Monday morning, a fresh week, and a brand new OPEN thread for you to detail what is annoying you about BBC coverage. If the bias is there, please expose it here!
anyone catch Dumblebum junior’s documentary series on S.America last night?
started in Chile,and obviously the Pinochet regime was going to get a caning-that’s a given
but according to Dumblebum,it was all down to America and Britain “supporting dictatorships” and as he plaintively begged them “do not support dictators” I waited for the twist of delicious irony to fall from his lips……and I wasn’t disappointed as he waxed lyrical about the booming Chilean economy making squillions of dollars exporting copper to…….
that great bastion of openness,demicracy and reasonable behaviour……
the People’s Republic of China
and it was said with a straight face,and not so much as a whisper of criticism
well done Dumblebum………beeboidery inserted seamlessly into a travel documentary
I remember Dimblebore Minor delivering a similarly impartial documentary series about the workers paradise that was East Germany. He effortlessly regurgitated all the ludicrous claims about how the German “Democratic” Republic was supposedly the world’s ninth biggest economy. I recall he had a bit of trouble squaring all that with the fact that an East German could wait years to buy a car – and ended up with only a Trabant at the end of it. I think he was on ITV back then, but you can see why the bbc coveted such a blazing talent.
Foreign jollies have become to the BBCC what the Additional Costs Allowance was to MPs.
Ie it looks bad if we give you pay rises so take it through your expenses: or for the droids take it through foreign jollies; five star and front of the plane, and see if you can’t think up some sort of programme / any sort of programme to hang around it.
BBCRBlackRichard BlackA sunny morning made even better by seeing “1,001 followers” now on my profile – big thanks to y’all.
Probably could have scored a lot more but for all the blocking those who only follow to see what selective ‘broadcast only” tripe spun next.
mediaguardianMedia GuardianBBC scores highest audience appreciation figures ‘Figures released on Monday by the BBC show that, ‘
I appreciate some don’t get out much to hear the real world’s opinion.
…and they mention The Royal Wedding as proof. Anyone who bothered to switch to Sky News will have seen far superior coverage and higher quality/less obtrusive commentary via Alastair Bruce.
The bones of children were “fresh and fleshed when burnt and buried” The fragmant of child’s skull contained 1.6 per cent collagen (only found in mammals) yet none of this was reported.
And here was me believing all those assurances by the BBC and defenders of the indefensible that this would never happen once they put a Muslim in charge of religious programming.
I doubt if the worm (Jeremy Hunt in this case) is turning but the Guardian’s predictable bleat here notes that the dominance of BBC news coverage in the UK is going to Ofcom. Not that I doubt the outcome of this “inquiry” for one moment but maybe it’s a sign that someone in the misnamed Conservative part of the coalition has doubts about the BBC’s “impartiality”.
Anyone else notice the odd bit of dialog crowbarred into Saturday’s Doctor Who?
‘Where did you find tea?’
I’m British’… ‘whether this place is alien, or hell, or Jahannam…’
‘oh, you’re Muslim?’
Can’t make it up…
What business the BBC has got has equating “Britishness” to Islam (or any religion for that matter) during Saturday evening sci-fi I’ll never know…Heck, that’s the BBC for you. Never miss an opportunity to push an agenda.
Here’s a thought on Dr Who: Maybe they should spend some of the budget on better story writers ‘cus they sure as hell aren’t spending it on the sets and special effects. I was just waiting for Tom Baker to pop out on Saturday. It’s become almost as cheesy as Blake’s 7.
I missed last saturday – but I can’t help noticing the change in the portrayal of the President of the United States on Dr. Who since Obama’s election…
Alfie Pacino, well spotted. This example from Dr Who is in the tradition of politically charged asides in mainstream drama. It seems a lesson has been drawn from 1940s Hollywood when the boss of the US communist Party, Earl Browder used to tell scriptwriters, “We are less interested in a film with communist party interest where a few hundred people will come and see it. We are more interested in ordinary John and Mary pictures in which there is only a drop of progressive thought.”Elia Kazan told how Communist writers down at Stanley Rose’s bookstore would brag about what “good things” they had slipped into their work which the studios overseers were “too stupid or too unpolitical to notice”. Sneaking a line or two of propaganda into a hit show like “Dr Who” is the modern equivalent.
Yes, I noticed this small ‘drop of progressive thought’ which they sneaked into Dr Who. Firstly, the phrase “Praise Him” (obviously sourced from Christianity) was used as the “warning signal” (once a character started saying that, you knew they had started to lose their sense of rationality, and that they would soon get eaten by the big nasty monster. Hence “Praise Him” = “bad”. Be wary of people who say that; they are no longer rational but have succumbed to the evil monster).
But then, just when it seemed like all was lost, and the Doctor didn’t know what to do, “Oooooh, you’re a Muslim!” His face lights up, as if suddenly a ray of hope has been introduced into the storyline.
As you say, it’s not much to get worked up about by itself, it’s just a very slight colouring within the story, but somehow you just know that the BBC wouldn’t have allowed the script to pass, had this slight colouring been done ‘the other way round’.
Good point, Gav. It’s all part of the insidious drip-drip technique of bending minds, especially the minds of the young, around to the beeboid orthodoxy – Muslims are just fine with us, & we really think you should think so too. Or else we’re going to bigotise you, big time.
Now if the Doctor is so smart, wouldn’t he know about the many centuries of Muslim cruelty, repression, their disgusting slave trade, their propensity for self-detonation? Wouldn’t he be operating a shoot-to-kill policy?
‘Oooooh, you’re a Muslim! Bang! Take that you moon jockey!’ Kids would love it. Keep them on their toes. They need to know what’s really out there.
You mean if the warning being flashed up on the screen was ‘Allahu Ackbar?’ The shit would have hit the fan BIG TIME if the producers had even thought of broadcasting that.
In the BBC version: a set of facts, police statement, community reaction: floral tributes to the burglar
In the second link, a set of facts, community reaction in support of the homeowner (*2), community reaction “I’m shocked that something like that happens around here”, police statement, background on similar incidents.
I have been told independently that floral tributes to the burglar have been put up outside the house and that the local community is up in arms over that as well as being supportive of the owner.
Plenty of reaction from the family of the deceased. They managed to find the same neighbour who said “I’m shocked”. Still no reference to other reactions in the community.
Oops, missed this bit in the BBC report. Apparently the other would-be burglar has been arrested for aggravated burglary. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t that mean that the Police suspect he was armed?
Mark Mardell keeps referring to Obama’s rhetorical skill, the silver-tongued orator.
George Will punctures that one neatly here – for all his teleprompters, everything Obama has asked for has been rejected by the US citizens. Notice how the leftie presenter immediately dodges answering George Will’s pungent analysis :
..even if he misses who in that trio is a no-option medium for any in the UK.
I also note that the BBC seens to have flown in it’s hot-swpot punch-up expert to calm the situation, whilst such as Peston & Mason are anywhere but the UK in various planes (Nic R MIA).
“‘The arrests are thought to be the most significant this year.’ But just remember: the real problem is ‘Islamophobia.’ Just keep repeating it, and eventually it will come true: the real problem is ‘Islamophobia.’ The real problem is ‘Islamophobia.'”
But this is another case of the publicly funded State Broadcster trying to spoil the oppostion by putting a popular show up against a competitors popular show. The Licence Fee payer always looses out when the BBC does this. Spooks has always been shown mid week so why the change to Sunday. Jealousy of ITV making a hit show? Anyway it back fired.
Personally I watched Spooks. Excellent, fast paced drama (once you suspend belief) and I much prefer that to the old period dramas. However, I am still glad that Spooks is ending and that the live Formula one coverage is moving to SKY. That will only leave TopGear as the only watchable thing on the BBC.
I hadn’t realised this was going to be the final end of Spooks, probably about time too. I think I can visualise the end where the fat, slimy and very nasty Conservative minister will get his come-uppance and the democrats of the Arab Spring will be looking at a fine, free future where all their citizens will finally have prosperity and equality.
Notice how the minister under the last government was quite a personable chap – one that Harry could do business with. Yes, he was found to have done something wrong in his past but he had done it for all the right reasons, or at least understandable reasons.
Ham-fisted propagandising was the mark through all the series, but if you were able to ignore it (sometimes very difficult) it was often quite watchable.
“Notice how the minister under the last government was quite a personable chap – one that Harry could do business with. Yes, he was found to have done something wrong in his past but he had done it for all the right reasons, or at least understandable reasons.”
