I know this one has been running for a while now but I just wanted to mark it out here on B-BBC. It concerns the BBC’s suggestion that religiously “neutral” terms should be used instead of “BC” and “AD” during discussions of history on air.
“The semi-official newspaper of the Holy See, L’Osservatore Romano, described the guidance from the BBC’s ethics advisers as “enormous nonsense” and accused the broadcaster of “senseless hypocrisy”.
The guidelines suggested that the modern phrases “the common era” and “before the common era” should be considered as potential replacements for Anno Domini and Before Christ to avoid offending non-Christians.
Some of the corporation’s highest profile presenters reacted with dismay and promised to ignore the idea.
The row erupted last month after the guidance emerged on the religion pages of the BBC website, which stated: “As the BBC is committed to impartiality it is appropriate that we use terms that do not offend or alienate non-Christians. In line with modern practice, BCE/CE (Before Common Era/Common Era) are used as a religiously neutral alternative to BC/AD.”
Never mind this CE/BCE cobblers, why don’t the beeboids go the full mile & adopt the muslim calendar? At the next stroke (probably of the lash, for making eyes at the imam) the year will be 1432AH (Anno Hegirae). That’s about right; almost 6 centuries behind, in thought & deed: the religion of pieces, body pieces.
Yes, indeed;
“Will we soon set watches to Mecca Mean Time? Giant £500million clock being built in Islamic holy city”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1302054/Giant-500m-clock-built-Islamic-holy-city-Mecca.html#ixzz1a62j2aFr
The BBC’s defence is that they have ordered no-one to stop using BC and AD. But when I read their original instuction it appeard to be, shall we say, a strong suggestion but was short of being an order. And as it was couched in PC terms we can be sure that it will be taken on board by many no-mark no-brains that infest the BBC airwaves.
However, there was some opposition from surprising sources including, if my memory is right, Naughtie. Unfortunately I don’t know how to find a link to what I read so I cannot show it.
John Humphrys and Andrew Marr also objected. The first time I have agreed with either of them on anything !
Isn’t the bbc head of religious broadcasting a muslim? I think the proposed change, apart from being gratuitously offensive, is another attack by muslims against our civilisation. A small matter as it might be, as the saying goes a constant drip of water will wear away the hardest stone in time. And that’s what muslims are doing to us.
Actually to avoid offending non religious people shouldn’t the BBC scrap religious programming and their web content all together?
Religious programmes and Internet content is freely available elsewhere.
Of course, and if they do that they have to scrap all secular programmes to avoid offending those of a religious persuasion. Seems to me to be the best answer – i.e. scrap all BBC programmes and therefore the BBC too.
“BC or BCE? The BBC’s edict on how we date events is AD (absolute drivel) .Objecting to the use of Christ’s birth to mark each year is puerile political correctness, says Boris Johnson. ”
“As the BBC is committed to impartiality it is appropriate that we use terms that do not offend or alienate non-Christians.”
I believe this statement was intended for the religion section of the BBC’s website only.
That said, if anyone is ‘offended’ by the use of ‘5000 BC’, then they seriously need to get out more; that the BBC is cravenly offering such guidance in order to avoid causing ‘offence’ says rather a lot about the mindset of some of the people who work there.
By the same token, did BBC Religion not consider the possibility that CE and BCE might ‘offend’ or ‘alienate’ Christians, Muslims, Hindus and other religious groups?
Actually, I am deeply offended. I follow the Wilkinsonian Calendar, which takes as its starting-point the birth of Saint Jonny. Thusly, today is 7 October 32 AW. I am going to complain at the BBC’s breathtaking lack of consideration for my beliefs.
On another thread, one of our umma says his wife has a race card that he uses.
If I too joined the cult of Mr Wilkinson, could you assure me that I too might get a card for your coming religion.
I hope it will be coloured in ebony and ivory shades, and that Johnny will be pleased when he returns…free rugby on demand c/o the BBCs religious affairs unit.
Sport has been the BBCs religion of choice now since 1966…so let`s all be as one…imagine?…aaah!
Your idea is offensive to all Scots !
I`ve got the Muslim prayer times here before me.
It might be a good idea to bring a case that means that the BBC “shuts the Hejira up”, and is forced to stop broadcasting at these times…no telly or radio with a 10/15 minute “window” of silence either side. This would give us all time to take our shoes and socks off and point in the direction of Shepherds Bush Mecca(Ballroom that is!)-as well as time to get to our places of worship!
I think my rights as a Muslin are being encroached upon by the Beeb blathering on whilst I`m dreaming of the Islamic Caliphate..a lot of cuts in transmissions could only help them find those “staggeringly awful cuts”-the troughs will close down from 3.00-3.15 am so I`m told on alternate Tuesdays. Salford will open their sluice gates at that time from next year!
Actually, muslims do not have to adhere to the normal praying times, if there is good reason. So really, the BBC should shut down for 24 hours a day.
( recently telephoned my brother-in-law at 3 pm Gambia time and asked if I could speak to his wife. He said she was praying. I thought he said “playing”. He had a good laugh at that) . One thing that never comes across from the BBC is the ability of many muslims to laugh at aspects of their religion. I wonder why ? ).
The only good news to come out from this latest example of BBC lunacy is that those responsible for the BBC2 shedule will have to put their thinking caps on.
Effectively DG MT (Born in the year Pol Pot Zero) has told them cut costs and stuff the afternoon’s pleasure zone with films and repeats.
So there will be no chance then of, say, One Million Years B.C.(1940) or the 1966 remake with the lovely pouting Raquel Welch.
