A Biased BBC contributor observes that you may listen to a BBC radio or TV programme knowing that you are being preached at. However it is only later that you realise exactly what that subtle message might be that has been inserted quietly into a report about a completely different subject.
“Panorama has put together a programme about the ‘August Riots’ which was strangely lacking in insight about the causes of the riot…but illustrated perhaps why a community might be ready to resort to violence in the shape of ‘community activist’ Stafford Scott who was happily whipping up a ‘Mark Duggan was executed by white policemen’ frenzy.
The reporter John Sweeney tells us that it is ‘not at all clear’ what happened to Mark Duggan….except that it is known….he was being followed by officers from Operation Trident (unexplained by the BBC…it being an Operation to stop ‘Black on Black’ shootings and crimes), he knew he was being so followed and when stopped he drew a pistol, but didn’t fire it, and was shot by the police on the assumption he was about to fire.
Sweeney tells us that the IPCC initially said that Duggan had fired a shot…which they did and which they have subsequently admitted was wrong…but Sweeney did not go on to say he had drawn the weapon…giving a totally false picture of the event.
He also does not mention Duggan’s known involvement in drug gangs and criminality….why does he not ask ‘why were officers from Operation Trident following Duggan?’ The most relevant question perhaps.
How can a programme investigating the ’causes’ of the riots, and presumably looking to see if there is any justification for them, not present the full facts which change the story completely to that given by Duggan’s family and community activists?
Aside from the Duggan issue another agenda was revealed….immigrants are good people, Britain needs them.
During the riots a Turkish community went onto the streets to prevent the rioters taking control and the BBC were happy to praise this. Other communities also went onto the streets to do similar thing….but despite being shown on the programme the Sikhs from Winson Green were described as merely as ‘Asian’….Sikhs seem to be invisible on the BBC. The whites who defended Enfield were given no airtime.
The most telling comment in the whole programme was a small, but packed with meaning, one at the end when Tariq Jahan, the father of one of the boys killed by a rioter in a car, was described by Sweeney as ‘father of one of the dead men and a Muslim, who speaks for England’.
A Muslim? Is that at all relevant to the events? This was a small and subtle attempt to tell us that Muslims are good people really…as if anyone doubted that. Sweeney is telling us that Muslims are as English as fish and chips and this one man is a standard bearer for all Muslims, an example of the true face of Islam in the UK seeking only peace and integration.
What Sweeney doesn’t tell us is that Jahan used to be a fervent member of the extremist group Hizb Ut Tahrir.
And why say ‘speaks for England’? England? Surely no coincidence that there is a much hated, by the Left, organisation which campaigns against Islamification of Britain called the ‘English Defence League’. Is Sweeney telling us that Muslims are the real defenders of Britain and British values? Clearly a subtle attack on the EDL.
So there you have the BBC hidden message….immigrant communities are outstanding examples of Britishness and are willing to defend England against thugs and thieves whilst the white English population stand idly by too consumed by consumerism and wrapped up in the pursuit of individual gratification as cheered on by Thatcher’s Britain to bother about ‘society’ as a whole.
The rioters are Thatcher’s children.”
There is a crime called “incitement to violence”. BBC staff have never been prosecuted for it, despite having form on the mainland, in Ulster, and in the Gaza strip. But if anyone encouraged violence against BBC staff, I’m sure the BBC would act immediately.
Have the Scientologists let Sweeney go “home to the Mothership” then?
This BBC cult of no judgement, no God, lots of free money from the compulsory collection plates as well as earth worship of Gaia, Guardian and all things sporty has brainwashed the lot of them.
Just a few thimbles full was all it took.
What multicultural joy we have – black rioters, Sikh swordmen, Turks with baseball bats and Mulsim gangs defending their shops. Bliss.
But of course when WHITE people take to the streets to defend their properties they are called EDL racists.
Historians will look back at this age agog.
No, when the EDL take to the streets they are called the EDL. Personally I would say that only the most deluded would not see them as the fascist front organisation that they are.
