Did you realise that “questions remain” over the causes of the thuggery and feral maligance that infested the streets of some of our major cities a few months ago? Oh yes. Professor Tim Newburn, of the LSE, is working on a shared piece of “research”with The Guardian (tick box) looking into the real causes behind the riots! Naturally, the BBC is there to provide the Professor with a soapbox. Naturally the reasons are complex and just because the overwhelming number of those convicted for their criminality already had convictions, this should not lead us to put two and two together and get five, says Newburn. Let me save them a whole lot of time and money; It is clear that Thatcher is to blame, that the evil Coalition is forcing people to take to the streets and that only a return of Labour to government can save the day. Pip Pip…
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And so it came to pass, a plague of purblind pontificators fell across our troubled land; their useless, empty heads, banging together like drained coconuts as they fumbled & fretted over the causes of the riots of August. Well, let me help them out. Four decades of textbook, Frankfurt School, destruction of the nation state has wrought our terrible decline, & primed the firestorms that exploded only a few weeks ago.
Cultural Marxism has sapped our ability to discriminate: between right & wrong, between what is good for the nation & what isn’t: to punish & deter, to impose discipline on those crying out for it, to say enough is more than enough. We are ghosts of ourselves. Withered by PC, the BBC, by the EU that has decreed that Europe must commit suicide, whilst Islam is faultless, the constant demeaning of our culture, our history, our traditions, by white neo-liberals who will be the death of us. We have so many blatant traitors in our midst that there is no longer any need of a Fifth Column. Our politicians have become supine, scared of their own shadow. Great Britain is where the New Left of the 1960s wants it – on its knees. Our cities are now seething quagmires that are turning, once again, monocultural: the culture of violence, always mob-handed, flaunted ignorance & stupidity, rampant criminality, racism, yes, from the people Jo Brand tells us cannot be racist, & the endless stream of incivility, & threat should you dare to speak out. And the creators of this paradise are, of course, above it all, floating up there on the clouds of narcissistic altruism, up there where the air is hallucinogenic, slapping each other on the back, tweetering on about Palestinian ‘hope scarves’ in Vogue, while a pensioner in Ealing gets murdered for putting out a wheelie-bin fire in Utopia.
Tottenham kicked off because the disgusting, evil, drug gangs didn’t like one of their ‘soldiers’ getting capped by the ‘feds’. They want to turn London into Kingston, Jamaica, or Detroit, & they want to be left alone to do it. They are a designated ‘special case’. What followed was the predictable result of creating a society based on moral relativism, where only the present counts & society always ‘owes’ you, where it’s everybody else’s fault, & taking personal responsibility for your actions in a country about to be buried in an unmarked grave is laughable. That grave will have an epitaph: Here lies one whose name was unwrit by traitors.
Excellent post. One reason why I like living in Spain is I dont have to suffer so acutely the pain of my country going through its death throes.
What I often found when at home (and here in Spain) is that most of the people who know what it means to be British and would like to see it in Britain are foreigners, and hordes of Britons haven’t got a clue what it means to be British and couldn’t care a less.
One of the things that is going to restore Britain is foreigners teaching us why we were great.
Maybe we need an influx of Poles working at the DSS who will cut the benefits of those who patently have no intention of working.
“going to restore Britain “. I think it is too late for that. Thank God I shall be out of here and Europe within the next few years, without looking back.
Brilliant post !!!!
Jarwill, well written- The Post of the Week. Should be sent to Cameron and his henchmen.
The good Professor purports to be a “Criminoligist”. Hmmm. Without a deeper explanation of the social ills that lead a small number of youth to snatch trainers and x-boxes, rather than just opportunism and greed, basically, he’s out of a job. As would be many readers of the Guardian. Not hard to follow the money, is it?
The Libyan backed LSE and the Guardian are enough to put the fear of God sorry Gaia into any “its the cuts” doubter. – How very Right on Comrade! I want to know what happened to Weird Ed’s promise to have his own pointless enquiry. This seems to be the only coherent scheme of the left to decrease unlemployment – let them all undertake pointless enquiries.
What a relief that the cuts aren’t so bad that the taxpayer can still afford to fund such crucial research as this.
Can’t wait to hear what his findings are.
Erm Dave, if you’re going to cut foreign aid to countries who dont have a proper appreciation of ‘gaiety’, how about applying other funding trip wires, like cutting of funding of univerities whose purpose is to pump out left-wing propaganda?
Strewth, how right Jarwell got it all above.
That would mean cutting funding to all Universities except, maybe, Buckingham. Now there’s an idea !