are and interviews crane driver, because of course the facts about wind power don’t add up.
Expensive, inefficient and ripping off the tax payer.
Down here Mr Pacino, we had a wind turbine fall over during the last “gale”…or good drying weather as we`d have said up north!
Happily its fall was cushioned by a parked car in the pub car park adjoining!
Think all schools and eco-facilities in the area had to hold a minutes silence for the death of irony!
ROBERT BROWN; Notice to Mr Huhne, engineer say’s the wind is a problem for the turbines. Take note you mendacious, speed fine dodging, wife deserting, pompous pile of No 2’s.
Be careful what you wish for. Most of France’s power is nuclear, and most of it’s nuclear power stations are facing us across the English channel. One goes Poof!! and we are toast. Smart really, in their shoes that’s what I would have done.
Much of the dismatling of the CAGW scam has been done in English, so it doesn’t seem to have filtered through to the French that it’s all a fraud. They are still up for eco-everything, electric cars, and “development durable”. They don’t need wind turbines, but they have a Chris Huhne equivalent who wants to be seen to be green.
The Green party also gets much more airtime than it deserves, as its the French news media way to assemble all possible shades of opinion for consideration (BBC Please Note!)
Wyre Davies openly conflates the protests in the Arab world with the protests in Israel without mentioning that the Netanyahu government was democratically elected and possesses a safe parliamentary majority, or that not one shot or tear gas grenade has been fired. He also fails to notice the strong left-wing slant to the protest leaders but I suppose he sees that as too normal for comment. Israel’s ‘social protests’ rattle Netanyahu government
Yes; INBBC is annoyed that it has had to reduce its propaganda against Israel recently, given the barbaric state violence in e.g. the Islamic state of Syria.
This is a ‘Daily Mail’ report on recent peaceful demonstrations in Israel about some high prices (including that of cottage cheese):
“A very middle-class protest: Complaints over price of COTTAGE CHEESE spark Israel’s biggest demonstration”
“Israel projects growth of 4.8 per cent this year at a time of economic stagnation in many Western countries, and has relatively low unemployment at 5.7 per cent.”
so The world Tonight put Cameron’s speeech under the microscope. First off, a former gang member was asked if the ideas would work. Apparently not. Oh dear, another Tory fail!
So a senior policeman was brought in and asked the same question. His answer – following insults aimed at Cameron, May and Duncan Smith – was, you guessed it, nope. Another Tory fail!
Ed Miliband was then allowed to deliver his latest soundbite du jour. “making policy on the hoof.” Something like that. Conclusion? Another massive Tory fail.
Every idea they have, they get wrong! I wonder if the problem lies with the Tories or with the BBC.
Difficult one, that.
“..senior policeman..” being asked about a policy? So who has made the police a political force? The Tories? A policeman is a public servant, just the same as a council worker.
“Police Regulations 2003 sets out specific restrictions on the private lives of officers. As a general rule ‘a member of a police force shall at all times abstain from any activity which is likely to interfere with the impartial discharge of his duties or which is likely to give rise to the impression amongst members of the public that it may so interfere’, and in particular..shall not take any active part in politics” http://www.lge.gov.uk/lge/core/page.do?pageId=119739
I would submit that asking a policeman his opinion on government policy is a political activity.
The elite will have to get themselves a new electorate!
Like Murdoch etc, the gulf in the views of the liberati and the rest of us here on planet earth is plain for all to see!
Once we have the autopsy on the liberal elite we`ll really need to see if it was myxomatosis or syphilis that did for them.
For now-who cares? “Those that their Gods fail they first make mad”
Paul Mason! Are you OK? Are you managing to keep a lid on all that – quite justifiable – simmering rage. DC said it was not about them. So they’ve been left off the victim list – they must be furious!
Tweet if OK. Over and out.
“It’s not for us to moralise, it is for us to say what is right and what is wrong”.
So he wants to declare what is right and wrong in a nice PC non-judgemental kind of way, but moralising is presumably a far too ghastly right-wing notion. Unless he was just talking bollox.
A bit rich of any c *** in Nu Liebore talking about morals after the lies of Iraq, the Damien McBride crap oh and good old Tony Bliar and the Bernie bung. Just to mention a few.
Newsnight bashing Cameron again, Paul Mason with his hands in the front of his underpants getting excited about black gangs’ (a bit of rough there hey Paul?)
Mason is really a disgrace. Never asked the mothers in Hackney what they think of a crackdown on the gangs. Wrong answers maybe not fitting the bbc narrative.
I sense rising panic in the liberal media. Losing control of the story. Nobody but themselves to talk to soon.
On BBC4 the BBC celebrated its role in the Culture Wars in “Great Thinkers: In Their Own Words”. The BBC-enabled and encouraged triumph of marxist inspired relativism over the tradition of high culture in Britain was illustrated by the procession of contemporary great cultural “thinkers” (if only in the BBC’s eyes) – Edward Said, Tariq Ali, John Berger, David Hare, Laurie Taylor, Stuart Hall – wheeled on to bury the remains of the fruit of 2,000 years of high culture. Rebecca Front – another leftie actress/comedienne did the voice-over complete with the Brigstocke-like unconcealed contempt in her voice every time a cultural icon like Kenneth Clark or Leavis hove into view. James Fox – one of the BBC’s own and, at other times, almost sensible – contributed the fatuous point that because Clark was filming in Paris at the same time as the 1968 événements were taking place that this made Clark’s view of art and civilisation not only (horrors!) old-fashioned but wrong.
As Sue will not be surprised to discover, the only scenes where a “thinker” got involved in contemporary politics is one where the charlatan, Said, berated an Israeli for (apparently) bulldozing Palestinian olive trees. Amazingly, missing from this tour d’horizon of the BBC’s role in the degradation of British culture was having one of its chosen “thinkers” give a sermon on the connection between high culture and CAGW.
In all, a quite disgusting programme which provided a startling coda to the recent riots. It demonstrated clearly the contempt of the BBC for high culture and the way it has enabled the continuing destruction of British – or should that be English – culture of any sort.
INBBC censors critiques of Edward Said, such as this book:
“Defending the West: A Critique of Edward Said’s ‘Orientalism'”
(by Ibn Warraq).
Synopsis of Warraq’s critique (publisher’s summary):
“This is the first systematic critique of Edward Said’s influential work, ‘Orientalism’, a book that for almost three decades has received wide acclaim, voluminous commentary, and translation into more than fifteen languages. Said’s main thesis was that the Western image of the East was heavily biased by colonialist attitudes, racism, and more than two centuries of political exploitation. Although Said’s critique was controversial, the impact of his ideas has been a pervasive rethinking of Western perceptions of Eastern cultures, plus a tendency to view all scholarship in Oriental Studies as tainted by considerations of power and prejudice. In this thorough reconsideration of Said’s famous work, Ibn Warraq argues that Said’s case against the West is seriously flawed. Warraq accuses Said of not only wilfully misinterpreting the work of many scholars, but also of systematically misrepresenting Western civilization as a whole. With example after example, he shows that ever since the Greeks Western civilization has always had a strand in its very makeup that has accepted non-Westerners with open arms and has ever been open to foreign ideas. The author also criticizes Said for inadequate methodology, incoherent arguments, and a faulty historical understanding. He points out, not only Said’s tendentious interpretations, but historical howlers that would make a sophomore blush. Warraq further looks at the destructive influence of Said’s study on the history of Western painting, especially of the 19th century, and shows how, once again, the epigones of Said have succeeded in relegating thousands of first-class paintings to the lofts and storage rooms of major museums. An extended appendix reconsiders the value of 18th- and 19th-century Orientalist scholars and artists, whose work fell into disrepute as a result of Said’s work. “
Nearly all the other BBC-NUJ ‘great thinkers’ would describe themselves as Marxists and or socialists, all part of the cutural Marxism which BBC-NUJ propagandises every day.
Such is the endemic censorship of the BBC-NUJ; and such is the fragility of its propaganda base that BBC-NUJ prevents alternative views from being broadcast.
BBC-NUJ is committed to spend our money on its political revolution.
What…no Chomsky?…no Foucault, Derrida, Sartre/de Beauvoir or Laing?
Guessing its Marx, Russell, Darwin, Freud…Marx, Russell, Darwin and Dawkins( if there`s no film of Freud at a CND rally somehwere!)
Cold congealed custard of the intellect..but not so awful as to make Prescott a Deputy PM…let alone a Lord!
Fridays A Level results will confirm that things can only get better etc, etc…
I saw some of this. It seemed like all the iconoclasts were correct, and anyone who thought high culture was anything important were wrong. I realize this is supposed to be seen in the context of the other installments, but I’m not sure how that makes up for it.
They cannot help being talentless lightweights but to trash the education of others because greatness offends their vanity is unforgivable. They lie in the lowest depths of hell, and their inheritance is desolation. When the BBC was taken over by their acolytes it was the greatest betrayal of my generation, and we are still living with the consequences.
Well what a shock, the BBC have done a complete attack on the Tories tonight, now we’ve got Red Ed’s pathetic idea that it’s the bankers (and Murdoch) responsible for the riots.
Expect the BBC to run this crap now day in and day out, whilst moronic Tories bury their heads in the sand.
Simple question, if the bankers are to blame why didn’t the halfwits riot back in 2008?
Simple question, if the bankers are to blame why didn’t the halfwits riot back in 2008?
Simple answer: because it isn’t. The left are just trying to gain political points. Its shabby political posturing andshould be condemed. This has been happening for years, politicians have no interest whatsoever in people just power.
“Those who seek power are not worthy of that power.” Plato
Bankers and Looters are of the same stripe – really? Don’t remember seeing bankers breaking into RBS or Lehmans and stealing Credit Default Swaps, or indeed trying them on for size before nicking them. Did I miss something?
There’s a kernel of truth to what Red Ed says, in that there were some bankers (traders and brokers) who saw the writing on the wall early enough and got what they felt was theirs before it all went south. And you can bet there were a few top execs who were prepared to take all their money and head out of town and hang their depositors out to dry if TARP hadn’t happened. But that’s not at all the same thing as wanton theft and it certainly wasn’t the entire industry, which is what Red Ed and the BBC feel.
But what I don’t understand is – if we take Red Ed and the Beeboids silly notion seriously for the sake of argument – is that if the bankers did what they did out of pure greed, how is looting expensive TVs and jewelry and shoes not also greed? Why do non-wealthy people not have the same emotions as other humans?
Different issue DP, I don’t hold any brief for investment bankers, however last time I looked, greed is not illegal, while looting is. Or have I missed something?
“Greed” is part of the Socialist Lexicon of Hate, along with “racist”. I remember Jonny Marbles declaring Murdoch a “Greedy Billionare” before launching his foam pie. Sort of a red “Alu Akbar!” battle cry. “Pure Greed” adds the intensifier “pure” to kill off the idea there is any redeeming feature in an individual. It’s the language of the Nazis – he’s subhuman, exterminate.
