has anyone else picked up on the fact that every time there is a clip of muslims slaughtering muslims in Libya,the pre-requisite “allahoooooo ackbar” is to be heard just about every 2 seconds for the length of the “report”?
Yup. It won’t be long before the BBC start editing it out though, as it is a clearly citable example of the connection between the religion and the violence.
But I wonder how the black feminist plawright who defends Islam Bonnie Greer would explain it?
another year another camp moonbat? no not this year, the moonbats have cancelled it. from the moonbats climate camp website
“In 2011 the climate science is as strong as ever – and the need for action on climate change never greater – but the political landscape is radically different. As a movement, to be relevant, we need to move with the times. Therefore the Camp for Climate Action has decided to change.”
not heard nothing about it from dick black or roger, i may be wrong and they might have reported it, but the moonbats had no support from the public so its gone.
woohoooo, thats another battle against moonbatism won
“Now is a chance to team up with the anti-cuts and anti-austerity movements and play a crucial role in the revolutionary times ahead. Anything but co-ordinated action is doomed to fail.
See you on the streets.”
AGW has lost its ‘sparkle’ ,but onwards to pastures new!
Anyone know if that funny BBC programme procurement process is still in place? It seemed to favour film companies owned by senior beeb shitbags – Yentob and the rest.
I think Birt set the scheme up before he left to become a Labour grandee.
Just watching the BBC and they gave Caroline Lucas a relatively large amount of airtime, when they said about UKIP they showed a clip of Nigel Farage walking, that was it.
Local BBC did actually show a part of Nigel Farage’s speech last evening in which he stated that we were ‘discouraged from describing ourselves as English’ and ‘our leaders reel in horror at the flag of St. George’. This can be viewed, if you are in a state of disbelief, at BBC Devon. Spotlight at 11.10 minutes in. We in this household are still in shock.
BBC: “Israeli Embassy Riot”
Dang, it’s those rioting Israelis again.
Not an attack on the Israeli Embassy by violent Mohammedans. BBC headline writers squirming and twisting to avoid calling it what it is – an attack on the Israeli Embassy in Egypt. Instead, it’s a “riot” .
In bBC-think, “rioters = protestors”. May be the Israelis were asking for it, they had it coming.
And no mention that some of the border guards were Hamas terrorists and that some of the dead Egyptians were killed by Hamas after the incident. Putting the wounded out of their misery no doubt.
There can be no doubt that John Humphrys was expounding his own (& we know also the BBC’s) philosophy on Islamist terrorism in his interview with Tony Blair (8:30-9am R4). How can it be appropriate that I should be forced to fund an organisation with a settled partisan position on one of the most important world matters?
There really ought to be some kind of guidelines about when BBC interviewer can interrupt a person interviewed. It’s fundemental to professional journalistic practice.
I watch a lot of French TV – all state owned same as bBC: the journalist asks their question, and the interviewee is given a full opportunity to answer. Then comes the next question. The journalist is not an equal of the interviewee. It is not a student bar argument. It is impartial state funded television.
John Bolton rounded on a BBC “journalist” during the last Obama/McCain Presidential. During a McCain bBC interview:”That BBC man should be sacked, he is a disgrace. He’s not conducting an interview, he’s having an argument”
That’s the problem: bBC journalists think we are interested in their opinions, they are the equal of those interviewed, and that they have the freedom to foist their opinions on us. I don’t give a fig for Emily Maitlis, Gavin Esler, or any other Beeboids opinion on anything. Methinks Gove is the only one of Cameron’s flock of sheep who can hold his own, and that’s not saying much.
THis is one of the many things that differentiates how the BBC interviews people and how Fox News (and pretty much all the American mfm outlets) interview people. Al Beeb is for ever interrupting and or aggressively interviewing people WHILE the American mfm outlets will ask a question and then allow the person the time to answer that question without interruption.
Back in the 70s and 80s I remember two interviewers: Robin Day and particularly the great Brian Walden, who were popular for being very tough on politicians who complacently avoided questions*. So it’s partly politicians’ faults
As I see it, journalists like Humphries, Johnathen Dimbleby, and Paxman tried unsuccessfully to emulate this. Their interviews became clever-clever, quick-witted verbal battles.
This style of dealing with MPs spilled over into this interview with ex-Prime minister Tony Blair, who is these days clearly doing a lot of thinking (and possibly soul-searching) about the middle east.
Possibly John Humphries knows no other way of doing his job than to hector the person in the chair opposite. Good debate was slightly hampered by the stubbornness, and all the interruptions, I agree.
What is so striking is how clearly-defined Humphries’ version of history is. He thinks he knows exactly what caused what, and what would have been the best thing to do (which in fact nobody knows). Once again the ‘impartial’ BBC taking sides. And once again the boringly predictable political stance
*before that I couldn’t say, though there was a famous interview/bust-up between David Frost and Enoch Powell
INBBC describes Muslim mob in Cairo as ‘protesters’.
It seems INBBC is politically sympathetic to anti-Israel rioters in Egypt, as well as to the recent rioters in England: Beeboids use same misleading word to describe both sets of rioters.
In its propaganda on the England riots, Beeboids used the inaccurate word ‘protesters’ to describe the thieves, vandals and arsonists; so too that word, ‘protesters’, is now used by Beeboids to describes the violent thuggery of the Muslim mob, of anti-Israel rioters in Egypt.
“Egypt on alert after Israel embassy stormed in Cairo”
Well Bethany Bell has broken cover and let the cat out of the bag, right at the end of her comment:
“I spoke to one of them and she said, “We’ve been brought up to hate Israel but now we can express this openly. Since the fall of Hosni Mubarak, no Egyptian blood will go unavenged.”
Who brought them up to hate Israel?
Israel is an object of hate because:
1. Israel is unacceptable to arab nationalism, in that a small state could hold its own against overwhelming arab armies on more than one occasion
2, Israel is theologically unacceptable to Islam.
To further illustrate, I have seen examples of graffiti in Libya depicting Gaddafi in unflattering caricature. More than one has the star of david emblazoned on him…usually the forehead.
You missed 3. In half a century the Israelis have built a free, modern, prosperous democracy from virtually nothing, despite being in a state of constant conflict with many if not all of its neighbours, thus proving what is possible when a people are not under the jackboot of Islam.
Ignoring rules of discourse, BBC-NUJ’s HUMPHRYS breaks record on interrupting ex-PM BLAIR.
Disgraceful, Humphrys.
And it prevented me, as a listener and licencepayer, hearing what ex-PM Blair has to say, which promised to be interesting, but Humphrys’ continual emotrional, hostile interruptions every few seconds, blocked out what Blair was trying to say.
A personal apology from Humphgrys is the least BBC-NUJ could provide now; as well as lessons to Humphrys on how not to conduct an interview, even though he should know this by now, taking this disgraceful performance as a benchmark.
The words below, give no impression of Humphrys’ hostility to Blair; for the real thing, go to 27 min audio. Note Humphrys’ extremely hostile manner throughout; count the interruptions.
I’ve just listened to the interview via the link above and it is clear that not only was Humphrys hostile and interrupting but throughout it he was acting as an advocate for an entrenched position of his own rather than conductiong an impartial interview in a spirit of enquiry.
He had cast aside even the pretence of impartiality. I wonder where he got the idea that it was acceptable for him to do that while presenting a flagship news programme under the flag of the national broadcaster.
Just after the 8am news I heard Sarah Montague explain that Humphreys had left the buiding to go to Tony Blair for the interview. Now most other people – including the present PM have to go to the Today studio.
Perhaps BBC-NUJ thought that Humphrys’ hostile, emotional rant of an interrupting ‘interview’ would be more politically satisfying to BBC-NUJ’s Father of the Chapel, Paul Mason, if it were broadcast from ex-PM Blair’s own home.
As Will comments above, the BBC position on Islamism and terrorism (sorry “militancy”) was clearly laid out in the Blair-Humphrys debate: this wasn’t an “interview” in any meaningful understanding of that word.
Blair is, of course, the eternal conman but, in comparison with Humphrys, his opinions (and he admitted they were his opinions, contrary to Humphrys’ assertion of “facts”) seemed to me grounded in reality; particularly that the terrorists were and are motivated by their religion; that there is nothing we can do – particularly changing (a la Labour) the words in which we describe the terrorists’ actions or our reactions to such actions – which will ameliorate the terrorists’ determination to wipe out our way of life absent submission to sharia and the extension of the Umma to the whole of the UK rather than just those parts which, in practice, have already been absorbed.
There’s lots to criticise Blair for in respect of his policies on the “War on Terrorism” (and other things besides) cf the Matthew Parris article in today’s Times which comprehensively evicerates Blair from the right (or, rather, from an old-fashioned “liberal” position). Humphrys, of course, speaks for the the Guardianista Ministry of Truth where the established wisdom is that 9/11 is basically “our” fault: funnily enough, this is the same position adopted by the BBC concerning the August riots in London.
The working class (I stress the word working) are not insulated from the harshness of reality like upper middle class Leftists. They have to fight to keep themselves out of the underclass, and have social climbing aspirations for themselves and their children.
The upper middle Leftist on the other hand believe that the working and lower middle classes should know their place.
That is why they are so keen on political doctines which keep the lower classes poor. BBC types approve of the notion that the srefs should be fleeced (it is how middle class Leftists earn their living) and do as they are told.
Everything the working class admires is despised by upper middle class socialists. It is time they woke up to that fact and stopped voting for the Labour Party, who are, and always will be, their enemy.
