The BBC has written a report about the ruling that led to the conviction and subsequent expulsion from St. Andrews University of a young history student who put his hand down his pants and rubbed it on a Jewish student’s Israeli flag. His mate and co-culprit got off more lightly – he was merely suspended for a year.
Was this just a silly prank by two drunken ‘hey Jimmies’, which received a disproportionately harsh punishment? Or was the harshness meant to deter others who might be planning to express rampantly racist sentiments, which are currently bubbling up throughout our university campuses?
But there’s more to this than meets the eye. The Palestinian Solidarity bunch were performing their particular type of solidarity by providing a baying mob to boo and jeer at the verdict and at the Jewish complainant. But that’s not all. When the case first came to court in May, a cunning and exasperating delaying tactic was devised by the accused. What fun.
Who knows whether this irritated the judge enough to influence his decision to take the case seriously, and to come down on the side of the young man from the rogue Zionist entity, an act that defies the prevailing atmosphere (see judge Bathurst-Norman) amongst a section of the judiciary.
However there’s more ramifications to this. The young pubic hair-wielding fellow was not a “hey Jimmy” out for a drunken Sat’day night punch-up. He was a history student. A history student. Any fule kno that history can, and must be interpreted in more than one way, but I recall a lively debate on one of Melanie Phillips’s Spectator threads that was sparked off by a student at Aberystwyth University who felt he would fail his history degree if he dared to consider any other than the Palestinian narrative.
It seems that Scotland is a hotbed of Israel-bashing, what with the rash of BDS campaigns that have sprouted in places like Dunbartonshire, but as Richard Millett knows only too well, where anti Zionism is concerned London is the Daddy.
An aspect of this case that several people have remarked on is that pro Palestinian activists who parade their antisemitic slogans and incite antisemitic acts of violence and abuse see themselves as anti racist. The stupidity is mind boggling. Their minds have obviously been boggled, (and in my humble opinion even more sinister) not by the BNP, not by the EDL, but by our universities and academic institutions.
Oh yes, and our public broadcasting corporation. First they whip it up, then they report the consequences, almost feigning innocent surprise as though it’s not their fault.
This incident has unleashed the Jew hating genocidal rats from their bunkers.
See here:
The chorus of antisemitic bile being, of course, egged on by the likes of Ahmedinejad-lovers MPACUK.
Thanks for this Sue!
The land that gave us Al Magrabghi is fast becoming a seedy and dangerous place under its LeftNats blend of gestures and “sticking it to London”…bur keeping their seats here, and warping our laws whilst the sun shines.
Really worrying-history students-St Andrews-and their laws as compromised and half-arsed as anyone elses in Euroland.
When I think on how Scotland had law, education and a respect for both that was the envy of the world…I really don`t find Paxman/Salmonds spats the slightest bit funny any more>
Glad you`ve told us of this nasty little story…not a peep from the BBC or Guardian yet is there?…surprise me and tell me so one day!
Liverpool Guild of Students President stands proudly by antisemitic poster
“A student at St Andrews University has been found guilty of a racist breach of the peace after he insulted the flag of Israel.”
The opening paragraph of the report is absolutely ridiculous. How can you “insult” a flag? Is the copy-writer taking the piss?
Donnachie evidently targeted Reitblat because he believed him to be an Israeli citizen. Now, if you behave aggressively towards someone on account of his or her nationality or ethnic origin, you may well get into trouble. Simple, really.
As it happens, the ‘Justice for Paul Donnachie’ Facebook page confirms where Donnachie and his mates are coming from. Nice people.
Anyway, I hope the flag is feeling better.
Hi Sue,
At least one decent judge still left in the country.
The pro-palestinian scum who infest our universities are the new Trotskyites. Full of sound and fury and intimidation but without a brain amongst them.
Little more than vandals
Hi Joe,
Thanks for the comment and I liked the Geary Theory!
This is the result of race hatred allowed to breed like a virus in our universities. This is where the most virulent species of Nazism was spread, in the higher learning institutions of pre war Germany. God help us but we are simply reliving the mistakes of the past and the results could lead to an epic tragedy.