There was some illegal ledger manipulation in places where a few people knew exactly what they were hiding for at least a year or so before 2007. Has to have been, or firms like Merrill Lynch would have woken up before they did and started selling off sections, which they did at least a year before the rest of the country found out what was going on. But I agree that greed in and of itself is not illegal. However, any exec who knew to take his own money out the hour before his bank went under ought to be considered guilty of some sort of insider trading equivalent. My opinion only, probably no legal basis. Again, this is a tiny minority of the entire industry, the vast majority of whom are not guilty of anything of the sort, and should not be lumped in the way the BBC – especially Peston – like to do.
But the notion that the looting was due to some sort of “unrestrained materialism” is the same thing as greed, yet the Beeboids and Red Ed and Lord Prescott of the Pies refuse to point the finger at the looters in the same way. It’s a blatant double standard if we use their own terms.
Fair point about “insider trading” DP – that is illegal and “off with their heads”.
Where the Labour analogy most falls short for me is heaping the blame for credit crisis on “bankers”, whilst overlooking one Bill Clinton’s “Fairness in Lending Act” which compelled financial organisations under actuarial forensic examination of loan books to lend to uncreditworthy individuals (including many ethnics).
Bankers merely made a virtue of necessity, which is what they are good at, and did it in darn clever ways, like parcelling up good and bad debt. Many paid the price, but again I don’t recall any Credit Suisse executives setting fire to people’s homes.
However linking Bill Clinton to looters is just too asymetrical for the average bBc/ Millisecond mind. They settle for “proximate cause” – bankers, because it fits their class war/politics of envy narrative.
This week’s edition of ‘The Reunion’ brought together a very fruity bunch of former students of that very fruity institution for the study of Art History, The Courtauld Institute.
“Treacherous Communist Poof” Anthony Blunt loomed large there for all of the assembled ponces and his wonderful qualities easily eclipsed his being a spy for Stalin. This was anti-fascist activity, after all.
“I admired him for having another side to him other than Art History” said one of them about his former lecturer.
“It was as if that side of him were another person, another Anthony,” simpered another effete turd.
All agreed that his being unmasked was terribly painful for him but that he bore it all with the grace they so admired in him.
The blurb writer for Radio Times (one Claire Webb – obviously thoroughly vetted) was even more sympathetic to the devious, malign bastard “[They] recall their absolute horror – not at Blunt’s past but at the ignoble way he was stripped of his knighthood, vilified in the press and ousted from the institution that had flourished under his leadership…if only Blunt were still around to hear their tributes”.
RT is thoroughly on-message but even I am shocked to encounter something so blatantly, unapologetically partisan in its cruddy pages.
He was a spy for Stalin and so (for them) all is forgiven. They do not have the imagination (or the intelligence) to understand the consequences of his actions. Most importantly of all, they do not care.
Blunt was a treasonous berk who’s school boy politics and warped upper class mindset was perfect for the Soviet recruiters, they must have laughed themselves sick over how easy it was to get these upper class English tossers along with many at the BBC to betray their country !
Me personally would have given them the true Russian send off for a horrid little traitor and allowed him and his pals their own 9mm and a ditch to enjoy it in !!
American intelligence never really trusted us during the war. With good reason as it turned out. The ruling intelligentsia of this country is no better today. Completely untrustworthy and once again at odds woth the English people.
We deserve better.
Is there anybody out there who can possibly tell me just why Miliband and Co are allowed to chirrup their banal irrelevancies unencumbered and unquestioned?
I just don`t get it. The whole thing has failed and all and anything that they have seen,said or stood for these last twenty years or so has been shown to be shite, shite and slurry! Everything!
And yet-it`s as if Balls, Milband, Clegg, Prescott and Co were not responsible…and there is no YouTube, no speeches or articles to link them to the Euro, hug a hoodie, Bank collapses and PFI etc.
HOw the hell do they keep putting their stools before us on the Generation Game..and we`re expected to claim them as prizes and no more that we`re worth!
Presumably the conveyor belt is meant to ever change…and so we`ll forget Iraq, Mandelson and lost tax discs/10p tax fiascos!
Do they really think we`ll forget…or am I deluding myself that they are toast in aspic and for ever?
Surely we`re not THAT stupid…the small and seedy political class that seem to big up the likes of a May or a Burnham is one log that the constipated elite seem intent on passing…as if…condemned to be full of their own waste for ever!
Bizarre detail in a report on local ITV Anglia News this evening regarding local police being deployed in London during the riots and the possible effects in the future of cuts in funding. They included some tweets of the experiences of officers.
One said : “Handing out sweets to kids – hearts and minds”.
Is this London or Helmand!
Rhetorical naive question: Why does the BBC even have wine bottles which can be stolen? 280 laptops? That’s an epidemic, not a series of isolated incidents.
Property is theft, eh, BBC? Your ideology coming home to roost.
You have to ask how these laptops came to be stolen.
Lifted during a steamy sauna session? Unattended on a Clapham winebar table while nature calls? Misplaced on an expenses-paid taxi journey from White City to Salford? Borrowed by unsuitable friends of partner’s children by a previous marriage?
There are lifestyle questions we have a right to know, as basically they are “our” laptops. We paid for them.
BBC-NUJ fake greenie lobbyists apparfently love everything about the massive offshore windfarms’ including the massive cost and financial waste.
Even when the following is stated in a BBC-NUJ report, it has no effect on Harrabin, Black and the rest of BBC fake greenie lobbyists:
“Professor Dieter Helm, an economist from the University of Oxford, told the BBC he doubted a large expansion in offshore wind power was affordable. He said: ‘Offshore wind is one of the very few things that makes nuclear power look cheap.'”
CHISTOPHER BOOKER ( an undesirable iconoclast to BBC-NUJ?) has this
“The Thanet wind farm will milk us of billions” (2010)
[Concluding excerpt]:
..”a crucial first step towards getting some grip on reality must be for those who report on these wind farms to stop hiding away the colossal price we are all now having to pay for one of the greatest scams of our age. ”
Germany has manoevred itself into a strange cul de sac due to the power of green politics. The panic stricken shut down of the nuclear plants (Fukushima) has left industry, especially in the South (the real engine of manufacturing value creation) demanded assurance that they will have uninterrupted power this winter. Neighbouring countries are being approached to cover any generation shortfall inc, off course nuclear from the Czech Republic. It is all surreal.
But as long as the “Mittelstand” goes on, the Germans will buy their way out of trouble. They can afford it. But the bills are ridiculous.
But now that the venture capital is drying up, and ‘cuts’ are in place to feed-in tariffs, the whole industry is beginning to lay-off (Cue angry socialists) and even locate photovoltaic to the Far East in an attempt to force down manufacturing costs.
Thanks to everyone who`s still listening to the BBC for us…
As I waited for the kettle to boil I flicked the radio on.Just before 8am it was.
I heard the last line of Martin Narey-the “BBCs man nearly always gets to sign off on the feature. He was thanked by Jim…as was Michael(Lord) Howard.
Think it safe to say that sappy though the Tories are…only a Narey could say this “if young people are to receive a criminal record, then this would be savage”
I did not need to know context or lesd up to this…mon Dieu, it`s the ONLY backstory in town to the BBC…but as the teabags steeped i heard Rory Morrison(newreader) say this ” a young person from Houslow-who can`t be named for legal reasons-is to appear in court today, charged with the murder of the man who tried to put out a fire in Ealing”.
In the world of Narey and his like-this inconvenient little tale of “high spirits that went tragically wrong” is only a distraction and an anecdote…disproportionate and even disappointing…but if the teenager were to get a criminal record,,,NOW that is sheer and brutal savagery!
Narey slid through the Prison Service like a greased ferret…and his working his magic at Barnardos…lot of common ground there, but Narey and his like won`t have that!
As long as the likes of Narey, Leather, Nutt, Stocking and these quango/cheridee spongebags get OUR taxes-and the BBC use OUR tellytax to tempt Narey and Co out of the backroom( did the charity shops get looted I wonder?)…then the whole sick nexus that is the BBC/Guardian/Labour and its floppy levers and sandbags…the likes of Narey would more than qualify-will just drive us all the faster to hell on their bandwagons.
No wheels on them -which is what the looters could yet be used to obtain…
Barnardos is now very burnt toast_Narey is not getting a penny!
Interesting observations from the reprehensible Gunness:
On Monday, Unrwa spokesman Christopher Gunness told the BBC that more than 5,000 Palestinian refugees from the camp in Latakia’s al-Ramel district and surrounding areas had already fled.
“We have no idea where these people are, we have no idea how many of them are wounded, are dying, are elderly, are women, are children,” he said
He said that at least four people were confirmed dead and nearly 20 were injured.
Mr Gunness added that some refugees had been told by the Syrian government to leave the camp.
He described the situation in the camp as “alarming”, calling on Damascus to grant Unwra immediate access to the site to establish “what is going on”.
Why interesting? Because of the complete lack of condemnation of Assad from Gunness. I contrast that with the sneering tone he adopts when attacking Israeli government policy. So why doesn’t he sneer at Assad when the Syrian dictator attacks his own people in a way that Israel would never think of attacking her own?
Bias, of course, of the deeply ingrained variety.
This is not evidence of BBC bias but I find myself wondering if the BBC’s own anti-Israel and pro-Arab bias is so deeply ingrained that they don’t even notice the difference in Gunness’ attitude, depending on whether he is talking about Israelis or Arabs.
Gunness is a particular favourite of the BBC. I found it difficult to understand how people can be “refugees” in Syria, an awful long way from Palestine, 60-odd years after Israel was formed. Do they all live that long ? Can’t the Syrians assimilate them ? Why do the Syrians want to keep them in camps ?
The Palestinians are part of the revolt….sunni versus the ruling elite (Alawite…a Shia sect).
This is a proxy war between Iran and Saudi.
Do you remember the Islamist Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon a couple of years back that the Lebanese Army stormed. Same thing as in Syria.
It is an Islamist uprising (Sunni) against the heretic Shia.
All the news on the BBC (as there are no journalists in the field) is from an exile group in London.
ie it is not news at all in the sense that it is impossible to verify.
They are kept in camps with no rights of citizenship because the only issue that units all Muslims (Arabs) is the total rejection of Israel’s right to exist. Right of return and all that. A policy throghout the region.
Bingo: and therein lies the great fallacy that lefty twats can’t see: ALL ‘refugees’ could have been living happily in their new countries decades ago if they weren’t so useful against Israel. Not just Syria but Egypt and Jordan etc. Can you imagine the Ugandans that came to briatin being kept in refugee camps at Dover since Idi Amin? And that was 1972 only 30 odd years ago…
“It was in those years that the Arab League started its Palestinian refugee policy. Arab countries implemented special laws designed to make it impossible to integrate the Palestinian refugees from the 1948 Arab war against Israel.