As for the Antique Road Show, should be fun to watch the experts being voiced-over with comments such as :
“This Victorian coin was not minted in 1840 to celebrate her marriage, but in actual fact was commisioned some 2,410 years previously for birthday boy Muhammad in Mecca.
Therefore it has lost most of it’s value, but there will be many people at Broadcasting House who will pay over the odds for it.”
Who says BC/AD repeats can’t be fun ?
As a Jew I have used Ce/BCE for many years when conversing with other Jews. But in a Christian country when talking to anybody other than a Jew I use AD and BC and am not offended when others use those terms to me. Why should the BBC that think non-Christians will be offended? It shows a lack of understanding on their part of other communitites – maybe they should go for some training?
But as someone who has an irregular listening habit to Radio 4 I have noticed how often there are programmes, plays, items in Woman’s Hour etc etc about Muslims – far more frequently than any other religion – including Christians – and this is supposed to be a Christian country – isn’t it?
Not only is there an real excess of Muslim stuff on Radio 4 – it is all so stereotypical and therefore very boring. It comes across as propaganda, not entertainment. That is – a switch-off.
What is worse is the BBC’s obsessive coverage of muslims in no way reflects the experiences of someone like me who has lived in 3 muslim countries and is married into an African muslim family none of whom have ever suggested I become a muslim.
The BBC’s superficial stereotype portrayal of muslims is just as offensive as their denigration of christians.
It is almost as if the BBC just regurgitate everything the extremist agitators tell them…….
The BBC, ignorant, lazy and dishonest.
But in spite of their drearily over-focus on Islam and the Muslims, the BBC somehow omits this sort of story, even though it happened in Helmand, Afghanistan:
Meanwhile our “allies” in Pakistan are going to try for high treason a doctor who was indirectly involved in the hunt for Bin Laden. Also not on the BBC.
Can someone tell me how people coming to Britain, because they see the British way of life more superior to their own, can take offence for something that has been part of our culture since the Pope sent St Augustine to Kent in 597 AD.
I’m sure if I decide to leave this enlightened country (which is slowly going back to the Dark Ages) my country of choice will abandon all their customs in case I am offended.
In short, this has nothing whatsoever to do with trying not to offend, the intention is to offend Christians and to get rid of some other tradition that the BBC see as part of the culture that they wish to destroy.
They are the nasty people who do not deserve to have the world “British” in any part of its title.
I will be writing to the BBC and advising them to tell their staff that they should use alternatives to the days of the week as these terms are offensive to Christians.
From now on they should be refered to as “day one”, “day two”, “day three” etc.
History has slaughtered those presumptuous enough to think that they can rename the annual cycle to correspond with scientific or vainglorious whims of their day.
The French Revolution-aptly enough-was my obvious first thought, but even that nut in Kyrgystan or whichever one it is(where the leader has named the months after his mum etc)-and Pol Pot etc-they`re all vainglorious and presumptuous enough to thnk that they can clear God from off their calendars. No chance!
Vainglorious, pompous and presumptuous eh?…how very Beeb!
The BBC won`t be with us for too much longer then, given the precedents.
Rather suspect that the vast majority of good and decent Muslims must hate being used as ballast and lightning conductors by the Godless media who want Mao or Stalin over any leader with religious roots or principles that might be traced back to the Tanakh/Old Testament.
That they don`t lash out enough at the liberal media leaves them oozing in saccharine, sentiment and Guardian gloop that will corrode their souls.
I know the Beeb only seeks out the violent rentamob jihadi gobshites…but if the vast majority of Muslims don`t prevent the BBC hijacking their faith to pop at Christians and Jews, then they too will be resited and loathed like any Muslim on Bowens speed-dial.
I expect Muslims to wake up soon…stick the BBC smarm back into the buckets and slop it back over the BBCs head.
If not, they can`t complain if Bunglawalla and Tariq etc push back the cause of true Islam back to 1300AH!
You are spot on. I have several moderate muslim friends in the UK who echo your sentiments, but feel powerless to do much. In the same way, I feel pretty powerless to change anything. The UK is no longer a democracy in any meaningful sense of the word.
Although I am not religious, I enjoy watching “Songs of Praise” every Sunday with my mother as I love the music. Has anyone noticed how the BBC change the timingof the programme each week ? It can be pretty much any time from 4 to 6.30. Almost at random.
Also, as pointed out here ad infinitum, the BBC’s “secularism” doesn’t extend to Islam.
I like how they call it ‘modern practice’. Is it really modern practice? Who decides this?
Anyway it is self-defeating. So the BBC now uses the terms Before the Common Era and the Common Era. The obvious question is what Era? It is the Era after Christ’s birth.
Maybe the BBC should invent their own dating system and the rest of the World can convert to it !
Beeboids really are the ultimate w*****s.
Here is the response the BBC sent to the complaint about the terms BC and AD:
“We understand you’re unhappy with reports suggesting that the BBC has decided to stop using the terms BC and AD.
We forwarded your concerns to our Religion and Ethnics department, who have asked us to provide you with the following response:
‘It is incorrect to say that the BBC has replaced date systems BC and AD with Before Common Era (BCE) and Common Era (CE). Whilst the BBC uses BC and AD like most people as standard terminology, it is possible to use different terminology, particularly as it is now commonly used in historical research. The BBC has issued no editorial guidance on date systems, and the decision rests with the individual editorial and production teams. It should also be noted that for every BCE or CE reference, there are still a great many BC and AD references used across the BBC.’
We would like to assure you that we’ve also registered your complaint on our audience log. This is the internal report of audience feedback which we compile daily for all programme makers and commissioning executives within the BBC, and also their senior management. It ensures that your points, and all other comments we receive, are made available across the BBC.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us with your concerns.”