Another reader contacted me with this instance of bias;
“I was interested to see the biased reporting of the local BBC stations in Scotland – BBC1 Scotlandnews, and BBC Radio Aberdeen. The BBC contacted my father to ask him to commenton the creation of a super-new town in Aberdeenshire, Chapleton of Elsick, whichwill have 9000+ houses, thus between 15,000 – 20,000 cars spilling onto the A90corridor at peak times. The BBC didn’t actually want to speak about thecreation of a new town. Instead they showed a picture of my father handing backhis honorary degree in disgust at Donald Trump getting a similar award from thesame university. As far as we know Donald Trump has no connection with the newtown, so why did the BBC choose to show that picture, and even more so, chosenot to let my father speak on the subject of a new town – the thing that they had invited him to do! Just to add to the bias they showed the proponent, LordSouthesk, developer and allowed him to speak at length in favour of his vision.Just goes to show that even at a local level the BBC is biased to the core.”
The clue is in that BBC bit.
They must think that, having seen Blair turn Britain into the Celtic wonderlands and the arse end that remains( called England still!), that they will be the true voice of the nations because their airwaves choke ua all…and their licence fee runs to paying for such postures as these.
The BBC thinks of itself now as the psychic version of the NHS…and funnily enough we pay prescription charges, tuition fees in order that the Celtic tabbycats can sit by the fire…or preferably just watch them live from Hackney etc.
Time to choke the BBC at its local sources and get these new channels up and running…to spike the digital/BBC tieup . Then they can relearn their trades-such as they used to be- back in hospital radio and community channels.
Balanced Scot: “chip on each shoulder”
The only question requiring an answer is why we still have 45 Scottish MPs voting on policy for England, and we have no English votes on policy in Scotland, but have a common tax base to pay for Scottish opt out of prescription charges, tuition fees, whatever.
The West Lothian Question remains unanswered. And we have a worthless junior PR assistant of a Prime Minister.