Even descendants of Palestinian refugees who are born in another Arab country and live there their entire lives can never gain that country’s passport. Even if they marry a citizen of an Arab country, they cannot become citizens of their spouse’s country. They must remain Palestinian even though they may have never set foot in the West Bank or Gaza.
This policy of forcing a Palestinian identity on these people for eternity and condemning them to a miserable life in a refugee camp was designed to perpetuate and exacerbate the Palestinian refugee crisis.”
BBC-NUJ’s hate for Rupert MURDOCH, and its love for media & financial billionaire, George SOROS.
From whom does BBC-NUJ’s Robert PESTON (son of Labour Lord Peston) take his political lead on the E.U. (apart from C. Patten)? – from George SOROS, apparently.
Of course, in general, BBC-NUJ does not view the political world from a British, national viewpoint; no, the BBC-NUJ views the world variously from either a U.N., or Islamic, or E.U., or black, or class viewpoint.
BBC-NUJ is politically empathetic to SOROS not least because he finances ‘left’ media in specific propaganda opposition to News International, Fox News, and Glenn BECK-
BECK on puppetmaster SOROS (video, N ov 2010)
BBC-NUJ is also amenable to Soros propaganda for ‘a new world order’ and against national sovereignty.
So, in Peston’s pontifications like the following, Soros figures more prominently than does British national sovereignty. But then BBC-NUJ is not, apparently, here to serve the British nation, but to serve the interests of someone who will work for the destruction of the British national interest.
Ignore Peston and his prognostications. He’s been repeating his best advice for fixing the Eurozone:
The path between the treacherous rocks would be less fraught if the great surplus countries, Germany and China, did more to stimulate their domestic economies.
More of other people’s money will fix everything. And obviously China’s wealth is unlimited forever and ever and there is no looming real estate bubble over there, and the yuan isn’t kept artificially low. Uh-huh.
The inherent problem with the concept of BBC editors: they spend too much time being opinion-mongers and stop informing you properly.
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ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
Wasn’t sure if it was corrected, but driving to work this morning at around 08:10, Rachel Burdon on 5Live was interviewing a professor (didn’t catch his name) about the police cuts.
He rabbitted on about 16,000 front line jobs being cut, before then saying something along the lines of “don’t forget the back office staff, there’s 16,000 jobs being cut there as well as on the front line”!
Not corrected by Burdon who went on to speak to the other guest…I’m pretty sure I heard it right!
bBC STILL can’rtget used to the idea that their political masters the liebore idiots aren’t in govt any more
Cameroon calls for more respect in the country
the beeboids wheel on prize buffoon-ess Tessa Jowell to talk about it
A respectable national broadcasting corporation would help an awful lot.
Countryside last evening had the results of a survey about farm subsidies. But the item started with an interview with Sean Rickard who since Oliver Walston realised how much he needed CAP subsidies, is the cheerleader for their abolition. He has been the only person on the BBC speed dial for this for the last 20 years. Don’t get me wrong, farmers would manage if ALL subsidies world wide were abolished – but UK farmers need an even playing field and the general population may then pay less in tax but more on food.
Often the BBC uses the results of their own survey (without reference to what the questions were) in their news summaries. Well you could hear the disappointment in the piece as they reported that 63% of people questioned ‘felt farmers deserve some form of subsidy’… more numbers and then at the end they added they were ‘surprised’ that only 9% of people questioned thought there should be no subsidy at all.
I too am surprised at the figures – which of course were not mentioned in news bulletins as these were obviously not the answers the BBC wanted (otherwise why commission such a survey?) – but it gives me great hope that people can think for themselves and not always follow the BBC narrative.
As they say “Keep Britain Farming ……………..- by keeping East Europeans working”
Hurrah…. the number of comments is back!
Thanks to All Seeing for fixing this!
After seeing the 24 news at about 12 noon, any hope of reforming the bBC finally evaporated. They said they will show photo’s of the looters, they showed two. A male and a female both white. What planet are the beboids on!
The BBC reform themselves, Fred? Have you ever tried to keep an alcoholic away from that first one of the day?
Just caught Cameron and Miliband’s speeches on the riots.
Thought it was an excellent speech by Cameron (now we need action), Miliband an appalling opportunist giving excuses for rioters. He was blaming greedy bankers, MP expense fiddles and NI phone hacking. The kernel of the issue, which Cameron didn’t get too, is the way the Police have backed off from dealing with black youth gangs because they very rightly fear false accusations of racism that will be believed because of the culture of Political Correctness that has been foisted on us by the subversive left. Black youth crime gangs are now market leaders in criminality, and as Starkey so rightly said, white crims and (he didn’t say this) moronic tossers gravitate towards their gangsta culture and speak and act like them.
Something fantastic just happened in Miliband’s Q&A. Someone asked him what he thinks makes young people riot. Miliband turned it back and asked what his questioner thought. He wished he hadn’t. His questioner said he and his friends had studied riots in N. Ireland in the last few years, and what came out of it is that young people riot because its fun. Miliband’s face looked like a smacked bottom while this young man was explaining this. When the young man finished Miliband just went straight to the next question without addressing anything the young man had just said.
Oh, one thing from Miliband’s speech. He threatened Cameron that if he doesn’t call for an Inquiry to produce a ‘national conversation’ in the next few days, he will.
We all know that this excrutiating guff will be conducted in tandem with BBC coordination to make propaganda for the Labour Party.
One can only hope that Cameron doesn’t let himself get railroaded by the BBC/LABOUR axis the way he let himself get railroaded into calling an Inquiry into phone hacking when Police investigations are still underway.
I thought Cameron was very commendable. He didn’t seek to make any political capital against Labour and the Left, inspite of the fact there is a mountain to be made. He just sought to address the problems that anyone with half a brain can see the causes of. If Miliband sinks any lower into the gutter Cameron really needs to have the howitzers ready and loaded to produce a devastating barrage to lay bare the Marxist sociology of Labour that has led to the moral collapse and hamstrung Police which saw England getting mugged en masse.
Oh, and now Ross Hawkins on News24 given his Labour slanted, sanctimonious take. Wearing the same purple tie Ed Miliband was wearing as well.
Come on?…Nasal Nosebleed Miliband?…national conversation?…only the BBC would seem to think that Browns pencil squeezer and bag carrier would have ANYTHING to add to the cultural gaiety of the nation!
That they will bang as many jungle drums as possible and hold hands around the yurt is neither here nor there. The caravans have long moved on,leaving the BBC and Labour to painstakingly recreate the skid marks…for the ages.
The current bedwetters national converation?…Polly, Stephanie and as many Eds as can fit on the futon….”Cuts, We`ll doomed…Tory scum…don`t panic…Thatch…is this bed your expense or can I set it against a book deal?…repeat `til sick of it!…then off to BUPA…
National conversation? Hm…maybe he could start off with a conversation with the PM. Jumping up and down yelling for a public inquiry and “if you don’t have one, we will,” is apparently his idea of how to conduct a conversation between politicians about national affairs in the aftermath of a disaster. Who does he think he is anyway, trying to usurp the role of the government? Opportunist buffoon casting around for an idea or a purpose.
“Miliband’s face looked like a smacked bottom while this young man was explaining this”
LOL. Priceless.
BBC pioneer ‘community’ broadcasting.
I noticed a Radio 4 report this morning on the unhappy events in Jersey. Our BBC man referred to the family as coming from the ‘Polish community’.
Well I hazard a guess that he meant Polish speaking EU passport holders who under EU law are entitled to come to the UK to seek work, take up housing, claim benefits, use the NHS etc etc.
Now I make this point because such issues are sure to be overlooked when the BBC get on to their soapbox to tell us about UK unemployment, lack of housing, poverty, welfare costs, lack of NHS spending etc etc.
I note BBC online news cuts to the chase and says ‘Polish people’. Perhaps it is just the Today Prog that is so obsessed with this ‘community’ thing?
Yes, I’ve heard them at this c-word nonsense. Instead of saying Farmers or Scientists or Shop owners, they inflate everything into the Farming C-word, the Scientific C-word, the Shop-owning C-word. It’s ridiculous.
You mention Jersey and the Polish C-word but that is not the same as EU passport holders in the UK because Jersey is not in the UK (even though it is a Dependency of the British Crown) or in the EU but does negotiate arrangements with the EU. It does not have free movement of workers from the EU, though it does have free movement of goods and a customs union.
bravo! Community is becoming the most abused word in the English language! I predict that it will go the word of “gay” soon. It will acquire a meaning that has nothing to do with its original meaning.
Along with :
Discriminate – to choose wisely
Elitism – what comes from choosing wisely
Workshop – a place where men make useful things
Justice – now forever preceded with ‘Social’
Add more – over to the rest of you….
Enrichment – colonisation. Diverse – monocultural ghetto. Moderate – hasn’t resorted to violence yet. Racist – somebody who actually does care about social cohesion & can see where we’re heading. Basically, the inversion of plain English for the furtherance of political correctness. There are many more.
Mea culpa about Jersey and the EU. Or perhaps I should say in best BBC Gangsta ‘my bad’.
By the way, according toFive Live this evening the peolpe concerned ‘have connections to the Polish community’.
Such contortions!
Yes, why can’t they just say they are Polish?
Funny, when BBC write about a Somali immigrant who lives in say Birmingham they describe him as “from Birmingham” He’s not from Birmingham, he’s from Somalia, but happens to live in Birmingham.
Now these are suddenly these “Polish people”, not people “from Jersey”
Interesting how the provenance of people changes according to the desired narrative.
Worst of all is the Beeboids’ constant use of the term “on-line community”.
People who are seperated, in somecases, by thousands and thousands of miles – and are only connected by some firber optics – are NOT a community!!!!
Dual Heritage (mixed race)
Differently-abled (disabled)
BBC Executives (white middle class left wing pricks)
Love the Pat Condell reference. This one needs to become part of the national vocabulary.
Today R4. Rarely listen but this sounded interesting. A report on the Iowa gathering of Republicans. Dripped with condecension- everybody mostl;y white- isn’t Iowa a mostly white state- so why mention it?
The really interesting thing is the obvious dislike the beeboids have of Republican women. The Governor of Texas was fairly neutrally discussed but when it came to Michelle all the pent up beeboid predudices were given vent to.
I don’t think beeboids like women very much unless they are of the Harriet Harmon ilk
An interesting study for an academic- Beeboid hatred for conservative strong women.
Yes, why mention skin colour at all? Is there something suspect about have pale-tinted skin? It’s also true those Beeboid denizens of Radio 4 don’t like women. The likes of the Webb monster and his successor across the pond would never show the sort of sneering contempt for a black man that they do for women, whether it be Sarah Palin or their new target Michelle. They’re like the Labour Party which has a doctrine and a policy for women, equality and all the rest of it but really has no time for women at the top of the tree. Deputy Leader is the best they get, as a sop. The Conservatives traditionally aren’t keen on policies for women and equality but aren’t so keen to stop the odd individual woman getting through to the top either.
typo: …about having pale-tinted skin.
