In case anyone thought the BBC wasn’t giving enough air time to the point of view that the recent riots were about inequality and not criminality, or that free market capitalism is a failure and the only true way forward is Communism:
Loach doesn’t get it. From his Hampstead windows, his heroes “the Working Class” don’t work. The ones that do work are Right Wing Mail Express and Sun readers. Oh dear. Better make another film.
Regardless of whether or not one agrees with Loach’s politics or not, Montague let him get away with some serious howlers, such as his claim that, back in the good old days, nearly everyone worked. And that drug dealers and organized gangs were just waiting for that working class opportunity cruelly denied them by society.
This is the kind of thing the BBC does best: pretend that a political platform for a celebrity or other personality is an interview.
Of the rioters charged
75% have previous convictions,
25% have more than 10 convictions
5% have more than 50 convictions
clearly protesting about the ‘cuts’ then….
As I posted a week or so – sounds pretty much like criminality to me. Perhaps Loach thinks that a population where 3/4 of the people have criminal convictions is normal. Personally, of the hundreds of people that I know, none have a criminal conviction. These facts are utterly conclusive, I wonder why the BBC can’t use facts as a basis of opinion rather than the marxist method of concluding that the facts are wrong as they do not fit the theory…..
Nearly lost among all the noise from the US is the fact that Herman Cain won the straw poll in Florida. The BBC barely scraped together a news brief about it, making sure to tell you it’s a meaningless result. Remember when Mardell told us Cain won’t “punch through”? Or that Cain’s “weird answer” about Muslims and Shariah meant that he “won’t go much further”? Still, it’s better than ignoring him entirely.
It’s possible that Cain won in part because Perry took off early, allowing him to mop up with fence-sitters in time for the actual vote. But it’s also clear that, after what I thought to be a shaky start in getting his points across months ago, Cain’s message is getting better and people are responding to it more. There will be no analysis about this forthcoming from the BBC because Mardell is too busy trying to find ways to shift all economic blame away from the President, and the rest of the BBC staff in the US is too busy increasing their lightweight magazine-style output.
Aside from all that, there is still one very important credential to Herman Cain’s credit, one that no other candidate shares, and one the BBC has censored from their reports: he was Chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank. That’s a hell of a lot more financial expertise than just being a pizza magnate, which is how the BBC describes him. In fact, it should actually be mentioned first, before his Godfather’s Pizza credential, especially since the economy is the number one issue.
If the Beeboids aren’t even aware of this, then it shows how pathetic they are. If their excuse is that their friends in the US media also leave this bit out of Cain’s background, well, that’s equally pathetic, and is just one more example of how useless the BBC is as a source for news on US issues.
The BBC don’t rate Cain because he is a black Republican – as well as a self-made businessman.
I though he looked very good in the last debate among candidates. Sure he does not have much campaign money – but if he carries on well the big money will find a home.
“I can bet this won’t get reported on the BBC. Like the NASA report a couple of months ago based on its orbiting satelites data over 10 years. Guess what? No warming!! ”
Prof Giaever was one of Barack Obama’s leading scientific supporters during the 2008 president election campaign, joining 70 Nobel science laureates endorsing his candidacy.
But he has since criticised Mr Obama over his stance on global warming and was one of more 100 scientists who wrote an open letter to him, declaring: “We maintain that the case for alarm regarding climate change is grossly overstated.”
“The dinosaurs flourished in a very warm climatic period and were both cold-blooded and VERY large. But you would never guess that from the effusions of the alleged scientist below. According to him they should have been about the size of mice.
And this crap was published in “New Scientist”. But “New Warmist” has been a better name for that publication for some time now
It is well established that cold-blooded species get smaller as the climate heats up, says Andrew Hirst of Queen Mary, University of London. Experiments show that, on average, 1 °C of warming reduces their adult body mass by 2.5 per cent. The mystery is why.”
What made me laugh was this desparate comment at the bottom of the original ‘New Scientist‘ thread, after someone raised the ‘What about the dinosaurs?’ question:
Maybe we were wrong about the climate dinosaurs thrived in.
That’s very revealing of a certain mindset. Anything to save a theory that could support AGW!
Laurie Penny gets whisked up to watch a glacier calve and when water coming in at the top falls off the bottom when it reaches the sea, she joins a noble collection of science experts, on a path well trodden (and funded) by such luminaries as Black, Shuckman et Al.
Is everyone aware that the Global Warming Lie is being preached in our schools. My 13 year old nephew has told me that in a lesson called, I think, social geography ( what?) they are being indoctrinated (my word). I have written to Mr Gove about it, but I’m not holding my breath for an answer. My MP is Mr Osborne and he virtually never responds. I think they’re all believers in the new religion of climate. Have they all been brainwashed, or is it something in the food that is served in the Houses of Parliament?
Just a load of wet liberal arts graduates up from Oxbridge…like the BBCs “correspondents” in fact.
Witness the tripe about Einstein being wrong the other day…scientifically gullible and stupid, but in search of a headline or a pointless controversy to match cold fusion.
To be gullible and open mouthed before a white coat is the natural posture of the Beeb and the politicos…maybe it reminds them of their days at the Maudsley!
MS(CtoE), thanks for the link. It’s worrying that it’s so widespread. I’m not sure what to do, short of removing him from the school, as the blogger in your link has done. And that’s not within my power to do so. I’m intending going to the next teachers night and making my feelings known to the head master.
INBBC needs to come clean about its political links with Islamic AL JAZEERA.
1.) Several Al Jazeera directors have INBBC backgrounds;
2.) many ex-Beeboids are now happily employed at Islamic Al Jazeera English;
3.) INBBC has technical agreement with Al Jazeera;
4.) INBBC’s Islamic staff commission Al Jazeera Islamic staff, such as Rageh Omaar, to present pro-Islamic TV series on e.g. Islam in Europe, and on Mohammed;
5.) INBBC and Islamic Al Jazeera politically concur on support for Hamas and opposition to Israel;
6.) INBBC’s Arabic TV (based in Mecca-facing, East Wing of Broadcasting House, London) does virtually the same political propaganda job for Middle East Muslims (paid for by British people) as does Al Jazeera Arabic;
6.) INBBC and Islamic Al Jazeera censor negative stories about Al Jazeera, e.g.
a.) “Al Jazeera and Qatar: The Muslim Brothers’ Dark Empire?” (2009).
The previous item (on The World This Weekend)was a preview for the Labour Party conference. In contrast to BBC coverage of the other political parties it had the feel of an in-house debate. Very much a where do we go from here? How can we make Ed Miliband electable?
Though Shaun Ley did talk about Ed Miliband’s lack of appeal with the voters, his report featured a loyalist Labour former MP (who got in an attack on ‘the cuts’) and then featured three Fabian Society types plugging their bright ideas for party policy. Only former party general secretary Peter Watt made some serious criticisms of Labour during his brief appearance.
Then came an interview with Douglas Alexander, who Shaun Ley called “Douglas” in his introduction.
After a sound montage of Ed’s leadership, we got the views of Patrick Wintour of the Guardian (inevitably) and Jenni Russell of the Sunday Times. Jenni Russell was surprisingly nice about Ed. Googling her, it turns out that there’s a good reason for that – Ed Miliband is her child’s godfather! As this has been quite widely reported, you wonder if The World This Weekend team were unaware of this, perhaps taking us back to the title of Robin’s last post.
This was in contrast to last week’s edition from the Lib Dem conference, where there was less time devoted to the conference, a pollster (Ben Page) predicting doom for the party and the journos were not overly sympathetic to the Lib Dems – Michael White of the Guardian (inevitably) and James Forsyth of the Spectator. We’ll see how the Conservatives fare next week.
In my family, to be persuaded, nothing short of a group lobotomy at gunpoint would do the trick. I’m sure Blair’s New Labour were considering a national program at some stage. Those pesky ‘Forces of Conservatism’.
‘Jenni Russell was surprisingly nice about Ed. Googling her, it turns out that there’s a good reason for that – Ed Miliband is her child’s godfather!’
Given revelations about the incestuous nature of the BBC-Lab bubble, from Marr or Balls, Studley Mili & Flanders (and Newsnight & QT’s affection for ‘Mum’s’ who are also Graun royalty consorts), one might wonder if there are any other reaons Google has yet to get to?
I take it ‘the team’ decided this nugget of context was not necessary to share?
Blatant hypocisy from Labour here – wanting it both ways.
We oppose ALL these nasty Tory cuts because we care about ‘the most vulnerable members of our society’, but we won’t reverse any of them because we refuse to be irresponsible with the nation’s finances unlike those wreckless Tories.
More importantly, will anyone in our media pick up on and then challenge this blatant contradiction. Over to you Mrs’ Flanders…
You beat me to it, George. I couldn’t find the story on the BBC News website. If it’s there it’s buried deep, like the report mentioned. I might be wrong, but I’m betting that they won’t want to ruin Ed’s conference week with too many negatives.
Yvette Cooper’s nauseating admission, ‘We got things wrong over immigration’, has to be challenged. No, Yvette, credit where credit’s due, given New Labour’s avowed policy, as revealed by speech writer, Andrew Neather, you got things right over immigration. You wanted to obliterate the Brtish nation state as rapidly as possible & mass immigration was your weapon of choice. And the beeboids filled the atmosphere with an enveloping, rainbow-tinted iCloud of touchy-feely propaganda to speed the transformation on its way.
Never mind the quality of the incomers, forget their, very often, utter unsuitability, their arrogant refusal to integrate, their immediate reliance on benefits, their propensity for criminality/terrorism. Our towns & cities are now descending into the Second World, a volatile, crowded, violent waiting-room, before the descent into the Third. Places like Tower Hamlets/Haringey should be the jewels in Yvette’s papier-mache crown. You, Yvette, & your cultural Marxist destructors have ensured that there will never be a harmonious society in this country again. Your job is done, don’t be self-effacing about it. Step out into our wonderful, ‘diverse’ streets, especially at night, rejoice in the ‘enrichment’. Perhaps a kindly passerby will help you count the holes in you face, help you into the ambulance.
I’ll wave to you from the river, upon which the indigenous people, & the hard-working, law-abiding immigrants, have been sold down in exchange for the advancement of your own worthless, traitorous little soul.
Fantastic post Jarwill, but fear not, although the imported Labour voters breed like rats, they are extremely lazy and stupid, so will never take power, but I can see our once Great country becoming partitioned in some way.
I just pray to God that the scum who brought it upon us are still alive to face true justice.
Alice Arnold read out the Radio 4 news headlines at 8am this morning.
The first one described Milipede Minors wheeze to reduce tuition fees(now who brough THEM in I ask myself?) as…and I quote “an eye-catching initiative”
You might think that they would try to disguise their nostalgic call to Millbank 97 under Campbell and Bliar…but no… another dawn, another revolutionary geature is it not?
Just another example of the depths to which the BBC haver plummeted in their bias against the Tories :-
There was a totally unfunny ‘comedy’ program on radio 4 last week and during the humorousness dialogue for no apparent reason and totally out of context, one of the characters said ” I hope David Cameron falls off the end of a cliff and rips his face off on a gorse bush.”
…and sooo much of BBC/British comedy has for a long time breached the Trades Description Act. This shit just ain’t funny, and hasn’t been since the days of poxy Ben Elton and his lazy but oh so easy ‘Thatch’ punchlines. Things haven’t really moved on since then, and have even been ‘updated’ for a new generation in the form of Brigstocke and his ilk, who employ exactly the same style to take aim at the same ‘Tory’ targets. Did these fuckwits miss 13 years of a Labour government? Where were they when Blair/Campbell were sexing up that dossier and using the full weight of their nasty slander/spin machine to hound Dr. Kelly to his death? Where were the searing routines to take apart the deeply suspect case for declaring full scale war on an entire nation? What about all the New Labour sleaze : cash for honours, passports for friends/donors, million pound ‘bungs’, lies over immigration. Why be silent whilst the Labour government was ‘guillotining’ defence spending at a time when they’d committed troops to two war zones, but were spending massive amounts of money in all other areas as if debt was not a problem? There was plenty there for any politically driven comedian to tear into, but they were too busy ridiculing Labour’s opponents – Ian Duncan Smith and William Hague etc. There are still plenty of Labour targets to take aim at now, with Blair’s suspect multi-million pound fortune and it’s well hidden sources aswell as Mandelson’s palace. Blair’s Libya dealings are also a rich source of pickings for a good old sneer for those who typically target the rich and the greedy and the corrupt. But no – Now we have the return of those nasty Tories, so it’s back to ‘holding the government to account’, which is of course the job of any socially responsible artist. What a bunch of self-appreciative, lefty, no-talent, cheap shot merchants. Bollox to them all.