Most people cling to the belief that Nazi party leaders and middle rank executive functionaries were thick knuckleheads barely able to read or write. In fact most Nazi midle and upper ranks were highly educated and came from the highest places of learning in Germany and Germany prided itself on its institutions of learning.
This evil virus has now spread to our places of higher learning and has infected tens of thousands of our most gifted young who will carry this virus with them wherever they go, a racist hatred and bigotry that will fester and spread. I call it a virus because this evil incubates like a virus and spreads like a virus.
Yesterday was the anniversary of the Hitler/Stalin Alliance.
There turned out to be a fair few similarities between these two…and it was the fact that they were so alike that their evil was made all the more pervasive and insinuous.
The one that comes to mind here is their wish to wipe Poland off the map, then settle the trivia once they`d done so.
When German historians of the left tell me that the Third Reich was one of Germanys better times for “social mobility”, then I see the Left in its axis of evil twinned with Islam.
These two totalitarian twin towers may agree to disagree over gay adoption etc…but they agree as never before over the wish to wipe Israel off the map…without the risks of sending prisoners to simulate attacks on a German border radio station or two.
That creeps like this can get away with “insulting a flag” as opposed to anti-Semitism just shows how pernicious it all is.
It won`t go unchecked…despite the liberal elite hoping we`ll stay unaware…the price of letting it go would be too high for us all.
This whole court case is nuts. The guy visits a friend in a flat at 1.30am in the morning (private property) and rubs a pubic hair on the israeli flag he sees on the wall of in the flat. And the owner of the flag makes a complaint. And now the Scottish guy has been prosecuted and expelled from Saint Andrews. This is just political correctness gone mad and a huge waste of public money. How can you defend this?
How vigourously should racial harassment be punished? A couple of louts (does their drunkeness make the offence more or less serious?) with a known political agenda (I vote for that making it more serious) set out to harass and intimidate another student solely because of perceived ethnicity. I don’t quite understand the pubic hair bit but pissing on his toothbrush is fairly self-explanatory.
If this is a boys-will-be-boys offence where do you draw the line? Perhaps allow a no-blood-no-foul provision?
How is this racist? Rightly or wrongly the guy does not like Israel. But Israel is not a race it is a country whose actions he did not like.
He was invited into the flat which is shared by Reitblatt. He was probably drunk. After the “incident” he was asked to leave by Reitblatt which is clearly did. That should have been the end of the incident. Why can’t we all just grow up. No-one was hurt/died/scarred for life/raped/cut etc… This is just pathetic.
I also imagine if it had been a palestinian flag that had been “insulted” and the student had been expelled then you would all be saying the same as me about this ridiculous.
Also, this ridiculous case just makes the legal system look silly and gives ammunition to the other side.
BTW – I did not see any reference to a toothbrush on the BBC. Where did you get that from ?
Fred, Islam is not a race either, yet we’ve been told for years that people who hassle Muslims are racist for doing so. This bed was made by the Leftoid establishment – including the BBC – and anti-racism campaigners. Only now they don’t want to lie in it.
Yes. But maybe we should not be helping them to make the bed either.
“No one…died…[was] raped…[or was] cut”
You set very low minimum standards for people.
“I also imagine if it had been a Palestinian flag…you would all be saying the same as me about this ridiculous.”
Well you imagined wrong then didn’t you. If a Jewish student singled out a Palestinian student and behaved in this manner it would be equally contemptible.
If you arrived at your summary, (your comment at 15:00) through reading the BBC website it shows how the reporting comes across. A mountain out of a molehill, with poor tearful Donnachie being made an example of.
You can’t have read the links I posted either, otherwise you’d have known about the toothbrush. I see you are a fairly regular commenter on B-BBC so I’m disappointed that you don’t seem to be aware of how Jews, particularly Jewish students in Britain, feel in the current climate.
Defenders of Israel of all religions or none are also intimidated and marginalised in this country, and routinely shouted down by mobs if they try to speak in debates or on public platforms.
