I blogged on this over on A Tangled Web but I have to admit I was HORRIFIED by the way the the BBC ran it earlier today. In true totalitarian style, the idea that the old should be “encouraged” to swap their property with our booming younger population (Demographics suitably opaque)was posited with little sense of alarm. In fact. it all made such good sense. All the State needs to do is “encourage” those who are 45yrs+ living in houses with bedrooms that they do not use to sell up and move into a nice comfy inner city multi-storey flat. What could go wrong?
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Yes I noticed that as well, how DARE those nasty old white people think they are entitled to live in a house they spent all their lives saving to pay off the mortgage on.
We need these houses to fill the country up with even more Muslims.
That’s it – redux.
It was shocking. So, according to the BBC, I as a single white male looking for a woman to settle down with and have a family should move out of my house because I have ‘spare’ bedrooms, even though I’ve scrimped and saved and foregone holidays for years to do up this wreck. I await a notice at some future point, informing me that Pakistanis or Somalis will be billeted in my home. The tenor of the report was indeed terrifying. What then of my occasional full English breakfast?
Speaking of homes (sorry, but once bumped, the OT (OpenThread) is a Bermuda Traingle for new comments), I am sure the BBC will be featuring, for balance a poll in The Telegraph.
Well, they might if they only read the editorial from fellow MSM ‘we speak for the country’ travellers, but not so much if they bother with actual results…
‘“Opinion on today’s eviction is incredibly divided”
Really? Your poll suggests nearly 90% support eviction.’
Sounds like a BBC poll ‘split’ to me.
The MSM in the UK have ceased to represent the public.
Only one demands we fund them, though.
On thsi topic, as with all other redistributions of money ideas, it seems to ‘depend’.
As one with no pension, and all I own locked in bricks and mortar, might I suggest that those with bazillions in pension pots, like Mark Byford and Hugs and The Humph, swap these with their yoof supporters’ on tick iPads and call it quits?
Or is that a bit to ‘unique’? I ‘encourage’ Aunty’s booster brigade to explain the differecne.
Toynbee?…Benn?…Tuscan villas and Notting Hill mansions as left by Ralph Miliband?
Reckon we may yet be onto something.
Let`s see these proud and ancient principled class warriors do a bit of downsizing first shall we?
Who wants Humphrys mobility Stannah lift…he`ll not be needing it on the Langworthy Estate in Salford…lots of bungalows and steel rollerblinds
DV, surely it would be easier to kill the oldies off sooner via the NHS and then have the young people move into the newly vacant home that is their birth-right.
David P
I think that is Plan B.
Guessing that the State is running low on bail hostels, given this useless idea.
Not such a bad idea . When the BBC finally has to be financed by subsription and market forces , they will have to move out of Portland Place and other prime spots to let commercial radio broadcast from there .
Funny, there seems to be quite a contrast between this and the shrill whining from the left about the notion that council houses should be anything other than a lifelong entitlement regardless of need!
If you own, or privately rent out of your own pocket, it should be nobody’s business but your own where you live. If the taxpayer is subsidising you, that should be another matter entirely: means-tested and based on need (Bob Crow!), limited to providing people with what they actually need to live, not what they’d like us to give them.