Never mind Celebrity Big Brother, with the BBC operating 24/7 across the globe, we have a much more dangerous broadcasting big brother to worry about. Please detail your observations here as I declare this thread…OPEN!
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Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere. I did originally enter this on the previous open thread but just as I complete it I see a new one opened here.
I see Mardell was up to his usual tricks again:
Another excuse to trot out Republican Gaffes under the guise of serious analysis. Strange how his so called serious analysis only included Republicans. He puts them out there and tries to dress it up as analysis of the gaffe when it reflects someones “world view”
Also I note particulalrly clever wording around the Perry “Black Cloud” comment. There was very careful framing of this section. References to Fox news calling him out for racist remarks against a black president with bold wording (links I grant you) that reinforce the narrative. Then tucked away underneath is the idea that he was quoted out of context as he was talking about the economy.
Look at what this leaves us with. Fox News = Sloppy journalism (can’t even be trusted to get the facts straight) or if they’re calling Perry out he must be bad.
Strange this is all attributed to Fox. Oddly enough the link in the report doesn’t work. What Mardell doesn’t tell you is that the whole story comes from the Ed Schultz show on MSNBC. The narrative either side of the video sees Schultz laying into Perry for racism, specifically citing the black cloud comment as being directed at Obama.
They get exposed by Breitbart TV here:
Woops – not so much a simple quote out of conetxt but a deliberate edit to frame a narrative. How’s that moderating the tone of political discourse going there Mr President?
Funny how Mardell attributes this to journalists scrambling for a story in a non story. Funny how that “reflection of your worldview” aspect suddenly doesn’t apply in this case.
Its not like they’re without form on this one. Many will recall Bill Whittle’s video The Narrative in which carefully edited footage shows a man at a presedential rally with a tasty looking weapon strapped to him. The accompanying commentary was definitely that this had racist undertones against the president – except the full footage showed the gun owner was black.
And you ain’t allowed to comment on it, as I noted yesterday.
Talking of “ain’t allowed to comment” – anyone else noticed how far down the BBC’s news agenda phone hacking has suddenly slipped?
Can’t think why…
Comments are closed so Mardell doesn’t have to hear anyone complain that the BBC has censored news of the President ditching the “bus from Mordor” to take yet another vacation among the wealthy elite at Martha’s Vineyard. It’s not like that’s a gaffe or anything, right, BBC?
He’ll get right back to that jobs thing in a few days, and Mardell will be right there to repeat His words to you.
Its so very funny isnt it?
The O’bamamessiah goes out to give succour and hope to all his poor flock out there in Hicksville city out in the backwoods. He goes out in a great big hearse with blacked out windows and the leftist press goes mental praising his big heart for going out amongst the poor and oppressed of America. A few stops down the road wafting by the real poor, bypassing the shacks and shanty towns, the boarded up one horse towns with one or two stops to see whats left of his support base in middle America which takes a day or two and then its off on holiday to the richest part of the USA hobnobbing with the bigwigs.
The BBC is also censoring the news that black members of Congress are unhappy that His “bus from Mordor” tour was for whites only.
Democrats Rep. Maxine Waters of California, a central member of the Congressional Black Caucus, said Tuesday that “we don’t know why” President Obama is not visiting black communities on his Midwestern bus tour, adding, “We’re supportive of the president, but we’re getting tired.”
Waters, speaking at a freewheeling forum at Detroit’s Wayne County Community College, suggested members of the CBC don’t pressure Mr. Obama because their constituents are proud to have an African-American president, adding that “if we go after the president too hard, you’re going after us.”
“The Congressional Black Caucus loves the president, too,” she went on to say. “We’re supportive of the president, but we’re getting tired. We’re getting tired. And so, what we want to do is, we want to give the president every opportunity to show what he can do and what he’s prepared to lead on. We want to give him every opportunity, but our people are hurting. The unemployment is unconscionable. We don’t know what the strategy is. We don’t know why on this trip that he’s in the United States now, he’s not in any black community. We don’t know that.”
Instead, the Class Warrior-in-Chief is spending a few days hanging out with some of the wealthiest white people in the country. Not a single raised Beeboid eyebrow, of course.
How many white people are allowed in the Congressional Black Caucus?
Maxine Waters is normally the sort of racist grievance-monger quasi-Marxist idiot that the BBC would be falling over itself to give airtime to. But she crossed the line by criticising The One.
Not true at all. Obama is working hard at what he does best – campaigning and fundraising for himself.
The Crimewatch ‘Riots, CCTV Special’ that was on last night kind of let the cat out of the bag a bit.
It seemed like a rather pointless task to me though.
They should’ve changed the theme tune. This would’ve been more appropriate:
Christopher Booker having a good go at David Shukman’s recent eco-drivel
What other words have been banned for racism against Obama? I remember when very left comedian and cartoonist drew Bush as a chimpanzee but the one showing Obama as a monkey is unacceptable. Is any use of the word black now ‘verboten’?
I propose that in deference to Obama’s sensitivity (and honour to his the WASP mother and grandparents) we replace the words black with grey.
Obama has placed a grey cloud over the economy. Works well!
well,he is a mulatto after all
According to a new BBC documentary about Muslims in the US, it’s no longer acceptable to be racist against the black man in public, so we’ve kept quiet about it that and transferred our racist hostility to Muslims.
Racism, according to some, is a one way street. There’s only one bad guy. Have a guess.
BBC Top of the Pops…live from TV Centre London, sorry Salford, its the BBC chart rundown…..
Just bubbling under are ‘Audacious Militants’ with their flipside cowardly terrorists….
Top 30 breakers, look at the bling on these guys….’Celebrity Commentators’ – always pushing a concept album.
Now the all important top ten….
New in with a bullet at ten, look away grandma its EUTHENASIA
No change wanted here at nine….its the WELFARE STATE
New entry at eight….these boys have been happily frightening the horses for years its GAY RIGHTS
At seven a Franco-German collaboration that’s made our Parliament a puppet on a string always with the threat of another Boombangabang in Eastern Europe… its the EU
This week’s highest new entry at six…Ooops upside yer head, legalise it I’ll advertise it…..hey man its DRUGS
At five a Latino/Hip Hop/Bangra Beat/Roma Banjo Fusion that is MULTICULTURALISM – its setting the clubs on fire and its all the rage in the inner cities….now taking hold in a suburb near you.
Another re-release for this one at four….never want to see it sent down its HUMAN RIGHTS
The fans who’ve bought into this one put it at three but we’ve blacklisted it for Jewish content – so no positive airplay for ISRAEL
Shooting up to number two after nine and eleven its RADICAL ISLAM (now known as cuddly Cat Stevens).
And no prize for guessing number one for the umpteenth week its LABOUR GOVERNMENT with love you BBC and thanks for all the license fees.
Fine systematic and clear teaching here for any proper media studies course.
Award yourself a PhD A* from mu University of Wessex meat raffle hamper Mr SeeIt(that an Asian name?….that`s a Professorship too then!
Just got a response back to my complaint about Jeremy Hardy. As expected, a load of twaddle….
Thanks for contacting us regarding BBC Radio 4.
I understand that you feel Jeremy Hardy is a poor choice of presenter for the BBC, and have found some of his comments, both on our programmes and output and on Twitter to be offensive and biased.
Whilst I appreciate your concerns, the range of tastes and opinions held by our audience is so diverse that it’s inevitable some audience members will dislike or disapprove of certain presenters. It’s a very rare TV or radio personality who meets with everyone’s approval, and it’s clear that opinions on individual presenters can vary considerably.
BBC comedy programmes and comedians have no particular political axe to grind. It is rather the case that in programmes of this nature the Government of the day, whichever party that may be, tends to come in for greater criticism than opposition parties because its policies determine the running of the country and have a greater bearing on our daily lives.
In regards to his comments on Twitter, we cannot comment on this as it is not connected to or controlled by the BBC.
Nevertheless, we’re guided by the feedback we receive and thanks for taking the time to contact us.
So basically in the eyes of the BBC it’s quite alright to refer to people as cunts and goes some way to securing you a nice juicy contract funded by the licence fee payer.
The best bit for me was “BBC comedy programmes and comedians have no particular political axe to grind.”
Fuck off you utter cunts
The other month I complained to the BBC about being biased and this was there response (see my two emails of mcomplaint at, this was their response:
Dear Mr Gowland
Reference CAS-885749-5XKV94
Thank you for contacting us regarding our coverage of the News International phone hacking scandal.
I understand that you believe our coverage has been heavily biased against Rupert Murdoch and has been heavily left leaning in it’s tone.
