That’s the moment the first plane, American Airlines Flight 11 plunged into the North Tower, UK time.
The BBC are running a “special” One O’Clock radio programme on the remembrance event at Ground Zero which, quite frankly, I am not prepared to listen. I spotted that in the lead up they talked about the plane being “laden with fuel£ when it hit. It was also laden with HUMAN BEINGS as it was turned into a flying bomb. Such is the evil of radical Islam. I do note they have John McCain lined up to tell us that the “Arab Spring” is a repudiation to Al Queda. Need I say more? It’s amazing the number of people the BBC have flown over to New York to pontificate on the events, with Stephen Nolan representing BBC Northern Ireland. Quite WHY they go there surprises me – given that they have been running a meme for the past decade that is surprisingly close to that of the Islamist fanaticists. By way of a refreshing alternative to the noxious BBC output, might I offer you this excellent analysis from Mark Steyn? It’s the sort of view that is shouted down on the BBC, as I can testify from personal experience. I can also commend Fox News which has a moving coverage of the attack on America that day. I can’t bring myself to watch any BBC on this day so will simply leave you with this. It might seem odd to the BBC, but on this day, I simply say – God Bless America.
Just been flicking through the coverage on all channels. Sky, Fox and Al Jazeerah are carrying the ceremony without comment as relatives read out the names of the 3000.
The BBC have Gavin Esler voicing over and talking about the Arab Spring legacy of 9/11.
You can’t make this disgraceful stuff up!
‘Quite WHY they go there surpirises me….’
Well, let’s consider for a moment…..
I’m guessing it something like this….
Memo to all Beeboids
Comrades, I know that we all agree Uncle Sam is the Great Satan of Capitalist Imperialism (and as the Guardian and our very own Question Time audience pointed out at the time – these thicko backwoods Christian Yanks ‘had it coming’) – but hands up who fancies a British license payer funded junket to New York this autumn?
“Quite WHY they go there surprises me – given that they have been running a meme for the past decade that is surprisingly close to that of the Islamist fanaticists.”
Who needs dramatists to write fiction, eh? Just listen to David Vance’s pronouncements if you want some ridiculous made-up nonsense.
Still, trust a failed politician to try and make politicial capital out of today. Shame it’s just wasted on the tiny collection of social inadequates who slurp up every word on this blog, really. The whole world should see what he thinks. We need a laugh.
there are enough dramatists (like yourself), trying to re-write
9/11 already
“The whole world should see what he thinks”
oh starting with you obviously ;-D
keep posting…..
as “we need a laugh” too
“social inadequates”??
really you want to discus that smear in person and I will show you what a social inadequate can do with a copy of the radio times you bleating apologist puppet !
Now sod off and stop making cheap jibes and “political capital” on today of all days no level you wont stoop to is there!!
Ooh, threats of violence. Yes, that shows the world that you’re a decent, upstanding individual, and not at all a sad little man.
Still, at least you illustrated my point.
Actually, Matthew R. was quite funny, in an Aristophanic way.
Rolled up ‘Radio Times’.
Like it.
Sorry violence?? you seem to have a social inadequacy in discourse I threaten no violence ! and I find it odd that you leftys always scream violence from others in debate ??hmm you should really have that looked at!
I am a top flight origami practitioner and would show you how to make a thought out of something other then what the BBC sticks in yer very small mind!
scott, please try to see sense in the world, rather than using tragedy as an opportunity to exhibit your prejudices.
Yeah, unfortunately it does say so much about supporters of BBC bias that one of their number should choose to hone in on DV’s heartfelt tribute to the victims of 11/S. I wonder if Scott was one of the chosen audience members on the 11/S QT special 10 years ago brought in to goad and cajole the American Ambassador and revel in the evil Al Qa’eda committed on 11/S. If he wasn’t there in person he would have been there in spirit. I pity people like Scott/Dez the same way I pity people who have a hateful hangup about black people. Deeply sad, disturbed individuals with very big egos but no self-esteem.
Over the past few years I have read with interest your comments on this blog.
I say, with interest, because I am waiting for you to put a point across in a polite thoughtful manner. So far, your entries have always been spiked with personal insults, which in my mind invalidates any argument you are trying to put forward.
I have tried to make allowances for you, the first being that you are clearly impeded by your intelligence. The other that you seem to comment here when you are under the influence of ‘substances’, which may further contribute to your lack of courtesy and intelligence.
BUT to try and score points over an issue that involved the violent and terrifying deaths of nearly 3,000 innocent people, by a bunch of primitive murderous bigots (who would happily string you up for your sexual orientation) is so insensitive and cruel, that I am compelled to urge you to seek help for your severe personality disorder.
If you need any help on this, google ‘psychopath’.