BBC News’ coverage of anything related to the USA has always ‘dripped with condescension’. The superiority complex on display never ceases to infuriate me. They look down their noses with a contempt for the stereotypical ‘dumb Americans’ that they assume make up 99% of the population.
I remember a news report of the 2008 presidential election. The reporter walked along a never ending line of people waiting to vote, and in front of them began : “America, a country of fast food and short attention spans…”
Patronising bastard – and right in front of people too!
It’s a common theme :
Comment No. 7 isn’t happy (not the only one) :
Oooh, good post!
Let’s summarize:
“These guys are morons. It pleases me they can get it together long enough to vote.”
Think of all the different ways you could have phrased, “Turnout looks to be much higher than it’s ever been!” and not backhandedly insulted 300 million people.
Inform, educate and entertain, eh?
Well I think I got all three from Radio 4 this morning before 8am. A report on Republican Presidential candidates. Gee….the BBC correspondent tells me they are mostly ‘anonymous men in grey suits’. There is one from the ‘Hard Right’…. and that Sarah Palin? Well, apparently she ‘can’t string a sentence together without puting her foot in it.’
Wow, that’s pretty negative, what must Democrat supporters be saying?
Now on the basis that I believe the BBC is politically unbiased I would certainly stick with Obama.
So I’m guessing the President must be doing so well in the approval ratings that the BBC didn’t think it worth a mention?
‘Hard’ right. That’s a little word I’ve heard before on the BBC. Oh yes our chum Richard Bacon introduced Dan Hannan as a ‘hard’-line eurosceptic. I was pleased that the popular MEP complained at once on air. Radio 5’s Head of News was shamed into a quick apology that referred to the use of this ‘unheplful word’. We are given to understand that the programme team had had a speeking to so as to ‘underline the point’. Yet it goes on.
Ye Bacon has been handing out quite a few apologies recently.
and none of them genuine.
On the World Service yesterday I heard the female BBC Presenter say that none of the Republican candidates has brought the hope and inspiration that Obama brought when he was running for candidate.
Well, that’s one way of seeing things I guess. Not sure how it conforms with BBC impartiality stating such an opinion though.
Actually hippie the presenter was probably correct. The campaigning Obama was a rock star god and to most of his supporters a blank slate to chalk in their dreams. I doubt any candidate since Kennedy has generated the excitement he did Such a huge and predictable disappointment to so many of his supporters.
The Republicans, sigh, are merely human, albeit with real experience, records and programmes.
I thought Obama’s election hinged on 98% of black voters voting Obama (overt racism if the other way around), whilst white voters split both ways, according to their view of the policies and character of the candidates, and how much Democrat smear-tactics they had absorbed.
Is that bringing hope and inspiration? Baloney. A blank piece of paper and a blank cheque is false hope and bribery.
Her opinion may have a lot of currency, but is it appropriate for a BBC presenter to express it when talking about Republican candidates? Clear bias. If she had said ‘Republican candidates stand a very good chance of making Obama a one term President because his peformance has fallen far short of his campaign rhetoric’ may have a lot of currency as well, but it’s not the job of reporters to express opinions either way. Unfortunately, of course, when they do express opinions its all Obama’s way.
Exactly Deegee. This is why I think that Obama is America’s Blair. An empty vessel into which naive people projected their own unrealistic hopes. It is slowly dawning on them, as it did here, that their great hope doesn’t actually stand for anything.
Presentation over substance is the norm in modern politics.
Hope and inspiration for whom? Answers on a postcard….
Perhaps she meant none of them has brought so much hype and infatuation (generated by the media, largely).
The BBC sent out an official apology to Darcus Howe. However will they issue an official apology to David Starkey, for the BBC’s degrading and disrespectful treatment of him?
And no apology to Sarah Palin for Bacon referring his listeners to that Nazi attack on her Downs child on youtube.
On the contrary: the BBC is proud of the fact that Maitlis and the other two panelists “robustly challenged” him.
This was a challenging and at times heated ten minute debate examining the causes of last week’s riots and looting. Whilst we acknowledge that some people will have found David Starkey’s comments offensive he was robustly challenged by presenter Emily Maitlis and the other contributors who took issue with his comments. Owen Jones particularly highlighted that many people listening would find the views expressed offensive and Emily provided further context making it clear that David Cameron had said this was not a race issue and that people taking part in the riots came from a range of ethnic backgrounds.
And apparently “some” viewers felt that Starkey wasn’t challenged enough. It’s the moderator’s job to help gang up on a panelist, don’t you know.
Yo! Tebbo in the house on News24. Given full rein as well. I wonder if any prominence will be given to what he has said on prime time BBC, or whether it was just a sop to maintain the appearance of impartiality? I can see now some sub-Trotskyite BBC Editor scouring what he has just said to see if there is something that can be lifted out of context to lead the news with to discredit Cameron.
Ditto with Heseltine just now on “The World At One”..(.indeed it is, Martha my dear, contary to the recent unpleasantness!).
Like Tebbit, I can`t imagine either of these two blokes making even a soundbite onto the 2pm news headlines…or indeed anywheree else!
Bit flaky on the BBCs continual bugaboos that they string like salty pearls as ” a narrative” you see!
Such a shame- they were surely there to shaft Thatch from `81, but they`re not as bitter as they ought to be eh?
Any mention yet of those race riots under a Labour…a LAY-BOUR Government mark you!.. somewehre “oop norf” in 2001 yet?
Nah…thought not!
Guessing its that thirty year rule again-or self imposed purdah from the Zen Masters in LibLabLand…
It`s all “News at Zen” these days eh…one for Briggy of Brighton there!
As the headline on Dominic Lawson’s column in yesterday’s Sunday Times so aptly put it
“Hark, it’s the baying of the apologist mob”
The mooted inquiry/investigation (call it what you will) will deliver its verdict next year and you can be assured that the usual suspects (racism, inequality, “cuts”) will be blamed and the recommendations will be boiled down to the police being even more ethnic-friendly and approachable and – just in case – bunging even more taxpayers’ money at urban “deprivation” and society’s victims – you know – like this lot ( http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/8701091/Family-on-benefits-move-into-2-million-home.html ). Of course, it won’t read exactly like that but the commenters invited onto Today and Sheena’s “analysis” will interpret the findings accordingly.
In the vanguard of the apologist mob is the BBC. Rather than being faux-appalled by Starkey’s opinions, the BBC is hugging itself with delight because Starkey has overnight become the gold-standard of white “racist” reaction to the riots. As every remark criticising immigration was met with shouts of “racist” and every remark mildly critical of CAGW is met with “denier”, so every remark critical of the black community’s dysfunctional culture (and those non-blacks who have adopted that culture) will be met by “Starkeyist”. The BBC can be relied on to press on that nerve until the “lesson learned” by the police will be to shut up and for politicians to put up more of your and my money.
Of course, Starkey was being deliberately provocative. However, that’s part of the Starkey “brand”. OTOH the reactions to Starkey’s (actually quite mild) observations have certainly smoked out the apologist mob described by Lawson
“(E)very remark critical of the black community’s dysfunctional culture (and those non-blacks who have adopted that culture) will be met by “Starkeyist”
There is nothing the Left LOVE quite so much as a witchhunt. It gives evil Tories like David Starkey a practical demonstration of the love and broadmindedness that observers of the Left know so well.
You know, like Marcus Brigstock telling everybody the car licence plate of David Starkey, so that the Left can reason with him and make known to him their passionate disapproval of thuggery.
the beeb still going on about millitwat,can someone please tell them liebore aren’t in power anymore.
davejan. The beeboid obsession with New Labour is, as T S Eliot might have put it, as pathological as a madman shaking a dead geranium.
A joy to get a REAL Thought for the Day sir!
“No matter how they voted…what you believe is true”.
So warbleth St Stephen of Gately…and we all sing from the NEW Hymn sheet altogether now don`t we People?
It`s what Uncle Joe would have wanted…and what John Lenin was martyred for, let us not forget!
Peace and luv…peace and luv!
Josef Burbles/ Don Linen…BBC Commissariat 2011!
Daily Bacon, with Labour supporter Richard Bacon interviewing comedian Simon Evans:
listen at 13.45 for a minute or so.
As Evans talks (positively) about doing corporate entertainment, Bacon chips in gratuitously with “and does it make you feel grubby?”
Evans deflects this stupid comment. No, it doesn’t make him feel grubby.
But then Mr Bacon would know quite a bit about grubbiness, what with linking to You Tube cliops of other edgy comedians who make obscene comments about children with Downs Syndrome.
Got to ba a research grant into which of the BBCs current affairs output is the most pernicious and slyly biassed…or do they get brownie points from their ilk if it`s as “in yer face” as poss?
Having heard Harriet Cass reading what upstairs wrote for her to read(in a large crayon I`m guessing!) as the News Headlines” at 1p.m-there will have to be a separate category of award for “supine stool pigoen who`ll read any old tripe as if it`s news”!
What is with theses names…Jeremy?…Harriet?
Luckily it will be more obvious when the new baby fathers send us their progeny “nine monfs on”… a triumphant “rucking o da bichiz” with looted viagra having to do as “uppers”.
New names for Sure Start/Contact Point databases?
FedFukka, Feralla, Camila?…who`s to say?
The perfect BBC story:
“Same-sex pairs of monogamous birds are just as attached and faithful to each other as those paired with a member of the opposite sex.
I expect to see further reports about camp carp, dyke bulls and bona Fidos.
You’ll be pleased to know that this earth shattering research was deemed worthy of mention in the flagship Radio 4 News at 8:00 this morning. As Robert Robinson – of happy memory – said about mention on Today of a lady-shopper in Selfridges losing her panties – [my paraphrase] “if this can be included, what reason is there to leave anything out?”
I couldn’t figure out why that was mentioned on Today. It’s not as if it would fit any particular agenda, is it?
Admirable striving for delicacy there in the naming of ladies’ undergarments!
If what I read is to be believed, the Director General of the day fired off a stern memo about Robertson’s acerbic observation on that occasion.
Is that a News Quiz I see before you Louis?
I`d not let any Hardys or Brigstockes come sidling up to look at your notebooks!
My scriptwriting days are over.
Ha Ha, like the queer giraffes scene in Gladiator.
Louis, I wish I could hit “like” more than once just for “bona Fidos”
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.”
No mention of “Same-sex pairs of monogamous birds” Somehow I don’t think He wanted to make all creatures extinct.
The explanation lies as many, many studies have shown from Lorenz onwards that phase critical imprinting determines later sexual preferences.
“Form of learning wherein a very young animal fixes its attention on the first object with which it has visual, auditory, or tactile experience and thereafter follows that object. In nature, the object is almost always a parent; in experiments, other animals and inanimate objects have been used.”
Male Zebra finches confined in a cage imprint readily on other males later leading to the recognition of the male auditory and visual signal being the stimulus for pairing behaviour.
Imprinting is experimentally reproducible and animals can be homosexualised under controlled conditions.
