The purpose of the article appears to be to show how wonderful are the bbc reporters in chasing down a story. Their ingenuity and diligence is a wonder to behold. Such intrepid reporters, and all from the safety of their own armchair.
“Then, last Sunday, a BBC Pashto reporter in the Khost province of Afghanistan, was approached by an envoy of Siraj Haqqani – the son of Jalaluddin, the group’s founder (the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani network ), who has a key role in the network’s operations.”
Well its not surprising. Any anti Israel, anti America, anti Christian, anti Democracy, muderous organisation can be assured of a favourable reception from the BBC.
NB : By anti American I mean anti that part of America not associated with Barac Obama.
But the rule is when criticising America the name “Obama” is usually omited. This allows the BBC to be Pro-Obama while remaining anti-American. Good trick.
A young lady by the name of Jenny Clarke tweeted this yesterday:
Shut up going on about how great Manchester is George Osborne. We know it is and flattery will not buy our votes. Now kindly fuck off.
This was her next tweet which appeared today:
@InspiralGraham Hi!I work for BBC Radio Manchester and would love to arrange in interview with you! Please e-mail
She’s clearly way down the pecking order, but the fact that she felt relaxed about tweeting her message to Osborne reveals – yet again – a great deal about prevailing opinion within the BBC.
I would deeply admire any Beeboid who put this on their twitter bio – ‘The views expressed here are the only way I could get a job amongst the benighted inbreds that pass as Helen Boaden’s genetic impartiality cluster-fubar’
Mind you, a role elsewhere in the media market rate infirmament for an actual talent may then be required.
Odd, really. Telling someone to fuck off on Twitter is essentially little different from telling them fuck off in person – it is a public medium, after all, and Jenny Clarke has identified herself as a BBC employee.
Clearly, this is inadvisable on two levels. Her employer may be a little concerned that she is making such politically partisan comments – even allowing for the ‘the views expressed are what I have been brainwashed into thinking and not those the BBC’ caveat.
The other problem is this: I am sure Jenny is absolutely, utterly, completely, 150,000 per cent impartial’ to the very core of her undoubtedly generous and loving being, but by publicly exhorting the Tory Chancellor to go forth and procreate, she is, in fact, presenting DB and Biased BBC with the juiciest of leg-stump half-volleys.
You’re assuming she wouldn’t say that in person. Of course she would. If she had a different viewpoint, she wouldn’t be working for BBC Radio Manchester.
Quite possibly, yes. I’d be surprised if they didn’t discuss this sort of thing at the BBC social media away day he attended yesterday. On which point – I notice Prodger hasn’t had much to say for himself over the past few days.
I still say it’s hypocritical for the BBC to encourage their employees to use Twitter to better engage with their audience but then protest when people think they’re doing it in their capacity as BBC employees.
Twitter truly is the gift that keeps on giving. I hope someone is keeping a running tab on how many of these dopey Beeboids have been busted on this. Still waiting for an intrepid defender of the indefensible to show us a single Beeboid tweet coming from the other side of the political spectrum on any issue.
Pick out a BBC tweeter, go to the follow list and find other BBC tweeters. You are almost guaranteed to find yourself within a network of people who share a Guardian-reader lefty-lib worldview.
An interesting BBC narrative is developing on the “riots in the USA” front.
“As a man known as Mercury puts the finishing touches to his corporate zombie make up, he explains why he’s joined the anti-capitalist protests here in the shadow of Wall Street.
How soon before we see the words “American Spring” in the media? The hero and one of the instigators George Soros is being portrayed as some sort of benevolent uncle (“Mr. Soros was announcing a gift of $40m (£26m) to a development project in Africa.”) and even – the ultimate accolade! – “The protesters won support from actor Alec Baldwin, who posted videos on his Twitter page that had already been widely circulated” Alec Baldwin! Wow!
This “unrest” has been predicted by many and prepared for months. But the “spontaneous outpouring of protest against corporate America” line is the one the most of the media will stick by.
Meanwhile you can almost hear the plaintive pleading from Laura Trevelyan: “The question is whether this ad hoc group of protesters – who feel they’re getting the short end of the stick while corporate America hoards money – could morph into a political movement, a kind of left wing Tea Party.”
Translation: We lefties want our own tea party and till we get it we’ll stamp our feet and scream and scream till we are sick.
Has Laura ever asked herself why corporate America is “hoarding money”? Because they don’t want to flush it down the toilet like the trillions of dollars of stimulus money. They don’t trust the current administration not to “redistribute” good money among bad people. They want to know what future tax rates will be. Theyn don’t want to hand their money over to the Chicago political machine to buy the next US election. They want stability. They don’t want to hand capital over to Mr. “Mercury” and his ilk.
Although Soros is undoubtedly taking advantage of these protests, he is NOT the instigator, (Much as some in the Fox end of the media would love it to be the case).
What I have seen of the coverage from opposing sides of the media (although they are actually on the same side) Is the right wing media portraying this as a bunch of Marxists and lefty scum paid by Soros to cause trouble. The left wing media portray this as poor working people standing up for the cause against corrupt bankers and against climate change and any other left wing pet grievance they may have.
In truth it is a wide cross-section of society, from the working class to the upper middle class, all people who have been screwed by the Federal Reserve and the Fractional reserve system of banking with a worthless fiat currency, and the obscenely corrupt distribution of bail-out funds which were stolen from Main street and handed to Wall Street.
Many of them want to end the Fed, and scrap fractional reserve banking and restore the power to issue currency to the Congress. The media are studiously ignoring the real sentiment of these protests to portray them as whatever is most helpful to whatever their own personal agenda is.
Um, the Truth seems to be the protestors belong to the Ivy League upper income non-productive elite that has been the source of Leftist twaddle in this country since the sixties if not before. Foxnews’ condemnation barely balances the love from the rest of the networks. As a columnist on admits they have a few good points, but for the most part it’s the usual anti-capitalist twaddle.
Anti Capitalist? I think not. I have seen loads of protestors calling for a RETURN of capitalism and the scrapping of corporatism. Something that the corporatist right and corporatist left and the whole corporate elite definately do NOT want to see, hence why they only interview a select few protesters who happen to agree with whatever corporatists agenda their news corporation supports.
Capitalists would have allowed the banks to fail and let the less greedy, less corrupt and more responsible surviving banks pick over the carcasses of the failed banks.
Corporatists use tax payers money to bail out the corrupt failed banks at the expense of the rest of the economy. Privatising profit and socialising loss is NOT capitalism.
Most of the protestors I am in contact with oppose corporatism, corruption and the decay of the global financial system brought about by fractional reserve banking of fiat currencies, and would love sound money and capitalism and a return to free markets, small government, state’s rights, and a capitalist USA.
I am in contact with people who are blue collar, white collar, students and wealthy middle classes who are ALL supporting these occupy Wall Street protests and all for the same reason. and NONE of that reason is getting on any news channel, because ALL the corporatist news channels depend on the same markets and advertisers who rely on corporatist corruption, kick-backs and lobbyists to stay in business.
This more accurately reflects the desires I’ve been hearing from many sources:
And the call of action should be to END the PRIVATE CONTROL over our MONEY system.
If North Dakota can do it and end up with the lowest unemployment in the nation and a yearly budget surplus, then every state can!
North Dakota, BTW, is doing well because of oil. This will not go down well with the Leftoids doing the protesting, or with Van Jones, who heads another organization sponsoring other protests, or with Susan Sarandon. But the author of the above probably isn’t aware of that.
More on the demands and desires of the Occupy Wall Street geniuses can be seen here. This is much, much more than regulating the banks and simple corporatism.
Most of the protesters from last week wouldn’t know the Federal Reserve from Federal Express. This is more about the same banker bashing we hear from the usual suspects than any intelligent ideas.
The BBC is much more sympathetic to the viewpoints of these people than they have been about the viewpoints of Tea Partiers. Funny how protesting against bank bailouts is cool when some people do it, but not when others do it.
This kind of amorphous gathering of anti-anything types often occurs at this time of the year. Late summer is usually the time for climate change camps near various travel hubs, and other assorted jamborees for the usual suspects. The reason? – they’ve all de-camped from the summer festival tours, which have all come to an end, and are looking for one last venue to pitch their tents, wave their banners and bang their drums. Once the cooler weather beckons, they will all fade away, back to their comfortable, middle class lives. There is no real cause behind this protest, except for the need of people with a certain mindset and political outlook to have one last attempt at feeling ’empowered’ before winter sets in. It won’t last much longer.
Let’s not forget how multi-billionaire SOROS is involved in financing left-wing groups, which BBC-NUJ supports politically; nor should we forget Soros’s financial speculation against the pound sterling.
Here’s what the Occupy Wall Streeters really want, from the sympathetic NY Times:
On the group’s Web site, they describe themselves as a “leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that we are the 99 percent that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1 percent.”
The 1 percent refers to the haves: that is, the banks, the mortgage industry, the insurance industry. The 99 percent refers to the have-nots: that is, everyone else. In other words, said a group member: “1 percent of the people have 99 percent of the money.”
It’s class war and little else. There may be the odd reasonable outlier who understands the bigger picture about crony capitalism and a toothless SEC, but this is pretty basic class war stuff, and the quotes we’ve heard from actual protesters generally back this up.
I am listening to Sheilagh Fogerty on R5. There was piece regarding Doctors not speaking English. Sheilagh said the unthinkable – Surely the answer is to train more of our own Doctors? You could feel the panic as one contributor said the NHS keeps a balance of 1/3 to 2/3 foreign to home grown so we are dependent on foreign doctors (?????????) and the other contributor said quickly that we should think about regional accents as well (??????????). No more discussion, ……. It hasn’t finished yet so its not on iplayer its about 45-50mins in when it goes on. I’m still quite shocked at the lack of obvious questions and am beginning to doubt what I heard.
that discussion is 38 mins in, lots of excusery terms “anomalies”
“loopholes”, “linguistically challenged”, basically going all the way “around the houses” instead of being to the point.
she did mention why not more british doctors?….thankfully
the 2 in house, Drs were El Beeb guardian reading, multi culti
rainbow society fu-kwits, hence the….
“well what about a regional accent eh!” moment?? 😀
what about, a Bangledeshi patient (no Engilsh) and a Lithuanian Dr (no English)….el beeb answer,….
many 1000s of more translators obviously…
I revisited again – so much tip-toeing around the questions. The loophole which “only” exists for Euro doctors! The most frightening part (again unexplored) was how they got round the problem in France. Apparantly, they get round it with a informal meeting with the potential doctor to understand how good they actually are. For younger readers in times past this was called an IN-TER-VIEW – so apparantly doctors are employed by trusts in the UK without being interviewed? – I really find this hard to believe yet how else can you explain employing incompetant doctors who don’t speak English. Then when caught out – blame the EU?? which is such obvious bullshit (no love lost here with the EU – but really?) In the good old days we had people dressing up in medical gear pretending to be doctors in now appears we have people pretending to be hospital managers.
If regional accents were a problem CBBC would have to be closed down!
The ruling by the ECJ could have major implications for how the Premier League sell their broadcast rights both in Britain and Europe.
The ECJ said in a statement: “A system of licences for the broadcasting of football matches which grants broadcasters territorial exclusivity on a member state basis and which prohibits television viewers from watching the broadcasts with a decoder card in other member states is contrary to EU law.”
So I’m thinking…
Then how is it also legal for the BBC to charge people for watching the BBC via a TV Poll Tax?…
More to the point how is it LEGAL (using EU diktat) for the BBC to force people to pay them for merely OWNING a TV even if you DON’T WATCH THE BBC…
There must be some linkage here?
Indeed and is it also illegal for the BBC to block people in other EU states from watching BBC output on the web? I know that this can be curcumvented by foreign proxy servers, but isn’t it illegal in principle?
This may be my cynical side coming out but, I think if the EU actually tried to end the BBC licence fee, that this would be the only thing that would actually make the government say no to the EU and mean it!
However IF the EU did manage to scrap the BBC licence fee, that the inscription on my headstone would read, “Died laughing”
I certainly do not recall them having the same box at the Labour conference! After all, anyone outside of luvvieville is quite capable of seeing which political leader is most likely to be ousted by their party, but in typical BBC fashion, they always feel they have to suggest that the Conservative party is eternally divided, with no evidence whatsoever to back up their “wacky” experiment (of which you can’t see 99% of those who actually voted anyway).
This assumes that Cameron won’t last until the next election. Do the Beeboids seriously expect you to believe that Miliband Minor is in less danger of a leadership challenge than Cameron?
The first line: “There is no leadership crisis at the Conservative conference, but…”
Aren’t they always having ‘comedians’ on their vast array of stand up panel shows who always get a laugh using the reliable line,
“Like those who say, I am not a racist, BUT…”
So the BBC are saying that they are not letting reality get in the way of their left wing agenda and they will create as much mischief for the tories as possible, regardless.
As you say, there was no such box at the Labour conference, despite their delagates being a lot more dissalusioned with Ed Miliband, than the tories in Manchester are with Cameron.
The BBC’s bleeding heart feature on the poor abused Somalian pirates & murderers, recently the subject of comments here, has a companion piece. We are informed that “Al Megrahi also described how he was running short of vital medicine” – maybe it would be available in a Scottish nick?