The fact that the BBC censored the information about Duggan’s having a Saturday Night Special betrays the way the emotion and ideology of the producers usurp journalistic standards.
DP, did you see the docu? Sweeney clearly stated that Duggan had a “non Police issue’ firearm.
Yes but the Police could get ‘someone’ (ex plod) to take the BBC to task over this, but they never do, just as the BBC have been banging on and on about ‘heavy handed punishments for rioters, sorry protesters all day and no one from the government has told the BBC to shut the f**k up. It’s not the place of the BBC to challenge the findings of the courts (as the BBC keep telling us it’s not that of politicians either)
The BBC know that the public are siding with Cameron that the scum who rioted need to be taught a lesson, but the BBC just cannot accept this (neither can C4 news by the way) idea that they are wrong and that the people are right.
Just as the BBC spun the lie that Cameron and May blamed plod for failing to act last week, yes Cameron did blame plod but only after hundreds of people COMPLAINED that plod abandoned the streets to gangs or scum and rioters. What were people to think?
Again Cameron might be grandstanding (he’s a politician) but he is on the same side as the public on this and Miliband and the BBC/Guardian are not.
I’d say he had his own reasons to add to those of the public who were put in fear of their lives. He cannot have been anything but angered by the sight of gangs of hooligans roaming, looting and burning, unhindered, either because there was no sign of police or they were standing there like lemons. Such a spectacle beamed around the world was pretty damaging and can only have embarrassed and infuriated him.
I really hope that the next riot/protest takes place in lefty Hampstead, with BBC staff of all three genders being beaten up, forced to strip, etc. while their homes are looted of plasma TVs and then torched while the police guard Enfield instead.
This should followed by the local imposition of sharia law and the corporation’s feminazis forced to wear burkhas. Only trouble is, they would say this has “liberated” them from male oppression, despite EDL efforts to force them into western clothing.
Restaurants in Westbourne Grove were ‘steamed’ by the rioters. Its only a matter of time before the champagne socialist scum start to fell the wrath of feral London. Personally, I can’t wait to see more BBC hacks suffer the problems that us Prols experience.
Had the police reacted to the riots straight away with increased and mre forceful presence , they would have been acused by the BBC et al, of prevoking it.
What’s on your mind…
The riots have proven one thing that cannot be ignored and that is we as a people are far more “Right Wing” than even the bBBC could have imagined. The most refreashing thing has been the reactions to the sentancing of the 2 Facebook lowlifes (bet they have lots of friends now to play hide the soap) the majority agree and want more of the same, oh how our lefty media hate it. Keep it up people!!!
You’re right bannerman, however it isn’t odd: the default position of most “normal” people is centre right (if the linear spectrum can be used) , in this I include most immigrants and certainly nearly ALL Sikhs, Jews and Hindus: strong on law and order, strong on family, strong on work and earn. The BBC, conversely have been trying to make quite a way left of centre the “norm”, that’s why they were happier with Blair – although Blair himself was right of centre and knew he had to be to win anything – becuase he wasn’t considered”right”, just “not Tory”.
Left is sinister – literally.
It makes you wonder why the BBC can’t work it out that the left wing papers all have shit circulations but the so called right wing press all have much larger circulations.
Hence the value of Craig and others doing their analyses. Guardian /Observer and Independent have about 20% the circulation of the Mail/DT/Times yet have about 70% or more of the represenation on BBC current affairs/news progarmmes…simply unjustifable yet every tax payer contributes.
They know why the circulation figures are so different, Martin. The problem is that they think they’re superior to the other.
Yes, let’s not forget the ‘moral superiorty’ of these left publications. Only the elite can hope to have this moral superiorty, as the sales figures clearly show (gag, wretch, puke!).
I had a young boss who was aspiring to be a human rights lawyer. A good guy in himself, but boy did he let the cat out of the bag a few times. He once said with a lot of smug satisfaction that the reason 90% of human rights lawyers were on the left is “because people on the left are morally superior”. I told him ‘No, its because they wish to pervert ‘human rights’ to subvert democracy’.