In nature that rarely happens though on occasion it does.
The literature is extensive.
Perhaps there is a phase critical imprinting in the Beeboid.?
RGH. Very possibly a PPE degree at Oxford, or a sociology course just about anywhere; reinforced by the BBC College of Journalism. Independent thought is pretty much extinguished by then, & the recipient can look forward to a long, taxpayer-funded career as a ‘useful idiot’. The relentless twitterings of young beeboids confirm their tenuous grasp of reality, & their seamless passage into the utopian biodome where facts count for nothing.
Birds of a feather, perhaps.
Just to close. From a gay site. They have leapt at the Beeboid offering with barely disguised triumphalism. The grammar is poor, but the whole ‘stream of conciousness’ speaks volumes.
BBC Nature – Homosexual zebra finches form long-term bond
“Thought this would amke for interesting reading. It concerns zebra finches forming long term relationships with members of the same sex. This inherently shows that homosexuality is genetic and also some interesting ideas on companionship. Just proves that it is “natural” and well God (for the religious among you) didnt just make gay humans …..Cue the homophobes all over this….. ”
Wrong, wrong, wrong. It proves no such thing. The studies were on caged single sex birds critical phase imprinting. The genetic aspect is in the developmental ‘software’ of the genes in which critical exposure seeks to identify mates when none are available which is then ‘hard wired’ The creature is then out of the gene pool.
Erm, I notice there’s no suggestion that these birds suffer from ‘orifice confusion’. I think maybe their confusing the meaning of the word ‘mate’ in this context.
I once had a debate with my boss at work (a young guy training to be a human rights lawyer!) on the abnormality or normality of homosexuality. His ‘killer’ argument on how homosexuality is normal was that it exists in animal studies. I pointed out that in studies of monkey troops paedophilia is rife, “does it make paedophilia normal?” He did not wish to pursue his line of argument further.
The bBC and its just not cricket.
How easy is it to be an England fan?
The bBC airs a video article on how English cricket fans are facing up to the facts that England, yes England is the best test cricket team in the world.Funny enough the bBC which loves to promote a vision of multi-cultural Great Britain
(Schools/Hospitals/Food/Music/riots/Islam etc)
only interviews white people. Oh they do film a small coloured lad bowling into the nets right at the very end of the video. But for some strange reason the bBC which has no problem referring to failed asylum seekers as British, appears to feel that only white people can be English fans.
Ah but you see in BBC multicultural world UK Black people must support the Windies, Asians support India/Pakistan*
*delete where applicable
Look up, if you can find them, Yasmin She-Ain’t-Got-No-Alibai’s pensées on the glorious 2005 Ashes, where she worries about whitey getting nostalgic for (all together now !) “a country that never existed.”
ROBERT BROWN; Good piece in the Telegraph on her at the time, did keep it, called her shrill and boring, rather quaint terms i thought. As for the country that never existed, well it did, she only arrived in the seventies, a refugee from Uganda, given succour and shelter and then proceeded to shit and carp all over her hosts. Such an evil, racist woman is hard to imagine.
YAB – Nasty, sanctimonious little prig. She was once ranting, when doing the paper reviews on Sky, about how uniquely awful Anglo Saxons are in their attitude to non-white immigrants. Then she went on to say : “I look forward to a future when we are all brown”. Racist bastard. It wasn’t white people that hounded her from her homeland and she clearly hasn’t done too badly in her adopted country. It was non-white racism in another country that caused her to up-root and a tolerance in this one that has allowed her to castigate her hosts with such venom on such a regular basis. Poisonous.
She’s not called the Yazzmonster for nothing.
So on BBC News Cameron’s speech is given one vox pop by a tenage girl who slagged it off. Red Ed’s pile of bollocks about knee jerk actions (remember Red Ed’s knee jerk actions regarding News International?) and prattling on about bankers being ot blame got no vox pop at all.
It was almost as if the BBC approved of Red Ed’s prattle.
Over on Sky News Sophie Ridge pointed out that most of the public would approve of scum being chucked out of their council houses and losing benefits. Not so at the BBC.
The World at One featured an excerpt from Cameron’s speech then turned to a group of disaffected kids and asked them what they thought of it. Naturally they all disliked it and one kid even called Cameron ‘a knob.’ This is 30 seconds after we’d been listening to our Prime Minister make a keynote speech and the first verdict the BBC broadcasts is him being called a knob by a troubled fifteen year old.
Then it’s on to that no less troubled fifteen year old, Ed Miliband, for his verdict. Guess what? He didn’t like it either – and was given time to say why.
This is blatant propaganda from the BBC akin to pravda and NO, that is not an exaggeration. Just when will government REACT to this shite?
Mr Chamberlain returns from his meeting with Her Hitler.Our reporter visits Wood Green Comprehensive for the views of a snotty nosed adolescent….. Pure farce.
Who cares what a 15 year old thinks, no one except the BBC
A 15 year old pays no taxes, cannot vote and does not pay the BBC tax. He is a child and will be for another 3 years.
Happily the BBC will be leaving their London “pied a terrace” residence in the coming year.
This therefore frees up some affordable housing for said squatters, crusties, pit bulling communities…and of course all those excitable rioters.
How many fine apprenticeships in broadcasting would the BBC be more than willing to offer the marginalised and vulnerable children!
Only take twenty and aircraft hangar to fit Camila up with a commemorative caftan of the Uprising of 2011…will serve as a marquee for the face painting after too!
We are the New Creatives here on Biased BBC!
And of course-Jeremy Vine will collect all those “license contributions” hitherto overlooked in all the kerfuffle!
More BBC…More!
Just because all that welfare, cringeing and shanking of neighbours didn`t work…a bit of love and compassion as shown by Shirley Williams and (Uncle) Anthony Benn ought to see us all right!
Firstly with regard to the speech by Cameron and the EMPTY RECYCLED promises he has made which are merely a variation on the promises this serial liar has made over the years and DONE NOTHING ABOUT. Is there anyone, I mean anyone who believes a bleeding word that comes out either side of this smug empty gits face?
A real BBC would be comparing what Cameron has said and claimed and promised in the past with current claims and then seeing the massive discrepancies, same with Millibrain or Clegg. The rise of the political liar who taliors their words to suit a particular mood but has no intention of honouring those words with deeds.
Reform the human rights laws eh? Reform is not an option, we are either in or out, there is simply no way to reform them at all. And yet this crafty choice of words is very revealing because he knows even as he spews his bollocks that reform is not going to happen, its either in or out. The ECHR and our new supreme court the foreign ECJ and the EU, its a linked chain that Cameron has no influence over because guess what? All the links to the EU monster are in the hands of euophile newlabour appointees and even if Cameron wanted to change anything he would be speakng into a dead phone with nobody on the other end.
So where is the BBC? Why, taking labours position on everything of course and positioning Cameron as the loser/reactionary/kneejerk tosspot while contributing what is in essence an election campaign for Millibrain and labour. Westminster is so f*cked up now, so far removed from the realities we have to live with. The gigantic mistakes and blunders that the political class have made over the years were avoidable yet make these blunders they did and regardless of their words now they will do nothing to correct the fundamental problems.
Sky Poll shows a 70/30 split in favour of Camerons over Red Ed’s comments.
Did i miss an election last year?
Memo from BBC-NUJ?: re- JERSEY mass murders – don’t mention the word ‘immigrant’.
It’s a tragedy noentheless. I read elsewhere that he was from the Polish “community” (that’s the word the BBC use if they have to mention something)
Global cooling hits New Zealand too
Maybe snow isn’t always caused by warm weather, as the Warmists claim: New Zealand gets “super-cold” snap accompanied by “the heaviest snow seen in the capital in decades”. Snow caused by cold weather: Who’d a thunk it?
A polar blast has hit New Zealand, bringing freezing temperatures and the heaviest snowfall in 40 years.
Snow is even predicted to fall on the hills around Auckland in what meteorologists are describing as a once-in-a-lifetime storm.
Schools across the country have been closed for the day and most airports are at a standstill.
The bitterly cold southerly blast has now brought snow to most of New Zealand, closing roads and some airports and cutting power to thousands of homes. Snow has made roads impassable in many areas of both islands.
MetService head forecaster Peter Kreft told the New Zealand Herald the polar blast was “of the order of a 50-year” event and warned it could last for several more days.
“It’s a once-in-many-decades event. We are probably looking at something like, in terms of extent and severity, maybe 50 years,” he said.
And from the BBC? New Zealand no longer exists it seems, there is a blank spot where New Zealand used to be and while the Texas hot spot is given full coverage, we see and hear nothing about the cold extremes around Mount Rainier national park or South America or anywhere really. Even the utterly sad and pathetic rolling weather forecasts on BBC24 have been reduced to hiding evidence of cold regions and cold related events like California cooler than usual for most of the summer.
I mean how sad and pathetic, to hide cold weather in their weather forecasts, are they concerned that the masses might be somewhat confused, that they might just question the tsunami of CAGW propaganda emanating from the BBC?
That little skinny kid who wrote the book about chavs and the working class was spouting his crap on Sky News. Of course he agrees with Red Ed that it’s all the fault of the bankers.
In which case why didn’t the riots happen back in 2008/9 when the bankers were at it?
It’s quite obvious that the BBC/Guardian/Liebore to try to excuse all this violence by blaming ‘bankers’
SKY-NUJ is almost as politically biased as BBC-NUJ on riots ( no wonder considering that both use NUJ political propaganda on the issue).
If whites criticise aspects of black Jamaican culture, it’s racist;
if blacks criticise aspects of white English culture, it’s not racist!
Another reminder of NUJ President and anarchist, DONNACHA DELONG on riots, whom, apparently, NUJ members dare not criticise in public (or do they all agree with him?):-
“Drop the brooms, you capitalist scum”
(by Damian Thompson)
“OK, here’s a name for you: Mr Donnacha DeLong, the new president of the National Union of Journalists. On Tuesday he described the ‘broom army’ of middle-class volunteers who cleaned up Clapham Junction as ‘scum’.
“Yes, you read that right: scum. DeLong said so in a Facebook comment; I rang DeLong to check that it was authentic. ‘Yes, but I was referring to a particular exclusivist crowd,’ he explained. Here’s the relevant Facebook exchange, between DeLong and an anarchist ally calling himself Al Mikey:
Al Mikey: ‘[What about] the reactionary part of these clean-ups like in Clapham Junction that have overtly classist twists to them. What’s your take on them?’
Donnacha DeLong: ‘They’re scum, it’s just important to realise that they’re not all reactionary scum. A lot of anarchists have been trying to get this [clean-up] going as well.’
Gpodness, so the people cleaning the streets were the wrong class, eh? And therefore they are “exclusivist” and they are “scum”. I’ve never heard such twaddle in my life.
There’s even worse than that out there, folks :
“By the symbolic cleaning, cleansing and casting out of the rioters from the community, the sweepers appear to enact the closest thing to popular fascism that we have seen on the streets of certain ‘leafy’ bits of London for years.”