Scott/Dez, your attempts to elicit sympathy for yourself with yet further obsessing about David Vance have succeeded once more. I do feel very sorry for you. So sorry in fact, I’m going to offer you a few words of advice: Instead of looking for someone to take your problems out on, try solving them instead. You’ll be amazed what it does for your sense of self-worth.
Scott, you need a better coke dealer, the shit the current one is selling you is mixing Ajax into it.
he needs to take whichever islamic miltant’s cock out of his arse which is shagging him at the minute
he’s well known for wank fantasising over islamofascist murdering scum
You’re not the “whole world” matey 😉
You’re someone who spends a large amount of time spouting troll-ish ad hominems with little content (I’ve waded through a few of your posts) on a blog with which you have problems.
Give me something to argue with and I’ll spend a little time explaining to you why you’re wrong. Drop the insults though
Hippiepooter – if you want to describe David Vance’s ridiculous assertion that the BBC’s output is comparable to that of Islamist fundamentalists as “heartfelt”, then all you do is further demonstrate both his and your moral bankruptcy and utter, utter stupidity.
This has nothing to do with BBC bias, or its presentation style – which, incidentally, did nothing for me today (I chose to watch the C-SPAN stream on BBC Parliament, which ran without any voiceover). It has to do with someone taking today’s memorial, and seeking to use it to justify his own bigotry to an audience that’s every bit as ignorant of the real world as he is.
Ten years ago, I spent a couple of days desperate to hear from friends and (both current and former) work colleagues who lived and worked in Manhattan. Telephone lines and internet connections were either down or stretched to breaking point.
Thankfully, word trickled out gradually that everyone I knew, and their families, were safe. But every single one of them had friends who were not so lucky. Similarly, our head office in San Francisco was staffed by people who lost friends on the United 93 flight.
And in the decade since, I’ve had friends who have been verbally and, in some cases, physically abused by idiots who assumed that, because their skin was not white, they were Islamist fundamentalists who were personally responsible for the atrocities.
That’s why I have absolutely no truck with the vile, hideous language which the pathetic morons on this site think makes them sound cool – and which today, of all days, is utterly indefensible.
Oh, and Martin and ltwf1964? Grow the fuck up. Or find a six-year-old to demonstrate how they are more mature than you will ever be.
What did I tell you about insults, Scotty?
“..every bit as ignorant of the real world as he is. “
If you want to insult people please do not use sweeping generalities.I know the real world, I have seen it and it is not like the lefist bubble where the BBC types inhabit. I was brought up on an estate that the BBC would not have dared to visit. But I excaped from it by hard work and determination. Don’t lecture me on the real world.
“That’s why I have absolutely no truck with the vile, hideous language which the pathetic morons on this site think makes them sound cool – and which today, of all days, is utterly indefensible. “
Radical Islam killed those people in the WTC. Is that right or wrong? Yes or No.
There will be more attacks on the innocent people in the west because excuses are made for acts of terrorism daily by the leftist media. Is that moronic enough for you?
“Grow the fuck up” I find that language offensive, thats why I never use it.
More insults.
Scott I’m not sure what you’re trying to achieve. (Are you sure yourself?) I don’t find the language used on this site “hideous” or I would not frequent it. Sometimes the tone is angry, often I don’t agree with things said. But the points made about the BBC’s agenda see very important – to me.
The BBC is a widely (and wrongly in our view) trusted news source in this country. In our view it’s approach to talking about 9/11 is strongly politically motivated, and runs counter to their commitment to impartiality. It is important that this is said. What part of this do you actually disagree with.
The only thing of meaning in your personal attacks is the totally false suggestion that we are trying to make political capital out of this day.
With sad news items, feelings run high on the internet. And this piece of recent history is one of the more tragic ones I can think of. You’re upsetting everyone here, and I think yourself too.
troll boy masochist islamfascist wank fantasist
grown up enough for you scotty?
and islamofascist wank fantasist scotty “has no truck” with the type of people on this site,why is he drawn like a muslim suicide bomber to a crowd of innocents to keep coming back?
just like a pustulating boil on your neck,oozing bile
that’s our resident trollboy
Scott/Dez, if you are seriously going to tell us that the propaganda points John Humphrys was pushing in his ‘interview’ with Tony Blair yesterday do not seriously ride in tandem with Al Qa’eda then I would love to hear you explain why. He blamed America for 9/11. He blamed us for 7/7. A few clues to be going on with there.
Maybe it might help if you also tried to explain why ‘Powers of Darkness’ and the BBC 9/11 QT anti-America hatefest wasn’t direct enemy propaganda as well?