Great performance on Sunday Morning Live DV.
You came across very well whilst Galloway came across as his usual angry hate-filled self.
If he’s surprised that the BBC managed to find two supporters of Israel, then it just proves that he spends far too much time hanging around with naive students and unemployable inbred Bangladeshis.
For anyone that enjoys a spot of ‘red baiting’ then I can highly reccomend Galloway’s FaceBook fan page.
When I posted this picture on his wall they became ever so cross and called me a ‘racist nazi fascist’. I reckon they loved it really though 😉
Ah, a popular and long standing BBC meme, state control of what you eat is good for you. Bring back rationing now! (remember this when you have to queue up for three hours to get your 15 grammes of butter-substitute.) Just like that now defunct BBC earthy Paradise the DDR – where a shortage of trousers destroyed the evil communist bastar*s plans for world conquest (not that the BBC would have resisted)
While you are at it make ownership of private vehicles a crime and make ‘donation’ of any and all of your body and internal organs mandatory (unless from a protected religious/cultural group) upon the whim of the state. While we are at it, cover the country with utterly useless windmills. All policies strongly advocated by the great un-biased, BBC.
I think that it would be a good idea if we could have a running list maintained on this site where contrinutors write a one sentence description of something the BBC “likes” and actively campaigns for as a core meme? The sentences would be edited by DV to ensure quality/eliminate duplication. There is a lot of scope………
Just for fun, the BBC acting as Winston Smith for the Labour party (anyone who claims that the open door policy will bring in more that a total of 15,000 is a swivel eyed racist, ditto anyone who opposes the Euro etc) …
“The Times of the nineteenth of December had published the official forecasts of the output of various classes of consumption goods in the fourth quarter of 1983, which was also the sixth quarter of the Ninth Three-Year Plan. Today’s issue contained a statement of the actual output, from which it appeared that the forecasts were in every instance grossly wrong. Winston’s job was to rectify the original figures by making them agree with the later ones. As for the third message, it referred to a very simple error which could be set right in a couple of minutes. As short a time ago as February, the Ministry of Plenty had issued a promise (a ‘categorical pledge’ were the official words) that there would be no reduction of the chocolate ration during 1984. Actually, as Winston was aware, the chocolate ration was to be reduced from thirty grammes to twenty at the end of the present week. All that was needed was to substitute for the original promise a warning that it would probably be necessary to reduce the ration at some time in April”
It is a truth universally acknowledged that using George Orwell’s 1984 to illustrate a point is trite and negates your argument. However I disagree as so much of what the BBC do and the Labour government did fits so well with the book!
PAKISTAN corrupt- now official: as INBBC’s Muslim chum Imran Khan says so.
Quite a few commentators in the West have deemed the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as corrupt for some time, and should receive no more financial and military gifts from us, but should be regarded as an enemy country to the West.
But for INBBC, only if criticism against anything Islam comes from a Muslim is it regarded as potentially credible; this is how Islam-compliant INBBC has become.
“Imran Khan calls for Britain to cut aid to Pakistan ”
wonderful el beeb extolling, and spending lots of time giving sucre
to muslim sharia sham marriages, with the usual irritating “mouthpiece” radical muslims given lots of times to grandstand.
N Campbell, again no hard questions, no callers “getting through”
to give these shysters what for.
5 live Breakfast – Your Call26/09/2011
The cozy little N Campbell/self confessed radical muslim bint Assan,(from the sharia council). “tete a le tete” is absolutely gaulling, giggling away as anyone, who could get through the el beeb “inquisition” to put the highly selective, non-questions.
to them.
Back To A Very High Degree Of Bias
no wonder, she kept laughing, given a free ride for an hour,
deliver monologues at will, allowed to infer sharia is morally superior to Brit Law.
heres the link
Polygamy is on the rise amongst British Muslims according to the Islamic Sharia council. N.Campbell, is monogamy is all it’s cracked up to be?….
obviously not at el beeb
Mr Campbell’s 4th form debate class is hilarious this morning.
‘Nigerian men need four wives – someone has to do the work’
‘Yes I go for days out with both my wives – when we go to a theme park for example’
Note from the Head to all staff: If we are going to get Britain to swallow this multiculti Sharia thing – lets stick to letting the proper left-leaning community spokespeople speak – the actual community members are showing themselves up.
‘Thompson said it was vital that good journalism carried out in the public interest is not damaged in the wake of the News of the World scandal, ‘
Kind of excludes Aunty’s output right there.
But he does see the need to ensure that there are, clearly, two sets of rules: one that damages other media, and b) one that protects the BBC, no matter how egregious their bias and incompetence.
DavidACGregoryDavid GregoryIf University Challenge doesn’t use AD/BC it’s down to production company (ITV!) not BBC “edict”. This Faux Outrage is silly.
…beyond ‘silly’, any substance to offer on the totality of the discussion?
Oh, I’m sure the production companies must be the reason for the Beeboid Corporation speaking to us in kilometres instead of miles, metres for the height of a person instead of feet and inches, euros instead of pounds and so on. As if the Beeboid Corporation doesn’t have a policy on these things. BC AD I suppose is the unique case where they don’t!
Also note the typical Beeboid dismissive sneer: nobody could possibly be actually outraged by any liberty the high-handed Beeboid Corporation takes with what matters to people.
As for silly, look at the same Beeboid’s witterings on twitter.
Isn’t this such a familiar ploy – any concerns that they don’t care about are ‘faux’ concerns. We’ve heard that one for 13 years, especially regarding immigration.
BC and AD don’t offend me or any other Jews that I know. However to be fair, I don’t know any Muslims who are ofended by the terminology either. maybe that’s because I don’t mix, so far as I know, with religious nutters from any religion
The BBC are always working hard to promote their Licenece Fee partners : Labour.
Now it’s all gone a little Gardeners’ Question Time. Hear them work in wheelbarrow loads of manure to help boost Ed Ball’s ‘GROWTH’ meme.
Afterall the Beeb never tire of telling us that the Tories do their pruning ‘TOO HARD, TOO SOON’
John Pinaar just now notes Miliband is lagging in the polls – a lot of people ‘NEED TO BE CONVINCED’.
Funny. When the Beeb talk about the Libs or the Tories unpopularity it is more a case of the politicians getting it wrong. When the blessed party gets it wrong then it must be the people who need some re-education.
It’s a tough gig but don’t worry brothers. The BBC are doing the best they can.
Interesting to note that a BBC employee, one presumes using various BBC incarnations to tweet whilst being paid by the licence fee funders, seems able to ‘block’ folk who may wish to take him to task or take him to task.
Is that… appropriate? Taking abuse may be grounds for ‘protecting’ the poor dear (he doesn’t have to RT so his ‘followers’ will never be exposed), but there’s something rather familiar and fishy about the BBC hive setting stuff up so only they and fellow hive members can interact.
Almost some form of media apartheid via censorship?
No, the inane tweeting that goes on in paid employment hours is damaging to the reputation of the organisation, not to mention to the credibility of the Beeboid who wants to be taken seriously as a pontificat…um…knowledgeable reporter / informant on our screens.
However, in the anything – goes – for- the – privileged – staff of this privileged organision, it’s all of a piece with that Beeboid arrogance and unaccountability that sets up its communications and complaints arrangements in the form of an obstacle course: see its website and try to follow the the tortuous trail of Howto contact us. I’d rather keep an appointment with the Hampton Court maze – you can get lost for hours there – than go through that dizzying around-and-around-in-circles again. Sort it out, Beeboids. I want a speedy single-click e-mail link when I want to send a comment to or about a programme – and no form filling either.
That’s just part of the instruction from that Social Media training course the BBC offers, at the cost of £100 a throw. See under “How to remain unaccountable”. The other key piece of instruction is that they can put “BBC” all over the place as much as they want, so long as they make sure to include the disclaimer “opinions are my own”.
I know. I assume that disclaimer must be attached to every BBC person’s tweet. It certainly looks like it. “The opinions are my own, not the BBC’s.”
So who IS the BBC, and what comprises its *opinions*?
If not those of its staff, then whose? Is there somewhere where we can request to see the BBC’s opinions? The FOI act, for example, or would they come under the exclusion clause that covers the Balen report?
Brian Sewell on Radio 3’s descent into inconsequential disc-jockey chatter: Why Radio 3 is no longer music to my ears!
Once bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and an enthusiastic presenter, Petroc Trelawny shared his passionate interest in music with the listeners of Radio 3.
Now, as frontman for its banal Breakfast show, he has had the stuffing beaten out of him.
First, by the BBC diktats which insist every programme be dumbed-down in the endless quest for mass-market appeal; and now by listeners leaving the station in droves in protest, condemning Trelawny’s show as ‘Radio 2.5’ because its populist phone-ins, competitions and chatter are more reminiscent of Radio 2. Trelawny knows about music. He loves music. It is his life and career. But now, in portly middle age, he is reduced to nothing more than the reader of bathetic links between snippets of music.
Another example of the BBC’s decision that ratings = value for money. The BBC behaves more and more like a commercial entity every day, and the only element missing is accountability.
Last night on country file John Craven was investigating the problems of blue-green algae in lakes – managed to say that the problem has got worse over the last 10-20 years and in his words with the ‘weather warming’ the problem would only get worse. I am not sure this year could count either during the winter or summer for warm weather. Then the farmers also were to blame – well they would be wouldn’t they – for putting fertilizer on their grass that they didn’t need to. I am not sure that the farmers in the Lake District are so wealthy that they could afford to do so.
But of course John Craven had to go up in an airplane to see the algae – but then admitted he couldn’t see much from up there – if he believes in carbon emissions causing climate change he shouldn’t go for these jaunts.
I just happened across this website about how the licence fee enforcers treat the non-TV viewer. I haven’t read the content but it may be of interest to some readers:
. . . and how they treat those who do not have television.
I have not had a television for many years. One would think that would be an end to it, but it isn’t. One cannot simply refuse this entertainment service, without appearing to be dishonest in the eyes of TV Licensing™ (a.k.a. the Television Licensing Authority or TVLA). The non-viewer does not fit into their framework. To TV Licensing™ there are licence-payers and licence-dodgers and the non-viewer (with whom they really have no business) is treated as a suspect licence-dodger. Whether there should be a licence-fee at all (or the present organisation to collect it) is an interesting topic; however, this site is primarily concerned with how the mechanism of BBC funding unfairly affects those who do NOT have television.
Not a big fan of Adam Boulton, but he made a very orange (shades of Hain, literally), look an even bigger oaf than he obviously is outside the hive rose tints.
Speaking of which, both referred to ‘an inaccurate BBC report’, one presumes about the economy.
As stuffed up BBC reporting is now the dialy norm, anyone know what they were referring to specifically?
No the inaccurate report was Toenails last week spouting on how he’d been personally briefed by a minister about some 5 billion pounds of government spending to boost the economy. If you remember, the BBC ran this as FACT for two days and used it on Clegg, Huhne and Alexander to make out there was a cabinet split (nasty Tories not telling thingd to the Lib Dems). It turned out Toenails was as usual spouting utter shit and the BBC killed the story, but ONLY after using it to try to force open that split between the Tories and Lib Dems which if you remember John Pinhead stated on Radio 5 last year was the aim of the BBC.
This comment by My Site reminded me of something: a revealing interview with Michael Crick in 2007, when he became Political Editor of Newsnight. (He recently jumped ship to Channel 4 before he was pushed. Now I see there is some background that might explain why: he was previously bolshy with the management, signing a letter protesting about senior management bonuses of 30% when levels of staffing were being cut to save money.)
Nevertheless, many of his most recent “targets” have indeed been prominent Tories, including former leader Iain Duncan Smith and the incumbent David Cameron. Why does he think, for example, that Newsnight specially commissioning a portrait of Cameron posing in his £1,000 Bullingdon club uniform at Oxford – to bypass a media ban on using the original photograph – was a legitimate story, rather than a straightforward piece of toff bashing? “It was an important story because it’s another illustration of Cameron’s background,” he responds. “Given that we live in a world where there is very little ideology and that Cameron has made so few policy commitments, exploration of his personality, background and character is all the more important.” He adds: “The beauty of that story was that it was so neatly balanced. It also gave me the opportunity to go back and use that photograph of Tony Blair [in which the prime minister, also at Oxford, is shown making an “extraordinary gesture below the waist”], which I had known about for 13 years but hadn’t actually been able to persuade the owner to let me use.” Another Crick story which caused far bigger waves was his investigation into Iain Duncan Smith’s alleged misuse of taxpayers’ funds in the running of his office and in payments to his wife, Betsy, for work the reporter claimed she did not do. Crick referred his findings to the parliamentary commissioner for standards, Sir Philip Mawer, who went on to clear the former Tory leader of acting dishonestly (though he did find that two party officials should have been paid by Conservative Central Office rather than from public funds). The saga, which inevitably came to be known as Betsygate and led to Crick coming off air while the inquiry was carried out, was deeply damaging to IDS and possibly contributed to his downfall. Crick now concedes he has some regrets over the way he – and the BBC – handled Betsygate. Indeed, he accepts he crossed the line from journalist to participant in that particular story. “It’s a story which I think I had a duty to pursue and I wish the BBC had pursued it a bit more vigorously at the time, but they were deeply involved in the whole Hutton inquiry and it’s understandable that they had other things on their mind. I think it was a mistake, having discussed it with friends and other journalists, to have referred [his findings] to Sir Philip Mawer. On reflection for me to have entered the political arena in quite that way [was a mistake].”