I notice also that to the BBC Al Megrahi is “The man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing”. Not the man/murderer guilty of the bombing.
I also saw some news articles today which have this miracle of a man whom we were assured by the BBC a few weeks ago was in a coma and literally a few days from death, and now he is miraculously awake and speaking of his innocence about to be proved soon…
Hasn’t anyone at the BBC ever learned what being in a coma actually means?
Perhaps all the relatives of coma patients all over this country should shout in the patient’s ears, “GET UP YOU LAZY BASTARDS!”?
“years after the invasion of Afghanistan,the Taliban are unbeaten and unbowed…..”
can you imagine what Churchill would have done to the quisling BBC lowlifes if they had likewise intoned that “months after d-day Hitler is unbeaten and unbowed”?
yes-that’s right readers
he’d have had the scum shot at dawn,and rightly so
Erm are you just playing thick or [not that you would know being thick an all] just daft?? the post stated some one else would have acted in that way I see no support or condemnation unlike you and your total pro BBC waffle!
Scez, you use the word “if”. It’s a highly contentious point in favour of the enemy that the Taliban are “unbeaten and unbound”. As a rule, unpleasant things should happen to people who aid and abett the enemy at time of war.
“…you use the word “if”. It’s a highly contentious point in favour of the enemy…”
My use of the word “if” was as part of a question. I’ll try to ask again; If one or more journalists come to the conclusion that Britain is losing a war do you think they should be made to keep quiet?
Sopel was just giving Clarke a hard time over it, and then made puns about the cat. That’s the only coverage of the conference on the News Channel during the last 90 minutes or so.
Don’t forget the BBC consider themselves to be the unofficial opposition. If only the BBC, The Guardian and Labour would merge then we would all know where we stand.
What a pudding this lady is!
Her political career is palled by failure, fudge and flippety floppity!
A complete nomark who has never-nor will ever-leave a trace of any contribution to public life.
But she is female, so follows Jacqui Smiff into the ballpool…Cameron insults us with her kind.
As for the cat…when the News Channels see THAT as the point of her (albeit silly) story….we can only say that real politics died back with Roy Jenkins…at least he WAS worthy of hate, scorn and contempt.
Blair and the like are pitiful creatures by comparison…not even worth the latex of a Spitting Image puppet(ethically sourced or no!)
The BBC know what the point of the speech was, that’s why they have been concentrating on the cat remark (and nothing else). Muddying the watrers, not allowing the British public to hear what else was said. The BBC’s enthusiasm for multiculturalism at the expense of so much else, will not diminish whatever the evidence that it is a failed policy.
As it happens she was kinda right about the cat, and even the Guardian ended up clarifying it. Seems The immigration judge said: “The evidence concerning the joint acquisition of Maya (the cat) by the appellant and his partner reinforces my conclusion on the strength and quality of the family life that appellant and his partner enjoy.”
The judge added: “Canadian courts have moved away from the legal view that animals are merely chattels, to a recognition that they play an important role in the lives of their owners and that the loss of a pet has a significant emotional impact on its owner.”
Somehow in the BBC desire to destroy her chances at ending their precious EU Human Rights Act, they seemed to have overlooked it – by my reckoning they’ve got at least 13 eggs on their faces judging by the number of articles and videos on the subject.
Funny how when a story goes against their desired agenda they seem to overlook it – and when they believe it promotes it there’s overkill.
But why the f*** couldn’t the useless Ms May produce this straight away? By not doing so, it looked like she couldn’t substantiate it.
Did it never occur to her that as soon as she made that remark, everyone would ask for details of the case, and she should have been able to produce it there and then. I really despair at the utter uselessness and stupidity of “Conservative” politicians.
Ken Clarke as well. If he disagreed with the Home Secretary, he should have ripped her a new one privately, not gone mouthing off to the BBC. In former days he’d have been sacked for that.
Kenneth Clarke’s appointment is just more evidence of Cameron’s weakness.
Can anyone tell me what he has actually achieved as PM ? So far as I can see, nothing !
Geyza, you say “Most of the protestors I am in contact with oppose corporatism, corruption and the decay of the global financial system brought about by fractional reserve banking of fiat currencies, and would love sound money and capitalism and a return to free markets, small government, state’s rights, and a capitalist USA.”
Sorry, but now I’m beginning to doubt your veracity. “free markets, stste’s rights and a capitalist USA”. Hmm. Nice try.
This is the sentiment expressed by a protestor which is exactly what those I am in contact with support. Free markets, state’s rights rather than Federal dictat, and a return of capitalism, instead of corrupt, socialist corporatism where profits are privatised and excempt from tax through a myriad of complex loopholes, and losses are dumped on the tax-payer.
My goodness but the 10 winners of BBC Vision’s new “Pitch to Win” scheme are a rather un-diverse group. Eight women, only one of color, and two men, one of which is not white. So eight out of ten are not people of color, and the gender balance is way off. Can’t tell from looking if there is any representation of the LGBT community. Hardly representative of multicultural Britain, eh, BBC?
Also, it seems that there are 3000 people in the BBC’s Vision Productions. What are they for?
One entrant, Steven Green, was told that his excellent Tour de Britain brainwave was already sufficiently well-developed to go straight before the commissioners
oh brother!… completely original, yawn.
kick him in to touch, get a celeb on a jolly-go-round, you know cornwall..doh! …done it
er the coast doh! done.. it
scotland doh! done it
lake district doh! done it
etc etc etc etc
I like this quote : “You know yourself by your enemies, and I’m quite happy with mine. Isn’t it wonderful that I was attacked by Piers Moron, Louise Mensch and Ed Millipede.”
“Al-Shabaab pulled out of Mogadishu in early August, at which point we observed that the jihadists were now simply in a position to do what they do best: not to fight like men, but to engage in asymmetrical warfare, targeting civilians to terrify and demoralize the population, and thwart any attempts at rebuilding or even at achieving some semblance of a normal existence. ”
Is INBBC reporter Mohammed Dhore (presumably a Muslim) likely to discuss critically the Islamic jihad aspects of the massacre in Somalia?
More generally, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) licencepayers pay for and are fed reports from Islamic countries which are often politically filtered by INBBC Muslim reporters in Somalia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Egypt, Afghanistan, etc.,etc.
The question must always arise as to whether INBBC’s Muslim reporters’ first loyalty is to:
1.) Islam and the Ummah;
2.) Their Islamic country of origin;
3.) Britain?
Before INBBC is closed down and abolished, it should employ British people to report on the West’s enemies in Islamic areas.
Beeboids must remember that they are not an extension of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
On a good note Fox News’s “The Five” has now been kept on full time, I relaly like it, it’s nice to see Liberals out numbered and Bob Beckel should be reason enough never to vote for a liberal.
I quite like The Five – so much better than Glenn Beck’s repetitive and increasingly wacky ranting – I found him instantly dislikeable, though I’m sure others here might disagree. At least Bob Beckel seems like a good sport, unlike many others of his political persuasion.
Yes, I disagree: Glenn Beck is a real political talent. He gives intelligent commitment to Israel, and his critical analyses of e.g. ‘Arab Spring’ and Soros’s politics are fine. He is something of a lone voice on such issues in American media, and he is a natural political enemy for BBC and MSM.
His bold launch of his own internet TV less than three weeks ago, looks promising, and is very cheap to subscribe to.
And this Thurday GBTV is featuring a programme on the Muslim Brotherhood; here’s a trailer
I would have more respect for Glen Beck if he did not steal material from the Texan nut, Alex Jones, and then twist it to suit his political agenda. If you want to know what Glen Beck is going to be ranting about in a few months, check out Prisonplanet and see what Jones is ranting about now.
Fox News got rid of Beck because he went off half-cocked too many times and babbled about something based on his emotions rather than on facts. Eventually it got too much for them, and even the other top-tier talking heads complained that it was hurting the network’s credibility.
BBC worship Muslim african criminal scum. You would be forgiven they had an ulterior motive…something up their bottom?. Or their wallet courtesy of Bank of Sorros.
Tune in to the 10 O Clock News and I see reliably bent Huw Edwards is covering the Tory Party Conference. What a huge surprise, he makes a sneering remark to miscast Theresa May’s reference to an illegal immigrant being able to stay because he has a cat, and talking up a “spat” between two ministers.
I must remember not to eat before I watch the 10 O’ Clock News during the Tory Conference. An endless ream of completely up their arse BBC political correspondents.
One remembers a much better BBC in living memory. One that made one proud to be British.
“The Home Secretary’s claim that the BBC makes out is completely groundless…”
Theresa May regurgitates a ridiculous story from the Daily Mail and your proof that it’s not ridiculous is a link to the ridiculous story she regurgitated from the Daily Mail?
You must have missed this expectoration then from The Guardian that was expectorated in the Guardian 😉
The immigration judge said: “The evidence concerning the joint acquisition of Maya (the cat) by the appellant and his partner reinforces my conclusion on the strength and quality of the family life that appellant and his partner enjoy.”
The judge added: “Canadian courts have moved away from the legal view that animals are merely chattels, to a recognition that they play an important role in the lives of their owners and that the loss of a pet has a significant emotional impact on its owner.”
You must be embarassed when you find it really is true about your loony left mindset.
“Although May promised the conference she was not making the story up, the judicial communications office, which represents senior judges, insisted the tale was not true and said it had told May’s department as much”
“the cat had nothing to do with the decision…”
“The home secretary later said she accepted the judges’ correction, but argued that she was not relying on that single case to justify her policy.”
She was talking bollocks. Get over it and move on…
Dez in denial of facts shocker. You have been shown the evidence from two newspapers (I can understand your reluctance to believe anything the Guardian prints as it’s normally full of lies, but in this case it is backed up by another paper) but you still won’t accept it because it doesn’t fit your agenda. You really are a beeboid.
Dez your use of a guardian story to argue any point is equally as weak as using the fact that a story is in the Daily Mail to argue it is not true.
Try looking up the original ruling. You will find that the cat WAS a consideration in this case and the Daily Mail plyed that angle up, and the Guardian falsely pleyed it down. BOTH to suit their own political ends.
The cold fact is, according to the ruling, the cat WAS a consideration and DID have baring on the case.
“Dez your use of a guardian story to argue any point is equally as weak as using the fact that a story is in the Daily Mail to argue it is not true.”
That would be true, however I did not claim the story was ridiculous because it was in the Daily Mail, and Teddy brought up the Guardian report which is what my reply to him was about.
“The cold fact is, according to the ruling, the cat WAS a consideration and DID have baring on the case.”
If you want to be pedantic; then yes the cat did have some baring on the case even if it was almost none existent.
But Theresa May (and the Mail) stated that the person in question could not be deported because he had a pet cat.
They went over this on Newsnight as well. Paxman took Dez’s position that May totally lied, and Damian Green read out that judge’s statement that the cat was a mitigating factor. Paxman had to shut up and drop it.
Dez, here is the relevent section of the actual court ruling:
“The grant of reconsideration refers to the inappropriate weight placed on the appellant having to leave behind not only his partner but also their joint cat, [ ] ”
So although this was not solely about a cat, the cat was used in the consideration of determining whether this Bolivian man should be granted leave to remain in the United Kingdom on Article 8 ECHR grounds, or be deported as the Home secretary wished.
The Bolivian was granted leave to remain because his sharing ownership of a cat with his unmarried partner satisfied the judge that he had established a “family life”.
The daily mail was reporting the truth.
Dez, your claim in essense that this case is unsupportable solely on the grounds that the Daily Mail reported it is: EPIC FAIL!
Additionally the Judge added,
“The Immigration Judge’s determination is upheld and the cat, [], need no longer fear having to adapt to Bolivian mice.”
This is in the Judges ruling. If this story about a appeal against a deportation ruling being based or part based on a cat is false, these reasons would not have been in the Judges ruling.
Additionally the Judge added, “The Immigration Judge’s determination is upheld and the cat, need no longer fear having to adapt to Bolivian mice.”
He made a joke (you think he was being serious? Really?).
Nowhere in the Judge’s ruling does it say he was granted leave to remain “because he had a cat”, but because:
“Enforcement action should not normally be initiated in the following circumstances: Where the subject has a genuine and subsisting relationship akin to marrige with a person who is present and settled here…”
It was the Home Office that claimed that “inapproprirate weight [had been] placed on the appellant having to leave behind not only his partner but also their joint cat”
So of course the Judge referred to that aspect of the case because it was part of the argument put forward by the government. An argument that was completely dismissed by the tribunal.
And on Newsnight, Boris reduces Paxo to amused silence by suggesting he [Paxo] should run for the Conservative leadership.
That was one of the most amusing political interviews I have ever witnessed – it was more of a comedy sketch. Just try and imagine Ed Miliband or any of the 600-odd political drones giving an interview like that…
you know i had to turn off.
couldn t take, the excusery drivel,
immigration, strong leadership direction, deportation.
could have been the time, for squeezing something that might
imitate an answer .
not so, sheesh! and its thatchers boy dave today, a good hour of patronising, “we re all the same boat,(wheres the champers)”
as i find a new way to talk down to you.
don t fret dave, you george & mandy will soon be all be on the yacht together.