No, you dont want to, do you. You’d rather make the same pathetic comments all the time about DV because you dont like him running a site that exposes the obscene left-wing bias of your chums at the BBC. If it wasn’t for moral obscenities like you at the BBC doing the enemy’s bidding for the last 10 years Al Qa’eda would be history now and Amadinejad would be grovelling.
Let us not forget that New Yorkers nearly faced a mini 9/11 last year and you had the hots for the terrorist who nearly inflicted it. Your posturing just leaves one with a sickly grimace.
But dont worry Scott/Dez, if you were able to argue your points like a reasonable human being you wouldn’t feel the need to go obsessing all the time about DV like someone on a psychiatric ward with computer access. One feels for you how horrible it must be to feel so insecure and lack so much self respect.
Dear Hippiepooter,
Thank you such for telling me why I think the things I do. And, indeed, what I think.
As with so many other things, you’re wrong about a lot of it, of course. But then that’s par for the course with you, isn’t it? I mean, you continue to insist that Dez and I are the same person, when you’ve been told time and time again that we’re not. Which makes you both stubborn AND stupid.
Dez/Scott, let’s see if I can help you with the concept of logical deduction. It’s extremely basic, and I’m suprised it needs explaining to someone who is of age, but here we go anyway ..
Attacks have been made here on the BBC for the way it acts as a propaganda arm for Al Qa’eda and sundry examples have been given as the basis for these attacks. Your response is to make personal attacks on David Vance for providing this forum to expose BBC bias. Ergo, even though all you engage in is ad hominem and never make an argument, I think it is very elementary to deduce that your point of view is you endorse the pro-enemy conduct of the BBC in the War against Islamic Terrorism.
I hope this has been of help to you Dez/Scott.
You’re always welcome to engage in counter-arguments if you think the arguments here of institutional left wing BBC bias dont pan out, I not infrequently think this is so in certain instances, but if all you want to do is indulge in mindless abuse then please accept my assurance that everyone here has sympathy for you for your mentality.
that was to Scott!
‘I do note they have John McCain lined up to tell us that the “Arab Spring” is a repudiation to Al Queda. Need I say more?’
Yes, please say more, as I don’t understand the point you are making her.
The Muslim Brotherhood, a primary driver of the “Arab Spring” seek a global caliphate. Just like Al Queda.
On a day like this, just go away, will you? I have no time for your drivel.
“On a day like this” I feel even more angered by tiny little men who seek to jump on an anniversary of mourning in order to peddle their own bigotry and prejudice.
Thankfully, people who are as clueless about the real world as you insist on being are, thankfully, few and far between.
careful with the threatening language there!! remember as the BBC put it anger can lead to terrible things
Scott, do you have anything to contribute besdies ad hominem attacks?
Like everyone who supports BBC bias, they take the view of Humphrys on the ‘hideous terrorist attack’; America had it coming. In truth, when you blame the victim for suffering such horrific violence, you dont consider it “hideous”, you consider it cause for a deep inner glow of pleasure and contentment. That’s how the obscene Jihadi/Luciferian leftist hatefest got on the air at the BBC on Question Time. America is all that stands between us and tyranny. That’s why the likes of Humphrys and his acolytes hate it so much.
In fact it wont be long before Humphrys starts blaming the Jews for the Holocaust.
If you ever showed any sign of expressing the slightest bit of disapproval of the frequent personal attacks levied by your fellow commenters on here, your complaint against me might carry more weight.
If I was a right wing, racist Islamophobe flinging verbal abuse at Dez or myself, you wouldn’t bat an eyelid.
Still, one rule for the people you like, another for everybody else, eh. Par for the course when it comes to Biased BBC.
Scott, you started with the ad hominems, so reap what you sow. I’d prefer everyone ignored you completely unless you attempted to engage in an actual debate about a specific charge of BBC bias. That’s so exceedingly rare from you that it does appear that the vast majority of your contribution is just blanket condemnation.
If you ever care to discuss one of my posts or comments, then you’re more than welcome to do so. Other than that, your words have no meaning to me. I have in fact made the occasional remark about cooling the insults, but I’m neither in charge, nor much inclined to be a nanny. Even so, everyone here makes plenty of relevant comments about examples of BBC bias, so the occasional insults are the exceptions rather than the rule. You, on the other hand, have a history of doing the exact opposite. If you’re unaware of that, it’s your problem, not mine.
Having said all that, I’ve made numerous challenges in comments and main posts to defenders of the indefensible like yourself to prove me wrong on various issues, yet you remain completely silent. Instead, you come in here and make personal insults without attempting to address the real issues. It’s really difficult to understand what you ever hope to accomplish by your presence here, other than to make yourself feel better by putting others down.
.DV..”clueless about the real world”…?
One of the things that has interested me about the inadequates of the world, like Scotty, is that their ad hominems are invariably “inversions” – statements about themselves.
