One piece of good news though – the Guardian figures for October are
The Guardian : 232,566 ; -16.38 down year on year
Thats nearly 10,000 down on last month. I’m no media consultant but possible reasons are :-
1. People are bored s**tless at being lectured
2. Its hopelessly out of touch with its readership
3. The stories are on BBC the anyway
4. Its readership couldn’t stand the smell of piety and hypocracy in dealing with corporate greed and journalistic ethics.
I liked the cookery items though! but figured out that wasn’t enough reason to buy a newspaper (albeit occasionally).
I’m sure they will give their reasons for the decline but it does appear that they are in denial about the inevitable. But it probably explains why Polly T is all over the BBC at the moment.
Maybe the Guardian should merge with both the Morning Star and the Socialist Worker; after all, both these puny organs appeal to the same crowd of far-left numpties who read The Grauniad.
Possibly fewer public sector jobs are being advertised? Even so, if the Guardian can hold out for just another couple of years, the next government (Labour or Labour/LibDem) will come to its rescue. If not (as Billy-no-mates implies) the BBC will provide room in its lifeboat for as many comrades as possible.
Yes – I read the other day that there were now only three pages of ‘World class council seeks…’ adverts rather than the routine hundred+ pages every week when their masters were in power.
How we shall ever get by without these people I know not.
Natalia Antelava, former Anti-Israel Correspondent for the BBC, now one of their legion of Washington reporters, is not happy with Barack Obama, if this sarcastic tweet is anything to go by:
antelavanatalia antelava Send Saleh back to Sanaa, deny statehood to the Palestinians, give military aid to done Obama 23 Sep Oh dear, not very genetically impartial that. Still, at least she doesn’t use the BBC’s name on her Twitter profile. That’s something, I guess.
Her colleague Ian Pannell, who also seems to have been moved from the Middle East to the U.S. but is less shy about using the BBC brand on Twitter (ipannellbbc), is another BBCer getting all over-excited about the Occupiers and comparing them to the ‘Arab Spring’:
ipannellbbc ianpannell #occupy movement harder to ignore… 6 Oct
ipannellbbc ianpannell #Arabspring & American#occupy movement… 7 Oct ipannellbbc…Interesting piece on the importance of the #Occupymovement. 7 Oct
ipannellbbc ianpannell #Arabspring & #occupywallstcut from same cloth? Interesting vid “I am NOT moving” /via@wordpressdotcom 16 Oct Calm down, Ian!
Ian Pannell is naive. Doesn’t he know the Arab Spring was engineered by America and their Israeli shills and the Israelis with their American shills colluding with the Zionist neo-con bankers and their enablers to overthrow Middle East regimes and replace them with quislings run by the CIA answerable to the Zionist oil billionaires to try and divide the Islamic world and punish the Palestinians for voting for Hamas in order to further Western and Zionist interests in the Middle East in order to mount a Christian-Zionist Crusade to reinforce the will of the American neo-con religious right and the Zionist Tea Party and Jewess Sarah Palin and Zionist Fox News and Jew Murdoch to impose a Zionist New World Order in which anti-Zionist Muslims are oppressed and forcibly converted to Judaism in order to impose Zionist capitalism and deny Liverpool a place in the Champions’ League???????!!!!1
Doesn’t he read the Guardian??????!!!11 It’s all in there!!!!1
The so-called Arab Spring was, we were told pro-democracy. These Marxists are not protesting about democracy. If they were they would be camping in Brussels.
The BBC seems to be made up of almost childlike people who live in their own fantasy world.
I remember Antelava. I saw her report on the BBC that Israel was at war with Lebanon – not with Hezbollah, but with Lebanon itself – and Hezbollah was a legitimate defense force against this aggression.
Good to see her enjoying that hopey-changey stuff now. ๐
BG’s MD Phil Bentley and Chris Huhne discussed energy prices on Today. What struck me was that the only person who mentioned that there might be gigantic infrastructure costs included in future energy bills was Naughtie. Bentley ignored the presence (let alone the size) of government imposed renewable and green taxes imposed through the general energy tariffs. Huhne stated that, in the end, nuclear and “renewables” will bring the cost of energy down despite the £200 bn (and rising) capital costs. Naughtie didn’t pursue the matter. I didn’t hear the end of the discussion but up to the point I turned off the radio the good news (for the rest of us out here) about extensive shale deposits in the North West had not been mentioned.
Forgive my cynicism but this “conversation” bore all the hallmarks of a corporatist stitch-up beloved of fascists everywhere. BG is happy: after all, despite the current flak, it and its 5 partners in energy supply, will get a nice return on whatever they invest (paid by the consumer). Huhne can indulge his green fantasies concerning alternative technologies unchallenged by the energy industry (or the BBC). The only non-fantasy facilities are the new nuclear ones which, unfortunately, will only come on-stream in, what, another 15-20 years.
I heard a professor of energy economics being interviewed this morning on the subject of shale gas – he said that there were environmental risks but that they were minor and had been exaggerated and that overall it was a really great thing that had reduced US gas prices by 50%. Naughtie was so gobsmacked he ran out of questions.
I love the way Red Ed is running around spouting off about what needs to be done about the energy companies. Red Ed seems very good at telling Cameron how ot run the Country, but perhaps Red Ed might ask what his Government did for 13 whole years in power to stop this?
So correct Martin…so bvious too..and so ignored by the BBC.
Useless Ed was minister for kite flying and Tracey Islands in the last Reich wasn`t he?…so any chance of him being able to explain why our bills are bloated with his/Huhnes half-arsed wheezes?
Other useless Ed let the bankers and his chums off with all that he blows hard about now…any Beeboid able to ask him why?
The past is another country then…we are where we are…bloody Thatcher causes all that Bonar Law already began!
That`s all we need to know..and all those useless Beeboids who owe their all to Blair, won`t be asking anything of NuLaybur anytime soon!
Haflwit from Enemies of the Earth spouting to Norman Smith, Smith weakly asks about the unreliability of energy produced by wind. Mong from Enemies of the Earth prattles on about how the wind is never still everywhere. Yes but that means you’d need to be able to generate huge amounts of enegy at every point around the Country. For example if say 100,000 windmills could provide 20% of our power (not accurate figures just for example) then you’d need 2 or 3 times that number to even remotely reliably generate that % on a reliable basis. Also there is still no way to store electricity produced by wind farms and save it for peak periods.
Then these farms can’t provide peak power outputs, that has to come from gas powered stations that can start and stop easily.
What pisses me of is that no one from the BBC ever really grills these mongs with any level of technical ability.
Even the ecofreaks are reduced to saying that ‘wind has a valuable role to play in our energy mix’ or some such construction. That is ecospeak for ‘yeah, we know it’s crap’.
As someone pointed out recently, wind is 14th century technology, we’ve split the atom since then.
Windmills sorry turbines stand as monuments to the folly of this generation’s political class. In that, they actuall serve a very useful purpose.
Does the BBC have any presenters of their flagship shows that actually HAVE a scientific training?
Poor old Jonathan Sacks must have thought he`d gone to Stoopidland on Marrs moped called “Start the Week”.
Dawkins and some American cosmologist woman were allowed to say the daftest things in refuting the philosophical basis for all that the Chief Rabbi was trying to say. Marr came across like Syd Little had he been speaking from out of Rob Brydons smallest box!
Any chance of them getting Melvyn Bragg to do these showcase items…at lest he HAS an intellect and can shut up when he has to.
Even better ,give him ALL the current affairs output from 6-10am before Jenni bakes her buns.
Things,,,could only get better eh?
Just listening my way through this morning’s ‘Today’ and was brought up short by an emotionally-charged report from Chloe Hadjimatheou in Greece on suicides resulting from the crisis there.
Decades of ingrained socialist-inspired profligacy (even when under a supposedly centre-right government) and a Socialist government that many observers (not too many of whom appear on the BBC) say has failed to implement anywhere near a full-scale austerity programme to tackle the crisis and yet, for the BBC reporter, it’s all a result of ‘austerity’. How simple and convenient! What a superficial, historically-ignorant, left-wing point of view!
Other early lowlights on ‘Today’ (besides those already posted about) include the 6.15 business report with Simon Jack, where we heard from a shareholder at News Corporation who wants Rupert Murdoch to step down from the board and the chairmanship of the company and the Murdoch family to lose most of their voting rights. An independent commentator, Bob Parker, then came on to agree with both points. Nicely unbalanced. Simon Jack’s only real question was the question you’d expect from an anti-Murdoch reporter, ‘Why didn’t the shareholders speak out earlier?’ As the Beeb’s twitterers might say, #BBCMurdochObsession.
There was also a report from Collette Hume about Remploy, a company that employs only disabled people and that’s worried about its future. Though statements were read out from the other side of the argument, we only heard from Neil Pearce, a worried team leader at the plant; Len Woodward, GMB union national convener, who praised the plant; and Geraint Davies, Labour MP for Swansea West, who said the plant ihas a great future if it’s given help to succeed; before returing to worried Neil.
Add in James Naughtie’s comtemptuous tone when reading out the Sun’s view of UK taxpayers having to contribute to an IMF bailout fund and the Express’ view that we should leave the EU during the second paper review and the way the first paper review went through a story about the UK economy grinding to a halt, some more bad news for Liam Fox and some research about women disliking Cameron and the coalition, before Naughtie said there are two interesting stories in the ‘Daily Mail’.
He rushed through the story about ambulance-chasing lawyer filling the Labour Party’s coffers, garbling his words and putting on that silly tone of voice he often puts on when reading ‘Mail’ stories, then he slowed right down to savour the new ‘Clarifications and Corrections’ column on Page 2, reading one out at a leisurely pace and ending with a quip about a new era, which makes Sarah Montague laugh. #BBCHateTheDailyMail.
Sarah Montague was on ‘Hard Talk’ the other day interviewing some ‘infra-dig’ author. An interesting interview in itself but not an ounce of ‘Hard Talk’ about it. The only other more ‘Soft Talk’ interview I can remember on this programme is when Zeina Badawi interviewed someone from the Egytian Moslem Brotherhood during the ‘Arab Spring’ on how moderate, safe and cuddly the MB are.
