226 Responses to OPEN THREAD

  1. LJ says:

    I see that Mark Thompson is speaking about the tremendous cost savings he is having to make with the ‘savage cuts’ forced on him, so I looked at the BBC spend spreadsheet, and found some ways to help!

    The move to Salford costs £1Billion, and bad for morale. Ditch it.
    BBC3 and BBC4 are NEVER watched by the mainstream and cost £140m. Ditch both.
    Why does Radio 4 cost £48m more than Radio 1 (£42m) and 2 (£49m) together??

    There you go, ditch the move to Salford, BBC 3 & 4 and cut Radio 4 to the £25m of the other main stations.

    You have saved £1,165,000 in one year, with ongoing cost savings of 165m pa.

    Put F1 back on BBC at a cost of £20m and that will stop me from paying for Sky sports too!

    Who says it is hard to be a director of the BBC?


  2. LJ says:

    PS – Just a suggestion – why not change the message boards so the latest messages go to the top?


  3. LJ says:

    I just saw this –


    Stephanie ‘Two Eads’ Flanders, Alistair Darling and the head of the BOE disussing – so is ANYONE against ‘printing money’ as a strategy??

    Here is a good explanation of QE – Crash Gordon’s present to the British people and “the last act of desperate governments”


  4. james1070 says:

    From Guido

    2,000 Jobs To Go at the BBC –
    White City to Become Ghost City

    It seems the BBC are at least beginning to wake up to reality. 2,000 jobs are to go and White City could be completely abandoned. You have to chuckle at the mindset though. In justifying the cuts, Director General Mark Thompson told the 25,000 staff that the Beeb is “still the biggest employer of journalists, outside of China.”
    As if that isn’t the problem…


  5. George R says:

    Despite BBC-NUJ’s political campaigns for mass immigration, for ‘human rights’ of illegal immigrants, and against British national sovereignty 

    “Truth about Tory catfight: Judge DID rule migrant’s pet was a reason he shouldn’t be deported”

    By Jack Doyle, Nick Fagge and Jason Groves

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2045794/Theresa-May-cat-claim-Truth-Tory-cat-gate-row.html#ixzz1a0EVr4sw

    And, Stephen Glover:

    “Maya the cat, and why I fear the Tories aren’t serious about axing the Human Rights Act”

    By Stephen Glover

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2045725/Maya-cat-I-fear-Tories-arent-axing-Human-Rights-Act.html#ixzz1a0F393FF


  6. sue says:

    I can’t find this online, but in the Telegraph, P7, in a sidebar to an article entitled “Pizza and tears as Knox arrives home” there’s an item by Gordon Rayner headed ‘Heartless’ BBC accused.

    “The BBC was described as “heartless” yesterday after allegedly telephoning the Kercher family’s lawyer more than 60 times in a matter of hours asking for interviews.
    Francesca Maresca said he had been “harassed” by the BBC’s various news programmes, despite a request that interview bids be funnelled through one person at the corporation. […] Mr Maresco said he was inundated” with calls from different BBC reporters and producers.  A source close to Mr Maresca said: “The BBC have in this instance behaved quite heartlessly”

    60 BBC people scrabbling against one another to get an interview? Surely not. What about the cuts.


  7. hippiepooter says:

    Labour liar Richard Bacon in great biased form today.  Theresa May’s cat is ‘entirely fictional’, according to him.  Never let the truth get in the way of left wing propaganda.  Should be his shows motto.


      • hippiepooter says:

        Hmm, I think this represents another slam dunk complaint against Bacon if the Mail’s facts pan out, as I believe they do ..


      • My Site (click to edit) says:

        What astounds me is that soemthing like this is still rumbling on in the MSM and twitter (mainly Graun, Indy & New Statesman hacks) on the basis of what is fact and truth.

        Surely to hell, by now, all media with an iota of integrity, can agree on what actually happened as opposed to tribal ‘intepretations’.


        • Roland Deschain says:

          From the very start I couldn’t understand this “yes it happenned”, “no it didn’t” argument.  It must surely have been easy to ascertain that instead of shouting each other down.

          Which sums up all that is wrong with today’s media, particularly the BBC.  They aren’t interested in facts.  They just want to argue their side and to hell with awkward facts, which might involve a little investigative work.


  8. George R says:

    INBBC reports from e.g. SOMALIA:  
    -don’t its Muslim ‘reporters’ censor the ISLAMIC JIHAD nature of the massacres?  
    While ‘Jihadwatch’ has this:  
    “Somalia: Suicide bomber who killed over 100 in Mogadishu slammed education, saying students ‘never think about the harassed Muslims'”  
    “‘Harassment?’ Bad. Suicide truck bomb? A-OK, apparently. Boko Haram, with whom al-Shabaab is said to have a growing alliance, must be so proud. An update on this story. ‘Somali Bomber Who Killed 100 Slammed Education,'”  
    INBBC only has this:  
    “Somali al-Shabab attack: Wounded airlifted to Turkey”  
    I repeat my point:  
    INBBC reports on the continual Islamic jihad massacres around the world are inclined to be reported by many INBBC staff who have a vested interest in censoring/relegating the Islamic nature of the massacres.  