When someone covers up a mark on their face with their finger, they are not covering it up as they think they are, they are pointing it out. (And yes I hold graduate qualifications in Psychology)
I know he wants attention, that’s why he trolls here, but really, he wants a slap. Lets give him what he craves.
Ad hominems are “invariably” inversions?
Wow. Take a look at what people like Martin and lwtf1964 come out with, and I’d be tempted to concede you have a point.
And I suppose when David Preiser rails against others for selective reporting, presenting opinions as facts when they’re anything but… Oh yes, I can definitely see where you get your ideas from…
And I suppose when David Preiser rails against others for selective reporting, presenting opinions as facts when they’re anything but…
Care to show some examples and explain yourself, Scott? Or is this just another unsubstantiated drive-by insult? Again, your words have no meaning.
One example that springs to mind is when Nancy Pelosi handed over as Speaker of the House to John Boehner. I’d seen the full speech, including a section where Pelosi – who is about half the height of her successor in the post – tried to make a joke about the gavels each had chosen to use. His chosen one was the largest they had available.
It was clearly a joke about Boehner’s physical stature, but the laughter in the House caused Pelosi to stop, realise the innunendo and laugh good-naturedly along, as Boehner was also doing, before continuing with the handover.
Your interpretation presented this as a deliberate slur on the Republicans. It was at that point that I realised that if I wanted half-baked, half-assed, all-stupid interpretations of Washington politics, I may as well just ignore what you have to say and go straight to the horse’s mouth of Fox News.
After all, when you have direct access to the organ grinder, who needs a monkey with delusions of grandeur?
Oh dear Dez/Scott, you were doing so well there, presenting a reasonable, balanced argument, then you descended into your usual mindless abuse. Never mind. Good try. Keep it up. 🙂
Scott, you’ve made a serious misrepresentation of my post. I noticed you attempt to quote from memory and didn’t bother to find or link to the relevant post. If you had done, everyone could see how wrong you are, and you’ve mischaracterized my point to prop up your own. For anyone interested to see how wrong Scott is, the post he’s referring to is:
Matt Frei’s Partisan Humor
My post was about Frei’s insulting use of the term “Taliban” to describe the Tea Party movement, and then how he attempts to humorously belittle (see what I did there) Speaker Boehner, when he never does any such thing for a Democrat.
What’s laughable about your accusation is that the bit about the gavel doesn’t even have anything to do with BBC bias. Do you have any comment about the actual post itself, about Frei’s partisan humor?
Once again you are unable to address one single charge of actual BBC bias. And – what a surprise – you end with yet another gratuitous ad hominem. Your words still have no meaning to me. Try again next time I make a post, won’t you?
He’s gone into a particular hissy fit on this thread about 9/11, without in any way being able to refute the basis for accusing the BBC of biased coverage in favour of the enemy in the last 10 years. I guess this is what upsets him so – he’s got no argument.
The best response to Scott is no response at all. Let’s stop throwing sticks for the doggie to chase. Leave him alone with his masochistic tendencies.
yep no room for first responders…..yep outreach er..mediation
yep no room for firemen, plenty of room at the time though.
“dont mention the,(act of) war, mentioned it once but think i got away with it”
National Review Online mark steyn, spot on as always
how many el beebos have have gone “en masse” over to NY, quite a few i believe, there will be plenty of room for them eh!
mr obama
Yes, noggin, I was going to link to that too. Not least because of the BBC mention!
Steyns article says there`s no room at the 9/11 event for clergy, firemen etc.
Safe to say that Bloombergs useful stooges like the BBC hackers will all get a place on the patforms of tolerance and inclusion.
Interview with Yoko anyone?…
Brilliant article noggin!
Thanks for that.
Brought to mind the ludicrous Broadcasting House review of the papers.
Tori Amos is a wonderful talent, but a space cadet in most earthly ways.
She was worried that the Bush administration lost her sympathy for the need to deal with Al Queda when Lennons “Imagine” was banned from the playlists!
So all those lives were lost in vain Tori?…thankfully , she has a new CD to sell us and Kevin Connolly was good enough to tell us its name in signing off.
None of that minutes silence guff here-not when there`s a new record to promote.
How many US citizens-and for its political views we get Tori, Bonnie and the peripipatetic rambling rants of Michael Moore.
Maybe the Lightning Corporation could rustle up the fare to bring David P, Mark Steyn over here so we can hear what some REAL Americans have to say!
Steyn’s article also includes this:
The other day I bumped into an old BBC pal who’s flying in for the anniversary to file a dispatch on why you see fewer women on the streets of New York wearing niqabs and burqas than you do on the streets of London. She thought this was a telling indictment of the post-9/11 climate of “Islamophobia.” I pointed out that, due to basic differences in immigration sources, there are far fewer Muslims in New York than in London. It would be like me flying into Stratford-on-Avon and reporting on the lack of Hispanics. But the suits had already approved the trip, so she was in no mood to call it off.