He also once said in moment of candour that he couldn’t hold conservative views in the field of human rights law or he’d be ‘unpersoned’.
I thought that they looked a “bit sad” about it all!
Maybe the police should be made to employ a happy, smiley puppet behind the box Brownie in the future so our “alleged” felony felicitators may yet cheer up, and show that life in the crime community is getting better.
Why let a couple of murders interrupt a lovely days hunting of James Murdochs library tickets?
This natural right-of-centre slant to the majority is becoming more and more apparent, even when reading the bleeding heart columnists on the Guardian/Indy websites. Not in the articles themselves, of course. Skip past to the comments and most of them appear to be increasingly weary of the achingly po-faced sanctimony on display. They can’t all be ‘outsiders’ pissing into their pious tent. I think events like those of last week can sometimes jolt all but the most committed PC warriors out of their comfortable shoes. This also enables those who are already to the right to speak up freely without being cowed into silence by the lefty faux-outrage mob, as is usually the case.
When Stephen Sackur interviewed a couple of conservative types he sounded classice ‘Tonbridge Wells’ when he described the fear he felt when marauding youths came down his street and the Police weren’t responding.
In the ’70s, when I was at University, there was a spate of letter bombs being sent by the IRA. I remember sending a very bulky letter to a friend with all sorts of statements on the covering implying it was a letter bomb. It was a joke. No sooner had I posted it than I read of another young man who had done something similar and been imprisoned for it. For days I was terrified that I might also suffer the same consequence. Fortunately for me the letter was delivered and nothing untoward happened. In light of that, I just wonder if these two people were also doing something that sounded stupidly funny at the time but was without any criminal intent. If so, then the law has let them down. Surely imprisoning these two and shackling them with a criminal record is taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut? In normal, decent times, they’d have a talking to down at the nick.
Yes, I commented in another thread about the Beeboid telling us the man was a Muslim speaking for England, an opportunity for a piece of propaganda which a Beeboid wasn’t going to let pass by. Never mind that he was only speaking for his particular corner of Birmingham, or at most, the city of Birmingham. Anything more was pure Beeboid invention for the purposes of propaganda on behalf of its own special client group and its own fanciful notion of what our country is and ought to be.
Yes and notice how the ‘what man’ kicked ot death in Ealing has been forgotten. A man who abandoned by plod made his own stand and died.
HE spoke for England, I don’t need the BBC to tell me who speaks on my behalf. The man is Ealing who died did more than any of these useless Guardian reading liberals.
Note Mr Jahan’s well trimmed beard, uncovered head and neat hair. These are not typical of most Muslims.
Note also his measured words and quiet dignity, then study any analagous situation in his native Pakistan;you will look in vain for similarities.
Mr Jahan has not only immigrated to England; he has adopted the standards of England rather than maintaining those of his former home. Sadly his is an England that no longer exists. If more immigrants had followed his example, and if the Labour party and its BBC/Guardian cheerleaders had been less successful that England might still exist.
No questions about why entire neighbourhoods comprise of nearly all one race and religion either.
What a shock Newsnight going after Cameron again on sentencing oh and unemployment is up, funny that when unemployment fell for several months the BBC ignored it!!!
Biased? the BBC? Never!
Exam results tomorrow.
Expect to see lots of pretty girls ‘doingwell’ and thick white boys not (natch)
Oh and lots of Muslim girls being interviewed about wanting to be doctors and lawyers.
I’ve noticed that too. Whenever it’s exam results time there’s always lots of coverage of girls hugging and screaming, with boys nowhere to be seen. Surplus to requirement these days, I suppose. Feminisation of society an’ all that.
What a shock Newsnight just showed 4 cute blonde girls jumping up and down and hugging each other when they did a piece about youth unemployment.
Yes, I am certain their motive for showing girls on the telly is to further the cause of the feminisation of society. 😉
Tongue. Cheek. :-E
No shortage of predictable archive already being dusted off-same every year!