I’m assuming you mean Nicholas Blake, played by Robert Glenister? He was initalliy forced to resign after being framed – with manufactured evidence attempting to show that he was doing dodgy deals with the Mafia.
However, later it was shown that he was actually very high up in a covert organisation that was attempting to manipulate terrorist events for their own ends, and being framed was a smokescreen so that he wouldn’t be suspected.
So he wasn’t exactly the wholesome, personable chap Demon1001 paints him. Indeed, he was such a traitor that Harry Pearce poisoned him.
His successor ruffled a few of Harry’s feathers when starting – as his predecessor had done. But generally he’s been presented as a good egg, particularly in this week’s episode – any differences have been because the needs of the politican sometimes clash with what MI5 can, maybe should, deliver. But that’s the sort of conflict that make good drama without being adversarial. He certainly hasn’t been presented as “sllmy and very nasty”.
INBBC: politically soft on the Islamic Republic of IRAN.
Both the politically spineless British government, and INBBC (in all its guises*) offer no resistance to Ahmadinejad’s hostile censorship and violence against Britsih interests:
-From ‘Wikipedia’:
“…many of Press TV’s foreign-based staff and freelance correspondents would be non-Iranians and that training for some of the staff had been provided by “a BBC employee.“ “Before returning to London, AFSHIN RATTANSI, a former journalist with BBC ‘TODAY’ programme, CNN International, Bloomberg and Al Jazeera Arabic, also anchored ‘PRESS TV’S HQ in Tehran.”
INBBC: embedded with Turkey’s Islamising Erdogan, deviously uses 3 Muslim ‘vox pops’ to try to revive Arab Winter.
“Turkey and the Arab world: Reflections from the region”
(What about some non-INBBC reflections from Britain? -Not British people paying for pro-Islamic INBBC ‘reporters’ to represent the interests of Muslims in Islamic countries.)
My sense is that the man is a bit like Hitler – vehemently anti-semitic, driven by a dominating ideology but very charismatic demagogue and appealing to his people, and – NEEDS STOPPING SOON.
But just as in the 1930s, the BBC turns a blind eye to the dangers. And given its dominance of the news arena, it lulls everyone to sleep.
“If only…we could sit down at a table with the Germans and run through all their complaints and claims with a pencil, this would greatly relieve all tension.”
Recent satellite images of Greenland make it clear that there are in fact still numerous glaciers and permanent ice cover where the new Times Atlas shows ice-free conditions
In addition to the factual errors in the ice coverage in the Times Atlas, it is well known that the newly discovered “warming island” actually is not newly discovered at all as it has been uncovered by retreating ice many times before. Most notably during the 1920s- 1930s.
In addition to the factual errors in the ice coverage in the Times Atlas, it is well known that the newly discovered “warming island” actually is not newly discovered at all as it has been uncovered by retreating ice many times before. Most notably during the 1920s- 1930s.
Black isn’t quite saying that. He’s doing this so he can prove that he’s impartial and not merely caught up in religious belief. Notice how he makes sure to point out more than once that even the scientists who called out the mistake believe that Warmism is real (although he doesn’t quite say it that way because he knows he can’t), and that they know they need to stop with the exaggerations and apocolyptic drama because it scares the horses.
What this article really means to tell you is that it’s just an error, Black is a champion of impartiality for reporting it, and Warmism is still very, very real.
As Britain comes increasingly, and continually more an Islamic country, so jihadist and sharia activity increases.
The following heavily Islamic areas of England can be associated with activities such as the ones mentioned in brackets) :-
1.) east London (imposition of Sharia law);
2.) Luton (hostility on the streets towards British troops);
3.)Birmingham (Muslim support for Jihad against non-Muslim British people).
Given that Birmingham, where the Muslim population is about 25%, is in the news again today with this story:
“Seven arrested in Birmingham in major terror raids.
“Six men and one woman have been arrested in Birmingham as part of a large counter-terrorism operation intended ‘to ensure public safety’, police said. ”
Don’t know if anyone else caught Dame Nikki in action this morning on the Radio 5 phone in? It was about another nasty home owner killing a piece of vermin who broke into his home. So we get the bleeding heart crap as usual and the totally irrelevant balls about ‘going too far’ even though as all the recent cases have shown the people who defended thier property acted perfectly reasonably.
Dame Nikki forgot to mention in some of the recent cases more than one person broke and were armed.
I just don’t get the BBC, when it comes to pikey’s, Muslim terrorists or nasty white people defending their homes, the BBC like to be ‘balanced’, yet when it comes to climate change or nasty Jews the BBC is happy to adopt a hard left wing approach.
The BBC 6PM news hits a new low (yes it is possible). Sheena Easton reporting for pikey central looked like he had an erection, I’ve not seen a beeboid looking so excited since Mark Mardell watched Barack Obama bending over.
Sheena’s report was totally one sided, his oh look they only built on a little bit of green belt and the endless sound bites from pikey scum whilst the council was restricted to one short bit on the high court ruling.
Again, the BBC ignores the views of the locals, just as they did back in the 80’s at Greenham Common when other fat smelly women took over the local community and made life hell for the locals.
Then we get Lansdale and toenails spouting yet more drivel from the Limp Dems conference, pretending that there are splits where none exist.
Let’s be honest the Labour party had a wider split in it for the 13 years it was in power than the coalition is split right now.
The split is just wishful thinking from toenails and co.
Again, the BBC ignores the views of the locals, just as they did back in the 80’s at Greenham Common when other fat smelly women took over the local community and made life hell for the locals.
LOL, that takes me back. The BBC are still running documentaries about the Greenham wimmin on Radio 4. A bunch of KGB useful idiots with dubious personal hygene.
The sad thing is – these people actually believe they ended the placement of nukes at the base – with their persistant campaign. Never mind the end of the cold war and the fall of the Berlin Wall, a bunch of crusty femo-peaceniks in tents did it all on their own. Deluded halfwits.
…and James – someone liked your comment regarding 9-11 and the showing of the film Flight 93 :
Remember when Mark Mardell was fretting over the appearances of Lyndon LaRouche supporters holding up ObamaNazi signs at Tea Party events? He made sure then to point out how a Democrat disavowed a candidate associated with them. He was shocked at a Democrat calling for the impeachment of the President, but made sure to tell you about the Tea Party angle.
Well, they were at the far-Left “Day of Rage” anti-Capitalism shindig the other day in San Francisco, with those same posters featuring the President with a Hitler moustache. And Mardell and Co. are utterly silent about it. In fact, they failed to report on the event at all – which had gatherings in New York and LA as well.
The BBC used to report on this kind of gathering on a regular basis: when Bush was in charge. Now they don’t like to because it distracts from their “The Anger Comes From the Right Only” Narrative, and also might make the President look bad by association, considering His message about bankers and wealthy people is exactly the same.
The BBC staff in the US are pathetic, and their newsgathering practices are disgraceful.
Have to feel sorry for The Guardian, being forced to hike its cover price by 20%. Presumably, the freezing of the TV Licence and the corresponding budget cuts the BBC is having to make, means that it can’t quite funnel as much of our money over to the Guardian via advertising revenues, as it would like to.
BBC job advertising with the Graunid is probably minimal these days, given the BBC cutbacks – I saw a copy of Media Guardian a few weeks ago and there were no BBC jobs advertised at all.
The newspaper would be dead in the water except for the part-ownership of AutoTrader. On its own revenues from ever-reducing advertising and piss-poor sales it would have been dead years ago.
Like Pelosi said about Obamacare – just get on and pass it, you can read it afterwards. At that time there was at least a Bill, 2000 odd pages and 2 days to consider them.
But this time there is still no Bill. As Mark Steyn said – if the “plan” is just a bunch of vague generalities in a campaigning speech, there is a slight Constitutional problem. Congress cannot enact a speech.
I notice the BBC website doesn’t mention that Margaret Moran is a former Labour MP until well down the article. Even the Guardian has it in the headline.
Well Martin,
Moron, the ex-MP, was crying alot on Sky News as she came out of the “guilty as found building”.
Can’t say the BBC covered it in the manner they might have had should she had been a Tory.
Strange isn’t it when a Labour crook is found wanting, so are the BBC ?
Notice too the use of the preferred ‘TORY’ rather than the correct and more journalistically appropriate ‘Conservative’. It just feeds into the old narrative of ‘Tory Sleaze’.
The BBC continually use the duck house and moat nonsense when it comes to MP expenses, yet I’ve lost count of the number of Labour MP’s who have been banged up in jail or are under investigation, yet the BBC just doesn’t bring it up. Funny that. NOT.