And it was presented as just the opinion of a minister (or a couple of them), not an official policy statement. Robinson did one of his “the BBC can reveal”, which means he got permission from the Government to run with it. This smells amusingly like the current Government doing what Labour used to do all the time: using him to run an idea up the flagpole to see who salutes it.
When the idea falls flat, they turn around on it, leaving Robinson with egg on his face. It’s his own fault for being so eager to please any politician he comes across and not questioning how it doesn’t even jibe with what he knows is going on. It must be tough to maintain that insider status.
A few were intrigued by that “the BBC can reveal’.
I liked this one:
123. Bertram Bird 21ST SEPTEMBER 2011 – 11:26
I wish Nick would start reporting news rather than trying to write it. He seems to have been grubbing around the LibDem conference trying to trap ANYONE into speculating about possible plan bs.
Unfortunately, the opinion part is the whole point of the “BBC editor” position created especially for this kind of thing. Although it’s presented as “analysis”. You can add Mardell and Bowen and Cellan-Jones to that problematic list. case you missed it earlier: BBC News wins top online journalism
I have to say I have missed anything that may be called journalsim, much less awardable.
Some Traveller Granny is answering questions (outside the courthouse, I guess) about today’s injunction blocking the eviciton of the Travellers in Dale Farm. All smiles and cheery friendliness, the moronic Beeboid asking the questions asked at one point, “It’s been 10 years, are you going to be here another 10 years?”
“Another 30 years, hopefully. We’re strong,” came the reply.
The question which either didn’t occur to the Beeboid, or – more likely – his boss forbade him from asking: “So, not much travelling any more, then?”
This puts the lie to the entire deal, and the BBC will not touch it.
As an ignorant, parochial, racist United Statesian, I’m seriously having trouble wrapping my tiny, Tea Party extremist brain around the idea that it’s a problem that Travellers must now travel. Oh, the humanity. The BBC keeps dancing around it, and steadfastly refuses to ask them how their supposed ethnic lifestyle claims jibe with their desire to do the exact opposite.
Why are they called Travellers, again? Something doesn’t add up.
I just caught a bit of the BBC’s AGM in Liverpool.
Someone from the BBC (Huw Red Edwards) was talking to someone from the BBC’s political wing, the Labour party, about the Chancellor, Mr Ball’s ideas to stimulate the economy; Something about reducing taxes.
Now correct me if it’s wrong, but weren’t the BBC’s political party responsibe for taxing the arses off the people who worked their butts off, to indulge their voters (public sector employees, immigrants and benefit recipients etc.) with unprecedented volumes of taxpayers cash, with a view to buying their votes.
Can we take this as a policy U-Turn, and assume the BBC & Labour are now in favour of free market economics? And does that mean they are in favour of scrapping the licence fee and being totally independent?
No, I didn’t think so.
Richard Black is sorted, or at least able to wander round his bunker a bit more freely, for a few weeks, having posted his latest epic from the world of green.
Some nice old lady has died, so he has, with some measure of justification, decided to act in role of obit editor.
Thing is, he remains untouchable on this thread, as no one would be crass enough to use it to ask why he seems to have a vast interest in rather niche subjects where there is a reponse mechanism, while being either diinterested or moved to broadcast only territory on less solid ground.
A couple of things come to mind regarding the 6PM BBC news. Well OK I’m not even commenting on Toenails licking of Ed Testicles arse, others here can do that.
However, I did note that Fergal Keane when talking about his beloved pikey scum in Essex referred to the local community as people “who see the travellers as planning law breakers”. Well no Keane you knob, the LAW has made it clear the pikey scum have broken the law, the locals just want the law enforced. Your report did not say that.
Then we had the lovely report on Winkleigh being the best place to live and bring up children. Am I the only one who noticed something very unusual about Winkleigh? yep not an ‘efnik’ in sight, no sodding head scarves, mosques or arseholes going “ya man, dis is mi hood”. No drug dealers and no shit schools. Very white and middle class, I bet Billy Bragg would love it there, oh hand on he’s already living in Devon.
The BBC seems very concerned about how much taxpayer money is being wasted on this Traveller deal. How nice to see the Beeboids advocate for fiscal conservatism….er….hang on….where’s me script?
This ‘socialist’ Mr Bragg, political chum of BBC -NUJ?
“We love our Leftie lord of the manor: A Dorset village has launched a hate campaign against famous resident Billy Bragg but now the masses are rising up…”
Oh Lord!
Sorry Martin but Lord William Bragg is of the Burton Bradstock parish here in sunny Dorset.
It matters to us all because it means that he need only cycle to Tolpuddle every year to tell us that there is “Power in a Union”…apart from when he flies in from some Canuck camp fire hootenanny!
Bragg will however always have a multiracial choir from Sah`f London to sing Bob Marley tunes as his fifth encore.
I hate the man…but have to admit that he has adopted Dorset and not Devon…in either case it would not be Barking any longer.
More Lord of Lulworth than Bard of Barking these days!
I stand corrected, the south west all looks the same to me, you know full of nasty middle class white people, can’t understand why Billy St Bragg would prefer that to Hackney or Brick Lane in London. 🙂
Ah, but think what those poor residents of Winkleigh are missing.
Unless you’ve come home to find a gang of savage inner-city browns setting fire to your property and taking off with all your worldly possessions then your neighbourhood simply isn’t as vibrant as it could be.
“As I have said many times in the context of many similar incidents in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is no reliable way to distinguish a peaceful Muslim from a jihadist. This is yet more fruit of the unwillingness to make even a cursory attempt to take that fact into account.
“And every few weeks (the last time was August 4), I find the paragraph above in the archives and post it again.
“And yet the dim bulbs in the intelligence community in Washington are busy making sure that none of their teaching materials offend terror-linked Islamic supremacist groups in the U.S. This is the fruit also of their witless useful idiocy and political correctness.”
A little while ago on these pages, we discussed an interview with Terry Smith about the seriousness of the financial situation we find ourselves in.
Here is a video from today’s news that is more or less a rerun of that conversation – with emphasis on the Eurozone’s problems.
You need a strong stomach to watch this stuff. I don’t know if he is right about what is going to happen to our savings (someone please tell me he is wrong). I think it was in the crisis of 1987 everyone said the stockmarkets were finished, and they inexplicably started rising again.
But this is of course about more than just the markets.
Just as with the Terry Smith interview, look at and listen to the shell-shocked BBC newsreaders
Bwahahahaha! Thanks for this, Henry. Absolutely made my day, week, month, year. Idiot BBC producer went to a bond trader for analysis on how to save the Euro. Wrong! All he knows is how to make money of the markets, not how to reverse decades of Socialism and misbegotten Keynesian schemes. Do the Beeboids understand anything at all that isn’t handed to them on a silver platter?
I hope all the Beeboids took note of what this guy said the smart people were relying on: US bonds and the US dollar. Remember when they told us it was all over for the US, and that Capitalism was dead? Well, obviously the Euro leaders are just re-arranging the body parts of the rotting corpse of Socialism to make it look nice for the upcoming open-casket funeral.
Stephanie Flanders should be the first one in line to apologize and resign.
Don’t know if anyone else saw the programme about the RAF and Army helicopers in Afghanistan on C4 last night, but the classic line was from the guy when asked by the reporter “what do you think goes through the mind of the taliban when he sees your Apache?”
I saw most of it, Martin. A very sobering program. The troops on the frontline certainly don’t sugar coat anything, and they have to deal with some horrific situations. As my brother said, I hope all our politicians were watching.
Your quote reminds me of the former US security agent on Sky News, talking about the killing of Bin Laden. He was asked how long Osama would have been given to surrender. His answer :
Just happened to catch the start of Blue Peter as I was flipping channels eating my tea this evening.
It was the first episode from the new Salford studio and featured the two presenters arriving by Jet Ski and Sea-king helicopter. Cue a brief history of Salford with the obligatory distain for its industrial past “It didn’t used to be all shinny and new – it used to be a docks…”
Into the studio and onto what appeared to be an advert Apple – with the “top 3 smartphone apps”. Now, you’d think Blue Peter might want to highlight some of the many great educational or creative apps: Maybe Starwalk, The Elements, perhaps Garage band? But no: According to Blue Peter the best apps are “Fruit Ninja”, “Angry Birds” and “Cut the Rope”. All mindless time-wasters for the braindead. Good to know BBC are encouraging the next generation of British scientists and engineers.
Onto the next item – design your own app – featuring a school visit and interviews with the children – but what’s this? All the pupils are wearing headscarfs. Not just one or two of them – but everyone they interview. Surely they could have had just one white Christian child. You know – just a token white.
I switched off at that point – but it occurred to me there’s probably a whole separate raft of BBC bias in their children’s output that goes unreported.
Onto the next item – design your own app – featuring a school visit and interviews with the children – but what’s this? All the pupils are wearing headscarfs. Not just one or two of them – but everyone they interview.
Ah, another reason a number of Beeboids didn’t want to make the move…..
But Lauren Booth said wearing a burqua “liberated her”. Come on BBC, get with the programme. All female BBC presenters in future to wear a burqua the protect their modesty. Its by choice, they told us many times. You will look good in it Emily, Kirsty..
Not only in the childrens programs, but in for example the BBC History magazine as well which contained an article along the lines of “10 pieces of scientific history”. One of the items was a piece (by Patricia Fara, a historian of science) about Rosalind Frankelin and her part in the discovery of the structure of the DNA molecule in 1953.
From everything I have read about the discovery of the structure of DNA, Fara’s is an inaccurate version of the story. In her version, Francis Crick doesn’t seem to have had much to do with the discovery of the structure, which is presented as primarily Watson seeing Frankelin’s X-Rays. It seems from the article that “Although not an expert like Frankelin” (ridiculous – did Fara really write this?) he somehow single-handedly deduced the structure after looking at her work (in fact Crick and Watson had guessed the Helix structure earlier).
The full story is in fact very interesting example of how science can be done*. But too many historians treat their subject as a boxing match, where you takes sides, then slug it out. Frankelin’s work was vital to the unlocking of the structure. But to Fara, it has to be the most important part.
Sadly, Frankelin’s early death meant she did not receive a Nobel prize (which is not awarded posthumously). Unfortunately, because of this and insufficient early credit to her part in the discovery, Frankelin’s story has attracted a feminist contingent, from whom we get some very one-sided versions of events. Trust the Beeb to take sides with them!
If SKY is any measure ( a low one already), I presume the ‘news’ today will follow a familair path.
BAE closures > job losses > angry unions> governement’s ‘fault’> Labour conf > Yvette Cooper > told you so.
Par for the course. But I do wonder if the BBC will add an extra level of multiple standard in its handling of this, finding unusual affection all of a sudden for ‘defence’ industries.
BBC-NUJ-Labour would welcome the demise of the British military aircraft industry, in line with CND political agenda (so long as Labour votes are not aversely affected).
But for BBC-NUJ-Labour, it’s politically OK for British pilots to risk their lives, and for British taxpayers to have large amounts of their money spent supporting the Islamic ‘Arab Spring/Winter’ in e.g. Libya.
The website introduces us to the story of Walter Rauff this morning.
Rauff being a key functionary both administrative and in the field of the ‘gas wagon’ method of liquidation (to spare the soldiers the stress of shooting) in the WW2 period.
“As US intelligence later put it, Rauff designed gas vans used to murder Jews and people with disabilities.”
The BBC forgot to mention the Roma and Sinti for some reason.
There is an aspect to Rauff’s diabolical career which has a bearing on the period prior to the declaration of the state of Israel which can be read from German sources. My translation below.