I can assure you that we do not have any political agenda when reporting on the story whch is still ongoing. This is a huge news story in which a light has been shone on the relationship between News International and both the Conservative and Labour governments.
As I am sure you are aware we’re committed to impartiality, and our journalists, presenters and programme makers are well aware of this. They are expected to put their own political views to one side when carrying out their work for the BBC. They seek to provide the information which will enable viewers and listeners to make up their own minds; to show the political reality and provide the forum for debate, giving full opportunity for all viewpoints to be heard. Senior editorial staff, the Executive Board and the BBC Trust keep a close watch on programmes to ensure that standards of impartiality are maintained.
We may not express a corporate opinion on matters of public policy (other than broadcasting) and is publicly committed to approaching controversial matters impartially. That does not mean that we merely provide a platform for others to express their views without those views being tested on behalf of our audience. We seek to ensure that, over a period, all sides of any public debate are explored and explained, so that viewers and listeners can be better informed in coming to their own judgement of events.
Again, I do recognise that you have been concerned at how we’ve been reporting the story and to that end I’d like to assure you that I’ve registered your concerns on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s made available to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, programme makers, channel controllers and other senior managers.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content
Thanks again for taking the time to share your views with us.
Kind Regards
Richard Carey
BBC Complaints
Standard beeboid response.
Bloody hell, I had to laugh at the comment you got from the BBC about how impartial they are. I had the misfortune to see last evenings “Town” which was fifty odd minutes of green propaganda by Nick “Goebels” Crane. It was so bad that I had to wonder if the “geographer”, whatever that might be, as Crane claims to be, could possibly believe what he was saying. We had global warming, our fault of course, rising sea levels, sustainability, local currency and sourcing of goods. Mind you, I don’t think they made the large solar panels we were shown that is going to make their fortune…..ha, ha!
Thank you Derek!
I liked “Coast” when I was a slip of a thing and thought the nerdy one(Crane) better than the little Ross Noble impressionist from Scotland(Oliver?).
I saw this on Totnes…absolute drivel!
It`s long been a strange “green” kind of place; but anchored by lots of local Devonians who`d not fall for the mandala bollox.
Not now though-either they`ve all died or given up…I certainly didn`t see much evidence of Totnes doing nothing but yurts and extreme yachting.
After his patronising tosh on Scarborough, Crane could only do better!…more fool me.
Hope Specsavers will strip him of his bottle goggles until he can actually SEE what is happening to our towns.
Satish could tell him anything and he`d fall for it!
Tossers! That’s all you need to know.
“BBC comedy programmes and comedians have no particular political axe to grind.“
What a f*ckwit.
“BBC comedy programmes and comedians have no particular political axe to grind.”
You’re right. That is priceless.
That quote reveals very succinctly the in-grained nature of the problem. They really believe that they are the voice of the nation : the centre ground. So impenetrable is their lefty bubble that they simply don’t see the bias. This is why, when one of their employees makes disparaging remarks about ‘Nasty Tories’, they see it as the norm – the way everyone thinks. So any complainant is dismissed as a bit of a loon.
Well, at least they recognised your complaint. last year I made a complaint about the News Quiz and when they eventually replied they thought that I had been complaining about the programmes signature tune! At that point I realised quite how out of touch with reality they were, and gave up.
Is it “bash a pensioner a month” then at the BBC?
Rupert last month?…and now all the way to Spain to pour scorn on Benedict? Whose airmiles did the BBC use for this one?
White old men both and not from this country either?
Is ageism or racism the worst one on the Guardian “Confessing is Futile” site?…or is it OK to do them both if(like any fatwitted liberal) you really can`t make up your mind which makes you even MORE smug and virtuous that Richard Dawkins made you? PBUH.
Is the taxi fare still running on the cost of Abu Hamza then?…any chance that the BBC will tell us how much HIS state visit is costing us all?
We don`t even get the chance to SEE the Grand Wizard of the Mufti Club either!
Interesting that the only interview that the Today Programme could muster to support their report that The Pope was not welcome in Spain had to be recycled from a similar report yesterday (from PM I think).
Bit of a feeble attempt to “construct the narrative” chaps!
Is this the quickest repeat of a radio broadcast then?
Bet the BBC took some time to train her how to say “circus of Christianity” in that cut-glass voice of theirs.
Wonder what “disportionate”,” child abusing Vatican cover up”,” cuts” and “Toricuts” and “we know where you live” are in Spanish..she`ll be needing those too!
A place at Wessex Uni for Spanish Practices and Sciences for a rioter of your choice, should you be arsed…
I heard it on the 8a.m news first yesterday.
Even Eddie the Eagle Mair wouldn`t be THAT lazy last night would he?
I see the bBC have gone out of their way in which to find an excuse to explain how dead man walking Abdelbaset al-Megrahi is not only still walking but by the looks of things being the Libyan entry for next year’s Olympic 100 metres. So how do the bBC explain how Terrorist features is still alive?
Prof Roger Kirby said a new hormone-based therapy may explain why he is alive two years after he was given three months to live. As the second anniversary of his release from prison approached, Prof Kirby, of The Prostate Centre in London, said he believed the Lockerbie bomber was “almost certainly” being kept alive by a drug called abiraterone.
Abiraterone eh? Here’s what Cancerhelp UK has to say on the subject:
Results presented at a conference in October 2010 showed that on average, the men who had abiraterone lived about 4 months longer than the men who had the dummy tablet.
Hmmmmm you’d think that any presenter who was interviewing anybody about the use of a new drug would have read up on the subject and interjected (Like bBC presenters love to do) that the drug only extents the life of people who use it by 4 months and not 24 Months.
I wonder if the Libyan Government paid for the services of Prof Kirby. Nah what am I saying, I should have written Is the bBC being paid off by the Libyan government?
I feel strongly about this one so have reposted to the current thread..
Five unsympathetic questions from a BBC interviewer to a charity spokesperson – could that really have happened ?!
Calm down dear, it wasn’t to ask whether foriegn aid is always well spent? or how it is that a tightening of public expenditure might harm a true charity?
Of course not. It was the BBC off on another Logan’s Run in support of Euthenasia.
Peter Allen of 5 Live Drive Time was giving a guy from Scope a hard time. More power to the poor chap’s elbow I say as he attempted to explain how further legal thin end of the wedging on this issue might be harmful to the interests of those with disabilities. The good Beeboid wasn’t having any – not when euthenasia is one of the tenets of the unoffical Beeb charter. Sorry Scope but that was like sending in a grandma against a Shipman.
Maybe the BBC in its “Pursue a Pensioner a month” mode would rather do the job that Age Concern are signally failing to do at the minute!
Droning on about Murdoch is the “arms of Orphueus” slump option…and the “give a gangsta a granny” option will induce a stroke. Either dream will do!
In either event, I think now of Brand and Ross in their pioneering ” hound an old white bloke to his grave” attempts of October 2008! Hope Benedict isn`t left alone without all those rabid youngsters to keep their eyes peeled for any lurking BBC thugs.
Where the Beebs young turks and “edgy rebels” go…so one day do the Newsnight and Panorama euthanasia vans..
Now what DID happen to Robert Robinson?
The world famouse bBC which can bring you news within minutes when a terrorist is harmed in Gaza,Iraq or Afghanistan takes much longer when their favorite freedom fighters murder innocents.
Maybe that explains why the bBC hasn’t got round to informing the great unwashed how during ramadan (the Islamic holy month) on a friday (The Islamic holyday) somebody has murdered over 30 people praying in a mosque in Paksitan.
Breaking news? well not at the bBC. remind me again how many reporters they have in Pakistan?
Oh, they’ve got it now Pounce as “new” on the main news page (mini link) but it isn’t linked on their Asia Pacific Page
update, sorry, it is on the appropriate South Asia page!
‘Jihadwatch’ comment :
Bombing at mosque in Pakistan, at least 30 dead
“We’ve long noted here at Jihad Watch the propensity for Muslims to increase jihad attacks, not to mention murder and mayhem in general, during the ‘holy’ month of Ramadan, AKA ‘Bombadan‘. So when it’s a Friday, during Ramadan, and you’re in a mosque in Pakistan Muslim-occupied India, the chances of being struck by a mujahid — not a right-wing Christian, not an ‘Islamophobe’ — approach 100%.”
How this for BBC casuistry. The whole world agrees on certain definitions…UN, Europe, China, Russia. Everyone.
Al Qaeda is a terrorist organisation.
No ambiguity there.