How many conservative MPs have even been arrested over the expenses scandal? NONE! One tory peer has. Yet the only examples the BBC mentions is duck-houses and moats, in spite of the fact that these expense claims, though ridiculous, were LEGAL. The BBC never actually use the examples of ILLEGAL and CRIMINAL expenses committed by labour MPS.
That gimp Joe McGinniss is on Piers Morgan’s show right now. He claims that he has no obsession with Sarah Palin at all, and that he only intended to write a new book about Alaska. Yeah, right. So why buy and move into the house right next door to her, badger anyone who has ever had any contact with her in a fishing expedition for salacious tittle-tattle, and write a book that contains nothing but gossip about her? I’m sure it’s a really interesting guide to the culture and natural wonders of the 49th state. I’ve no time for Palin, but I have to call bullshit here.
The interview on Today this morning between Nick Clegg and Justin Webb after the 8:00 news seemed to confirm the rule that the BBC usually attacks from the left. “Why have you allowed bankers to get such large bonuses?” “Aren’t you cutting the deficit too quickly?”
The only attack from the right that I noticed was when Clegg tried to say that no-one predicted at the start that the Euro deficit rules would be flouted and Justin pointed out that Eurosceptic Tories had said exactly that. I guess it was just too big a whopper to let past.
And I shudder to think what the interruption co-efficient was.
I had the misfortune to hear John Pinaar on Five having a laugh at the expense of the Lib Dems.
Every joke, every jib, every provocative comment and every criticism was from the LEFT.
The BBC attitude to the Libs in coalition exposes their Labour sympathies – just as clearly as their ‘evil Tories’ meme.
The background is of course that the good times rolled for the Beeb under NuLabour and then with Gordon doomed they hailed Nick and his Lib Dems to keep the Tories out. A Lib-Lab coalition would have been just fine as far the BBC was concerned.
But oh dear Clegg is now a traitor. There’s nothing that bugs the left more than a traitor!
Though crowds flinch and TRAITORS sneer, We’ll keep the red flag flyng here.
Another BBC Cokehead !!!! Well it doesn’t surprise me that the Dimblebore Jnr has trouble understanding which side of the line he should be on. Jonathan is a classic case of nepotism and has unfeasible belief in his talent for reading out questions. Jonathan has had a great run and a great pension no doubt its about time he was refeshed.
Typical Today programme – questioning on UK politics angled from the left…….. Justin Webb suggesting that a vote in favour of a Palestinian state would have a shock effect (ie on Israel, implying it is only Israel that prevents direct negotiations)………..I think 3 separate sessions on Murdoch……..and some clown using Thought for the Day to argue for higher taxes.
Don’t start me on that Thought For The Day, sponsored by the Labour Party.
Yes, let’s hand over our hard-earned cash to the government because they always spend it so wisely, don’t they. Stick that thought for the day in your pipe and smoke it (but not in a public place).
They really ticked all the Today boxes on this morning’s show. There was a segment about lefty climate change artists involved in something called Nowhere Island, a fawning Nicola Stanbridge interview with Ry Cooder about his lefty poltics, and a cosy chat between Justin Webb and Tom Friedman in which they both agreed that the American people need to be made aware that Big Government is a good thing along with some inevitable mockery of Tea Party types. All in all a classic edition.
Add your list to my list and there must have been at least 7 or 8 leftie-skewed items this morning – maybe more than usual. Just one long litany.
And it is an insult to the audience for the “flagship” radio 4 programme to waste time on that idiot with a rowboat full of rocks trying to make a new island. He was not only a climate loon, he claimed to support several other leftie causes. “News” ?
Plus the Ry Cooder item – yes he is an interesting musician, but why do we have to have his political views forced on us ? “News” ?
Recognising the Times Atlas ‘issue’ is a bit of a problem, he has gone on the offensive, if somehow equating the notion of dogma-driven inaccuracy in science only as a News Coporation trait, and somehow dragging ‘phone hacking’ too.
And did you hear “Um” Davies sniggering at the three weather forecasting outfits that he’s never heard of, which were predicting a colder than usual winter? Of course, the only “forecasting” outfit that the BBC have ever heard of, and on whose every eco-word they hang, is their precious leftie Met Office (notorious for getting it wrong).
The BBC have been going on Murdoch attack again. This time it’s smoking and page 3 girls. Yes page 3 is degrading to women apparently. Funny that half naked men in newspapers or in TV advertising isn’t degrading to men though. Although I suspect half naked men goes down rather well with the male population of the BBC.
But seriously, when the BBC and lefties are happy to explain to a 5 year old what a bum hole and a jar of man lube is for, they seem to think that a picture of a topless model is destroying childhood.
I remember as long ago as 10 years +, I was watching school programmes, and there was a boy of about 12 at a table with another boy and girl of similar age, and he said to them ” ‘Pete’, meet ‘Jill’ my girlfriend, Jill, meet Pete, my boyfriend.”
Gag. Anyone who promotes this sort of thing has to be a nonce.
BEEBOIDS’ odd, and politically censored view of BIRMINGHAM.
While Beeboids benignly report on Lib Dem waffle on extravagant ‘green’ wind, Beeboids relegate what is really happening in BIRMINGHAM:
“Birmingham terror arrests: home of man convicted of plot to behead British soldier raided.
“The home of a man convicted of being involved in a plot to behead a British soldier was raided as police arrested six men and a woman as part of a counter-terrorism operation”
It could be that the BIRMINGHAM area is becoming the central location for Islamic jihad activity among Muslims there, although there’s not much in it between Birmingham and London, West Yorkshire, Manchester area, Luton, etc.
But no doubt INBBC will continue to censor the Islamic jihad threat inside Britain, in its Islamophilic way.
So Liebore wasted 500 million pounds on regional control rooms and who does the BBC get in to comment on Radio 5? Margaret Hodge (Liebore) and a twat from the Fire Brigade Union (Liebore). The only blame goes to a civil servany, yet fatty Prescott was in charge at the time.
I see now that it’s because Hodge can explain how it’s not Labour’s fault at all. In fact, she says it was due to serial failures by the Department for Communities and Local Government. The BBC article, at least is rather balanced, although there’s a video clip of another Hodge appearance on the BBC singing the same song. Agenda? What agenda?
At least the Beeboid off screen had the decency to ask her which Labour minister was in charge at the time. Although she got to dismiss it by saying she couldn’t remember “which junior minister” (emphasis hers) it was, but allowed that it was someone in John Prescott’s department. Labour split!
Still, the ending line must surely have been written through gritted Beeboid teeth:
He added that ministers believed the most effective approach was to build on the experience of local fire and rescue services, rather than imposing solutions from central government.
Expenditure of that scale could not have been signed off at junior Minister level. The Treasury always disputes any major new expenditure – and the argument would have been taken to the Home Affairs Committee of the Cabinet, which meets every week and involves Ministers from virtually all Departments other than FCO. The Committee handles everything “domestic” – except economic affairs. It is usually chaired by the Home Secretary, and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury is usually a member because agenda items frequently involve new public expenditure. Attendance is usually by Secretaries of State because this is one of the main Committees of Cabinet.
If the Home Affairs Committee had been deadlocked on the issue it would have been referred to full Cabinet for decision.
I would guess that for this item the case will have been presented by a Minister of State in the Home Office – not a junior Minister. And for many weeks beforehand ALL the Ministers in the Home Office will probably have seen copies of papers and corresp[ondence (eg with the Treasury) in their red boxes.
Margaret Hodge has made a career out of being a weasel and always denying any responsibility.
So the Lib-Dems are also launching some scheme to recruit from “under-represented areas” of the public, i.e. blacks. Justin Webb’s cynical voice made me think for a moment that he was back in the US.
The first local ethnic – with an accent straight from central casting – actually spoke sense. He told Justin that he and other local non-whites would be more inclined to vote Lib-Dem if they stopped parachuting people in from Oxford or wha’evah and ran local boys instead. Which is quite astute, and something that ought to apply nation-and-country-wide, regardless of race.
Unable to process this strange concept of local integrity with candidates decided by locals and not by party leadership in London, ol’ Justin moved on. His and the BBC’s racial bigotry was on full display when he then asked a group of non-white young men if they would be more inclined to vote Lib-Dem if there was a candidate who was from an “ethnic minority”. As if anyone with non-white skin will vote for someone simply because they aren’t white, never mind which ethnic minority they might actually be. All minorities lumped into one happy brown mass in the elitist mind of Justin Webb. What a class act.