So the BBC 6PM news gives us an attack on the Government for not doing enough about enegy prices (a reasonable statement) yet the BBC quicly mumble that Red Ed denies that when he was enegy Minister he didn’t do enough, but the actual Red Ed sound bite was him attacking the Government. Where was the BBC actually challenging Red Ed over his failure to sort out the energy companies?
Yesterday the New York Times ran an editorial criticising the UK’s austerity measures, such as they are (conveniently ignoring the higher unemployment rate in the US even though they’ve gone the other way and thrown trillions of dollars at the problem). This got some BBC journos excited, as can be seen in this three-for-the-price-of-one tweet from Piers Scholfield which includes a hat-tip to Paul Mason and retweet by Jeremy Bowen. The idea that all these lefty journalists don’t influence the BBC’s news agenda is risible.
i’d noticed that Al Beeb had started to churn out a load of that global warming crap recently
today its “Climate change ‘grave threat’ to security and health” same usual load of bollox from Dick Black the eco twat.
i thought to myself is there a IPCC moonbat festival on or something and then suprise suprise “The annual UN climate conference opens in about six weeks’ time”
expect more of this propaganda from Dick and his moonbat mates in the lead up to this winter moonbat festival.
This is not about BBC Bias per se, but if you think PC is bad in this country just look what is happening in France. They are erasing their own history. As it is linked to the Eu expect to see more of this over here.
No to Napoleon: ‘PC gone mad’ as French textbooks purge past
Check this out. Apparently the Occupy movement is suffering from intersectionality and it seem that the cisgenders are upset. Yes, cisgenders – new one on me and I’m still not sure what it means exactly but I think it’s what really really really right-on straight people call themselves so they don’t upset the transgendered. Or something. Anyway, read it all – it’s pretty funny.
Clearly only Tory voters read and contribute to sites like this, because as sure as hell the MP’s and their advisers don’t bother checking in with reality anymore.
“It’s Monday so let’s give the MSM another dose of our breathtaking wisdom”.
Alas the BBC don’t need to be given explanations from the current Government about their policies as they have formatted their own pro-labour bias well in advance regardless of what is said.
So, today, David Cameron presided in public at the hastily convened TRUTH AND RECONCILLIATION COMMITTEE to answer the anti-apartheid behaviour of energy suppliers towards 99% of consumers.
Now this should not have been amusing viewing, but after the 300th lie and reference to God knows what on a balance sheet, one apologist finally turned as green as the guide lines to be adhered to from a Brussels office (eco-con-pl7nty)
Furthermore, the 20 Government officials sitting in the background did their best to look like extra’s from the 1956 film Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
And what did David do ?
Yes ! smiled, scoweld, blushed. He might as well have told the BBC he was thinking of voting Labour at the next election.
Is that a 500ft. granite effigy I can hear been carved out by craftsmen in China, or is it the utterings of DC’s latest and brightest PR guru in full flow ?
I’m sorry, but either way. it will fall on stoney ground with me.
Dread to think what BBC is up to now, but SKY has lost the plot.
Pure ‘Victory for Hamas’ and ‘Hamas have got them out’ propaganda, with zero ‘analysis’ that this is all based on a kidnap, human-right breaching dentention, and (probably foolish) humanitarian response by Israel vs. the murderer-lauding celebrations on the basis that killing kids via terrorsin is a legitimate way to conduct a ‘war’.
They can’t even be trusted with ‘Thought of the day’. Tues R4 Today: the subject was women power and involvement, so the guest mentioned that women were going away from the gov with labour mantra about ‘too far too quick’.
Where is the ‘thought’ that women have short memories and do not remember the financial disaster imposed on us by labour that the current gov is having to clean up. So women know nothing about ‘having to clean up a mess’. This is an alternative message the guess could have given about women.
I see the bBC has aired an article about abuse of Children inside Mosques. (I wonder if despatches will now air a program claiming they are all lies. You know like the bBC did?) Anyway even with the facts the bBC nstill goes out of its way in which to lie for Allah: BBC Radio 4’s File on 4 asked more than 200 local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales how many allegations of physical and sexual abuse had come to light in the past three years….The councils also disclosed 30 allegations of sexual abuse in the Islamic supplementary schools over the past three years, which led to four prosecutions but only one conviction.
1 conviction bBC, here are 3 more court convictions against Mullahs caught kiddy fiddling I found in 5 minutes. I beg to question how many more I could have found if I put my mind to it. 67 year old Hafiz Rahman, jailed for a year for raping a young girl. 60 year old Mahmood Qadri, jailed for 7 years for raping 2 girls 67 Ebrahim Yusuf Kazi, convicted last Saturday (awaiting sentencing) of sexually abusing 3 girls
So is this a case of ‘Piss poor reporting or hiding the facts from the impartial bBC?
You and Yours featured some phone in on “Is it right to strike?”.
The bit I caught had a bloke phoning in and praising the BNP for their Euro/Schengen views etc…but our host couldn`t let that pass.
He reminded our friend that Local Government is NOT a gravy train, and everyone is poor who works for the state…so they surely have to strike.
Got me thinking…the BBC is piss poor propaganda for the Guardian, is bloated public sector and the gravy train is on a constant loop now from Euston to Salford Crescent!
No wonder their presenters feel the pain of the flabby public sector and their whinings…and to be fair, at least some Council employees DO make a difference.
Trouble is that its the gobshites in diversity, in Euro projects and in media that we allow to sack the useful ones.
The BBC needs to go on strike and never come back….be easy enough to get a better quality of Goebbels impressionists and for less money!
I have some sympathy with the angle taken by the reporter. OK, she wants to stir up the divided Tories thing, but she’s not wrong to point out that the Conservative leadership has no intention of listening to the likes of Hannan. He protests too much – the eurosceptic cause in the Tory Party is a doormat for the Cameroons to wipe their feet upon.
I agree D.B. except for one thing: the interview was constructed in the newsroom way before Hannan ever did it. Usually (I was told): prepare the first question. The second question is a reply to the first answer – and so on. But this interviewer had a series of questions designed to go one way and she recited them in order.
Of course there is a concern about Conservatives buying into Europe and a genuine debate within the party between pro and anti EU folk. I understand the debate – not the ‘gotcha’ interview. However, Hannan didn’t say what they wanted him to say to help the news cycle along: “I disagree with Cameron”.
The media is a minefield.
Hannan was right – this was an interview with an agenda – her line (or the line she had been told to take) was “talk about this as Conservative party infighting”. Every question began from that premise.
That is how the BBC want us to see the issue of Europe, at no point will she admit that it’s actually an issue for voters to think about.
Hannan got it exactly right referring to BBC conduct in the 90’s when it went into bias overdrive talking up ‘Tory splits’ to help get Labour elected. That was clearly the agenda this reporter was working to. Orwellian.
As Louis said, no interest whatsoever in the answers she was being given. Just sticking to a pre-scripted line to generate that negative ‘splits’ headlines that was the whole object of the interview. It should see here and her editor out of the door, but it will mean promotion.
As they glean their ‘stories’ from twitter no matter what, it does indeed seem like a way for the licence fee extortee to fund a pleasnat enought jolly for our intrepid ‘reporters’ as they bumble about meeting pre-arrnaged fellow travellers to confrim their pre-held views.
OWS, OLSX (next door) or Dale Farm? Or skip between all three?
Oh, but then there’s the Greek crisis too.
Heard an interesting refrain today..
“We are being held responsible for the failings of our (socialist) government’.
Uh-huh. Interesting lack of appreciation on consequences and responsibility from the cradle of democracy.
Maybe worth bearing in mind next time you vote.
Of course, to en entity like the BBC (and SKY if it makes a rabbel-rousing headline), the concept of facing up to the result of what you have had a hand in happening (enjoying unaffordable tax and public service regimes or buliding illegal camps) seems foreign. At least, to a % of the population that varies… from the 99% ‘we’ ‘trust’ the media to explain, vs. the actual % the luvvies seem less keen on acknowledging.
Can’t speak for Aunty, but just kicked SKY off the PC PiP for being plain daft in the pursuit of ratings at Dale Farm.
We have helicopters fanning flames started by loons talking about bloodlines, as media scrums trip over each other and activists running around looking for an actual ‘resident’.
It really is just a media spectacle on a par with ‘I’m a Celebrity’, as cretins stick microphones under the noses of other cretins to feed the 24/7 news maw.
The lunatics have well and truly hijacked the asylum.
INBBC misses out vital word ‘MUSLIM’ from its headline.
The main motivation about these putative jihadists arrested by Kenyan police is not that they may often reside in Cardiff, it is not that they are both of Somali origin (one is Pakistani), but it is that they are both MUSLIMS.
So this INBBC headline:
“Two Cardiff men, 18, held by Kenyan anti-terror police”
should be something like:
‘Two Muslim Cardiff men, 18, held by Kenyan anti-jihad police.’
And, of course, INBBC follows up its censored headline with lots of Islamic ‘apologetics’ from the ‘Somali community’ (total 250,000 plus in UK) saying how the suspects had been ‘misled’, etc.
Of course, INBBC doesn’t put all this in the context of recent history of the activities of Somali jihadist activists and supporters in Britain, e.g.
Not exactly bias but this morning on the Today programme I felt very uncomfortable as James Naughtie reported that the evictions at Dale Farm were due to start – he sounded like how I would imagine a Roman would have sounded at the start of a fight between the gladiators and the lions – the excitement in his voice was palpable.
Well I know which side of the fence I am on but for the police and the baliffs it is not pleasant what they hare having to face and for the genuine travellers (if they really don’t have luxury homes in Ireland) it is not too pleasant experience either. Neither side are going through with this for our entertainiment. But maybe Naughtie sides with the ‘protestors’ (maybe? – of course he does) and they are there for a good time.
Deborah, I’ve heard this unsavoury relish in Sunni Jim’s voice on many occasions. It is the sound of the voyeur salivating, sat on his well-padded, licence fee-inflated arse, a long way from the sharp end of trouble, yet hopelessly addicted to it. It is the voice of the smug, leftist, metropolitan media old guard, the armchair division who have difficulty accepting that they are now the establishment. His overlarge head wouldn’t look out of place amongst the baying mob of the Coliseum.