In its attempt to expunge the ‘T’ word the BBC has now coined a strange compound.
“al-Qaeda inspired militant activity.”
Could the BBC please note that if it is “al qaeda inspired” than it is terrorism not militancy.
“Meaning” is not quite as elastic as that.
Perhaps the BBC should try this.
‘Nazi inspired militancy’
The BBC is laughable.
Radio 5 with the assistance of fatty Nolan have been banging on this morning about the ‘harsh sentences’ of course where does the BBC get their ‘evidence’? Why the unbiased Guardian newspaper of course.
What makes me laugh is the BBC make allegations that the courts are being pressured by Cameron to hand out harsh sentences, yet have no proof (so why doesn’t the Government take the BBC to court to shut them up?) but the BBC and the Guardian are themselves openly guilty of the very thing they accuse the Government of, THEY are putting pressure on the courts by running stories that rioters sorry ‘protesters’ are being harshly treated.
What the left don’t get is that the sentences will and should be harsher, what happened was a break down of all law and order this was not ‘normal criminal activity’ it was public mutiny and simply cannot be tolerated.
I just wonder if it had been the offices of the BBC/Guardian that were trashed if the BBC would have still felt the same way?
The bBC choreography is faultless.:
First, it’s all the fault of the cuts
Then its society’s fault, capitalist materialism (nicked X-boxes)
The far right! EDL kettled – racists exploiting err black rampages
Then the sentences are disproportionate (compared with MPs and bankers – got to get bankers in somehow. Dog whistle.)
Then the sentences are too harsh – one alky stole a donut (1500 other rioters arsonists and murderers no mention)
Now it’s “the prisons are full” – no room for really bad people due to trivial offences blocking cells.
bBC just goes on and on looking for the next angle to spin. .. drip drip drip. Yes we have no Agenda.
Absolutely correct Martin. One is almost forced to laugh in disbelief at the BBC line which allows, & gives air to, every Tom, Dick & other unknown Lib Dem peer to claim harsh sentencing, Whilst any comment from Cameron is howled down as undue pressure. In fact worse than that, the BBC have promoted the belief that the judiciary have compromised their independence as a reult of Cameron’s utterances.
Double standards INBBC on Islam.
When Muslims are killed in Bimingham, INBBC can’t stop using the ‘M’ word.
When Muslim Islamic jihadists kill British civilians in Afghanistan, INBBC/Madrassa of Journalism censorship is in immediate and full swing, where Islamic becomes ‘insurgent’.
‘Telegraph’ report:
“Afghanistan suicide bomb: British Council in Kabul attacked”
“Twin suicide blasts hit British Council offices in Kabul ”
Just seen what the Pope told the university professors at his lecture last night.
Just read the reports of loads of youngsters(not rioting by all accounts!) singing, praying and having a great time as they await one of the best qualified men on the planet to teach them.
He will teach them to scorn all that the BBC/Guardian have soused them in ever since Tellytubbies was but a gleam on a franchising deal.
He will say nothing that he has not said before about the secular evils of the media, self-righteous scientists, Islamists and the One World Hellhounds like the UN/EU and -but of course -the BBC?New yark Times etc.
That he bangs the same drum makes him “boring”…that he has an intellect and history makes him “elitist”…that he seems not to approve of the “Lennon Creed” in any way at all makes him a very dangerous Andrew Sachs indeed…German too!
Hence we will see plenty of Pedro Tatchellos in the BBC Big Tent very soon over there in Spain…the BBC will worry about sunscreen factors being insufficient, of cobbled squares being unsuitable for disability ramps and stilettoes…and of course a lack of water after the rioters took it all in advance of THEIR pilgrimage to the Big Brother House!
So look no further-in the guise of keeping kids safe from harm or abuse…el Beebo will shower the whole indoctrination agenda in merde from pillock to post!
It is the BBCs job…not the Popes…to educate the yoof!
Hence Tracy Beaker, Horrible Histories…and that rioting is not only fun, but we will defend to the death(of others of course) your “riot” to do so.
Won`t somebody PLEASE think of the children?…the BBC only thinks FOR them at the moment…which is just as they like it!
Viva German Shepherd El Nombre Uno!
INBBC’s double standards on sanctions.
INBBC is politically enthusiastic reporter of sanctions and naval invasion/’flotilla’ on ISRAEL .
Not so much with sanctions against SYRIA.
I’m sorry but I can’t leave the earlier post from John about his reply from the BBC on the political content of BBc comedy. I found these clips after a ten minute surf of the web. They are not “selected” from dozens. They are the first two clips I found.
Compare and contrast these excerpts from a few years ago:
News Quiz host Sandi Toksvig on Sarah Palin: “I love this woman so much. It is so difficult to know if YOU DON’T WANT HER TO BE ELECTED because, you know, if you want the world to survive, or how hilarious the last five minutes would be.”
(Note laughter after the words: “which US vice-presidential candidate” – in other words “you can snigger now, here come the Sarah Palin jokes”. Also, would Sandi Toksvig be so patronizing to, say, Sandi Toksvig?)
A News Quiz interchangeable random male panelist on Barack Obama: “He’s GENERALLY AGREED to have done quite well. The press sometimes get on his back over things but that’s because they can understand what he’s saying and can ask questions about that, unlike the previous one who was just “nuclear” – “yee-hee” – “hey, there sonny boy…” it was like trying to interview Clunk from “Wacky Races”.
(Note how Obama is not for laughing at, so the joke becomes about George W Bush)
Now, what was that again the BBC told John? Oh yes – “BBC comedy programmes and comedians have no particular political axe to grind.” It’s satiure, they say, we’re supposed to make fun of politicians. But laugh at both sides, I reply. This is not satire. This is politics. Not entertainment.
If the BBC’s credibility is to be maintained (ha!) and finding themselves in a hole, they should stop digging – or as their hero Barak Obama said in January this year, ‘We’re digging ourselves out of a hole’ which is funnier than anything said on the News Quiz by “professional comedians”.
“This is not satire. This is politics.”
Eventually even the laughter will become compulsory.
Rick Perry may be ruining his election chances with his hardcore Creationist stance. He dances around the issue of how old the earth is, and says Creationism should be taught in schools because people are “smart enough” to figure out for themselves whether this is true or science is true. This isn’t going to impress 51% of the voters. There are other Republican candidates who have solid fiscal ideas as well, so the Evangelical thing alone won’t get him the nomination, contrary to what the BBC thinks.
This makes him worse than Sarah Palin, who said openly several times that she would never use elected office to impose her religious beliefs. She didn’t do it as Governer or Mayor (except one apparent half-assed attempt to ban some book from the library). The BBC – particularly Justin Webb – crucified her over and over again, even suggesting that she wasn’t fit for public office, for what they described has her “Creationist” beliefs.
The Beeboids are going to freak out over Perry more than ever now.
I dont think Sarah Palin is up to being President, but it would be great if she could get on job training as VP.
To me it seems Perry is the only credible candidate the Republicans have, although all I know about him is since he threw his hat in.
If he wins the nomination, how great it would be if he gave a two fingers (that’s a finger to you DP :p) to the MSM and chose Sarah Palin as his running mate!
Spot the Missing Word. The BBC’s news brief about the President ordering a review of 300,000 illegal immigrant deportation cases, with a mind to drop most or all of them, is very sympathetic to the notion of ignoring immigration law. Just like they champion an open borders policy for Britain and Europe, they do the same for the US.
Plenty of space for advocates of illegal immigration to praise the move, and even a minor criticism of the President – from the far Left – that He hasn’t done enough to ignore the law to protect illegal aliens. When the BBC sub-edtior grants a moment to the opposing viewpoint, it’s only that Republicans are concerned that this bypasses lawmakers in Congress. In other words, they’re just mad that their power and control is challenged. The lone statement that the President should be enforcing the law and not ignoring it sounds like sour grapes and meanness after the rest of it.
The Missing Word: “Amnesty”
It’s the term of choice for those opposed to allowing hundreds of thousands of people to bypass the law that so many others have to obey, so it has emotive, negative connotations according to the BBC style guide. No wonder they don’t use it even when it’s appropriate and everyone else is using the word.
David, off topic but you might like it:
“With 14 million Americans out of work, a volatile stock market and a historic downgrade of the country’s credit rating, President Obama is set to begin a 10-day retreat Thursday at a 28-acre Martha’s Vineyard compound called Blue Heron Farm, which costs an estimated $50,000 per week to rent. That divide — and the presumed hypocrisy of a president who has pledged not to rest “until every American looking for a job can find one,” going golfing and biking on an island playground for wealthy celebrities — has been too much for political pundits to resist.”