‘he then asked a group of non-white young men if they would be more inclined to vote Lib-Dem if there was a candidate who was from an “ethnic minority”‘
Which is another way of saying “Are you a racist?”, surely. I doubt that even occurred to him.
That’s national, a unique situation, and with massive media hype about how we must elect a black man, not local, not the same thing as a local candidate. I can tell you for a fact that a non-Hispanic will never be elected to the state legislature from my neighborhood, and once the ancient Charles Rangel retires, not even a black man will be elected to Congress from my district.
The thought of a white, middle class, middle-aged bloke strolling round Brum showing pictures of ‘ethinic minorities’ to the locals may have been taken a whole other way.
So nice to see the President stating how proud He is that the US played a “decisive” role, especially “early on”, in bombing the crap out of Libay and forcing an illegal regime change on a soverign nation, seeing as how he dithered….er….deliberated for weeks and had to have His arm twisted to join the fight.
Oh, and never mind how He broke the law and continued to use troops in war long after the deadline for getting Congressional approval expired.
Anyone think the BBC will call Him out on it? Don’t hold your breath.
Nice of the BBC to give Ed Balls free, uninterrupted air time to criticize Osborne’s economic policies and to decleare that Labour is right, the usual “the Tory cuts are too much, too soon” song he always sings. Huw Edwards on the News Channel was his enabler.
“The thrust of your argument, I’m sure the viewers will understand,” said Huw, after Balls had finished his prepared statement. And then he asked Balls for some “practical examples” of his policies. So nice of the BBC to ask leading questions which allow Balls to make policy statements. Unchallenged, uninterrupted. Once again the BBC News Channel becomes a party political platform for Labour.
The BBC’s love and admiration for Ed Balls is equalled by my loathing and distrust of the man. He seems to be all over their news coverage at the moment, his psycho-stare projecting right out of my TV screen. Much as I despise seeing him, I think he serves a useful purpose, as the more exposure he gets the more his reputation seems to dive amongst the general public. (those that pay attention)
Christ – he’s now on Sky News blinking out the same old mantras – perhaps that’s his tell – whenever you see him blinking – you know he’s lying. (i.e. all the time).
Friction about the roles of women in the Obama White House grew so intense during the first two years of the president’s tenure that he was forced to take steps to reassure senior women on his staff that he valued their presence and their input.
At a dinner in November 2009, several senior female aides complained directly to the president that men enjoyed greater access to him and often muscled them out of key policy discussions.
Peter Allen on Radio 5 just had a go at Vince Cable after we got another sound bite from Ed Testicles about borrowing yet more money to get growth going. Funny that Greece, Italy, Portugal, Ireland have all borrowed billions and have totally effed economies.
What gets me is how the BBC parrott Ed Testicles spoutings without ever asking the question that Vince Cable (and we here) did, who is going to lend us the money and at what interest rate. Peter Allen of course had no answer other than to parrot the normal BBC garbage about borrowing to grow. Grow what I don’t know. Carrots perhaps?
What I did find interesting was Allen attacked Cable from the left again, if I’d have been interviewing Cable I’d have said why don’t you get growth going by cutting company and personal taxes, you can pay for it by cutting more wasteful government spending.
Of course the above will NEVER EVER get asked by a beeboid, “does not compute…does not compute”
tomoFeb 23, 17:18 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Wiltshire has local elections in May just wondering if it’s only Labour places that are skipping democracy?
tomoFeb 23, 17:16 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Ever wonder (I have, often… – sad I know, but that dork ain’t worth £1million a year)
richard DFeb 23, 17:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The even bigger story will unfold tomorrow, in all the left-wing (i.e. mainstream) outfits, press, media, etc., where it will…
tomoFeb 23, 16:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025
ZephirFeb 23, 16:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “The BBC’s reporting conveniently ignores the core issue: the astronomical cost of net zero policies to the average British household.…
ZephirFeb 23, 16:50 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bbc bias (lies) in a nutshell, once again: “BBC exposes its own bias against Reform UK in coverage of major…
vladFeb 23, 16:38 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The big story in the German election is the unstoppable rise of the AfD. The BBC can’t bear that reality,…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 16:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Comment “The sheer insanity, we can’t even give weather payments to our Elderly and have bankrupt councils and they want…
atlas_shruggedFeb 23, 16:25 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Stew I need to help you with your thinking. You are completely right. The politicians know that they are special…
INBBC ‘report’:
“‘My cousin wanted me for a passport'”
BBC-NUJ doesn’t mention any Muslims being involved, so therefore…
anyone catch Dumblebum junior’s documentary series on S.America last night?
started in Chile,and obviously the Pinochet regime was going to get a caning-that’s a given
but according to Dumblebum,it was all down to America and Britain “supporting dictatorships” and as he plaintively begged them “do not support dictators” I waited for the twist of delicious irony to fall from his lips……and I wasn’t disappointed as he waxed lyrical about the booming Chilean economy making squillions of dollars exporting copper to…….
that great bastion of openness,demicracy and reasonable behaviour……
the People’s Republic of China
and it was said with a straight face,and not so much as a whisper of criticism
well done Dumblebum………beeboidery inserted seamlessly into a travel documentary
ya gotta love them,no?
I remember Dimblebore Minor delivering a similarly impartial documentary series about the workers paradise that was East Germany. He effortlessly regurgitated all the ludicrous claims about how the German “Democratic” Republic was supposedly the world’s ninth biggest economy. I recall he had a bit of trouble squaring all that with the fact that an East German could wait years to buy a car – and ended up with only a Trabant at the end of it. I think he was on ITV back then, but you can see why the bbc coveted such a blazing talent.
‘demicracy’ – your typo may well have coined a good phrase to describe country’s like Russia:- ‘demi-ocracy’.
Foreign jollies have become to the BBCC what the Additional Costs Allowance was to MPs.
Ie it looks bad if we give you pay rises so take it through your expenses: or for the droids take it through foreign jollies; five star and front of the plane, and see if you can’t think up some sort of programme / any sort of programme to hang around it.
but according to Dumblebum,it was all down to America and Britain “supporting dictatorships
But didn’t the BBC support General Galtieri during the Falklands conflict. And the BBC is a big fab of Uncle Fidel too.
Thing about morals is, Chris, they can swing a variety of ways…
‘Force’ is apt, mind. As we have no choice but to comply.
‘This seems to have bred in him a deep love of the institution of the BBC,’
Where’s Mrs. Merton when you need her?
‘Which part of the vastly overpaid, and golden-pensioned BBC first convinced you that it was an object of desire?’
Oddly a question that did not spring to the mind of the Graun ‘reporter’.
The BBC exagerates the results of its own poll:
BBC poll shows support for Palestinian state
The title of the actual poll:
Public Narrowly Backs UN Recognition of Palestine: Global Poll
Wishful thinking?
BBCRBlack Richard Black A sunny morning made even better by seeing “1,001 followers” now on my profile – big thanks to y’all.
Probably could have scored a lot more but for all the blocking those who only follow to see what selective ‘broadcast only” tripe spun next.
Wondering if it is legal for a public media employee to block folk on their twitter feed if clearly in the name of and funded by the public?
The BBC being so keen on no discrimiation ‘n all.
mediaguardian Media Guardian BBC scores highest audience appreciation figures
‘Figures released on Monday by the BBC show that, ‘
I appreciate some don’t get out much to hear the real world’s opinion.
…and they mention The Royal Wedding as proof. Anyone who bothered to switch to Sky News will have seen far superior coverage and higher quality/less obtrusive commentary via Alastair Bruce.
The bones of children were “fresh and fleshed when burnt and buried” The fragmant of child’s skull contained 1.6 per cent collagen (only found in mammals) yet none of this was reported.
Carrie Modral and Ian Evans from Jersey speak at the UK Rally Against Child Abuse 2010
BBC, always supporting our indigenous culture :
Thin end of a wedge – just like “comparative religion” in primary schools.
And here was me believing all those assurances by the BBC and defenders of the indefensible that this would never happen once they put a Muslim in charge of religious programming.
Yes – The BBC – Thin end of the Red Wedge.
“Dhimmi Ditties” … I can see it now
‘It was an excruciating few minutes while the London moderators tried to keep the audience of about 100 in the small LSE auditorium busy’
No more than when we get the ‘analysis’ of at least 3 of them.
Did the BBC forget to report this? I’d have thought Richard Black would be the first to make a fuss about this important cause.
100 in the auditorium?
I assume that was 20 from the LSE Green Society, 78 from the BBC and 2 people who were looking for the toilet but went in the wrong door.
