Here is a recent article by Patrick Seale, whom you chose to interview recently on the BBC as a supposed impartial expert on the Middle East. Seale is a notorious anti-Israel, antisemitic journalist with close ties to corrupt Arab regimes (such as Syria’s Assad family).
In this particular article, Seale says that the US is making a terrible mistake in demonising Iran (whose leader of course has on many occasions advocated “wiping Israel off the map” and publicly denied the Holocaust, while secretly acquiring the nuclear weapons to perpetrate a 2nd Holocaust).
Here is Daniel Pipes’, Wall Street Journal review of Patrick Seale’s discredited biography of the infamous terrorist Abu Nidal, in which Seale in conspiratorial antisemitic fashion blames Israel and the Mossad for Nidal’s reprehensible murders of Jews & Israelis:
Lyse, hopefully you will never invite Patrick Seale back to the BBC to promote his sick, antisemitic views.
Perhaps in the future you could find someone more fair and balanced for an impartial analysis of the Middle East or at least present the opposing view from a (non-Leftist) Israeli.
Good luck with any of the suggestions in that last para, David..
The blatant anti-semitism as spouted by Galloway and Livingston actually mens they get more BBC time, nit less. I can only imagine that Seale will be on the BBC Speed Dial buttons from now on.
means they get
not less
that picture goodness….bit like terry jones in life of brian
Your memo will probably just strenghten Lyse’s resolve to get her warped and sinister message across.
People with obsessional beliefs are not susceptible to advice from others.
People with obsessional beliefs are not susceptible to advice from others.
So true.
And let’s never forget what we are paying INBBC’s Canadian Ms DOUCET to represent:
“TV reporters are not showing the Taliban’s humanity, says BBC presenter” (2008)
Read more:
Was browsing through Michael Yon’s blog today, as I do occasionally. For those unfamiar, he is an excellent writer, an ex-military man, who has funded his own embeds in Iraq and Afghanistan with US, UK and other deployments.
I was reminded of the utter depravity of the Taliban in one of his recent dispatches, where the ‘the brothers’ had asked a young boy to step on a live IED to test it (complete with heartbreakingly disturbing images depicting the result)
There is no doubt we are dealing with a deeply evil, perverted and depraved ideology – and yet al-Beeb laps it up.
“deeply evil, perverted and depraved ideology “. Yes, that sums up the BBC perfectly !
‘“TV reporters are not showing the Taliban’s humanity, says BBC presenter” (2008) ‘
Especially, one presumes, their ‘rising stars’. Or, at least, not enough for some.
Perhaps Ms Doucet is referring to the Taliban’s quaintly humane tendency to execute Afghan teachers for the appalling crime of teaching girls? If so, then I agree, everyone should know what these retarded, murderous bigots are really like, because we’ve already had one teacher beaten to a pulp in Bow, east London by muslim savages (July, 2010).
Justin Webb told us that the President wasn’t going to demonize Iran because He was much better than Bush at using “sophistry in the matter of confusing His enemies.”
How’s that working out, then, Justin? More evidence of the genius of ol’ Justin, which got him that seat on Today.
Lyse Doucet – there’s a face to launch a thousand ‘aid convoy’ ships.
More BBC bias promoting more ignorance on how they tell us all the reasons the decision by the US Congress was wrong for blocking $200m in aid to the Palestinians over their UN statehood bid, but none as to why it is right. Starts from the headline on.
US Congress freeze on $200m Palestinian aid criticised
No doubt there’ll be a Question Time ‘question’ to allow the panel to tell us how it will further the plight of the ‘poor Palestinian’.
So what has been happening with the $1 billion plus they get every year? BBC: Collective punishment…..ZZZZZzzzzzzz……
yep! go a looooong way to easing a REAL crisis that amount,
what a waste
The Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2009 (P.L. 111-32) includes a provision that would allow aid to be provided to a power-sharing PA government of which Hamas is a member (see “Hamas and a “Unity Government”?” below) if the President certifies that such a government, including all of its ministers, has publicly accepted and is complying with the principles found in Section 620K(b)(1)(A) and (B) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended by the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-446)
These “Section 620K principles”—related to the Quartet principles—refer to (1) a public acknowledgment of the Jewish state of Israel’s right to exist and (2) commitment and adherence to previous international agreements (including the Performance-Based Roadmap to a Permanent Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, commonly known simply as the “Roadmap”).
The version of the provision in P.L. 111-32 regarding aid to a potential power-sharing PA government that was found in the Obama Administration’s FY2009 supplemental budget request did not specify whether all of the government’s ministers would have to join in accepting and complying with the Section 620K principles.
This specification was made through the markup process in both Committees on Appropriations.
Put simply US law may compel Congress to stop funds. The BBC article doesn’t mention this (failure to research or malice?) but implies political support for Israel (which clearly does exist) is the sole motivation.
As usual we are misinformed by the BBC.
Do all other nations allow the Guerins, Doucets, Hains and the like all over their public life? and politics, charity quangos, arts critics etc?
The likes of Doucet know nothing apart from to wear a headscarf when promenading along Rawalpindi High St.
Really don`t know why we allow these popinjays room on the mantelpiece…they`re all flabby white guilt trippers with the strangest whiniest accents, and I reckon that Mugabe could do with a few cricket pitches to be dug up for spuds!