“Neuere Forschungen beschäftigen sich mit Rauffs Rolle im Afrikafeldzug. Die Nationalsozialisten gingen von einer verbreiteten Kollaborationsbereitschaft der Araber aus: „Die außergewöhnlich deutschfreundliche Stimmung der Araber ist im wesentlichen darauf zurückzuführen, daß man hofft, ‚daß Hitler kommen möge’, um die Juden zu vertreiben“, so im Sommer 1942 der Chef des Auslandsgeheimdienstes, Walter Schellenberg . Mit zu dieser Einschätzung beigetragen hatte der islamische Geistliche und palästinensische arabische Nationalist Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini, der sich ab 1941 im Exil in Deutschland aufhielt. Die anfänglichen Erfolge der Deutschen und Italiener im Afrikafeldzug weckten im Sommer 1942 Erwartungen an einen raschen Vorstoß nach Ägypten und weiter nach Palästina .
Die Aufstellung eines Einsatzkommandos zur systematischen Ermordung von Juden in Palästina und in anderen Teilen des Vorderen Orients wurde im Juli 1942 beschlossen und rasch umgesetzt: Am 1. Juli 1942 sprachen Walter Schellenberg und Himmler über einen „Einsatz in Ägypten“; offenbar am gleichen Tag erteilte auch Hitler seine Zustimmung.”
“More recent research concerns itself with Rauff’s role in the Africa campaign. The National Socialists operated on the assumption of a widespread readiness for collaboration on the part of the Arabs.
“The exceptionally German-friendly attitude of the Arabs can be essentially interpreted on their expectation that Hitler’s arrival would result in the removal of the Jews” observed Walter Schellenberg, chief of foreign intelligence in the summer of 1942. Contributing to this assessment was Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini, the Islamic cleric and Palestinian nationalist who resided in German exile. The early successes of the Africa campaign raised expectations of a rapid advance to Egypt and on to Palestine.
The establishment of an ‘Einsatzkommando’ for the systematic murder of the Jews in Palestine and other parts of the Near East was agreed in July 1942 and quickly implemented: On 1st July, Himmler and Schellenberg discussed the “deployment in Egypt”, apparently on the same day, Hitler gave his agreement.”
The Arab attitude to Jews (prior to the establishment of the state of Israel) was one of hatred. Hatred to the point of leading ‘Palestinian’ figures being prepared to cooperate with genocidal policies. The founding of a Jewish state in 1948 was in part a reaction to this anti-semitism. We should never forget this.
Remember these are not right wing americans but american peace activists.
The BBC is always ready to play down the brutality of Iran.
John Simpson of the BBC said a few years ago that Iran was only country which could change it goverment by election. He is the text book example of a “usefull idiot”. After everything that has happened, they still will not see the truth.
This might be because you typed the web address incorrectly. Please check the address and spelling ensuring that it does not contain capital letters or spaces.
It is possible that the page you were looking for may have been moved, updated or deleted.
Or, Nick, it may be because you and your Labour masters are getting pwned, based on the consequences of cheerfully passing on without a moment’s thought this from that twat currently ‘leading’ HM Opposition.
“Are you on the side of the wealth creators”
Because most in the UK are, sensibly, and wealth creators do not include Labour, unions or the BBC.
But one guesses that there may be a level of ‘some are less equally bound by this than others?’ hidden away?
My Site, that’s a shocking policy (if true). It furthers the idea that excellence should come second place to social engineering. The bizarre thing is that it claims to be designed to make sure that a student’s background will not be allowed to hinder their ability to achieve, but it will do just that to students from private schools. This is the kind of BS loved by chippy Labourites : discrimination against the talented and hard working. The race to the bottom continues….from Great Britain to Mediocre Britain and beyond.
How disappointing. I had hoped to suggest that if Labour have decided to be on the side of wealth creators, it’s only so they can spend it all. Probably several others had made the same point.
‘Probably several others had made the same point.’
I had pointed out that favouring welath creators was an intereresting precedent, and not one that immediately bought to mind the vast contribution to the country made by the unions, most public sector workers and the BBC.
But we’ll never know.
Though I have asked the complaints flying monkesy to offer and explanation, and to make it a good one as I will be boosting to Helen’s dead letter box and Fatty Pang’s kindling collection.
…just like he sided with his brother. The only time Labourites side with the wealth creators is when they’re looking to pocket some cash in return, ain’t that right Mr. Blair.
What to cut on BBC radio for ‘Asians’? All of it, now.
The non-British Broadcasting Corporation gives priority to ‘Asians’ in its culturally apartheid radio provision in Britain, with all the negative consequences for British society.
It turns over much of ‘local radio’ (sic) to apartheid ‘Asian’ radio in the evenings in many regions of Britain, broadcasting in some Asian language for the immigrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, etc.
The same cultural apartheid function is funded by licencepayers for ‘Asian Network’ nationally, which is not simply a purveyor of ‘Asian’ music, but of ‘Asian’ political propaganda.
Director General Thompson has reneged on a promise to close down the culturally apartheid ‘Asian Network’. It should be closed down.
BBCr4todayBBC Radio 4 TodayMiliband’s ‘big moral speech’
Seems a nice, balanced ‘discussion’. If you are studying each other’s navle fluff.Maybe ‘big fat, lying ****ers speech and tribal folllow-up’ would have been more apposite?
Wonder how his big moral speech will get covered outside of the BBC, being Ivan the terrible timing has rather queered the pitch with the ‘profession’, ably supported by the spinners kettling even such as Mr. Maguire (not happy) so Ed can skip into the hall presidentially. Not quite ‘man of the people’ stuff.
If the berk says ‘people are telling me’ I will lose my lunch.
IainDaleIain DaleDale&Co: BBC – Blighted By Communists?: Jerry Lockspeiser disputes James Delingpole’s marxist claims about the
Another day, another familiar ‘dismissal’ piece.
Thing is, the facts in the comments seem to be getting in the way of the narrative.
Clearly, BBC-NUJ is politically committed to a version of ‘cultural Marxism’ which relegates existing nationalism and Christianity in Britain, and so appeases Islamic interests.
“I have no idea how the employees or senior management of the BBC vote, or if they vote at all, but I guess they are probably representative of the public at large….”
Jerry Lockspeiser.
Genius! Such insight!. We might as well all go home now. Apparently the BBC chaps are just like ordinary members of the public. Not the broadcast arm of the Guardian and chief shill for The Labour Party at all. All that anti-semitic anti-business climate fear-mongering is…our imagination. That’s a relief to know.
Pretty lazy article, wasn’t it. The first comment from Mark Wallace sets him straight…
“I have no idea how the employees or senior management of the BBC vote, or if they vote at all, but I guess they are probably representative of the public at large.”
Well, you’d guess wrong – a couple of years ago ConservativeHome studied the Facebook political identities of BBC staff and found:
BBC liberals – 1,340
BBC moderates – 340
BBC conservatives – 120
I was seriously shocked to see a preview of a programme on BBC covering Shirley Bassey, with the closing line ‘part of our mixed-race season’
Shirley Bassey is one of my favourite performers ever, surely a lady of her stature and capabilities deserves to be on TV simply because she is a fantastic performer?
I come from South Africa, we have a far more adult attitude to race than the UK (ie. blacks are called ‘black’ and whites are called ‘white’ as a straightforward descriptor, with no innuendo, double meanings or any other hidden agenda, an no offense taken just like saying ‘blue eyes’ or ‘blonde’) but I can tell you there that there would never, ever be such a thing as a ‘mixed race season’ on SATV. Truly, deeply, blatantly racist.
did anyone hear the shameful bias yesterday on 5 live breafast phone in
El Beeb/N Campbell spending lots of time giving sucre to muslim sharia sham marriages, with the usual irritating “mouthpiece” radical muslims given lots of times to grandstand.
N Campbell, again no hard questions, no callers “getting through” to give these shysters what for.
The cozy little N Campbell/self confessed radical muslim bint Assan,(from the sharia council). “tete a le tete” is absolutely gaulling, giggling away as anyone, who could get through the el beeb “inquisition” to put the highly selective, non-questions. to them.
Very High Degree Of Bias
no wonder, she kept laughing, given a free ride for an hour,
deliver monologues at will, allowed to infer sharia is morally superior to Brit Law.
tomoMar 28, 21:20 Midweek 26th March 2025 [img][/img]
wwfcMar 28, 21:00 Weekend 29th March 2025 first lol
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Lefty WrightMar 28, 19:52 Midweek 26th March 2025 Mrs Wright has informed me that after watching a BBC chat show this morning that she will no longer take…
ZephirMar 28, 19:39 Midweek 26th March 2025 Talking of “X”.. “Am I overweight ?” Boomers: “You could lose a few pounds” Millenials: “No, you’re beautiful” Gen Z:…
In case anyone thought the BBC wasn’t giving enough air time to the point of view that the recent riots were about inequality and not criminality, or that free market capitalism is a failure and the only true way forward is Communism:
Ken Loach: Rioters were ‘working class kids without work’
As a member of the nomenklatura who will remain as the protected elite class, Sarah Montague sees little wrong with Loach’s statements.
Loach doesn’t get it. From his Hampstead windows, his heroes “the Working Class” don’t work. The ones that do work are Right Wing Mail Express and Sun readers. Oh dear. Better make another film.
Regardless of whether or not one agrees with Loach’s politics or not, Montague let him get away with some serious howlers, such as his claim that, back in the good old days, nearly everyone worked. And that drug dealers and organized gangs were just waiting for that working class opportunity cruelly denied them by society.
This is the kind of thing the BBC does best: pretend that a political platform for a celebrity or other personality is an interview.
Of the rioters charged
75% have previous convictions,
25% have more than 10 convictions
5% have more than 50 convictions
clearly protesting about the ‘cuts’ then….
As I posted a week or so – sounds pretty much like criminality to me. Perhaps Loach thinks that a population where 3/4 of the people have criminal convictions is normal. Personally, of the hundreds of people that I know, none have a criminal conviction. These facts are utterly conclusive, I wonder why the BBC can’t use facts as a basis of opinion rather than the marxist method of concluding that the facts are wrong as they do not fit the theory…..
More than 50 convictions. What should be done to punish someone with that many convictions?
Nearly lost among all the noise from the US is the fact that Herman Cain won the straw poll in Florida. The BBC barely scraped together a news brief about it, making sure to tell you it’s a meaningless result. Remember when Mardell told us Cain won’t “punch through”? Or that Cain’s “weird answer” about Muslims and Shariah meant that he “won’t go much further”? Still, it’s better than ignoring him entirely.
It’s possible that Cain won in part because Perry took off early, allowing him to mop up with fence-sitters in time for the actual vote. But it’s also clear that, after what I thought to be a shaky start in getting his points across months ago, Cain’s message is getting better and people are responding to it more. There will be no analysis about this forthcoming from the BBC because Mardell is too busy trying to find ways to shift all economic blame away from the President, and the rest of the BBC staff in the US is too busy increasing their lightweight magazine-style output.
Aside from all that, there is still one very important credential to Herman Cain’s credit, one that no other candidate shares, and one the BBC has censored from their reports: he was Chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank. That’s a hell of a lot more financial expertise than just being a pizza magnate, which is how the BBC describes him. In fact, it should actually be mentioned first, before his Godfather’s Pizza credential, especially since the economy is the number one issue.
If the Beeboids aren’t even aware of this, then it shows how pathetic they are. If their excuse is that their friends in the US media also leave this bit out of Cain’s background, well, that’s equally pathetic, and is just one more example of how useless the BBC is as a source for news on US issues.
And finally, are we still racists, BBC?
The BBC don’t rate Cain because he is a black Republican – as well as a self-made businessman.
I though he looked very good in the last debate among candidates. Sure he does not have much campaign money – but if he carries on well the big money will find a home.
He seems an eminently sensible, nice guy.
He seems an eminently sensible, nice guy.
he does,but in beeboid fantasy land that makes him a right wing nutter dontcha know
“I can bet this won’t get reported on the BBC. Like the NASA report a couple of months ago based on its orbiting satelites data over 10 years. Guess what? No warming!! ”
says timaction commenting on this piece in The Telegraph.
He is right try it yourself
Prof Giaever was one of Barack Obama’s leading scientific supporters during the 2008 president election campaign, joining 70 Nobel science laureates endorsing his candidacy.
But he has since criticised Mr Obama over his stance on global warming and was one of more 100 scientists who wrote an open letter to him, declaring: “We maintain that the case for alarm regarding climate change is grossly overstated.”
Bloggers doing the job of the mainstream media AGAIN.
“Warmist nutjob forgets the dinosaurs” ..
“The dinosaurs flourished in a very warm climatic period and were both cold-blooded and VERY large. But you would never guess that from the effusions of the alleged scientist below. According to him they should have been about the size of mice.
And this crap was published in “New Scientist”. But “New Warmist” has been a better name for that publication for some time now
It is well established that cold-blooded species get smaller as the climate heats up, says Andrew Hirst of Queen Mary, University of London. Experiments show that, on average, 1 °C of warming reduces their adult body mass by 2.5 per cent. The mystery is why.”