A stunning indictment of the intellectual failure at the BBC.
God Bless America. And God Bless England. Death and destruction to our enemies wherever they might lurk.
See ‘Picture of the Week’ here:
God bless America.
And God bless the American taxpayer, who for the last century has guaranteed us all the freedom to write whatever we like on this blog and any others.
Long may it continue – and especially for you, Scott.
Excellent RCE!
I too heard Ed Stourton in conversation with John McCain.
The whole 9/11 angle to be taken by the BBC would appear to be…if you`d not chased the criminals behind the Twin Tower “crime”, then you`d have saved some money( none of that banking crisis stuff!) and you`d not have lost a competitive edge when it comes to China.
Don`t you now regret your over-reaction now Macca?
Presumably Roger Harrabin can be wheeled in to tell us that those planes need not wasted so much fuel in doing what they did.
Such is the BBC…from sneering hostility-to ritual emoting and minutes silences-to SWP/Finsbury Park “mature reflections” and now to lofty Zen like business opportunities gone begging!
Maybe if we referred to 9/11 as a potential(let`s not pre-judge eh?) “deed crime”…with a tentative hate or religious contributory component…then Shami, Geoffrey, Michael and all those lawyers could get shedloads of money for a few more years…before blaming the Coalition cuts or lack of educational opportunitites under Thatcher as usual!
Scott presumably not too bothered about 3000 potential hate crimes with Gaia choking at all that wasted fuel?…where`s your conscience lad?…trawling it round the BBC/Guardians ashrams I expect!
The Islamic jihad continues today, of course, however much the likes of INBBC may attempt to disguise it or relegate it in its ‘reports’, such as:
“Briton killed and wife kidnapped in Kenya” [by Islamic jihadists]
(INBBC has not updated its own ‘report’, but the couple were not within 18 miles of Somalia border, Radio 5.)
Just what has the West done to deserve this latest Islamic jihad murder and kidnapping? No doubt INBBC will tell us.
I’m so pleased that Michael Arad was chosen to design the Trade Centre Memorial. He served in the IDF and the Golani Brigade.
One in the eye for those Islamic extremists.
Will the BBC report this on the news?
100 protesters burn American flag outside U.S. embassy in London during minute’s silence for 9/11
I realise MAC have done some pretty low things in the past like the poppy burning incident, but this one takes the biscuit.
It’s a good job I don’t have any power, because the price the muslims would have to pay for their violence against us in the West would be horrible to behold. Everything their koran tells them to do, I would do to them 1000 fold.
…and they’d wonder why!
The anti-muslim sentiment on this website is getting pretty outrageous. I do not like Islam and what it teaches but we need to cool it a bit. These idiots who burned the flag are taunting us and want us to overeact. It’s despicable and worse that the police seem impotent to do anything. But come on. Let’s calm the rhetoric.
Well said, Fred.
“It might seem odd to the BBC, but on this day, I simply say – God Bless America.”
David, I join you in that blessing.
I’m going to view the Steyn piece now. I’ve already read what he wrote yesterday in the National Review which was as salutory as ever.
The Telegraph, to my mind, also has some good pieces about the moral sickness that 9/11 not only revealed in Islam, but in the enablers for their evil in our own society. The lessons that need to be drawn from the 10th anniversary wont get this mention on the BBC. They’re about the BBC. Here’s the Telegraph pieces I’m very glad to have read today:-
9/11: The dark day that brought out the worst in Britain
The West has strengthened brutal Islam
Conspriracy theory nutjobs.
How the US changed forever
The end of Islamic extremism is far from nigh
Very poignant that you managed to post this exactly at 13:46.
Glad you noticed the timing, I finished writing it just in time to ensure that even the post time was a small remembrance.
David, you ask about BBC reporters in New York today: “Quite WHY they go there surprises me “
The answer is not as one would expect simply to claim expenses. But rather it’s to build a reputation. How much value there is in a tear stained report! How much resume buildinggold dust is there in a pithy phrase! “Did you see Imogin at the 9/11 anniversary -how moving – how touching – promote her.
Cynical? You bet. I know these people.
The Met police, backed by British Coalition government allow Muslim mob to burn American flag outside American Embassy on 9/11.
No doubt, INBBC-Guardian-‘Liberty-UnCut, etc have no objection to this, but object to English Defence League which was opposing the insult to the West, America, Britain and the victims of the Islamic jihad of 9/11/2001.
“9/11 anniversary: Muslim protesters burn US flag outside embassy in London.