A hilarious dale farmathon, all morning on bbc r5 Contrive, including half hour rants from pikey “uman rights” spokeswoman, including i kid you not a live curse,” i hope de leeder of Basildon council he don t see christmas”
brain cell singular anarchists, “vis ain t right, summinks wrong, like sarf arfica it is”
Bear in mind that the BBC has not had its licence fee cut, it has only not had it increased. But when you have a media organisation trying to compete in a creative business with many executives awarding themselves huge salaries but who lack the talent or qualities necessary to fulfil their duties at that level, much less the creative abilities, they use the excuse of financial constraint to justify their poor output.
Helen Boaden is on the BBC Executive Board as Director of their global news division. She has an annual package worth at least £340,000, and controls a large network of staff. So when questioned about proposed cuts and impending layoffs how does she tactfully explain the BBC position?
Telling the same folk to grow up from the woman who sent out ‘please stop making us look bad on Twitter’ emails with kisses at the end seems… rich, which she evidently is. Very.
Pluis her ‘The Editors’ outings always end in disaster before the first comment gets banned.
‘Hugs’ Boaden is a silly, and vastly over-remunerated girl.
One wonders how any regional BBC staff who may frequent these pages might feel about her management style?
‘the BBC has not had its licence fee cut, it has only not had it increased’
That’s what makes it unique. Not getting an increase is a cut in the wonderful world of the globe’s most trusted professional broadcaster.
Now, over to Paul at one of the protests he’s stir… reporting on… via twitter (remember that email Hugs? No one seems to have, as such, paid any notice of you).
Remember how the BBC told you that the Preisdent was working for immigration reform to please Hispanic voters who were angry at nasty Republicans for being against illegal immigration? Remember how Mark Mardell shlepped out to the Arizona border to try to convince you that their nasty anit-illegal immigrant law was racist? Remember how the BBC said that it was racist Republicans forcing cruel laws against illegal immigration in Alabama?
Did anyone listen to Nikki Campbells sickening coverage of the Dale farm evictions this morning. You would swear that Gypsies, sorry ‘Travellers’ were nice law abiding pillars of the community and not what I am sure most people are aware of, TROUBLE. I could expand on my experiences of them but I think most of you know where I’m comming from. Some muppet was bleating on about where are they going to go now, well they could try Ireland where most of the buggers are from.
Don`t even need to have listened to any of the reporting on Dale Farm to know what the tone of the BBC would be.
The BBC are feather bedded but have the luxury of patting the “alienated” and the “vulnerable” on their little heads…because we saps that open our veins for the Licence Fee extractors are despised by both the BBC and their adopted allies…anyone wishing to stick it to the Man…a la Jack Black!
The BBC loves its safe rebels…wristbands and tears of cow-eyed compassion.
When it comes to the EU, UN, Islamic barbaric states however…let along licence fee refusniks…compliance is the only required option.
As I say…has to be safe and patronising rebellion.
Still…Cable Street, Grosvenor Square, the Cornfiled…where were YOU when the Fascists came for the Roma at Dale Farm.
Naughtie would have been slobbering all over his brioche…and Bragg is already on the Dorset coast writing the “feem toon”!
There’s only one way of life, And that’s your own, your own, your own.
This was the height of the crustie, dreadlocked, swampie, bypass hating, faux hobo era of the late80s/early90s. Seems awful now. Wasn’t great back then.
Just have a look at the ‘pretend vagabond’ down and out look of the whole band in the video. Some things never change – you see it at every ‘occupy’ site right now.
this isn’t so much a political movement as a form of historical reenactment. That’s why the OWS protesters are so vague about what they want — because what they want is to be camping out at a mass 1968-style protest. There’s little difference between them and Civil War reenactors, except that the Civil War guys understand that it’s not real and the outcome of their mock battles won’t have any effect. The 1968 reenactors down on Wall Street have the quaint belief that what they’re doing is real.
The BBC loves its safe rebels…wristbands and tears of cow-eyed compassion.
The BBC wants to appear caring and concerned about ANY and EVERY cause, so long as it doesn’t personally affect them, and doesn’t interfere with their ‘global agenda’. It makes up for the fact that they don’t really give a shit about anything, least of all moral and ethical issues that truly affect humanity.
BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’ tonight repeats its reference to violence without perpetrators, and brings in its anti-police political line and also resorts to trying to get support from one side, the defence counsel, of course.
Here’s a sample from its blog:
“Coming up tonight we’ll have the latest from Dale Farm where bricks and debris have been thrown at police after they moved in to evict travellers from the illegal part of the site. We’ll also examine why the UN is apparently so interested in the case.
We’ll also be hearing about the case of an undercover police officer who took part in a criminal trial under an alias – branded ‘institutionalised police corruption’ by a leading defence solicitor.”
Note how BBC-NUJ ignores reference to:
a.) interests of residents;
b.) interests of Council;
c.) specific violence and illegality used by travellers and their supporting ‘activists’ .
BBC-NUJ and less than half a story indeed.
Is BBC-NUJ committed to supporting violence globally via:
1.) Islamic jihad against the West;
2.) OWS, etc;
3.) by ‘travellers’ and their fellow-travellers?
Oh, and just to crown it all on ‘Newsnight’, the issue of whether Britain should be in or out of the E.U. is again presented as a split in the Tory Party!
If it’s pants (and what could possibly go wrong with a rushed, aganda-driven diatribe?) just don’t even think of complaining… that’s their job, and theirs alone.
When have the BBC asked these “travellers” why they left Ireland ,why dont they go back to Ireland if its so bad here , why they dont try another country in the world if its so bad here ,?
The travellers say it`s their “way of life ” . Have the BBC asked why we in England should accomodate their” way of life” , why we should assume the mantle of responsibility for anyone in the world to come here and pursue any way of life that is not compatable with the people of this overcrowded island ?
The travellers say they want to stick together . Have the BBC asked why they didnt stay in Ireland so that they could stick together ?
The travellers say their children might have to change schools. Have the BBC pointed out to them that lots of children have to change schools, as parents may have to move (especially in the forces ) ?
Have the BBC pointed out to these “travellers” that their very moniker indicates a peripatic lifestyle ?
Have the BBC given anything but a soft interview of these people ?
Yes …funny that!
Most of the group are Irish, but the Irish won`t give them any house room-they have long known what these people get up to, hence the lack of any sympathy from their fellow-citizens.
Where`s all this EU solidarity then from Dublin?…not that I blame them!
I’ve put a formal complaint in to the scum at the BBC over Dame Nikki’s coverage this morning, he really was at his twatty left wing worst.
The BBC always manage to get themselves on the wrong side of these arguments, as others have pointed out we never got told just who was pelting the Police with stones and urine.
Also as I posted on another thread Nikki Campbell made an utter tit of himself, he appeared to have a knicker wetting session over the use of a Tazer, claiming that this was a firearm and had no place being used. What mongo Campbell didn’t work out is Tazers are used by trained firearms Police but they can be used where Police are threatened with extreme violence, you know Nikki like someone waving an iron bar about.
Campbell just seemed to take the words of the pikey scum as gospel without any real attempt to challenge the views of that stupid Irish cow who kept doing herself no favours every time she opened her thick gob.
Also, why does the BBC feel the need to give us endless left wing opinions on the pikey scum? they broke the law (but it was only planning law said Dame Nikki, what like not paying the TV tax Nikki?)
Did anyone else notice in the whole vile piece of Campbell no actual law abiding local residents were allowed to speak or interviewed? I notice the BBC TV news did give one resident a chance to speak but Huw Edwards was a patronising shit preferring to French kiss the same dozy pikey cow that Campbell kissed this morning.
You can just imagine some skinny coke head at Radio 5 ringing around every leftie group to get some halfwit on to moan about ‘uman rites’ notice they never mention the rights of the locals.
The BBC don’t seem to understand why this case is so important, it’s because if they let the pikeys get away with this one, then all over the Country other groups of pikeys will be at it building anywhere they like.
If tihs were some ‘Tory toff’ building houses for his mates do you think the BBC would have any sympathy?
Perhaps Dame Nikki and the BBC would like to offer up some BBC land for the pikeys to live on?
ps in reply to the head of the village comittee
“well let me tell you sir, we ve been here 10 yrs, we re travellers
and we aina going nowhere, cos i m as english as the next man, so i am”
jackie “uman rights” spokeswoman
Wonder how many of the plastic paddies have got the gig after rehearsing at the BBC studios.
Would certainly account for the awful acting…as if John Waynes “The Quiet Man” was all that they needed to watch before doing their best IDS impression.
All those unemployed actors…hope Dick Van Dyke is “a flyin` over the briney raht nahw” to give us the views of Basildons residents…chim chiminee..
Gameshow Nikki giving it his usual – ‘tell us what you think, there’s 3 million listeners out there’.
Rajar figures for his aural dung masquerarding as a show are about 2.9 million PER WEEK.
So let’s say average ‘listen’ 15 minutes as people get ready for work, his show’s on 6-10 am, 5 days a week. That would be 36,250 listeners on average. Not quite 3 million, eh Nikki, eh.
My local pirate with a transmitter he bought of EBAY for ninety quid hanging out of his attic window gets more listeners than that. And he doesn’t have £3.5 billion pa to p!ss away on self-promotion.
Dozy Irish UN bag making a right tit of herself on Newsnight, she’d be better off wasting her hot air on Muslim women who have acid thrown in their faces.
Silly cow doesn’t get it, the pikey scum are not being victimised, the part of the site that is LEGAL is allowed to stay, if they were being persecuted wouldn’t th ePolice be throwing them all off the land?
She was priceless wasn`t she?
Well probably millions of Irish Euros were spent in getting her sent to Geneva or wherever….surely she`s never been elected to anything has she?
She put back the cause of “Micks n Paddies aren`t thick” by 100 years…I`ve got to tell Kevin Rowland that the sister of Mr O`Reilly is undoing all his good work!
What a posh thick paddy…and being Irish myself, I can see the hand of Billy Wright here surely!
She was incredible…but would hate to “exasperate” the problem.
Given her posh accent, she`ll have a few acres in Kildare…all those lovely travellers have some land ,it seems to me after all!