What made me laugh was this desparate comment at the bottom of the original ‘New Scientist‘ thread, after someone raised the ‘What about the dinosaurs?’ question:
Maybe we were wrong about the climate dinosaurs thrived in.
That’s very revealing of a certain mindset. Anything to save a theory that could support AGW!
Maybe we were wrong about the climate dinosaurs thrived in.
Indeed, fitting the data to the theory.
Maybe they will use their “climate modelling” techniques on this one.
Laurie Penny gets whisked up to watch a glacier calve and when water coming in at the top falls off the bottom when it reaches the sea, she joins a noble collection of science experts, on a path well trodden (and funded) by such luminaries as Black, Shuckman et Al.
Is everyone aware that the Global Warming Lie is being preached in our schools. My 13 year old nephew has told me that in a lesson called, I think, social geography ( what?) they are being indoctrinated (my word). I have written to Mr Gove about it, but I’m not holding my breath for an answer. My MP is Mr Osborne and he virtually never responds. I think they’re all believers in the new religion of climate. Have they all been brainwashed, or is it something in the food that is served in the Houses of Parliament?
Just a load of wet liberal arts graduates up from Oxbridge…like the BBCs “correspondents” in fact.
Witness the tripe about Einstein being wrong the other day…scientifically gullible and stupid, but in search of a headline or a pointless controversy to match cold fusion.
To be gullible and open mouthed before a white coat is the natural posture of the Beeb and the politicos…maybe it reminds them of their days at the Maudsley!
If you google ‘socialist geography’ or ‘human geography’ and ‘marxist’, you can see the link.
‘social geography’ *sigh* – it creeps in everywhere, doesn’t it. What next? ‘ Cultural Chemistry’. ‘Community Economics’. :'(
They believe because it creates new taxes, be it left or right they all love taxes.
You may find this thread (and one that preceded it) of interest to pursue matters…
And a non-responding MP (or even one who only responds with fluff) may do well to remember what the polling booth is for.
MS(CtoE), thanks for the link. It’s worrying that it’s so widespread. I’m not sure what to do, short of removing him from the school, as the blogger in your link has done. And that’s not within my power to do so. I’m intending going to the next teachers night and making my feelings known to the head master.
INBBC needs to come clean about its political links with Islamic AL JAZEERA.
1.) Several Al Jazeera directors have INBBC backgrounds;
2.) many ex-Beeboids are now happily employed at Islamic Al Jazeera English;
3.) INBBC has technical agreement with Al Jazeera;
4.) INBBC’s Islamic staff commission Al Jazeera Islamic staff, such as Rageh Omaar, to present pro-Islamic TV series on e.g. Islam in Europe, and on Mohammed;
5.) INBBC and Islamic Al Jazeera politically concur on support for Hamas and opposition to Israel;
6.) INBBC’s Arabic TV (based in Mecca-facing, East Wing of Broadcasting House, London) does virtually the same political propaganda job for Middle East Muslims (paid for by British people) as does Al Jazeera Arabic;
6.) INBBC and Islamic Al Jazeera censor negative stories about Al Jazeera, e.g.
“Al Jazeera and Qatar: The Muslim Brothers’ Dark Empire?” (2009).
“Another Al-Jazeera Journalist Suspected of Terror Ties”
“Why has Al Jazeera’s Director General Resigned?”
“Qatar, And Its Tool Al Jazeera, Or QBC (Qatari Broadcasting Company), Support Hamas”
AL JAZEERA has HQ in London, as well as in Doha.
AL JAZEERA Satellite Channel,
Westminster Towers,
3 Albert Embankment,
As I See it wrote (on the ‘Conspiracy’ thread):
The previous item (on The World This Weekend) was a preview for the Labour Party conference. In contrast to BBC coverage of the other political parties it had the feel of an in-house debate. Very much a where do we go from here? How can we make Ed Miliband electable?
Though Shaun Ley did talk about Ed Miliband’s lack of appeal with the voters, his report featured a loyalist Labour former MP (who got in an attack on ‘the cuts’) and then featured three Fabian Society types plugging their bright ideas for party policy. Only former party general secretary Peter Watt made some serious criticisms of Labour during his brief appearance.
Then came an interview with Douglas Alexander, who Shaun Ley called “Douglas” in his introduction.
After a sound montage of Ed’s leadership, we got the views of Patrick Wintour of the Guardian (inevitably) and Jenni Russell of the Sunday Times. Jenni Russell was surprisingly nice about Ed. Googling her, it turns out that there’s a good reason for that – Ed Miliband is her child’s godfather! As this has been quite widely reported, you wonder if The World This Weekend team were unaware of this, perhaps taking us back to the title of Robin’s last post.
This was in contrast to last week’s edition from the Lib Dem conference, where there was less time devoted to the conference, a pollster (Ben Page) predicting doom for the party and the journos were not overly sympathetic to the Lib Dems – Michael White of the Guardian (inevitably) and James Forsyth of the Spectator. We’ll see how the Conservatives fare next week.
“How can we make Ed Miliband electable?“
In my family, to be persuaded, nothing short of a group lobotomy at gunpoint would do the trick. I’m sure Blair’s New Labour were considering a national program at some stage. Those pesky ‘Forces of Conservatism’.
‘Jenni Russell was surprisingly nice about Ed. Googling her, it turns out that there’s a good reason for that – Ed Miliband is her child’s godfather!’
Given revelations about the incestuous nature of the BBC-Lab bubble, from Marr or Balls, Studley Mili & Flanders (and Newsnight & QT’s affection for ‘Mum’s’ who are also Graun royalty consorts), one might wonder if there are any other reaons Google has yet to get to?
I take it ‘the team’ decided this nugget of context was not necessary to share?
INBBC, under its own instructions, does not mention that these men in Birmingham are Muslims:
“Six charged with terrorism offences”
Here are the results of an earlier case:
“Free to ride the Tube again: 21/7 terrorist pictured using public transport in London “
Read more:
Not really BBC specific – but :
We Won’t Reverse Coalition Cuts, Says Balls
So how will he square it with this fact :
Every Coalition spending cut is now opposed by Labour
Blatant hypocisy from Labour here – wanting it both ways.
We oppose ALL these nasty Tory cuts because we care about ‘the most vulnerable members of our society’, but we won’t reverse any of them because we refuse to be irresponsible with the nation’s finances unlike those wreckless Tories.
More importantly, will anyone in our media pick up on and then challenge this blatant contradiction. Over to you Mrs’ Flanders…
Reed – I don’t believe any of them, no matter which party they are allied to.
How can you tell when a politician is lying?
When his lips move.
Will BBC-NUJ-Labour focus on this, and Mrs Balls?:
Labour ‘covered up’ pre-election reports revealing Eastern European immigrants were more likely to claim benefits
You beat me to it, George. I couldn’t find the story on the BBC News website. If it’s there it’s buried deep, like the report mentioned. I might be wrong, but I’m betting that they won’t want to ruin Ed’s conference week with too many negatives.
Supplementary, for BBC-NUJ-Labour:-
“Labour’s embarrassing immigration secrets revealed”
And here’s more for BBC-NUJ-Labour to censor:
“Migration boom DID drive down wages and living standards, admits Labour”
Read more:
Yvette Cooper’s nauseating admission, ‘We got things wrong over immigration’, has to be challenged. No, Yvette, credit where credit’s due, given New Labour’s avowed policy, as revealed by speech writer, Andrew Neather, you got things right over immigration. You wanted to obliterate the Brtish nation state as rapidly as possible & mass immigration was your weapon of choice. And the beeboids filled the atmosphere with an enveloping, rainbow-tinted iCloud of touchy-feely propaganda to speed the transformation on its way.
Never mind the quality of the incomers, forget their, very often, utter unsuitability, their arrogant refusal to integrate, their immediate reliance on benefits, their propensity for criminality/terrorism. Our towns & cities are now descending into the Second World, a volatile, crowded, violent waiting-room, before the descent into the Third. Places like Tower Hamlets/Haringey should be the jewels in Yvette’s papier-mache crown. You, Yvette, & your cultural Marxist destructors have ensured that there will never be a harmonious society in this country again. Your job is done, don’t be self-effacing about it. Step out into our wonderful, ‘diverse’ streets, especially at night, rejoice in the ‘enrichment’. Perhaps a kindly passerby will help you count the holes in you face, help you into the ambulance.
I’ll wave to you from the river, upon which the indigenous people, & the hard-working, law-abiding immigrants, have been sold down in exchange for the advancement of your own worthless, traitorous little soul.
Jarwill, this is fantastic, can you post this more widely?
Thanks, It’s all too much. It’s written from the heart. I’ve posted it to MI5 & got an encouraging response. Any other suggestions would be welcome.
Fantastic post Jarwill, but fear not, although the imported Labour voters breed like rats, they are extremely lazy and stupid, so will never take power, but I can see our once Great country becoming partitioned in some way.
I just pray to God that the scum who brought it upon us are still alive to face true justice.
Jarwill 101,
Hope you don’t mind me nicking it for a main post 🙂
More people will probably see it there.
Fine by me, Sue. Thanks.
Alice Arnold read out the Radio 4 news headlines at 8am this morning.
The first one described Milipede Minors wheeze to reduce tuition fees(now who brough THEM in I ask myself?) as…and I quote “an eye-catching initiative”
You might think that they would try to disguise their nostalgic call to Millbank 97 under Campbell and Bliar…but no… another dawn, another revolutionary geature is it not?
Just another example of the depths to which the BBC haver plummeted in their bias against the Tories :-
There was a totally unfunny ‘comedy’ program on radio 4 last week and during the humorousness dialogue for no apparent reason and totally out of context, one of the characters said ” I hope David Cameron falls off the end of a cliff and rips his face off on a gorse bush.”
Can’t some too-clever-by-half lawyer somewhere find a precedent which says we can’t be forced to pay for this obnoxious crap?
Sick of it.
And BTW – I’m not a huge fan of DC, but I’m still sick of it.
…and sooo much of BBC/British comedy has for a long time breached the Trades Description Act. This shit just ain’t funny, and hasn’t been since the days of poxy Ben Elton and his lazy but oh so easy ‘Thatch’ punchlines. Things haven’t really moved on since then, and have even been ‘updated’ for a new generation in the form of Brigstocke and his ilk, who employ exactly the same style to take aim at the same ‘Tory’ targets. Did these fuckwits miss 13 years of a Labour government? Where were they when Blair/Campbell were sexing up that dossier and using the full weight of their nasty slander/spin machine to hound Dr. Kelly to his death? Where were the searing routines to take apart the deeply suspect case for declaring full scale war on an entire nation? What about all the New Labour sleaze : cash for honours, passports for friends/donors, million pound ‘bungs’, lies over immigration. Why be silent whilst the Labour government was ‘guillotining’ defence spending at a time when they’d committed troops to two war zones, but were spending massive amounts of money in all other areas as if debt was not a problem? There was plenty there for any politically driven comedian to tear into, but they were too busy ridiculing Labour’s opponents – Ian Duncan Smith and William Hague etc. There are still plenty of Labour targets to take aim at now, with Blair’s suspect multi-million pound fortune and it’s well hidden sources aswell as Mandelson’s palace. Blair’s Libya dealings are also a rich source of pickings for a good old sneer for those who typically target the rich and the greedy and the corrupt. But no – Now we have the return of those nasty Tories, so it’s back to ‘holding the government to account’, which is of course the job of any socially responsible artist. What a bunch of self-appreciative, lefty, no-talent, cheap shot merchants. Bollox to them all.
Yes – I’m sick of it too!!!!!!!!
…sorry for unloading, but these people REALLY grind my gears.
Regarding ‘Blair’s suspect multi-million pound fortune’ :
I think there’s a Dispatches on Channel 4 tonight on this very topic. Might be worth a look, I think.
…and for anyone who loathes Birgstocke as much as I, see this review – from The New Statesman, of all places :
OK – no more from me. 😎
Somebody linked a less than flattering review of Prickstocke’s new book here recently. I’ll see if I can track it down.
And Antonia Quirke is gorgeous, funny and fabulous.
You might be thinking of this :
..and from the same site – a not so great review of argumental, featuring Brigstocke :
Great performance on Sunday Morning Live DV.
You came across very well whilst Galloway came across as his usual angry hate-filled self.
If he’s surprised that the BBC managed to find two supporters of Israel, then it just proves that he spends far too much time hanging around with naive students and unemployable inbred Bangladeshis.
For anyone that enjoys a spot of ‘red baiting’ then I can highly reccomend Galloway’s FaceBook fan page.
