Is it just me or has the BBC been indecently enthusiastic in its coverage of the news that Amanda “Foxy” Knox has been cleared of killing Meredith Kercher? I listened to John Humphrys on Today this morning (7.09am) and he was using her release to try and undermine the use of the death penalty in the States, a clear example of Humphrys pursuing his own agenda. The disinterest in the feelings of the Kercher family was also telling.
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‘The disinterest in the feelings of the Kercher family was also telling.’
As the ‘handling’ of the Dowler family showed, the BBC and its fellow travellers will use, and discard, anyone in the most cysical manner if it serves their perceived ‘greater’ purposes.
The sad part is that the media zoo around this case means I am not as informed as I’d like to be on the facts and issues, because the handling of it was so dire I usually kicked it off the screen.
That the BBC decides to add its unique ‘take’ on legal matters makes it no better than all the rest… and that makes it very not worth the money.
There are 2 aspects to this; validity of evidence/conviction and moral values of exploitation of their situation.
It appeared that the prosecution of Knox and her boyfriend was based on forensic evidence which on review appeared highly flawed and the initial conviction was unsafe in British legal parlance. Fair enough.
Now we watch to see how moral and upstanding these people are. It appears that they seek to make huge amounts of money from the situation they found themselves in. If this is their moral standing then they are amoral. To profit from the terrible death of a housemate and friend’s terrible death is below contempt.
The media should shun and ignore any attempt by Knox to profit from her situation.
I have no problem with the family suing the Italian authorities for damages and costs incurred in this case.
Lets see how moral the BBC is on this. Initial indications are that they are already giving Knox’s promo a good plug.
I understand and largely agree with what you say, but if she is innocent (and that, to me, appears the most likely truth) she has just spent four years at the prime of her life inside a foreign prison. As long as she does nothing to upset the Kercher family I think she might be justified in getting something to recompense her for the years lost that she will never get back.
Nothing will make up for those lost years but if she really is innocent then it would have made the last few years even worse. If she is guilty (and we’ll probably never know for sure) then she is already beyond the pale as far as sympathy goes.
“The media should shun and ignore any attempt by Knox to profit from her situation.”
Err, a 20 year old innocent young woman (possibly strange but so what) was hideoulsy treated and wrongly convicted on a fantasy invented by a corrupt prosecutor. That’s a fact.
Whilst I totaly agree that one must remember and honour the poor victim here, who had her life vicioulsy ended — Knox has had her a good portion of her young adulthood stolen.
She deserves recompense for the fact that she was innocent. That’s her situation.
Err, you weren’t there.
Err, you don’t know any more than anyone else.
Now that’s a fact.
Err, Barry, try reading up on the case. I have.
The depraved killer of Meredith got 16 years. His name is Rudy Guede.
Knox and her “boyfriend” of six days were clearly and conclusively rail-roaded by an utterly corrupt prosecutor who made up a theory from thin-air.
They got 26 years.
The actual killer GUEDE, got 16 years. The non-killers got 26.
Any objective look at the facts (and I am a pro-death penalty, Troy Davis was absolutley guilty, life means life, lock the rioters up, guy) can only come to the conclusion that this couple did NOT participate in the RAPE and murder of Meredith.
We know for sure that Guede raped Kercher, based on DNA evidence that is undisputed. Guede’s DNA was all over the room where Kercher was killed, whereas DNA from both Knox and Sollecito was conspicuously absent.
Guede fled to Germany after the murder and called a friend, whom he told, among other things, that Knox was not even in the house on the night of the killing. The evidence against Guede evidently was conclusive, and he was long ago tried, found guilty and sentenced.
How was Knox convicted? The prosecutor span a fantasy. Not satisfied with Guede as the murderer, he “imagined” that Amanda Knox may have inspired the crime. He pictured a “sex game gone wrong,” featuring Guede, Knox, her boyfriend Sollecito, and Kercher.
Really? Knox had known Sollecito for a mere six days at the time of the murder, and barely was acquainted with Guede. Sollecito had never met Guede. Of course, the prosecutor speculated that the sex game was “drug fueled.” What was the evidence of drugs? The same as the evidence for group sex: zero. The prosecutor made it up. He had it in for Amanda Knox from the off for his own bizarre reasons.
And the “confession”? 56 hours non-stop interrogation of a 20 year old young woman who didn’t speak the language?
Seriously? I suggest most people would have “confessed” to killing the poor, unfortunate Meredith. Not that Knox actually confessed, even then. She was asked to “imagine” how the crime might have occurred.
Ask yourself. Would you want YOUR sister treated that way?
I’m sure she’s purer than the driven snow.
The fact remains, you weren’t there.
And of course I wouldn’t want my sister to be mistreated by anyone. I wonder, however, whether you would employ Knox as a baby sitter. I suspect not.
Surely us not being there is a reason to give the benefit of the doubt, not to take a hostile position based on ignorance. The evidence simply and clearly points to her innocence, which should double the desire to give her the benefit of the doubt.
When it comes to her earning money from this I have heard it said she is a very a very upstanding girl who won’t simply cash in in any way possible. That said her family apparently had to pay a huge amount for her defence, so if she does it tastfully it is not too wrong if she tries to recoup some of those debts and, as Demon 101 says, the lost opportunities of these four years.
Why the article would call her ‘Foxy’ and continue to smear the poor girl is strange.
But the BBC keeps reporting that now the Kercher family has no idea who killed Meredith. If Guede has been convicted for the murder, how can this be so?