Half of last night’s installment was spent trying to get people to talk about someone else becoming party leader. After that ridiculous non-interview with Boris, Paxman then did a panel discussion with two female MPs plus some woman from the Guardian in front of an audience made up entirely of Conservative Party women. Paxman tried to undermine Cameron again and again. Very little policy discussion found its way through.
Newsnight definitely had an agenda to follow to prepare the audience for today’s Cameron speech.
Bacon was bloody useless, constantly spitting the word ‘Tory’ or ‘Conservative’ and interrupting him and the few right-wing questioners, and the audience was made up of typically trendy wanker student liberals.
I think it’s a disgrace that Bacon was promted to chairing this programme immediately after recommending a sick, foul-mouthed left-wing American “comedian” and his rant against Sarah Palin and his desire to murder Downs Syndrome babies at birth. He should have been sacked not promoted.
I think Bacon was promted to chairing this programme because of the outcry from people the BBC hates immediately after he recommended a sick, foul-mouthed left-wing American “comedian” and his rant against Sarah Palin and his desire to murder Downs Syndrome babies at birth.
I watched the first 10 minutes then switched off. It was the first time I have ever encountered Richard Bacon. Even by Beeboid starndards , he was revolting. I guess he was the right person for the job as he seems to have a mental age of about 14. Where do the BBC find these prats ?
the last time i saw an el beeb photo of him, on iplayer, it looked like he was still wearing (trying to fit into) his school blazer…
….how very apt, an arrogant, infantile, mummies boy ready to spit the dummy out,
hmmm ideal el beeb presenter.
“…mental age of about 14”. That sums it up. I have long argued that the Beeboid Corporation embodies the spirit of Fourteen-Year-Old Boy. Hence the juvenile unfunny “comedians”; the Beeboid adolescent desire to shock, to be outrageous; the adoption of causes and leaping on band wagons with the zeal of the unformed, immature youngster; the childish, embarrassing adoration of certain public figures; the infuriating noise, drumming and babble that infects every programme; the need to create drama and sensation so as to feel important and in the thick of it; the creation of a cartoonish polarised world that barely scratches the surface of the awkward, complicated business of politics and life.
“The BBC projects an image of Britain which is unrecognisable to most of its inhabitants. Its news bulletins and dramas are all refracted through the prism of diversity, multi-culturalism and political dogma.”
The only BBC show I watch regularly is Doctor Who but I haven’t been able to help noticing that Who-Britain seems to be evenly divided between blacks and whites with a high percentage of mixed marriages and of course open homosexuals. Religion is conspicuous by its absence.
There was a Muslim female doctor in the God Complex episode from a couple weeks ago. The Doctor, enthusiastically: “Oh, you’re a Muslim!” Muslim, smiling, but with a touch of sarcasm, “Don’t be frightened!”. The Doctor, in on the joke, smiled back. They just can’t help themselves with the social engineering attempts.
Haven’t seen God Complex yet. But I was forgetting the Church Militant. I have no particular problem with the Clerics but was more than an little offended by the Headless Monks – anti-faith or just anti-catholic?
Thw Who Britain is the ideal world of the Beeboids. That it bears no relation to reality is irrelevant.
They have long since indulged themselves in a fictional view of Britain and England in particular. Representing nobody but themselves at our expense.
I thought the episode itself was okay, even though it was kind of a rehash of a story idea that was done years ago. Universal David Walliams didn’t annoy too much, either.
P.S. Lusting after John Barrowman doesn’t make you Gay – it just means you have a pulse. On the other hand if you’re male you have a chance with him, if you’re female you got to be content with just looking.
Dear Stephanie, Thank you, once again, for an independent, unbiased and intelligent article intended quietly to inform rather than to create headlines. I wish your colleagues were of a similar mind. I expect you will get the usual anti-Coalition / anti-capitalism bleatings, but I trust you will ignore them all, and continue your excellent work. Your standards are what makes the BBC great.
I wonder if it was shunted round the office intranet like those ‘sponsor me’ emails, and that last clinched it?
I must say I find it nauseating to hear Flanders say that the UK is the envy of the free world. (See what I did there?)
One supposes that this is an apology of sorts from “Two Eds” about her biased bitching when Osborne said that Britain was a financial safe haven. Baby steps!
Interesting to see that Jeremy Vine will be covering Theresa May and “catgate” this morning. Don’t recall him covering the young lad (Rory Weal?) who spoke at the Labour conference last week claiming poverty who turned out to be full of shit.
Ah, but… when ‘they’ say ‘we want [to tell you] your views’, it has to be appreciated that in reflecting the UK public, the BBC mirror is pretty much nailed to their eyeballs.
And even if a counter thread develops, the edit suite is there to intercept.
Staffed by cuties like that peroxide sink who was not an Osbourne fan.
I do wonder how old that cat is that is exercising Theresa May and Ken Clarke?
The Today Programme named her as Maia.
Did the BBC have legal permission to name the vulnerable ward of court in an asylum case?
Got to be an open and shut case for the animal rights lot…if only they`d scoot off out of Huntingdon Life Sciences car park, and do something useful!
I do hope that this poor cats life(indeed any of its nine!) is not further blighted by the shameless naming.
That`ll be £500 smackers to you Carla!
If Mr. Littejohn is gulity of untruths (if he is; there may be context missing going on current practice), if inaccurate he needs to be called on it, and if unrepentant held to account.
DavidACGregoryDavid GregoryLittlejohn repeats lie that BBC abolished AD, BC. Says UK obeys 10 commandments. Although in Richard’s case not No9 “bearing false witness”
The BBC sure as hell doesn’t respect the commandment regarding adultery. DG ought to get out of that glass house before throwing the stone back at Littlejohn.
DavidACGregoryDavid GregorySo interesting stuff at BBC social media away day yesterday. Thorniest issue the blurring of public/private persona on Twitter. Thoughts?
Ironically, one issue is BBC staff using BBC decorated twitter pages to post personal thoughts, and then blocking licence fee payers who may disagree with their public funded away-day honed advocacy.
BenJournoBen Jamesby BBC_WHYSHeading for #bbcwssocialmedia social media session for@BBC_WHYS: any comments on how BBC uses social media / ideas on how we cld do better?
It may help, with such as ‘The Editors’ for instance, to switch off the ‘broadcast only’ button when posting such things on interactive media.
Otherwise it looks more like a box-tick con to pull the woll over the eyes of toothless quangos who don’t tray far beyond their comfy bunker.
It’s a bit hypocritical for the BBC to strongly encourage their employees to use Twitter et al. (including spending license fee cash on training courses), in order to build a better rapport with their audience, and then act all surprised when people think they’re doing it in their capacity as BBC employees.
DavidACGregoryDavid GregorySo interesting stuff at BBC social media away day yesterday. Thorniest issue the blurring of public/private persona on Twitter. Thoughts?
1) Try and avoid Twitter Tourette’s (e.g. “Why can’t George Osborne fuck off?”);
2) Try and avoid politically partisan comments (e.g. “Why can’t Boris Johnson fuck off?”);
3) Read something other than The Guardian, New Statesman or The Independent (or, if you are lucky enough to be Katty Kay, the New York Times). There are lots of good writers out there who are not Polly Toynbee, George Monbiot or Bob Fisk;
4) Twitter is a public forum so maybe, just maybe, it would be judicious to keep your opinions on controversial issues to yourself. It’s really quite easy;
5) Er, avoid Twitter?
This post has taken me five minutes to write – does it really take an entire day to explain ‘social media’ to BBC employees?
mediaguardianMedia GuardianBBC news chief seeks government action over Iranian ‘intimidation’
Guessing the whole crane lark might in future see a bit more attention paid by our objective national mediium too, especially when ‘discussing’ what regimes get up to.
Concerning the “anti-capitalism” demos in NYC, I was genuinely surprised that on Today this morning William Cohan was brought on and immediately proceeded to rubbish the previous Laura Trevelyan interpretation (per the usual “protest from the left=always good” BBC narrative). Furthermore he wasn’t interrupted but allowed to develop his argument.
Maybe the Today editors thought that if Cohan was given enough rope he’d hang the Republicans – particularly the Tea Party – and praise Obama. He didn’t and instead gave both the Bush and Obama administrations and the Fed a kicking for throwing trillions down the “save the banks” toilet for not much in return. He was scathing too about the union involvement and the idea – put about by BBC apparatchiks (and, I believe the US MSM) – that these demos were in some way “spontaneous”. Cohan opined that had the police dealt rather more sensibly with the original demo this thing would have died a natural death (before the BBC could big it up presumably).
How remarkably different the BBC’s coverage of this is from their treatment of Tea Party protests. It’s difficult to think of a more clear example of the bias inherent at the BBC.
Thank goodness LSE grad Justin Webb is doing the interview. He’s an expert on the US and educated about economics, right? How nice of him to suggest that this is a Democrat version of the Tea Party. Except no racists here, right, Justin?
Although I have to say I enjoed Cohan going seriously off Narrative they expected from a Goldman Sachs basher. Guess which Presidential candidate those people backed in 2008.
But Cohan misses a huge point here. He criticizes the protesters for being clueless and uninformed, saying they have no idea what Wall Street does, or how the financial crisis actually happened. The thing is, they don’t have to. They have a built-in mass propaganda machine in the US media, spread internationally by the lapdogs at the BBC.
Mark my words: this is going to get dangerous and violent. After all, they’re of the Left.
Three weeks ago I informed you here that there was a scandal brewing about the “fast and furious” operation. It seems AG Holder is now being involved. When are you going to mention this inportant issue on the BBC? Perhaps you can get some information from Fox News…
The US President editor won’t report it until reality forces him to do so. Then it will be yet another US issue that seems to have appeared “out of nowhere”.
But its not happening Gregory has spoken and he believes Global Warming is caused by a tiny amount of carbon dioxide so he must be a very sensible scientist.
Why it is worth complaining, and when credit for a proper response is due, I will be happy to so acknowedge…
‘Please accept out apologies for this mistake – it was caused a simple publishing error that was then compounded by poor communication. On 27 September, Nick’s blog was received by two teams who both simultaneously published it without consulting one another. When the error was noticed, the technical teams were asked to take down one version – the version that had not been promoted and therefore did not have comments on it. However, the wrong version was taken down in error, meaning that the story you commented on was no longer visible. This could not be reinstated, nor could the comments. Please be assured that there was nothing malicious in the decision to remove your comment – this was a simple mistake. We value contributions from our audience and realise that episodes like this do little to encourage people to return. This is unacceptable and your comments have been passed on to the relevant teams.’
By its tone I believe it to be sincere, and, possibly, there will be more attention paid to the investment piad by those who contribute.
theJeremyVineJeremy VineComment of Day @BBCRadio2: “My sister has bought a flatscreen TV as big as her living room wall on credit card, but cannot pay her mortgage”
Shame the rest of the BBC has not done the math.
Just in case you skimmed the article and didn’t notice.
Daniel Shechtman
Born: 1941, Tel Aviv, Israel
Affiliation at the time of the award:Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
BTW the Nobel Prize organisation correctly credited the photograph to Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
BTW Judging purely by names Jews won at least part of every science prize.
Apparently Palestinians are livid. “Not only do they steal our water and build settlements but they claim our Nobel Prizes. Schectman was born in Tel Aviv, which we all know is an illegal settlement outside Jaffa but they claim him as Israeli. He was born in 1941 so he is a Palestinian”.
Moves are underway to compensate the Palestinians with a Nobel Prize for contributions to delivery methods for comburent materials if they can find a means of overcoming the limitation to living recipients. The precedent of deceased albeit Jewish Ralph Steinman may provide a way.
Yes, have you seen this?
Of course Islamic artists knew about this phenomenon all along. The BBC and the Guardian thoughtfully point this out, just in case anyone might get the wrong idea. 🙁
This disgraceful episode re that young American Knox woman took place on Channel 5 but the smug, arrogant smartarse involved (Matthew Wright) is a part-time Beeboid:
Wright was a contributor to Phil Collins: A Life Less Ordinary, a BBC documentary made in 2002 which charted the life and career of the Genesis star and solo artist.
Wright presented Radio 2‘s arts and culture show The Weekender until July 2008. He also presents BBC1 current affairs series Inside Out London.[4] Chat show host Matthew Wright refused to apologise today after hosting a TV debate entitled ‘Foxy Knoxy: Would Ya?’. The former journalist sparked criticism on Twitter after discussing with panellists how Amanda Knox was ‘undeniably fit and loves wild sex’. In a preview blurb for this morning’s episode of The Wright Stuff, the Channel 5 website said: ‘So if you were a guy who’d met her in a bar and she invited you back to hers, would you go?