I doubt if the worm (Jeremy Hunt in this case) is turning but the Guardian’s predictable bleat here notes that the dominance of BBC news coverage in the UK is going to Ofcom. Not that I doubt the outcome of this “inquiry” for one moment but maybe it’s a sign that someone in the misnamed Conservative part of the coalition has doubts about the BBC’s “impartiality”.
Anyone else notice the odd bit of dialog crowbarred into Saturday’s Doctor Who?
‘Where did you find tea?’
I’m British’… ‘whether this place is alien, or hell, or Jahannam…’
‘oh, you’re Muslim?’
Can’t make it up…
What business the BBC has got has equating “Britishness” to Islam (or any religion for that matter) during Saturday evening sci-fi I’ll never know…Heck, that’s the BBC for you. Never miss an opportunity to push an agenda.
Here’s a thought on Dr Who: Maybe they should spend some of the budget on better story writers ‘cus they sure as hell aren’t spending it on the sets and special effects. I was just waiting for Tom Baker to pop out on Saturday. It’s become almost as cheesy as Blake’s 7.
Hey, the cheesiness was part of B7’s charm.
I missed last saturday – but I can’t help noticing the change in the portrayal of the President of the United States on Dr. Who since Obama’s election…
And the reply to the “oh, you’re Muslim?” was:
“Yes. Don’t be frightened”
That’s us told then. Not much of a muslim to be honest as she didn’t have her head covered.
Alfie Pacino, well spotted. This example from Dr Who is in the tradition of politically charged asides in mainstream drama. It seems a lesson has been drawn from 1940s Hollywood when the boss of the US communist Party, Earl Browder used to tell scriptwriters, “We are less interested in a film with communist party interest where a few hundred people will come and see it. We are more interested in ordinary John and Mary pictures in which there is only a drop of progressive thought.” Elia Kazan told how Communist writers down at Stanley Rose’s bookstore would brag about what “good things” they had slipped into their work which the studios overseers were “too stupid or too unpolitical to notice”. Sneaking a line or two of propaganda into a hit show like “Dr Who” is the modern equivalent.
Yes, I noticed this small ‘drop of progressive thought’ which they sneaked into Dr Who. Firstly, the phrase “Praise Him” (obviously sourced from Christianity) was used as the “warning signal” (once a character started saying that, you knew they had started to lose their sense of rationality, and that they would soon get eaten by the big nasty monster. Hence “Praise Him” = “bad”. Be wary of people who say that; they are no longer rational but have succumbed to the evil monster).
But then, just when it seemed like all was lost, and the Doctor didn’t know what to do, “Oooooh, you’re a Muslim!” His face lights up, as if suddenly a ray of hope has been introduced into the storyline.
As you say, it’s not much to get worked up about by itself, it’s just a very slight colouring within the story, but somehow you just know that the BBC wouldn’t have allowed the script to pass, had this slight colouring been done ‘the other way round’.
I HATE Dr. Who – always have. It’s crap. There…I’ve said it. I’m officially ‘out’. 🙂
Good point, Gav. It’s all part of the insidious drip-drip technique of bending minds, especially the minds of the young, around to the beeboid orthodoxy – Muslims are just fine with us, & we really think you should think so too. Or else we’re going to bigotise you, big time.
Now if the Doctor is so smart, wouldn’t he know about the many centuries of Muslim cruelty, repression, their disgusting slave trade, their propensity for self-detonation? Wouldn’t he be operating a shoot-to-kill policy?
‘Oooooh, you’re a Muslim! Bang! Take that you moon jockey!’ Kids would love it. Keep them on their toes. They need to know what’s really out there.
You mean if the warning being flashed up on the screen was ‘Allahu Ackbar?’ The shit would have hit the fan BIG TIME if the producers had even thought of broadcasting that.
Compare and contrast:
In the BBC version: a set of facts, police statement, community reaction: floral tributes to the burglar
In the second link, a set of facts, community reaction in support of the homeowner (*2), community reaction “I’m shocked that something like that happens around here”, police statement, background on similar incidents.
I have been told independently that floral tributes to the burglar have been put up outside the house and that the local community is up in arms over that as well as being supportive of the owner.
Well, the BBC have managed to do an update at:
Plenty of reaction from the family of the deceased. They managed to find the same neighbour who said “I’m shocked”. Still no reference to other reactions in the community.
Oops, missed this bit in the BBC report. Apparently the other would-be burglar has been arrested for aggravated burglary. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t that mean that the Police suspect he was armed?
Mark Mardell keeps referring to Obama’s rhetorical skill, the silver-tongued orator.
George Will punctures that one neatly here – for all his teleprompters, everything Obama has asked for has been rejected by the US citizens. Notice how the leftie presenter immediately dodges answering George Will’s pungent analysis :
This is interesting…
..even if he misses who in that trio is a no-option medium for any in the UK.
I also note that the BBC seens to have flown in it’s hot-swpot punch-up expert to calm the situation, whilst such as Peston & Mason are anywhere but the UK in various planes (Nic R MIA).
UK: Seven misunderstanders of Islam arrested in anti-terror operation
‘Jihadwatch’ comment on INBBC ‘report’:-
“‘The arrests are thought to be the most significant this year.’ But just remember: the real problem is ‘Islamophobia.’ Just keep repeating it, and eventually it will come true: the real problem is ‘Islamophobia.’ The real problem is ‘Islamophobia.'”
INBBC spends more British people’s money to do poll of Islamic states (and others) to ask them if they, in effect, support Hamas-Gaza, as does INBBC.
Amazing result:
All part of INBBC’s expanding global empire politically operating for expanding Islamic imperialism.
BBC gets it’s ass whipped in the ratings war.
Spooks beaten by Downton Abbey in ratings battle
But this is another case of the publicly funded State Broadcster trying to spoil the oppostion by putting a popular show up against a competitors popular show. The Licence Fee payer always looses out when the BBC does this. Spooks has always been shown mid week so why the change to Sunday. Jealousy of ITV making a hit show? Anyway it back fired.
Personally I watched Spooks. Excellent, fast paced drama (once you suspend belief) and I much prefer that to the old period dramas. However, I am still glad that Spooks is ending and that the live Formula one coverage is moving to SKY. That will only leave TopGear as the only watchable thing on the BBC.
Well I’d also include the Sky at Night, even if the BBC stick it on late at night.
But the BBC output that I would actually pay for is almost zero.
The latest episodes of Top Gear appear on Dave within a couple of weeks or so of it ending on the BBC now.
I hadn’t realised this was going to be the final end of Spooks, probably about time too. I think I can visualise the end where the fat, slimy and very nasty Conservative minister will get his come-uppance and the democrats of the Arab Spring will be looking at a fine, free future where all their citizens will finally have prosperity and equality.
Notice how the minister under the last government was quite a personable chap – one that Harry could do business with. Yes, he was found to have done something wrong in his past but he had done it for all the right reasons, or at least understandable reasons.
Ham-fisted propagandising was the mark through all the series, but if you were able to ignore it (sometimes very difficult) it was often quite watchable.
The Sky series Strike Back is much more entertaining and accurate. We have nasty black men (Muslims) and some Americans are actually the good guys.
The only bit that’s hard to take is the fact the Brits go around slotting Muslim dross, if only that were true.
“Notice how the minister under the last government was quite a personable chap – one that Harry could do business with. Yes, he was found to have done something wrong in his past but he had done it for all the right reasons, or at least understandable reasons.”
I’m assuming you mean Nicholas Blake, played by Robert Glenister? He was initalliy forced to resign after being framed – with manufactured evidence attempting to show that he was doing dodgy deals with the Mafia.
However, later it was shown that he was actually very high up in a covert organisation that was attempting to manipulate terrorist events for their own ends, and being framed was a smokescreen so that he wouldn’t be suspected.
So he wasn’t exactly the wholesome, personable chap Demon1001 paints him. Indeed, he was such a traitor that Harry Pearce poisoned him.
His successor ruffled a few of Harry’s feathers when starting – as his predecessor had done. But generally he’s been presented as a good egg, particularly in this week’s episode – any differences have been because the needs of the politican sometimes clash with what MI5 can, maybe should, deliver. But that’s the sort of conflict that make good drama without being adversarial. He certainly hasn’t been presented as “sllmy and very nasty”.
INBBC: politically soft on the Islamic Republic of IRAN.