  9. David Preiser (USA) says:

    I enjoyed seeing Mervyn King scold Stephanie “Two Eds” Flanders for her idiotic remark about inflation and raising interest rates to help savers just now.  At first, she was giving the appearance of impartiality, calling out King for “throwing money at the problem” (regarding the latest round of QE), after King explained how it would help commerce.  It was funny because Flanders is constantly calling for more QE.  So it’s a testament to her impartiality for telling King it’s not going to work if we don’t “address the underlying problems”.

    Of course, that could be because she knows it will help the Government against which her economic soulmate (Balls) is opposed, but never mind.

    But when Flanders asked about raising interest rates, King told her off, asking if she seriously thought sending the country into recession would help savers.  The impartial BBC News producers cut off the interview just as things got heated, and cut back to Huw Edwards in the studio.  He then introduced a guest commentator, and you’ll never guess in a million years who it was:

    Universal David Blanchflower.  Yes, I know he has some street cred on this because he was on the board for three years or whatever, but surely there must be someone else with equal credentials available?  There were other board members, other economists and financial figures invovled, no?  No, of course the BBC will look to the darling of Leftoids.

    Blanchflower agreed with King about interest rates, though. Oops, Edwards didn’t get the answer he was hoping for.  Thanks, bye.


    • Will says:

      Yes Edwards had to strugggle  a bit to get Blanchflower right on message, ie praising Balls & criticising the government. After 3 responses from Blanchflower that dwelt on the international situation Edwards had to ask something like “Osborne called you a t*at, what do you think of him & his policies?”


    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      ‘asking if she seriously thought’

      Some still have to ask if she has any thought in that head, let alone a serious one?

      The BBC appears to have a default that is whatever it is on money, it’s Balls.


  10. D B says:

    Me yesterday on this thread:

    Staggering to see the number of BBC tweeters – and I’m just talking about the official ones who are allowed to have “BBC” in their Twitter names, never mind the wider mass of employees – all of them making identical observations during Cameron’s speech. 

    Kevin Bakhurst, controller BBC News channel, reporting the BBC cuts today:

    Presenting from political conferences very reduced

    Quick result, that!


  11. Philip says:

    I propose a new feature for the site:

    al-BBCeera RMOTD™ (Random Muslim of The Day):

    A place to share those times when the BBC, despite having 60-odd million people of all races creeds, colours and persuasions to choose from on these islands; illustrate articles with/seek opinions from/feature Muslims -preferably obvious Muslims in headscarves, burkas or other Muslim wear – for no fathomable or logical reason.

    Here’s your starter for today.

    Another good place to look is the daily ‘Day in Pictures‘ feature. It rarely fails to disappoint – today being no exception.

    How many can you spot?  😉


    • james1070 says:

      LOL, reminds me of the BBC policy of only filming in schools where there are no white kids and only girls pass there A Levels.


  12. George R says:

    Radio 4 ‘PM’:

    Wow! Never heard anything like it from ‘PM’ radio 4 card, Eddie MAIR.

    He had a real go at complacent BBC Chief Operating Officer, Caroline THOMSON*, virtually telling her that the BBC was quick to expand its broadcasting empire by opening a long list of new services and stations, but that it lacked the business guts to close any of them (even one) when economic times are tough.

    * This Thomson:


    (Check it on ‘i-Player’.)


  13. David Preiser (USA) says:

    On the passing of Steve Jobs: It’s nice to see the BBC celebrating a greedy, ruthless, billionaire capitalist for a change.


  14. George R says:

    It seems that any reduction in BBC-NUJ political propaganda is dependent on any reduction in the number of BBC-NUJ political programmes:

    “BBC to stop airing Newsnight and PM live from party conferences”



  15. John Horne Tooke says:

    “@matthewwprice Matthew Price
    #DQF We have been told all day by managers that #BBC is world’s best broadcaster. In UK, possibly. Globally, many might disagree.”

    No Mathew I expect many in the UK do not agree either.


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      Nice to see a positive result from the recent “Social Media Away Day”. Er…..


    • D B says:

      I don’t think Matthew has done himself any favours there. Maybe he’s got a transfer to Al Jazeera lined up.


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      Aww, I see he’s been getting messages of support now.  Although I see one person told him Al Jazeerah is more honest.  Probably means about how evil Israel is.


  16. Reed says:

    Question Time panel – it’s a joyous bunch…  
    David Dimbleby is joined by the Co-Chairman of the Conservative Party Baroness Warsi and the shadow education secretary Andy Burnham.  
    The former leader of the Liberal Democrats Charles Kennedy will also be on the panel together with the TV presenter and journalist Jane Moore and the singer and songwriter Billy Bragg.  


  17. As I See It says:

    Shhhh…pass it on….4th form debate again this morning….and its about gays.

    Yeah, its true, trendy supply teacher Mr Campbell has got permission for it from the Head (Mr Cameron).

    Sorry I got caught in a timewarp there. What I meant to say was….sick….no bredding man….swear down….its true dough, innit.

    Strange, I was expecting a debate on ‘gay marriage’ but turns out its the usual BBC talking point – is Christianity completely mad?

    Looking forward to the BBC taking on other religions. I won’t hold my breath.