I was shocked. The BBC were actually running a sympathetic story about Jews being attacked. But, hang on, turns out the attackers were...other Jews. Kevin Connolly treated us to the story of how groups of ultra-orthodox Jews have been shouting and abusing children and their mothers on their way to a girl’s school in Jerusalem. Of course there is never an excuse for any such behaviour but I have been wondering why our Kevin has been so reluctant to provide us with gripping stories about how Palestinians abuse children by inculcating the merits of self detonation and killing Jews?
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Pat Condell, The Great Palestinian Lie:
As usual Pat hits the nail on the head. I feel, though, that muslims will never change until they convert to another religion; as a Christian, I think they should convert to Christianity, but in reality anything would be better than islam.
Indeed but what is odd is that this message, despite getting out, is completely ignored; you can understand dickheads like Galloway spouting on but how is it right that the BBC (in its entirety, I know of no exceptions in their ranks) keeps up the pretence?
Here’s another Condell effort.
Too bad the Jews of Malmö aren’t worthy of the BBC’s tender gaze. Doesn’t help the Narrative. Defenders of the indefensible will remain silent.
Jews around the world celebrate Yom Kippur, Judaism’s holiest day tonight beginning at sunset. Israel essentially closes for the following 24 hours. Let’s see what attention the BBC pays to it.
For those of B-BBC who will be celebrating, I wish you the traditional, “May you all be sealed in the Book of Life”.
favourable attention to jews(useful jews excepted) or judaism in general doesn’t figure highly in the corridors of the neo nazi MSM
Usually Friday nights and Jewish High Holy Days are the BBC’s first choice for putting out their most anti-Semitic outpourings i.e. when the least number of complaints might be received.
I hope the Israeli security apparatus will not be shutting down !
Good Yomtov to you too deegee, and well over the fast!