Of course some members of the working class use “class envy” politics as their ladder for social advancement. But they are very careful to kick away ladders which give other working class children the chance to advance.
“The working class can kiss my arse
I’ve got the foreman’s job at last
The system i’ll no more resist
I’m going to be a capitalist
Now you can raise the standard high
Beneath it’s shade to fight and die
But brother, please don’t count on me
I’ve up and joined the Bourgeoisie!”
Dismayed but not surprised by the BBCs reporting of the Israeli Embassy being attacked by Egyptians.
I can`t imagine any other country somehow being seen to have its diplomatic credentials being up for bullying or hounding out of a host country.
I`d have thought all the BBCs “U.N/international rule of law” shibboleths that they trot out usually (over ,say, the killing of Bin Laden); would lead the BBC to denounce this attack on diplomatic protocols and all manner of civilised conventions between sovereign nations.
Funnily enough, in the matter of Israel: it doesn`t seem to count for much!
Maybe the BBC doesn`t expect the fuzzy-wuzzies to behave like the decadent west does…they`re a bit emotional still after we upset Nasser way back…and that is about the level of coverage we can expect from the BBC.
Our national broadcaster?…that we are forced to pay for?…and all we get is equivocation, cringing apologists for bullying a small democratic and sovereign nation?
Perhaps the BBC should remind its listeners/readers of the status of diplomatic property under the Vienna Convention. This is a matter of international law.
Article 22. The premises of a diplomatic mission, such as an embassy, are inviolate and must not be entered by the host country except by permission of the head of the mission. Furthermore, the host country must protect the mission from intrusion or damage. The host country must never search the premises, nor seize its documents or property. Article 30 extends this provision to the private residence of the diplomats.
So this mob driven hatefest, for such it is, is a very serious matter, indeed.
The ‘failure’ of the Egyptian authorities does not bode well for the future.
The BBC should realise that this mob was not protesting. The mob was venting its unbridled hatred.
Only the BBC could get me thinking that Tony Blair is more sensible and long-suffering that I thought.
The way to do this?…put a ranting ignoramus with Mark Steels book alongside him, highlight the ranting cliches so the poor old fool doesn`t need to do any actual thinking or reading for himself-and give him as much time as he needs to get a drink from Paul Mason and chums this lunchtime.
Humphrys is a disgrace-and to find him conveniently quoting Manningham Buller as it suits the BBC narrative-is appalling. For Humphrys to regard 9/11 to just another crime-albeit on a bigger scale-shows how morally bankrupt and despicable the whole BBC mindset is…3000 capitalist white types don`t begin to match one Bin Laden in effect.
I predict a riot…and the BBC will have to be held to account for their conniving at sliding this country into the Indian Ocean by way of atoning sacrifice for daring to thwart Al Queda.
ON a lighter note-can say that Morpurgos 9/11 story on Book of the Week didn not follow Shriver, O`Neill into Greer/Michael Moore Bunkerland.
Am grateful for a small mercy these days!
The following dated 16th May. ie months before the regrettable border incident in the Sinai.
CAIRO (AFP) 16th May — Egyptian protesters demanding the expulsion of Israel’s ambassador clashed with riot police outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo on Sunday, leaving at least 24 people wounded.
The police, who were backed by the army, fired dozens of tear gas canisters at the protesters, who ripped out paving stones to throw and burned tyres.
At least 24 people were injured in the clashes, according to the health ministry, quoted by the official MENA news agency.
The clashes continued sporadically overnight, with some protesters telling a police officer trying to negotiate with them to leave that they would stay until the ambassador was expelled.
The protest was one of a series timed to coincide with the establishment of the Israeli state 63 years ago, in what is commonly referred to in Arabic as the “Nakba” or “catastrophe”.
‘Anti-peace with Israel rioters’ is what the BBC should call them – if they were being honest with us.
Listening to Five Live this morning there were several repeated references to the ‘anger’ of these Egyptians. Now where have I heard that word before? Oh yeah, I remember, whenever a protest of which the BBC approves gets violently out of hand we hear the BBC news report trot out the weasel word ‘anger’.
Anger about the cuts
Angry students
Anger of Tottenham rioters over the Police shooting of …blah blah
etc etc…
BBC views channel and yet more Egyptian “protestors” “anger” at Israel shooting 5 border guards,and yet more “anger” at “Israel’s treatment of palestinians”
yawn yawn,and again yawn
utterly predictable anti semitic anti Israel drivel from Pravda day after day
Only half listening to Any Questions. Was it Ben Bradshaw who decreed that as a result of 9/11 more pressure should be put on Israel for the creation of a 2 state solution ie Israel and Palestine?
I know I should listen on i-Player for my answer but my blood pressure won’t allow it.
It wasn’t the Israelis who drove the planes into the towers. (I expect most of us here on this site know that but Dimbleby could have reminded Bradshaw, if indeed it was him).
Deborah, sorry to be perveyor of even worse el beeb bias on Israel, but just click onto follow up show, any answers…….
The first two el beeb ahem…”totally impartial”callers, 😉
These Ben Bradshaw fans waxing long.. from the beebo hymnsheet,(must ve just finished, wallpapering with the Guardian)
Apropos of the BBC’s attitude to criminals and criminality, Kurt Barling’s ever-so sensitive coverage of the Duggan funeral (in the quiet, deep tone reserved for tragedy) on BBC1 London news last night reached a new low. According to Barling, although nobody – not even the Duggan family has denied it – Duggan’s possession of his Saturday night special is only a police “claim”. Friends of the Duggan family and assorted race hustlers were interviewed and, guess what, according to them Duggan was on the verge of beatification before he was murdered by the police. The “community” grief recorded by the BBC (with, we were informed, the police staying a “respectful distance” away from the cortege) was as disgusting as the shameful scenes surrounding the funerals of the Kray twins. Maybe I’m being too sensitive: maybe I should not be be appalled by the sight of dead criminal scum being accorded the same respect as that given at Wootton Bassett to men who have died for their country.
I can understand – if not condone – the “community” in Totttenham turning out in largish numbers to bury one of their own (even if he was a criminal). However, in the context of the Duggan killing and the riots it spawned, the respect and deference accorded by the BBC to anyone it can find to give the police – and the law-abiding non-members of the “community” – a good kicking, is quite loathsome.
Buggy, it’s a gangsta ‘salute’ for one of their fallen ‘soldiers’. A lot of the mourners appeared to be confused as to which arm to raise, & how high, bad ‘limb discipline’?, most plumped for their gun/knife hand, so we had a lot of ‘Sieg Star Gang!’, ‘My pit bull cross can jump this high!’, salutes. But then again, ‘the air was thick with the smell of cannabis’, so the massed gangbangers can be forgiven their moment of indecision. They’re delusional at the best of times. God, almighty. How far have we fallen? The whole grisly event should have been totally ignored by everyone, apart from the police cameramen. It was beyond parody. In ‘The Wire’, a florist had a special gangsta section; you could order a floral tribute in the shape of an AK-47. Was there a beeboid wreath? In the shape of a mosque & minaret? In this mad house of a country it would have seemed ‘appropriate’.
Vessels may well be bumping into each other and running aground all over the British Isles. Sources say Israeli Submarines could well be expected to been seen everwhere and crowds of hysterical EDL,WDL and SDL supporters might be spotted laughing at washed up illegal immigrants on the beaches.
Moving on
In a week which has seen unprecedented BBC bias (The last few Open Threads as examples) can we trust anything the State Broadcaster says ?
Everything they get their hands on, usually plagiarized from Sky News, they rearrange to suit their agenda using a deceptive narrative. Equally annoying is their omission trick.
There is little hope of Patten asking the BBC to report the news instead of distorting it admiringly leftwards.
There is less hope of the BBC even listening to him.
As my daft Shipping Forecast demonstrates, it’s easy to distort and it’s even easier when it hasn’t even happened.
But for how much longer can the jolly tar’s trust the BBC with even the most simple of tasks, the S.F. ?
BBC-NUJ-Labour has to mention the UKIP conference, but only a 1 minute video clip is provided in its news online (wow!) of Farage’s speech, it is only the part where he criticises the Tories; in the full speech (of which there is 15 minutes here) Farage criticises Labour and Lib Dems too:
A charidee made up of some fanatics attacks UKIP for selling a 50 year old lion skin and the BBC covers this total non story. Meanwhile, Lucas of the Green partygets to explain that the electoral system is stacked against her and that society was to blame for the riots.
Here’s a thing that ‘boils my piss’ as is often said on this site : a feed to my facebook page from the Campaign for an English Parliament (CEP) links to a story on the BBC site about a Conservative MPs failed bid to allow English members only to vote on legislation that affects just England. As one of the commenters points out :
“The page this story was on- says it all really. The sub heading ‘search, find and watch the politics that affect you’ and listed down the side: house of commons, lords, Wales, Scotland, N Ireland, Cymru, Europe. No England. There’ll never be an England.”
Does England exist in the minds of the BBC? This is what really pisses me off. When the usual question of ‘what does it mean to be English’ comes around on St. George’s day, we get the consistently dreadful exploration on Newsnight. They wheel in Billy Bragg and some other lefty types to talk about racism and ‘ugly nationalism’. I deeply resent this knee-jerk linking of English identity and independence to all things negative and unpleasant. They don’t do it to the Scots or the Welsh, who are even allowed to have ‘Nationalist’ political parties without the hints to a subtext of racism that would be the first stop for the BBC were we to ever have an English Nationalist party.
