Biased BBC reader “As I see it” has provided us with the following thoughtful analysis – give it a read!
“It is my contention
that there is a left-wing bias in the output of the BBC.
I happen to have a group of friends with whom I meet at regular intervals for a
particular leisure activity. (And no, it doesn’t involve either caravanning or
dubious sexual practices in secluded locations – nor does it combine the two.
So don’t try to guess).
The point is the members of this group are all employed in charities, trades
unions and the public sector and they are all fairly staunch Labour supporters
– indeed in most cases longstanding party members.
Some may regard my keeping up with these people as masochism on my part but I
find it fascinating. (And no, as I already explained there is nothing in the
least exotic about this activity).
I recall meeting up with these people in the dying days of the last government
at the time when they knew they were staring down the barrel of defeat. After
thirteen years of power the political situation was causing some soul
searching, I can tell you. Needless to say they are not particularly strong on
the economics. They tend to focus on social, political and media issues.
had gone wrong they asked?
Not personally coming to this debate with the view that the fall of the Brown
premiership was entirely a bad thing, I nevertheless threw in my two-pennyworth
as a bit of a digression. I put forward the contention that the BBC had only
ever seemed to criticize the Blair/Brown government from the left. I was not
surprised with the general response that this was some form of heresy. You see
Labour supporters on the one hand tend to convince themselves that there are
actually too many conservative voices on the BBC – however they still see the
old Corporation as a pretty hallowed institution. In other words although they
say that they believe it is not left-wing enough for them they still don’t see
any pressing need for change. A suspicious position don’t you think? I think it
is odd, given that people on the left usually tend to be pretty iconoclastic
when it comes to British institutions. They certainly don’t hold back when it
comes to wanting change in the Police, the! Monarchy, the House of Lords,
Devolution, etc, etc. When it comes to the BBC they seem to want more of it!
Despite the reluctance of most to openly admit the truth that the BBC’s centre of
gravity is several steps to the left of where the British general public stand
there were still one or two guilty nods and winks of recognition to my
observation that the Labour government had only really been criticized by the
BBC from the left side of any debate.
In order to persuade anyone who may remain unconvinced I would cite two topical
examples that show up how the BBC is out of kilter with the outlook of the
British public: the AV referendum and the recent rioting.
The AV Referendum. This was not a simple left ‘v’ right debate. In fact it was
much more interesting than that. The Conservatives were against it but so was a
significant section of Labour MPs – a section of what you might call old
Labour. Ed Miliband and his new leadership were in favour, even though he might
have been supposed to be in the process of reconnecting with traditional
supporters and wishing to differentiate himself from the aloof and metropolitan
Bairites and New Labour, he still came down squarely on the side of something
that was dubbed “progressive”. Now there were political and tactical
complications but the debate was framed as one pitching “progressives” against
British tradition and the existing constitution. Now don’t forget the public
were still seething from the MPs’ expenses scandal and might have been thought
to have been keen for some new politics – yet the referendum revealed only a
tiny section of the British public would vote f! or this so-called
“progressive” measure. In the event the metropolitan “progressives” were left
high and dry. I don’t suppose we will be having any further referenda on other
cherished progressive propositions of the BBC liberals any time soon. I’m sure
the British publics’ views on EU membership, capital punishment, global warming,
immigration, etc will all now continue to go untested for the foreseeable
It was a similar situation with the issues surrounding the August riots. There
was an obvious disconnect between the BBC opinion and the British public
reaction on all the relevant issues. This was apparent from the initial
‘careful now, stand off’ Police control methods, to the typical profile and
motivations of the rioters, right through to the handing down of sentences by
the Courts.
Now there are those in the BBC and their supporters on the left who will cling
to the concept that the BBC is there to challenge our views and to come with
ideas from ‘left field’.
I wholeheartedly disagree. These left-liberal views have had a fair old crack
of the whip and look where we are now.
It must be time that the licence paying public should tell the BBC enough is
enough. Please stop visualizing yourselves as being some elite cadre leading us
dumb prols ever leftward by the nose. Please get back to the basics of what we
pay you for: informing and entertaining us.”
David, would that it could be. I find that socialists are not for changing. If I was an Attila, I would extinguish my enemy. I know there are times when a victor can be magnanimous in his victory, but my interpretation of history is not about how nice the victor is, it is about how complete his victory is. And for normality to resume in our once great country, the enemy must be totally destroyed. The enemy? socialists and muslims.
A friend, very involved with Labour at quite a high level said to me ‘the BBC isn’t giving the coalition a chance!’. My jaw dropped in amazement and then in shock I could do nothing but agree.
The Tories need to slough off the useless libleft balls and chains that the Liberals and their chums in the media continue to saddle them with.
Trouble is that ,because the Tories have never decided on what philosophy they want to be linked to: they are just tossed and blown by anything that the Libleft say.
In short, the Tories have no principles and no point. They got elected in a way, but never really figured out what it is they wanted to actually DO when they got into office.
Hence their utter uselessness in the face of what is actually pretty routine and stupid opponents in policy…and reflex postures as predictable as those that the useless BBC offer.
Any decent Tory party would have buried the lightweights that nip at them perpetually…a May or a Lansley would never have made a parish council until Major!
Interesting stuff, AISI. You’ve highlighted the No. 1 obstacle to reforming the BBC: the generations-long legacy of trust and culutural heritage in the minds of the public. As I’ve said many times before, almost no one can separate the costume dramas, history documentaries, David Attenborough, classic sitcoms, orchestras, Dr. Who, Blue Peter, Desert Island Discs, East Enders, Mastermind, and all the rest of it, from the heavily biased News division. Criticize the News, and people always react as if the rest of it is under attack. I realize many people here see major bias in most of the rest of it as well, but the News is the real problem.
Unless the News is separated from the rest of the BBC’s legacy, no reform is possible, and your friends will not be convinced otherwise.
I agree that the main problem is with BBC News. If Sky News must be separated from the rest of the Sky network to avoid any political taint from the Murdochs, then so should BBC News be distanced from the institutional Left-wing bias of the BBC corporation as a whole. As ever, though : good luck with that. It seems to be so endemic that to remove it would probably decimate the news department, or any other for that matter.