Mr. Paxman surprised me on Newsnight during an interview with a Conservative MP and a UN race-baiter-professional-victim-grievance-coordination-officer, regarding the Dale Farm static-travellers. He got very tired, very quickly of her persistant bureaucratic pettifogging that at one point he turned his back on her in frustration to let the MP inject some reality and common sense into the proceedings. Worth a watch. The relevant section begins at around 8min in…
I understand the frustrations that are being expressed in those protests. In some ways, they’re not that different from some of the protests that we saw coming from the Tea Party, both on the Left and the Right. I think people feel separated from their Government.
And it’s burning in me at the pathetic excuses for reporting by exciteable reporters whose naked agandas are on their sleeves.
This was a SKY munchkin who was referring to the Greek riots (sorry, protests) where men, not just young… but middle aged (the Mason-Easton line?) were thowing rocks. Sorry, these are folk who have a rather odd notion of how civilised people behave.
I was going to cut SKY some slack, with The Irish host doing a BBC on how they try and handle ‘balance’, but grudgingly confirming that 90% (‘the 10%’ being the ones most media ‘speak for’, oddly with access to twitter?) of the feedback was hugely negative to Dale Farm, its inhabitants and activists.
Cue interview with barely coherent ‘traveller’ matriarch, whose mantra seemed to be ‘we just want the council to give us stuff’ and all this will go away, before posing to the camera to show her scratched cheek where she ‘fell over’ in her house on accounht of the activities outside. Maybe tired and emotional?
I believe Don Corleone operated on a similar basis.
Like the crazy bird who torched ‘her’ caravan yesterday, the media seem very credulous if it looks like a story that can be boosted.
Even the Daily Telegrpah lost the plot, seamlessly getting from deliberate self-mutliation professional victimhood by using a headline that inferred the police caused the damage, to ‘demands growing for answers on heavy handed poilce tactics’. So.. they lie and then spin a new story out of their own lies.
Mr Campbell holding his 4th form debate (on Salford local radio) on the subject of a comedian causing offense to people with disabilities. I wonder whether Mr Bacon will pop in early and put his head around the door to make a contribution on this subject?
Are the Dale Farm travellers an ethnic minority ?
Well the BBC could find out if it asked the questions
Is it a set of people who have a “way of life”?
Well loads of people have a way of life different to the norm ;
Merchant Seamen, armed forces , lorry drivers ,travelling salesmen, shift workers ,firemen , tramps , politicians ,even uber rich ex etonians using the Old School Tie to further their “way of life” .
Is it because the Dale Farm travellers are mainly an extended family ?
Well thats all of us except orphans I suppose , especially as we gather round for family do`s like weddings and Christmas .
Is it because their “way of life” involves crime ?
Well that means all drug dealers and prison inmates are an ethnic minority, as are , funnily enough , people who watch live TV without paying the telly tax .
Having heard the UN monied trout on Newsnight with a cut glass Irish accent, the Dale farm lot are now revealed.
With friends like her…they are stuffed!
As is the UN…if that is the example of what they appoint to tell the State what to do, then Strauss Kahn was as good as these unelected cabbages gets!
By their fruits ye shall know them…and we ARE getting to know them…and they`re going very soon…
There is an unfortunate mindset among Leftoid academics that Travellers actually are an ethnic group all to themselves, who have unfairly suffered prejudice as much as the Roma or blacks in the US. All it takes is a few emotional types with the correct credentials to make this an accepted “fact”. How a unique ethnicity can be created and patented in just a few generations is beyond me, but then I don’t have the correct credentials to understand such things.
As with Islam in Egypt and Nigeria, INBBC censors Islamic persecution and murders of CHRISTIANS in SOMALIA.
While INBBC bends over backwards to represent AL SHABAB, not as the murderous Islamic jihadists they are, but as mere ‘militants’ (a politically euphemistic word from INBBC’s Madrassa of ‘Journalism’) INBBC also censors this:
“Al-Shabaab has denied the existence of a massive famine and forced Somalis seeking aid back into the famine zone. They have launched suicide bombings and killed civilians indiscriminately. And that is to say nothing of the everyday violence and abuse heaped on Somalis by al-Shabaab — all the more so for the few non-Muslims they find. Somalis who are even suspected of being Christian are denied aid.
Yes, there actually is a way to make life in Somalia even worse at the hands of al-Shabaab: to try living it as a non-Muslim.”
INBBC comes out with ludicrous untrue defence of Al-Shabab Islamic jihadists:
“But it [al-Shabab] has rarely acted outside Somalia…”
Do al-Shabab jihad ‘pirates’ and killers confine themselves to territorial waters?!
‘Telegraph’:”French hostage taken from Kenya to Somalia dies. A Frenchwoman who was taken hostage off a resort in northern Kenya and had been held in Somalia has died, France’s foreign ministry has announced. ”
Apparently, Gaddafi has been captured now, but in this article:
“BBC Editor says he was advised to pull journalists from Libya by Foreign Office”
“[BBC World News Editor, Jon] Williams also claimed there were ‘lots of hints from the British’ that BBC Correspondent Jeremy Bowen’s interview with Colonel Gaddafi in February ‘really wasn’t very helpful’.
That probably reinforced the BBC’s opinion of themselves. I noticed that the guy “reporting” this is a blogger “based at the BBC”, doing a thesis on how blogging and new media affects the BBC’s war reporting. If the FO wasn’t pleased at Bowen’s fawning over Ghaddafi, the Beeboids most likely view that as a success, proof of their editorial independence. Interesting priorities, to be sure.
“The ‘pro-democracy’ protesters thought they were demonizing him by drawing a Star of David on his picture.”
“The chant is emblematic of the replacement of Gaddafi’s bizarre Islamosocialist cult of personality with a straight Sharia regime populated by al-Qaeda elements. It is likely that the new America-backed regime will compete with the Gaddafi regime in its hatred for America and the West, and become noted for being even more anti-American than he was. “
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called โfirst among equals โ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I donโt know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Two ‘human rights’ heroes for INBBC to support?
“Extremists plotting attacks on Britain freed from detention”
One piece of good news though – the Guardian figures for October are
The Guardian : 232,566 ; -16.38 down year on year
Thats nearly 10,000 down on last month. I’m no media consultant but possible reasons are :-
1. People are bored s**tless at being lectured
2. Its hopelessly out of touch with its readership
3. The stories are on BBC the anyway
4. Its readership couldn’t stand the smell of piety and hypocracy in dealing with corporate greed and journalistic ethics.
I liked the cookery items though! but figured out that wasn’t enough reason to buy a newspaper (albeit occasionally).
I’m sure they will give their reasons for the decline but it does appear that they are in denial about the inevitable. But it probably explains why Polly T is all over the BBC at the moment.
But the Guardian’s website is good for a laugh and very popular too. Unfortunately it is over bloated and makes no money.
However if you want to know the talking points for Radio 4 months in advance, read CIF.
BBC office subscriptions reduced due to budget cuts forced on them by the nasty Tories.
Can’t survive?
What the Guardian needs is a levy charged on all newspapers, enforced by law, regardless of whether one reads it or not.
That should do the trick.
Maybe the Guardian should merge with both the Morning Star and the Socialist Worker; after all, both these puny organs appeal to the same crowd of far-left numpties who read The Grauniad.
Possibly fewer public sector jobs are being advertised? Even so, if the Guardian can hold out for just another couple of years, the next government (Labour or Labour/LibDem) will come to its rescue. If not (as Billy-no-mates implies) the BBC will provide room in its lifeboat for as many comrades as possible.
Yes – I read the other day that there were now only three pages of ‘World class council seeks…’ adverts rather than the routine hundred+ pages every week when their masters were in power.
How we shall ever get by without these people I know not.
Natalia Antelava, former Anti-Israel Correspondent for the BBC, now one of their legion of Washington reporters, is not happy with Barack Obama, if this sarcastic tweet is anything to go by:
antelava natalia antelava Send Saleh back to Sanaa, deny statehood to the Palestinians, give military aid to Well done Obama 23 Sep
Oh dear, not very genetically impartial that. Still, at least she doesn’t use the BBC’s name on her Twitter profile. That’s something, I guess.
Her colleague Ian Pannell, who also seems to have been moved from the Middle East to the U.S. but is less shy about using the BBC brand on Twitter (ipannellbbc), is another BBCer getting all over-excited about the Occupiers and comparing them to the ‘Arab Spring’:
ipannellbbc ianpannell #occupy movement harder to ignore… 6 Oct
ipannellbbc ianpannell #Arabspring & American#occupy movement… 7 Oct
ipannellbbc…Interesting piece on the importance of the #Occupymovement. 7 Oct
ipannellbbc ianpannell #Arabspring & #occupywallstcut from same cloth? Interesting vid “I am NOT moving” /via@wordpressdotcom 16 Oct
Calm down, Ian!
Ian Pannell is naive. Doesn’t he know the Arab Spring was engineered by America and their Israeli shills and the Israelis with their American shills colluding with the Zionist neo-con bankers and their enablers to overthrow Middle East regimes and replace them with quislings run by the CIA answerable to the Zionist oil billionaires to try and divide the Islamic world and punish the Palestinians for voting for Hamas in order to further Western and Zionist interests in the Middle East in order to mount a Christian-Zionist Crusade to reinforce the will of the American neo-con religious right and the Zionist Tea Party and Jewess Sarah Palin and Zionist Fox News and Jew Murdoch to impose a Zionist New World Order in which anti-Zionist Muslims are oppressed and forcibly converted to Judaism in order to impose Zionist capitalism and deny Liverpool a place in the Champions’ League???????!!!!1
Doesn’t he read the Guardian??????!!!11 It’s all in there!!!!1
This guy is an utter moron. Arabs in those countries can’t vote. The Occupiers can, but can’t be bothered.
The so-called Arab Spring was, we were told pro-democracy. These Marxists are not protesting about democracy. If they were they would be camping in Brussels.
The BBC seems to be made up of almost childlike people who live in their own fantasy world.
I remember Antelava. I saw her report on the BBC that Israel was at war with Lebanon – not with Hezbollah, but with Lebanon itself – and Hezbollah was a legitimate defense force against this aggression.