Crass and insensitive: Viewers of The Wright Stuff were stunned when presenter Matthew Wright asked them to vote on whether they would ‘take home’ Amanda Knox in light of her acquittal for murder
The discussion was conducted between Matthew Wright and a panel of Kelly Hoppen, Christopher Biggins and Liz McClaron ‘I’m being quite serious. Or would something in your brain make you think twice?’ Wright began the segment by pointing out that Amanda Knox had been cleared of the murder of British student Meredith Kercher, before insisting that she is ‘foxy as hell’.But he defended his actions after the discussion was branded crass and abysmal by bloggers. He said: ‘I thought it would be interesting to find out if mud sticks, or whether an innocent young woman could now go out and behave in a perfectly normal way.’ But viewers of the show, aired at 9.15am just 12 hours after the 24-year-old American was freed, slammed the discussion and bombarded the Channel’s official message board with complaints. Michele Morrison, of Glasgow, wrote: ‘So distasteful!!!!!so many other ways this story could be discussed ‘The whole world is engrossed on this story.
‘I feel sorry for the families or friends listening to rubbish
Staggering to see the number of BBC tweeters – and I’m just talking about the official ones who are allowed to have “BBC” in their Twitter names, never mind the wider mass of employees – all of them making identical observations during Cameron’s speech.
Most of these spare parts would’ve been better employed back at their BBC bases painting walls, weeding the surrounds, or cleaning toilets – the sort of work small businesses are forced to find for their employees during desperate times.
Well, the Democrat-led Senate has put in on the back burner, in favor of an idiotic attempt at a currency and trade war with China. Can’t blame the Republicans for that. So His Jobs Plan For Us is dead in the water already, because it’s such a joke that even Harry Reid isn’t interested. Worse, not a single Democrat Senator or Rep. has dared co-sponsor it, which is the only way it actually gets moving. But Mardell is totally silent.
Seems like Alan Johnson left his dog-eared economics primer there in the Today studio then.
Why else would “wor” Justin Webb be able to note that Cameron could not please the likes of Sainsburys by talking of “paying off the credit cards”…for you can`t spend AND save at one and the same time.
Unless of course if you borrow, tax and spend-then borrow again…which is all Labour have done, will do and always will do as long as there`s a dead rose where a brain used to be.
So Today get the boss of Sainsburys in…and Webb really wanted the bonus croissant for getting the “we`re heading for a recession” soundbite for the 9am bulletins.
Sadly, Justin King was not biting…but still Cameron can`t be right for wanting us to save when you at Sainsburys are offering such tempting offers eh?…Justin left the ring a bit sad I think…no soundbite and no skewer of the Tories to place before Naughties slippers…poor Justin!
The debate is still on. There seems to be a mass “leftie” outrage after Camerons speech that how dare he say people should stop spending. John Pinhead Pienaar (R5) said “if we all stopped spending the economy would collapse”. Of course it would John but thats not what Cameron said and thats not what would happen anyway so why are you scaremongering! – Oh yeah – BBC Chief Political Correspondent. It quite surreal at the moment the leftie media seems to be talking to some uneducated dumb public more or less saying yes I know you have no money but now’s the time to borrow more and then spend it on crap you don’t really need. I suppose that is the Ed Balls narrative staight from the Viv Nicholson school of economics who coincidentally is now in government funded care.
All that the BBC do is to furnish as gory a soundbite to send a shiver down the spines of the Guardianistas…and if we , the little people: get to smell the fear-then all right and dandy!
Whether it`s the economy or the climate….if there IS no real issue then the BBC will create one. This enables them to tell their media chums that they are “key players” and “agenda setters”. only the stiffs “do journalism” and stick to facts and fair narrative.
If YouGov can confirm that squauks from the parrot cage followed on from Montagues hectoring, hounding and then hankie waving to Balls-then presumably she gets her peanuts shelled by Boaden herself!
These clowns create their own news and then frighten themselves into seeking soundbites to back up their confections of stories.
Can`t really think of the last time that the BBC were balanced and truthful…Michelle Obamas expenses as she trailed Africa won`t be the one either!
Pleased that Primal Scream join the Smiths, Paul Weller etc in not wanting royalties from the Tories for playing their …er “music”!
If that upsets the spoiled lefties in the powder rooms, then lets have more please…Bragg should clear the room fast enough…he always clears Tolpuddle and therefore spreads the mass exodus before lights-on time!
Now HE could be the cruise entertainment round the Somali coast when Rainbow Warrior next goes there….anyone know any sea shanties for him to strangle?
“I don’t often do this but Im naming and shaming #RoyalGardenHotel Kensington as the most wheelchair unfriendly 5star hotel I’ve encountered.”!/FrankRGardner
I wish I could afford to name and shame that 5 star hotel too.
Lucky they had a sale on at only £322 per room, instead of the usual £422.
“A training course has introduced me to the concept of fuskering. Could be useful in future! Thanks @pauliemyers (I think)”!/marcsettle
I wonder if the BBC are now teaching the unethical practice of fuskering.
Sarah Palin has just annopunced that she is not running for the Republican nomination. Folks at the BBC will have been salivating on the attacks they could mount on her if she ran – somebody just shot their fox.
Meanwhile the signs increase that Obama is going down the tubes. Why isn’t Mardell reporting how desperate, how dire Obama’s situation has become ?
I suspect Sarah Palin being quite happy where she is will not stall the derangement much. She still rpresents something the BBC seems uncomfortable with, and hence will need demonising as long as she gets headlines..
Meanwhile, in a morning of interesting news, there is one positive in that Kebin Maguire may not be gracing our screens from daqwn to dusk on the Breakfast, DP or Newsnight sofas, and will have to brief ‘guests’ on what is to be discussed, and what not, from his nook in the BBC green rooms.
But one is sure, as a thorough media monopoly dedicated to the truth, one is sure our national treasure will get verfy interested in the powerful edtorial role played by the flamboyant Ms. Sly Baily as she handles what are, for now, simply allegations.,
Or maybe, in a unique twist, they will deem this ungallant this time?
At about 2.30am the World Service presenter described Palin as having failed in the 2008 debates (Palin wiped the floor with Joe Biden!), was a quitter (she resigned as Alaska Governor for perfectly understandable reasons) and had recently been damaged by lurid stories about her private life (the infamous Joe McGinness email showed the world that his book was based on a series of stuff he knew was false).
The presenter was interviewing a guy called Robert Traynham. It turns out Traynham is a long-term Democrat, having served Clinton and worked for the Dems in Congress. I suppose there were no Republicans to interview, it was 9.30 Eastern Standard Time so they all had taken early nights ?
“Millionaire David Cameron wants you to pay off your credit card – are you going to obey the Prime Minister?” asked one local BBC radio station phone-in this morning.
‘Today’s BBC theme so far is that David Cameron is a millionaire and is therefore unqualified to hold any opinion about domestic economics, or indeed about any sort of economics, because he has not personally experienced ‘poverty’.
I would like to point out that all of your presenters and most of the Shadow Cabinet are also millionaires and so by this logic are equally unable to empathise with anyone is not a millionaire.’
Very few people have experienced real poverty in this country for some decades now. Unless of course you count those poor downtrodden treasures of diversity who have to go without the very latest BlackBerry.
In any case, it is not just millionaires. MPs are borne along on the safe gravy train of generous salary, expenses, allowances and housing costs gifted by the taxpayer to keep them aloft. None of them work for minimum wage, national average wage or live on a part-time wage, although Dennis Skinner used to advocate MPs taking the average wage in their constituency and may have taken it himself, if the system permitted that. I am not sure that it did.
I trust in looking for the 2000 to reduce its staff by, readership of the Guardian will make them a prime candidate. That could reduce the political imbalance of the staff from about 10 to 1 to 9.75 to 1!
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:32 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Deport all americans to make it fair – democrates as well.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “nuclear missiles based in Ukraine” – with Moscow in control of them.
ZephirFeb 23, 07:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Sickening, As is the ability to wilfully ignore their sheer murderous brutality and genocidal instincts.
Guest WhoFeb 23, 07:53 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bet that image inspired tears in the eyes of the lads and lasses of JezBo’s unit.
ZephirFeb 23, 07:02 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Some sense at last: “Ukraine war : Like the equally bird-brained Iraq invasion, it was the desire of a militant…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Or this: “Illegal immigrant who stabbed wife to death wins right to stay in Britain after arguing he might have…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:21 Weekend 22nd February 2025 And, no doubt, another item the racist, sexist bbc will be hiding: “Syrian refugee who stepped in to stop Islamist…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any…
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
I wonder how long it will be before this latest closes?
‘Siraj Haqqani, a rising star in the second generation of Taliban leaders’
Guess he’ll be on Strictly.. next?
Have to say.. opening with ‘Dear BBC Friends’ was cute. If, probably, accurate.
I this was WW2, the new generation BBC would have been running Lord Haw Haw’s feed for him.
So now I have to co-fund enemy propaganda?
The purpose of the article appears to be to show how wonderful are the bbc reporters in chasing down a story. Their ingenuity and diligence is a wonder to behold. Such intrepid reporters, and all from the safety of their own armchair.
“Then, last Sunday, a BBC Pashto reporter in the Khost province of Afghanistan, was approached by an envoy of Siraj Haqqani – the son of Jalaluddin, the group’s founder (the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani network ), who has a key role in the network’s operations.”
Well its not surprising. Any anti Israel, anti America, anti Christian, anti Democracy, muderous organisation can be assured of a favourable reception from the BBC.
NB : By anti American I mean anti that part of America not associated with Barac Obama.
Anti American trumps pro Obama.
“anti Israel, anti America, anti Christian, anti Democracy” You don’t need so many words “anti-western civlization” will do.
But the rule is when criticising America the name “Obama” is usually omited. This allows the BBC to be Pro-Obama while remaining anti-American. Good trick.
A young lady by the name of Jenny Clarke tweeted this yesterday:
Shut up going on about how great Manchester is George Osborne. We know it is and flattery will not buy our votes. Now kindly fuck off.
This was her next tweet which appeared today:
@InspiralGraham Hi!I work for BBC Radio Manchester and would love to arrange in interview with you! Please e-mail
She’s clearly way down the pecking order, but the fact that she felt relaxed about tweeting her message to Osborne reveals – yet again – a great deal about prevailing opinion within the BBC.
Carlos Tevez thinks Manchester sucks — I wonder if the delighful Jenny has tweeted him to fuck off.
I would deeply admire any Beeboid who put this on their twitter bio – ‘The views expressed here are the only way I could get a job amongst the benighted inbreds that pass as Helen Boaden’s genetic impartiality cluster-fubar’
Mind you, a role elsewhere in the media market rate infirmament for an actual talent may then be required.
‘She’s clearly way down the pecking order,’
Beyond sussing how you gain ‘cred’ wiv da hood, another peroxide sink also clearly running a box of rocks quite close on twitter savvy.
Note to hive: twitter is not an intranet. But, please, do carry on. It is the gift that keeps on giving.
Good catch, DB. How do you find them?
Odd, really. Telling someone to fuck off on Twitter is essentially little different from telling them fuck off in person – it is a public medium, after all, and Jenny Clarke has identified herself as a BBC employee.
Clearly, this is inadvisable on two levels. Her employer may be a little concerned that she is making such politically partisan comments – even allowing for the ‘the views expressed are what I have been brainwashed into thinking and not those the BBC’ caveat.
The other problem is this: I am sure Jenny is absolutely, utterly, completely, 150,000 per cent impartial’ to the very core of her undoubtedly generous and loving being, but by publicly exhorting the Tory Chancellor to go forth and procreate, she is, in fact, presenting DB and Biased BBC with the juiciest of leg-stump half-volleys.
In other words, she is quite stupid.
You’re assuming she wouldn’t say that in person. Of course she would. If she had a different viewpoint, she wouldn’t be working for BBC Radio Manchester.
Ever thought of sending that tweet here?!/GOsborne_MP
I see Jenny Clarke has closed down her @jenrclarke Twitter account. She’s now @jennyfleur88 and has protected her tweets.
For posterity…
Excellent work, DB! I wonder if that is connected to David Gregory’s tweet on the topic of personal views (as pointed out later in this thread)?
Quite possibly, yes. I’d be surprised if they didn’t discuss this sort of thing at the BBC social media away day he attended yesterday. On which point – I notice Prodger hasn’t had much to say for himself over the past few days.
I still say it’s hypocritical for the BBC to encourage their employees to use Twitter to better engage with their audience but then protest when people think they’re doing it in their capacity as BBC employees.
Twitter truly is the gift that keeps on giving. I hope someone is keeping a running tab on how many of these dopey Beeboids have been busted on this. Still waiting for an intrepid defender of the indefensible to show us a single Beeboid tweet coming from the other side of the political spectrum on any issue.
Pick out a BBC tweeter, go to the follow list and find other BBC tweeters. You are almost guaranteed to find yourself within a network of people who share a Guardian-reader lefty-lib worldview.
An interesting BBC narrative is developing on the “riots in the USA” front.
“As a man known as Mercury puts the finishing touches to his corporate zombie make up, he explains why he’s joined the anti-capitalist protests here in the shadow of Wall Street.
“We are inspired by the Arab Spring. Americans have rights but they’re too often apathetic.”
How soon before we see the words “American Spring” in the media? The hero and one of the instigators George Soros is being portrayed as some sort of benevolent uncle (“Mr. Soros was announcing a gift of $40m (£26m) to a development project in Africa.”) and even – the ultimate accolade! – “The protesters won support from actor Alec Baldwin, who posted videos on his Twitter page that had already been widely circulated” Alec Baldwin! Wow!