I for one note that all these victims of gang culture murders are always going to be lawyers or aspiring sports stars…or maybe a potential extra for Strictly if a bit more “special”.
There`s never any murderous druggy scumbags that God had got tired of are there…and even fewer potential BBC reporters, which seems to be one step lower down the chain.
One of the little victims (since he was a gang member himself) up here was going to be a “Pastor” the local news rag told us. When the little toe rags “crew” started stikcing up posters showing the victim posing with a machette the same local paper forbid anyone commenting on this on their web forum. Reality is not allowed to intrude on the narrative.
A point that never ceases to amaze me is the number of ‘mistaken identity’ victim cases. So many talented young footballers, promising students, caring young fathers…none of them – we are assured – with any gang connections whatsoever, but getting gunned down in the crossfire left right and centre. Is there some racism in the gang community? Can they not tell one brother from another?
Were they acquited then on a technicality then?…or did they get their exam results a week or so early?
An alternative take to that of INBBC, on EDL and Islam:
“Luton Cabs – An Unusual Place To Find Radical Islam”
Yesterday, in Parliament, after MP’s were hastily recalled from their exotic holidays for emergency “jaw jaw” following the worst rioting England has seen for decades David Cameron called the EDL “sick”. Over a thousand criminals have been arrested, with hundreds more expected to follow. Rioters attacked police, burnt down businesses and homes (some with people still inside), violently mugged innocent people, stole tens of millions of pounds worth of goods and even killed people. Yet David Cameron, the supposed ultimate representative of the public, chose to attempt to scapegoat the EDL.
In a hate-filled speech full of inaccuracies, he stated,
“I think the honourable gentleman speaks not only for his constituents but quite frankly for the whole house in deprecating the EDL and all they stand for – and their attempt to somehow say that they’re going to help restore order is….. sick, and there’s none sicker than the EDL’
All we stand for? Have you read our Mission Statement lately? We suspect not. No sane person could say it is sick to oppose terrorism, sexism, homophobia, and anti-Semitism whilst standing for integration and equality. How are you feeling, Dave? Better check your private health insurance policy, you’re looking a bit peaky.
Firstly, the minor disturbances in Eltham last night, were NOT the EDL – as the police confirmed to BBC radio 5. David Cameron is now actively ignoring the police force of this country, in an attempt to further demonise the predominantly white working class people of this country.
People are entitled to protect their homes and businesses from attack. The police weren’t protecting the people of these areas, so local people went onto the streets to make sure they wouldn’t become the latest victims of the rioters. This was true of Sikhs of Southall, Muslims of Birmingham, and the people of Eltham.
We are all greatly dependent on the government to protect us from violent crime, being prohibited from arming ourselves. If a government presides over civil war, we are effectively helpless, and government will have failed in its most important duty. The nationwide riots have given us a small taster of what this failure could mean.
What is clear to see from the media reports and reactions of journalists and politicians is that they simply do not care about the proud English folk of this land. Many communities came together on Tuesday night, regardless of colour, with Black and White from numerous backgrounds, uniting to force away the rioters:
One particular group on Tuesday did include a number of EDL supporters singing patriotic songs and befriending locals who were delighted that they were now being protected after police failures and shortcomings [Guardian Video]. The media were quick to jump on this and heap praise on the group as the spirit of England was on show, but once it came to light that some EDL may have been involved, the story was turned to imply they were racist and violent. This despite the presence of black men in the group and despite the lack of any violence whatsoever.
The same journalists gave a different account of the Sikh and Muslim groups who bravely defended their areas. The Sikh groups were publicly brandishing swords and weapons, something that would have resulted in the immediate arrest of any EDL member we’re sure. No, these groups were lauded with praise and branded as heroes. Where is the equality?
Don’t get us wrong, we do endorse the use of self defence, in particular when rioters intent on using all manner of violent acts (and sometimes carrying weapons) have to be met ‘head on’ in times of abject police and government failure. They have allowed Anarchy to rule our streets – something the militant left have been provoking for many years now. We must pay particular attention to the case in North London whereby locals have had to endure more than 5 nights of continued violence on the streets. Is it any wonder the locals are turning to people who do stand up for the love of their country and their communities in times of civil unrest?