Good to see her enjoying that hopey-changey stuff now. ๐
BG’s MD Phil Bentley and Chris Huhne discussed energy prices on Today. What struck me was that the only person who mentioned that there might be gigantic infrastructure costs included in future energy bills was Naughtie. Bentley ignored the presence (let alone the size) of government imposed renewable and green taxes imposed through the general energy tariffs. Huhne stated that, in the end, nuclear and “renewables” will bring the cost of energy down despite the £200 bn (and rising) capital costs. Naughtie didn’t pursue the matter. I didn’t hear the end of the discussion but up to the point I turned off the radio the good news (for the rest of us out here) about extensive shale deposits in the North West had not been mentioned.
Forgive my cynicism but this “conversation” bore all the hallmarks of a corporatist stitch-up beloved of fascists everywhere. BG is happy: after all, despite the current flak, it and its 5 partners in energy supply, will get a nice return on whatever they invest (paid by the consumer). Huhne can indulge his green fantasies concerning alternative technologies unchallenged by the energy industry (or the BBC). The only non-fantasy facilities are the new nuclear ones which, unfortunately, will only come on-stream in, what, another 15-20 years.
I was amused how Naughtie barely got a word in edgeways, because motormouth Huhne wouldn’t shut the fuck up.
I also got the impression at the end, that Huhne had been unceremoniously cut off.
I heard a professor of energy economics being interviewed this morning on the subject of shale gas – he said that there were environmental risks but that they were minor and had been exaggerated and that overall it was a really great thing that had reduced US gas prices by 50%. Naughtie was so gobsmacked he ran out of questions.
I love the way Red Ed is running around spouting off about what needs to be done about the energy companies. Red Ed seems very good at telling Cameron how ot run the Country, but perhaps Red Ed might ask what his Government did for 13 whole years in power to stop this?
The BBC as usual giving Red Ed a free ride.
So correct Martin…so bvious too..and so ignored by the BBC.
Useless Ed was minister for kite flying and Tracey Islands in the last Reich wasn`t he?…so any chance of him being able to explain why our bills are bloated with his/Huhnes half-arsed wheezes?
Other useless Ed let the bankers and his chums off with all that he blows hard about now…any Beeboid able to ask him why?
The past is another country then…we are where we are…bloody Thatcher causes all that Bonar Law already began!
That`s all we need to know..and all those useless Beeboids who owe their all to Blair, won`t be asking anything of NuLaybur anytime soon!
Haflwit from Enemies of the Earth spouting to Norman Smith, Smith weakly asks about the unreliability of energy produced by wind. Mong from Enemies of the Earth prattles on about how the wind is never still everywhere. Yes but that means you’d need to be able to generate huge amounts of enegy at every point around the Country. For example if say 100,000 windmills could provide 20% of our power (not accurate figures just for example) then you’d need 2 or 3 times that number to even remotely reliably generate that % on a reliable basis. Also there is still no way to store electricity produced by wind farms and save it for peak periods.
Then these farms can’t provide peak power outputs, that has to come from gas powered stations that can start and stop easily.
What pisses me of is that no one from the BBC ever really grills these mongs with any level of technical ability.
Even the ecofreaks are reduced to saying that ‘wind has a valuable role to play in our energy mix’ or some such construction. That is ecospeak for ‘yeah, we know it’s crap’.
As someone pointed out recently, wind is 14th century technology, we’ve split the atom since then.
Windmills sorry turbines stand as monuments to the folly of this generation’s political class. In that, they actuall serve a very useful purpose.
Does the BBC have any presenters of their flagship shows that actually HAVE a scientific training?
Poor old Jonathan Sacks must have thought he`d gone to Stoopidland on Marrs moped called “Start the Week”.
Dawkins and some American cosmologist woman were allowed to say the daftest things in refuting the philosophical basis for all that the Chief Rabbi was trying to say. Marr came across like Syd Little had he been speaking from out of Rob Brydons smallest box!
Any chance of them getting Melvyn Bragg to do these showcase items…at lest he HAS an intellect and can shut up when he has to.
Even better ,give him ALL the current affairs output from 6-10am before Jenni bakes her buns.
Things,,,could only get better eh?
SYRIA: INBBC’s ‘Newsnight’ tonight takes its political lead from Arab League – with opening sentence:
“The Arab League has called for talks between the Syrian government and opposition forces to take place within 15 days, following months of unrest.”
INBBC is determined to make an ‘Arab Spring’ not Islamic Wiinter out of Syria.
Iraq sides with Iran, sends aid to Syria’s Assad
For late in the day INBBC ‘Newsnight’ M. URBAN
Except For Support From Shi’a In Lebanon, Iraq, And Iran, Assad Is Completely Isolated
Just listening my way through this morning’s ‘Today’ and was brought up short by an emotionally-charged report from Chloe Hadjimatheou in Greece on suicides resulting from the crisis there.
Decades of ingrained socialist-inspired profligacy (even when under a supposedly centre-right government) and a Socialist government that many observers (not too many of whom appear on the BBC) say has failed to implement anywhere near a full-scale austerity programme to tackle the crisis and yet, for the BBC reporter, it’s all a result of ‘austerity’. How simple and convenient! What a superficial, historically-ignorant, left-wing point of view!
Other early lowlights on ‘Today’ (besides those already posted about) include the 6.15 business report with Simon Jack, where we heard from a shareholder at News Corporation who wants Rupert Murdoch to step down from the board and the chairmanship of the company and the Murdoch family to lose most of their voting rights. An independent commentator, Bob Parker, then came on to agree with both points. Nicely unbalanced. Simon Jack’s only real question was the question you’d expect from an anti-Murdoch reporter, ‘Why didn’t the shareholders speak out earlier?’ As the Beeb’s twitterers might say, #BBCMurdochObsession.
There was also a report from Collette Hume about Remploy, a company that employs only disabled people and that’s worried about its future. Though statements were read out from the other side of the argument, we only heard from Neil Pearce, a worried team leader at the plant; Len Woodward, GMB union national convener, who praised the plant; and Geraint Davies, Labour MP for Swansea West, who said the plant ihas a great future if it’s given help to succeed; before returing to worried Neil.
Add in James Naughtie’s comtemptuous tone when reading out the Sun’s view of UK taxpayers having to contribute to an IMF bailout fund and the Express’ view that we should leave the EU during the second paper review and the way the first paper review went through a story about the UK economy grinding to a halt, some more bad news for Liam Fox and some research about women disliking Cameron and the coalition, before Naughtie said there are two interesting stories in the ‘Daily Mail’.
He rushed through the story about ambulance-chasing lawyer filling the Labour Party’s coffers, garbling his words and putting on that silly tone of voice he often puts on when reading ‘Mail’ stories, then he slowed right down to savour the new ‘Clarifications and Corrections’ column on Page 2, reading one out at a leisurely pace and ending with a quip about a new era, which makes Sarah Montague laugh. #BBCHateTheDailyMail.
Sarah Montague was on ‘Hard Talk’ the other day interviewing some ‘infra-dig’ author. An interesting interview in itself but not an ounce of ‘Hard Talk’ about it. The only other more ‘Soft Talk’ interview I can remember on this programme is when Zeina Badawi interviewed someone from the Egytian Moslem Brotherhood during the ‘Arab Spring’ on how moderate, safe and cuddly the MB are.
I believed him.
So the BBC 6PM news gives us an attack on the Government for not doing enough about enegy prices (a reasonable statement) yet the BBC quicly mumble that Red Ed denies that when he was enegy Minister he didn’t do enough, but the actual Red Ed sound bite was him attacking the Government. Where was the BBC actually challenging Red Ed over his failure to sort out the energy companies?
Dale Farm.
The predictable BBC-NUJ eulogy and political propaganda piece for ‘travellers’, not for residents.
“Dale Farm eviction: Travellers refused appeal bid”
Some ‘Daily Mail’ reports,. which BBC-NUJ censored:
“Dale Farm travellers fighting eviction own multi-million pound housing estate back home in Ireland”
Read more:
“Dale Farm travellers are being paid housing benefit – by the council that’s trying to evict them”
Read more:
“Dale Farm travellers finally move on (to set up a new illegal site down the road in Luton)”
Read more:
– for BBC NUJ – Comrade Paul Mason – ‘Occupy’ – ‘UKUncut’
“‘We’ll fight the bailiffs off’: Dale Farm travellers in ‘lockdown’ as judge rules eviction can go ahead”
Read more:
Newsnight mentored Penny Red and special correspondent Johnny Marbles are proposing a work expereince exchange programme with Dale Farm.
Exactly, the BBC could have put the headline “Victory for local council in eviction battle with pikey scum”
Yesterday the New York Times ran an editorial criticising the UK’s austerity measures, such as they are (conveniently ignoring the higher unemployment rate in the US even though they’ve gone the other way and thrown trillions of dollars at the problem). This got some BBC journos excited, as can be seen in this three-for-the-price-of-one tweet from Piers Scholfield which includes a hat-tip to Paul Mason and retweet by Jeremy Bowen. The idea that all these lefty journalists don’t influence the BBC’s news agenda is risible.
Correction – the editorial was dated 14 Oct, not yesterday.
Yes because Obama’s ‘plan’ has been so much more successful in the USA. NOT!
Only in the mind of the beeobid.
Helen, luv, the mutations are out again!
The BBC is now Raccoon City.
i’d noticed that Al Beeb had started to churn out a load of that global warming crap recently
today its “Climate change ‘grave threat’ to security and health” same usual load of bollox from Dick Black the eco twat.
i thought to myself is there a IPCC moonbat festival on or something and then suprise suprise “The annual UN climate conference opens in about six weeks’ time”
expect more of this propaganda from Dick and his moonbat mates in the lead up to this winter moonbat festival.
This is not about BBC Bias per se, but if you think PC is bad in this country just look what is happening in France. They are erasing their own history. As it is linked to the Eu expect to see more of this over here.
No to Napoleon: ‘PC gone mad’ as French textbooks purge past
Check this out. Apparently the Occupy movement is suffering from intersectionality and it seem that the cisgenders are upset. Yes, cisgenders – new one on me and I’m still not sure what it means exactly but I think it’s what really really really right-on straight people call themselves so they don’t upset the transgendered. Or something. Anyway, read it all – it’s pretty funny.
Thanks. I read it – it is funny, and totally barking mad.
“The word has its origin in the Latin-derived prefix cis, meaning “to/this the near side” .