Both the politically spineless British government, and INBBC (in all its guises*) offer no resistance to Ahmadinejad’s hostile censorship and violence against Britsih interests:
“Iran claims arrest of BBC journalists”
To repeat: the least Britain should is to –
-From ‘Wikipedia’:
“…many of Press TV’s foreign-based staff and freelance correspondents would be non-Iranians and that training for some of the staff had been provided by “a BBC employee.“
“Before returning to London, AFSHIN RATTANSI, a former journalist with BBC ‘TODAY’ programme, CNN International, Bloomberg and Al Jazeera Arabic, also anchored ‘PRESS TV’S HQ in Tehran.”
*(I know this concerns BBC World Service (taxpayer funded for another couple of years before it become licencepayer funded by British people.)
INBBC’s phoney Islamic ‘Arab Spring’.
INBBC: embedded with Turkey’s Islamising Erdogan, deviously uses 3 Muslim ‘vox pops’ to try to revive Arab Winter.
“Turkey and the Arab world: Reflections from the region”
(What about some non-INBBC reflections from Britain? -Not British people paying for pro-Islamic INBBC ‘reporters’ to represent the interests of Muslims in Islamic countries.)
Ah, cuddly Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey again.
How about a different perspective – The Man Who Could Trigger A World War :
My sense is that the man is a bit like Hitler – vehemently anti-semitic, driven by a dominating ideology but very charismatic demagogue and appealing to his people, and – NEEDS STOPPING SOON.
But just as in the 1930s, the BBC turns a blind eye to the dangers. And given its dominance of the news arena, it lulls everyone to sleep.
Indeed John. The parallels are uncanny.
“If only…we could sit down at a table with the Germans and run through all their complaints and claims with a pencil, this would greatly relieve all tension.”
Cameron is the new Chamberlain. Unfotunately there is no Churchill waiting in the wings.
from dick black – moonbats admit they are full of shit
Recent satellite images of Greenland make it clear that there are in fact still numerous glaciers and permanent ice cover where the new Times Atlas shows ice-free conditions
In addition to the factual errors in the ice coverage in the Times Atlas, it is well known that the newly discovered “warming island” actually is not newly discovered at all as it has been uncovered by retreating ice many times before. Most notably during the 1920s- 1930s.
In addition to the factual errors in the ice coverage in the Times Atlas, it is well known that the newly discovered “warming island” actually is not newly discovered at all as it has been uncovered by retreating ice many times before. Most notably during the 1920s- 1930s.
Black isn’t quite saying that. He’s doing this so he can prove that he’s impartial and not merely caught up in religious belief. Notice how he makes sure to point out more than once that even the scientists who called out the mistake believe that Warmism is real (although he doesn’t quite say it that way because he knows he can’t), and that they know they need to stop with the exaggerations and apocolyptic drama because it scares the horses.
What this article really means to tell you is that it’s just an error, Black is a champion of impartiality for reporting it, and Warmism is still very, very real.
Why is ‘wrong’ in the headline between scare quotes?
It is either right or wrong, surely, not some odd netherland of an Oxbridge media studies degree where it ‘may’ be either.
As in… ‘But scientists from the Scott Polar Research Institute say the figures are wrong‘
As Britain comes increasingly, and continually more an Islamic country, so jihadist and sharia activity increases.
The following heavily Islamic areas of England can be associated with activities such as the ones mentioned in brackets) :-
1.) east London (imposition of Sharia law);
2.) Luton (hostility on the streets towards British troops);
3.)Birmingham (Muslim support for Jihad against non-Muslim British people).
Given that Birmingham, where the Muslim population is about 25%, is in the news again today with this story:
“Seven arrested in Birmingham in major terror raids.
“Six men and one woman have been arrested in Birmingham as part of a large counter-terrorism operation intended ‘to ensure public safety’, police said. ”
And even INBBC had to report this jihad activity in Birmingham, three years ago:
“Birmingham’s jihad shopping trips”
And this from ‘Jihadwatch’:-
British Army fights British jihadists in Afghanistan
Don’t know if anyone else caught Dame Nikki in action this morning on the Radio 5 phone in? It was about another nasty home owner killing a piece of vermin who broke into his home. So we get the bleeding heart crap as usual and the totally irrelevant balls about ‘going too far’ even though as all the recent cases have shown the people who defended thier property acted perfectly reasonably.
Dame Nikki forgot to mention in some of the recent cases more than one person broke and were armed.
I just don’t get the BBC, when it comes to pikey’s, Muslim terrorists or nasty white people defending their homes, the BBC like to be ‘balanced’, yet when it comes to climate change or nasty Jews the BBC is happy to adopt a hard left wing approach.
the scummy gippos get an injunction to frustrate the law again
and sheena easton can barely conceal his glee on views at 6
‘My Forced Unwanted Wedding’
Not the most catchy of titles for this upcoming BBC Three show.
And I’ll bet it took several editorial meetings and a multicultural diversity sub-committee to come up with it.
I’d go with ‘Snog Marry Avoid (for Muslims)’.
At least they’re finally talking about the lack of human rights in that community. Baby steps!
The BBC 6PM news hits a new low (yes it is possible). Sheena Easton reporting for pikey central looked like he had an erection, I’ve not seen a beeboid looking so excited since Mark Mardell watched Barack Obama bending over.
Sheena’s report was totally one sided, his oh look they only built on a little bit of green belt and the endless sound bites from pikey scum whilst the council was restricted to one short bit on the high court ruling.
Again, the BBC ignores the views of the locals, just as they did back in the 80’s at Greenham Common when other fat smelly women took over the local community and made life hell for the locals.
Then we get Lansdale and toenails spouting yet more drivel from the Limp Dems conference, pretending that there are splits where none exist.
Let’s be honest the Labour party had a wider split in it for the 13 years it was in power than the coalition is split right now.
The split is just wishful thinking from toenails and co.
Isn’t “Sheena” a girl’s name?
Sheena is Easton’s nickname around here
I should have guessed! :-E
And Robinson had to apologize and admit he kept shtum about the Labour split.
Again, the BBC ignores the views of the locals, just as they did back in the 80’s at Greenham Common when other fat smelly women took over the local community and made life hell for the locals.
LOL, that takes me back. The BBC are still running documentaries about the Greenham wimmin on Radio 4. A bunch of KGB useful idiots with dubious personal hygene.
The sad thing is – these people actually believe they ended the placement of nukes at the base – with their persistant campaign. Never mind the end of the cold war and the fall of the Berlin Wall, a bunch of crusty femo-peaceniks in tents did it all on their own. Deluded halfwits.
…and James – someone liked your comment regarding 9-11 and the showing of the film Flight 93 :
Coffee/Keyboard moment…
Headline of the day: Iran Arrests Six For BBC Links 🙂
It’s all a Foreign Office operation anyway, so these things are bound to happen.
Have to say, as a closing thought, this one was about the best I needed for the evening…
patently Good independent, neutral reporting of Dale Farm by BBC reporter, err, Padraigh O’Brien…
The BBC… never had a conflict it wan’t dubiously interested in.
In INBBC political rankings:-
-E.D.L is worst group;
-Jamaat-i-Islami, jihadist group, Bangladesh, not so bad, and worthy of a cordial, gullible INBBC interview
“Bangladesh police clash with Islamist party supporters”
Hasn’t INBBC sanitised Jamaat-i-Islami?
INBBC misses out lots of the following, which is quite mild, being written by a secularist utopian (in 2006).
And this article does what INBBC doesn’t do, but should, make important political links back to the Bangladeshi Islamic diaspora in UK and elsewhere.
Jamaat-i-Islami: A threat to Bangladesh?
Remember when Mark Mardell was fretting over the appearances of Lyndon LaRouche supporters holding up ObamaNazi signs at Tea Party events? He made sure then to point out how a Democrat disavowed a candidate associated with them. He was shocked at a Democrat calling for the impeachment of the President, but made sure to tell you about the Tea Party angle.
Well, they were at the far-Left “Day of Rage” anti-Capitalism shindig the other day in San Francisco, with those same posters featuring the President with a Hitler moustache. And Mardell and Co. are utterly silent about it. In fact, they failed to report on the event at all – which had gatherings in New York and LA as well.
The BBC used to report on this kind of gathering on a regular basis: when Bush was in charge. Now they don’t like to because it distracts from their “The Anger Comes From the Right Only” Narrative, and also might make the President look bad by association, considering His message about bankers and wealthy people is exactly the same.
The BBC staff in the US are pathetic, and their newsgathering practices are disgraceful.
Have to feel sorry for The Guardian, being forced to hike its cover price by 20%. Presumably, the freezing of the TV Licence and the corresponding budget cuts the BBC is having to make, means that it can’t quite funnel as much of our money over to the Guardian via advertising revenues, as it would like to.
My heart bleeds.