From the Washington Post too!!
Hat-tip Nile Gardiner (DT)
So he turned down the offer of Champneys then.
We musn’t begrudge Barry what may be his penultimate presidential summer holiday. Next year, the beeboids could be bidding a tear-drenched, post-orgasmic farewell to ‘The Man Who Wanted To Be Marvin Gaye’ He has the sartorial flair, & he certainly has Marvin’s fiscal acumen. ‘The Great Gatsby’ was set on America’s N.E. seaboard, probably not so far from Martha’s Vineyard; its leading character, a man who seemed to have appeared from nowhere, but thought to have shady connections. How appropriate.
I’d give it at least evens that Obama gets re-elected.
Perry seems the most credible Republican candidate (the only one I’d say), but once the GOP choose a candidate the MSM will go into overdrive to re-elect Obama and that will make all the difference.
A Republican candidate has to be extremely strong or a Democract candidate extremely weak for the Republican to win.
Has the New Yark* Times managed a sneer about his hols in the wealthy playground yet? I know they’ve been going after our PM lately.
*Thanks for that one, cj. I liked it so much that I’ve added it to my list of cod names for newspapers.
Hi guys, I’m a long time lurker on the site and would just like to say that the live feed on QT last time was very good. The ‘Ronnie Barker in drag’ had me in tears, those who were there will know what I mean! Just wanted to play a game of spot the missing word….
Daily Mail
BBC News
I’ll give you a clue, the missing word is in the BBC report and it starts with a ‘G’ and ends in ‘dian’.
Answers on a postcard
Hilarious…they manage to mantion NOTW 3 times and News Interantional in a story about a Policeman leaking to the Guardian! How can this NOT be gross bias? >:o
I’ve taken a screen shot just in case of stealth edits…
There was another page previously, featuring exactly the same story, that had the NOTW logo instead of the New Scotland Yard photo. It had the same subtitle : “The officer has been released on bail until 29 September”.
Anyone just browsing across the page would assume that there had been another arrest linked to The News Of The World, rather than The Guardian.
Just seen a news ribbon going acroos the botoom of the screen on Sky News that says a 51 year old detective has been arrested for leaking information on the hacking enquiry to the Guardian Newspaper.
Out of curiosity I switched over to BBC News to see what their take on the report. As I anticipated, their news ribbon went as follows ” a 51 year old detective constable working on the phone hacking inquiry – Operation Weeting – has been arrested for misconduct in public office.” NO MENTION of leaking information to the BBC’s friends at the Guardian! Let’s see if they add the information after the news has been aired on other channels . (this item posted 16.10)
I really hate the Beeboid One News and mostly avoid it like the plague. The only reason I would watch it (rarely) is not to find out the news but to see what they are up to.
Should go to Specsavers…..item posted 17.10. Plus TWO typos!
The whole of the media know that a policeman has been arrested for leaking to a female journalist.
They and we also know the paper involved.
The only mention beyond the arrest is ‘Operation Weeting investigation into…..the News of the World.
The missing element is G………n.
A bad day in the office for the Beeboid. Enough to spoil a weekend even.
See above andrew, their online version also has no mention of the Guardian but manges to squeeze in 3 mentions of NOTW!!! I’ve jsut added a screenshot as proof.
Getting on for two hours after Sky, the Mail and the Huff Post named the Guardian, the BBC website has finally updated their story (6.39pm) to mention the Guardian, but the result is likely to be very confusing to anyone who doesn’t know what we already know.
The article tags on (at the end) a statement from the Guardian reacting to the arrest of the police officer and talking about the need to protect their sources. However, as the article hasn’t even bothered to say that the police officer has been arrested on suspicion of leaking to the Guardian, I bet many readers of the BBC report will be scratching their heads and wondering why it is quoting the Guardian on the “broader point” of off-the-record sources. The article is in need of a substantial re-write, because it’s presently as clear as mud and is either deeply inept or deliberately confusing.
The BBC One News at Six did mention the story, but buried it way down the news agenda (at 6.17pm, the eighth-placed story), dealing with it in just over a minute. Sian Williams didn’t mention the Guardian but the reporter she spoke to did (briefly). As Martin noted on another thread, it didn’t make the headlines today.
As the BBC has led on twist after twist in the hacking story, even in the last few days, that it’s placing so little emphasis on this story in its main evening news bulletin tonight is surely very revealing.
There are more important stories in the world today, but that could also have been said of most days when hacking has led the BBC news agenda.
‘Impartial’ INBBC reporting on Hizb ut-Tahrir INBBC suspect.
Note what is a misleadingly wrong presentation of a headline;-
“BBC journalist tortured in Tajikistan”
Note the lack of quotation marks round the word ‘tortured’.
Who says the INBBC suspect was tortured?
Note too, that the INBBC reports censored out any reference to suspected support for Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Even this pro-NUJ report (below) from a non-INBBC source does not do that:
“BBC reporter appears in Tajik court on extremism charge”
What this amounts to is a classic example of politically biased BBC reporting and censorship, as practiced at the INBBC Madrassa/College of Journalism.
The BBC will move heaven and earth to protect its axis partner, this was not how it was meant to be. The well planned and coordinated leftist axis plan to smear and destroy the BBCs commercial rival and the lefts political enemy
The Ashcroft smears were only a practice run for this sorry and pathetic charade instigated and run by the leftist axis. This is the left in action, they have been able to control the narrative via the BBC/NUJ and the guardian so far and when narrative rocking news comes up the axis has been able to suppress it. The rigged inquiry will not call the guardian to account, it will not investigate the leftist hacking or insider trading with bent coppers, this axis partner has friends in very high places.
So how many people have been to Spain? Notice how relgious the locals are. Well according to the bBC the locals are split 50/50 over the visit of the Pope.
Pope in Madrid: Opinion divided over pontiff’s visit
Pope Benedict XVI is in the Spanish capital, Madrid, for four days of events expected to be attended by hundreds of thousands of people. On Wednesday night there were clashes between police and protesters demonstrating against the cost of the event. Here, four people in Madrid share their contrasting views on the pontiff’s visit.
Bloody hell from the bBCs look on things I never knew that Spain was more anti Catholic than the UK. Wonders will never cease.
How many times have you read something from me about how the bBC don body armour in which to promote this vision that they are reporting from a dangerous area. Well here is a bBC reporter reporting from the front line, notice something: Helmet, Body armour and even a huge big ID tag on the front of his vest denoting he is ‘Press’
But everything isn’t as it seems , have a look at where the bBCs ace reporter is stood. Well away from the T55 tank and well out of line of sight of the other side.
But hey at least you can see that how for once the beeb reporters arse is going like pacman due to the fact that there is a distinct possibility that reporting from a danger zone is actually …dangerous. Now contrast that scene with the numerous examples of bBC reporters donning body armour just for the sake of making themselves look good for the camera and not to keep them safe from projectiles heading in their direction.
Oh dear!!…….The E.U. in crisis…..Nationalism on the rise…….BBC “Hard Talk” quiz Cecilia Malmstrom
Didn`t even bother to hear Sackur lightly apply a piquant sauce to Celia…too early in the mornig for the gag reflex I`ll be needing later!
Still-did like her title “Home Affairs” spokesperson for the E.U.
Before I hazrd this show later…anyone able to tell me how you can be Home Affairs spokesbod for 27 “sovereign nations”…which home?…what nation?
Ooh…I`m intrigued!
Does Belgium count as one ..and for how long…who gets to keep Brussels then?
I`ll save it for my treat later on…thank you Mr Confused!
The bBC reports on the killing of an Indian woman in New Jersey America which while at first was reported as a hate crime (The yanks called it a bias crime) has now seen the Husband charged with her shooting and murder.
Kashif Parvaiz ‘staged murder’ of wife Nazish Noorani
The husband of a young mother who was shot dead as they walked with their three-year-old son along a street in the US state of New Jersey has been charged with her murder. Kashif Parvaiz, 26, who was himself wounded in Tuesday’s shooting, said he and Nazish Noorani had been attacked by men who called them terrorists. But police say he and a woman, Antionette Stephen, plotted the murder.Prosecutors have not detailed the suspects’ relationship. According to an arrest affidavit seen by the BBC, Ms Stephen is suspected of pulling the trigger during the attack, in which the child was unharmed… “Within hours of the crime, it was obvious to investigators that this was sadly the alleged handiwork of the victim’s husband, who allegedly did the unthinkable and plotted to murder his wife after a religious celebration,” Morris County prosecutor Robert Bianchi said in a statement.