And I thought they were a bunch of ‘Right-Handers’ . Perhaps they change hands at 99 ๐ !
A new week and another Conservative disaster.
Clearly only Tory voters read and contribute to sites like this, because as sure as hell the MP’s and their advisers don’t bother checking in with reality anymore.
“It’s Monday so let’s give the MSM another dose of our breathtaking wisdom”.
Alas the BBC don’t need to be given explanations from the current Government about their policies as they have formatted their own pro-labour bias well in advance regardless of what is said.
So, today, David Cameron presided in public at the hastily convened TRUTH AND RECONCILLIATION COMMITTEE to answer the anti-apartheid behaviour of energy suppliers towards 99% of consumers.
Now this should not have been amusing viewing, but after the 300th lie and reference to God knows what on a balance sheet, one apologist finally turned as green as the guide lines to be adhered to from a Brussels office (eco-con-pl7nty)
Furthermore, the 20 Government officials sitting in the background did their best to look like extra’s from the 1956 film Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
And what did David do ?
Yes ! smiled, scoweld, blushed. He might as well have told the BBC he was thinking of voting Labour at the next election.
Is that a 500ft. granite effigy I can hear been carved out by craftsmen in China, or is it the utterings of DC’s latest and brightest PR guru in full flow ?
I’m sorry, but either way. it will fall on stoney ground with me.
Dread to think what BBC is up to now, but SKY has lost the plot.
Pure ‘Victory for Hamas’ and ‘Hamas have got them out’ propaganda, with zero ‘analysis’ that this is all based on a kidnap, human-right breaching dentention, and (probably foolish) humanitarian response by Israel vs. the murderer-lauding celebrations on the basis that killing kids via terrorsin is a legitimate way to conduct a ‘war’.
The only victory has been for threat-based propaganda, ably supported by the Western media.
Won’t end well. And karma does irony well.
They can’t even be trusted with ‘Thought of the day’. Tues R4 Today: the subject was women power and involvement, so the guest mentioned that women were going away from the gov with labour mantra about ‘too far too quick’.
Where is the ‘thought’ that women have short memories and do not remember the financial disaster imposed on us by labour that the current gov is having to clean up. So women know nothing about ‘having to clean up a mess’. This is an alternative message the guess could have given about women.
It is a great mystery for me that as apparantly so many women desert the coalition labour seem to be losing their lead in the polls
I see the bBC has aired an article about abuse of Children inside Mosques. (I wonder if despatches will now air a program claiming they are all lies. You know like the bBC did?) Anyway even with the facts the bBC nstill goes out of its way in which to lie for Allah:
BBC Radio 4’s File on 4 asked more than 200 local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales how many allegations of physical and sexual abuse had come to light in the past three years….The councils also disclosed 30 allegations of sexual abuse in the Islamic supplementary schools over the past three years, which led to four prosecutions but only one conviction.
1 conviction bBC, here are 3 more court convictions against Mullahs caught kiddy fiddling I found in 5 minutes. I beg to question how many more I could have found if I put my mind to it.
67 year old Hafiz Rahman, jailed for a year for raping a young girl.
60 year old Mahmood Qadri, jailed for 7 years for raping 2 girls
67 Ebrahim Yusuf Kazi, convicted last Saturday (awaiting sentencing) of sexually abusing 3 girls
So is this a case of ‘Piss poor reporting or hiding the facts from the impartial bBC?
I expect the latter.
You and Yours featured some phone in on “Is it right to strike?”.
The bit I caught had a bloke phoning in and praising the BNP for their Euro/Schengen views etc…but our host couldn`t let that pass.
He reminded our friend that Local Government is NOT a gravy train, and everyone is poor who works for the state…so they surely have to strike.
Got me thinking…the BBC is piss poor propaganda for the Guardian, is bloated public sector and the gravy train is on a constant loop now from Euston to Salford Crescent!
No wonder their presenters feel the pain of the flabby public sector and their whinings…and to be fair, at least some Council employees DO make a difference.
Trouble is that its the gobshites in diversity, in Euro projects and in media that we allow to sack the useful ones.
The BBC needs to go on strike and never come back….be easy enough to get a better quality of Goebbels impressionists and for less money!
Unbelievable! I don’t know Daniel Hannan doesn’t loose his cool.
I have some sympathy with the angle taken by the reporter. OK, she wants to stir up the divided Tories thing, but she’s not wrong to point out that the Conservative leadership has no intention of listening to the likes of Hannan. He protests too much – the eurosceptic cause in the Tory Party is a doormat for the Cameroons to wipe their feet upon.
I agree D.B. except for one thing: the interview was constructed in the newsroom way before Hannan ever did it. Usually (I was told): prepare the first question. The second question is a reply to the first answer – and so on. But this interviewer had a series of questions designed to go one way and she recited them in order.
Of course there is a concern about Conservatives buying into Europe and a genuine debate within the party between pro and anti EU folk. I understand the debate – not the ‘gotcha’ interview. However, Hannan didn’t say what they wanted him to say to help the news cycle along: “I disagree with Cameron”.
The media is a minefield.
Fair points, Louis.
Parliament finally debates In/Out referendum, BBC sees only ‘Tory splits ‘
By Daniel Hannan.
Hannan was right – this was an interview with an agenda – her line (or the line she had been told to take) was “talk about this as Conservative party infighting”. Every question began from that premise.
That is how the BBC want us to see the issue of Europe, at no point will she admit that it’s actually an issue for voters to think about.
Hannan got it exactly right referring to BBC conduct in the 90’s when it went into bias overdrive talking up ‘Tory splits’ to help get Labour elected. That was clearly the agenda this reporter was working to. Orwellian.
As Louis said, no interest whatsoever in the answers she was being given. Just sticking to a pre-scripted line to generate that negative ‘splits’ headlines that was the whole object of the interview. It should see here and her editor out of the door, but it will mean promotion.
Travelling light.
We’re financing two Beeboids to travel through European Union; their report so far: lightweight.
“Backpackers’ guide to the eurozone crisis: Brussels.”
By Chris Mason and Chris Brindley BBC News, Brussels
As they glean their ‘stories’ from twitter no matter what, it does indeed seem like a way for the licence fee extortee to fund a pleasnat enought jolly for our intrepid ‘reporters’ as they bumble about meeting pre-arrnaged fellow travellers to confrim their pre-held views.
Big, but tricky, day, chez Aunty.
OWS, OLSX (next door) or Dale Farm? Or skip between all three?
Oh, but then there’s the Greek crisis too.
Heard an interesting refrain today..
“We are being held responsible for the failings of our (socialist) government’.
Uh-huh. Interesting lack of appreciation on consequences and responsibility from the cradle of democracy.
Maybe worth bearing in mind next time you vote.
Of course, to en entity like the BBC (and SKY if it makes a rabbel-rousing headline), the concept of facing up to the result of what you have had a hand in happening (enjoying unaffordable tax and public service regimes or buliding illegal camps) seems foreign. At least, to a % of the population that varies… from the 99% ‘we’ ‘trust’ the media to explain, vs. the actual % the luvvies seem less keen on acknowledging.
Can’t speak for Aunty, but just kicked SKY off the PC PiP for being plain daft in the pursuit of ratings at Dale Farm.
We have helicopters fanning flames started by loons talking about bloodlines, as media scrums trip over each other and activists running around looking for an actual ‘resident’.
It really is just a media spectacle on a par with ‘I’m a Celebrity’, as cretins stick microphones under the noses of other cretins to feed the 24/7 news maw.
The lunatics have well and truly hijacked the asylum.
My heart goes out to the SIT OUTSIDE ST PAULS NOW !!!!! muppets.
Being out-activisted by the Dale Farm muppets.
Some poor Radio 5 Listeners droid ’embedded’ in Dale Farm shrieking like a banshee.
Oi mate, you’re not in the middle of a firefight in Nad’Ali, you’re on a caravan park in Essex.
Calm down, dearie.
If this lot were anti-licence fee protesters instead of planning law deniers it would be a whole different story for the BBC.
You mean, if folk ‘broke the law’ by doing something they didn’t feel applied to them, it would be ‘different’. Possibly uniquely?
Shocked, I tell you… shocked!
INBBC misses out vital word ‘MUSLIM’ from its headline.
The main motivation about these putative jihadists arrested by Kenyan police is not that they may often reside in Cardiff, it is not that they are both of Somali origin (one is Pakistani), but it is that they are both MUSLIMS.
So this INBBC headline:
“Two Cardiff men, 18, held by Kenyan anti-terror police”
should be something like:
‘Two Muslim Cardiff men, 18, held by Kenyan anti-jihad police.’
And, of course, INBBC follows up its censored headline with lots of Islamic ‘apologetics’ from the ‘Somali community’ (total 250,000 plus in UK) saying how the suspects had been ‘misled’, etc.
Of course, INBBC doesn’t put all this in the context of recent history of the activities of Somali jihadist activists and supporters in Britain, e.g.
Britain: 12 Muslim men of military age arrested on suspicion of preparing jihad raids (2010).
Wretched, jobless, invisible: are Britain๏ฟฝs Somalis the enemy within?
British and American fighters respond to jihad call in Somalia(2009).
How on earth did this country admit 250,000 Somalians over the last decade or so ?
Net-net, they have to be a huge drain on the economy, quite apart from the widespread criminality.
Not exactly bias but this morning on the Today programme I felt very uncomfortable as James Naughtie reported that the evictions at Dale Farm were due to start – he sounded like how I would imagine a Roman would have sounded at the start of a fight between the gladiators and the lions – the excitement in his voice was palpable.
Well I know which side of the fence I am on but for the police and the baliffs it is not pleasant what they hare having to face and for the genuine travellers (if they really don’t have luxury homes in Ireland) it is not too pleasant experience either. Neither side are going through with this for our entertainiment. But maybe Naughtie sides with the ‘protestors’ (maybe? – of course he does) and they are there for a good time.
Deborah, I’ve heard this unsavoury relish in Sunni Jim’s voice on many occasions. It is the sound of the voyeur salivating, sat on his well-padded, licence fee-inflated arse, a long way from the sharp end of trouble, yet hopelessly addicted to it. It is the voice of the smug, leftist, metropolitan media old guard, the armchair division who have difficulty accepting that they are now the establishment. His overlarge head wouldn’t look out of place amongst the baying mob of the Coliseum.
