Oh no, I turn my back and what happens? “Israel pounds Gaza after attacks”. Those pesky Jews once again up to their old tricks. Happily the BBC is there to record that….
The Israeli military has carried out air strikes over the Gaza Strip, targeting those it blamed for a series of deadly attacks in southern Israel. At least six people, including a senior militant, were killed in the air strikes, Palestinian sources said. earlier, Israeli officials promised a strong response after attacks on vehicles near Eilat left seven dead. Israeli officials said Gazan militants were responsible, although Gaza’s Hamas government denied involvement.
Ah, those Gazan “militants”.Further down the article the BBC reports that “attacks” has “left seven Israelis dead and that a number of gunmen were killed in an ensuing firefight” Seems that wasn’t enough for those aggressive Israelis, right? Good old BBC – reliably anti-Israel to the rancid core.
I have to disagree: to give as much as half the story may give any intelligent person enough of the facts to realise what’s going on, something the BBC certainly doesn’t want.
They’d even call Eichmann a “senior militant” and condemn Israel for hanging him in 1962.
I don’t suppose Mossad read this blog? If they do, I don’t suppose they’d care to put their expertise to good use regarding certain bbc personnel? There are a lot of people here who would quietly cheer their actions.
Regarding Mossad; “I don’t suppose they’d care to put their expertise to good use regarding certain bbc personnel? There are a lot of people here who would quietly cheer their actions.”
Nice quote john in cheshire. Real nice.
beeboid sockpuppet
I’m sure that the israeli Government read this blog. Since they are a democracy who operate to the rule of law, i don’t think that they would be prepared to send in Mossad. If the boot were on the other foot however……
Why did you have to mention the shameful “White Girl” again? Id almost exorcised my memory of that Beeboid heresy.
Hell, that fifth column crap won a bafta in 2008, but what I want to know is who the hell voted for it?
I`m wondering if the BBC are that craven in their puffing up of the Arab cause-then Mossad may well have planted some nutter high up at the BBC.
Either that-or the current loons at the BBC are doing Mossads job for it,by being so damned STUPID in its propaganda!
I get more of a surrogate fundamentalist by the day whenever I see BBC coverage of Israel…and they just make it so easy not to watch for excesses!
The thing i really dispise about the bBC with this story is how they aare more than happy to use the adjective ‘pound’ in which to describe how the IDF have fired 6 missiles into Gaza in which to seek retribution for the gun and anti-tank missile attack which claimed 6 lives earlier on today.
Yet and a big yet is that over the past fortnight over 40 rockets/missiles have been launched into Israel from Gaza and the bBC has remained quiet on the subject.
Lastley last week’s Janes defence weekly had an article which stated that Iran is pushing Hamas to take the heat off of Syria by getting Israel to hit Gaza. Something the bBC is more than happy to do.
“The thing i really dispise about the bBC with this story is how they aare more than happy to use the adjective ‘pound’…”
BBC headlines 18 Aug 2011:
“Deadly attacks hit Israeli vehicles near Egypt”
“Gunman attack bus and military vehicle in Israel”
“Seven die as deadly attacks hit Israeli vehicles”
“Israel pounds Gaza after deadly attacks near Eilat”
“Israeli airstrike on Gaza following bus attack”
“‘Double revenge‘ promised after Israel strike on Gaza”
Palestinian: attack, deadly attacks, revenge.
Israeli: pounds, airstrike, strike.
And the BBC are “reliably anti-Israel to the rancid core”?
Taking quotes OUT of context and then pimping them off as BBC impartiality?
Look at the reports and then look at the issues that B-BBC are highlighting. The only part of your post that was correct was the ending.The BBC report was either penned by an islamofascist or approved by one or was written by a typical beboid Jew hater.
The BBC ARE reliably anti Israel/Jew haters/Jew baiters/racists and to cap that little lot off, the BBC are terrorist loving islamofascist enabling scum.
How dya like them apples?
Your tally of aggressive wording doesn’t help your case. You saw the trees and missed the wood.
In your little example Israel is always named as the perpetrator, whereas the word Palestinian is missing; the perpetrators are either ‘gunmen’ or mysterious nobodies.