9/11 morning, radio is on to R5 live, as usual a large contingent of el beebos have all flown to NY,
reports every few minutes, police, firemen, victim families…not one mention, NOT ONE, of the ideology which caused the tragedy, the islamic mass murderers
……i think the bbc can report, (terrorist was mentioned once),
yep!…the planes must have flew themselves?
As an adage, BUT WHEN.. talking about victims, persecution..
el beeb never miss an opportunity, to mention islam/muslims
even,(or should that be especially)..on the anniversary of 9/11
so the deluge of the sycophantic pandering wagon rolls on…
Sunday Morning Live El Beeb 1….. 10am
Susanna Reid is joined by Peter Hitchens, Mehdi Hasan and other guests. Are Muslims being demonised? Is the war on terror still necessary?
..(yes especially on this day lets not forget who the real victims are eh!)
expect “kaffirs/animals” Hasan, to bleat loudly over any relevant dialogue, or blow loudly & roll his eyes if he can t(how much longer is the erm flagship religion programme going to be circumvented?)
“Sunday Morning Live El Beeb 1….. 10am Susanna Reid is joined by Peter Hitchens, Mehdi Hasan and other guests. Are Muslims being demonised?”
Yes, saw most of this. Six guests, in two groups of three. In each group there was one overbearing, intolerant clown who didn’t really like anyone else voicing his or her opinion. Guess which side they were on. As usual, the BBC “chairperson” made no attempt to stop the constant interruptions.
What to make of one of the items on last nights Proms, the eve of 9/11, -from Wagners Gotterdamerung:Immolation scene. Part of the BBC’s 10 year commemoration?
Anyone know why have they, over the last few years, done away with Sir Henry Wood’s Sea Shanties? That was the piece that always got the party started and it has a direct connection with Henry Wood and was always good fun.
Did the BBC ban them because like all Left-Wing Puritans they don’t like to see ordinary people enjoying themselves? Is there some other political reason like them referring to Britain’s seafaring colonial past? Is it that they think they refer to the Royal Navy – a branch of the armed forces which they so detest?
I’m only speculating as to the possible reasons, above, but I’d bet there must be a political purpose why they’ve scrapped them: they don’t do anything these days that doesn’t have an underlying left-wing reason.
Lefties would certainly like to do away with the last night of the proms, if they could get away with it. Just too patriotic. All that flag waving. All those posh people celebrating nationhood rather than diversity. It’s repellent to them.
Long may it continue, especially if it pisses those buggers off! 🙂
All MPs who fiddled on their expenses should also be immediately sacked and debarred from seeking public office in their lifetime. Oy, Milliband! That means you!
Typical know-nothing politico. Neither Millipede nor Cleggeron have ever had a proper job other than speech-reading which is why they don’t understand how anything actually works.
In order to “strike anyone off” practicing a profession (is banking a profession?) there has to be a register of persons licensed “to bank”, in order to strike them off it. Regulated fitness to practice and annual renewal of membership of the Banking Register, a General Banking Council to hear complaints agains a member of the register, with rights of appeal, and so forth. It has never stopped rogue lawyers, and takes ten years to strike off a doctor, who has to be able to earn a living in the meantime. And bankers simply cross borders, its a global business.
Thats why nothing these clowns suggest doing ever happens, and never works if it does. Politicians are not fit for any purpose, especially one as important as running the country. FFS they couldn’t even fiddle their own expenses without getting caught out. Useless.
If the BBC had made United 93 they would have been about some Islamic nuns bravely (but tragically) fighting against a militant group of Jewish terrorists seeking to advance the cause of global capitalism by crashing planes into the Amazonian rainforest. The credits would end with a legal disclaimer that some of the facts in this film have been altered for artistic purposes.
No, in the BBC version the passengers would be made up of feminists, gays, lesbians, muslims, social workers, university professors, a Hari Kishna, a Rabi who supports Palestine and a bloke in a wheel chair.
The hijackers would be blond hair blue eyed Christian Fundalmentalists who were members of the EDL.
Oh dear, I have just written the plot outline to the next Spooks special.
“Arab artists are captivating audiences at this year’s Venice Biennale, as the Arab Spring lends added potency to works from the Middle East.
“The problem with exhibitions inspired by the representational politics of identity and geography is that they can never escape the tallying of numbers or the testing of balances. Regional spread aside, what do we make of a show with seven women to 15 men, with no artists under 30 in a region nearly half are under 25, with works from the past 10 years, some of which have been seen many times before at Art Dubai or the Sharjah Biennial or the Abraj Capital Art Prize’s annual award show?
And if the organizers can indeed be credited with the Venice Biennale’s first pan-Arab show ever, so what? Should the Lebanese, for example, be proud of having three or four artists in “The Future of a Promise” when plans to organize a national pavilion ended in contemptible, eye-rolling failure? Is the sectarian distribution among them accidental or intentional? Is this an exhibition about works or quotas?”
review by Kaelen Wilson-Goldie in the Lebanon Star.
In the comments this appeared:
“A very sound review of “The Future of a Promise” exhibition whose opening I had the opportunity to attend as well. Other curators I met there felt the same.”
Captivating eh?…given that the BBC employ at least two former hostages of their beloved Muslim chummies, I can see how that word might be associated with anything “Islamic” and “cultural”.
Get the idea that the bBC aren`t worth the trouble these days…they`re Allahs slaves already!
Listening to the Danny Baker Show yesterday, heard an interesting comment from Baker about how his Dad was once known as “Red Fred” and then commented fondly “..ah the BBC’s full of us”
We know that Danny, what we don’t understand is why.
What is this Beeboid obsession with putting comedians everywhere?
Along with the numerous panel games and programmes designed for them, we have them being planted into every other kind of programme as well. Even the Proms this year…don’t get me started on that one.
I was scanning the TV schedules this evening when I saw the programme called The World’s Most Dangerous Roads. So what would you expect from this? A documentary or a journey undertaken by an explorer, a geographer or surveyor perhaps?
Well what you get instead, according to the programme detail: comedians called Rhod Gilbert and Greg Davies attempting to drive through mountainous roads in Nepal.
Sky news beats the over-funded BBC to the Bedfordshire travellers camp slave story.
Are the BBC too big and unwieldy to get news out promptly? Or do their news editors have to get several green lights from super-Beeboids much further up the food chain before they dare put out such multiculturally sensitive stories?
Well Barry, I dont think al beeba was ever in that race, until the story appeared on another channel. Without the exposure on sky first, the beeb would have never run the item. Deception continues.
In pictures – Families of British victims of 9/11 attacks come together to reflect
You are taken to a page titled :
In pictures: UK services mark 9/11 anniversary
So why do they feel the need to include a picture of those hate filled Islamic bastards burning a flag and holding up their nasty signs, one of which reads : ‘Islam will dominate the world’.
What does this have to do with ‘Families of British victims‘ coming together?
This is just so unnecessary. I urge everyone to make a complaint.
You know, the one who wants an apology from Britain for his capture and rendition to Libya. (Yes, I know its a weird world).
Well some of us have been, Cassandra-like, very, very unsure about the fellow.
Just read the profile of this ‘rising star’ of the latest manifestation of the wondrous possibilities of the Arab Spring.
He’s left all that political islam behind him, hasn’t he?
Well what’s this then, now that this new democrats . want to get some grip on government.
“The decision to bring all the military councils under the authority of the NTC and Mustafa Abdel Jalil is quite significant and a turning point but it is already backfiring.
You have two kinds of leadership, the political leadership, which is represented by the chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil and the prime minister of the interim government Mahmoud Jibril. You have the military leadership represented by two extremely powerful guys, Hakim bel Haj, who is the military commander of Tripoli and Ismail al-Salaabi from Benghazi, both of them are considered Islamists.
The NTC is considered liberal.
The military council rejects the idea of joining the NTC and they are considering this move an attack to hijack their revolution and rain on their authority. They say they are the ones who have been fighting colonel Gaddafi for 6 months, and they are the ones who should represent the wish of the Libyan people.
Sources from the military council told Al Jazeera that they reject the move and they will now ask for Mahmoud Jibril to quit. This is quite significant, it shows that differences and divisions are beginning to emerge.”
Some sanctimonious c*nt (Radio twat Geoff LLoyd) on Sky News doing the paper preview who just can’t help continually refering to the commemorations today as ‘mawkish’ and that they made him feel ‘uncomfortable’. Steve Dixon having none of it by reminding him of the loss being felt by those taking part. He’s not letting this guy have the last word. Good for him. I doubt a BBC presenter would have repeatedly interrupted someone who simply couldn’t bring himself to say anything respectful about the remembrance ceremonies of the day. The other guest, former NOTW editor (David Wooding), giving some decent commentary.
It’s an interesting anomaly of Barack Obama’s presidency that this liberal Democrat, known before the 2008 election for his antiwar views, has been so comfortable running America’s secret wars.
Obama’s leadership style — and the continuity of his national security policies with those of his predecessor, George W. Bush — has left friends and foes scratching their heads. What has become of the “change we can believe in” style he showed as a candidate? The answer may be that he has disappeared into the secret world of the post-Sept. 11 presidency.
Obama has devoured intelligence from the day he took office: He stepped up the pace of Predator drone attacks over Pakistan starting in 2009. He approved the bold raid on Abbottabad that killed Osama bin Laden on May 2. Before major speeches, such as the famous Cairo address in April 2009, he has even sought advice from intelligence analysts.