BBC job advertising with the Graunid is probably minimal these days, given the BBC cutbacks – I saw a copy of Media Guardian a few weeks ago and there were no BBC jobs advertised at all.
The newspaper would be dead in the water except for the part-ownership of AutoTrader. On its own revenues from ever-reducing advertising and piss-poor sales it would have been dead years ago.
What plan? There is NO plan? BBC, please ask the question. Where is the plan? Who has read it? Has it been presented in writing? Can I read it?
Oh sorry. No questions. We’re talking about O here. Hush.
Like Pelosi said about Obamacare – just get on and pass it, you can read it afterwards. At that time there was at least a Bill, 2000 odd pages and 2 days to consider them.
But this time there is still no Bill. As Mark Steyn said – if the “plan” is just a bunch of vague generalities in a campaigning speech, there is a slight Constitutional problem. Congress cannot enact a speech.
I notice the BBC website doesn’t mention that Margaret Moran is a former Labour MP until well down the article. Even the Guardian has it in the headline.
Well Martin,
Moron, the ex-MP, was crying alot on Sky News as she came out of the “guilty as found building”.
Can’t say the BBC covered it in the manner they might have had should she had been a Tory.
Strange isn’t it when a Labour crook is found wanting, so are the BBC ?
Whilst Labour is written in the text, the accompanying video makes no mention of Labour…..
This page makes no mention and the video has no commentary, no doubt so as to give the impression that she’s been wrongly convicted or was treated unfairly in the court room.
This one of course fits “ex-Luton” into the headline, but can;t find the space to add one additional character to make it but not “ex-Labour” (like I pointed out a while back).
…and in contrast :
Ex-Tory peer Lord Taylor jailed for expenses fraud
Jailed ex-Tory peer Lord Hanningfield loses appeal
Notice too the use of the preferred ‘TORY’ rather than the correct and more journalistically appropriate ‘Conservative’. It just feeds into the old narrative of ‘Tory Sleaze’.
The BBC continually use the duck house and moat nonsense when it comes to MP expenses, yet I’ve lost count of the number of Labour MP’s who have been banged up in jail or are under investigation, yet the BBC just doesn’t bring it up. Funny that. NOT.
Of course they never feel the need to mention bell tower claims, but if Quentin Davies hadn’t have defected from Tory to Labour, then they would.
…or Prescott’s Mock Tudor beams…or his TWO bog seats!!!!!
Two Jags…Two Shags…Twice the shite.
How many conservative MPs have even been arrested over the expenses scandal? NONE! One tory peer has. Yet the only examples the BBC mentions is duck-houses and moats, in spite of the fact that these expense claims, though ridiculous, were LEGAL. The BBC never actually use the examples of ILLEGAL and CRIMINAL expenses committed by labour MPS.
But the BBC are not biased, no way! /sarc.
Not BBC related – but…
That gimp Joe McGinniss is on Piers Morgan’s show right now. He claims that he has no obsession with Sarah Palin at all, and that he only intended to write a new book about Alaska. Yeah, right. So why buy and move into the house right next door to her, badger anyone who has ever had any contact with her in a fishing expedition for salacious tittle-tattle, and write a book that contains nothing but gossip about her? I’m sure it’s a really interesting guide to the culture and natural wonders of the 49th state. I’ve no time for Palin, but I have to call bullshit here.
The loathsome Piers Moron still clinging to the fantasy that the Mirror mock-up pictures that cost him his job were ‘probably genuine’.
Yeah, as genuine as his Viglen shares? Perhaps not!
The interview on Today this morning between Nick Clegg and Justin Webb after the 8:00 news seemed to confirm the rule that the BBC usually attacks from the left. “Why have you allowed bankers to get such large bonuses?” “Aren’t you cutting the deficit too quickly?”
The only attack from the right that I noticed was when Clegg tried to say that no-one predicted at the start that the Euro deficit rules would be flouted and Justin pointed out that Eurosceptic Tories had said exactly that. I guess it was just too big a whopper to let past.
And I shudder to think what the interruption co-efficient was.
I had the misfortune to hear John Pinaar on Five having a laugh at the expense of the Lib Dems.
Every joke, every jib, every provocative comment and every criticism was from the LEFT.
The BBC attitude to the Libs in coalition exposes their Labour sympathies – just as clearly as their ‘evil Tories’ meme.
The background is of course that the good times rolled for the Beeb under NuLabour and then with Gordon doomed they hailed Nick and his Lib Dems to keep the Tories out. A Lib-Lab coalition would have been just fine as far the BBC was concerned.
But oh dear Clegg is now a traitor. There’s nothing that bugs the left more than a traitor!
Though crowds flinch and TRAITORS sneer,
We’ll keep the red flag flyng here.
Martin… well you never…
Shocked, I tell you… shocked!
Doesn’t surprise me one bit.
Another BBC Cokehead !!!! Well it doesn’t surprise me that the Dimblebore Jnr has trouble understanding which side of the line he should be on. Jonathan is a classic case of nepotism and has unfeasible belief in his talent for reading out questions. Jonathan has had a great run and a great pension no doubt its about time he was refeshed.
Typical Today programme – questioning on UK politics angled from the left…….. Justin Webb suggesting that a vote in favour of a Palestinian state would have a shock effect (ie on Israel, implying it is only Israel that prevents direct negotiations)………..I think 3 separate sessions on Murdoch……..and some clown using Thought for the Day to argue for higher taxes.
Drone drone drone, drip drip drip of leftie bias.
Don’t start me on that Thought For The Day, sponsored by the Labour Party.
Yes, let’s hand over our hard-earned cash to the government because they always spend it so wisely, don’t they. Stick that thought for the day in your pipe and smoke it (but not in a public place).
…and not on film – if there’s anyone under 18 in the audience.
That’s repeats of Thunderbirds stuffed then.
They really ticked all the Today boxes on this morning’s show. There was a segment about lefty climate change artists involved in something called Nowhere Island, a fawning Nicola Stanbridge interview with Ry Cooder about his lefty poltics, and a cosy chat between Justin Webb and Tom Friedman in which they both agreed that the American people need to be made aware that Big Government is a good thing along with some inevitable mockery of Tea Party types. All in all a classic edition.
Add your list to my list and there must have been at least 7 or 8 leftie-skewed items this morning – maybe more than usual. Just one long litany.
And it is an insult to the audience for the “flagship” radio 4 programme to waste time on that idiot with a rowboat full of rocks trying to make a new island. He was not only a climate loon, he claimed to support several other leftie causes. “News” ?
Plus the Ry Cooder item – yes he is an interesting musician, but why do we have to have his political views forced on us ? “News” ?
Mr. Black out-doing himself again.
Recognising the Times Atlas ‘issue’ is a bit of a problem, he has gone on the offensive, if somehow equating the notion of dogma-driven inaccuracy in science only as a News Coporation trait, and somehow dragging ‘phone hacking’ too.
And did you hear “Um” Davies sniggering at the three weather forecasting outfits that he’s never heard of, which were predicting a colder than usual winter? Of course, the only “forecasting” outfit that the BBC have ever heard of, and on whose every eco-word they hang, is their precious leftie Met Office (notorious for getting it wrong).
The BBC have been going on Murdoch attack again. This time it’s smoking and page 3 girls. Yes page 3 is degrading to women apparently. Funny that half naked men in newspapers or in TV advertising isn’t degrading to men though. Although I suspect half naked men goes down rather well with the male population of the BBC.
But seriously, when the BBC and lefties are happy to explain to a 5 year old what a bum hole and a jar of man lube is for, they seem to think that a picture of a topless model is destroying childhood.
Only in the world of the BBC.
Too much information.
I think we’re in danger of returning to the ‘What A Gay Day’ thread. Probably not for the best. 🙂
Information we need to hear.
I remember as long ago as 10 years +, I was watching school programmes, and there was a boy of about 12 at a table with another boy and girl of similar age, and he said to them ” ‘Pete’, meet ‘Jill’ my girlfriend, Jill, meet Pete, my boyfriend.”
Gag. Anyone who promotes this sort of thing has to be a nonce.
BEEBOIDS’ odd, and politically censored view of BIRMINGHAM.
While Beeboids benignly report on Lib Dem waffle on extravagant ‘green’ wind, Beeboids relegate what is really happening in BIRMINGHAM:
“Birmingham terror arrests: home of man convicted of plot to behead British soldier raided.
“The home of a man convicted of being involved in a plot to behead a British soldier was raided as police arrested six men and a woman as part of a counter-terrorism operation”
George R,
“BEEBOIDS’ odd, and politically censored view of BIRMINGHAM.”