It’s impossible to fathom the mindset of these vacuous degenerates.
Reed, I’d bet my bottom dollar that that piece of Dave Spartish tripe was written by a little somebody who ‘grew up’ in those very ‘leafy’ bits they have such contempt for. Deranged.
Were the people cleaning up the streets preventing those of other classes joining in and helping?
I am setting up my own enquiry…reckon I`ve got more to tell the BBC than Ed Milipede!
I think the rise in “social unrest” is directly correlated to the effect on children of years of cBBC…just seen Horrible Histories” (was that Dominic Brigstockes name that whizzed by in small print on the credits then?0…and if I`d been parked in front of such slime for years ,then I too would want to do a bit of personalised shopping after hours.
I could extend it to the move to Salford…there were riots in both London and salford so that needs a bit of “nuancing”…but think that I could conflate the “cBeebies concern” with that engendered bythe fears about the switch to digital and broadband…God ,its scary!
Oh priceless-a Libyan surgeon will talk to our BBC boyo out there in English as long as the journo agrees to give blood!
No prizes for guessing that the following interview is in Arabic…that`s OUR BBC…caring sharing and ever willing to make a sacrifice!
It`s all coming so thick and fast this media slurry…any chance of a Biased BBC 24 with rolling straplines underneath it!
It`s all too much!
And in less than a fortnight, cj, we’ll have the BBC float at Notting Hill Carnival to contend with. Any predictions?
Guessing that some offence will be taken at the racial profile/ face painting interface.
That for me will be the glow-worm in the tinder box in the incense burner in the window box…the Russian doll of pyromaniacal fantasies!
Imagine John Sweeney and the Panorama “team” already have their spliff pitch with the required undercover camera trained on the Feds!
Police and Thieves man!…
“Headteacher who never taught again after daring to criticise multiculturalism”
thank you for reminding me. Just to comprehend this is painful, almost demanding an example of Orwellian doublethink.
ROBERT BROWN; Yes, remember it well, poor man was brave as hell to take on the screaming hairy hordes of leftie trash that posed as teachers. Remember one harridan almost orgasmic with fake fury calling for his head, very 17thC. Just what is wrong with these heathens?
Sorry to get involved in “Mission Creep”, but just saw Krishnan Guru Murthy put his elevator shoes in some brown stuff( not racist that is it? other shades of stool are-of course-available!).
Jon Snows sock puppet was left to mind the shop on Channel 4 News tonight-some true Child of the Revolution mischievously booked Sir Peter Hitchens alongside John Bird( Big Issue!)
Don`t know if Krishans tie was the shade of a smacked bottom or not( Not allowed to know since 1984)…but some researcher is awaiting Jon Snows garrotte by cravat!
Brilliant-little Murthy looked a bit peaky there as his laptop went pink/puce…who knows…crime is colourblind so I don`t know the difference!
Hitchens and Bird were in complete agreement…oh yes, it`s as simple as that-Miliband managed to make Cameron look like he DID have the foggiest of ideas…only just!
Krishnans lip trembled at this affront to the rules of aimless gabbling and navel picking of linen strands…bloody obvious, so what has Labour got to say after all this time…and so it went!
Fair sent me out with a spring in my (paid-for) trainers as I went for my jog…but hope that the two “Brothers in Arms” that truly did their Entebbe raid on Channel 4 can escape the piles of tissues and scented oils that ooze whenever Mr Snow goes on holiday…or checking whether he left his umbrella in Kyoto/Bali/Copenhagen/Cancun as we all are expected to believe.
Krishnan might need a relatives “milky tears elephant “as a career option now…send for Columbo Snow(providing healing hands solutions to Sri Lankans now since 1993!-peace and love, peace and love!)
Newsnight’s hardline leftie Paul Mason tweets this evening from the East End:
Clarence Rd Hackney; community orgs try to calm things; youth vehemently reject Cameron “war on gangs” believe it is war on them.
Trying to calm things down? Paul, you haven’t been winding them up, have you?
Tweet by Comrade Paul Mason, NUJ Father of the Chapel, ‘Newsnight’:
“youth vehemently reject Cameron war on gangs’ blieve it is war on them.”
REPLY to Comrade Mason:
British people vehemently reject Mason’s ‘war on capitalism’; believe it is war on them, subsidised by licence fees.”
“Don’t howl Starkey down. Gangsta culture is a poison spreading among youths of all races”
(by Tony Sewell)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026053/David-Starkey-Gangsta-culture-poison-spreading-youths-races.html#ixzz1V8OGI4eY
Old Tony is the safe kind of black authority figure beloved of the chattering classes!
That said, he is wrong to incorrectly paraphrase Starkey as he did.
I don`t think that Starkey said Powell WAS right re race riots…I thought he said that it was not a skin issue but a cultural “whip hand” in effect…with the culcha going voluntarily under a yoke that no self-respecting black person would go along with.
In fact , I`d say that David was too indulgent of “rap” as an educational tool in schools. In agreeing with the braided lady that rap rhythms can teach English, I think he`s wrong…and if the content is as moral free or adult as most of the successful stuff is…then we get the amoral venal mess so beloved by Nike, Benetton and our BBC of course!
It`s not Gil Scott Heron they`re force feeding Islington yoof is it?…and Eminem needs adults to sift the genius before it ends up in schools too!
The braided lady Dreda Say Mitchell has written a gangsta book called: “Hit Girls.” The blurb says: Mitchell out guns Martina Cole for pure, shocking East End gangsta grit.
Two ten-year-old twin sisters are murdered outside their school. But they aren’t just anyone’s kids, they are gangster Stanley Lewis’ daughters. When a rival gangster is arrested Stanley vows to take revenge. But his dad, feared villain Kenny Lewis, thinks there’s more going on. So he contacts the one group of people who he trusts to help him find the truth…
Jackie, Anna, Roxy and Ollie. Four women with shady pasts who take the cases people don’t take to the cops. They enter a world of easy sex and even easier violence where everyone, including the Lewis family, are hiding secrets. Then Jackie’s son, a friend of the dead girls, disappears.
Clearly, whoever chose the panel for BBC Newsnight wanted the theme of black gangsta culture raised? Why have Starkey on and this black novelist?
The BBC are running a non-story about the off shore Cumbrian Wind farm and just how big the rotors are – and the Engineer has just commented that his job is made more difficult when the wind blows. Irony isn’t the word
Notice the camp beeboid has to spout drivel about how big the blades are and interviews crane driver, because of course the facts about wind power don’t add up.
Expensive, inefficient and ripping off the tax payer.
And, of course, the following is censored by BBC-NUJ:
“Why the £250bn wind power industry could be the greatest scam of our age – and here are the three ‘lies’ that prove it”
(by Christopher Booker)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1361316/250bn-wind-power-industry-greatest-scam-age.html#ixzz1V8VlkYg5
ROBERT BROWN; Good for Booker, the human thorn in the de-humanised state.
Down here Mr Pacino, we had a wind turbine fall over during the last “gale”…or good drying weather as we`d have said up north!
Happily its fall was cushioned by a parked car in the pub car park adjoining!
Think all schools and eco-facilities in the area had to hold a minutes silence for the death of irony!
I wish they would all fall down here. I am surrounded by the bloody things and it seems that they put them up late at night when no one is watching.
I think I have Wind Turbine Syndrome.
ROBERT BROWN; Notice to Mr Huhne, engineer say’s the wind is a problem for the turbines. Take note you mendacious, speed fine dodging, wife deserting, pompous pile of No 2’s.
I see the perfidious French are now putting big wind turbines off the coast of the Normandy landing beaches. Is nothing sacred ?
Be careful what you wish for. Most of France’s power is nuclear, and most of it’s nuclear power stations are facing us across the English channel. One goes Poof!! and we are toast. Smart really, in their shoes that’s what I would have done.
Much of the dismatling of the CAGW scam has been done in English, so it doesn’t seem to have filtered through to the French that it’s all a fraud. They are still up for eco-everything, electric cars, and “development durable”. They don’t need wind turbines, but they have a Chris Huhne equivalent who wants to be seen to be green.
The Green party also gets much more airtime than it deserves, as its the French news media way to assemble all possible shades of opinion for consideration (BBC Please Note!)
Wyre Davies openly conflates the protests in the Arab world with the protests in Israel without mentioning that the Netanyahu government was democratically elected and possesses a safe parliamentary majority, or that not one shot or tear gas grenade has been fired. He also fails to notice the strong left-wing slant to the protest leaders but I suppose he sees that as too normal for comment. Israel’s ‘social protests’ rattle Netanyahu government
Yes; INBBC is annoyed that it has had to reduce its propaganda against Israel recently, given the barbaric state violence in e.g. the Islamic state of Syria.
This is a ‘Daily Mail’ report on recent peaceful demonstrations in Israel about some high prices (including that of cottage cheese):
“A very middle-class protest: Complaints over price of COTTAGE CHEESE spark Israel’s biggest demonstration”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2023688/Complaints-cottage-cheese-prices-spark-protests-Israel.html#ixzz1V8ZJNkGw
Note the penultimate sentence of that report:-
“Israel projects growth of 4.8 per cent this year at a time of economic stagnation in many Western countries, and has relatively low unemployment at 5.7 per cent.”
so The world Tonight put Cameron’s speeech under the microscope. First off, a former gang member was asked if the ideas would work. Apparently not. Oh dear, another Tory fail!
So a senior policeman was brought in and asked the same question. His answer – following insults aimed at Cameron, May and Duncan Smith – was, you guessed it, nope. Another Tory fail!
Ed Miliband was then allowed to deliver his latest soundbite du jour. “making policy on the hoof.” Something like that. Conclusion? Another massive Tory fail.
Every idea they have, they get wrong! I wonder if the problem lies with the Tories or with the BBC.
Difficult one, that.
“..senior policeman..” being asked about a policy? So who has made the police a political force? The Tories? A policeman is a public servant, just the same as a council worker.
“Police Regulations 2003 sets out specific restrictions on the private lives of officers. As a general rule ‘a member of a police force shall at all times abstain from any activity which is likely to interfere with the impartial discharge of his duties or which is likely to give rise to the impression amongst members of the public that it may so interfere’, and in particular..shall not take any active part in politics”
I would submit that asking a policeman his opinion on government policy is a political activity.
The elite will have to get themselves a new electorate!
Like Murdoch etc, the gulf in the views of the liberati and the rest of us here on planet earth is plain for all to see!
Once we have the autopsy on the liberal elite we`ll really need to see if it was myxomatosis or syphilis that did for them.
For now-who cares?
“Those that their Gods fail they first make mad”
I think the correct version is “Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad”.
(Often attributed to Euripedes but probably anonymous.)
Whatever – it certainly applies to the course of British social change these past few years.
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Euripedes who?
Euripedes and you buy me another pair.
Paul Mason! Are you OK? Are you managing to keep a lid on all that – quite justifiable – simmering rage. DC said it was not about them. So they’ve been left off the victim list – they must be furious!