“Deadly attacks hit Israeli vehicles near Egypt”
The ‘Deadly attacks’ that ‘hit Israeli vehicles’ ….were by no-one in particular.
“Gunman attack bus and military vehicle in Israel”
Who are the mysterious gunmen who ‘attack bus?’
“Seven die as deadly attacks hit Israeli vehicles”
Seven “die!” What a coincidence. They “die?” or were they killed? (Or Pounded?)
“Israeli airstrike on Gaza following bus attack”
Quite clear about who was responsible. Revenge, revenge and double revenge.
“Israel pounds?” Not “Gaza was attacked” or “Attacks hit Gaza.” See the difference ?
“Israeli airstrike”
Israel pounds Gaza “At least six people were killed” So they were killed, they didn’t just “die”
When Palestinians are killed, they’re “killed”
When Israelis are killed, they just “die.”
Passive and active. Victim and Villain. It may seem trivial to some people but this sort of thing has a cumulative effect, part of the drip drip drip.
Great response to Dez, I wonder if he has an intelligeply on the way or like most BBC supporters will he ignore facts?
he’s a twat
so……..lilely to ignore
by the way,he’s a day or so early
usuallu skulks around in the early hours of the weekend when the effects of the drink and drugs are starting to wear off
What INBBC and Islamic AL JAZEERA have in common:-
1.) a sustained political propaganda campaign against Israel;
2.) mutual staff interchange, e.g. Muslim Rageh Omaar;
3.) technical collaboration/agreement between the two organisations;
4.) staff of each organisation accused of operating for Islamic jihad
a.) Al Jazeera:
Another Al-Jazeera Journalist Suspected of Terror Ties
b.) INBBC (World)
“BBC reporter on trial in Tajikistan”
“Good old BBC…”. Good old B-BBC which fails to mention that the attacks on Isreal were reported here:
and here:
It’s I-s-r-a-e-l.
Funny how people do that.
Funny too which people do that.
Relative prominence of reports? position of report on Middle Eat page? Linked form World news page?
yes-it’s I-S-R-A-E-L
you w-a-n-k-e-r
That first link, number 14573559 was the one that Degree posted last night (on the Open thread I think) with at least 5 changes of headline.
The BBC are still failing to report that among those “people”, or “Israeli civilians” killed two of them were children – 4 and 6 years old.
What do you have to say about that Dez?
So lets have a look at the BBC reports you are pimping.
10th story on the main page headline? ISRAEL POUNDS GAZA
Go to the mid east page and 2nd story headline? ISRAEL POUNDS GAZA and included is a picture of a Gazan male siting against a wall head in hands, the meaning is clear isnt it? Gaza civilians attacked again by the IDF.
“Many have been injured in the attacks, as the BBC’s Rushdi Abu Alouf in Gaza explains”
Oh look what we have here! The BBC employing an islamist sympathiser to report the IDF attacks, do you think that an islamist reporting for the BBC is going to be impartial?
What you see on the BBC website is a product of anti Israeli pro ‘Palestinians’ its obvious and plain to see.
So, we follow the main link with the heart tugging picture of a Gazan civilian in distress and the story consists mainly of how the IDF is attacking Gaza.
Biased? You only have to look at the headline of the reports to see it.
This is the first time Dezzie has finally addressed the BBC’s anti-Israel narrative and his defence still fails.
that’s cos he’s a lefty
synonym for “idiot”
A well planned muliple terrorist attack originating from Gaza through a recently opened border crossing with Egypt. We see hamarse gangsters moving its terrorists through the crossing and launching an attack on several vehicles.
The relaxation of border controls with Egypt has led to terrorists infiltrating into Egypt and setting up an ambush. Its obvious and plain to see. The BBC however is hiding this information, the BBC has already forgotten the dead Jews, it seems they somehow just “died” perhaps from a mass heart attack or died laughing at the plight of the poor oppressed ‘Palestinians’? We dont know because the BBC isnt telling us. What the BBC is determined to do though is portray the ‘Palestinians’ as victims and the IDF and Israel as violently lashing out blindly not caring who they hurt or why.