When I posted this picture on his wall they became ever so cross and called me a ‘racist nazi fascist’. I reckon they loved it really though 😉
Had to laugh at this….
More from Nick
‘ Labour have got exactly the headlines they wanted for what is not so much a new policy as a new symbol.‘
Er… Nick, you are not exactly helping matters on Labour getting desired headlines by linking to a BBC thread!
Shame it’s not ‘comments enabled’. Be fun to see the mods trying to delete all pointing that out using the ‘rules’.
Oh… there was another…
‘He will spell out – along the lines of his Observer interview today‘
Incestuous much?
More, more!
Christ! Talk about self-fulfillment!…and a complete lack of self-awareness!
I wonder if the closing of this thread (the previous one being ‘braodcast only’) was related to the last comment and possible directions thereafter?
Notice quite a few others.. Black, Cellan Jones, etc are also early closed with no new posts.
Are they bunkering down for soem reaswon, or justy all off on Xmas hols already.
The Editors is good value, with market rates getting pwned for their latest daft attempts at tractor stats.
I sense a closing in the force tthere soon, too.
Ah, a popular and long standing BBC meme, state control of what you eat is good for you. Bring back rationing now! (remember this when you have to queue up for three hours to get your 15 grammes of butter-substitute.) Just like that now defunct BBC earthy Paradise the DDR – where a shortage of trousers destroyed the evil communist bastar*s plans for world conquest (not that the BBC would have resisted)
While you are at it make ownership of private vehicles a crime and make ‘donation’ of any and all of your body and internal organs mandatory (unless from a protected religious/cultural group) upon the whim of the state. While we are at it, cover the country with utterly useless windmills. All policies strongly advocated by the great un-biased, BBC.
I think that it would be a good idea if we could have a running list maintained on this site where contrinutors write a one sentence description of something the BBC “likes” and actively campaigns for as a core meme? The sentences would be edited by DV to ensure quality/eliminate duplication. There is a lot of scope………
Just for fun, the BBC acting as Winston Smith for the Labour party (anyone who claims that the open door policy will bring in more that a total of 15,000 is a swivel eyed racist, ditto anyone who opposes the Euro etc) …
“The Times of the nineteenth of December had published the official forecasts of the output of various classes of consumption goods in the fourth quarter of 1983, which was also the sixth quarter of the Ninth Three-Year Plan. Today’s issue contained a statement of the actual output, from which it appeared that the forecasts were in every instance grossly wrong. Winston’s job was to rectify the original figures by making them agree with the later ones. As for the third message, it referred to a very simple error which could be set right in a couple of minutes. As short a time ago as February, the Ministry of Plenty had issued a promise (a ‘categorical pledge’ were the official words) that there would be no reduction of the chocolate ration during 1984. Actually, as Winston was aware, the chocolate ration was to be reduced from thirty grammes to twenty at the end of the present week. All that was needed was to substitute for the original promise a warning that it would probably be necessary to reduce the ration at some time in April”
It is a truth universally acknowledged that using George Orwell’s 1984 to illustrate a point is trite and negates your argument. However I disagree as so much of what the BBC do and the Labour government did fits so well with the book!
PAKISTAN corrupt- now official: as INBBC’s Muslim chum Imran Khan says so.
Quite a few commentators in the West have deemed the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as corrupt for some time, and should receive no more financial and military gifts from us, but should be regarded as an enemy country to the West.
But for INBBC, only if criticism against anything Islam comes from a Muslim is it regarded as potentially credible; this is how Islam-compliant INBBC has become.
“Imran Khan calls for Britain to cut aid to Pakistan ”
“No Further Aid Should Be Given To Pakistan, No Further Transfer Of Wealth To Any Muslim State Or Society”
Not Well-Bowled, Imran Khan
wonderful el beeb extolling, and spending lots of time giving sucre
to muslim sharia sham marriages, with the usual irritating “mouthpiece” radical muslims given lots of times to grandstand.
N Campbell, again no hard questions, no callers “getting through”
to give these shysters what for.
5 live Breakfast – Your Call26/09/2011
The cozy little N Campbell/self confessed radical muslim bint Assan,(from the sharia council). “tete a le tete” is absolutely gaulling, giggling away as anyone, who could get through the el beeb “inquisition” to put the highly selective, non-questions.
to them.
Back To A Very High Degree Of Bias
no wonder, she kept laughing, given a free ride for an hour,
deliver monologues at will, allowed to infer sharia is morally superior to Brit Law.
i tried to get through…..impossible
Possibly a new low
5 5 live Breakfast live Breakfast
heres the link
Polygamy is on the rise amongst British Muslims according to the Islamic Sharia council. N.Campbell, is monogamy is all it’s cracked up to be?….
obviously not at el beeb
Mr Campbell’s 4th form debate class is hilarious this morning.
‘Nigerian men need four wives – someone has to do the work’
‘Yes I go for days out with both my wives – when we go to a theme park for example’
Note from the Head to all staff: If we are going to get Britain to swallow this multiculti Sharia thing – lets stick to letting the proper left-leaning community spokespeople speak – the actual community members are showing themselves up.
Just wondering, hiow ‘balanced’ is it to run straight to the Graun for one’s ‘thoughts’ to be published most of the time…?
‘Thompson said it was vital that good journalism carried out in the public interest is not damaged in the wake of the News of the World scandal, ‘
Kind of excludes Aunty’s output right there.
But he does see the need to ensure that there are, clearly, two sets of rules: one that damages other media, and b) one that protects the BBC, no matter how egregious their bias and incompetence.
Didn’t seem to be comments enabled either, oddly.
I see some people in the BBC want to do away with BC and AD.
We all know who this is about, don’t we? And it’s not about the risk of offending Jews.
Another view, with a relevant fact. However…
DavidACGregory David Gregory If University Challenge doesn’t use AD/BC it’s down to production company (ITV!) not BBC “edict”. This Faux Outrage is silly.
…beyond ‘silly’, any substance to offer on the totality of the discussion?
Oh, I’m sure the production companies must be the reason for the Beeboid Corporation speaking to us in kilometres instead of miles, metres for the height of a person instead of feet and inches, euros instead of pounds and so on. As if the Beeboid Corporation doesn’t have a policy on these things. BC AD I suppose is the unique case where they don’t!
Also note the typical Beeboid dismissive sneer: nobody could possibly be actually outraged by any liberty the high-handed Beeboid Corporation takes with what matters to people.
As for silly, look at the same Beeboid’s witterings on twitter.
Isn’t this such a familiar ploy – any concerns that they don’t care about are ‘faux’ concerns. We’ve heard that one for 13 years, especially regarding immigration.
BC and AD don’t offend me or any other Jews that I know. However to be fair, I don’t know any Muslims who are ofended by the terminology either. maybe that’s because I don’t mix, so far as I know, with religious nutters from any religion
FOIMonkey The most complained about authority was the BBC (162 times) but only 48 were upheld (29.63%) #FOILeagueTables
The BBC are always working hard to promote their Licenece Fee partners : Labour.
Now it’s all gone a little Gardeners’ Question Time. Hear them work in wheelbarrow loads of manure to help boost Ed Ball’s ‘GROWTH’ meme.
Afterall the Beeb never tire of telling us that the Tories do their pruning ‘TOO HARD, TOO SOON’
John Pinaar just now notes Miliband is lagging in the polls – a lot of people ‘NEED TO BE CONVINCED’.
Funny. When the Beeb talk about the Libs or the Tories unpopularity it is more a case of the politicians getting it wrong. When the blessed party gets it wrong then it must be the people who need some re-education.
It’s a tough gig but don’t worry brothers. The BBC are doing the best they can.
This made me laugh, and it could not have happened to a bigger idiot than Mr Vine…
Interesting to note that a BBC employee, one presumes using various BBC incarnations to tweet whilst being paid by the licence fee funders, seems able to ‘block’ folk who may wish to take him to task or take him to task.
Is that… appropriate? Taking abuse may be grounds for ‘protecting’ the poor dear (he doesn’t have to RT so his ‘followers’ will never be exposed), but there’s something rather familiar and fishy about the BBC hive setting stuff up so only they and fellow hive members can interact.
Almost some form of media apartheid via censorship?
No, the inane tweeting that goes on in paid employment hours is damaging to the reputation of the organisation, not to mention to the credibility of the Beeboid who wants to be taken seriously as a pontificat…um…knowledgeable reporter / informant on our screens.
However, in the anything – goes – for- the – privileged – staff of this privileged organision, it’s all of a piece with that Beeboid arrogance and unaccountability that sets up its communications and complaints arrangements in the form of an obstacle course: see its website and try to follow the the tortuous trail of How to contact us. I’d rather keep an appointment with the Hampton Court maze – you can get lost for hours there – than go through that dizzying around-and-around-in-circles again. Sort it out, Beeboids. I want a speedy single-click e-mail link when I want to send a comment to or about a programme – and no form filling either.
That’s just part of the instruction from that Social Media training course the BBC offers, at the cost of £100 a throw. See under “How to remain unaccountable”. The other key piece of instruction is that they can put “BBC” all over the place as much as they want, so long as they make sure to include the disclaimer “opinions are my own”.
I know. I assume that disclaimer must be attached to every BBC person’s tweet. It certainly looks like it.
“The opinions are my own, not the BBC’s.”
So who IS the BBC, and what comprises its *opinions*?
If not those of its staff, then whose? Is there somewhere where we can request to see the BBC’s opinions? The FOI act, for example, or would they come under the exclusion clause that covers the Balen report?
Brian Sewell on Radio 3’s descent into inconsequential disc-jockey chatter:
Why Radio 3 is no longer music to my ears!
Once bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and an enthusiastic presenter, Petroc Trelawny shared his passionate interest in music with the listeners of Radio 3.
Now, as frontman for its banal Breakfast show, he has had the stuffing beaten out of him.
First, by the BBC diktats which insist every programme be dumbed-down in the endless quest for mass-market appeal; and now by listeners leaving the station in droves in protest, condemning Trelawny’s show as ‘Radio 2.5’ because its populist phone-ins, competitions and chatter are more reminiscent of Radio 2.
Trelawny knows about music. He loves music. It is his life and career. But now, in portly middle age, he is reduced to nothing more than the reader of bathetic links between snippets of music.
Read more:
Another example of the BBC’s decision that ratings = value for money. The BBC behaves more and more like a commercial entity every day, and the only element missing is accountability.
Last night on country file John Craven was investigating the problems of blue-green algae in lakes – managed to say that the problem has got worse over the last 10-20 years and in his words with the ‘weather warming’ the problem would only get worse. I am not sure this year could count either during the winter or summer for warm weather. Then the farmers also were to blame – well they would be wouldn’t they – for putting fertilizer on their grass that they didn’t need to. I am not sure that the farmers in the Lake District are so wealthy that they could afford to do so.
But of course John Craven had to go up in an airplane to see the algae – but then admitted he couldn’t see much from up there – if he believes in carbon emissions causing climate change he shouldn’t go for these jaunts.
I just happened across this website about how the licence fee enforcers treat the non-TV viewer. I haven’t read the content but it may be of interest to some readers: treated by TV Licensing™.
This site is about TV Licensing™ (the “television licensing authority”) . . .
. . . and how they treat those who do not have television.
I have not had a television for many years. One would think that would be an end to it, but it isn’t. One cannot simply refuse this entertainment service, without appearing to be dishonest in the eyes of TV Licensing™ (a.k.a. the Television Licensing Authority or TVLA). The non-viewer does not fit into their framework. To TV Licensing™ there are licence-payers and licence-dodgers and the non-viewer (with whom they really have no business) is treated as a suspect licence-dodger. Whether there should be a licence-fee at all (or the present organisation to collect it) is an interesting topic; however, this site is primarily concerned with how the mechanism of BBC funding unfairly affects those who do NOT have television.
Just enjoyed lunch, watching SKY.
Not a big fan of Adam Boulton, but he made a very orange (shades of Hain, literally), look an even bigger oaf than he obviously is outside the hive rose tints.
Speaking of which, both referred to ‘an inaccurate BBC report’, one presumes about the economy.
As stuffed up BBC reporting is now the dialy norm, anyone know what they were referring to specifically?
No the inaccurate report was Toenails last week spouting on how he’d been personally briefed by a minister about some 5 billion pounds of government spending to boost the economy. If you remember, the BBC ran this as FACT for two days and used it on Clegg, Huhne and Alexander to make out there was a cabinet split (nasty Tories not telling thingd to the Lib Dems). It turned out Toenails was as usual spouting utter shit and the BBC killed the story, but ONLY after using it to try to force open that split between the Tories and Lib Dems which if you remember John Pinhead stated on Radio 5 last year was the aim of the BBC.
Ah, thank you.