This “unrest” has been predicted by many and prepared for months. But the “spontaneous outpouring of protest against corporate America” line is the one the most of the media will stick by.
Meanwhile you can almost hear the plaintive pleading from Laura Trevelyan: “The question is whether this ad hoc group of protesters – who feel they’re getting the short end of the stick while corporate America hoards money – could morph into a political movement, a kind of left wing Tea Party.”
Translation: We lefties want our own tea party and till we get it we’ll stamp our feet and scream and scream till we are sick.
Has Laura ever asked herself why corporate America is “hoarding money”? Because they don’t want to flush it down the toilet like the trillions of dollars of stimulus money. They don’t trust the current administration not to “redistribute” good money among bad people. They want to know what future tax rates will be. Theyn don’t want to hand their money over to the Chicago political machine to buy the next US election. They want stability. They don’t want to hand capital over to Mr. “Mercury” and his ilk.
However pictures speak louder than words:
Although Soros is undoubtedly taking advantage of these protests, he is NOT the instigator, (Much as some in the Fox end of the media would love it to be the case).
What I have seen of the coverage from opposing sides of the media (although they are actually on the same side) Is the right wing media portraying this as a bunch of Marxists and lefty scum paid by Soros to cause trouble. The left wing media portray this as poor working people standing up for the cause against corrupt bankers and against climate change and any other left wing pet grievance they may have.
In truth it is a wide cross-section of society, from the working class to the upper middle class, all people who have been screwed by the Federal Reserve and the Fractional reserve system of banking with a worthless fiat currency, and the obscenely corrupt distribution of bail-out funds which were stolen from Main street and handed to Wall Street.
Many of them want to end the Fed, and scrap fractional reserve banking and restore the power to issue currency to the Congress. The media are studiously ignoring the real sentiment of these protests to portray them as whatever is most helpful to whatever their own personal agenda is.
Point taken
Um, the Truth seems to be the protestors belong to the Ivy League upper income non-productive elite that has been the source of Leftist twaddle in this country since the sixties if not before. Foxnews’ condemnation barely balances the love from the rest of the networks. As a columnist on admits they have a few good points, but for the most part it’s the usual anti-capitalist twaddle.
Anti Capitalist? I think not. I have seen loads of protestors calling for a RETURN of capitalism and the scrapping of corporatism. Something that the corporatist right and corporatist left and the whole corporate elite definately do NOT want to see, hence why they only interview a select few protesters who happen to agree with whatever corporatists agenda their news corporation supports.
Capitalists would have allowed the banks to fail and let the less greedy, less corrupt and more responsible surviving banks pick over the carcasses of the failed banks.
Corporatists use tax payers money to bail out the corrupt failed banks at the expense of the rest of the economy. Privatising profit and socialising loss is NOT capitalism.
Most of the protestors I am in contact with oppose corporatism, corruption and the decay of the global financial system brought about by fractional reserve banking of fiat currencies, and would love sound money and capitalism and a return to free markets, small government, state’s rights, and a capitalist USA.
I am in contact with people who are blue collar, white collar, students and wealthy middle classes who are ALL supporting these occupy Wall Street protests and all for the same reason. and NONE of that reason is getting on any news channel, because ALL the corporatist news channels depend on the same markets and advertisers who rely on corporatist corruption, kick-backs and lobbyists to stay in business.
This more accurately reflects the desires I’ve been hearing from many sources:
And the call of action should be to END the PRIVATE CONTROL over our MONEY system.
If North Dakota can do it and end up with the lowest unemployment in the nation and a yearly budget surplus, then every state can!
North Dakota, BTW, is doing well because of oil. This will not go down well with the Leftoids doing the protesting, or with Van Jones, who heads another organization sponsoring other protests, or with Susan Sarandon. But the author of the above probably isn’t aware of that.
This is not an intelligent plan for prosperity.
More on the demands and desires of the Occupy Wall Street geniuses can be seen here. This is much, much more than regulating the banks and simple corporatism.
Most of the protesters from last week wouldn’t know the Federal Reserve from Federal Express. This is more about the same banker bashing we hear from the usual suspects than any intelligent ideas.
The BBC is much more sympathetic to the viewpoints of these people than they have been about the viewpoints of Tea Partiers. Funny how protesting against bank bailouts is cool when some people do it, but not when others do it.
Ye God, have you seen those pictures. I’m having sixties flashbacks here! Pretty much settles who these protestors really are imo.
This kind of amorphous gathering of anti-anything types often occurs at this time of the year. Late summer is usually the time for climate change camps near various travel hubs, and other assorted jamborees for the usual suspects. The reason? – they’ve all de-camped from the summer festival tours, which have all come to an end, and are looking for one last venue to pitch their tents, wave their banners and bang their drums. Once the cooler weather beckons, they will all fade away, back to their comfortable, middle class lives. There is no real cause behind this protest, except for the need of people with a certain mindset and political outlook to have one last attempt at feeling ’empowered’ before winter sets in. It won’t last much longer.
Let’s not forget how multi-billionaire SOROS is involved in financing left-wing groups, which BBC-NUJ supports politically; nor should we forget Soros’s financial speculation against the pound sterling.
“The Soros Loophole”
Glenn BECK:
(video clip)
“Soros the Puppetmaster” ( Part 4)
Here’s what the Occupy Wall Streeters really want, from the sympathetic NY Times:
On the group’s Web site, they describe themselves as a “leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that we are the 99 percent that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1 percent.”
The 1 percent refers to the haves: that is, the banks, the mortgage industry, the insurance industry. The 99 percent refers to the have-nots: that is, everyone else. In other words, said a group member: “1 percent of the people have 99 percent of the money.”
It’s class war and little else. There may be the odd reasonable outlier who understands the bigger picture about crony capitalism and a toothless SEC, but this is pretty basic class war stuff, and the quotes we’ve heard from actual protesters generally back this up.
I say the NY Times is sympathetic because the freelancer they hired to cover the event got arrested along with the protesters. YCMIU.
I am listening to Sheilagh Fogerty on R5. There was piece regarding Doctors not speaking English. Sheilagh said the unthinkable – Surely the answer is to train more of our own Doctors? You could feel the panic as one contributor said the NHS keeps a balance of 1/3 to 2/3 foreign to home grown so we are dependent on foreign doctors (?????????) and the other contributor said quickly that we should think about regional accents as well (??????????). No more discussion, ……. It hasn’t finished yet so its not on iplayer its about 45-50mins in when it goes on. I’m still quite shocked at the lack of obvious questions and am beginning to doubt what I heard.
that discussion is 38 mins in, lots of excusery terms “anomalies”
“loopholes”, “linguistically challenged”, basically going all the way “around the houses” instead of being to the point.
she did mention why not more british doctors?….thankfully
the 2 in house, Drs were El Beeb guardian reading, multi culti
rainbow society fu-kwits, hence the….
“well what about a regional accent eh!” moment?? 😀
what about, a Bangledeshi patient (no Engilsh) and a Lithuanian Dr (no English)….el beeb answer,….
many 1000s of more translators obviously…
I revisited again – so much tip-toeing around the questions. The loophole which “only” exists for Euro doctors! The most frightening part (again unexplored) was how they got round the problem in France. Apparantly, they get round it with a informal meeting with the potential doctor to understand how good they actually are. For younger readers in times past this was called an IN-TER-VIEW – so apparantly doctors are employed by trusts in the UK without being interviewed? – I really find this hard to believe yet how else can you explain employing incompetant doctors who don’t speak English. Then when caught out – blame the EU?? which is such obvious bullshit (no love lost here with the EU – but really?) In the good old days we had people dressing up in medical gear pretending to be doctors in now appears we have people pretending to be hospital managers.
If regional accents were a problem CBBC would have to be closed down!
Here’s an intersting precedent…
The Premier League may face an upheaval in how they sell their TV rights after the European Court of Justice ruled in favour of a pub landlady who used a foreign decoder to show live matches at 3pm on Saturdays.
The ruling by the ECJ could have major implications for how the Premier League sell their broadcast rights both in Britain and Europe.
The ECJ said in a statement: “A system of licences for the broadcasting of football matches which grants broadcasters territorial exclusivity on a member state basis and which prohibits television viewers from watching the broadcasts with a decoder card in other member states is contrary to EU law.”
So I’m thinking…
Then how is it also legal for the BBC to charge people for watching the BBC via a TV Poll Tax?…
More to the point how is it LEGAL (using EU diktat) for the BBC to force people to pay them for merely OWNING a TV even if you DON’T WATCH THE BBC…
There must be some linkage here?
Indeed and is it also illegal for the BBC to block people in other EU states from watching BBC output on the web? I know that this can be curcumvented by foreign proxy servers, but isn’t it illegal in principle?
Talk about the irony if the TV license fee is brought down by the BBC’s beloved EU.
et tu Brute
This may be my cynical side coming out but, I think if the EU actually tried to end the BBC licence fee, that this would be the only thing that would actually make the government say no to the EU and mean it!
However IF the EU did manage to scrap the BBC licence fee, that the inscription on my headstone would read, “Died laughing”
that would make my whole decade
Here’s a typical piece of Beeboid nonsense:
I certainly do not recall them having the same box at the Labour conference! After all, anyone outside of luvvieville is quite capable of seeing which political leader is most likely to be ousted by their party, but in typical BBC fashion, they always feel they have to suggest that the Conservative party is eternally divided, with no evidence whatsoever to back up their “wacky” experiment (of which you can’t see 99% of those who actually voted anyway).
This assumes that Cameron won’t last until the next election. Do the Beeboids seriously expect you to believe that Miliband Minor is in less danger of a leadership challenge than Cameron?
The first line: “There is no leadership crisis at the Conservative conference, but…”
Aren’t they always having ‘comedians’ on their vast array of stand up panel shows who always get a laugh using the reliable line,
“Like those who say, I am not a racist, BUT…”
So the BBC are saying that they are not letting reality get in the way of their left wing agenda and they will create as much mischief for the tories as possible, regardless.
As you say, there was no such box at the Labour conference, despite their delagates being a lot more dissalusioned with Ed Miliband, than the tories in Manchester are with Cameron.
The BBC’s bleeding heart feature on the poor abused Somalian pirates & murderers, recently the subject of comments here, has a companion piece. We are informed that “Al Megrahi also described how he was running short of vital medicine” – maybe it would be available in a Scottish nick?
I notice also that to the BBC Al Megrahi is “The man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing”. Not the man/murderer guilty of the bombing.
I also saw some news articles today which have this miracle of a man whom we were assured by the BBC a few weeks ago was in a coma and literally a few days from death, and now he is miraculously awake and speaking of his innocence about to be proved soon…
Hasn’t anyone at the BBC ever learned what being in a coma actually means?
Perhaps all the relatives of coma patients all over this country should shout in the patient’s ears, “GET UP YOU LAZY BASTARDS!”?
I mean, WTF?
And the man who seems to have made a miraculous recovery from a coma….
BBC views at 9PM last night
George Aligayah reading the headlines
“years after the invasion of Afghanistan,the Taliban are unbeaten and unbowed…..”
can you imagine what Churchill would have done to the quisling BBC lowlifes if they had likewise intoned that “months after d-day Hitler is unbeaten and unbowed”?
yes-that’s right readers
he’d have had the scum shot at dawn,and rightly so
They seem to be feeling ’empowered’.
Both the Taliban, and their UK PR arm.
You want anyone reporting that the Taliban are unbeaten to be “shot at dawn”? Even if they are unbeaten?
Hyperbole. Chill.
Hyperbole or not; ltwf’s post is just as thick headed.
Erm are you just playing thick or [not that you would know being thick an all] just daft?? the post stated some one else would have acted in that way I see no support or condemnation unlike you and your total pro BBC waffle!
“the post stated some one else would have acted in that way I see no support or condemnation”
Erm: “he’d have had the scum shot at dawn, and rightly so”
Whatever, comparing the current situation in Afghanistan to D-Day is ridiculous.
Scez, you use the word “if”. It’s a highly contentious point in favour of the enemy that the Taliban are “unbeaten and unbound”. As a rule, unpleasant things should happen to people who aid and abett the enemy at time of war.
If your country means anything to you that is.
“…you use the word “if”. It’s a highly contentious point in favour of the enemy…”
My use of the word “if” was as part of a question. I’ll try to ask again; If one or more journalists come to the conclusion that Britain is losing a war do you think they should be made to keep quiet?
Don’t feed the troll.
BBC tearing Theresa May a new one about a cat! They’re really scraping the barrel today with the headline.
Theresa May ‘wrong’ over migrant cat tale
Sopel was just giving Clarke a hard time over it, and then made puns about the cat. That’s the only coverage of the conference on the News Channel during the last 90 minutes or so.
Well at least we know which hapless moggy is the Home Secretary.
Don’t forget the BBC consider themselves to be the unofficial opposition. If only the BBC, The Guardian and Labour would merge then we would all know where we stand.
What a pudding this lady is!
Her political career is palled by failure, fudge and flippety floppity!
A complete nomark who has never-nor will ever-leave a trace of any contribution to public life.