A hilarious dale farmathon, all morning on bbc r5 Contrive, including half hour rants from pikey “uman rights” spokeswoman, including i kid you not a live curse,” i hope de leeder of Basildon council he don t see christmas”
brain cell singular anarchists, “vis ain t right, summinks wrong, like sarf arfica it is”
Fine writing Sir.
I need not follow the car pool lavender trail to locate James…this description ought to do it!
Bear in mind that the BBC has not had its licence fee cut, it has only not had it increased. But when you have a media organisation trying to compete in a creative business with many executives awarding themselves huge salaries but who lack the talent or qualities necessary to fulfil their duties at that level, much less the creative abilities, they use the excuse of financial constraint to justify their poor output.
Just a few days ago it was seen that BBC spends TEN times more on Welsh radio than on English station with same number of listeners, so with stories like these it’s not surprising that staff will have concerns about the BBC ‘direction’.
Helen Boaden is on the BBC Executive Board as Director of their global news division. She has an annual package worth at least £340,000, and controls a large network of staff. So when questioned about proposed cuts and impending layoffs how does she tactfully explain the BBC position?
By telling them to ‘grow up’ and that ‘they could have been killed off’.
Somehow this crass and tactless response is exactly what I would expect from the BBC hierarchy. The quicker they are ‘killed off’, the better.
Telling the same folk to grow up from the woman who sent out ‘please stop making us look bad on Twitter’ emails with kisses at the end seems… rich, which she evidently is. Very.
Pluis her ‘The Editors’ outings always end in disaster before the first comment gets banned.
‘Hugs’ Boaden is a silly, and vastly over-remunerated girl.
One wonders how any regional BBC staff who may frequent these pages might feel about her management style?
‘First they came..’
‘the BBC has not had its licence fee cut, it has only not had it increased’
That’s what makes it unique. Not getting an increase is a cut in the wonderful world of the globe’s most trusted professional broadcaster.
Now, over to Paul at one of the protests he’s stir… reporting on… via twitter (remember that email Hugs? No one seems to have, as such, paid any notice of you).
BBC-NUJ and Dale Farm: obfuscating again.
This very first sentence of the BBC-NUJ ‘report’ sets the phoney tone, with reference only to ‘anonymous’ violence:
“Bricks and debris were thrown at police as officers moved into Dale Farm amid violent scenes to secure the illegal part of the travellers’ site.”
Who threw them, BBC-NUJ? The residents? Come on, don’t be shy, tell us the whole truth.
Note the misleading Madrassa of ‘Journalism’ headline:
“Dale Farm traveller site eviction starts with violence”
(Don’t say whose violence then, BBC-NUJ apologists for violence.)
Remember how the BBC told you that the Preisdent was working for immigration reform to please Hispanic voters who were angry at nasty Republicans for being against illegal immigration? Remember how Mark Mardell shlepped out to the Arizona border to try to convince you that their nasty anit-illegal immigrant law was racist? Remember how the BBC said that it was racist Republicans forcing cruel laws against illegal immigration in Alabama?
Well, guess what? The Obamessiah has deported almost as many illegals in less than three years than Bush did in eight. 1.16 million to Bush’s 1.62 million, on pace to deport more in one term than Bush did in two. How’s that hopey-changey stuff workin’ out for ya, BBC?
Did anyone listen to Nikki Campbells sickening coverage of the Dale farm evictions this morning. You would swear that Gypsies, sorry ‘Travellers’ were nice law abiding pillars of the community and not what I am sure most people are aware of, TROUBLE. I could expand on my experiences of them but I think most of you know where I’m comming from. Some muppet was bleating on about where are they going to go now, well they could try Ireland where most of the buggers are from.
Don`t even need to have listened to any of the reporting on Dale Farm to know what the tone of the BBC would be.
The BBC are feather bedded but have the luxury of patting the “alienated” and the “vulnerable” on their little heads…because we saps that open our veins for the Licence Fee extractors are despised by both the BBC and their adopted allies…anyone wishing to stick it to the Man…a la Jack Black!
The BBC loves its safe rebels…wristbands and tears of cow-eyed compassion.
When it comes to the EU, UN, Islamic barbaric states however…let along licence fee refusniks…compliance is the only required option.
As I say…has to be safe and patronising rebellion.
Still…Cable Street, Grosvenor Square, the Cornfiled…where were YOU when the Fascists came for the Roma at Dale Farm.
Naughtie would have been slobbering all over his brioche…and Bragg is already on the Dorset coast writing the “feem toon”!
Sorry there…The Cornfield is what I meant…the Levellers sang about nothing else!
Oh gawd, ‘The Levellers’. There’s a dark memory of my youth and being too slow to turn the radio off. ๐
Sing along :
There’s only one way of life,
And that’s your own, your own, your own.
This was the height of the crustie, dreadlocked, swampie, bypass hating, faux hobo era of the late80s/early90s. Seems awful now. Wasn’t great back then.
Just have a look at the ‘pretend vagabond’ down and out look of the whole band in the video. Some things never change – you see it at every ‘occupy’ site right now.
This blogpost nails it, especially comment #1
this isn’t so much a political movement as a form of historical reenactment. That’s why the OWS protesters are so vague about what they want — because what they want is to be camping out at a mass 1968-style protest. There’s little difference between them and Civil War reenactors, except that the Civil War guys understand that it’s not real and the outcome of their mock battles won’t have any effect. The 1968 reenactors down on Wall Street have the quaint belief that what they’re doing is real.
The BBC loves its safe rebels…wristbands and tears of cow-eyed compassion.
The BBC wants to appear caring and concerned about ANY and EVERY cause, so long as it doesn’t personally affect them, and doesn’t interfere with their ‘global agenda’. It makes up for the fact that they don’t really give a shit about anything, least of all moral and ethical issues that truly affect humanity.
“Dale Farm: it is the ‘activists’, not the travellers, who are the villains”
By Ed West
BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’ tonight repeats its reference to violence without perpetrators, and brings in its anti-police political line and also resorts to trying to get support from one side, the defence counsel, of course.
Here’s a sample from its blog:
“Coming up tonight we’ll have the latest from Dale Farm where bricks and debris have been thrown at police after they moved in to evict travellers from the illegal part of the site. We’ll also examine why the UN is apparently so interested in the case.
We’ll also be hearing about the case of an undercover police officer who took part in a criminal trial under an alias – branded ‘institutionalised police corruption’ by a leading defence solicitor.”
Note how BBC-NUJ ignores reference to:
a.) interests of residents;
b.) interests of Council;
c.) specific violence and illegality used by travellers and their supporting ‘activists’ .
BBC-NUJ and less than half a story indeed.
Is BBC-NUJ committed to supporting violence globally via:
1.) Islamic jihad against the West;
2.) OWS, etc;
3.) by ‘travellers’ and their fellow-travellers?
Oh, and just to crown it all on ‘Newsnight’, the issue of whether Britain should be in or out of the E.U. is again presented as a split in the Tory Party!
And more BBC-NUJ poltical propaganda of the same ilk can be expected here:
“BBC1 orders Dale Farm Panorama”
“BBC1 has ordered a fast-turnaround Panorama special telling the story of 400 travellers being evicted from Dale Farm.”
(Subscription only:-)
‘PANORAMA’: for BBC-NUJ’s political agenda, e.g. Dale Farm.
“BBC to slash local news programmes to save Panorama”
If it’s pants (and what could possibly go wrong with a rushed, aganda-driven diatribe?) just don’t even think of complaining… that’s their job, and theirs alone.
One two-faced, double standard-wielding media’s noble complaint fest is another’s PR attack.
In Re Dale Farm .
When have the BBC asked these “travellers” why they left Ireland ,why dont they go back to Ireland if its so bad here , why they dont try another country in the world if its so bad here ,?
The travellers say it`s their “way of life ” . Have the BBC asked why we in England should accomodate their” way of life” , why we should assume the mantle of responsibility for anyone in the world to come here and pursue any way of life that is not compatable with the people of this overcrowded island ?
The travellers say they want to stick together . Have the BBC asked why they didnt stay in Ireland so that they could stick together ?
The travellers say their children might have to change schools. Have the BBC pointed out to them that lots of children have to change schools, as parents may have to move (especially in the forces ) ?
Have the BBC pointed out to these “travellers” that their very moniker indicates a peripatic lifestyle ?
Have the BBC given anything but a soft interview of these people ?
Yes …funny that!
Most of the group are Irish, but the Irish won`t give them any house room-they have long known what these people get up to, hence the lack of any sympathy from their fellow-citizens.
Where`s all this EU solidarity then from Dublin?…not that I blame them!
I’ve put a formal complaint in to the scum at the BBC over Dame Nikki’s coverage this morning, he really was at his twatty left wing worst.
The BBC always manage to get themselves on the wrong side of these arguments, as others have pointed out we never got told just who was pelting the Police with stones and urine.
Also as I posted on another thread Nikki Campbell made an utter tit of himself, he appeared to have a knicker wetting session over the use of a Tazer, claiming that this was a firearm and had no place being used. What mongo Campbell didn’t work out is Tazers are used by trained firearms Police but they can be used where Police are threatened with extreme violence, you know Nikki like someone waving an iron bar about.
Campbell just seemed to take the words of the pikey scum as gospel without any real attempt to challenge the views of that stupid Irish cow who kept doing herself no favours every time she opened her thick gob.
Also, why does the BBC feel the need to give us endless left wing opinions on the pikey scum? they broke the law (but it was only planning law said Dame Nikki, what like not paying the TV tax Nikki?)
Did anyone else notice in the whole vile piece of Campbell no actual law abiding local residents were allowed to speak or interviewed? I notice the BBC TV news did give one resident a chance to speak but Huw Edwards was a patronising shit preferring to French kiss the same dozy pikey cow that Campbell kissed this morning.
You can just imagine some skinny coke head at Radio 5 ringing around every leftie group to get some halfwit on to moan about ‘uman rites’ notice they never mention the rights of the locals.
The BBC don’t seem to understand why this case is so important, it’s because if they let the pikeys get away with this one, then all over the Country other groups of pikeys will be at it building anywhere they like.