Hey, Jack. Long time no see.
Yes, long time Jack ! How do you know Knox is innocent ?
You don’t, but the evidence sure points that way. We certainly do not know she is guilty.
Jack Bauer is correct in his characterisation. He could have added that the prosecutor had a history of inventing such ‘Satanic, sex games’ conspiracies. He did it when investigating the ‘monster of Florence’. He seems a very dubious figure.
What’s more, I understand that her familly and friends mortgaged their houses to raise the money to pay for her appeal. Maybe they would like to be able to recover that money. Sure as hell won’t get it from the Italians!
Two Englishmen were sat outside a bar in Portugal during Euro 2004. A group of Portugese heard them speaking English and started to abuse them. The police turned up and arrested the pair despite them having done nothing but retreat inside the bar.
They were tried in a language they did not understand, found guilty, sentenced and deported without anyone bothering to explain the process never mind the charges against them. They were not even told how long they were sentenced for.
On return to England they accused by the BBC of being hooligans and not once did I hear the BBC even mention the parlous judicial process.
All the BBC cares about is the narrative – English bad, foriegners good. The truth can go fuck itself.
Rachel Burden is sitting in with 4th form debate class this morning….aw, Miss.
Amanda Knox is released after 4 years in jail.
The BBC questions a fellow EU member’s police and justice system….just kidding….BBC 5 Live pretends it is not really part of ‘the media’ and wonders ‘does mud stick?’
Bang On! I could live with the BBC spinning the ‘everyone’s innocent’ line if only they were intellectually honest enough to deal with the corollary: some of our sofisticayted European partners have legal systems that kind of stink.
Not only does the BBC recoil like a vampire from saying anything that could be taken as pro-British (or even – gasp – Eurosceptic), it avoids the massive elephant in the room: in the era of the European Arrest Warrant, all it takes is one of these shady prosecutors they keep telling us about to rig up an indictment and we too could get an open-ended holiday in a Mediterranian hell hole.
So, which Europe is it Beeboids? The one where bent courts torment the innocent for years on end, or the one we need to hand our sovereignty over so they can drag us Little Englanders into the 21st Century?
Yes, the pathetic British Europhiliacs, really think we have something in common with the mainland Europeans. Dangerous morons !
Her conviction for defamation against Patrick Lumumba who she had accused of killing Meredith still stands.
Strange behaviour for an innocent person.
Not really. According to all the mystery shows the falsely accused can only clear their name by finding the real murderer. For some reason Miss Knox settled on this Mr. Lumumba. She should have known better than to accuse a black man.
She, a 20 year old girl, was interviewed for 56 hours straight, with no lawyer and in Italian(despite only being a beginner in the language.). The prosecutor then asked her to imagine what might have happened. He has a history of such behaviour apparently.
Are the Italian police looking for anyone else in connection with the murder ?
Will the BBC try and find the culprit ?
Err, a chap called RUDY GUEDE got 16 years for raping and killing the poor victim Meredith.
Knox was clearly inncoent of that crime, and was railroaded by an uttrely corrpt prosecutor.
You obviously have inside information !!!!!!!!!
“Are the Italian police looking for anyone else in connection with the murder ? “
Yes, they’re looking for Jack Bauer.
I really don’t see how you can be so sure Knox is innocent ? And where is your evidence that the Prosecutor is corrupt ?
An Italian jury seems to have been sure she was innocent. That should count for something given that they are unlikely to be biased in favor of an American – I mean who is?
The information Jack has provided is common knowledge in the media. It is the basic facts of the case and it is strange those who don’t know them keep banging on about her obvious guilt. And the real question why are you, and others, assuming she is guilty?
Sympathy for the perpetrator and not the victim is par for the course these days. Now that Knox has been cleared of murder I suppose in one sense she is now a victim but she’s receiving far more sympathy than Meredith Kercher or her family have ever received.
I remember several years ago having an argument with somebody over the murder of a bright young schoolboy from a good home by his disturbed class mate from a dysfunctional family. The person I argued with was full of pity for the perpetrator and blamed his actions on “society”, and thought it terrible that he would now go to prison to pay for his crime.
It’s that same mindset of the “concerned liberals” whether it’s feral youth rioting in London or Arab terrorists murdering innocents.
Sympathy for the Devil and the real victim condemned to oblivion.
Is BBC-NUJ’s partiality in reporting this case also in line with the fact that the victim was English?
Is Ms Knox BBC-NUJ’s new O.J. Simpson?
“What now for Foxy? Dreams of being a mother, Hollywood millions and a new life as a professional martyr to injustice”
(by David Jones)
Read more:
It is Miss Knox’s misfortune that she is neither Black nor Muslim. Don’t know about you Brits but we’ve had some very unfortunate experiences with grandstanding Politically Correct prosecutors on this side of the Pond. Not to mention grandstanding PC defense attorneys.
I don’t know that much about the details of the forensics in this case. All I can say is that for the media to take an ongoing interest in your plight, it really helps to have a pretty face.
True enough. Of course it’s that pretty face that led to her being labelled a she-devil sex maniac.
BBC-NUJ (as jurist?) seems convinced that Ms KNOX is innocent;
is it convinced that Dr. STARKEY is innocent?
“David Starkey’s ‘disgusting’ Newsnight race remarks in wake of London riots cleared by TV watchdog”
Read more:
I like how the BBC boasts that he was challenged not just by the other contributors, but their own presenter.