But she is female, so follows Jacqui Smiff into the ballpool…Cameron insults us with her kind.
As for the cat…when the News Channels see THAT as the point of her (albeit silly) story….we can only say that real politics died back with Roy Jenkins…at least he WAS worthy of hate, scorn and contempt.
Blair and the like are pitiful creatures by comparison…not even worth the latex of a Spitting Image puppet(ethically sourced or no!)
Yep, I still don’t see the point of her. She seems utterly devoid of a brain. I guess that is the first requisite for a British politician.
The BBC know what the point of the speech was, that’s why they have been concentrating on the cat remark (and nothing else). Muddying the watrers, not allowing the British public to hear what else was said. The BBC’s enthusiasm for multiculturalism at the expense of so much else, will not diminish whatever the evidence that it is a failed policy.
As it happens she was kinda right about the cat, and even the Guardian ended up clarifying it. Seems The immigration judge said: “The evidence concerning the joint acquisition of Maya (the cat) by the appellant and his partner reinforces my conclusion on the strength and quality of the family life that appellant and his partner enjoy.”
The judge added: “Canadian courts have moved away from the legal view that animals are merely chattels, to a recognition that they play an important role in the lives of their owners and that the loss of a pet has a significant emotional impact on its owner.”
Somehow in the BBC desire to destroy her chances at ending their precious EU Human Rights Act, they seemed to have overlooked it – by my reckoning they’ve got at least 13 eggs on their faces judging by the number of articles and videos on the subject.
Funny how when a story goes against their desired agenda they seem to overlook it – and when they believe it promotes it there’s overkill.
Their idea of ‘balance’?
I’m not a huge fan of Theresa May, I’d prefer Norman Tebbit, but she was right about the cat.
The BBC is sensing blood – that’s what is happening here.
But why the f*** couldn’t the useless Ms May produce this straight away? By not doing so, it looked like she couldn’t substantiate it.
Did it never occur to her that as soon as she made that remark, everyone would ask for details of the case, and she should have been able to produce it there and then. I really despair at the utter uselessness and stupidity of “Conservative” politicians.
Ken Clarke as well. If he disagreed with the Home Secretary, he should have ripped her a new one privately, not gone mouthing off to the BBC. In former days he’d have been sacked for that.
That’s what they have Private Secretaries and Special Advisers for. Looks as if someone is falling down on the job there.
Also, Clarke has form for mouthing off.
Kenneth Clarke’s appointment is just more evidence of Cameron’s weakness.
Can anyone tell me what he has actually achieved as PM ? So far as I can see, nothing !
Lib Dem cabinet ministers are sage from sacking, Ken Clarke is an unofficial Lib Dem minister.
I probably missed it elsewhere, but worth a repeat (as there is a metaphor for the value we derive from the licence poll tax)..
ATF Fast and Furious: New documents show Attorney General Eric Holder was briefed in July 2010
Except Holder testified to Congress five months ago that he didn’t know.
BBC: ZZZZzzzzzzz
Geyza, you say “Most of the protestors I am in contact with oppose corporatism, corruption and the decay of the global financial system brought about by fractional reserve banking of fiat currencies, and would love sound money and capitalism and a return to free markets, small government, state’s rights, and a capitalist USA.”
Sorry, but now I’m beginning to doubt your veracity. “free markets, stste’s rights and a capitalist USA”. Hmm. Nice try.
This is the sentiment expressed by a protestor which is exactly what those I am in contact with support. Free markets, state’s rights rather than Federal dictat, and a return of capitalism, instead of corrupt, socialist corporatism where profits are privatised and excempt from tax through a myriad of complex loopholes, and losses are dumped on the tax-payer.
All I can say is supporters of free markets, state’s rights and capitalism are keeping darn strange company!
My goodness but the 10 winners of BBC Vision’s new “Pitch to Win” scheme are a rather un-diverse group. Eight women, only one of color, and two men, one of which is not white. So eight out of ten are not people of color, and the gender balance is way off. Can’t tell from looking if there is any representation of the LGBT community. Hardly representative of multicultural Britain, eh, BBC?
Also, it seems that there are 3000 people in the BBC’s Vision Productions. What are they for?
One entrant, Steven Green, was told that his excellent Tour de Britain brainwave was already sufficiently well-developed to go straight before the commissioners
oh brother!… completely original, yawn.
kick him in to touch, get a celeb on a jolly-go-round, you know cornwall..doh! …done it
er the coast doh! done.. it
scotland doh! done it
lake district doh! done it
etc etc etc etc
Anyone know how to upload an article from the Telegraph today – page 3 – Starkey cleared on Newsnight comments.
He is rather “unkind” to Miss Maitlis in his comments.
I think these are what you’re after…
I like this quote :
“You know yourself by your enemies, and I’m quite happy with mine. Isn’t it wonderful that I was attacked by Piers Moron, Louise Mensch and Ed Millipede.”
Maitlis is a disgrace, it’s true. For a variety of reasons.
…but mostly the blatant vanity.
Isn’t the fact that he was “investigated” for having an opinion an utter outrage?
Maitlis is indeed a disgrace, but she works for the BBC so that is expected. But Mensch is supposed to be a conservative.
Guido Fawkes should think again about this women.
“I note that Guido Fawkes is championing Louise Mensch as a brave defender of our freedoms”
Somalia: latest Islamic jihad massacre, as told by INBBC Muslims.
“Huge Somalia suicide car bomb kills dozens in capital”
‘Long War Journal’
“Shabaab suicide bomber kills scores in Mogadishu”
Somalia: Mogadishu truck bomb kills more than 50
“Al-Shabaab pulled out of Mogadishu in early August, at which point we observed that the jihadists were now simply in a position to do what they do best: not to fight like men, but to engage in asymmetrical warfare, targeting civilians to terrify and demoralize the population, and thwart any attempts at rebuilding or even at achieving some semblance of a normal existence. ”
Is INBBC reporter Mohammed Dhore (presumably a Muslim) likely to discuss critically the Islamic jihad aspects of the massacre in Somalia?
More generally, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) licencepayers pay for and are fed reports from Islamic countries which are often politically filtered by INBBC Muslim reporters in Somalia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Egypt, Afghanistan, etc.,etc.
The question must always arise as to whether INBBC’s Muslim reporters’ first loyalty is to:
1.) Islam and the Ummah;
2.) Their Islamic country of origin;
3.) Britain?
Before INBBC is closed down and abolished, it should employ British people to report on the West’s enemies in Islamic areas.
Beeboids must remember that they are not an extension of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
On a good note Fox News’s “The Five” has now been kept on full time, I relaly like it, it’s nice to see Liberals out numbered and Bob Beckel should be reason enough never to vote for a liberal.
I quite like The Five – so much better than Glenn Beck’s repetitive and increasingly wacky ranting – I found him instantly dislikeable, though I’m sure others here might disagree. At least Bob Beckel seems like a good sport, unlike many others of his political persuasion.
Yes Glenn Beck sort of lost it towards the end and with ‘The Five’ there’s always some totty.
Yes, I disagree: Glenn Beck is a real political talent. He gives intelligent commitment to Israel, and his critical analyses of e.g. ‘Arab Spring’ and Soros’s politics are fine. He is something of a lone voice on such issues in American media, and he is a natural political enemy for BBC and MSM.
His bold launch of his own internet TV less than three weeks ago, looks promising, and is very cheap to subscribe to.
And this Thurday GBTV is featuring a programme on the Muslim Brotherhood; here’s a trailer
I would have more respect for Glen Beck if he did not steal material from the Texan nut, Alex Jones, and then twist it to suit his political agenda. If you want to know what Glen Beck is going to be ranting about in a few months, check out Prisonplanet and see what Jones is ranting about now.
Alex Jones is indeed the nuttiest of all nutcases…and a bit thick too, but most conspiracy types are of lower intelligence.
Fox News got rid of Beck because he went off half-cocked too many times and babbled about something based on his emotions rather than on facts. Eventually it got too much for them, and even the other top-tier talking heads complained that it was hurting the network’s credibility.
Poor Somali pirates are hard-done by being called to account for their vile trade:
BBC worship Muslim african criminal scum. You would be forgiven they had an ulterior motive…something up their bottom?. Or their wallet courtesy of Bank of Sorros.
Tune in to the 10 O Clock News and I see reliably bent Huw Edwards is covering the Tory Party Conference. What a huge surprise, he makes a sneering remark to miscast Theresa May’s reference to an illegal immigrant being able to stay because he has a cat, and talking up a “spat” between two ministers.
Odious little creep Edwards is.
I must remember not to eat before I watch the 10 O’ Clock News during the Tory Conference. An endless ream of completely up their arse BBC political correspondents.
One remembers a much better BBC in living memory. One that made one proud to be British.
The Home Secretary’s claim that the BBC makes out is completely groundless:-
So Red Ken Clarke and the BBC are telling lies are they? Hmm, would never have thought that possible.
“The Home Secretary’s claim that the BBC makes out is completely groundless…”
Theresa May regurgitates a ridiculous story from the Daily Mail and your proof that it’s not ridiculous is a link to the ridiculous story she regurgitated from the Daily Mail?
Oh for God’s sake Dez ! Do us all a favour and enrol in an English Language Night Class for Beginner’s as soon as possible.
Beginner’s luck Dez ?
Could be a first for Dez: a comment of his that doesn’t have spelling mistakes.
You must have missed this expectoration then from The Guardian that was expectorated in the Guardian 😉
The immigration judge said: “The evidence concerning the joint acquisition of Maya (the cat) by the appellant and his partner reinforces my conclusion on the strength and quality of the family life that appellant and his partner enjoy.”
The judge added: “Canadian courts have moved away from the legal view that animals are merely chattels, to a recognition that they play an important role in the lives of their owners and that the loss of a pet has a significant emotional impact on its owner.”
You must be embarassed when you find it really is true about your loony left mindset.
Nice try Teddy, however from the same story:
“Although May promised the conference she was not making the story up, the judicial communications office, which represents senior judges, insisted the tale was not true and said it had told May’s department as much”
“the cat had nothing to do with the decision…”
“The home secretary later said she accepted the judges’ correction, but argued that she was not relying on that single case to justify her policy.”
She was talking bollocks. Get over it and move on…
Dez in denial of facts shocker. You have been shown the evidence from two newspapers (I can understand your reluctance to believe anything the Guardian prints as it’s normally full of lies, but in this case it is backed up by another paper) but you still won’t accept it because it doesn’t fit your agenda. You really are a beeboid.
Dez your use of a guardian story to argue any point is equally as weak as using the fact that a story is in the Daily Mail to argue it is not true.
Try looking up the original ruling. You will find that the cat WAS a consideration in this case and the Daily Mail plyed that angle up, and the Guardian falsely pleyed it down. BOTH to suit their own political ends.
The cold fact is, according to the ruling, the cat WAS a consideration and DID have baring on the case.
“Dez your use of a guardian story to argue any point is equally as weak as using the fact that a story is in the Daily Mail to argue it is not true.”
That would be true, however I did not claim the story was ridiculous because it was in the Daily Mail, and Teddy brought up the Guardian report which is what my reply to him was about.
“The cold fact is, according to the ruling, the cat WAS a consideration and DID have baring on the case.”
If you want to be pedantic; then yes the cat did have some baring on the case even if it was almost none existent.
But Theresa May (and the Mail) stated that the person in question could not be deported because he had a pet cat.
That is completely untrue.
“Theresa May was meowing up the right tree on human rights”
(by Ed West)
Shouldn’t you be getting bitch slapped over at Bishop hill dez??
They went over this on Newsnight as well. Paxman took Dez’s position that May totally lied, and Damian Green read out that judge’s statement that the cat was a mitigating factor. Paxman had to shut up and drop it.
Dez, here is the relevent section of the actual court ruling:
“The grant of reconsideration refers to the inappropriate weight placed on the appellant having to leave behind not only his partner but also their joint cat, [ ] ”
So although this was not solely about a cat, the cat was used in the consideration of determining whether this Bolivian man should be granted leave to remain in the United Kingdom on Article 8 ECHR grounds, or be deported as the Home secretary wished.
The Bolivian was granted leave to remain because his sharing ownership of a cat with his unmarried partner satisfied the judge that he had established a “family life”.
The daily mail was reporting the truth.
Dez, your claim in essense that this case is unsupportable solely on the grounds that the Daily Mail reported it is: EPIC FAIL!
Additionally the Judge added,
“The Immigration Judge’s determination is upheld and the cat, [], need no longer fear having to adapt to Bolivian mice.”
This is in the Judges ruling. If this story about a appeal against a deportation ruling being based or part based on a cat is false, these reasons would not have been in the Judges ruling.
Additionally the Judge added, “The Immigration Judge’s determination is upheld and the cat, need no longer fear having to adapt to Bolivian mice.”
He made a joke (you think he was being serious? Really?).
Nowhere in the Judge’s ruling does it say he was granted leave to remain “because he had a cat”, but because:
“Enforcement action should not normally be initiated in the following circumstances: Where the subject has a genuine and subsisting relationship akin to marrige with a person who is present and settled here…”
It was the Home Office that claimed that “inapproprirate weight [had been] placed on the appellant having to leave behind not only his partner but also their joint cat”
So of course the Judge referred to that aspect of the case because it was part of the argument put forward by the government. An argument that was completely dismissed by the tribunal.