BBC and facts seem unfamiliar bedfellows an awful lot these days.
On news (well, all), that is a problem.
Especially when I am compelled to pay for either incompetence or dleiberate misinformation.
Trying to act as an agant provocateur to the smooth running of this country seems hardly the remit to be expected of the national broiadcaster.
This comment by My Site reminded me of something: a revealing interview with Michael Crick in 2007, when he became Political Editor of Newsnight. (He recently jumped ship to Channel 4 before he was pushed. Now I see there is some background that might explain why: he was previously bolshy with the management, signing a letter protesting about senior management bonuses of 30% when levels of staffing were being cut to save money.)
Nevertheless, many of his most recent “targets” have indeed been prominent Tories, including former leader Iain Duncan Smith and the incumbent David Cameron. Why does he think, for example, that Newsnight specially commissioning a portrait of Cameron posing in his £1,000 Bullingdon club uniform at Oxford – to bypass a media ban on using the original photograph – was a legitimate story, rather than a straightforward piece of toff bashing?
“It was an important story because it’s another illustration of Cameron’s background,” he responds. “Given that we live in a world where there is very little ideology and that Cameron has made so few policy commitments, exploration of his personality, background and character is all the more important.”
He adds: “The beauty of that story was that it was so neatly balanced. It also gave me the opportunity to go back and use that photograph of Tony Blair [in which the prime minister, also at Oxford, is shown making an “extraordinary gesture below the waist”], which I had known about for 13 years but hadn’t actually been able to persuade the owner to let me use.”
Another Crick story which caused far bigger waves was his investigation into Iain Duncan Smith’s alleged misuse of taxpayers’ funds in the running of his office and in payments to his wife, Betsy, for work the reporter claimed she did not do. Crick referred his findings to the parliamentary commissioner for standards, Sir Philip Mawer, who went on to clear the former Tory leader of acting dishonestly (though he did find that two party officials should have been paid by Conservative Central Office rather than from public funds). The saga, which inevitably came to be known as Betsygate and led to Crick coming off air while the inquiry was carried out, was deeply damaging to IDS and possibly contributed to his downfall. Crick now concedes he has some regrets over the way he – and the BBC – handled Betsygate. Indeed, he accepts he crossed the line from journalist to participant in that particular story.
“It’s a story which I think I had a duty to pursue and I wish the BBC had pursued it a bit more vigorously at the time, but they were deeply involved in the whole Hutton inquiry and it’s understandable that they had other things on their mind. I think it was a mistake, having discussed it with friends and other journalists, to have referred [his findings] to Sir Philip Mawer. On reflection for me to have entered the political arena in quite that way [was a mistake].”
And it was presented as just the opinion of a minister (or a couple of them), not an official policy statement. Robinson did one of his “the BBC can reveal”, which means he got permission from the Government to run with it. This smells amusingly like the current Government doing what Labour used to do all the time: using him to run an idea up the flagpole to see who salutes it.
When the idea falls flat, they turn around on it, leaving Robinson with egg on his face. It’s his own fault for being so eager to please any politician he comes across and not questioning how it doesn’t even jibe with what he knows is going on. It must be tough to maintain that insider status.
Ah, I recall the one.
A few were intrigued by that “the BBC can reveal’.
I liked this one:
123. Bertram Bird
21ST SEPTEMBER 2011 – 11:26
I wish Nick would start reporting news rather than trying to write it. He seems to have been grubbing around the LibDem conference trying to trap ANYONE into speculating about possible plan bs.
Lie with dogs who have fleas….
Toenails isn’t the only one, Peston and Sheena also spout crap as facts.
Just report the sodding news and cut out the opinion crap.
Unfortunately, the opinion part is the whole point of the “BBC editor” position created especially for this kind of thing. Although it’s presented as “analysis”. You can add Mardell and Bowen and Cellan-Jones to that problematic list.
journalismnews In case you missed it earlier: BBC News wins top online journalism award #ONA11 #bbc
I have to say I have missed anything that may be called journalsim, much less awardable.
Some Traveller Granny is answering questions (outside the courthouse, I guess) about today’s injunction blocking the eviciton of the Travellers in Dale Farm. All smiles and cheery friendliness, the moronic Beeboid asking the questions asked at one point, “It’s been 10 years, are you going to be here another 10 years?”
“Another 30 years, hopefully. We’re strong,” came the reply.
The question which either didn’t occur to the Beeboid, or – more likely – his boss forbade him from asking: “So, not much travelling any more, then?”
This puts the lie to the entire deal, and the BBC will not touch it.
As an ignorant, parochial, racist United Statesian, I’m seriously having trouble wrapping my tiny, Tea Party extremist brain around the idea that it’s a problem that Travellers must now travel. Oh, the humanity. The BBC keeps dancing around it, and steadfastly refuses to ask them how their supposed ethnic lifestyle claims jibe with their desire to do the exact opposite.
Why are they called Travellers, again? Something doesn’t add up.
I just caught a bit of the BBC’s AGM in Liverpool.
Someone from the BBC (Huw Red Edwards) was talking to someone from the BBC’s political wing, the Labour party, about the Chancellor, Mr Ball’s ideas to stimulate the economy; Something about reducing taxes.
Now correct me if it’s wrong, but weren’t the BBC’s political party responsibe for taxing the arses off the people who worked their butts off, to indulge their voters (public sector employees, immigrants and benefit recipients etc.) with unprecedented volumes of taxpayers cash, with a view to buying their votes.
Can we take this as a policy U-Turn, and assume the BBC & Labour are now in favour of free market economics? And does that mean they are in favour of scrapping the licence fee and being totally independent?
No, I didn’t think so.
Richard Black is sorted, or at least able to wander round his bunker a bit more freely, for a few weeks, having posted his latest epic from the world of green.
Some nice old lady has died, so he has, with some measure of justification, decided to act in role of obit editor.
Thing is, he remains untouchable on this thread, as no one would be crass enough to use it to ask why he seems to have a vast interest in rather niche subjects where there is a reponse mechanism, while being either diinterested or moved to broadcast only territory on less solid ground.
A couple of things come to mind regarding the 6PM BBC news. Well OK I’m not even commenting on Toenails licking of Ed Testicles arse, others here can do that.
However, I did note that Fergal Keane when talking about his beloved pikey scum in Essex referred to the local community as people “who see the travellers as planning law breakers”. Well no Keane you knob, the LAW has made it clear the pikey scum have broken the law, the locals just want the law enforced. Your report did not say that.
Then we had the lovely report on Winkleigh being the best place to live and bring up children. Am I the only one who noticed something very unusual about Winkleigh? yep not an ‘efnik’ in sight, no sodding head scarves, mosques or arseholes going “ya man, dis is mi hood”. No drug dealers and no shit schools. Very white and middle class, I bet Billy Bragg would love it there, oh hand on he’s already living in Devon.
The BBC seems very concerned about how much taxpayer money is being wasted on this Traveller deal. How nice to see the Beeboids advocate for fiscal conservatism….er….hang on….where’s me script?
This ‘socialist’ Mr Bragg, political chum of BBC -NUJ?
“We love our Leftie lord of the manor: A Dorset village has launched a hate campaign against famous resident Billy Bragg but now the masses are rising up…”
Read more:
Oh Lord!
Sorry Martin but Lord William Bragg is of the Burton Bradstock parish here in sunny Dorset.
It matters to us all because it means that he need only cycle to Tolpuddle every year to tell us that there is “Power in a Union”…apart from when he flies in from some Canuck camp fire hootenanny!
Bragg will however always have a multiracial choir from Sah`f London to sing Bob Marley tunes as his fifth encore.
I hate the man…but have to admit that he has adopted Dorset and not Devon…in either case it would not be Barking any longer.
More Lord of Lulworth than Bard of Barking these days!
I stand corrected, the south west all looks the same to me, you know full of nasty middle class white people, can’t understand why Billy St Bragg would prefer that to Hackney or Brick Lane in London. 🙂
Ah, but think what those poor residents of Winkleigh are missing.
Unless you’ve come home to find a gang of savage inner-city browns setting fire to your property and taking off with all your worldly possessions then your neighbourhood simply isn’t as vibrant as it could be.
Afghanistan: INBBC lacks analysis on nature of Islam.
For analysis of INBBC headline below, suggest see ‘Jihadwatch’.
Two killed at Kabul ‘CIA station’
Afghan jihadist employed by CIA murders American at Kabul CIA office
“As I have said many times in the context of many similar incidents in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is no reliable way to distinguish a peaceful Muslim from a jihadist. This is yet more fruit of the unwillingness to make even a cursory attempt to take that fact into account.
“And every few weeks (the last time was August 4), I find the paragraph above in the archives and post it again.
“And yet the dim bulbs in the intelligence community in Washington are busy making sure that none of their teaching materials offend terror-linked Islamic supremacist groups in the U.S. This is the fruit also of their witless useful idiocy and political correctness.”
A little while ago on these pages, we discussed an interview with Terry Smith about the seriousness of the financial situation we find ourselves in.
Here is a video from today’s news that is more or less a rerun of that conversation – with emphasis on the Eurozone’s problems.
You need a strong stomach to watch this stuff. I don’t know if he is right about what is going to happen to our savings (someone please tell me he is wrong). I think it was in the crisis of 1987 everyone said the stockmarkets were finished, and they inexplicably started rising again.
But this is of course about more than just the markets.
Just as with the Terry Smith interview, look at and listen to the shell-shocked BBC newsreaders
Bwahahahaha! Thanks for this, Henry. Absolutely made my day, week, month, year. Idiot BBC producer went to a bond trader for analysis on how to save the Euro. Wrong! All he knows is how to make money of the markets, not how to reverse decades of Socialism and misbegotten Keynesian schemes. Do the Beeboids understand anything at all that isn’t handed to them on a silver platter?
I hope all the Beeboids took note of what this guy said the smart people were relying on: US bonds and the US dollar. Remember when they told us it was all over for the US, and that Capitalism was dead? Well, obviously the Euro leaders are just re-arranging the body parts of the rotting corpse of Socialism to make it look nice for the upcoming open-casket funeral.
Stephanie Flanders should be the first one in line to apologize and resign.
Those nasty Europeans are “scaring the world”. 😀
Don’t know if anyone else saw the programme about the RAF and Army helicopers in Afghanistan on C4 last night, but the classic line was from the guy when asked by the reporter “what do you think goes through the mind of the taliban when he sees your Apache?”
“Hopefully a 30mm bullet”
Classic, wouldn’t go down well on the BBC though.
I saw most of it, Martin. A very sobering program. The troops on the frontline certainly don’t sugar coat anything, and they have to deal with some horrific situations. As my brother said, I hope all our politicians were watching.
Your quote reminds me of the former US security agent on Sky News, talking about the killing of Bin Laden. He was asked how long Osama would have been given to surrender. His answer :
“As long as it took to pull the trigger”
Just happened to catch the start of Blue Peter as I was flipping channels eating my tea this evening.
It was the first episode from the new Salford studio and featured the two presenters arriving by Jet Ski and Sea-king helicopter. Cue a brief history of Salford with the obligatory distain for its industrial past “It didn’t used to be all shinny and new – it used to be a docks…”
Into the studio and onto what appeared to be an advert Apple – with the “top 3 smartphone apps”. Now, you’d think Blue Peter might want to highlight some of the many great educational or creative apps: Maybe Starwalk, The Elements, perhaps Garage band? But no: According to Blue Peter the best apps are “Fruit Ninja”, “Angry Birds” and “Cut the Rope”. All mindless time-wasters for the braindead. Good to know BBC are encouraging the next generation of British scientists and engineers.
Onto the next item – design your own app – featuring a school visit and interviews with the children – but what’s this? All the pupils are wearing headscarfs. Not just one or two of them – but everyone they interview. Surely they could have had just one white Christian child. You know – just a token white.
I switched off at that point – but it occurred to me there’s probably a whole separate raft of BBC bias in their children’s output that goes unreported.
‘Mindless’, ‘brain dead’, ‘headscarves’, average IQ of 80 = Target audience, or what they wish their entire audience would be like.
Onto the next item – design your own app – featuring a school visit and interviews with the children – but what’s this? All the pupils are wearing headscarfs. Not just one or two of them – but everyone they interview.
Ah, another reason a number of Beeboids didn’t want to make the move…..
But Lauren Booth said wearing a burqua “liberated her”. Come on BBC, get with the programme. All female BBC presenters in future to wear a burqua the protect their modesty. Its by choice, they told us many times. You will look good in it Emily, Kirsty..
Most female beeboids would be visually improved by wearing a burkha.
Not only in the childrens programs, but in for example the BBC History magazine as well which contained an article along the lines of “10 pieces of scientific history”. One of the items was a piece (by Patricia Fara, a historian of science) about Rosalind Frankelin and her part in the discovery of the structure of the DNA molecule in 1953.