The BBC has moved to reporting incidents like this from a pro ‘Palestinian’ perspective. Whatever the Jews do is wrong, the Jews are represented as something less than human without valid feelings or motivations. Its the dehumanization of a race, it is the BBC determined to present Jews minus their humanity, it is a clear example of a BBC that has lost its way, lost its moral centre, lost its objectivity.
The BBC are already totting up the body count and they will obviously take the word of the hamarse gangsters as holy writ, the reasons for the conflict will be hidden, airbrushed from the historical record to be replaced by the inflated body count of ‘Palestinians’ all of whom will be portrayed as innocent civilians who have nothing to do with hamarse at all. The BBC is planning to pimp its ugly narrative yet again. Terrorists murder innocents and the BBC will move heaven and earth to make it appear that Israel is at fault and to blame.
And stocking up on missiles through the now porous Rafah border.
A border so porous that Hamas is building a new wall inside to police its import revenues.
Still, if it brings Sue back out…my primary source of anti-Israel bias as is endemic in the MSM then I`m glad.
To be fair too….since it`s early in the morning and a beautiful day- Dez was listening and counting…which is what Craig etal have shown is the right way to do it!
I would argue his selection is biased…but to be truthful I`d rather get to scorn the liberals pretentions using Martha Kearneys tableaux than Peter Days analysis when he`s thinking for himself!
Oh no…I can see both sides here…not the first signs of becoming a woolly liberal myself is it?…
If Dez would agree that Israel had a right to exist, then I might go even more pastel shaded in my views…God forbid!
Notice how the BBC automatically accused the IDF of killing three Egyptian soldiers with no evidence and no caution and no hestiation only to find that the facts were very different.
What does this tell us about the BBC?
It does suggest strongly that the BBC is taking islamist sources of information as gospel and repeating them without reservation or fact checking. Rumours come in and the default position is to blame the IDF and Israel. We know that the Jew haters would love to see a conflict widen to include Egypt and would positively welcome a conflict between Israel and Egypt.
Which is precisely what this attack was designed to do.
The Israeli spokesman Mark Regev told the Today programme that it appeared that the 3 Egyptian soldiers killed yesterday were in a firefight with the terrorists, and were not killed by Israel. But just a few minutes later on comes Jeremy Bowen saying that the Egyptians were killed by Israel – and that Israel had killed 2 children as well as “militants” in Gaza. PLUS – Bowen failed to mention that Israelis had been killed and many woulded in the terrorist attacks that started it all. Attacks that the BBC failed to report promptly, even though wireline AP reports wedre available and I could see multiple reports across the Internet yesterday midday. The BBC has a sizeable news organisation in the Middle East, it will have known about the attacks immediately.
Seems like Israeli deaths hardly matter to the BBC, what matters is what Israel then tries to do in response. And as usual – no-one at the Today programme dares to use the word “terrorist”.
We know that use of the word “terrorist” is effectively forbidden among Bowen’s staff.
But one would expect that just once in a while the people back in London would use the word – for instance when jihadists attacked tourist centres in Egypt where many Brits could be happening. Just once, even as a slip of the tongue, why is it that the T word is NEVER used.
The BBC used the euphemism “gunmen” today to describe the Taliban attackers in Kabul. “Gunmen” imply people with rifles or handguns – the Taliban were using heavy machine guns, hardly “gunmen”. The attack on the British Council is terrorism, pure and simple. It is a scandal that the BBC will not even use the T word when British civilians are under attack.
On the first Bowen report this morning I heard him state that it seemed that the Egyptians were killed by the ‘gunmen.’
Immediately afterwards, Evan Davis, who had grasped the wrong end of the stick, and assumed, as all good and true BBC educated employees would, that Israel had killed the Egyptians, asked Bowen if that would intensify tension between Israel and Egypt.
Bowen answered, ignoring Evan’s misunderstanding, explaining that lawlessness has increased in the Sinai following the “Egyptian revolution.”
In the news bulletins this morning they are stating that “Three Egyptian soldiers have been killed in Israeli airstrikes on the border between Israel and Egypt.”
This is confusing. I thought the airstrikes were in Gaza. The incident near the Egypt/Israel border in which the Egyptian solders were killed was an attack by “Gunmen.” It was clearly said by Bowen that one of the attackers was wearing a suicide belt, which was thought to be what killed the Egyptians.