“A group of Muslim protesters set fire to an American flag outside the US embassy in London during a minute’s silence to mark the moment that the first hijacked airliner hit the World Trade Center 10 years ago. “
INBBC has censored this so far, on this, its most Islam-protective day of the year.
Would that INBBC investigated Muslim persecution of Christians:
“Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2011”
“A group of Muslim protesters “
there’s an orgy for pinhead scott right there!
A clear enemy action. And they’re allowed to get away with it. The message that gives. 10 years on. But still, let’s not get too excited, we know how consistent the authorities are, they’d equally defend the depiction of Mohamed as a pig outside a Mosque during Ramadan. .. Wouldn’t they?
Supplementary report, ‘Daily Mail’ :
“100 protesters burn American flag outside U.S. embassy in London during minute’s silence for 9/11”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2036172/9-11-memorial-events-London-protesters-burn-American-flag-outside-US-embassy.html#ixzz1XfLSebBT
Islamisation of Britain:
LONDON: “protesters” = MUSLIM MOB, protected by British police, allowed to burn American flag at Embassy;
CAIRO: “protesters” = MUSLIM MOB, protected by Egyptian police, allowed to burn Israel flag at Embassy.
excellent george
Five o’clock this evening, after the Radio 4 News, a trail for Americana, coming later, live from Ground Zero. Jonny Dymond speaks to three New York Muslims about their experiences over the last ten years.
Then, next up: “British Muslims – In the Shadow of 9/11, Navid Akhtar explores the British Muslim experience in the ten years since the 9/11 attack.”
Five minutes in and we had a young British Muslim claiming that it was all a conspiracy and that the Americans did it, this followed by talk of “a growing sense of alienation and victimhood.”
Thank goodness that the BBC are always there to remind us of the REAL victims of 9/11, the poor Muslims, when we spend FAR too much time concentrating on the 3,000 people who died on that day.
“The 9/11”
Freddo I didn’t see your post until after I had posted mine. I listened into that and was struck by how the bBC reinvented the muslims of Great Britian as…victims.
Anybody want to listen here it is
Listen to the first minute, where the reporter talks about how have British muslims fared. tell me what message is the opening and slamming of a heavy metal door meant to send. Why is the reproters voice made out to sound like he is speaking from a cell?
Then he asks Muslims how they remembed 9/11, listen to how people relate their day. I’m I the only one who feels that the muslims interviewed think its a big joke, a joke I should add at their expense. I mean hoe many other people laugh and joke about what happened that day. (This before the first 5 minutes)
And the f-ing bBC tries to tell me Muslims are the victims here.
Having read the Koran a little I just don`t see where they get this fusion of venom and victimhood from!
They were`nt born like that and Muhammad wasn`t running off to the Met for compensation or some state paid grievance workshop…but our vulnerable victims of Islamophobia seem to find the mosque doesn`t teach anything that JobCentre Extra Plus doesn`t do…so they spend more time with the duty solicitor than with the imam.
The Libyans People Bureau should have been recalled when this bunch of nasties showed up by the US Embassy!
Has the BBC run a television report on the latest Muslims Against Crusades ‘rantathon’ and flag burning at the US Embassy in London today? I’ve managed to track down a video report at a different source:
<!–[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser /> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]–>
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“John McCain lined up to tell us that the “Arab Spring” is a repudiation to Al Queda”
Of course he did and so would all politicians. Because this is the line the media are taking. Politicians are empty shells who will do and say anything they think the media want to hear. Politicians and the BBC both take money on pretence of representing the people and neither of them give two hoots for the public mood.
We need an “English Spring” to get us back to a democratic country.
So other than flashing the speed camera outside guildford on the A25 I did listen into radio 4 and their contribution to 9/11:British Muslims In the shadow of 9/11. Tonight I watched the news at 9 and again I bore witness to how the bBC feels and promotes the view that actually the real victims since 9/11 are……Muslims.
The real divide is between those who regard 9/11 as an act of war and those who persist in regarding it as a criminal act.
I would guess nearly all the liberal West is desperate to cling to the latter. An act of war is not a tragedy or a natural disaster it is carried out by men. It is just what it purports to be. An attack upon a people and a country . The reasons you leave to the future.
If one accepts it as war then the choice is clear and only arguments over tactics remain.
And those tactics should at all times be guided by the will to victory and nothing else other than a regard for own common humanity.
Press TV covered the MAC event. Wait till the end and discover how our brave boys in blue treat English people trying to lay a wreath at the Embassy.
Thanks for this James.
Is there anybody who can tell me why letting a load of hate-filled Muslims burn a US flag outside their embassy on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 is OK in Britain in 2011.