“..white guilt trippers”
Do you disagree with the U.S. Congress’s decision to block aid to the Palestinian Authority? Obama’s defence secretary Leon Panetta does. Samira Ahmed quoted him on last night’s ‘The World Tonight’. So does Palestinian activist Dr Mustafa Barghouti. He was interviewed by Samira Ahmed on last night’s ‘The World Tonight’. So does Tony Blair, who was also interviewed by Samira Ahmed on last night’s ‘The World Tonight’.
No one who agreed with the decision got so much as a look in.
Samira allowed the complaining Barghouti free rein and even quoted Panetta’s criticism of the decision at him. She then she asked Blair questions on the decision, all from the perspective of his, and Barghouti’s and Panetta’s side of the argument.
This was a completely biased package (beginning some 32 minutes in, just before the piece on champagne-swigging Tories).
Please see my reply to Teddy Bear above. Note Obama can overule Congress on this but so far he hasn’t done it or even mentioned it.
U.S. conditions aid to Palestinians on repeal of UN statehood bid
It’s a sad state of affairs when even Haaretz offers more crucial information than the BBC.
Ah, but INBBC, you have chosen democratic ISRAEL as your enemy, not the repressive SYRIA regime.
“France warns Syria not to intimidate activists”
Of course, ‘Newsnight’ likes Doucet’s pro-Taliban, anti-Israel, Seale-friendly views, and has her on ‘Newsnight’ tonight.
I just noticed the typo on David Vance’s piece. “Lyse Douchet ” ! Or maybe it wasn’t a typo !
maybe its the pic, but she’s the ugliest women ive ever seen >:o
“An Egyptian Jew in Exile: An Interview with Bat Ye’or”
Bat Ye’or (above) is the sort of (Jewish) scholar whom INBBC censors out of existence in favour of the Islamic propaganda of e.g its Muslim head of religion and ethics, Aaqil Ahmed, and the Muslim he commissions to present Islamic propaganda series on INBBC 2, Muslim Rageh Omaar, of INBBC chums, Al Jazeera TV.
george spot on..
she could have livened up, “life of moh” thats for sure
imagine her and spencer doubleteaming that shower
Lyse Doucet is totally, hopelessy and irrevocably in love with the Arabs, always finding the most sympathetic slant in her “reporting” on Arab affairs. I recall that she ended a “report” on Iraqi refugees with the words, “The past is another country,” her peculiar voice brimming with emotion.
Re her voice, it could strip deposits off your car battery and leave it spotless.
In short, ideal BBC material, except for the voice and appearance. Whatever you can say about the BBC, you can’t claim it doesn’t have a slick presentation, pleasing to the eye and ear. Doucet is an exception in this regard.
There seem to be quite a few exceptions; Orla Guerrin, Emily Maitless, Laura Kuenssberg.
Yes, that I have no doubt is true. Guerin is in fact much uglier than Doucet and her voice is an unattractive monotone as she apparently tries to sound tough. But I guess they are invaluable to the BBC because of their pro-Arab bias and so the BBC can overlook the rest.
Also, I have seldom if ever heard Doucet report on the Israeli-Arab conflict on the World Service. Perhaps those unfortunates exposed to BBC TV have a different take on the subject matter she chooses. If she does in fact steer well clear of Israel in all her reporting I can only imagine that the reason must be that she can’t trust herself to keep her voice steady while mentioning those hated Israelis.
Or it could simply be that uttering the word “Israel” would imply recognition of the Jewish state. And we can’t have that, of course.
The BBC lost no time in reporting an arson attack on a mosque allegedly carried out by “Jewish settlers”.
No word about this outrage undoubtedly carried out by Muslim animals:
Arabs Desecrate Tomb of Joseph – Again
yep! caught this so called reporter, on newsnight desperate to get a rentamob
to scream & shout, for her cameras……abject fail…
she had to make do with some youtube footage, & her own doom ridden rant…
Lyse Doucet once complained that TV “was not reporting the humanity of the Taliban.” Naturally everyone assumed she was defending Taliban ideology. It’s likely that she really meant what she also said at the time: “the Taliban are a wide, very diverse group of people.” Which is slightly different.
She should never have used the word ‘humanity’ when she could easily have said ‘diversity’, instead.
However, the way that particular remark was seized upon illustrates her point, which was that it’s impossible to qualify entrenched attitudes, even a teeny bit, on the telly. The reason I’m saying this, of course, is that it’s one side of a coin, the other side of which I often find myself.
Heads = it’s impossible to say anything about the Taliban other than outright condemnation. Nuance is out of the question.
Tails = it’s impossible for the BBC, or one of its critics like myself, to say anything unapolgetically positive about Israel. Should anything slip through the net, a negative qualification must be attached, otherwise it’s dismissed as Zionist propaganda.
I don’t agree that Lyse is ugly, she’s got a pleasant enough face, not that it’s anything to do with her undoubted love of Islam. Her accent is reputed to be a mixture of her native Bathurst, New Brunswick, and apparently, English.
I didn’t see her on Newsnight as I fell asleep. But I did see it on iPlayer. If you ask me she’s taking a risk being in Syria, and doing a professional job of showing the fear of the government that she encountered there.
For me there is a problem with this B-BBC reader’s post. There was no link, or specific information about Lyse Doucet’s interview with Patrick Seale, so we couldn’t judge how misleading the introduction was, or whether Seale was clearly presented as impartial.
Not that I doubt for one minute that he was. There are numerous examples of the BBC interviewing so-called M.E. experts who are really overt pro Arab advocates. But in my opinion, in this instance the missing evidence weakens the case.