Jeremy Bowen described the incident as being “On the border” When I thought it was on the main route, in Israel, to Eilat near the border. He made it sound as though Israel had been trespassing in Egypt or something.
The Today people are determined that Israel does all the killing. It’s a bit like the infamous statement by the Guardian’s Michael White. “In Israel they murder each other a great deal.”
The plot thickens.
The Jerusalem Post reports that a number of Egyptian forces were killed and injured by a suicide bomber on Friday morning, but also two Egyptian security personnel were killed on Thursday as the IDF chased terrorists along the border of Egypt’s Red Sea resort of Taba and Israel’s Eilat.
Were Jeremy and Evan talking at cross purposes, conflating two separate incidents? Or am I confused by trying to find out what actually happened, merely by listening to reporting brought to us by the finest broadcasting organisation in the world?
Here’s a picture of an injured victim of the humanitarian crisis in of Gaza.
(Sorry about that. I couldn’t resist)
Message to DEZ
Wow, so you took offence at how I point out how the bBC is more than happy to use the adjective ‘Pound’ over a six missile strike. yet remains silent on over 40 Missiles (Of which a large number have been Iranian made Grads) which have harmlessly fluttered onto the ground in which to harmlessly dissipate their harmless explosive content in the middle of nowhere. Notice something about how by using the correct language you can make even the most evil event come across as harmless to the casual reader. You know like using militant instead of terrorist in which to soften the image of those who terrorise in which to gain power. In fact in today’s write up of how Israel pounded Gaza, the bBC leads with how 6 Palestinians were killed with one being a militant. Now anybody who read just the headline would get the impression that Israel is willing to murder 6 people in which to kill 1 militant. I quote:
At least six people, including a senior militant, were killed in the air strikes, Palestinian sources said.
Yet if you took the time to really read the article you find this little snippet further down:
Palestinian sources told the BBC that four members of the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC), a faction in Gaza that is loyal to Hamas but sometimes operates separately, had been killed in the air strikes, including the group’s head, Kamal al-Nairab
Hang on, I though only 1 Militant has been killed, yet according to the People living in Gaza 5 of the dead were terrorists.
So really those attacks which pounded Gaza which killed 6 people actually killed 5 terrorists and maybe 1 civilian. So do you not feel that pound was the wrong word to use in which to describe the attacks on Gaza and that targeted as in targeted strikes would have been a much better and factual word to use.
Also can you please explain why the bBC makes no mention of the use of an Anti-tank missile on a civilian car, instead they simply state:
Israeli officials said at least two other vehicles were then hit nearby – one by a rocket.
By saying the terrorists used a rocket, the bBC downplays the seriousness and depravity of the initial terrorist event.
Oh by the way here’s something the bBC hasn’t mentioned either, since the strike on Gaza ,12 missiles have been launched into Israel seeing as how the bBC is happy to write up 6 missiles with inert warheads (read up on how the IDF use concrete warheads) as a pounding, then pray tell what you call 12 missiles (2 being Grads) hitting Israel. Well I wouldn’t know as the bBC doesn’t even mention it.
It’s amazing really, that for all the practice Dezzie has on trying to find fault with anything raised on this site, and all the time he spends reading it, he’s not very good at this trolling malarkey. He always gets corrected quickly and easily and looks more stupid every time he tries.
If he tried to actually come back and explain why the BBC treat Israel and the Arabs so differently then I think we would all be interested. Instead he tries to pretend that they are treated the same which, considering that he must have read hundreds of examples on here (with proof) of the BBC double standards, is really an extremely weak position to take.
So many great points you guys are making, even the the bBC is a sitting duck wallowing in its pit of anti-Israel poison.
The attack on the bus was barely mentioned on News 24 last night, and I’m sure I heard the reporter refer to the Egged bus as a “military patrol”.
You know I read these posts and comments everyday on this wonderful blog and I merrily “like” so many of the comments. But it really depresses me? Where does it get me? Is that “job done” by liking a post? It seems that no matter what, the BBC is never going to give a fair-shot to Israel, the evil “Tories”, Republicans, climate change “deniers” etc. The evidence of its institutional bias is surely there.
Oh well, I guess at least I know I’m not alone…