As opposed to white man and women wanting to lay a wreath at rthe same sight-who are deemed to be a threat to public order.
Pretty clear than Anjem Choudhury and Tariq Ramadan know that out thanatos culture lacks the will to defend even the basics of any rule of law…and their puppets will get ever more of a threat to us all while Boris, Ken, Ed or Dave think them the victims of wjat happened at the Twin Towers.
To be honest, the Muslims are kicking at an open door…but funnily enough, I`m not inclined to let them think that I`m as broken backed as the BBC/Met/Parliament.
Seeing as I’m a parochial, ignorant United Statesian, let me see if I understand this correctly. Right-on thinking people, followed by Asian men from a nearby estate, turn up to protest against and physically attack the EDL for simply existing, while nobody bats an eyelash when a Muslim group makes a public demonstration like this. Where’s the vaunted Islmophobia and inherent racism in Britain the BBC keeps telling me about?
This should be widely viewed in the US just so you can see what has become of this country.
Actually I got the link from the Blaze, Beck’s site.
If you want to know how the establishment is pushing people towards the BNP you just have to see how the police hand a massive propaganda victory to them in the video. I don’t know who those people were in the video but it does not matter symbolism is all that is needed.The BNP will expolit it of that I have no doubt. This does not help democracy
Years of unlimited immigration by the anti-democratic traitors who live in their ivory towers can only lead to one outcome and it will not be the multicultured heaven promised.
That is disgusting. Scotty – explain what is happening on this video and tell us why it is right that the evil, hate-filled, violent scum are treated as if they are above the law while decent, compassionate people are arrested for trying to show this compassion and solidarity to our friends who were the real victims.
What is wrong with our priorities if the evil terrorist-supporters and nazi-wannabes are allowed to act like this, whereas the EDL were banned from marching in a part of England? How come these satanic people are allowed on the street while Tommy Robinson is languishing as a political prisoner for protesting against terrorism?
Not that I’ve ever been an EDL supporter as I suspect some of their members are as racist as Beboids, but when I see this I do start wondering if they, maybe, aren’t as bad as I thought.
What is ‘PRESS TV’?
-The state broadcasting arm of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which broadcasts political propaganda and subverts inside the West, 24/7, e.g. on the SKY satellite, from its studios in Ealing, London
And why doesn’t the British government close down its Islamic political propaganda operations such as this, based at its Ealing London studios, from where the likes of Lauren Booth and and George Galloway propagandise for the Islamic Republic of Iran?
A basic requirement for democratic and free relations between states must be RECIPROCITY; as Iran does not allow such Western broadcasters to operate inside Iran, the reciprocity rule fails, and Iran’s ‘PRESS TV’ in London must be CLOSED DOWN IMMEDIATELY.
INBBC knows this, but doesn’t speak out; instead, INBBC appeases Iran, hoping to get back to Tehran on Iran’s censored terms, as long as this furthers the size of the BBC global broadcasting empire. Supporting western principles of liberty don’t appear to concern INBBC.
Oh goodie!
Mardell is doing Bible studies now.
He has interpreted Ps 46 (as read by his hero Obama) in a way that I`d not have imagined.
Still-it`s good to know that Mark knew what Obama wanted to say when he chose his dads book to read from…it `s all about nation building apparently (as opposed to the Republicans stuff about “knowing God”)
Psalm 46 is the Psalm quoted by Colour Sergeant Bourne in Zulu (1964). “Might have been written for a Solder” he says.
“I will be exalted among the heathen – That is, among the nations. The nations abroad that do not worship me, but worship idols, shall see in these deeds full proof that I am the true God, and that I am worthy of universal adoration.”
Sounds a bit like a “Crusader” call to me.
Yet if Perry or Bachmann had done the exact same thing, Mardell would be fretting about the dangers of Evengelicals pushing their religious beliefs.
talking about the leftie media trying to portray Muslims as victims of 9//11, dunno if anyone has seen this:
“The 2,977 victims and 19 hijackers who died on the ground and in those four planes were only the first of hundreds of thousands of victims of the war on terror that was to unfold as a direct consequence of the 9/11 attacks.”
You seldom see a better example of appeasing, leftie agenda pushing than that. Someone in the comments said he thought it must surely be poor grammar and the sentence should be reconstructed. Wry humour there.
The article is an editorial, with the author unnamed. I assume it’s Alan Rus-somethingorother.
And here’s another choice bit:
“If it would have been almost impossible for any US president, Democrat or Republican, to resist the urge to invade Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks,….”
“Resist the urge?” What an extraordinary way of describing a valid counter attack in this war. But of course, the writer doesn’t think it’s a war.
Be interesting to see what CIF Watch makes of this.