If tihs were some ‘Tory toff’ building houses for his mates do you think the BBC would have any sympathy?
Perhaps Dame Nikki and the BBC would like to offer up some BBC land for the pikeys to live on?
ps in reply to the head of the village comittee
“well let me tell you sir, we ve been here 10 yrs, we re travellers
and we aina going nowhere, cos i m as english as the next man, so i am”
jackie “uman rights” spokeswoman
Would be Kathleen McCarthy you’re referring to? “Shame on ye, attacking women and children, shame on ye”.
If she doesn’t get an Oscar she’d have suffered a serious injustice. All in one take as well I believe!
Wonder how many of the plastic paddies have got the gig after rehearsing at the BBC studios.
Would certainly account for the awful acting…as if John Waynes “The Quiet Man” was all that they needed to watch before doing their best IDS impression.
All those unemployed actors…hope Dick Van Dyke is “a flyin` over the briney raht nahw” to give us the views of Basildons residents…chim chiminee..
goodness, her tear wrenching diatribe, must have got me flustered ๐
i stand corrected sir ๐
Gameshow Nikki giving it his usual – ‘tell us what you think, there’s 3 million listeners out there’.
Rajar figures for his aural dung masquerarding as a show are about 2.9 million PER WEEK.
So let’s say average ‘listen’ 15 minutes as people get ready for work, his show’s on 6-10 am, 5 days a week. That would be 36,250 listeners on average. Not quite 3 million, eh Nikki, eh.
My local pirate with a transmitter he bought of EBAY for ninety quid hanging out of his attic window gets more listeners than that. And he doesn’t have £3.5 billion pa to p!ss away on self-promotion.
Dozy Irish UN bag making a right tit of herself on Newsnight, she’d be better off wasting her hot air on Muslim women who have acid thrown in their faces.
Silly cow doesn’t get it, the pikey scum are not being victimised, the part of the site that is LEGAL is allowed to stay, if they were being persecuted wouldn’t th ePolice be throwing them all off the land?
She was priceless wasn`t she?
Well probably millions of Irish Euros were spent in getting her sent to Geneva or wherever….surely she`s never been elected to anything has she?
She put back the cause of “Micks n Paddies aren`t thick” by 100 years…I`ve got to tell Kevin Rowland that the sister of Mr O`Reilly is undoing all his good work!
What a posh thick paddy…and being Irish myself, I can see the hand of Billy Wright here surely!
She was incredible…but would hate to “exasperate” the problem.
Given her posh accent, she`ll have a few acres in Kildare…all those lovely travellers have some land ,it seems to me after all!
I can now presume that the left-liberal and BBC beleive that any people/organisation that pays for land can do what it likes with it .
So Tesco can open a hypermarket on any land they own .
Quadrilla , get fracking now .
Yep, we’d all love to buy green belt land for three grand an acre then build a house on it.
Mr. Paxman surprised me on Newsnight during an interview with a Conservative MP and a UN race-baiter-professional-victim-grievance-coordination-officer, regarding the Dale Farm static-travellers. He got very tired, very quickly of her persistant bureaucratic pettifogging that at one point he turned his back on her in frustration to let the MP inject some reality and common sense into the proceedings. Worth a watch. The relevant section begins at around 8min in…
Shows how useless the UN are if it’s full of idiots like her?
Mark Mardell, drawing a parallel between the Tea Party movement he despises and defines – when in the safety of the hivemind – as crypto-racist and the Occupier movement, which he loves:
There is a common feeling that the system is unresponsive to the needs and wishes of the people. A suspicion that the system itself is broken.
His beloved Obamessiah, drawing a parallel between the Tea Party movement he despises and defines – when in the safety of the hivemind – as crypto-racist and the Occupier movement, which he loves:
I understand the frustrations that are being expressed in those protests. In some ways, they’re not that different from some of the protests that we saw coming from the Tea Party, both on the Left and the Right. I think people feel separated from their Government.
This is called “building a Narrative”.
‘The anger is there…’
And it’s burning in me at the pathetic excuses for reporting by exciteable reporters whose naked agandas are on their sleeves.
This was a SKY munchkin who was referring to the Greek riots (sorry, protests) where men, not just young… but middle aged (the Mason-Easton line?) were thowing rocks. Sorry, these are folk who have a rather odd notion of how civilised people behave.
I was going to cut SKY some slack, with The Irish host doing a BBC on how they try and handle ‘balance’, but grudgingly confirming that 90% (‘the 10%’ being the ones most media ‘speak for’, oddly with access to twitter?) of the feedback was hugely negative to Dale Farm, its inhabitants and activists.
Cue interview with barely coherent ‘traveller’ matriarch, whose mantra seemed to be ‘we just want the council to give us stuff’ and all this will go away, before posing to the camera to show her scratched cheek where she ‘fell over’ in her house on accounht of the activities outside. Maybe tired and emotional?
I believe Don Corleone operated on a similar basis.
Like the crazy bird who torched ‘her’ caravan yesterday, the media seem very credulous if it looks like a story that can be boosted.
Even the Daily Telegrpah lost the plot, seamlessly getting from deliberate self-mutliation professional victimhood by using a headline that inferred the police caused the damage, to ‘demands growing for answers on heavy handed poilce tactics’. So.. they lie and then spin a new story out of their own lies.
The chief scum here are the media.
Mr Campbell holding his 4th form debate (on Salford local radio) on the subject of a comedian causing offense to people with disabilities. I wonder whether Mr Bacon will pop in early and put his head around the door to make a contribution on this subject?
Unless Campbell is taking the position that comedians can say anything they like, he’s a hypocrite.
Are the Dale Farm travellers an ethnic minority ?
Well the BBC could find out if it asked the questions
Is it a set of people who have a “way of life”?
Well loads of people have a way of life different to the norm ;
Merchant Seamen, armed forces , lorry drivers ,travelling salesmen, shift workers ,firemen , tramps , politicians ,even uber rich ex etonians using the Old School Tie to further their “way of life” .
Is it because the Dale Farm travellers are mainly an extended family ?
Well thats all of us except orphans I suppose , especially as we gather round for family do`s like weddings and Christmas .
Is it because their “way of life” involves crime ?
Well that means all drug dealers and prison inmates are an ethnic minority, as are , funnily enough , people who watch live TV without paying the telly tax .
Having heard the UN monied trout on Newsnight with a cut glass Irish accent, the Dale farm lot are now revealed.
With friends like her…they are stuffed!
As is the UN…if that is the example of what they appoint to tell the State what to do, then Strauss Kahn was as good as these unelected cabbages gets!
By their fruits ye shall know them…and we ARE getting to know them…and they`re going very soon…
There is an unfortunate mindset among Leftoid academics that Travellers actually are an ethnic group all to themselves, who have unfairly suffered prejudice as much as the Roma or blacks in the US. All it takes is a few emotional types with the correct credentials to make this an accepted “fact”. How a unique ethnicity can be created and patented in just a few generations is beyond me, but then I don’t have the correct credentials to understand such things.
On the 6 O’ Clock News last night some barely veiled agitprop on Fox’s resignation by some evident Rosa Luxembourg wannabe.
James Lansdale more or less restored grown up reporting for the 10 O’ Clock News.
As with Islam in Egypt and Nigeria, INBBC censors Islamic persecution and murders of CHRISTIANS in SOMALIA.
While INBBC bends over backwards to represent AL SHABAB, not as the murderous Islamic jihadists they are, but as mere ‘militants’ (a politically euphemistic word from INBBC’s Madrassa of ‘Journalism’) INBBC also censors this:
Somali jihadists behead 17-year-old Christian
[Opening extract]:
“Al-Shabaab has denied the existence of a massive famine and forced Somalis seeking aid back into the famine zone. They have launched suicide bombings and killed civilians indiscriminately. And that is to say nothing of the everyday violence and abuse heaped on Somalis by al-Shabaab — all the more so for the few non-Muslims they find. Somalis who are even suspected of being Christian are denied aid.
Yes, there actually is a way to make life in Somalia even worse at the hands of al-Shabaab: to try living it as a non-Muslim.”
INBBC comes out with ludicrous untrue defence of Al-Shabab Islamic jihadists:
“But it [al-Shabab] has rarely acted outside Somalia…”
Do al-Shabab jihad ‘pirates’ and killers confine themselves to territorial waters?!
See here for some truth about al-Shabab:
Another update for INBBC to censor:
“Now Somalian kidnappers try to ransom disabled Frenchwoman’s dead body”
Read more:
“Rotten regimes will plunder aid millions: As Britain gives more, fraud will grow, warn MPs”
Read more:
‘Telegraph’:”French hostage taken from Kenya to Somalia dies. A Frenchwoman who was taken hostage off a resort in northern Kenya and had been held in Somalia has died, France’s foreign ministry has announced. ”
The link seems down.
Pity, as I would have liked to investigate further how a person taken hostages ‘dies’.
Maybe the MSM is currently over-excercised by how Mr. Gaddafi has (possibly) passed on more?
Apparently, Gaddafi has been captured now, but in this article:
“BBC Editor says he was advised to pull journalists from Libya by Foreign Office”
“[BBC World News Editor, Jon] Williams also claimed there were ‘lots of hints from the British’ that BBC Correspondent Jeremy Bowen’s interview with Colonel Gaddafi in February ‘really wasn’t very helpful’.
That probably reinforced the BBC’s opinion of themselves. I noticed that the guy “reporting” this is a blogger “based at the BBC”, doing a thesis on how blogging and new media affects the BBC’s war reporting. If the FO wasn’t pleased at Bowen’s fawning over Ghaddafi, the Beeboids most likely view that as a success, proof of their editorial independence. Interesting priorities, to be sure.
Where’s INBBC politically in all this?:
“Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Gaddafi has been captured.”
“The ‘pro-democracy’ protesters thought they were demonizing him by drawing a Star of David on his picture.”
“The chant is emblematic of the replacement of Gaddafi’s bizarre Islamosocialist cult of personality with a straight Sharia regime populated by al-Qaeda elements. It is likely that the new America-backed regime will compete with the Gaddafi regime in its hatred for America and the West, and become noted for being even more anti-American than he was. “