This sort of incident, when passed off as a harmless or drunken prank, represents the thin edge of a very nasty wedge. Thank goodness the judge took the right decision.
Also, I wonder if you know any recent history. 1930s in particular.
Click on all the links, read them through, then come back and argue your case, if you can.
The toothbrush incident is a non-incident. Drunk men piss in sinks all the time as their aim is not usually too good for a low toilet. The sink was shared with the non-Jewish person too. So I think the toothbrush incident is made to sound worse than it is – in fact the way it was reported above by @deegee as “pissing on his toothbrush” is just the one-sided spin that this blog is usually criticising.
His apology the next day sounds slightly forced and perhaps not 100% heartfelt but then at least he did apologise. You ignore that.
And if the guy hates the IDF and says “long live gaza” then that is his freedom of speech. You may disagree with him but we do live in a free democracy where people are entitled to say what they think as long as they are not “racist” or inciting violence. Otherwise we would have to shut down this blog 😉
If the scottish guy had threatened Reitblatt then I would want the force of the law to come down on him like a ton of bricks. But he did not.
Sure I know about Germany in the 1930s. So by your comment you are trying implicitly to link this scottish guy to the nazis by implying that he is the thin end of the wedge for the fourth reich! Now that’s a bit paranoid in my view.
First you commented without reading my article properly, then you didn’t read my comment properly before you replied to it.
Whether the toothbrush incident is an incident or a non-incident is neither here nor there.
You asked where it came from, and I said it came from one of my links.
At least I answered your question.
if you can’t be bothered click on links that’s your business. You enter the arena unprepared. Pointless.
Ordinary Germans started somewhere. That was what I was implying.
Donnachie had the backing of the PSC, which you ignore. Are we to wait till people come to blows before racism is acknowledged and punished? A terrorist attack, maybe? Or a few threats?
Or would it be better to nip it in the bud?
Did you click on the Richard Millett link? People brandishing those slogans – Israel must be destroyed. Death to Israel. That’s not a teeny bit incitant? Inflammatory? Or is it harmless unless someone takes it into his head to beat up a Jew.
What about Donnachie’s costly antics to delay the court hearing?
What about the jeering and booing mob? Just a harmless prank?
Just because I’m paranoid it doesn’t mean they aint out to get me etc.
Were they friends?
Donnachie, a member of the PSC, and Reitblat, who hung an Israeli flag in his room, are not natural bed-fellows.
If this were just friendly banter that got a little out of hand, I would agree. A good fight would have resolved the situation. But the indications are that this was a politically-motivated attack with suspected racial undertones.
PS: it took place in a hall of residence (i.e. university property).
You obviously have no idea what it is like to be a Jew in a university in Great Britain today.
You only have to read the histories of the plight of Jewish students in Germany of the late 20s early 30s. The deliberate persecution is always a slippery slope, test the water, the steady dehumanization, the bullying growing steadily more serious over time, the invention of supposed higher crimes carried out under the charge of collective responsibility. To be a Jew where there is a concerted popular campagin of race hate against you, the singling out of an individual that displeases the group.
If you have read any historical accounts of the period you will see the signs. This aint high spirits, this aint drunken pranks by well meaning friends. This is the planned and deliberate sowing of a spiteful race hatred against a peaceful law abiding minority. This is the reality Mr beeboid and if you were on the receiving end you would not be so forgiving.
Yes I have no idea what it is like to be a Jew at University in the UK today. I can imagine that there may be some friction with the greater numbers of Islamic students.
I think that much of the anti-semitism that you imply exists is caused by the Brits historical tendency to side with the perceived “underdog”. Given the military might of the IDF and the US support, this is currently the Palestinians.
I agree that the BBC tends to go out of its way to propagate this view – which I do not agree with. But I do hesitate to say that the British are anti-semitic, more likely they are anti-Israel.
For example, if the guy had not had an Israeli flag on his wall then nothing would probably have happened.
“I can imagine that there may be some friction with the greater numbers of Islamic students.”