Oh, except that it wasn’t censored at all. Caught lying again George; seems to be a habit of yours.
Seven held in Birmingham anti-terror operation
“Birmingham terror arrests: home of man convicted of plot to behead British soldier raided”
It could be that the BIRMINGHAM area is becoming the central location for Islamic jihad activity among Muslims there, although there’s not much in it between Birmingham and London, West Yorkshire, Manchester area, Luton, etc.
But no doubt INBBC will continue to censor the Islamic jihad threat inside Britain, in its Islamophilic way.
Am just back from a business trip to Saudi so my eyes and ears are distorted but on Jeremy Vine today:
1 JV taking the ‘righ-wing’ view that there are too many Ghurkas in Aldershot, and sounding like an EDL muppet
2 A feature on hymns, yes hymns, including a full rendition of ‘to be a pilgrim’.
Are we preparing for Armageddon?
Perhaps this is the Pilgrim they were thinking of?
So Liebore wasted 500 million pounds on regional control rooms and who does the BBC get in to comment on Radio 5? Margaret Hodge (Liebore) and a twat from the Fire Brigade Union (Liebore). The only blame goes to a civil servany, yet fatty Prescott was in charge at the time.
Meanwhile from the Masada Meeting that is the LibDem ‘conference’, there’s what’s ‘in’… and what’s ‘out’…
I didn’t catch the start of this interview and was under the impression she was referring to Coalition spending!
I see now that it’s because Hodge can explain how it’s not Labour’s fault at all. In fact, she says it was due to serial failures by the Department for Communities and Local Government. The BBC article, at least is rather balanced, although there’s a video clip of another Hodge appearance on the BBC singing the same song. Agenda? What agenda?
At least the Beeboid off screen had the decency to ask her which Labour minister was in charge at the time. Although she got to dismiss it by saying she couldn’t remember “which junior minister” (emphasis hers) it was, but allowed that it was someone in John Prescott’s department. Labour split!
Still, the ending line must surely have been written through gritted Beeboid teeth:
He added that ministers believed the most effective approach was to build on the experience of local fire and rescue services, rather than imposing solutions from central government.
Expenditure of that scale could not have been signed off at junior Minister level. The Treasury always disputes any major new expenditure – and the argument would have been taken to the Home Affairs Committee of the Cabinet, which meets every week and involves Ministers from virtually all Departments other than FCO. The Committee handles everything “domestic” – except economic affairs. It is usually chaired by the Home Secretary, and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury is usually a member because agenda items frequently involve new public expenditure. Attendance is usually by Secretaries of State because this is one of the main Committees of Cabinet.
If the Home Affairs Committee had been deadlocked on the issue it would have been referred to full Cabinet for decision.
I would guess that for this item the case will have been presented by a Minister of State in the Home Office – not a junior Minister. And for many weeks beforehand ALL the Ministers in the Home Office will probably have seen copies of papers and corresp[ondence (eg with the Treasury) in their red boxes.
Margaret Hodge has made a career out of being a weasel and always denying any responsibility.
Was Labour responsible for anything that went tits-up during their 13 years? Let’s face it, there’s a hell of a lot to choose from.
So the Lib-Dems are also launching some scheme to recruit from “under-represented areas” of the public, i.e. blacks. Justin Webb’s cynical voice made me think for a moment that he was back in the US.
The first local ethnic – with an accent straight from central casting – actually spoke sense. He told Justin that he and other local non-whites would be more inclined to vote Lib-Dem if they stopped parachuting people in from Oxford or wha’evah and ran local boys instead. Which is quite astute, and something that ought to apply nation-and-country-wide, regardless of race.
Unable to process this strange concept of local integrity with candidates decided by locals and not by party leadership in London, ol’ Justin moved on. His and the BBC’s racial bigotry was on full display when he then asked a group of non-white young men if they would be more inclined to vote Lib-Dem if there was a candidate who was from an “ethnic minority”. As if anyone with non-white skin will vote for someone simply because they aren’t white, never mind which ethnic minority they might actually be. All minorities lumped into one happy brown mass in the elitist mind of Justin Webb. What a class act.
‘he then asked a group of non-white young men if they would be more inclined to vote Lib-Dem if there was a candidate who was from an “ethnic minority”‘
Which is another way of saying “Are you a racist?”, surely. I doubt that even occurred to him.
“As if anyone with non-white skin will vote for someone simply because they aren’t white”
It kind of worked in the US, though – quite high up the ladder, too.
That’s national, a unique situation, and with massive media hype about how we must elect a black man, not local, not the same thing as a local candidate. I can tell you for a fact that a non-Hispanic will never be elected to the state legislature from my neighborhood, and once the ancient Charles Rangel retires, not even a black man will be elected to Congress from my district.
Did Mr. Webb by chance have any ‘visual aids’?
The thought of a white, middle class, middle-aged bloke strolling round Brum showing pictures of ‘ethinic minorities’ to the locals may have been taken a whole other way.
So nice to see the President stating how proud He is that the US played a “decisive” role, especially “early on”, in bombing the crap out of Libay and forcing an illegal regime change on a soverign nation, seeing as how he dithered….er….deliberated for weeks and had to have His arm twisted to join the fight.
Oh, and never mind how He broke the law and continued to use troops in war long after the deadline for getting Congressional approval expired.
Anyone think the BBC will call Him out on it? Don’t hold your breath.
Nice of the BBC to give Ed Balls free, uninterrupted air time to criticize Osborne’s economic policies and to decleare that Labour is right, the usual “the Tory cuts are too much, too soon” song he always sings. Huw Edwards on the News Channel was his enabler.
“The thrust of your argument, I’m sure the viewers will understand,” said Huw, after Balls had finished his prepared statement. And then he asked Balls for some “practical examples” of his policies. So nice of the BBC to ask leading questions which allow Balls to make policy statements. Unchallenged, uninterrupted. Once again the BBC News Channel becomes a party political platform for Labour.
The BBC’s love and admiration for Ed Balls is equalled by my loathing and distrust of the man. He seems to be all over their news coverage at the moment, his psycho-stare projecting right out of my TV screen. Much as I despise seeing him, I think he serves a useful purpose, as the more exposure he gets the more his reputation seems to dive amongst the general public. (those that pay attention)
Christ – he’s now on Sky News blinking out the same old mantras – perhaps that’s his tell – whenever you see him blinking – you know he’s lying. (i.e. all the time).
…and he’s from Norwich – my neck of the woods – bastard.
Ed Balls – NOT normal for Norfolk!!!!! (or anywhere)
Red Huw could have said…
‘so if the Tory rounding error that is 3% real coots by 2015 is ‘too far, too fast’ *you* give me a number and a date.’
should have said…
‘that was a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party’
and of course meant…
‘yoohoo everyone, vote Labour, vote Labour, vote Labour.’
In early Obama White House, female staffers felt frozen out
Friction about the roles of women in the Obama White House grew so intense during the first two years of the president’s tenure that he was forced to take steps to reassure senior women on his staff that he valued their presence and their input.
At a dinner in November 2009, several senior female aides complained directly to the president that men enjoyed greater access to him and often muscled them out of key policy discussions.
BBC: ZZZzzzzzzzz
You’d think the ‘role of women in the male dominated world of politics’ angle would get the BBC quite energised, but apparently not. Curious.
Peter Allen on Radio 5 just had a go at Vince Cable after we got another sound bite from Ed Testicles about borrowing yet more money to get growth going. Funny that Greece, Italy, Portugal, Ireland have all borrowed billions and have totally effed economies.
What gets me is how the BBC parrott Ed Testicles spoutings without ever asking the question that Vince Cable (and we here) did, who is going to lend us the money and at what interest rate. Peter Allen of course had no answer other than to parrot the normal BBC garbage about borrowing to grow. Grow what I don’t know. Carrots perhaps?
What I did find interesting was Allen attacked Cable from the left again, if I’d have been interviewing Cable I’d have said why don’t you get growth going by cutting company and personal taxes, you can pay for it by cutting more wasteful government spending.
Of course the above will NEVER EVER get asked by a beeboid, “does not compute…does not compute”
OMG, Martin agreeing with St. Vince. We are truly in the End Times. 😀
He’ll be ‘liking’ one of Scott’s comments next.
OK – too far.
Hell will freeze over first 🙂
Don’t you mean ‘Jahannam’?
It’s the Dr. Who(hate it) approved term.
Or sometimes referred to as Lu-ton
But St Vince will say the opposite tomorrow. Thats the kind of guy he is.