To be honest I read about his murder earlier on in the week, so not only did I already know about it, but I knew the faith of the people involved. Here is a statement from the NJ police department after the attack was reported:
Initially, upon learning from the defendant/husband that this may have been a bias crime, we were particularly concerned, as we are dedicated to the principal that we are all entitled to live in this country free from the social ills of prejudice, bias and bigotry.
We want our Islamic community, our brothers and sisters, to be assured that we would never tolerate any bias crime and would stop at nothing to ensure that this community was protected from any form of bias or prejudice. After considerable investigative analysis law enforcement quickly concluded that this was not a bias crime.
Within hours of the crime, it was obvious to investigators that this was sadly the alleged handy work of the victim’s husband who allegedly did the unthinkable and plotted to murder his wife, after a religious celebration…… And, the fact that the victim was celebrating Ramadan, a time dedicated in the Islamic faith to the worthy goals of patience, spirituality, humility and submissiveness to God, made this case especially compelling to us. So too, that this matter was allegedly so well thought out, planned, plotted and orchestrated is chilling to say the least.
Gee I wonder why the bBC kind of left out of its article those salient snippets of information, I mean how many times have you seen the bBC refer to Ramadan as simply, ‘a religious celebration’ its as if the bBC don’t want you know the religious identity of the people involved.
For some reason the BBC have insisted on rattling off the names of the three Muslims killed by a car ploughing ino them, in Birmingham, during the riots, at every opportunity:Haroon Jahan, Shazad Ali, and Abdul Musavir – either they’re trying to make them posthumous celebrity heroes or just trying to familiarise us with this kind of everyday British name.
I notice that at their funeral (attended by 20,000), the imam described them as martyrs. A Muslim martyr goes straight to paradise instead of waiting in his grave until an uncertain verdict on the day of judgement, all the time in danger of the ‘tortures of the grave’ – a bit of eschatology little known to the non-Muslim but the threat of which really bothers the faithful.
You don’t become a martyr by defending shops and homes against looters – you can, however, become one if you die defending Muslim space against infidels.
Still, I suppose the whole business gives the religion of peace a chance to come out of the riots smelling of roses, especially during the holy (murder spree) month of ramadan.
A perfect storm of bias this morning on Today after 8:30:
First up was a discussion between Lord Owen, former Foreign Secretary, and Sir Christopher Meyer, former British ambassador to Washington where Obama’s failings were dealt with in the generous spirit our political class usually reserve for its forgiveness of mass murderers like Mao or Che ie he might be useless but he’s doing the right thing. Also Meyer couldn’t let go the opportunity to give the Tea Party a kicking accusing it of being the only ideological nutters in the room (conveniently forgetting the “tax, borrow and spend” tendency elsewhere).
Next up Ben Goldacre, Doctor and author of “Bad Science”, and Richard Horton, Editor of the Lancet discussed science in the media. Goldacre who is on occasion quite sensible except on the subject of CAGW when his scepticism deserts him and he becomes the witchfinder-general. The item was marked by the demonisation of the Daily Mail and a gratuitous blow-job for Tom Fielden not coincidentally the crap science correspondent for the BBC.
Then we got Jesse Norman (CINO MP and “compassionate” conservative) and old lefty fascist Tariq Ali both excusing looters (and condemning any punishment beyond being given £100 from the court poorbox) because – apparently – the temptation was too much and working for a living was beyond anyone with a black skin (or wanted a black skin). Also, as Tariq vouchsafed, we shouldn’t forget that Duggan (a known and armed criminal remember) was martyred by the spiritual successors of the SS stalking the streets of Tottenham.
I’ll only mention briefly the “analysis” earlier in the programme of the Egyptian decision to recall its ambassador from Israel: effectively, Regev’s statement that it was Hamas that killed the Egyptian border guards was played and then ridiculed as “spin” and the BBC’s Jerusalem correspondent (on the basis of no knowledge let alone certain knowledge) confirmed that the Israelis had indeed killed the Egyptians. Context? The Israelis are in bad odour with Turkey for refusing to apologise in respect of defending themselves from thugs in the Gaza flotilla so the Egyptians must be correct.
In all a wonderful day for the BBC narrative: at work undermining Britain as only the BBC can – and does.
Thanks for this Umbongo!
Wow…it`s like birdwatching…only with fat birds that are too fat to fly, so they waddle in one door at the BBC-and out through another once they`ve been fed, watered and been checked for oil…with oodles added if they`re not caked and oozing in the stuff before the preening.
The lesser-spotted Owen, the red-socked Meyer bird of Beltway-the rare Green Goldacre…and all within a half hours casual listening?
Birdwatch 2011 is a good one today!
Will someone let the Blunkett Bearded bluster bird out for Dawkins sake?…like Prescott, he seems to think he has no other nest to line but this one!
There`s a Collins Fat Cat Spotters Book to be written here…the gaggle of Guardian geesw will be returning once the hacking storms are passed…Toynbee…Shirley Williams and the other fat birds of Paradise!
The islamofascist axis have long wanted to drive a wedge between Israel and Egyt, it has been a long term goal and the BBC of course plays along gleefully, no questions asked and no caution and no restraint.
And if it does go pear shaped and the Egyptians are moronic enough to militarize the Sinai forcing Israel to take it back again then the BBC/islamists can console themselves that they got many people killed.
I`m told that Egypt is the oldest cultural force for decency that we still have in the Muslim world…oldest universities, most established Coptics, Jewish communities and relatively (and I mean relatively) tolerant of Israel.
Having a common border and being clattered in its attacks on Israel may help too, but I`m giving credit to Egypt as things stand at the moment.
I hope to God…mine as well as theirs…that they do the right thing here. The BBCs slant is sly and as obviously booby trapped as I`ve seen in a while.
Egypt would be the BBCs vehicle of choice for the Muslim Brotherhood experiment in creating an anvil(or a hammer) to take Israel on. The land of Joseph and through to Jesus would be really foolish to let the media here sway it…the BBC wants to see blood and has no interest in the meat, that is the Palestinians.
The Muslim Brotherhood did little in the uprising, but the BBC were awful fast to say that they did lots. Since then it`s been clear to me what the BBC (and their like) would like to see.
They would like to see Syria for a while, but have no stomach to try and get in…the Sinai via Sharm el-Sheikh seems much more agreeable to them!
Hope Egypt tells “Western troublemakers” to stay out of this tinderbox, this summer.
Yeah, this incident does smell a bit. But regardless of the genocidal dreams of the MB, I still don’t see most of the actualy generals as being in too much of a hurry to get their asses kicked again. Even if they do get stupid and try something for real, it’s not like anyone else can really help out at the moment, other than Hezbollah.
BBC-NUJ hypocrisy on NOTTING HILL.
-Damian Thompson:-
“This isn’t a carnival, it’s a police state”
“The truth is that the damn thing” [Notting Hill carnival] “should have been moved to Hyde Park years ago: it was the only sensible plan Ken Livingstone ever came up with. Perhaps it might have been, if it hadn’t been for the cheerleading of the BBC, which refuses to deviate from its script for the Carnival. I’ve just watched an item on its website which rounds up local shopkeepers to say how bloody marvellous the festival is, and of course there won’t be any trouble etc. Only in the last few seconds of the report do we hear that ‘some traders do have reservations and didn’t even appear confident enough to appear on camera for fear of prompting trouble’.
An interesting choice of words, don’t you think? If you’re a scared shopkeeper who speaks out, then you’re guilty of ‘prompting’ rioters to smash in your windows, or worse. That’s rich coming from the BBC, several of whose senior executives live in Notting Hill. But then again, something tells me that very few of them will be at home on Bank Holiday Monday to enjoy the multicultural fun.”
“should have been moved to Hyde Park years ago..”
No – too close to Oxford Street.
How about Dungeness or, better still, the North Pennines?
They’d have to come past me to get to Dungee, Barry. No bloody thanks. And the North Pennines are lovely.
You could try Sheppey, though. The dear old island is mostly populated by feral Londoners anyway, and maybe the two tribes could thin each others ranks a bit……Heavy emphasis on the ‘rank’.
And while I think about it: if you find yourself in Dungee, ‘The Pilot’ serves the best fish and chips on the planet.
And if you’re on Sheppey after four o’clock, there are NO police. I really wouldn’t make the mistake if I were you.
“Buggy: Helping local businesses and saving tourists lives in Kent since August 2011.”