Wednesday night saw similar scenes across the country, with vigilante groups protecting their streets once again. Obviously, because these groups were peaceful, law abiding and predominantly white English, the police were now miraculously able to find officers to over police the peacefulness and intimidate people. In Manchester and Birmingham, the police had the numbers and time to surround hundreds of unmasked, peaceful citizens and issue them all with section 6’s and 27’s (orders to disperse well known to many EDL members from football crowd policing). Why were the groups of rioters not dispersed at early opportunities, when they were masked and intent on violence?
In Eltham, some news stations were reporting 1000 riot police and 80 riot vans, not to stop the rioters, but to surround a small group of 100 locals. A bottle or two was thrown, a sign of the frustration that these police who were nowhere when wanton destruction and theft were occurring, were suddenly appearing in mass numbers to intimidate and provoke a groups peaceful people. No damage was caused and the locals went back to their homes, safe in the knowledge that police were finally on their streets, even if it wasn’t to stop the mindless criminals. This didn’t stop media outlets from lying about events, with The Telegraph criticising the EDL in depth for the whole incident before, almost as an aside, stating that… Local police denied the group were comprised of EDL members.
So clearly a massive over-reaction from the police. In a scene we see far too often these days, ordinary people were seen by the police as little more than easy targets. Anyone remember the horrific police brutality at Rochdale? Police officers assaulted young women and sent dogs into the crowd to attack people, who were peacefully standing on the grass as ordered by the police, whilst at the same time allowing the Muslim group opposite to wreak havoc and attack them. Well perhaps if the police were to use such brutal tactics on criminals for a change, then the wanton destruction and theft, may have ended days earlier, negating the need for vigilante groups and preventing the murder of the three young Muslims in Birmingham (our thoughts and prayers go out to the families).
There is no issue here, especially no issue with the EDL. The English Defence League are here to DEFEND England when no-one else is willing to. On this occasion the police weren’t willing to defend and protect the streets and residents of some parts of England. The public needed help, so they turned to the EDL, as we are increasingly seeing, naturally, EDL supporters took to the streets, peacefully supporting local residents and businesses.
There is nothing extremist, far-right, criminal or wrong about doing that. It shows the community spirit and big society that Mr Cameron keeps banging on about, expecting people of England to volunteer to help their communities. This is exactly what you saw Mr Cameron, your BIG society, and now you are attacking the volunteers? Why is that? These volunteers showed tremendous moral courage doing what they did, unlike the criminals.
How about showing some respect to ALL who deserve it, rather than slamming innocent people who were only standing up after your disastrous handling of the situation. A few more days in the sun, more important than the safety of Britain and its people? Mr Cameron, when will you wake up and realise that the government has repeatedly let down the British folk of this country and that people are turning to us, rather than the authorities with their concerns because the authorities are too weak willed to confront the causation of civil unrest? We listen to people’s concerns and give them a voice, rather than dismissing them and ignorantly shout racist, when it’s nothing of the sort. Mr Cameron, you are out of touch with the British public, it’s about time you started listening to us rather than blaming us for YOUR failures.
Time to get a grip of the situation we think!
the latest fashion accessory to annoy a beeboid:
(opps – btw the above article was taken from the EDL website, in case you hadn’t guessed)
This is the David Cameron who signed up in support of the far-left UAF?
I’ve lived in Eltham for over 20 years. We’ve heard very little about the local looting but a hell of a lot about the EDL. The locals I’ve spoken to insist that the EDL were not present. Some of the alleged EDL crowd were certainly a bit rough and had too much to drink but they were not the root of the problem. Their anger was justified.
A local, family run jewellers which provides excellent service at reasonable prices, was looted. Their tiny shop is less than 100yds from Eltham police station. I wonder if they’ll stay?