But the bigoted bully in question is not islamic is he? You can “imagine” can you? I think not. The PSC has embarked on a plan to make the lives of Jews a misery, a campaign of intimidation and bullying and spreading hatred and intolerance. The targeting of Jews on campus to make them quit or make their lives so miserable they have to leave.
“For example, if the guy had not had an Israeli flag on his wall then nothing would probably have happened.”
You seem unable or unwilling to look at the facts of the case, the flag has got nothing to do with the persecution of a Jew, it was merely a supplementary target of the attack. This time it was a flag, next time it could the student being beaten up. Those hate filled racist thugs went in to his room because he is a Jew, the flag was used as an excuse just as Israel is used to excuse race hatred and Jew baiting.
You fail to understand the mecahinics of Jew baiting, what excuses were used the first time round in German universities. You fail to appreciate the nature of racist bullying, this bullying always works behind some fabricated moral excuse for cover.
I was only bullying this particular Jew because Jewish bankers control the money supply and the banks, I didnt mean to target this particular Jew, it was Zionism that enraged me, the crimes of Zionists out to control the world.
If the Jews dont want to be attacked then they shouldnt have caused a finacial collapse or profiteered while ordinary Germans suffered from the Zionist plot to rule the world.
Here is the reality you do not wish to see, this is the how Jew baiting starts, this is how race hatred begins, it seeks justifiations to fabricate a moral cover. This was a coordinated action, a planned action to attack a Jew, to bait a Jew, to bully a Jew. Everything else is a squalid excuse to cover this action.
I dont hate Jews, I hate the crimes of Israel, I was not atttacking the Jew, I was attacking Zionsim/Israel. If this Jew did not want to be attacked he/she should hide or leave/kep a low profile/beg for forgoveness for the invented crimes of their race. And there were many Jews who did just that and it got them exactly nowhere, they went to the same gas chambers as every other Jew in the end didnt they?
What you are doing is justifying racsim, justifying bulling, justifying the targeting of a Jew because he is a Jew, accepting the fabricated cover without question, accepting the squalid well worn excuses of a Jew baiter. Shame on you, shame on you that you cannot learn the lessons of history not even bothering to read the accounts of Jews who were persecuted the first time round.
Mr Beeboid, here are the facts that strangely enough do not tally with your description. This of course will receive no reply from Mr Beeboid.
Mr Reitblat said Colchester and Donnachie, whom he knew “vaguely” and who were aware he was Jewish, were “extremely drunk and falling over a lot”. He said Donnachie noticed the flag, and said Israel was a terrorist state and the flag was a terrorist symbol.
He then unbuttoned his trousers, put his hands down his pants, pulled off a pubic hair and rubbed it over the flag. Colchester did the same thing, the court heard, then started urinating in Mr Reitblat’s washbasin, causing “collateral damage” to his toothbrush.
Mr Reitblat said he went to speak to the halls’ warden because he felt Colchester and Donnachie had “insulted his beliefs” and phoned his parents, who were “left hysterical”.
He said the next day he saw messages on Facebook from Donnachie, including one in which Donnachie complained there was a Zionist in his hall, and posted “f**k the IDF” and “Long Live Gaza”.
He later found a letter under his door from Donnachie which said: “I never apologise for my opposition to tyranny, but I do apologise for touching your flag and for my over-familiarity with your private property.” The letter also called what had happened “drunken revelry”, which Mr Reitblat said he felt was “a taunt”.
I don’t know about anybody else , but refering to the above iincidents as racism agaisnt just a flag is pretty weak when far serious acts of intimidation were carried out.
I would like to see the BBC do a segment on one of their flagship programmes about why the public is not permitted to make Muslims in the UK suffer abuse and harrassment due to the actions of other Muslims, yet the they tolerate it when the public makes Jews in the UK suffer for acts of other Jews.
Social Cohesion, my arse!
Exactly David!
Collective responsibility, collective punishment, collective guilt.
Israel, the ONLY multi racial democracy in the region that gives all the same rights and freedoms.
Israel clinging onto a tiny slip of land and even that is too much for the islamofascists.