Sometimes I think that the flaccid left feel so settled into running the country that they deliberately send each other signals…as in “if you think that YOU can cause offence by what you said, then let me trump you!”.
The 7/7 inquests must have given Rusbridger his encouragement to equate the deaths of the Saudi hijackeer scum with the deaths of the innocents and those who tried to do a job of rescuing them.
Didn`t the 7/7 inquests want to see the terrorists as equal victims as thos they murdered too?
They really are pushing it dangerously far these days…and when I hear Kevin Connolly say that those who jumped “chose” to die in this way; it only shows how crass and devoid of humanity these bullshitters are.
We know they`re shit journalists-and maybe that stems from them not being worth the skin that they inhabit.
How would London Met police/ spineless Coalition goverment, Islam-supporting Labour, and most of MSM, led by INBBC-Guardian react if some English people tried to burn the flag of Islam outside the East London Mosque?
(A rhetorical question with an obvious answer.)
That’s their political ‘impartiality’. This is the frightening place which England has become. And it will get worse.
No-to be fair, Nicholas Witchell did talk over a few seconds of film showing the rabid nutjobs who were burning the US flag on the 10 O` Clock Show.
By his sad tone, it was clear that “this, however ,was not a time for loud voices”…and so Al Zawahiri will not be sleeping too well in his cave tonight…for these nutters got the BBC nuances slighly wrong for old Nick!
It would be in poor taste then to tell Nick that we are recalling a time when it was the sound of hideously loud aeroplane engines…and , for the BBC it`s this unseemly faux -pas that is a source of no little regret.
Let`s hope that Al Queda can read the BBCs pursed lips and defensive body language NEXT time we have to remind ourselves of this unpleasantness in another 10 years or so…and sooner please if that gets some emoting out for the Emmys!
INBBC: censors ugly Muslim disruption of remebrance for 9/11 victims in London.
INBBC is on a particularly strong political campaign around 9/11 to portray as Islamophilic a picture of Muslims as possible.
So, INBBC relegates the Muslim insults at the U.S. Embassy because if INBBC had given a detailed report it would have had to show:
1.)British state (Met police with British govt instructions) allowing Muslims to carry out their disruption of the one minute’s silence with megaphones and shouted insults at the friends and relatives of the bereaved;
2.) British state (Met police with British govt instructions) denying non-Muslim British people (inc EDL) to lay flowers, and instead using heavy force against these unthreatening people.
We can get confirmation of this only by going to the anti-West propaganda of ‘PRESS TV’ which uses all this material with its added political commnentary for global distribution, showing British people as having to be physically pinned down by its own police.
Where are the INBBC TV reports putting the viewpoint of non-Muslim British people on all this?
“9/11: Radical Islamists burn US flag in London protest”
Abdul Sallam, 41,
“I’m a Muslim. What they’re doing is bringing shame on all Muslims. This is not part of the teachings of Islam.
“I am proud to be British. I love my country. All these people are doing is breaking Britain apart.”
Now I would like to hear more like this moderate gentlemen instead of the endless parade of apologists and nut jobs that BBC have on speed dial ! !!
and it’s about time moderate muslims started doing their civic duty and turning these nutjobs in to the authorities
And it’s also about time the BBC started bringing in actual moderate Muslims like this guy, instead of bringing in the Islamists and dishonestly presenting them as moderate, and a respectable voice for Muslims in Britain.
A non-INBBC first-hand report:
“Grosvenor Square – 10 years on.”
For BBC-NUJ, which is bound by its NUJ policy to oppose the English Defence League:
“Poppy Burning Is The Least Of It: What Is That Black Flag They Were Waving?”
A telling picture from the NY Times. A picture paints a thousand words. The Times reports that unlike Obama, Bush got a cheer.
Good catch, Louis. NY Times link is here. (9:10am) Anyone who thinks that the BBC wouldn’t dare point that out would be correct. (9:08am)
It’s not the first time I have seen that weird nose-in-the-air pose from the Obama. Not half snooty looking, is he?
Yep yer right there Millie looks like he’s dreaming of playing through the 15 hole at marthas !
Yes, he’s got his mind on higher things, matthew!
Of course, INBBC leads in this censorship of ISLAMIC JIHAD and 9/11:
Official ceremonies commemorating 9/11 Islamic jihad attack scrupulously avoid mentioning Islamic jihad
Pictures? Here’s one from a way back: after the “beer summit”, remember? Black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr met white Cambridge, Mass., police Sgt. James Crowley, who had arrested him for disorderly conduct. Obama, who declared on national TV that the police had “acted stupidly” strides ahead while “rascist cop” helps the disabled professor down the stairs.
Heh. I forgot about this. Very telling. Hard to believe the President missed a great opportunity there.
“Lemmingland, ten years on”
– by Melanie Phillips.