A B-BBC reader observes of BBC Countryfile
“Last evening they did
a piece (John Craven) on food waste, and it’s costs. The one scandalous item of
waste that never got any mention at all was the EU Fisheries Policy, you know
the one where should you catch the “wrong” type of fish you have to
throw it back (dead of course) or risk draconian punishments. Funnily enough
the policy never seems to bother the Spanish fishermen for example, wonder why?”
The EU’s European Fisheries Agency is headquartered in Vigo, Spain – the world capital of illegal fishing. Grants toward new Spanish trawlers were awarded a few years ago, courtesy of UK taxpayers.
Just to write that I have recently discovered this blog. It is good to find so many other people with a visceral dislike of the BBC.
They managed to get another of their obsessions into Countryfile last night too. We were told at the start of the food waste piece that global warming would reduce crop yields. Whether one buys the alarmism or not, why would higher temperatures plus more CO2 (plant food) reduce crop yields?
Furthermore, I wonder what the yield is of a typical gaia friendly, labour intensive, organic farm so beloved by the lefty middle class BBC types compared to the yields achieved by a modern agrobusiness?
It`s as if all the science education dismantling of the Dearing era has come home to roost.
Hard not to pour scorn on the “dumbing down” agenda when such numpties as these at the Beeb are Oxbridge types with some pretence of GCSE Science at least.
They simply just raed what has been highlighted for them-how else could they let all these canards float by?…beak down…very dead…but still the Beeboid will think them shallow diving for bread!
Christ on a bike…when Jonny Ball and David Bellamy are the media Einsteins and Newtons…when Nigel Lawson is your Faraday…you`ve really let the scientific culture go rotten!
Way too many Plancks at the BBC, and only fit to walk one!
Hard not to pour scorn on the “dumbing down” agenda when such numpties as these at the Beeb are Oxbridge types with some pretence of GCSE Science at least.
They simply just raed what has been highlighted for them
I would be careful if I were you. That darling of the AGW skepticism, james Delingpole (formerly the arts correspondent and before that media correspondent) of the Daily Telegraph is an Oxbridge type without so much as an A level in science to his name. He has also admitted that he doesn’t read peer-review journals, but forms his opinions based on what other people say about them.
James is just an aimless controversist…but I`m not being taxed to have to listen to him!
After the UEA and the like…the scientists need to stick to the “objective line of enquiry” bit that used to matter to them all once.
That`s my issue with them!
Fisheries policy, common agricultural policies.. with all the contemporary enphasis on creating a United States of Europe, it’s easy to lose sight of the EU founding principles – bribery of large voting blocks in certain founding countries.
In France 20% of the population work in Agriculture, and the comparable UK figure was 3%. Agricultural subsidies were to buy votes in France.
I am sure the Fisheries Policy has nothing to do with fish, and everything to do with buying Spanish fishermens votes.
This kind of horse-trading is something I could live with. The UK could have applied for a Common Single-parent Mother Policy, given our benefit system (and the West Indian Community) combine to give us the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Europe.
Problem now is the agenda is highjacked by Euro-union swivel-eyed liberals