The days up to the Bank Holiday will be a good time for the “marginalised” and “vulnerable” community to “cry for help”, should they feel led to.
What is the betting that the Mets finest are already waltzing with assorted Rusty Lee tribute acts around the New Scotland Yard sustainably-sourced wooden floor?
No doubt that those riot shields are already being carefully-tuned to Lee Jaspers steel drum too!
Hope that they`lll be taking my request for “Ebony and Ivory” to be played just as the sun sets on the Monday. Let`s hope the BBC don`t encourage fellow music lovers to throw their requests towards police lines in glass bottles as was evidenced on telly last week. In fact the petrol soaked rags DID make the requests harder to read than had been necessary, so I do hope that lessons have been learned!
I predict a riot?…no, a restorative justice workshop more like!
( for concerned professionals and those affected by the issues raised in the making of this programme…oh, and those worried by the flash photography contained in the film)
BBC Top of the Pops Update….
Forget seeing us bop awkwardly in the studio in crazy hairstyles and dodgy outfits….we’re going digital this time with the download chart generation……
(Plus we couldn’t decide on a correct ethnic mix for Pans People – damn the costumes in that latest routine – burkhas just don’t do it!)
Top 40 movers….
On the way out but always worth a mention the ALISTAIR CAMBELL DIARIES
We’re hot under the collar for GLOBAL WARMING (or the artist formerly known as : it’s the weather, stupid)
Moving in the wrong direction and thought to have been manufactured by Simon Cowell, some say he’s just doing a cover for the unions but we’re gonna make you a red star ED MILIBAND
Chartbound sounds…
On the way up and plenty of fans but we just couldn’t seem to book them for an appearance it’s UKIP
The all important Top Ten….
At 10 An all girl band of sisters doing it for themselves its FEMINISM – girl power!
(If that’s not your thing join us later for an after dark outdoor festival of boy bands – access all areas with free VIP passes and first aids tent)
At 9 careful now it’s HEALTH AND SAFETY
This one’s lost it’s bullet down at 8 PACIFISM
Crazy Eastern sounds at 7 we don’t understand exactly what it’s about but we love to sing along anyway with the ARAB SPRING
At 6 something we can all believe in ATHEISM
No stopping this one at 5 we won’t hear a word against the NHS – priceless.
Always a gig for this lot at Radio 4 it’s EDGY LEFTWING COMEDIANS
At 3 they’ve seen better days and you may know them as the Traveling Wilburys, but there’s always a place in our heart for the FORMER LABOUR CABINET MINISTERS love to have them on the show.
At 2 a group we’ve chosen to bring over from the States on a regular basis, they may not be topping the approval charts over there right now but their new front man just makes us swoon OBAMA and the DEMOCRATS bigger over here than back home eh!
At number one – you guessed it – they’re a bit of a house band for us so we’ve had these boys back again and again who else could it be but the GUARDIAN
Do like this idea!
Think that some payola types are fast deleting that Hacking single that has been rush released without the “Parental guidance” stickers applied first!
Cetainly it disappointingly came in at number 26 on the Top of the Pops chart that I saw last night at 10pm…and was not even in the Fun Fifty anymore on the Toady Chart runsown this morning!
Looking forward to the next pop pickers update!
Good article on Starkey and BBC censorship:
Tonight on BBC2 we will be treated to Miranda Sawyer the Guardian and sometime BBC commentator taking us ‘interrailing’.
Apart from the annoyance of having to listen to this leftie spouting her opinions, I was wondering how many youngsters first experience of travelling abroad was really via Interrail across europe?, I would have thought a cheap holiday to Spain or Greece was the norm
It seems that some other people also feel that Sawyer is talking out of her silver spoon mouth…
“Rite of passage?! I’ve never met a single working class kid who went on one, it’s just a self-fulfilling lazy stereotype for those whose parents could afford it. A more accurate rite of passage for the majority would be a gaudy Club 18-30s type holiday sadly. This reads like another piece of fluffy, cuddly journalism assuming that the whole country’s like them.”
“Inter-railing, was always a middle class, champagne socialist type thing for posh kids, just like the BBC really.
I read recently how some students can no longer afford a gap year… how tragic.”
”Is writing about a gap year worthy of a pamphlet, let alone an article on the BBC News website, a TV series and the obvious book which follows?”
I don`t mind Miranda,but don`t know too much about her so will watch out for the usual Beeb crap.
Do feel with this 24/7 acres of spool to fill, then we`re now in “home movie” territory.
Thai it is being peddled on the radio as well tells me there`s the usual recycling of feedback from one of their outlets and into the other.
Lazy, excluding and complacent….so much for “fresh talent” getting commissioned.
I’m not one to defend anyone of the reporters at tge beeb, but on the question of interrailing, you really are looking at a generation thing. i know nothing of Miranda Sawyer, but I cn guess that she is between the ages of 42 and 54. That’s the age you get for students who bought an interrail ticket and went abroad. I’m also surmising that she was either a single child with both parents working to fund the ticket or middle class. Many students took advantage of affordable train travel in the eighties – usually students with a bit of cash in their pockets.
Personally, I didn’t have a pot to piss in between summer terms so I worked in warehouses and supermarkets to get cash for the next term.
Professor William Happer on climate alarmism
Professor Happer is the quaintly named Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics at Princeton University – a serious academic, not easily dismissed as an extremist or crank. He has written a cogent summary of climate alarmism which is an essential read. It is overflowing with simple common sense:
“A major problem has been the co-option of climate science by politics, ambition, greed, and what seems to be a hereditary human need for a righteous cause. What better cause than saving the planet, especially if one can get ample, secure funding at the same time? Huge amounts of money are available from governments and wealthy foundations for climate institutes and for climate-related research. Funding for climate studies is second only to funding for biological sciences. Large academic empires, prizes, elections to honorary societies, fellowships, consulting fees and other perquisites go to those researchers whose results may help “save the planet.” Every day we read about some real or contrived environmental or ecological effect “proved” to arise from global warming. The total of such claimed effects now runs in the hundreds, all the alleged result of an unexceptional century-long warming of less than one degree Celsius. Government subsidies, loan guarantees, and captive customers go to green companies. Carbon-tax revenues flow to governments. As the great Russian poet Pushkin said in his novella Dubrovsky, “If there happens to be a trough, there will be pigs.” Any doubt about apocalyptic climate scenarios could remove many troughs.”
I dont think this academic will be invited onto the BBC anyime soon do you? Just love the last line, says it all reallyy doesnt it? Oh, I suppose you could add grubby self interest for the BBC?
Ooops =-O
Source is the incomparable GREENIE WATCH website.
In other words, it’s a watermelon agenda. Which is just what some of us here were saying years ago was a reason to question the whole thing.
Is there that much a difference between the drift of FARC to narco terrorism and the drift of the BBC to climate totalitarianism?
High minded rhetoric and low minded motives. The Marxist Left’s speciality.
If you have 45 minutes to spare to-morrow morning don’t waste them by tuning to BBCR4 at 11.15 for the Reunion.
Go and talk to the Garden Gnomes instead, or something similar.
Before rioting came back into fashion, they got some left-wingers to reminisce about the good old days of Brixton.
Last week they had bunch of right arty-farty geniuses recalling what a jolly nice chap Sir Anthony Traitror-Blunt was.
Now the turn of the Zeebrugge Ferry disaster.
It was 1987, very good times for the BBC as overmanning and unionisation were the order of the day.
Now as I remember the incident, some deck-hand who was pissed out of his head forgot to secure the vehicle ramp and, well we know the rest !
I for one shall do without the BBC re-writing history again. I will be in the garden talking to “Gerald, Horace and Bertie”.
In the re-telling the BBC will explain how Margaret Thatcher ordered the topedoing of the ferry even though it was outside of an exclusion zone and there was a Chilean peace proposal on the table.
Talikng of reunions and Maggie, I doubt many of you get onto the South America news much but the story of nearly 10,000 more people suffering interrogation/torture/imprisonment/etc under the Pinochet regime has been top TOP news for well over 48 hours. Clearly the BBC were so peeved last month when it was proven beyond doubt – and independently – that Allende shot himself they needed to rebalance their previous rebalancing.
How can I put this delicately ?
Your thing has stopped flashing !
LOL! Not like me to keep my light under a bushel!
Oh John…you cynic you!
I heard the Leeson one a few weeks back…loads of people round Sues Aga and all wanting “closure” and “healing”. Sue was a real Claire Rayner so she was!
Nick played a blinder..not “remorse” as such but as near to “regrettable” as the Beeb could dare have hoped.
