I’m catching up on a number of issues sent my way in recent days. This one covers the determination by the BBC-approved European Court of Justice which has stated:
“National legislation which prohibits the import, sale or use of foreign decoder cards is contrary to the freedom to provide services and cannot be justified either in light of the objective of protecting intellectual property rights or by the objective of encouraging the public to attend football stadiums.” ‘
One in the eye for Sky and three cheers for the Pub landlady. HOWEVER…
“Whilst this relates to football and national borders it would be interesting to see if the same thinking applies to the BBC license which prevents you from watching other channels if you haven’t bought it…..shouldn’t there be a ‘freedom to provide services’ for TV commercial companies?”
Oh crickey…that could be the opening of a whole new can of worms for the BBC! We can live in hope!
No borders, no state, no wars maaaaan!
Free Tibet! (or is it Palestine now??)
Ah… but… er… they are… um.. unique!
Our Polish neighbours have a hinking great PolksiTv dish haging off the side of their house.
Time to break out the missus’ racial card as it seems the season to be clebrating ‘differences’ and our ‘rights’.
Good points raised here – one and all! I wonder if there is a source for the best legal phrase/grounds to utilise when telling the Beeb I am not paying the licence – does anyone know?