There’s still enough praise of His finely-tuned brain in there to satisfy Mardell’s needs, but you can bet he won’t be talking about anything so unseemly that might make the President look bad.
Our leaders seem to be doing everything in their power to incubate and sustain a formidable enemy of the West that is growing in power and capability by the day.
Breakfast doing a story on some areas having 8 times the average number of uninsured drivers.
Guess whatn all these areas had in common and was not mentioned.
Yes, saw that piece and the “going live” camera angle was taken down the middle of a dual carraigeway so they didnt have to show the locals on the pavements. Well well! quelle surprise!
Ref the number of unisured drivers, remember the story not long back about those so called terror cameras in Birmingham. Well actually they were number plate recognition cameras and the areas they were set up in were……
BBC Breakfast did a piece on the huge numbers of uninsured drivers in Bradford this morning.
Did they mention which ‘community’ this crime is rife amongst?
I’ll let you guess . . . .
on BBC 1 sunday morning live yday, a sorry diatribe, on the deeply deceitful
concocted phenom…of islamo- faux -bia/ demonisation???(sorry.. have to raise a wry smile) of muslims..
they had the bbc viewers poll…in which a huge 72% agreed there was no such thing. tying in with non muslim panellists view, it was mentioned that
even treating it as if it was real, was flawed thinking, feeding into self induced victim mentality.
even with the usual orchestration, of the host, ahem! “selected”..callers etc
still an obvious,” can t fool all the people” moment.
it is a classic example, & begs the question…why are the bbc not supporting their erm.. vast majority of their own “viewership” being a public broadcaster an all?…….or maybe the el beeb anwer will be no more phone polls?…because that is the mentality
I think this is yet another classic example of how the BBC does Social Cohesion wrong. The more they scold you for demonizing Muslims – even when you don’t – the more resentful everyone gets about it. This resentment gets projected back onto Muslims who don’t ask for this pandering, and then it gets worse, and round and round we go.
I believe it’s due to an intellectual failure at the BBC.
well, there is resentment,(no NOT hatred/bigotry) of much to do with islam, here in the UK, for very fundamental reasons like,
aggressive association in the community/neighbouring communities
to do with schools, mosques, swimming baths, eateries/food in general
the same tendancy in respect to councils, parishes etc.
When concerns are voiced, about say so called “honour” violence, or the inherrent aggression to the jewish faith, or the general penchant for deliberate non-integration, or the orwellian & blatant manipulation of the “rights” or “offence” bandwagon, etc etc etc, then…everyone else is of course a “racist”
Anyway, due to the result of the poll, the next program,(if beeb follows its viewership) should be… what should muslims be doing to integrate better…..el beeb…
Last night I watched Channel 4’s Crusaders: Back from the Dead.
While it may not have been the most scholarly of treatments (it fell very much into the style of dramatic reconstruction over dwelling on the archeaology and science)…
and commercial breaks are a pain….but gosh….when I envisage what an anti-imperialist multicultrally senistive lash up the BBC would have made of it!!!!
You have to laugh as the Beeboids stumble around in blind incomprehension (cf Bowen in Libya) trying to understand why Christianity is thriving in China:
There isn’t a single mention of capitalism in this lengthy synopsis other than the opening salvo. Kind of weird, if that’s meant to be an important factor. Whoever put this together also forgot to mention that the Chinese view (which is pretty accurate, I think) is that Catholicism and Protestantism really started to spread in China as a consequence of the Opium Wars. I wonder if the full program will discuss that? Maybe the focus will be about the contemporary situation, rather than the whole historical account, so perhaps that’s not necessary. We’ll see.
I also wonder if, like the official Chinese version I’ve linked to, the BBC will discuss how the Cultural Revolution “had a disastrous effect on all aspects of the society in China, including religion.”
It’s probably the case that this once suppressed religion is growing not because of an increase in capitalism but because of a decrease in the stranglehold of communism, and the expanding freedoms of the individual that will be the inevitable result. But the BBC have their own way of seeing these things.
Rather than suggest that people are turning to Christianity for solace from an oppressive state, I expect the BBC will say that it’s rampant capitalism causing people to seek spiritual refuge.
Niall Fergusson mentioned this curious phenomenon in China in his program “Civiilization: is the west history”
Not surprisingly (he is considered right-wing. People call him neo-con, I think wrongly) Fergusson’s analysis is rather different from what youd get from the BBC. He traced this resurgence of Christianity all the way back to work by British missionaries in China in the 19th century, believe it or not.
He was also making the possible connection between Christianity and a strong work ethic. Quite a good program if you haven’t seen it
Henry, it was a very interesting series, with a very refreshing perspective. He seems able to take a very objective approach to subjects like empire and capitalism, without the obligatory and emotive guilt-trip mentality. In this age, that takes considerable courage, as he must be fully aware that the usual suspects will attempt to demolish his work in their customary manner. It’s no surprise that they have labelled him a ‘neo-con'(boo-hiss). I doubt that Niall Ferguson will be at all concerned though, he has the confidence of someone who really knows his subject.
Noting that a toff has been accused of straying with exotic maidens of the night, and the BBC may well be marshalling its forces to make the most of this, as he is the wrong kind of toff.
Hugh Grant on standby for insights for the prosecution/baying mob, no doubt.
Though he was rather nailed ‘in flagrante’ as I recall, while this ‘affaire’ currently seems all a bit ‘sources say’, which may not worry the watertight oversight brigade just this unique once, given the target and opportunity.
Of course, to err (esp. when young) is human, but forgoing forgiveness to jump on a grubby media bandwagon on purely tribal grounds is, well, in their DNA.
If true, our George really has to accept that is the way of things, and you reap what you sow, but if the national media doesn’t handle this in national interest as an objective broadcaster, if he goes down then they need to be consumed as well for any less than professionally conducted, non-double standarded aspect they try on.
It surely can’t be any worse than, say, the BBC’s economics editor jumping into bed with Ed Balls. Now that’s what I’d call a serious lapse of judgment.
I would have used the phrase that you ‘nailed it’ Roland but that would be unfair as there has already been enough written on bog walls about ‘gives ed’s, flounders !
Seems like the only person censoring the news is you George. Did you hope no one would notice?
As for your link to “Lawrence Auster” – trying to link this with the entire Muslim population and 9/11 – I just wonder to what depths are you prepared to sink?
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
has anyone else picked up on the fact that every time there is a clip of muslims slaughtering muslims in Libya,the pre-requisite “allahoooooo ackbar” is to be heard just about every 2 seconds for the length of the “report”?
it’s like a muslim cherrleading session
“allahoooooo ackbar”….
“Its A Trap ! “
noticed it as well, hopefully one day they’re not going to turn around and bite the hand thats fed them
Yup. It won’t be long before the BBC start editing it out though, as it is a clearly citable example of the connection between the religion and the violence.
But I wonder how the black feminist plawright who defends Islam Bonnie Greer would explain it?
another year another camp moonbat? no not this year, the moonbats have cancelled it. from the moonbats climate camp website
“In 2011 the climate science is as strong as ever – and the need for action on climate change never greater – but the political landscape is radically different. As a movement, to be relevant, we need to move with the times. Therefore the Camp for Climate Action has decided to change.”
not heard nothing about it from dick black or roger, i may be wrong and they might have reported it, but the moonbats had no support from the public so its gone.
woohoooo, thats another battle against moonbatism won
They’ve found something new.
“Now is a chance to team up with the anti-cuts and anti-austerity movements and play a crucial role in the revolutionary times ahead. Anything but co-ordinated action is doomed to fail.
See you on the streets.”
AGW has lost its ‘sparkle’ ,but onwards to pastures new!
Why, it’s almost as if the whole AGW movement has really been a front for neo-Marxists. Who could have imagined?
Anyone know if that funny BBC programme procurement process is still in place? It seemed to favour film companies owned by senior beeb shitbags – Yentob and the rest.
I think Birt set the scheme up before he left to become a Labour grandee.
Just watching the BBC and they gave Caroline Lucas a relatively large amount of airtime, when they said about UKIP they showed a clip of Nigel Farage walking, that was it.
Local BBC did actually show a part of Nigel Farage’s speech last evening in which he stated that we were ‘discouraged from describing ourselves as English’ and ‘our leaders reel in horror at the flag of St. George’. This can be viewed, if you are in a state of disbelief, at BBC Devon. Spotlight at 11.10 minutes in. We in this household are still in shock.
They don’t mind giving air time to Farage, as he might take votes from the evil Tories which in turn helps out their Labour darlings.
BBC News at Ten…the Beeb don’t like Cameron’s education shake up..shock, horror
I doubt Nick Robinson would’ve interrupted Ed Miliband the way he did with David Cameron…
Update on INBBC’s ‘Arab Spring’ in Egypt:
“Egyptians break into Israeli embassy, dump documents from windows, desecrate flag again as police stand aside“
..and note that they’re not anti-Semitic Islamists whipped up into a frenzy at Friday Prayers Incitement Hour, they’re, ‘activists’..
BBC: “Israeli Embassy Riot”
Dang, it’s those rioting Israelis again.
Not an attack on the Israeli Embassy by violent Mohammedans. BBC headline writers squirming and twisting to avoid calling it what it is – an attack on the Israeli Embassy in Egypt. Instead, it’s a “riot” .
In bBC-think, “rioters = protestors”. May be the Israelis were asking for it, they had it coming.
Yes – according to BBC News it’s all because the Israelis killed some Egyptian border guards.
No mention of the eight Israelis who were killed by terrorists prior to that.