Tweet if OK. Over and out.
Hillary Benn on Newsnight :
“It’s not for us to moralise, it is for us to say what is right and what is wrong”.
So he wants to declare what is right and wrong in a nice PC non-judgemental kind of way, but moralising is presumably a far too ghastly right-wing notion. Unless he was just talking bollox.
A bit rich of any c *** in Nu Liebore talking about morals after the lies of Iraq, the Damien McBride crap oh and good old Tony Bliar and the Bernie bung. Just to mention a few.
Too many to mention, Martin. They could have a blog of their own. In fact, they do :
Bollox I think.
At least he’s consistent.
Newsnight bashing Cameron again, Paul Mason with his hands in the front of his underpants getting excited about black gangs’ (a bit of rough there hey Paul?)
Mason is really a disgrace. Never asked the mothers in Hackney what they think of a crackdown on the gangs. Wrong answers maybe not fitting the bbc narrative.
I sense rising panic in the liberal media. Losing control of the story. Nobody but themselves to talk to soon.
I think they’ve been a sanctimonious echo chamber for some time. Hopefully that chamber’s membership is diminishing.
“sanctimonious echo chamber” yes!
Blimey the female beeboid on newsnight has a norks hanging out.
On a lighter note I love tihs photo, looks familiar somehow!
I wish I could like that pic multiple times!!!!! 😀
Mardell better have cleaned that up…or did he just throw the contents of the pooper scooping bag at the microphone as per usual?
Everyone’s a critic.
BBC News – broadcasting crap – business as usual.
On BBC4 the BBC celebrated its role in the Culture Wars in “Great Thinkers: In Their Own Words”. The BBC-enabled and encouraged triumph of marxist inspired relativism over the tradition of high culture in Britain was illustrated by the procession of contemporary great cultural “thinkers” (if only in the BBC’s eyes) – Edward Said, Tariq Ali, John Berger, David Hare, Laurie Taylor, Stuart Hall – wheeled on to bury the remains of the fruit of 2,000 years of high culture. Rebecca Front – another leftie actress/comedienne did the voice-over complete with the Brigstocke-like unconcealed contempt in her voice every time a cultural icon like Kenneth Clark or Leavis hove into view. James Fox – one of the BBC’s own and, at other times, almost sensible – contributed the fatuous point that because Clark was filming in Paris at the same time as the 1968 événements were taking place that this made Clark’s view of art and civilisation not only (horrors!) old-fashioned but wrong.
As Sue will not be surprised to discover, the only scenes where a “thinker” got involved in contemporary politics is one where the charlatan, Said, berated an Israeli for (apparently) bulldozing Palestinian olive trees. Amazingly, missing from this tour d’horizon of the BBC’s role in the degradation of British culture was having one of its chosen “thinkers” give a sermon on the connection between high culture and CAGW.
In all, a quite disgusting programme which provided a startling coda to the recent riots. It demonstrated clearly the contempt of the BBC for high culture and the way it has enabled the continuing destruction of British – or should that be English – culture of any sort.
To take one example –
INBBC censors critiques of Edward Said, such as this book:
“Defending the West: A Critique of Edward Said’s ‘Orientalism'”
(by Ibn Warraq).
Synopsis of Warraq’s critique (publisher’s summary):
“This is the first systematic critique of Edward Said’s influential work, ‘Orientalism’, a book that for almost three decades has received wide acclaim, voluminous commentary, and translation into more than fifteen languages. Said’s main thesis was that the Western image of the East was heavily biased by colonialist attitudes, racism, and more than two centuries of political exploitation. Although Said’s critique was controversial, the impact of his ideas has been a pervasive rethinking of Western perceptions of Eastern cultures, plus a tendency to view all scholarship in Oriental Studies as tainted by considerations of power and prejudice. In this thorough reconsideration of Said’s famous work, Ibn Warraq argues that Said’s case against the West is seriously flawed. Warraq accuses Said of not only wilfully misinterpreting the work of many scholars, but also of systematically misrepresenting Western civilization as a whole. With example after example, he shows that ever since the Greeks Western civilization has always had a strand in its very makeup that has accepted non-Westerners with open arms and has ever been open to foreign ideas. The author also criticizes Said for inadequate methodology, incoherent arguments, and a faulty historical understanding. He points out, not only Said’s tendentious interpretations, but historical howlers that would make a sophomore blush. Warraq further looks at the destructive influence of Said’s study on the history of Western painting, especially of the 19th century, and shows how, once again, the epigones of Said have succeeded in relegating thousands of first-class paintings to the lofts and storage rooms of major museums. An extended appendix reconsiders the value of 18th- and 19th-century Orientalist scholars and artists, whose work fell into disrepute as a result of Said’s work. “
Nearly all the other BBC-NUJ ‘great thinkers’ would describe themselves as Marxists and or socialists, all part of the cutural Marxism which BBC-NUJ propagandises every day.
Such is the endemic censorship of the BBC-NUJ; and such is the fragility of its propaganda base that BBC-NUJ prevents alternative views from being broadcast.
BBC-NUJ is committed to spend our money on its political revolution.
What…no Chomsky?…no Foucault, Derrida, Sartre/de Beauvoir or Laing?
Guessing its Marx, Russell, Darwin, Freud…Marx, Russell, Darwin and Dawkins( if there` s no film of Freud at a CND rally somehwere!)
Cold congealed custard of the intellect..but not so awful as to make Prescott a Deputy PM…let alone a Lord!
Fridays A Level results will confirm that things can only get better etc, etc…
I saw some of this. It seemed like all the iconoclasts were correct, and anyone who thought high culture was anything important were wrong. I realize this is supposed to be seen in the context of the other installments, but I’m not sure how that makes up for it.
You will be delighted to know that they are having Great Thinker(!) Tariq Ali on Question Time on its (second) return from its summer holiday.
They cannot help being talentless lightweights but to trash the education of others because greatness offends their vanity is unforgivable. They lie in the lowest depths of hell, and their inheritance is desolation. When the BBC was taken over by their acolytes it was the greatest betrayal of my generation, and we are still living with the consequences.
“In all, a quite disgusting programme which provided a startling coda to the recent riots.”
Spot on Umbongo.
Well what a shock, the BBC have done a complete attack on the Tories tonight, now we’ve got Red Ed’s pathetic idea that it’s the bankers (and Murdoch) responsible for the riots.
Expect the BBC to run this crap now day in and day out, whilst moronic Tories bury their heads in the sand.
Simple question, if the bankers are to blame why didn’t the halfwits riot back in 2008?
Simple question, if the bankers are to blame why didn’t the halfwits riot back in 2008?
Simple answer: because it isn’t. The left are just trying to gain political points. Its shabby political posturing andshould be condemed. This has been happening for years, politicians have no interest whatsoever in people just power.
“Those who seek power are not worthy of that power.” Plato
Bankers and Looters are of the same stripe – really? Don’t remember seeing bankers breaking into RBS or Lehmans and stealing Credit Default Swaps, or indeed trying them on for size before nicking them. Did I miss something?
Milli-tit, pathetic.
There’s a kernel of truth to what Red Ed says, in that there were some bankers (traders and brokers) who saw the writing on the wall early enough and got what they felt was theirs before it all went south. And you can bet there were a few top execs who were prepared to take all their money and head out of town and hang their depositors out to dry if TARP hadn’t happened. But that’s not at all the same thing as wanton theft and it certainly wasn’t the entire industry, which is what Red Ed and the BBC feel.
But what I don’t understand is – if we take Red Ed and the Beeboids silly notion seriously for the sake of argument – is that if the bankers did what they did out of pure greed, how is looting expensive TVs and jewelry and shoes not also greed? Why do non-wealthy people not have the same emotions as other humans?
Different issue DP, I don’t hold any brief for investment bankers, however last time I looked, greed is not illegal, while looting is. Or have I missed something?
“Greed” is part of the Socialist Lexicon of Hate, along with “racist”. I remember Jonny Marbles declaring Murdoch a “Greedy Billionare” before launching his foam pie. Sort of a red “Alu Akbar!” battle cry. “Pure Greed” adds the intensifier “pure” to kill off the idea there is any redeeming feature in an individual. It’s the language of the Nazis – he’s subhuman, exterminate.
There was some illegal ledger manipulation in places where a few people knew exactly what they were hiding for at least a year or so before 2007. Has to have been, or firms like Merrill Lynch would have woken up before they did and started selling off sections, which they did at least a year before the rest of the country found out what was going on. But I agree that greed in and of itself is not illegal. However, any exec who knew to take his own money out the hour before his bank went under ought to be considered guilty of some sort of insider trading equivalent. My opinion only, probably no legal basis. Again, this is a tiny minority of the entire industry, the vast majority of whom are not guilty of anything of the sort, and should not be lumped in the way the BBC – especially Peston – like to do.
But the notion that the looting was due to some sort of “unrestrained materialism” is the same thing as greed, yet the Beeboids and Red Ed and Lord Prescott of the Pies refuse to point the finger at the looters in the same way. It’s a blatant double standard if we use their own terms.
Fair point about “insider trading” DP – that is illegal and “off with their heads”.
Where the Labour analogy most falls short for me is heaping the blame for credit crisis on “bankers”, whilst overlooking one Bill Clinton’s “Fairness in Lending Act” which compelled financial organisations under actuarial forensic examination of loan books to lend to uncreditworthy individuals (including many ethnics).
Bankers merely made a virtue of necessity, which is what they are good at, and did it in darn clever ways, like parcelling up good and bad debt. Many paid the price, but again I don’t recall any Credit Suisse executives setting fire to people’s homes.
However linking Bill Clinton to looters is just too asymetrical for the average bBc/ Millisecond mind. They settle for “proximate cause” – bankers, because it fits their class war/politics of envy narrative.
This week’s edition of ‘The Reunion’ brought together a very fruity bunch of former students of that very fruity institution for the study of Art History, The Courtauld Institute.
“Treacherous Communist Poof” Anthony Blunt loomed large there for all of the assembled ponces and his wonderful qualities easily eclipsed his being a spy for Stalin. This was anti-fascist activity, after all.
“I admired him for having another side to him other than Art History” said one of them about his former lecturer.
“It was as if that side of him were another person, another Anthony,” simpered another effete turd.
All agreed that his being unmasked was terribly painful for him but that he bore it all with the grace they so admired in him.
The blurb writer for Radio Times (one Claire Webb – obviously thoroughly vetted) was even more sympathetic to the devious, malign bastard “[They] recall their absolute horror – not at Blunt’s past but at the ignoble way he was stripped of his knighthood, vilified in the press and ousted from the institution that had flourished under his leadership…if only Blunt were still around to hear their tributes”.
RT is thoroughly on-message but even I am shocked to encounter something so blatantly, unapologetically partisan in its cruddy pages.