Sue will have a Dulux chart up on her wall showing all the emotional colours of the rainbow from downright defiant(Tebbit Taupe) and all the way over to remorseful.
There`s only three of them on tomorrow or so it seems…
Hope Sue and Martha do a brownie-scale vat of porridge for when all those involved in putting al Maghrahi at risk of harm in Tripoli are invited to reflect on it all.
Kenny Mc Askill may be the silver bullet in the fight against cancer perhaps?
“The BBC steadfastly avoids the facts about the wind farm scam.David Shukman’s reports on energy policy for the BBC failed to explain the true lunacy of the Government’s plans. ”
(by Christopher Booker)
So while the bBC is more than happy to keep the fires of racism alive when it comes to David Starkey and his views on Black Culture. I’m a little suprised they haven’t mentioned this racist twat who said the very same thing. Well actually he didn’t he pointed the finger at Black people:
Blair urges action against gangs
There needs to be an “intense police focus” on the minority of young black Britons who are behind a spate of gun and knife attacks, Tony Blair has said.
He said he had been speaking to a black pastor of a London church at a Downing Street knife crime summit who had asked him: “When are we going to start saying this is a problem amongst a section of the black community and not, for reasons of political correctness, pretend that this is nothing to do with it?”
The thing is after Blair came out that Blacks are behind the vast majority of gun and knife crime in the Uk, the bBC only knocked up one protest page:
Blair gun crime speech attacked
Gee I wonder why the bBC left him alone?
Great thing the Internet isn`t it?
When you see Lee Jaspers and the usual cast of appeasers finding Tony Blair “too frank”; you know then that these people have been pissing in the petrol tanks for years now…still they get to tell us again and again that we need their advice-or else someone might piss in the petrol tanks.
Their dabs are all over the race agenda…and the trails go back to 2007 and earlier.
But Today still hopes we`ll listen and learn!…like Ken Livingston.
I’m no fan of Tony Blair – far too untrustworthy. However, I can’t help feeling that if he had avoided spin, trusted his instincts, and found the courage to push them through, he might have been a half-decent PM (no more than that, mind).
Unfortunately he bottled out over Frank Field – that was when the rot set in.
Cameron is marginally better – I think.
Check out the picture on the main bbc news page of a rioter/looter being arrested:
Anyoneknows that, with the excpetion of Manchester, the vast majoirty of the looter/rioters were black or at least mixed race.
We also get to hear again adn again of the need to recruit ethnic minority polcie officers and how such a high proporiton of officers is white.
Therefore how long must it have taken for a BBC journalist to sift through footage to find a black officer arresting a white man?
I’m not suggesting the photo is doctored, but it really isn’t very representative is it? In fact it’s worse than that, it’s completely turning reality on its head.
Why won’t the BBC ever mention the fact someone is from an ethnic minority when they comitt offences. Are we only ever allowed to use the temr “black” when talking about racism or positive achivements by an ethnic minority?
For BBC-NUJ-Guardian:
“UK riots: The end of the liberals’ great moral delusion.
The Left has gone into overdrive in its attempts to rewrite the history of the riots, but the public knows the truth. ”
(by Janet Daley)
Reprise:”Drop the brooms, you capitalist scum ”
“OK, here’s a name for you: Mr Donnacha DeLong, the new president of the National Union of Journalists. On Tuesday he described the ‘broom army’ of middle-class volunteers who cleaned up Clapham Junction as ‘scum’.
Yes, you read that right: scum. DeLong said so in a Facebook comment; I rang DeLong to check that it was authentic. ‘Yes, but I was referring to a particular exclusivist crowd,’ he explained.”
(by Damian Thompson)
For an antidote to the BBC line on the riots (sorry, demonstrations) and an overseas perspective, have a read of this excellent article by Andrew Bolt in the Herald Sun. It really cuts through the moralising and BS excuses with a sharp knife :
Particularly worthwhile is his prescription for avoiding the same in Australia. They clearly face many of the same problems from the same sources. It’s striking how many of his remedies are so relevant and applicable to our own country :
“And take away a religion to awe them, punishments to scare them, shame to shrivel them, examples to inspire them, traditions to bind them, families to train them and a shared history to make them loyal, and … well, London’s ferals have shown you what comes next.
So here’s a little list of what we might now resolve to do, so that England’s disgrace does not become our own.”
Recommended reading indeed. Make sure you have a look.
“London riots were orchestrated by outsiders ”
(by Andrew Gilligan)
It is not known if NUJ President, DONNACHA DELONG has commented on this yet:
“‘We Love MCR’: Thousands show their support for city after Manchester riots”
On Friday three events happened in Pakistan. There was a bomb attack on a mosque killing 48, a drone attack killing 4 and ethnic violence in Karachi willing 52. As a news editor, you have three choices: tell all three stories, tell each story individually or (messy) pick and mix.
Dawn news, a Pakistani news agency chose to tell only the mosque story:
The Voice of America included all three events, adding to the mosque story with both the drone attack and the Karachi violence:
The BBC website omitted the Karachi story and after a report on the mosque attack added this: “On Friday, a US drone aircraft fired two missiles at a house in Shin Warsak in the South Waziristan tribal region, killing four people, intelligence officials said”.
And then only on the BBC, this: “There has been a sharp rise in militant attacks in Pakistan since May, the same month US commandos killed al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden in a raid in Abbottabad.”
Now this is a fact. But why add it here?
The BBC, by choosing its items, and adding the Bin Laden tidbit, subconsciously links the mosque bombing to Bin Laden’s death and the drone attack. A subtle “pigeons coming home to roost” narrative, don’t you think?
BBC scare quotes return.
Israel ‘regrets’ deaths in Egypt and promises inquiry
What is the purpose of the quotes? If it’s to indicate Barak’s actual words then why not ‘regrets the deaths’? Is he lying? Sceptism is the other reason for scare quotes but there is no evidence provided that he is or even might be.
Surely proper journalism would require mentioning the likelihood that the Egyptians were killed by the same terrorists who attacked the Israeli vehicles, be given some prominence?
Ironic isn’t it. Al Arabiya uses the same scare quotes (perhaps copied from the BBC) but at least it gives space to the possibility that Israel was not responsible.
But Amos Gilad, a senior Israeli defense official, said earlier it remained unclear how the Egyptians died.
“No (Israeli) soldier intentionally aims any weapons at Egyptian police or soldiers,” Mr. Gilad said, adding that “perhaps terrorists fired at them, or something else occurred.”
Typical of the “British” Broadcasting Corporation.
Notice how the BBC are manipulating the headline to make it appear that Israel has already admitted killing those Egyptian troops. The BBC appear to be trying to provoke a split between Egypt and Israel, trying to stir up a conflict which would have terrible consequences.
Israel ‘regrets’? The BBC are trying to point the finger to stir up Jew hatred and unrest in an already unstable region, funnily enough using the exact same tactics as the islamist Jew haters who have been working hard to isolate Israel from every Arab state on its borders.
What the BBC are doing is doing the work of islamofascists for them, working on behalf of islamofascism to provoke and sustain race hatred and religious fanaticism. This is the real BBC at work, the direct agitation for conflict. The BBC are nothing more than stooges and enablers for islamofascist warmongering.
And BTW, a few hundred islamists turn up at the Israeli embassy to spout their hatreds and the BBC is there pimping it to the world as a popular uprising. The BBC is evil and it is criminal and if it is not stopped it will gleefuly provoke a tragedy.
A couple of hundred Islamists in Cairo – out of of population of many millions – makes BBC headlines for a day and more.
Islam’s tail wagging the dog, as usual ?
“What the BBC are doing is doing the work of islamofascists for them, working on behalf of islamofascism to provoke and sustain race hatred and religious fanaticism.”
Without a doubt. Well said. No wonder they’re so desperate to maintain their Arab and ME networks intact from the “CUTS”!
Dozens of rokets fired from Gaza, one civilian killed and many wounded.
Other news outlets reporting the facts but the BBC website is a picture of islamist propaganda.
Main page 2nd story.
Thousands of Egyptians rally outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo for a second day over the deaths of five Egyptian policemen earlier this week.
‘Cold peace’ chills further
Mid East page 1st story.
Thousands of Egyptians rally outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo for a second day over the deaths of five Egyptian policemen earlier this week.
Where is the report on the rockets fired from Gaza and the deaths of Israeli civilians?
Even Al Jazeera is more impartial than the BBC.
I`m beginnning to think that whilst some of us go to real churches on a Sunday-the BBCs “Sunday” programme is the in-house service for their staff, but once it`s been made, well it` might as well be piped out to the rest of us.