To be a Jew ensures instant no appeal guilt, to be a Jew means that every perceived crime of any Jew belongs to all Jews as though the Jew was a single entity, as though Israel was a single Jew to be legitimately persecuted for imagined crimes.
Hateful BBC degenerate racist bigots? If it looks like a maggot and stinks like a maggot and writhes like a maggot.
The reporting of this case by the bBC has been designed in which to make the victim appear petty. Here is the fuller version of what happened from STV:
Mr Reitblat said Colchester and Donnachie, whom he knew “vaguely” and who were aware he was Jewish, were “extremely drunk and falling over a lot”. He said Donnachie noticed the flag, and said Israel was a terrorist state and the flag was a terrorist symbol.
He then unbuttoned his trousers, put his hands down his pants, pulled off a pubic hair and rubbed it over the flag. Colchester did the same thing, the court heard, then started urinating in Mr Reitblat’s washbasin, causing “collateral damage” to his toothbrush.
Mr Reitblat said he went to speak to the halls’ warden because he felt Colchester and Donnachie had “insulted his beliefs” and phoned his parents, who were “left hysterical”.
He said the next day he saw messages on Facebook from Donnachie, including one in which Donnachie complained there was a Zionist in his hall, and posted “f**k the IDF” and “Long Live Gaza”.
He later found a letter under his door from Donnachie which said: “I never apologise for my opposition to tyranny, but I do apologise for touching your flag and for my over-familiarity with your private property.” The letter also called what had happened “drunken revelry”, which Mr Reitblat said he felt was “a taunt”.
I don’t know about anybody else , but refering to the above iincidents as racism agaisnt just a flag is pretty weak when far serious acts of intimidation were carried out.
Year ago when I was promoted to full screw, I had to move and share a room with another Full Cpl. Anyway one night I woke up and he was drunk and pissing in a corner of the room, I jump[ed up grabbed him by the neck, punched his lights out and threw him out into the corridor. This was followed by his bed,clothing ,kit.
Next day the orderly Officer came round and asked why I had kicked Cpl ***out, I explained why and informed him that there was no hope in hell that I would allow ***back into the room.
They found him somewhere else to stay. Never did speak to me again. But hey he would only take the piss.
As was said years ago in the USA (it was attributed to the politician Huey Long)
“When Fascism comes to the USA it will be called anti-Fascism”
Replace USA with UK.
Contrast the attitude in the BBC has reported this story with these reports about Muslims:
Attacks ‘no excuse for racist violence’
When has there ever been a similar BBC feature about how anger with Israel is no excuse for attacks on Jews? Never, and in fact they sympathize with attacks on Jews because of it.
Living in the shadow of racism
Where is the Jewish equivalent?
US anti-Semitism law perturbs Arab press
No comment necessary.
Check out this video, filmed in occupied territory.
The woman behind the camera doesn’t sound like a Muzzer. I would say, judging by her angry, frustrated squeel, that she’s one of those 60 year old bag-ladies that you see at UAF get-togethers.
Also, pay attention to the street scene and demographics when they get outside the shop. This is the ‘diverse multicultural dreamland’. (Entirely monocultural and not in the slightest bit diverse!)
Not for anti-Israel INBBC:
“Full Text of Glenn’s Keynote Restoring Courage Speech”
(Jerusalem, this evening)
slightly off topic
but have a read at this-swivel eyed islamofascist lunatic lauren Booth inciting hatred again
With friends like this, we have no need to worry!
That Tony Booths daughter-and half sister to Cheri Blair can adopt Islam as the seasons fatuous fashion accessory suits me.
Sums up the reflex stupidity and useless posturing of the wagon train behind Muhammads camel.
Anyone told the dim poppet what they do to adulterous women?
INBBC’s pro-HAMAS ‘reporter’, Ms KNELL, has a sustained prosecution of Israel here:
She will, no doubt, censor this:
Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood threatens Israel’s ambassador: “Zionist envoy, leave Egypt or die”
Egypt and Israel Caught in an Al-Qaeda Whirlpool?