Argos and one or two other shops were also looted but plod, the BBC and some local newspapers are obsessed with the idea of white, right-wing vigilantes.
In some minds, Eltham is still tainted my memories of the Stephen Lawrence murder. I wonder if Sydenham will be treated similarly as a result of this:
I always look in most days to this website, it’s both refreshing and reasuring to know there are people out there prepared to resist the onslaught of the evil BBC. Thanks for the hard work on our behalf and what a great article.
Sky News showing lots of blonde girls jumping up and down today.
The problem for the BBC is that they have pushed a consistent narrative of ‘ANGER’ at coalition ‘CUTS’ and have supported all of the previous ‘protests’ (that got out of hand) student protests, eco warriors, public sector union strikes etc etc…. you name it!
This was their ‘poll tax riots’ strand of attack on the Tories. It was all looking a bit bleak at the ballot boxes what with AV trounced and Miliband being such a dawk. So they wanted the prols to take it to the streets.
Now at first a bit of fire up in Harlem over the shooting down of a brother by the feds was just more grist to the mill.
And just a bit of end of term high jinx for the facebook kids.
Oh dear…..the prols were a tad dismayed at the Common Purpose-style of riot management – based on Dutch/UN-style protection of Bosnian safehavens no doublt? Let the bad guys rape and pillage, collect the CCTV footage and then a decade later ….well you know…..suspended sentence on appeal and hold a public inquiry to see where we the good guys went wrong.
And it all looked so unpleasant. Hoodies with flat screens and their mum’s with Vodka all too easily distracted from righteous petrol bombing of the local Tory HQs and the British Legion Clubs. So obviously unpolitical. Where were the red armbands?
And it started to get a bit racial up in Birmingham. Now that is scary. What’s the Beeb to do? A sustained programme of re-education is required. First run through the anti-riot policies and explain why none will work. I’ve seen tough policing, national service and tough sentences all attacked by the BBC. So what is the BBC answer: A Labour Government should just about do the trick. Oh thank you so much for the new license funding agreement Mr Miliband.
Must get the debate back on message. Tory Cuts anyone?
I raise you Ruperts News Corps!
Today had former DPP Lord Macdonald on bleating the BBC line about disproportionate sentences. He was “opposed” by a barrister and part-time recorder who – there’s a surprise – gave a more nuanced version of the BBC line: ah the joys of a “balanced” discussion. In his summing up Davis read a totally gratuitous quote from a New York Times editorial about the “disappointment” of that august organ with Cameron’s stance on sentences for the criminals involved in riot and looting. All in all a microcosm of the BBC/Guardianista line on the looting, its causes and its consequences.
BTW, I am old enough to remember the Notting Hill riots of the mid-50s. At the time the rioters were given (even by the standards of the time) severe sentences to the approbation of, more or less, everyone in public life. There was little (if any) commentary – certainly not on the BBC (even “Any Questions”) – about “disproportionate” sentencing or “justified” anger by the rioters. But, of course, these rioters were mainly white “teddy boys” and were aimed at the then fresh waves of black immigrants arriving in the UK. Deplorable, I know but maybe, then, our political masters should have understood a bit more then and condemned a bit less. Instead the “lessons learned” at that time morphed, over the next 50 years, into immunising from criticism (or even comment) any ethnic “community” or the policy of third-world immigration. At the same time, those responsible for the ruin of this country demonised the indigenous white working class which bore – and still bears – the main deleterious effects of immigration.
John Sweeney is as good a reporter as one could hope to have on the BBC. I watched his doc for Panorama on iplayer last night and didn’t have the slightest problem with it.
I think your correspondent DV is a very good example of someone with an ideological down on the BBC who looks for bias. It’s like ‘bruds’ who look for racism where it doesn’t exist.
If we’re going to effectively monitor BBC bias we need to avoid being biased against the BBC.
Brendan O’Neill – ‘Never mind the looters, what about the ‘fascists’!
BBC-NUJ’s feminisation of its ‘news’ editorials.
-from ‘Rights of Man’ site:-