1. The Popes visit to Spain was an utter shambles…do have a listen from the introduction at 7.00-and it gets worse.
2. Faith serves the BBC in as far as it can be usefully applied to support the global warming..they even found a Rabbi to state his concerns. Had to use Australia and the saintly Julia Gillard for this one though-but they`ll fly to Oz if they can get the supporting soundbites.
3. However do Muslims with diabetes cope with diabetes?…well this programme will answer a question you`ll only recently have been asking.Maybe those injured or killed in the riots were only fainting type 2`s or whatever.
4. Ah, the riots-need I really tell you what the cult of Tony Blairs University Christian Soc has to say about the moral basis of removing benefits, etc…
At least I`ll not need to bother with the BBCs “Thought For the Day” this week…I have got them all in one lazy stupid bundle that no-one need unpack!
Been a good few moths for Sarah Rainsford at the BBC!
As Spanish correspondent( well Madrid with a few day trips out I`d guess), her pieces of late sum up Beeb concerns.
1. Protests against the cuts…not so much about the Euro or the Socialists that have screwed the place into the ground…they are where they are, and no-one is to blame!
2. Bullfighting to possibly be banned…as Spain joins the non-smoking, veggie paella pod of nice things-none of that Hemingeway tosh.
3. Popes visit…few kids that will need chastity belts and chaperones maybe there, but look at all those protesters?…how many Mr Crow?..millions anyway!
Health ans Safety rules violated, and Gaia furious at the airmiles wasted by these young dupes.
He got a good soaking…that storm he was in has got to be Gaias revenge and judgement on Papa Panzer!
Luckily I never have to listen to the perra; I have no doubt if I did it would send my blood pressure back up (nicely down from my UK living days listening to BBC and watching QT!
UH OH!… springtime over
“Egypt to withdraw Israel envoy over Sinai shootings,” BBC,
August 20
Indeed-Blair has now brought peace to the Sinai, so can spare us a few minutes to keep his old plate spinning…we call it Britain ,but it`s just one of his successfully spinning plates.
He`ll have those private school fees and mortgages to keep an eye on, it being the start of term an` all!
The silence of Jersey’s “accredited” (discredited) media is <A HREF=””>DEAFENING</A>
I read about this via another post (on the last Open thread?) led to a blog with various videos of an interview with ex police chief that tell a horrific tale of media (inc BBC Jersey) and MPs silent on issues about the child abuse scandal. This story can only get bigger and I hope the Islanders push for all their worth: they are hamstrung by only having one major newspaper (and one major broadcaster) available.
Not coming to a BBC studio near you soon:-
“There was a time within living memory when all reasonable grown-ups were considered to be on the same side. Parents, teachers, police, judges, politicians – decent citizens of every station and calling – formed an unspoken confederacy to uphold standards of behaviour within their own communities. But their shared values and expectations about human conduct were systematically undermined by a post-Sixties political ideology that preached wholesale disrespect for authority, and legitimised anti-social activity in the name of protest.”
Janet Daley
It’s Sunday morning. Bear with me (no pun intended).
The shiny new BBC confidence in AGW science on full display.
“Species flee warming faster than previously thought”
The study is published in AAAS ‘Science’.
The ABSTRACT gives us the following: (My highlight)
“The distributions of many terrestrial organisms are currently shifting in latitude or elevation in response to changing climate. Using a meta-analysis, we estimated that the distributions of species have recently shifted to higher elevations at a median rate of 11.0 meters per decade, and to higher latitudes at a median rate of 16.9 kilometers per decade. These rates are approximately two and three times faster than previously reported. The distances moved by species are greatest in studies showing the highest levels of warming, with average latitudinal shifts being generally sufficient to track temperature changes…..”
What is ‘meta-analysis‘? The BBC is relying on a paper employing meta-analysis so perhaps the issues should be highlighted.
This is the health (integrity) warning which should accompany ‘meta-analysis’.
“If a meta-analysis is conducted by an individual or organization with a bias or predetermined desired outcome, it should be treated as highly suspect or having a high likelihood of being “junk science”.
From an integrity perspective, researchers with a bias should avoid meta-analysis and use a less abuse-prone (or independent) form of research.”
Oh dear. The BBC hasn’t spotted that problem with the paper.
The usual emotional nonsense is present too.
“But what about the animals that already live at the poles, or at the top of mountains?
“They die,” said Dr Thomas. Take the polar bear, it does most of its hunting off the ice, and that ice is melting – this July was the lowest ever recorded Arctic ice cover – it has nowhere to go.”
Cui bono? The trips to Borneo. The salaries and pensions. The support of the BBC to raise the ‘research’ profile.
Usually a meta-analysis is a good indicator. The problem arises when the original parameters are set: you could have a meta analysis of anything and ‘control’ the result merely by setting certain limits that discard many trials/papers: significance/ temperature range/ number of oragnisms involved of any particular spiecies/ distance/ negative or postive control group etc.
Correct. In this case a number of species have been ‘studied’ and any ‘changes’ of range either north, south or up have been included and the change attributed as evidence of AGW.
A classic ‘bandwagon’ study.
The Borneo example is classic. It assumes that ‘temperature’ change….(even the models suggest that the temperatures are not likely to be noticeable in the tropics at all) are the cause of a local effect in a species.
The argument in the text is also misleading in terms of Arctic ice cover.
Look at this diagram of sea ice extent from 2002 to 2011 August. The ice cover was indeed low in July, but now, in August, that has changed again. It is no longer a ‘record low’.
Look at the red line.
Again. Classic bandwagon.
“meta-analysis” ?
Its code for mumbo jumbo pseudo science, they mean they make up evidence and make up outcomes, its nothing more than a total fabrication, an insult to the scientific method.
Its also another more acceptable version of Lysenkoism. Its all these lying cheating charalatans have left, the real evidence does not go the way thy wish so they discard it and replace it with fake evidence.
Liars, cheats, thieves, charlatans.
” “They die,” said Dr Thomas”
Sorry “Dr Thomas”, over time they adapt, or die. It’s what nature does. It is the reason we are here, and everything else, including unfortunately, you Dr Thomas.
But even if what “Dr” Thomas says is true. That means flourishing fish and seal stocks that polar bears would previously have eaten. Which in turn improves the survival of some other branch of nature. He is a one-trick pony.
If we lost the polar bear, what have we really lost? Fewer tourists mauled to death, and a few scientists who study polar bears have to retrain to study something else. Doesn’t sound too dreadful to me.
Meta-analysis when I last saw it is a study of a larger number of studies. It’s legitimate in Medicine as small research projects are numerous and often come up with contradictory findings. Not so in the world of climate change, where they are all fiddling the data in the same direction in order to be consistent with each other, or be put at risk being ostracised and losing their funding. I wouldn’t trust this meta-analysis for a second, especially when it’s a “black box” – you don’t know what goes on inside.
“I’m a scientist, trust me”. Well no we don’t.
WHAT WENT WRONG! – The statement by Bliar the liar was on most papers but the bBC was, the only one i found, that allowed comments. 300 in fact and most giev Bliar a good kicking. Sad when the public can’t tell the difference between the bBC and the DailyMail!!!!
Sunday Morning live.
Is it a coincidence that the day they are going to debate should women be ties tio the kitchen sink there was no representative from the religion of peace?
Very odd indeed! yes
how convenient!
And now we have the Australian “climate change” debate brought to us by SUNDAY of all programmes. Seems the religious in Australia cannot agree on it any more than can the general population.
But wouldn’t you know it. apparently it is the CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS that are the problem. Just like its the evangelical christians who are the “problem” in the U.S.
Had a letter in the regional newspaper about the upcoming BBC bias in the presidential elections. I asked in the letter whether there are any Democrat christians, but unfortunately “or do they attend church for political appearance but do not really believe” was edited out!
Noted the reference to the conservative Christians being on the “dark side” of the “science”.Presumably the BBCs Church of Santa(cuts disapproval and free toys for all) becomes the Church of Satan if BBC theology is not backed worldwide.
Also the omission of Gillard actually going back on a pre-election promise NOT to introduce her hated Carbon Tax…which might have something to do with the hatred for her-not “only” the selfish Earth Burners that go to churches, not on the BBCs approved list.
The second complaint falls under the “rights of a woman to changer her mind” apparently!
BBC, True to Form, Twists Headline and Teaser Against Israel
The BBC manipulates the media form with headlines that distort the events to fit the BBC agenda. Nothing we don’t already know but good to see someone else is looking.