Got it yet?
“The Home Secretary may have got her facts slightly wrong, but she was still meowing up the right tree.”
(Ed West)
“So although this was not solely about a cat…”.
And yet according to Theresa May it was solely about a cat.
Scez, you always indulge in this bluff and bluster when you know you haven’t got a leg to stand on.
Huw is one of these, silly, irritating nonentities who confirm some people’s stereotypes of the Welsh.
As opposed to stereotypes about James Naughtie’s ‘fat Scottish arse’ being a formidable weapons shifting people from their seats? .. ??
It realy is unbelievable that cabinet ministers should have 2 opposing views in public.
Does not say much for Camerons leadership.
And on Newsnight, Boris reduces Paxo to amused silence by suggesting he [Paxo] should run for the Conservative leadership.
That was one of the most amusing political interviews I have ever witnessed – it was more of a comedy sketch. Just try and imagine Ed Miliband or any of the 600-odd political drones giving an interview like that…
Watch it if you can.
That’s round two then. Here’s round one from a couple of years ago. The best bits are towards the end :
A long time since I have seen Paxman enjoying his job.
you know i had to turn off.
couldn t take, the excusery drivel,
immigration, strong leadership direction, deportation.
could have been the time, for squeezing something that might
imitate an answer .
not so, sheesh! and its thatchers boy dave today, a good hour of patronising, “we re all the same boat,(wheres the champers)”
as i find a new way to talk down to you.
don t fret dave, you george & mandy will soon be all be on the yacht together.
Half of last night’s installment was spent trying to get people to talk about someone else becoming party leader. After that ridiculous non-interview with Boris, Paxman then did a panel discussion with two female MPs plus some woman from the Guardian in front of an audience made up entirely of Conservative Party women. Paxman tried to undermine Cameron again and again. Very little policy discussion found its way through.
Newsnight definitely had an agenda to follow to prepare the audience for today’s Cameron speech.
Anybody see ‘Young Voters’ Question Time’?
Bacon was bloody useless, constantly spitting the word ‘Tory’ or ‘Conservative’ and interrupting him and the few right-wing questioners, and the audience was made up of typically trendy wanker student liberals.
I think it’s a disgrace that Bacon was promted to chairing this programme immediately after recommending a sick, foul-mouthed left-wing American “comedian” and his rant against Sarah Palin and his desire to murder Downs Syndrome babies at birth. He should have been sacked not promoted.
I think Bacon was promted to chairing this programme because of the outcry from people the BBC hates immediately after he recommended a sick, foul-mouthed left-wing American “comedian” and his rant against Sarah Palin and his desire to murder Downs Syndrome babies at birth.
There, fixed that for you.
If the regular version of QT is hard to sit through, the yoof version is seriously next level in it’s infuriating trendiness. Awful.
I watched the first 10 minutes then switched off. It was the first time I have ever encountered Richard Bacon. Even by Beeboid starndards , he was revolting. I guess he was the right person for the job as he seems to have a mental age of about 14. Where do the BBC find these prats ?
the last time i saw an el beeb photo of him, on iplayer, it looked like he was still wearing (trying to fit into) his school blazer…
….how very apt, an arrogant, infantile, mummies boy ready to spit the dummy out,
hmmm ideal el beeb presenter.
“…mental age of about 14”. That sums it up. I have long argued that the Beeboid Corporation embodies the spirit of Fourteen-Year-Old Boy. Hence the juvenile unfunny “comedians”; the Beeboid adolescent desire to shock, to be outrageous; the adoption of causes and leaping on band wagons with the zeal of the unformed, immature youngster; the childish, embarrassing adoration of certain public figures; the infuriating noise, drumming and babble that infects every programme; the need to create drama and sensation so as to feel important and in the thick of it; the creation of a cartoonish polarised world that barely scratches the surface of the awkward, complicated business of politics and life.
Spot on ! Post of the week , so far !
Thanks, Grant! 🙂
Bizarre contribution of the day – some sock puppet called Carrie Williams just commented on a two year old thread???????
All together now…..
Another brave drive-by insult by someone unable to engage in debate.
It is bizarre. How would Carrie have picked up on this old thread ? Weird !
One can only assume she’s a slightly obsessed fan of his – trawling through years of tweets. Strange, anyway.
But it gave me the opportunity to go back and answer some asinine remarks made by some lefty idiots.
from the Mail
“The BBC projects an image of Britain which is unrecognisable to most of its inhabitants. Its news bulletins and dramas are all refracted through the prism of diversity, multi-culturalism and political dogma.”
The only BBC show I watch regularly is Doctor Who but I haven’t been able to help noticing that Who-Britain seems to be evenly divided between blacks and whites with a high percentage of mixed marriages and of course open homosexuals. Religion is conspicuous by its absence.
There was a Muslim female doctor in the God Complex episode from a couple weeks ago. The Doctor, enthusiastically: “Oh, you’re a Muslim!” Muslim, smiling, but with a touch of sarcasm, “Don’t be frightened!”. The Doctor, in on the joke, smiled back. They just can’t help themselves with the social engineering attempts.
Haven’t seen God Complex yet. But I was forgetting the Church Militant. I have no particular problem with the Clerics but was more than an little offended by the Headless Monks – anti-faith or just anti-catholic?
Thw Who Britain is the ideal world of the Beeboids. That it bears no relation to reality is irrelevant.
They have long since indulged themselves in a fictional view of Britain and England in particular. Representing nobody but themselves at our expense.
I thought the episode itself was okay, even though it was kind of a rehash of a story idea that was done years ago. Universal David Walliams didn’t annoy too much, either.
P.S. Lusting after John Barrowman doesn’t make you Gay – it just means you have a pulse. On the other hand if you’re male you have a chance with him, if you’re female you got to be content with just looking.
Outside a very sycophantic, deluded or over-committed bubble, the new, improved BBC blog systen is considered pretty much as dire as it gets.
But It does still provide great moments.
I had to laugh at the ‘most liked’ here:
2. smartIgnoramus
3RD OCTOBER 2011 – 11:10
Dear Stephanie, Thank you, once again, for an independent, unbiased and intelligent article intended quietly to inform rather than to create headlines. I wish your colleagues were of a similar mind.
I expect you will get the usual anti-Coalition / anti-capitalism bleatings, but I trust you will ignore them all, and continue your excellent work.
Your standards are what makes the BBC great.
I wonder if it was shunted round the office intranet like those ‘sponsor me’ emails, and that last clinched it?
I must say I find it nauseating to hear Flanders say that the UK is the envy of the free world. (See what I did there?)
One supposes that this is an apology of sorts from “Two Eds” about her biased bitching when Osborne said that Britain was a financial safe haven. Baby steps!
Interesting to see that Jeremy Vine will be covering Theresa May and “catgate” this morning. Don’t recall him covering the young lad (Rory Weal?) who spoke at the Labour conference last week claiming poverty who turned out to be full of shit.
Ah, but… when ‘they’ say ‘we want [to tell you] your views’, it has to be appreciated that in reflecting the UK public, the BBC mirror is pretty much nailed to their eyeballs.
And even if a counter thread develops, the edit suite is there to intercept.
Staffed by cuties like that peroxide sink who was not an Osbourne fan.
I do wonder how old that cat is that is exercising Theresa May and Ken Clarke?
The Today Programme named her as Maia.
Did the BBC have legal permission to name the vulnerable ward of court in an asylum case?
Got to be an open and shut case for the animal rights lot…if only they`d scoot off out of Huntingdon Life Sciences car park, and do something useful!
I do hope that this poor cats life(indeed any of its nine!) is not further blighted by the shameless naming.
That`ll be £500 smackers to you Carla!
Surely the answer is to deport the wretched moggy too. Or would its “cat’s rights ” be infringed ? This country is one big lunatic asylum.
If Mr. Littejohn is gulity of untruths (if he is; there may be context missing going on current practice), if inaccurate he needs to be called on it, and if unrepentant held to account.
DavidACGregory David Gregory Littlejohn repeats lie that BBC abolished AD, BC. Says UK obeys 10 commandments. Although in Richard’s case not No9 “bearing false witness”
Now, when the BBC does the same… what happens?
The BBC sure as hell doesn’t respect the commandment regarding adultery. DG ought to get out of that glass house before throwing the stone back at Littlejohn.
I expect more people read Littlejohn , than the so called scientist Gregory.
At least Littlejohns wages are not paid by the taxpayer unlike Gregory. Well I suppose the BBC is a kind of refuge for the untalented.
P.S I’m still waiting for the names of the 2,000 scientists who say we are causing global warming.
DavidACGregory David Gregory So interesting stuff at BBC social media away day yesterday. Thorniest issue the blurring of public/private persona on Twitter. Thoughts?
Ironically, one issue is BBC staff using BBC decorated twitter pages to post personal thoughts, and then blocking licence fee payers who may disagree with their public funded away-day honed advocacy.
BenJourno Ben James by BBC_WHYSHeading for #bbcwssocialmedia social media session for@BBC_WHYS: any comments on how BBC uses social media / ideas on how we cld do better?
It may help, with such as ‘The Editors’ for instance, to switch off the ‘broadcast only’ button when posting such things on interactive media.
Otherwise it looks more like a box-tick con to pull the woll over the eyes of toothless quangos who don’t tray far beyond their comfy bunker.
It’s a bit hypocritical for the BBC to strongly encourage their employees to use Twitter et al. (including spending license fee cash on training courses), in order to build a better rapport with their audience, and then act all surprised when people think they’re doing it in their capacity as BBC employees.
DavidACGregory David Gregory So interesting stuff at BBC social media away day yesterday. Thorniest issue the blurring of public/private persona on Twitter. Thoughts?
1) Try and avoid Twitter Tourette’s (e.g. “Why can’t George Osborne fuck off?”);
2) Try and avoid politically partisan comments (e.g. “Why can’t Boris Johnson fuck off?”);
3) Read something other than The Guardian, New Statesman or The Independent (or, if you are lucky enough to be Katty Kay, the New York Times). There are lots of good writers out there who are not Polly Toynbee, George Monbiot or Bob Fisk;
4) Twitter is a public forum so maybe, just maybe, it would be judicious to keep your opinions on controversial issues to yourself. It’s really quite easy;
5) Er, avoid Twitter?
This post has taken me five minutes to write – does it really take an entire day to explain ‘social media’ to BBC employees?
“Social Media Away Day”? LOL. Your license fee hard at work.
theJeremyVine Jeremy Vine Well done for getting to @BBCRadio2 bro … @RealTimVine
Remember, it’s what you know… not who.
Hey INBBC, do you now recognise that the Islamic Republic of IRAN is Britain’s No 1 enemy, after all?
“BBC news chief seeks government action over Iranian ‘intimidation’.
Peter Horrocks says Tehran has intensified blocking of Persian TV channel, and arrested staff’s relatives and friends”
And, INBBC, which nation has been most alert to the active military and political threat from the Iran regime?
-That’s right: our ally ISRAEL.
Get your political basics right for once, INBBC:
support ISRAEL, oppose IRAN regime.
BOYCOTT Iran regime;
CLOSE DOWN Iran regime’s ‘PRESS TV’ 24/7 political propaganda operation on Sky satellite against the West from studios in Ealing, London.
mediaguardian Media Guardian BBC news chief seeks government action over Iranian ‘intimidation’
Guessing the whole crane lark might in future see a bit more attention paid by our objective national mediium too, especially when ‘discussing’ what regimes get up to.
Concerning the “anti-capitalism” demos in NYC, I was genuinely surprised that on Today this morning William Cohan was brought on and immediately proceeded to rubbish the previous Laura Trevelyan interpretation (per the usual “protest from the left=always good” BBC narrative). Furthermore he wasn’t interrupted but allowed to develop his argument.
Maybe the Today editors thought that if Cohan was given enough rope he’d hang the Republicans – particularly the Tea Party – and praise Obama. He didn’t and instead gave both the Bush and Obama administrations and the Fed a kicking for throwing trillions down the “save the banks” toilet for not much in return. He was scathing too about the union involvement and the idea – put about by BBC apparatchiks (and, I believe the US MSM) – that these demos were in some way “spontaneous”. Cohan opined that had the police dealt rather more sensibly with the original demo this thing would have died a natural death (before the BBC could big it up presumably).
How remarkably different the BBC’s coverage of this is from their treatment of Tea Party protests. It’s difficult to think of a more clear example of the bias inherent at the BBC.
Thank goodness LSE grad Justin Webb is doing the interview. He’s an expert on the US and educated about economics, right? How nice of him to suggest that this is a Democrat version of the Tea Party. Except no racists here, right, Justin?
Although I have to say I enjoed Cohan going seriously off Narrative they expected from a Goldman Sachs basher. Guess which Presidential candidate those people backed in 2008.
But Cohan misses a huge point here. He criticizes the protesters for being clueless and uninformed, saying they have no idea what Wall Street does, or how the financial crisis actually happened. The thing is, they don’t have to. They have a built-in mass propaganda machine in the US media, spread internationally by the lapdogs at the BBC.