And no mention that some of the border guards were Hamas terrorists and that some of the dead Egyptians were killed by Hamas after the incident. Putting the wounded out of their misery no doubt.
Link for that, CPOD?
There can be no doubt that John Humphrys was expounding his own (& we know also the BBC’s) philosophy on Islamist terrorism in his interview with Tony Blair (8:30-9am R4). How can it be appropriate that I should be forced to fund an organisation with a settled partisan position on one of the most important world matters?
Did Blair actually get to finish a sentence…?
Not sure, but he should be allowed to finish the 20year stretch for being a lying two faced git and cash thief that he so thoroughly deserves !
There really ought to be some kind of guidelines about when BBC interviewer can interrupt a person interviewed. It’s fundemental to professional journalistic practice.
I watch a lot of French TV – all state owned same as bBC: the journalist asks their question, and the interviewee is given a full opportunity to answer. Then comes the next question. The journalist is not an equal of the interviewee. It is not a student bar argument. It is impartial state funded television.
John Bolton rounded on a BBC “journalist” during the last Obama/McCain Presidential. During a McCain bBC interview:”That BBC man should be sacked, he is a disgrace. He’s not conducting an interview, he’s having an argument”
That’s the problem: bBC journalists think we are interested in their opinions, they are the equal of those interviewed, and that they have the freedom to foist their opinions on us. I don’t give a fig for Emily Maitlis, Gavin Esler, or any other Beeboids opinion on anything. Methinks Gove is the only one of Cameron’s flock of sheep who can hold his own, and that’s not saying much.
THis is one of the many things that differentiates how the BBC interviews people and how Fox News (and pretty much all the American mfm outlets) interview people. Al Beeb is for ever interrupting and or aggressively interviewing people WHILE the American mfm outlets will ask a question and then allow the person the time to answer that question without interruption.
Back in the 70s and 80s I remember two interviewers: Robin Day and particularly the great Brian Walden, who were popular for being very tough on politicians who complacently avoided questions*. So it’s partly politicians’ faults
As I see it, journalists like Humphries, Johnathen Dimbleby, and Paxman tried unsuccessfully to emulate this. Their interviews became clever-clever, quick-witted verbal battles.
This style of dealing with MPs spilled over into this interview with ex-Prime minister Tony Blair, who is these days clearly doing a lot of thinking (and possibly soul-searching) about the middle east.
Possibly John Humphries knows no other way of doing his job than to hector the person in the chair opposite. Good debate was slightly hampered by the stubbornness, and all the interruptions, I agree.
What is so striking is how clearly-defined Humphries’ version of history is. He thinks he knows exactly what caused what, and what would have been the best thing to do (which in fact nobody knows). Once again the ‘impartial’ BBC taking sides. And once again the boringly predictable political stance
*before that I couldn’t say, though there was a famous interview/bust-up between David Frost and Enoch Powell
INBBC describes Muslim mob in Cairo as ‘protesters’.
It seems INBBC is politically sympathetic to anti-Israel rioters in Egypt, as well as to the recent rioters in England: Beeboids use same misleading word to describe both sets of rioters.
In its propaganda on the England riots, Beeboids used the inaccurate word ‘protesters’ to describe the thieves, vandals and arsonists; so too that word, ‘protesters’, is now used by Beeboids to describes the violent thuggery of the Muslim mob, of anti-Israel rioters in Egypt.
“Egypt on alert after Israel embassy stormed in Cairo”
Well Bethany Bell has broken cover and let the cat out of the bag, right at the end of her comment:
“I spoke to one of them and she said, “We’ve been brought up to hate Israel but now we can express this openly. Since the fall of Hosni Mubarak, no Egyptian blood will go unavenged.”
Who brought them up to hate Israel?
Israel is an object of hate because:
1. Israel is unacceptable to arab nationalism, in that a small state could hold its own against overwhelming arab armies on more than one occasion
2, Israel is theologically unacceptable to Islam.
To further illustrate, I have seen examples of graffiti in Libya depicting Gaddafi in unflattering caricature. More than one has the star of david emblazoned on him…usually the forehead.
Trouble ahead.
You missed 3. In half a century the Israelis have built a free, modern, prosperous democracy from virtually nothing, despite being in a state of constant conflict with many if not all of its neighbours, thus proving what is possible when a people are not under the jackboot of Islam.
Ignoring rules of discourse, BBC-NUJ’s HUMPHRYS breaks record on interrupting ex-PM BLAIR.
Disgraceful, Humphrys.
And it prevented me, as a listener and licencepayer, hearing what ex-PM Blair has to say, which promised to be interesting, but Humphrys’ continual emotrional, hostile interruptions every few seconds, blocked out what Blair was trying to say.
A personal apology from Humphgrys is the least BBC-NUJ could provide now; as well as lessons to Humphrys on how not to conduct an interview, even though he should know this by now, taking this disgraceful performance as a benchmark.
The words below, give no impression of Humphrys’ hostility to Blair; for the real thing, go to 27 min audio. Note Humphrys’ extremely hostile manner throughout; count the interruptions.
“Blair slams ‘defeatism’ over terror”
Some liked it:
paulmasonnews Paul Mason
Blair getting shredded on the Today programme on rendition
Then again, his blog is revealing for the mindset…
Broadcast only: ‘We want your views, but will obliterate them at will if they don’t suit.’
What the BBC says vs. what it does.
I’ve just listened to the interview via the link above and it is clear that not only was Humphrys hostile and interrupting but throughout it he was acting as an advocate for an entrenched position of his own rather than conductiong an impartial interview in a spirit of enquiry.
He had cast aside even the pretence of impartiality. I wonder where he got the idea that it was acceptable for him to do that while presenting a flagship news programme under the flag of the national broadcaster.
Just after the 8am news I heard Sarah Montague explain that Humphreys had left the buiding to go to Tony Blair for the interview. Now most other people – including the present PM have to go to the Today studio.
Who is Tony Blair?
Why is he so important?
(Answers on a postage stamp)
Perhaps BBC-NUJ thought that Humphrys’ hostile, emotional rant of an interrupting ‘interview’ would be more politically satisfying to BBC-NUJ’s Father of the Chapel, Paul Mason, if it were broadcast from ex-PM Blair’s own home.
As Will comments above, the BBC position on Islamism and terrorism (sorry “militancy”) was clearly laid out in the Blair-Humphrys debate: this wasn’t an “interview” in any meaningful understanding of that word.
Blair is, of course, the eternal conman but, in comparison with Humphrys, his opinions (and he admitted they were his opinions, contrary to Humphrys’ assertion of “facts”) seemed to me grounded in reality; particularly that the terrorists were and are motivated by their religion; that there is nothing we can do – particularly changing (a la Labour) the words in which we describe the terrorists’ actions or our reactions to such actions – which will ameliorate the terrorists’ determination to wipe out our way of life absent submission to sharia and the extension of the Umma to the whole of the UK rather than just those parts which, in practice, have already been absorbed.
There’s lots to criticise Blair for in respect of his policies on the “War on Terrorism” (and other things besides) cf the Matthew Parris article in today’s Times which comprehensively evicerates Blair from the right (or, rather, from an old-fashioned “liberal” position). Humphrys, of course, speaks for the the Guardianista Ministry of Truth where the established wisdom is that 9/11 is basically “our” fault: funnily enough, this is the same position adopted by the BBC concerning the August riots in London.
Whose fault was Anders Brevik, I wonder?
And is this what underlies BBC-NUJ hatred of the English Defence League (EDL)?:
“A glimpse into the class hatred at the heart of the anti-EDL clique ”
(by Brendan O’Neill)
The working class (I stress the word working) are not insulated from the harshness of reality like upper middle class Leftists. They have to fight to keep themselves out of the underclass, and have social climbing aspirations for themselves and their children.
The upper middle Leftist on the other hand believe that the working and lower middle classes should know their place.
That is why they are so keen on political doctines which keep the lower classes poor. BBC types approve of the notion that the srefs should be fleeced (it is how middle class Leftists earn their living) and do as they are told.
Everything the working class admires is despised by upper middle class socialists. It is time they woke up to that fact and stopped voting for the Labour Party, who are, and always will be, their enemy.
Of course some members of the working class use “class envy” politics as their ladder for social advancement. But they are very careful to kick away ladders which give other working class children the chance to advance.
All together now!
“The working class can kiss my arse
I’ve got the foreman’s job at last
The system i’ll no more resist
I’m going to be a capitalist
Now you can raise the standard high
Beneath it’s shade to fight and die
But brother, please don’t count on me
I’ve up and joined the Bourgeoisie!”
Pictures, names, addresses of the two pieces of UAF scum in that video have been posted all over the internet.
I don’t think I’d like to be them right now!
Dismayed but not surprised by the BBCs reporting of the Israeli Embassy being attacked by Egyptians.
I can`t imagine any other country somehow being seen to have its diplomatic credentials being up for bullying or hounding out of a host country.
I`d have thought all the BBCs “U.N/international rule of law” shibboleths that they trot out usually (over ,say, the killing of Bin Laden); would lead the BBC to denounce this attack on diplomatic protocols and all manner of civilised conventions between sovereign nations.
Funnily enough, in the matter of Israel: it doesn`t seem to count for much!
Maybe the BBC doesn`t expect the fuzzy-wuzzies to behave like the decadent west does…they`re a bit emotional still after we upset Nasser way back…and that is about the level of coverage we can expect from the BBC.