From everything I have read about the discovery of the structure of DNA, Fara’s is an inaccurate version of the story. In her version, Francis Crick doesn’t seem to have had much to do with the discovery of the structure, which is presented as primarily Watson seeing Frankelin’s X-Rays. It seems from the article that “Although not an expert like Frankelin” (ridiculous – did Fara really write this?) he somehow single-handedly deduced the structure after looking at her work (in fact Crick and Watson had guessed the Helix structure earlier).
The full story is in fact very interesting example of how science can be done*. But too many historians treat their subject as a boxing match, where you takes sides, then slug it out. Frankelin’s work was vital to the unlocking of the structure. But to Fara, it has to be the most important part.
Sadly, Frankelin’s early death meant she did not receive a Nobel prize (which is not awarded posthumously). Unfortunately, because of this and insufficient early credit to her part in the discovery, Frankelin’s story has attracted a feminist contingent, from whom we get some very one-sided versions of events. Trust the Beeb to take sides with them!
If SKY is any measure ( a low one already), I presume the ‘news’ today will follow a familair path.
BAE closures > job losses > angry unions> governement’s ‘fault’> Labour conf > Yvette Cooper > told you so.
Par for the course. But I do wonder if the BBC will add an extra level of multiple standard in its handling of this, finding unusual affection all of a sudden for ‘defence’ industries.
BBC-NUJ-Labour would welcome the demise of the British military aircraft industry, in line with CND political agenda (so long as Labour votes are not aversely affected).
But for BBC-NUJ-Labour, it’s politically OK for British pilots to risk their lives, and for British taxpayers to have large amounts of their money spent supporting the Islamic ‘Arab Spring/Winter’ in e.g. Libya.
And this is the thanks we get:
Gratitude: Libya’s National Transitional Council declares Lockerbie case closed, will not release evidence that could lead to others being charged
The website introduces us to the story of Walter Rauff this morning.
Rauff being a key functionary both administrative and in the field of the ‘gas wagon’ method of liquidation (to spare the soldiers the stress of shooting) in the WW2 period.
The BBC mentions that ‘
“As US intelligence later put it, Rauff designed gas vans used to murder Jews and people with disabilities.”
The BBC forgot to mention the Roma and Sinti for some reason.
There is an aspect to Rauff’s diabolical career which has a bearing on the period prior to the declaration of the state of Israel which can be read from German sources. My translation below.
“Neuere Forschungen beschäftigen sich mit Rauffs Rolle im Afrikafeldzug. Die Nationalsozialisten gingen von einer verbreiteten Kollaborationsbereitschaft der Araber aus: „Die außergewöhnlich deutschfreundliche Stimmung der Araber ist im wesentlichen darauf zurückzuführen, daß man hofft, ‚daß Hitler kommen möge’, um die Juden zu vertreiben“, so im Sommer 1942 der Chef des Auslandsgeheimdienstes, Walter Schellenberg . Mit zu dieser Einschätzung beigetragen hatte der islamische Geistliche und palästinensische arabische Nationalist Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini, der sich ab 1941 im Exil in Deutschland aufhielt. Die anfänglichen Erfolge der Deutschen und Italiener im Afrikafeldzug weckten im Sommer 1942 Erwartungen an einen raschen Vorstoß nach Ägypten und weiter nach Palästina .
Die Aufstellung eines Einsatzkommandos zur systematischen Ermordung von Juden in Palästina und in anderen Teilen des Vorderen Orients wurde im Juli 1942 beschlossen und rasch umgesetzt: Am 1. Juli 1942 sprachen Walter Schellenberg und Himmler über einen „Einsatz in Ägypten“; offenbar am gleichen Tag erteilte auch Hitler seine Zustimmung.”
“More recent research concerns itself with Rauff’s role in the Africa campaign. The National Socialists operated on the assumption of a widespread readiness for collaboration on the part of the Arabs.
“The exceptionally German-friendly attitude of the Arabs can be essentially interpreted on their expectation that Hitler’s arrival would result in the removal of the Jews” observed Walter Schellenberg, chief of foreign intelligence in the summer of 1942. Contributing to this assessment was Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini, the Islamic cleric and Palestinian nationalist who resided in German exile. The early successes of the Africa campaign raised expectations of a rapid advance to Egypt and on to Palestine.
The establishment of an ‘Einsatzkommando’ for the systematic murder of the Jews in Palestine and other parts of the Near East was agreed in July 1942 and quickly implemented: On 1st July, Himmler and Schellenberg discussed the “deployment in Egypt”, apparently on the same day, Hitler gave his agreement.”
The Arab attitude to Jews (prior to the establishment of the state of Israel) was one of hatred. Hatred to the point of leading ‘Palestinian’ figures being prepared to cooperate with genocidal policies. The founding of a Jewish state in 1948 was in part a reaction to this anti-semitism. We should never forget this.
Perhaps a mention by the BBC at some point?.
Compare these two reports;
BBC version
with this one
CNN version
Remember these are not right wing americans but american peace activists.
The BBC is always ready to play down the brutality of Iran.
John Simpson of the BBC said a few years ago that Iran was only country which could change it goverment by election. He is the text book example of a “usefull idiot”. After everything that has happened, they still will not see the truth.
Nick Robinson’s latest risble thread in a risible blog currently true to form…
404 – Page Not Found
This might be because you typed the web address incorrectly. Please check the address and spelling ensuring that it does not contain capital letters or spaces.
It is possible that the page you were looking for may have been moved, updated or deleted.
Or, Nick, it may be because you and your Labour masters are getting pwned, based on the consequences of cheerfully passing on without a moment’s thought this from that twat currently ‘leading’ HM Opposition.
“Are you on the side of the wealth creators”
Because most in the UK are, sensibly, and wealth creators do not include Labour, unions or the BBC.
But one guesses that there may be a level of ‘some are less equally bound by this than others?’ hidden away?
Meanwhile in other, related, news…
If Gove lets this pass, the Conservatives can also kiss goodbye to my even checking their manifesto at ballot time.
About an hour so far. So much for their ‘faster, easier, fairier, better’ blog system.
There seem to be paralell universes at play here. In one is the public sector, including pols of all hues and the BBC. In the other is the real world.
My Site, that’s a shocking policy (if true). It furthers the idea that excellence should come second place to social engineering. The bizarre thing is that it claims to be designed to make sure that a student’s background will not be allowed to hinder their ability to achieve, but it will do just that to students from private schools. This is the kind of BS loved by chippy Labourites : discrimination against the talented and hard working. The race to the bottom continues….from Great Britain to Mediocre Britain and beyond.
No reason to see it as untrue, if still very much in punt territory.
As I have written to my kids’ school to ask if AQA is their favoured baord, and if so what my views are, possibly market forces may prevail.
At least there are some wallet-based choices around still.
I’ve heard of stealth, but they are getting shameless.
This morning’s has been changed to:
And made broadcast only, with all comments in the former obliterated.
How disappointing. I had hoped to suggest that if Labour have decided to be on the side of wealth creators, it’s only so they can spend it all. Probably several others had made the same point.
‘Probably several others had made the same point.’
I had pointed out that favouring welath creators was an intereresting precedent, and not one that immediately bought to mind the vast contribution to the country made by the unions, most public sector workers and the BBC.
But we’ll never know.
Though I have asked the complaints flying monkesy to offer and explanation, and to make it a good one as I will be boosting to Helen’s dead letter box and Fatty Pang’s kindling collection.
Ed Miliband sides with ‘wealth creators’
…just like he sided with his brother. The only time Labourites side with the wealth creators is when they’re looking to pocket some cash in return, ain’t that right Mr. Blair.
If it’s bad in Birmingham, what’s it like up North?
“Divorce on the cards? It’s lonely up North for BBC staff”
By Richard Kay
Read more:
What to cut on BBC radio for ‘Asians’? All of it, now.
The non-British Broadcasting Corporation gives priority to ‘Asians’ in its culturally apartheid radio provision in Britain, with all the negative consequences for British society.
It turns over much of ‘local radio’ (sic) to apartheid ‘Asian’ radio in the evenings in many regions of Britain, broadcasting in some Asian language for the immigrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, etc.
The same cultural apartheid function is funded by licencepayers for ‘Asian Network’ nationally, which is not simply a purveyor of ‘Asian’ music, but of ‘Asian’ political propaganda.
Director General Thompson has reneged on a promise to close down the culturally apartheid ‘Asian Network’. It should be closed down.
Thompson has reneged on this 2010 promise:
“Bloodbath at BBC: Thompson wields the axe to fund £600m drive to quality programmes ”
Read more:
“BBC looks at slashing local radio to balance the books”
BBC-NUJ-Labour is enforcing cultural apartheid with its special preference for ‘Asian’ radio. It should all be closed down NOW.
A quandary for Beeboids …
Fidel Castro calls Obama UN speech ‘gibberish’
BBCr4today BBC Radio 4 Today Miliband’s ‘big moral speech’ #edmiliband #labour
Seems a nice, balanced ‘discussion’. If you are studying each other’s navle fluff.Maybe ‘big fat, lying ****ers speech and tribal folllow-up’ would have been more apposite?
I have to pull you up on that. Ed Miliband is not a big fat lying ****er. He’s so thin I had to check my television’s aspect ratio last night.
Ok. My bad.
Wonder how his big moral speech will get covered outside of the BBC, being Ivan the terrible timing has rather queered the pitch with the ‘profession’, ably supported by the spinners kettling even such as Mr. Maguire (not happy) so Ed can skip into the hall presidentially. Not quite ‘man of the people’ stuff.
If the berk says ‘people are telling me’ I will lose my lunch.
Licence fee hard at (sort of) work…
CommentatorIntl The Commentator Nevertheless, the BBC are still doing some quality advertising for the Labour Party: #lab11
IainDale Iain Dale Dale&Co: BBC – Blighted By Communists?: Jerry Lockspeiser disputes James Delingpole’s marxist claims about the
Another day, another familiar ‘dismissal’ piece.
Thing is, the facts in the comments seem to be getting in the way of the narrative.
Clearly, BBC-NUJ is politically committed to a version of ‘cultural Marxism’ which relegates existing nationalism and Christianity in Britain, and so appeases Islamic interests.
Somebody doesn’t get satire.
“I have no idea how the employees or senior management of the BBC vote, or if they vote at all, but I guess they are probably representative of the public at large….”
Jerry Lockspeiser.
Genius! Such insight!. We might as well all go home now. Apparently the BBC chaps are just like ordinary members of the public. Not the broadcast arm of the Guardian and chief shill for The Labour Party at all. All that anti-semitic anti-business climate fear-mongering is…our imagination. That’s a relief to know.
Pretty lazy article, wasn’t it. The first comment from Mark Wallace sets him straight…
“I have no idea how the employees or senior management of the BBC vote, or if they vote at all, but I guess they are probably representative of the public at large.”
Well, you’d guess wrong – a couple of years ago ConservativeHome studied the Facebook political identities of BBC staff and found:
BBC liberals – 1,340
BBC moderates – 340
BBC conservatives – 120
I was seriously shocked to see a preview of a programme on BBC covering Shirley Bassey, with the closing line ‘part of our mixed-race season’
Shirley Bassey is one of my favourite performers ever, surely a lady of her stature and capabilities deserves to be on TV simply because she is a fantastic performer?
I come from South Africa, we have a far more adult attitude to race than the UK (ie. blacks are called ‘black’ and whites are called ‘white’ as a straightforward descriptor, with no innuendo, double meanings or any other hidden agenda, an no offense taken just like saying ‘blue eyes’ or ‘blonde’) but I can tell you there that there would never, ever be such a thing as a ‘mixed race season’ on SATV. Truly, deeply, blatantly racist.
“Norway charges three” [Muslims] “in” [Islamic jihad] “terror plot over cartoons”
did anyone hear the shameful bias yesterday on 5 live breafast phone in
El Beeb/N Campbell spending lots of time giving sucre to muslim sharia sham marriages, with the usual irritating “mouthpiece” radical muslims given lots of times to grandstand.
N Campbell, again no hard questions, no callers “getting through” to give these shysters what for.
5 Contrive Breakfast – Your Call – 26/09/2011
5 live Breakfast
The cozy little N Campbell/self confessed radical muslim bint Assan,(from the sharia council). “tete a le tete” is absolutely gaulling, giggling away as anyone, who could get through the el beeb “inquisition” to put the highly selective, non-questions. to them.
Very High Degree Of Bias
no wonder, she kept laughing, given a free ride for an hour,
deliver monologues at will, allowed to infer sharia is morally superior to Brit Law.