Mark my words: this is going to get dangerous and violent. After all, they’re of the Left.
Cooment of the week?
Dear Mark mardell,
Three weeks ago I informed you here that there was a scandal brewing about the “fast and furious” operation. It seems AG Holder is now being involved. When are you going to mention this inportant issue on the BBC? Perhaps you can get some information from Fox News…,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=7fde18d
or if that is beneath you try CBS News
or the New York Post
or – what’s the point. There are no none so blind as thsoe who WILL NOT SEE.
The US President editor won’t report it until reality forces him to do so. Then it will be yet another US issue that seems to have appeared “out of nowhere”.
“Vatican attacks BBC’s ‘senseless hypocrisy'”
When INBBC’s head of religion, Muslim Aaqil Ahmed, uses the word ‘we’, in that report, is he referring to INBBC or to Muslims?
If he is referring to Muslims, then today’s date from Mecca is:
Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah 8, 1432
Maybe INBBC will start putting this Islamic calendar up on its sites ‘so as not to offend Muslims’.
But its not happening Gregory has spoken and he believes Global Warming is caused by a tiny amount of carbon dioxide so he must be a very sensible scientist.
Why it is worth complaining, and when credit for a proper response is due, I will be happy to so acknowedge…
‘Please accept out apologies for this mistake – it was caused a simple publishing error that was then compounded by poor communication.
On 27 September, Nick’s blog was received by two teams who both simultaneously published it without consulting one another. When the
error was noticed, the technical teams were asked to take down one version – the version that had not been promoted and therefore did not have comments on it. However, the wrong version was taken down in error, meaning that the story you commented on was no longer visible. This could not be reinstated, nor could the comments.
Please be assured that there was nothing malicious in the decision to remove your comment – this was a simple mistake. We value contributions from our audience and realise that episodes like this do little to
encourage people to return. This is unacceptable and your comments have
been passed on to the relevant teams.’
By its tone I believe it to be sincere, and, possibly, there will be more attention paid to the investment piad by those who contribute.
I’ll credit this ‘un, too…
theJeremyVine Jeremy Vine Comment of Day @BBCRadio2: “My sister has bought a flatscreen TV as big as her living room wall on credit card, but cannot pay her mortgage”
Shame the rest of the BBC has not done the math.
In this country we do maths.
In this country, I have never heard that expression used. Bets I can tell, It orginated in the US, Hence the more famaiiar usage I am happy to adopt.
But thanks for the heads up, dude.
Always good on a blog with global contributors on BBC bias to have the spelling checked as a nationalistic priority.
There you go…’bets’ & ‘famailar’… as they (well not here, obviously) say, knock yourself out.
Blink and you might miss it.
Nobel win for crystal discovery
Just in case you skimmed the article and didn’t notice.
Daniel Shechtman
Born: 1941, Tel Aviv, Israel
Affiliation at the time of the award:Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
BTW the Nobel Prize organisation correctly credited the photograph to Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
BTW Judging purely by names Jews won at least part of every science prize.
Apparently Palestinians are livid. “Not only do they steal our water and build settlements but they claim our Nobel Prizes. Schectman was born in Tel Aviv, which we all know is an illegal settlement outside Jaffa but they claim him as Israeli. He was born in 1941 so he is a Palestinian”.
Moves are underway to compensate the Palestinians with a Nobel Prize for contributions to delivery methods for comburent materials if they can find a means of overcoming the limitation to living recipients. The precedent of deceased albeit Jewish Ralph Steinman may provide a way.
Yes, have you seen this?
Of course Islamic artists knew about this phenomenon all along. The BBC and the Guardian thoughtfully point this out, just in case anyone might get the wrong idea. 🙁
This disgraceful episode re that young American Knox woman took place on Channel 5 but the smug, arrogant smartarse involved (Matthew Wright) is a part-time Beeboid:
Wright was a contributor to Phil Collins: A Life Less Ordinary, a BBC documentary made in 2002 which charted the life and career of the Genesis star and solo artist.
Wright presented Radio 2‘s arts and culture show The Weekender until July 2008. He also presents BBC1 current affairs series Inside Out London.[4]
Chat show host Matthew Wright refused to apologise today after hosting a TV debate entitled ‘Foxy Knoxy: Would Ya?’.
The former journalist sparked criticism on Twitter after discussing with panellists how Amanda Knox was ‘undeniably fit and loves wild sex’.
In a preview blurb for this morning’s episode of The Wright Stuff, the Channel 5 website said: ‘So if you were a guy who’d met her in a bar and she invited you back to hers, would you go?
Crass and insensitive: Viewers of The Wright Stuff were stunned when presenter Matthew Wright asked them to vote on whether they would ‘take home’ Amanda Knox in light of her acquittal for murder
The discussion was conducted between Matthew Wright and a panel of Kelly Hoppen, Christopher Biggins and Liz McClaron
‘I’m being quite serious. Or would something in your brain make you think twice?’
Wright began the segment by pointing out that Amanda Knox had been cleared of the murder of British student Meredith Kercher, before insisting that she is ‘foxy as hell’.But he defended his actions after the discussion was branded crass and abysmal by bloggers.
He said: ‘I thought it would be interesting to find out if mud sticks, or whether an innocent young woman could now go out and behave in a perfectly normal way.’
But viewers of the show, aired at 9.15am just 12 hours after the 24-year-old American was freed, slammed the discussion and bombarded the Channel’s official message board with complaints.
Michele Morrison, of Glasgow, wrote: ‘So distasteful!!!!!so many other ways this story could be discussed
‘The whole world is engrossed on this story.
‘I feel sorry for the families or friends listening to rubbish
Read more:
Well, Christopher Biggins sure as hell wouldn’t.
Staggering to see the number of BBC tweeters – and I’m just talking about the official ones who are allowed to have “BBC” in their Twitter names, never mind the wider mass of employees – all of them making identical observations during Cameron’s speech.
Most of these spare parts would’ve been better employed back at their BBC bases painting walls, weeding the surrounds, or cleaning toilets – the sort of work small businesses are forced to find for their employees during desperate times.
Remember last month when Mark Mardell was telling you that the President’s Jobs Plan For Us was going to be a tough sell because it was “ideologically objectionable to most Republicans”?
Well, the Democrat-led Senate has put in on the back burner, in favor of an idiotic attempt at a currency and trade war with China. Can’t blame the Republicans for that. So His Jobs Plan For Us is dead in the water already, because it’s such a joke that even Harry Reid isn’t interested. Worse, not a single Democrat Senator or Rep. has dared co-sponsor it, which is the only way it actually gets moving. But Mardell is totally silent.
Instead, the US President editor continues to talk down the various Republican challengers to the President.
Seems like Alan Johnson left his dog-eared economics primer there in the Today studio then.
Why else would “wor” Justin Webb be able to note that Cameron could not please the likes of Sainsburys by talking of “paying off the credit cards”…for you can`t spend AND save at one and the same time.
Unless of course if you borrow, tax and spend-then borrow again…which is all Labour have done, will do and always will do as long as there`s a dead rose where a brain used to be.
So Today get the boss of Sainsburys in…and Webb really wanted the bonus croissant for getting the “we`re heading for a recession” soundbite for the 9am bulletins.
Sadly, Justin King was not biting…but still Cameron can`t be right for wanting us to save when you at Sainsburys are offering such tempting offers eh?…Justin left the ring a bit sad I think…no soundbite and no skewer of the Tories to place before Naughties slippers…poor Justin!
The debate is still on. There seems to be a mass “leftie” outrage after Camerons speech that how dare he say people should stop spending. John Pinhead Pienaar (R5) said “if we all stopped spending the economy would collapse”. Of course it would John but thats not what Cameron said and thats not what would happen anyway so why are you scaremongering! – Oh yeah – BBC Chief Political Correspondent. It quite surreal at the moment the leftie media seems to be talking to some uneducated dumb public more or less saying yes I know you have no money but now’s the time to borrow more and then spend it on crap you don’t really need. I suppose that is the Ed Balls narrative staight from the Viv Nicholson school of economics who coincidentally is now in government funded care.
All that the BBC do is to furnish as gory a soundbite to send a shiver down the spines of the Guardianistas…and if we , the little people: get to smell the fear-then all right and dandy!
Whether it`s the economy or the climate….if there IS no real issue then the BBC will create one. This enables them to tell their media chums that they are “key players” and “agenda setters”. only the stiffs “do journalism” and stick to facts and fair narrative.
If YouGov can confirm that squauks from the parrot cage followed on from Montagues hectoring, hounding and then hankie waving to Balls-then presumably she gets her peanuts shelled by Boaden herself!
These clowns create their own news and then frighten themselves into seeking soundbites to back up their confections of stories.
Can`t really think of the last time that the BBC were balanced and truthful…Michelle Obamas expenses as she trailed Africa won`t be the one either!
Pleased that Primal Scream join the Smiths, Paul Weller etc in not wanting royalties from the Tories for playing their …er “music”!
If that upsets the spoiled lefties in the powder rooms, then lets have more please…Bragg should clear the room fast enough…he always clears Tolpuddle and therefore spreads the mass exodus before lights-on time!
Now HE could be the cruise entertainment round the Somali coast when Rainbow Warrior next goes there….anyone know any sea shanties for him to strangle?
“Political correctness continues to stifle debate on multiculturalism ”
By Abhijit Pandya
Read more:
Does that apply to BBC-NUJ too?
“I don’t often do this but Im naming and shaming #RoyalGardenHotel Kensington as the most wheelchair unfriendly 5star hotel I’ve encountered.”!/FrankRGardner
I wish I could afford to name and shame that 5 star hotel too.
Lucky they had a sale on at only £322 per room, instead of the usual £422.
I wonder if it comes out of the licence fee?
“A training course has introduced me to the concept of fuskering. Could be useful in future! Thanks @pauliemyers (I think)”!/marcsettle
I wonder if the BBC are now teaching the unethical practice of fuskering.
Sarah Palin has just annopunced that she is not running for the Republican nomination. Folks at the BBC will have been salivating on the attacks they could mount on her if she ran – somebody just shot their fox.
Meanwhile the signs increase that Obama is going down the tubes. Why isn’t Mardell reporting how desperate, how dire Obama’s situation has become ?
And the BBC will NOT tell us how inane most of the Wall Street protestors are :
I suspect Sarah Palin being quite happy where she is will not stall the derangement much. She still rpresents something the BBC seems uncomfortable with, and hence will need demonising as long as she gets headlines..
Meanwhile, in a morning of interesting news, there is one positive in that Kebin Maguire may not be gracing our screens from daqwn to dusk on the Breakfast, DP or Newsnight sofas, and will have to brief ‘guests’ on what is to be discussed, and what not, from his nook in the BBC green rooms.
But one is sure, as a thorough media monopoly dedicated to the truth, one is sure our national treasure will get verfy interested in the powerful edtorial role played by the flamboyant Ms. Sly Baily as she handles what are, for now, simply allegations.,
Or maybe, in a unique twist, they will deem this ungallant this time?
Wrong kind of media on the line?
At about 2.30am the World Service presenter described Palin as having failed in the 2008 debates (Palin wiped the floor with Joe Biden!), was a quitter (she resigned as Alaska Governor for perfectly understandable reasons) and had recently been damaged by lurid stories about her private life (the infamous Joe McGinness email showed the world that his book was based on a series of stuff he knew was false).
The presenter was interviewing a guy called Robert Traynham. It turns out Traynham is a long-term Democrat, having served Clinton and worked for the Dems in Congress. I suppose there were no Republicans to interview, it was 9.30 Eastern Standard Time so they all had taken early nights ?
Classy, BBC. No bias there.
What a shock:
“Millionaire David Cameron wants you to pay off your credit card – are you going to obey the Prime Minister?” asked one local BBC radio station phone-in this morning.
Bias? What bias?
Hypocrisy? What hypocrisy?
Worth reposting:
‘Today’s BBC theme so far is that David Cameron is a millionaire and is therefore unqualified to hold any opinion about domestic economics, or indeed about any sort of economics, because he has not personally experienced ‘poverty’.
I would like to point out that all of your presenters and most of the Shadow Cabinet are also millionaires and so by this logic are equally unable to empathise with anyone is not a millionaire.’
Very few people have experienced real poverty in this country for some decades now. Unless of course you count those poor downtrodden treasures of diversity who have to go without the very latest BlackBerry.
In any case, it is not just millionaires. MPs are borne along on the safe gravy train of generous salary, expenses, allowances and housing costs gifted by the taxpayer to keep them aloft. None of them work for minimum wage, national average wage or live on a part-time wage, although Dennis Skinner used to advocate MPs taking the average wage in their constituency and may have taken it himself, if the system permitted that. I am not sure that it did.
I trust in looking for the 2000 to reduce its staff by, readership of the Guardian will make them a prime candidate. That could reduce the political imbalance of the staff from about 10 to 1 to 9.75 to 1!
So it’s being reported by Sky that the Mirror were into hacking as well, including david Beckham, Ulrika Johnson etc.
Anyone want to take a bet that over at the BBC/Guardian it will remain unreported?
That will come as a shock only to those who rely on the BBC for their news.
Guido has some video here :