Our national broadcaster?…that we are forced to pay for?…and all we get is equivocation, cringing apologists for bullying a small democratic and sovereign nation?
Perhaps the BBC should remind its listeners/readers of the status of diplomatic property under the Vienna Convention. This is a matter of international law.
Article 22. The premises of a diplomatic mission, such as an embassy, are inviolate and must not be entered by the host country except by permission of the head of the mission. Furthermore, the host country must protect the mission from intrusion or damage. The host country must never search the premises, nor seize its documents or property. Article 30 extends this provision to the private residence of the diplomats.
So this mob driven hatefest, for such it is, is a very serious matter, indeed.
The ‘failure’ of the Egyptian authorities does not bode well for the future.
The BBC should realise that this mob was not protesting. The mob was venting its unbridled hatred.
Only the BBC could get me thinking that Tony Blair is more sensible and long-suffering that I thought.
The way to do this?…put a ranting ignoramus with Mark Steels book alongside him, highlight the ranting cliches so the poor old fool doesn`t need to do any actual thinking or reading for himself-and give him as much time as he needs to get a drink from Paul Mason and chums this lunchtime.
Humphrys is a disgrace-and to find him conveniently quoting Manningham Buller as it suits the BBC narrative-is appalling. For Humphrys to regard 9/11 to just another crime-albeit on a bigger scale-shows how morally bankrupt and despicable the whole BBC mindset is…3000 capitalist white types don`t begin to match one Bin Laden in effect.
I predict a riot…and the BBC will have to be held to account for their conniving at sliding this country into the Indian Ocean by way of atoning sacrifice for daring to thwart Al Queda.
ON a lighter note-can say that Morpurgos 9/11 story on Book of the Week didn not follow Shriver, O`Neill into Greer/Michael Moore Bunkerland.
Am grateful for a small mercy these days!
The BBC helpfully tells us (relying on our short attention spans) that:
“There have been protests outside the embassy since the deaths on 18 August of five Egyptian policemen on the border with Israel.”
Absolutely misleading, to the point of deception.
The following dated 16th May. ie months before the regrettable border incident in the Sinai.
CAIRO (AFP) 16th May — Egyptian protesters demanding the expulsion of Israel’s ambassador clashed with riot police outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo on Sunday, leaving at least 24 people wounded.
The police, who were backed by the army, fired dozens of tear gas canisters at the protesters, who ripped out paving stones to throw and burned tyres.
At least 24 people were injured in the clashes, according to the health ministry, quoted by the official MENA news agency.
The clashes continued sporadically overnight, with some protesters telling a police officer trying to negotiate with them to leave that they would stay until the ambassador was expelled.
The protest was one of a series timed to coincide with the establishment of the Israeli state 63 years ago, in what is commonly referred to in Arabic as the “Nakba” or “catastrophe”.
There have been angry incidents and crowds of Israel haters laying seige to the embassy for months. Their message hasn’t changed.
To ascribe the incident on the Sinai border as the cause is plain WRONG.
The authorities in Egypt just failed big time in their duty. It is even suggested that for a while, the police stood aside last night.
‘Anti-peace with Israel rioters’ is what the BBC should call them – if they were being honest with us.
Listening to Five Live this morning there were several repeated references to the ‘anger’ of these Egyptians. Now where have I heard that word before? Oh yeah, I remember, whenever a protest of which the BBC approves gets violently out of hand we hear the BBC news report trot out the weasel word ‘anger’.
Anger about the cuts
Angry students
Anger of Tottenham rioters over the Police shooting of …blah blah
etc etc…
BBC views channel and yet more Egyptian “protestors” “anger” at Israel shooting 5 border guards,and yet more “anger” at “Israel’s treatment of palestinians”
yawn yawn,and again yawn
utterly predictable anti semitic anti Israel drivel from Pravda day after day
what a shower of tramps
Only half listening to Any Questions. Was it Ben Bradshaw who decreed that as a result of 9/11 more pressure should be put on Israel for the creation of a 2 state solution ie Israel and Palestine?
I know I should listen on i-Player for my answer but my blood pressure won’t allow it.
It wasn’t the Israelis who drove the planes into the towers. (I expect most of us here on this site know that but Dimbleby could have reminded Bradshaw, if indeed it was him).
Deborah, sorry to be perveyor of even worse el beeb bias on Israel, but just click onto follow up show, any answers…….
The first two el beeb ahem…”totally impartial”callers, 😉
These Ben Bradshaw fans waxing long.. from the beebo hymnsheet,(must ve just finished, wallpapering with the Guardian)
Apropos of the BBC’s attitude to criminals and criminality, Kurt Barling’s ever-so sensitive coverage of the Duggan funeral (in the quiet, deep tone reserved for tragedy) on BBC1 London news last night reached a new low. According to Barling, although nobody – not even the Duggan family has denied it – Duggan’s possession of his Saturday night special is only a police “claim”. Friends of the Duggan family and assorted race hustlers were interviewed and, guess what, according to them Duggan was on the verge of beatification before he was murdered by the police. The “community” grief recorded by the BBC (with, we were informed, the police staying a “respectful distance” away from the cortege) was as disgusting as the shameful scenes surrounding the funerals of the Kray twins. Maybe I’m being too sensitive: maybe I should not be be appalled by the sight of dead criminal scum being accorded the same respect as that given at Wootton Bassett to men who have died for their country.
I can understand – if not condone – the “community” in Totttenham turning out in largish numbers to bury one of their own (even if he was a criminal). However, in the context of the Duggan killing and the riots it spawned, the respect and deference accorded by the BBC to anyone it can find to give the police – and the law-abiding non-members of the “community” – a good kicking, is quite loathsome.
Does anybody have a clue as to what the odd semi-Nazi salute thing is that most of the mourners were showcasing ?
Buggy, it’s a gangsta ‘salute’ for one of their fallen ‘soldiers’. A lot of the mourners appeared to be confused as to which arm to raise, & how high, bad ‘limb discipline’?, most plumped for their gun/knife hand, so we had a lot of ‘Sieg Star Gang!’, ‘My pit bull cross can jump this high!’, salutes. But then again, ‘the air was thick with the smell of cannabis’, so the massed gangbangers can be forgiven their moment of indecision. They’re delusional at the best of times. God, almighty. How far have we fallen? The whole grisly event should have been totally ignored by everyone, apart from the police cameramen. It was beyond parody. In ‘The Wire’, a florist had a special gangsta section; you could order a floral tribute in the shape of an AK-47. Was there a beeboid wreath? In the shape of a mosque & minaret? In this mad house of a country it would have seemed ‘appropriate’.
The Shipping Forecast
Vessels may well be bumping into each other and running aground all over the British Isles. Sources say Israeli Submarines could well be expected to been seen everwhere and crowds of hysterical EDL,WDL and SDL supporters might be spotted laughing at washed up illegal immigrants on the beaches.
Moving on
In a week which has seen unprecedented BBC bias (The last few Open Threads as examples) can we trust anything the State Broadcaster says ?
Everything they get their hands on, usually plagiarized from Sky News, they rearrange to suit their agenda using a deceptive narrative. Equally annoying is their omission trick.
There is little hope of Patten asking the BBC to report the news instead of distorting it admiringly leftwards.
There is less hope of the BBC even listening to him.
As my daft Shipping Forecast demonstrates, it’s easy to distort and it’s even easier when it hasn’t even happened.
But for how much longer can the jolly tar’s trust the BBC with even the most simple of tasks, the S.F. ?
BBC-NUJ-Labour has to mention the UKIP conference, but only a 1 minute video clip is provided in its news online (wow!) of Farage’s speech, it is only the part where he criticises the Tories; in the full speech (of which there is 15 minutes here) Farage criticises Labour and Lib Dems too:
On UKIP:”Conference draws record numbers”
UKIP does get a mention, “UKIP Lion skin auction ‘stupid and insensitive’ ”
A charidee made up of some fanatics attacks UKIP for selling a 50 year old lion skin and the BBC covers this total non story. Meanwhile, Lucas of the Green partygets to explain that the electoral system is stacked against her and that society was to blame for the riots.
UKIP votes 2010 920,334
Green votes 2010 285,616
Who gets more BBC airtime, who appears more frequently _nasty farage or Nice Caroline?
To be fair, the Green fascists actually got an MP elected.
The beeb’s favorite cleric is shuffling off the stage. can’t come too soon.
Should that be favorite non-muslim cleric?
Wind farms.
More good sense in ‘Telegraph’ (normally absent among BBC-greenies) on wasteful wind farms:
“Wind farms: the monuments to lunacy that will be left to blot the landscape.
These pointless monstrosities will continue to proliferate until the Government sees sense. ”
(by Christopher Booker)
Here’s a thing that ‘boils my piss’ as is often said on this site : a feed to my facebook page from the Campaign for an English Parliament (CEP) links to a story on the BBC site about a Conservative MPs failed bid to allow English members only to vote on legislation that affects just England. As one of the commenters points out :
“The page this story was on- says it all really. The sub heading ‘search, find and watch the politics that affect you’ and listed down the side: house of commons, lords, Wales, Scotland, N Ireland, Cymru, Europe. No England. There’ll never be an England.”
Does England exist in the minds of the BBC? This is what really pisses me off. When the usual question of ‘what does it mean to be English’ comes around on St. George’s day, we get the consistently dreadful exploration on Newsnight. They wheel in Billy Bragg and some other lefty types to talk about racism and ‘ugly nationalism’. I deeply resent this knee-jerk linking of English identity and independence to all things negative and unpleasant. They don’t do it to the Scots or the Welsh, who are even allowed to have ‘Nationalist’ political parties without the hints to a subtext of racism that would be the first stop for the BBC were we to ever have an English Nationalist party.