He was a spy for Stalin and so (for them) all is forgiven. They do not have the imagination (or the intelligence) to understand the consequences of his actions. Most importantly of all, they do not care.
Blunt was a treasonous berk who’s school boy politics and warped upper class mindset was perfect for the Soviet recruiters, they must have laughed themselves sick over how easy it was to get these upper class English tossers along with many at the BBC to betray their country !
Me personally would have given them the true Russian send off for a horrid little traitor and allowed him and his pals their own 9mm and a ditch to enjoy it in !!
American intelligence never really trusted us during the war. With good reason as it turned out. The ruling intelligentsia of this country is no better today. Completely untrustworthy and once again at odds woth the English people.
We deserve better.
Is there anybody out there who can possibly tell me just why Miliband and Co are allowed to chirrup their banal irrelevancies unencumbered and unquestioned?
I just don`t get it. The whole thing has failed and all and anything that they have seen,said or stood for these last twenty years or so has been shown to be shite, shite and slurry! Everything!
And yet-it`s as if Balls, Milband, Clegg, Prescott and Co were not responsible…and there is no YouTube, no speeches or articles to link them to the Euro, hug a hoodie, Bank collapses and PFI etc.
HOw the hell do they keep putting their stools before us on the Generation Game..and we`re expected to claim them as prizes and no more that we`re worth!
Presumably the conveyor belt is meant to ever change…and so we`ll forget Iraq, Mandelson and lost tax discs/10p tax fiascos!
Do they really think we`ll forget…or am I deluding myself that they are toast in aspic and for ever?
Surely we`re not THAT stupid…the small and seedy political class that seem to big up the likes of a May or a Burnham is one log that the constipated elite seem intent on passing…as if…condemned to be full of their own waste for ever!
Not BBC related but relevant to current events :
Bizarre detail in a report on local ITV Anglia News this evening regarding local police being deployed in London during the riots and the possible effects in the future of cuts in funding. They included some tweets of the experiences of officers.
One said : “Handing out sweets to kids – hearts and minds”.
Is this London or Helmand!
Why riot?
Rhetorical naive question: Why does the BBC even have wine bottles which can be stolen? 280 laptops? That’s an epidemic, not a series of isolated incidents.
Property is theft, eh, BBC? Your ideology coming home to roost.
You have to ask how these laptops came to be stolen.
Lifted during a steamy sauna session? Unattended on a Clapham winebar table while nature calls? Misplaced on an expenses-paid taxi journey from White City to Salford? Borrowed by unsuitable friends of partner’s children by a previous marriage?
There are lifestyle questions we have a right to know, as basically they are “our” laptops. We paid for them.
BBC-NUJ fake greenie lobbyists apparfently love everything about the massive offshore windfarms’ including the massive cost and financial waste.
Even when the following is stated in a BBC-NUJ report, it has no effect on Harrabin, Black and the rest of BBC fake greenie lobbyists:
“Professor Dieter Helm, an economist from the University of Oxford, told the BBC he doubted a large expansion in offshore wind power was affordable. He said: ‘Offshore wind is one of the very few things that makes nuclear power look cheap.'”
CHISTOPHER BOOKER ( an undesirable iconoclast to BBC-NUJ?) has this
“The Thanet wind farm will milk us of billions” (2010)
[Concluding excerpt]:
..”a crucial first step towards getting some grip on reality must be for those who report on these wind farms to stop hiding away the colossal price we are all now having to pay for one of the greatest scams of our age. ”
And yet Germany is seriously pushing for wind farms to be a valid part of the solution to the shutting down of nuclear power plants.
Go figure.
Germany has manoevred itself into a strange cul de sac due to the power of green politics. The panic stricken shut down of the nuclear plants (Fukushima) has left industry, especially in the South (the real engine of manufacturing value creation) demanded assurance that they will have uninterrupted power this winter. Neighbouring countries are being approached to cover any generation shortfall inc, off course nuclear from the Czech Republic. It is all surreal.
But as long as the “Mittelstand” goes on, the Germans will buy their way out of trouble. They can afford it. But the bills are ridiculous.
But now that the venture capital is drying up, and ‘cuts’ are in place to feed-in tariffs, the whole industry is beginning to lay-off (Cue angry socialists) and even locate photovoltaic to the Far East in an attempt to force down manufacturing costs.
Germany is not the model here.
Even Monbiot gets this:
“Why Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power.
Japan’s disaster would weigh more heavily if there were less harmful alternatives. Atomic power is part of the mix.”
Emotion is a very powerful thing.
Thanks to everyone who`s still listening to the BBC for us…
As I waited for the kettle to boil I flicked the radio on.Just before 8am it was.
I heard the last line of Martin Narey-the “BBCs man nearly always gets to sign off on the feature. He was thanked by Jim…as was Michael(Lord) Howard.
Think it safe to say that sappy though the Tories are…only a Narey could say this
“if young people are to receive a criminal record, then this would be savage”
I did not need to know context or lesd up to this…mon Dieu, it`s the ONLY backstory in town to the BBC…but as the teabags steeped i heard Rory Morrison(newreader) say this
” a young person from Houslow-who can`t be named for legal reasons-is to appear in court today, charged with the murder of the man who tried to put out a fire in Ealing”.
In the world of Narey and his like-this inconvenient little tale of “high spirits that went tragically wrong” is only a distraction and an anecdote…disproportionate and even disappointing…but if the teenager were to get a criminal record,,,NOW that is sheer and brutal savagery!
Narey slid through the Prison Service like a greased ferret…and his working his magic at Barnardos…lot of common ground there, but Narey and his like won`t have that!
As long as the likes of Narey, Leather, Nutt, Stocking and these quango/cheridee spongebags get OUR taxes-and the BBC use OUR tellytax to tempt Narey and Co out of the backroom( did the charity shops get looted I wonder?)…then the whole sick nexus that is the BBC/Guardian/Labour and its floppy levers and sandbags…the likes of Narey would more than qualify-will just drive us all the faster to hell on their bandwagons.
No wheels on them -which is what the looters could yet be used to obtain…
Barnardos is now very burnt toast_Narey is not getting a penny!
Interesting observations from the reprehensible Gunness:
On Monday, Unrwa spokesman Christopher Gunness told the BBC that more than 5,000 Palestinian refugees from the camp in Latakia’s al-Ramel district and surrounding areas had already fled.
“We have no idea where these people are, we have no idea how many of them are wounded, are dying, are elderly, are women, are children,” he said
He said that at least four people were confirmed dead and nearly 20 were injured.
Mr Gunness added that some refugees had been told by the Syrian government to leave the camp.
He described the situation in the camp as “alarming”, calling on Damascus to grant Unwra immediate access to the site to establish “what is going on”.
Why interesting? Because of the complete lack of condemnation of Assad from Gunness. I contrast that with the sneering tone he adopts when attacking Israeli government policy. So why doesn’t he sneer at Assad when the Syrian dictator attacks his own people in a way that Israel would never think of attacking her own?
Bias, of course, of the deeply ingrained variety.
This is not evidence of BBC bias but I find myself wondering if the BBC’s own anti-Israel and pro-Arab bias is so deeply ingrained that they don’t even notice the difference in Gunness’ attitude, depending on whether he is talking about Israelis or Arabs.
I am pretty sure they don’t.
Gunness is a particular favourite of the BBC. I found it difficult to understand how people can be “refugees” in Syria, an awful long way from Palestine, 60-odd years after Israel was formed. Do they all live that long ? Can’t the Syrians assimilate them ? Why do the Syrians want to keep them in camps ?
The Palestinians are part of the revolt….sunni versus the ruling elite (Alawite…a Shia sect).
This is a proxy war between Iran and Saudi.
Do you remember the Islamist Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon a couple of years back that the Lebanese Army stormed. Same thing as in Syria.
It is an Islamist uprising (Sunni) against the heretic Shia.
All the news on the BBC (as there are no journalists in the field) is from an exile group in London.
ie it is not news at all in the sense that it is impossible to verify.
They are kept in camps with no rights of citizenship because the only issue that units all Muslims (Arabs) is the total rejection of Israel’s right to exist. Right of return and all that. A policy throghout the region.
Bingo: and therein lies the great fallacy that lefty twats can’t see: ALL ‘refugees’ could have been living happily in their new countries decades ago if they weren’t so useful against Israel. Not just Syria but Egypt and Jordan etc. Can you imagine the Ugandans that came to briatin being kept in refugee camps at Dover since Idi Amin? And that was 1972 only 30 odd years ago…
briatin should read Britain!!!!
“It was in those years that the Arab League started its Palestinian refugee policy. Arab countries implemented special laws designed to make it impossible to integrate the Palestinian refugees from the 1948 Arab war against Israel.
Even descendants of Palestinian refugees who are born in another Arab country and live there their entire lives can never gain that country’s passport. Even if they marry a citizen of an Arab country, they cannot become citizens of their spouse’s country. They must remain Palestinian even though they may have never set foot in the West Bank or Gaza.
This policy of forcing a Palestinian identity on these people for eternity and condemning them to a miserable life in a refugee camp was designed to perpetuate and exacerbate the Palestinian refugee crisis.”
BBC-NUJ’s hate for Rupert MURDOCH, and its love for media & financial billionaire, George SOROS.
From whom does BBC-NUJ’s Robert PESTON (son of Labour Lord Peston) take his political lead on the E.U. (apart from C. Patten)? – from George SOROS, apparently.
Of course, in general, BBC-NUJ does not view the political world from a British, national viewpoint; no, the BBC-NUJ views the world variously from either a U.N., or Islamic, or E.U., or black, or class viewpoint.
BBC-NUJ is politically empathetic to SOROS not least because he finances ‘left’ media in specific propaganda opposition to News International, Fox News, and Glenn BECK-
BECK on puppetmaster SOROS (video, N ov 2010)
BBC-NUJ is also amenable to Soros propaganda for ‘a new world order’ and against national sovereignty.
So, in Peston’s pontifications like the following, Soros figures more prominently than does British national sovereignty. But then BBC-NUJ is not, apparently, here to serve the British nation, but to serve the interests of someone who will work for the destruction of the British national interest.
“Can the eurozone be saved?”
Soros is making billions on this, just like he did when he helped manipulate a sterling crash.
Just had a quick read of peston’s pants: did they miss what else Soros said? (to be honest I may have missed it)
“Greece and Portugal should quit the euro to help save the currency, George Soros said yesterday.”
Ignore Peston and his prognostications. He’s been repeating his best advice for fixing the Eurozone:
The path between the treacherous rocks would be less fraught if the great surplus countries, Germany and China, did more to stimulate their domestic economies.
More of other people’s money will fix everything. And obviously China’s wealth is unlimited forever and ever and there is no looming real estate bubble over there, and the yuan isn’t kept artificially low. Uh-huh.
The inherent problem with the concept of BBC editors: they spend too much time being opinion-mongers and stop informing you properly.
Soros is a VERY dangerous individual
“Soros is a VERY dangerous individual”
Especially if you happen to be dating him.