Laughed at Stephanie “Two Eds” Flander waffling on the BBC this morning. Once again, she is pushing the farcical notion that what she calls “growth” must not be sacrificed by trying to control out of control Government spending! In other words, she is fully aligned with the madness of Ed Balls and the “Plan B” brigade from outer space. I also was amused by her cringing deference to that fiscal intellect Madame LaGarde. The IMF like the UN is above criticism when viewed through the BBC prism. Gillian Tett from the Financial Times was brought on to provide a little more support for Obama’s brave new world but don’t think she was quite on-message.
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A non-BBC/EU, non-Flanders view of Lagarde:
“Christine Lagarde highlights again why she’s the wrong person to lead the IMF ”
Come on Steph tell us what we all really want to know was Ed Balls as shit in bed as he was with the economy?
Making sure that our fiscal policies in the US don’t inhibit growth? WTF? Whose policies would those be, dear? And who the hell are you or the G20 or the IMF to make sure the US does or doesn’t do anything?
Get bent.
I know this is just “Two Eds” babbling to fill air time, and she has nothing useful to say because the whole scene is in flux and nobody really knows what the hell is going on. But still….
News24 – All the presenters are desperate to trash Osborne and promote Balls. The Flanders doctorine must be obeyed.
I never cease to be amazed at the number of economists and “experts” which the BBC wheels on to tell us that we must continue to stimulate the economy by borrwing more to pump extra money into it. Do they think that we can simply keep on increasing our borrowing for however long it takes for the economy to improve?
It’s self-evident that there comes a time when borrowing has to stop and yet these supposedly highly educated people seem unable to grasp this simple concept. That any of them is taken seriously tells us what shit this country, Europe and the USA are in.
They must be right, after all that is what Obama is doing.
When it comes to economics, Steph is thick as two short planks, perfect for the BBC. They don’t have a single “correspondent” in any subject who knows the first thing about what they are talking about. The BBC, dumber and dumber……….
Flanders does know about the details about economics, and is not stupid. The problem is that her analysis and opinions are ideologically driven, and she is a stuck record, always singing the same hymn regardless of what’s happening around her. She does not have a track record of success or of achievement as an actual economist or in business. Her career has been entirely in agenda-driven policy wonkery and punditry.
It’s not acceptable at all, but as she is highly credentialled, she will continue to get away with it for the rest of her life, regardless of how many times she’s proven wrong. And because of those credentials, the BBC will simply laugh at anyone who suggests there’s a problem.
And don’t forget we also have Paul Mason. No problem there either, I am sure, in Beeboid eyes.
I think Osborne should be attacked but I think he’s wring because he should be CUTTING taxes in a big way and cuttung public spending.
We are a service economy, if people don’t have money they can’t spend it, he needs to cut fuel duty by say 10-15p a litre, he needs to increase personal allowances and possibly cut VAT as well.
Just cut bloody public spending, stop wasting my money and give me it back.
Then the economy will grow if people have money to spend
Exactly Martin. I have always believed that cutting taxes to allow more people more money to spend is true Keynsian Economics, not this tax people to the hilt so money can be spent on useless projects that the clueless left like “Stupid Flanders” (© The Simpsons) think Keynes meant.
Keynes never intended to have gigantic permanent structural defecits. He assumed deficits based on borrowing and spending would be temporary and self-correcting. When you do it on steroids for decades, it never works, and he never expected it to. That’s where Flanders and Balls and the Democrats and the BBC lose the plot. It’s become a way of life rather than a managed policy.
Yes, we’re still top heavy with bureaucracy, too many too highly paid useless people in councils and quangos; too much wasting of money in high-cost sectors such as the NHS, the social security benefits system, immigration, the EU, overseas aid and on big splashy projects; there’s the high rate of VAT, the fuel duty, the energy charges and surcharges and don’t forget the Beeboid tax which sees the poor keeping the likes of Thompson in the bubble of privilege from which he shamelessly emerges now and again to tell us that he is worth it and we are getting a bargain. The barefaced cheek of the man.