Why is there this constant denial of the country named England?
Janet Daley hitting nails on heads like a pneumatic hammer:-
9/11 morning, radio is on to R5 live, as usual a large contingent of el beebos have all flown to NY,
reports every few minutes, police, firemen, victim families…not one mention,
NOT ONE, of the ideology which caused the tragedy, the islamic mass murderers
……i think the bbc can report, (terrorist was mentioned once),
yep!…the planes must have flew themselves?
As an adage, BUT WHEN.. talking about victims, persecution..
el beeb never miss an opportunity, to mention islam/muslims
even,(or should that be especially)..on the anniversary of 9/11
so the deluge of the sycophantic pandering wagon rolls on…
Sunday Morning Live El Beeb 1….. 10am
Susanna Reid is joined by Peter Hitchens, Mehdi Hasan and other guests. Are Muslims being demonised? Is the war on terror still necessary?
..(yes especially on this day lets not forget who the real victims are eh!)
expect “kaffirs/animals” Hasan, to bleat loudly over any relevant dialogue, or blow loudly & roll his eyes if he can t(how much longer is the erm flagship religion programme going to be circumvented?)
“Sunday Morning Live El Beeb 1….. 10am
Susanna Reid is joined by Peter Hitchens, Mehdi Hasan and other guests. Are Muslims being demonised?”
Yes, saw most of this. Six guests, in two groups of three. In each group there was one overbearing, intolerant clown who didn’t really like anyone else voicing his or her opinion.
Guess which side they were on.
As usual, the BBC “chairperson” made no attempt to stop the constant interruptions.
“After 9/11, Denial is Not a Strategy: An Interview with David Beamer”
What to make of one of the items on last nights Proms, the eve of 9/11, -from Wagners Gotterdamerung:Immolation scene. Part of the BBC’s 10 year commemoration?
Anyone know why have they, over the last few years, done away with Sir Henry Wood’s Sea Shanties? That was the piece that always got the party started and it has a direct connection with Henry Wood and was always good fun.
Did the BBC ban them because like all Left-Wing Puritans they don’t like to see ordinary people enjoying themselves? Is there some other political reason like them referring to Britain’s seafaring colonial past? Is it that they think they refer to the Royal Navy – a branch of the armed forces which they so detest?
I’m only speculating as to the possible reasons, above, but I’d bet there must be a political purpose why they’ve scrapped them: they don’t do anything these days that doesn’t have an underlying left-wing reason.
Lefties would certainly like to do away with the last night of the proms, if they could get away with it. Just too patriotic. All that flag waving. All those posh people celebrating nationhood rather than diversity. It’s repellent to them.
Long may it continue, especially if it pisses those buggers off! 🙂
‘Labour leader Ed Miliband has given his backing to suggestions that bankers should face being struck off if they are deemed unfit to do the job.’
Intersting precedent.
Now how, again, does one ‘strike off’ media employees and outlets who patently stuff up, and/or deliberately do wrong?
Noting that Ed is a wee bit uninterested also in other Westminster pond-dwellers, that are paid from public purses, being subject to such censure.
All MPs who fiddled on their expenses should also be immediately sacked and debarred from seeking public office in their lifetime. Oy, Milliband! That means you!
Typical know-nothing politico. Neither Millipede nor Cleggeron have ever had a proper job other than speech-reading which is why they don’t understand how anything actually works.
In order to “strike anyone off” practicing a profession (is banking a profession?) there has to be a register of persons licensed “to bank”, in order to strike them off it. Regulated fitness to practice and annual renewal of membership of the Banking Register, a General Banking Council to hear complaints agains a member of the register, with rights of appeal, and so forth. It has never stopped rogue lawyers, and takes ten years to strike off a doctor, who has to be able to earn a living in the meantime. And bankers simply cross borders, its a global business.
Thats why nothing these clowns suggest doing ever happens, and never works if it does. Politicians are not fit for any purpose, especially one as important as running the country. FFS they couldn’t even fiddle their own expenses without getting caught out. Useless.
Well done ITV for showing United 93 last night.
If the BBC had made United 93 they would have been about some Islamic nuns bravely (but tragically) fighting against a militant group of Jewish terrorists seeking to advance the cause of global capitalism by crashing planes into the Amazonian rainforest. The credits would end with a legal disclaimer that some of the facts in this film have been altered for artistic purposes.
No, in the BBC version the passengers would be made up of feminists, gays, lesbians, muslims, social workers, university professors, a Hari Kishna, a Rabi who supports Palestine and a bloke in a wheel chair.
The hijackers would be blond hair blue eyed Christian Fundalmentalists who were members of the EDL.
Oh dear, I have just written the plot outline to the next Spooks special.
Yep and both versions would have bloody Bill nighty!! in !
And it would be promoted as “thoughtful” and maybe even “provocative”, but certainly not “controversial”.
You pays your money and you takes your choice
BBC (Sylvia Strong)
“Arab artists are captivating audiences at this year’s Venice Biennale, as the Arab Spring lends added potency to works from the Middle East.
“The problem with exhibitions inspired by the representational politics of identity and geography is that they can never escape the tallying of numbers or the testing of balances. Regional spread aside, what do we make of a show with seven women to 15 men, with no artists under 30 in a region nearly half are under 25, with works from the past 10 years, some of which have been seen many times before at Art Dubai or the Sharjah Biennial or the Abraj Capital Art Prize’s annual award show?
And if the organizers can indeed be credited with the Venice Biennale’s first pan-Arab show ever, so what? Should the Lebanese, for example, be proud of having three or four artists in “The Future of a Promise” when plans to organize a national pavilion ended in contemptible, eye-rolling failure? Is the sectarian distribution among them accidental or intentional? Is this an exhibition about works or quotas?”
review by Kaelen Wilson-Goldie in the Lebanon Star.
In the comments this appeared:
“A very sound review of “The Future of a Promise” exhibition whose opening I had the opportunity to attend as well. Other curators I met there felt the same.”
But the BBC tells us it was ‘captivating’.
Captivating eh?…given that the BBC employ at least two former hostages of their beloved Muslim chummies, I can see how that word might be associated with anything “Islamic” and “cultural”.
Get the idea that the bBC aren`t worth the trouble these days…they`re Allahs slaves already!
Listening to the Danny Baker Show yesterday, heard an interesting comment from Baker about how his Dad was once known as “Red Fred” and then commented fondly “..ah the BBC’s full of us”
We know that Danny, what we don’t understand is why.
Listen for yourself 1 hour and 9 mins in.
Funny how BBC personalities never seem to make “jokes” like that from the other end of the political spectrum. The BBC is full of them.
What is this Beeboid obsession with putting comedians everywhere?
Along with the numerous panel games and programmes designed for them, we have them being planted into every other kind of programme as well. Even the Proms this year…don’t get me started on that one.
I was scanning the TV schedules this evening when I saw the programme called The World’s Most Dangerous Roads. So what would you expect from this? A documentary or a journey undertaken by an explorer, a geographer or surveyor perhaps?
Well what you get instead, according to the programme detail: comedians called Rhod Gilbert and Greg Davies attempting to drive through mountainous roads in Nepal.
Sky news beats the over-funded BBC to the Bedfordshire travellers camp slave story.
Are the BBC too big and unwieldy to get news out promptly? Or do their news editors have to get several green lights from super-Beeboids much further up the food chain before they dare put out such multiculturally sensitive stories?
They had to first make sure it wasn’t a violation of the travellers’ right to maintain their unique culture.
“Sky news beats the over-funded BBC to the Bedfordshire travellers camp slave story. “
One horse race.
Well Barry, I dont think al beeba was ever in that race, until the story appeared on another channel. Without the exposure on sky first, the beeb would have never run the item. Deception continues.
From a side link on a BBC News page titled :
In pictures – Families of British victims of 9/11 attacks come together to reflect
You are taken to a page titled :
In pictures: UK services mark 9/11 anniversary
So why do they feel the need to include a picture of those hate filled Islamic bastards burning a flag and holding up their nasty signs, one of which reads : ‘Islam will dominate the world’.
What does this have to do with ‘Families of British victims‘ coming together?
This is just so unnecessary. I urge everyone to make a complaint.
Do you remember this guy?
Profile: Libyan rebel commander Abdel Hakim Belhaj
The (quote BBC) ‘staunch anti-Gaddafi fighter’.
You know, the one who wants an apology from Britain for his capture and rendition to Libya. (Yes, I know its a weird world).
Well some of us have been, Cassandra-like, very, very unsure about the fellow.
Just read the profile of this ‘rising star’ of the latest manifestation of the wondrous possibilities of the Arab Spring.
He’s left all that political islam behind him, hasn’t he?
Well what’s this then, now that this new democrats . want to get some grip on government.
“The decision to bring all the military councils under the authority of the NTC and Mustafa Abdel Jalil is quite significant and a turning point but it is already backfiring.
You have two kinds of leadership, the political leadership, which is represented by the chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil and the prime minister of the interim government Mahmoud Jibril. You have the military leadership represented by two extremely powerful guys, Hakim bel Haj, who is the military commander of Tripoli and Ismail al-Salaabi from Benghazi, both of them are considered Islamists.
The NTC is considered liberal.
The military council rejects the idea of joining the NTC and they are considering this move an attack to hijack their revolution and rain on their authority. They say they are the ones who have been fighting colonel Gaddafi for 6 months, and they are the ones who should represent the wish of the Libyan people.
Sources from the military council told Al Jazeera that they reject the move and they will now ask for Mahmoud Jibril to quit. This is quite significant, it shows that differences and divisions are beginning to emerge.”
Oh dear!
Some sanctimonious c*nt (Radio twat Geoff LLoyd) on Sky News doing the paper preview who just can’t help continually refering to the commemorations today as ‘mawkish’ and that they made him feel ‘uncomfortable’. Steve Dixon having none of it by reminding him of the loss being felt by those taking part. He’s not letting this guy have the last word. Good for him. I doubt a BBC presenter would have repeatedly interrupted someone who simply couldn’t bring himself to say anything respectful about the remembrance ceremonies of the day. The other guest, former NOTW editor (David Wooding), giving some decent commentary.
A viewpoint and information you won’t be hearing from the BBC US President editor:
The covert commander in chief
It’s an interesting anomaly of Barack Obama’s presidency that this liberal Democrat, known before the 2008 election for his antiwar views, has been so comfortable running America’s secret wars.
Obama’s leadership style — and the continuity of his national security policies with those of his predecessor, George W. Bush — has left friends and foes scratching their heads. What has become of the “change we can believe in” style he showed as a candidate? The answer may be that he has disappeared into the secret world of the post-Sept. 11 presidency.
Obama has devoured intelligence from the day he took office: He stepped up the pace of Predator drone attacks over Pakistan starting in 2009. He approved the bold raid on Abbottabad that killed Osama bin Laden on May 2. Before major speeches, such as the famous Cairo address in April 2009, he has even sought advice from intelligence analysts.
There’s still enough praise of His finely-tuned brain in there to satisfy Mardell’s needs, but you can bet he won’t be talking about anything so unseemly that might make the President look bad.
BBC is not mentioned here, but…..
“By reacting to 9/11 with self-recrimination, the Western elites have strengthened the hand of brutal Islamism ”
Our leaders seem to be doing everything in their power to incubate and sustain a formidable enemy of the West that is growing in power and capability by the day.
Breakfast doing a story on some areas having 8 times the average number of uninsured drivers.
Guess whatn all these areas had in common and was not mentioned.
Beat me to it.
Yes, saw that piece and the “going live” camera angle was taken down the middle of a dual carraigeway so they didnt have to show the locals on the pavements. Well well! quelle surprise!
Ref the number of unisured drivers, remember the story not long back about those so called terror cameras in Birmingham. Well actually they were number plate recognition cameras and the areas they were set up in were……
BBC Breakfast did a piece on the huge numbers of uninsured drivers in Bradford this morning.
Did they mention which ‘community’ this crime is rife amongst?
I’ll let you guess . . . .
on BBC 1 sunday morning live yday, a sorry diatribe, on the deeply deceitful
concocted phenom…of islamo- faux -bia/ demonisation???(sorry.. have to raise a wry smile) of muslims..
they had the bbc viewers poll…in which a huge 72% agreed there was no such thing. tying in with non muslim panellists view, it was mentioned that
even treating it as if it was real, was flawed thinking, feeding into self induced victim mentality.
even with the usual orchestration, of the host, ahem! “selected”..callers etc
still an obvious,” can t fool all the people” moment.
it is a classic example, & begs the question…why are the bbc not supporting their erm.. vast majority of their own “viewership” being a public broadcaster an all?…….or maybe the el beeb anwer will be no more phone polls?…because that is the mentality
I think this is yet another classic example of how the BBC does Social Cohesion wrong. The more they scold you for demonizing Muslims – even when you don’t – the more resentful everyone gets about it. This resentment gets projected back onto Muslims who don’t ask for this pandering, and then it gets worse, and round and round we go.
I believe it’s due to an intellectual failure at the BBC.
well, there is resentment,(no NOT hatred/bigotry) of much to do with islam, here in the UK, for very fundamental reasons like,
aggressive association in the community/neighbouring communities
to do with schools, mosques, swimming baths, eateries/food in general
the same tendancy in respect to councils, parishes etc.
When concerns are voiced, about say so called “honour” violence, or the inherrent aggression to the jewish faith, or the general penchant for deliberate non-integration, or the orwellian & blatant manipulation of the “rights” or “offence” bandwagon, etc etc etc, then…everyone else is of course a “racist”
Anyway, due to the result of the poll, the next program,(if beeb follows its viewership) should be… what should muslims be doing to integrate better…..el beeb…
yep! i won t hold my breath
Last night I watched Channel 4’s Crusaders: Back from the Dead.
While it may not have been the most scholarly of treatments (it fell very much into the style of dramatic reconstruction over dwelling on the archeaology and science)…
and commercial breaks are a pain….but gosh….when I envisage what an anti-imperialist multicultrally senistive lash up the BBC would have made of it!!!!
You have to laugh as the Beeboids stumble around in blind incomprehension (cf Bowen in Libya) trying to understand why Christianity is thriving in China:
According to the BBC, it’s the fault of capitalism.
So what the BBC really wanted to say but couldn’t because it’s to PC, if your country becomes Christian it becomes successful.
There isn’t a single mention of capitalism in this lengthy synopsis other than the opening salvo. Kind of weird, if that’s meant to be an important factor. Whoever put this together also forgot to mention that the Chinese view (which is pretty accurate, I think) is that Catholicism and Protestantism really started to spread in China as a consequence of the Opium Wars. I wonder if the full program will discuss that? Maybe the focus will be about the contemporary situation, rather than the whole historical account, so perhaps that’s not necessary. We’ll see.
I also wonder if, like the official Chinese version I’ve linked to, the BBC will discuss how the Cultural Revolution “had a disastrous effect on all aspects of the society in China, including religion.”
It’s probably the case that this once suppressed religion is growing not because of an increase in capitalism but because of a decrease in the stranglehold of communism, and the expanding freedoms of the individual that will be the inevitable result. But the BBC have their own way of seeing these things.
Rather than suggest that people are turning to Christianity for solace from an oppressive state, I expect the BBC will say that it’s rampant capitalism causing people to seek spiritual refuge.
Niall Fergusson mentioned this curious phenomenon in China in his program “Civiilization: is the west history”
Not surprisingly (he is considered right-wing. People call him neo-con, I think wrongly) Fergusson’s analysis is rather different from what youd get from the BBC. He traced this resurgence of Christianity all the way back to work by British missionaries in China in the 19th century, believe it or not.
He was also making the possible connection between Christianity and a strong work ethic. Quite a good program if you haven’t seen it
Henry, it was a very interesting series, with a very refreshing perspective. He seems able to take a very objective approach to subjects like empire and capitalism, without the obligatory and emotive guilt-trip mentality. In this age, that takes considerable courage, as he must be fully aware that the usual suspects will attempt to demolish his work in their customary manner. It’s no surprise that they have labelled him a ‘neo-con'(boo-hiss). I doubt that Niall Ferguson will be at all concerned though, he has the confidence of someone who really knows his subject.
Noting that a toff has been accused of straying with exotic maidens of the night, and the BBC may well be marshalling its forces to make the most of this, as he is the wrong kind of toff.
Hugh Grant on standby for insights for the prosecution/baying mob, no doubt.
Though he was rather nailed ‘in flagrante’ as I recall, while this ‘affaire’ currently seems all a bit ‘sources say’, which may not worry the watertight oversight brigade just this unique once, given the target and opportunity.
Given the thread logotype, just this once, instead of ‘unique’, maybe… divine?
Of course, to err (esp. when young) is human, but forgoing forgiveness to jump on a grubby media bandwagon on purely tribal grounds is, well, in their DNA.
If true, our George really has to accept that is the way of things, and you reap what you sow, but if the national media doesn’t handle this in national interest as an objective broadcaster, if he goes down then they need to be consumed as well for any less than professionally conducted, non-double standarded aspect they try on.
It surely can’t be any worse than, say, the BBC’s economics editor jumping into bed with Ed Balls. Now that’s what I’d call a serious lapse of judgment.
I would have used the phrase that you ‘nailed it’ Roland but that would be unfair as there has already been enough written on bog walls about ‘gives ed’s, flounders !
Wild guess, but I suppose telling Capita to re-run last year’s licence fee payment as well is a non-starter?
Isn’t selling the same stuff twice a bit dodgy as a practice?
INBBC censors all bad news about Islam (and there’s plenty) – on every level, even this, set in Chatham, Kent.
3 alternative reports:
1. ‘Daily Mail’
“Husband held on suspicion of murder after house fire that killed his wife and baby”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2036338/Danai-Muhammadi-23-held-suspicion-murder-house-kills-wife-baby.html#ixzz1XkkU9cNq
2.) Lawrence Auster.
“Chatham fire: Woman arrested on suspicion of murder”
Strange you failed to mention:
“Chatham fire: ‘Estranged husband’ arrested in Coventry”
Published on the same day and at the same time as the story you highlight in the Daily Mail.
“Chatham fire: Third man arrested on suspicion of murder”
Instead you link to just the latest development as supposed evidence of BBC censorship:
“Chatham fire: Woman arrested on suspicion of murder”
Seems like the only person censoring the news is you George. Did you hope no one would notice?
As for your link to “Lawrence Auster” – trying to link this with the entire Muslim population and 9/11 – I just wonder to what depths are you prepared to sink?
Just deep enough to drown you out you shallow attention seeker.
Well done Reed. Keep up the good work!